Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 06, 1931, Sunday City Edition, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Fhwestigation Under Way on Wilberforce, W. Va. Riot GOED 15 KNOCKED : y » . ' lES i U CIERT FSTON. W. Va. Dec. § —-fnfli: tien was still under wav @riday f the football rin? 'fl“i"‘&”‘ the THanksgiving garme beivect. Wilberforce and West Vireinia Stote in which one coed was knocked unconsciousness and 15 ade ctudents suffered battered heacls \« +'re 0l of the incident, it is! likolo:H{hat officials. of the te 0 chools 1iseontinue the annu .,i clhgki i th melee severa' | hundcedd doiln ciirth of i‘ w crin ochaol nroperty,. an P oAbt ¥ X7 r)‘i\;< of We T 0 eollege is holding up Sy haed r q 8500 contract to Wil ber i noc until adjustments can be made. Wilberforce Wins, 12 to 6 . Wilberforce won the game by a =l 12 to 6. That caused the @ ol Jubilant, the Ohio team w1 uesters started a snake dance - i, .¢cnded in the dining hall, wioethe annual Thanksgiving dirner was to be held. 1. the midst of the dinner a Wil s fo plavers arose, poked out #. ch-ost and said, *“Hail the na 4ic ;a1 champions.” He was told to sit -dgwn, but Wilberforce rooters nrced. him t continue his victory speech. | “We haven't lot as game this vear and we dare anybody to tell us that we're not claimants for the national grid title, and further more, we cane down here to this little ‘one-horse town' and gave Statt its worst beating.” “ This statement further zn‘ous@d‘ State pooters and one angry youth hurled<a tea cup at the speaker. hitting him in the face. Although this <t@npped the speech, it was the beginntng of a free-for-all fight. Curs. plates, knives, and glasses were hurled for more than 15 minutes. A riot call brought po-1‘ lice ?10 ended the trouble. The injured, two of whom were girls. weve given first aid at the school hospital. i Starts Investigation | President Davis has started an ‘nvestigation into the matter and declares he will severely punish those responsible for the trouble. e ha§ been assured by Wilber foree dutorities that similar action would be taken at the Ohio insti tution. f‘ The! clasic between the two| schoolsihas always been looked for ward to by followers of: the two tenms a» being the most represen tative .'gavno of football in clean sporr #nma frrendly rivalry. Records chovr that Wilberforce has only | s'won ffur gnmes. while West Vir ui: H-g even ‘:'f('t“’"(‘% to l:: 4 c1odit ® E g Ballev's Reoyal Theatre & - NONDAS and TUESDAY — F NORMA SHLAHER AND CLARK GABLE : I 5 y cRrk SsOUL” o g o2 tuieein tordid depths of the under— g otle 1l @ nd she reaped the whirlwind. i : DA% 214 THURSDAY . Conir e BENNEGE o i “TH} COMMON LAW” : le: hov Sitiat 530 1 M &8152’;/ S ff;,;'é‘lj:_;_;::aa:‘e Y-arie SRC[/TES Cne N.L3 MIDNITE ALSO MONDAY & TUESDAY ¢ : NevATTOE AND KAY FRANCIS in i <1'LTY HANDS” i: \ Y d ba'd mest him in hell_aad he did —after He % Klled the mar who killed him! -g/EDNESDAY and THURSDAY—DOUBLE PROGRAM RICITARD ARLEN in . “CAUGHT" Charles hodgers “AFONG CAME YOUTH” e Lart Shaw “tarts ~t' 9:15 P M. E L VATDEVILE " LINCOLN ’ R. €. A PYREEST TALKING V1 \CHINE © 401 Mitchell Strees, 5. W. fl' S g féi"i ?2’3 ,‘%’—:\ A Mid - night Show ' T ’ ¢ ESMART MOREYY i g With ‘ ¢ Edw. G. Robinson oy Better Known As “Little Ceasar”” - -‘;g Also Varishing Legion g ALSO MOXDAY AND TUESDAY Y. % N Famous Crime Spots . . " Duplicated in Film THRILLING SCENE OF “A I'REE SOUL” TAKES PLACE 1IN CHINATOWN DEN. Cpens Monday and Tuesday at Bailey's Royal Spevots of San Feancisco’s famous mbliziz housés. many of them tarted in the davs of the Goid Rush, come 1o life dramattically in the talking screen preduction of “A Free Soul,” Adela Rogers St Johns' famous novel. which as a starring picture for Nurma Shearer is now playing at Baileys Royal Theatre. Much of the action occurs in the penthouse gambling resort. The author, a former newspaper wom an. knows this side of San Fran cisco intimately. Much of the detail was echoed from her experiences and knowledge of such famous gambling halls as the one with the silver floor, made of a mosiac ot silver dollars, which for years at tracted tourists, and also the strange anderground haunts ‘of Chinatown Vivid Melodrama (Clarence Brown directed the new picturefi_ a vivid drama of the laughter of a brilliant lawyer who aught her fathers sophistries and| believing in them too intently, ! 4nds her life crashing about her. Lione! Barrymore plays the law ver father, who in the end bares his sins in court to save his daugh ter's happiness. and Miss Shearer is seen as the glamorous soctety win who tries to love two men at once the millionaire polo plaver and th: underworld gambling magnate A notable cast appears in i new picture, including Leslie Hu\«i ard as the millionaire sportman Clark Gable as Wilfong, the gam bler: James Gleason as the comic bodyguard. and Lucy Beaumont as the tristocratic grandmother s 9 Y “Guilty Hands” Some- Thing New In Mysteries EXCITING TALKIE GETS AWAY FROM CUT AND DRIED MUR DER DRAMAS, OPENS AT BAILEY'S EIGHTY-ONE THEA TRE MONDAY AND 'l‘UESDAYi “Keep out!” signs barring entran ces to the Metro-Goldwyn Mayer sound stage where final scenes were being filmed for “Guilty Hands.” didn't mean that temperamental actors were at work nor did they indicate an unfriendly attitude to ward visitors. They simply meant that Bayard Veiller. the author, and W. S. Van Dyke. the director, wanter to take every possible precaution to insure absolute secrecy as a protection against possibly “leaks” that might reveal the startling climax of the thrilling myvstery drama in which Lionel Barrymore is featured. : Worked at Night To insure themselves agairst pryving eves. Veiller and Van 17" had the script from which the pi.- ture was filmed divided into >wo parts and typed in separate dep. rt ments of the studio so that no une. not in possession of both portions, could figure out the amazing plot of the baffline murder story. As a further precaution. even studic workers were barred from the sets during the making of the last halr, Social News MR. AND MRS. J W TERRELL, Mrs. Florida Hendercon, Miss lena Jones Rev. A. Mapp, Ilittle Ruth Jones and Gussie Lee Terrvell en joyed a pleasant motor ftrip 10 Marrietta, Georgia last Sunday where they were guests of theu sister and brother, Mt and Mis Dennie Walton MR ROBERP MOREIE and family. Mrs. Lizzie Askew o0 { Jonesboro, Georgin. Mr. FRobert Askew, Mr. Lish Askew and little Miss Jeanette Askew of Atlanta motored to Roanoke. Alabama Sunday November 29 to visit Mr and Mrs. J. W Holloway, thei sister and brother. | MRS. BLANCHE FORTSON of 250 Chapel Street, has returned rfmm a two weeks stay at Hamil 'ton. Georgia, where she was called ‘to the bedside of her mother. Mrs Fortson was before her marriage. Miss Blanche Gamble of Hamilton L 1GTITING KINGS SOCTAY, Met at the home of I H Mack Monday night. The meeting was opened in the usual manner. with the vice president presiding. Final plans for a dance New Year's eve were completed. We are asking all our friends to be present at Sunset Casino. Music by Neal Montgomery Mr. M A. Knights cined the club. Next meeting will be at the home of J R. Payton, id1 Spencer Street N. W. J W. Weaver. president J. R Payton, reporter ALICE D. CAREY NO. 5 . Met at the home of Mrs. Crescy Gladmon on Brown Street. S. W. Business was briefly carried out then we listened to talks from dif ferent members of the club. A de lightful menu was served. One visitor present. Mrs. S. L. Calhoun, president Mrs. L. A. Smith, reporter MAGNOLIA COMMUNITY \ Met last .Tuesday nite at the Most of the filming was done at night, especially the exterior scene. Trick Devices For the production, in which weird light and south effects playj a prominent part, special “thunder‘ and lightening' devices were rigged| up, ready to send forth vivid flashes of light and claps of thun der at a button signal from the director. Many nopvel pieces of camera equipment had to be made for the unusual angles and a great moving crane, allowing the cameral unlimited lateral and perpendicular! movement, was emploved for some| of the striking shots. The plot of “Guilty Hands.” which will open Sunday midnight at Bailey - Bighty-One Theatre re-| volves about a criminal lawycrl (Barrymore) who murders his daughter’s prospective husband in order to save her from certain un happiness. When a spectacular clue! is discovered, he uses his wits to save himself from the gallows. The climax comes as a total surprise to film audiences. FREE! RADIO FREE! The Beautiful Radio Below Obcained Through the Co-operation of Warren Inc. Will be Given Away Monday Night at Big Bethel. Better Home Week & & . L all /0”" TUBE 765 : oot Camatet SUPER-HITERODYNY . - with Automatic Volume Csairol sest s aEE i S L GENERAL ] lO hIESENCIR N B 95 My Ry " THE IMPROVED SUPERHTTERODYNE General Motors Radiv (- 1\ ] now presents the Salem, o] & lowboy console with the 7-tube G. M. Im proved Superhterodyne and Automatic Volume Control. At $76.50, complete with tubes, the Salem is the lowest priced console type receiver pro duced which provides Automatic Volume Control and its advantages. And Automatic Volume Control is only one of the many important features provided by the Salem. Come in for a demonstration of this splendid new radio value. And ask us about our convenient time-pay - ment terms. Prices—including tubes: Slandard Models $39.50 to $250; Custom built Models $95 to $350. Small down payment, convenien! lerma. Small Cash Payment Special Christmas Terms Wavrven. ine. 62 BROAD ST, N. W. WAL 1010 THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLANTA, GA. thome of Mrs. Harvey Williamson 199G Sciple Terrace. The meeting was opened in the usual form by the chaplain, and after an interest .ing meeting and the presentation of visitors, a delighttful repast was served, Mr, H 8 Miner of 256 sciple Terrace will be host at the next meeting. All members g askied to come out N. Dupree, presidont J. Gilbert, reporter ROYAL ACADIANS Were entertained by Mrs. Rol! ings at her lovely home on Hunter road last Tuesday cevening at a benefit whist party. Quite a num ber of visitors and friend: were present and enjoyed the occasion. Prizes were awarded the winners The club will meet with Mrs. Eula Green, 215 Howell Street next meeting. Mrs. Rollings, president Mrs. Alston, reporter IN MEMORIAM In memory of our beloved wife and sister, Mrs. Elise Parker Mit chell who departed this life Dec ember 6. 1930 Sweet are thy memories still The vacancy no one can fill Rev. J. Carl Mitchell, Richmond, Virginia. Miss Mabel L. Parker. Latham, Alabama. MISS JEANETTE ASKEW AND Mrs. Eula Glover spend a very pleasant day in Jonesboro Friday before last as guests of Mrs Lizzie Askew and Mrs. Robert Morris. GOODWILI, LORAL Ciub has been postponed on ac count of bad weather. We are glad to know Mrs. Dollie Brideges is up again after a brief illness. We are proud of our reporter. Mr. Re Sy Griffin who is a senior of Wash ington High. All of our officers have served well since the orean ization of the club. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Mattie Eesce, 1325 Bridges Avenue S. E. Mrs. L. McCrary, president Rogers QGriffin, Jeporter Church News USHERS ASSOCIATION " ORIGINAL We the 2nd Mt. Oliver Baptist Church are very grateful to the Usher Association for the delight- | ful hours spent at the 2nd Mt Oliver Church. We were very much impressed with the organ ization and we have not words to express ourselves to vou for your | kindness toward our Church. The meeting was grand and we feel that we had a successful financial week according to the conditions. Total money raised, $210.91. Our people have gained inspiration ‘:‘md information from this great ’moo!ina. I. as |president have much interest in the welfare of the Association. We have proof that ‘!his is the greatest association of lits kind in the state of Georgia. Come out and attend the meet AN I 1 i Lt , J' HV;E | _ L}‘:J i '-"‘-.‘v-‘-':“:"’“ w77 o= o THE SALEM Lowboy Consoie $£76.50 Complete ings of this preat o gandzation, Mr. J Busbin, chairman 0. L. Pearson. president of the Association, TO SAY THAT YOU SAW AN AD VERTISEMENT IN Thii WORLD CSHOWS THAT YOU ARE PROUD OF YOUR ONLY MODERN TRI ' WEEKLY NEWSPAPER., SAY IT | NEXT TIME. ANTIOCH EAST BAPTIN] | CHURCH % It was hizh day at Antioch Sun- Iday, 11 o'clock service, the Mission jary Society gave da mu wal pro gram and rai cd $3.75 ‘ At 3 o'clock the Sunday School and B Y P U chorus gave a I ‘terary and musical program also ‘Mrs. C. Williams of Wheat Street ' Baptist Church sang a solo. The famous quartette of Big Bethel Church rendered a selection. We ‘are having programs cach month. Our doors stand open at all times | Rev. €. Muoore. pastor ; Mrs. B Belle, pregident | Miss 1. Williams, reporter | ; THE MT. VERNON BAPTIST .~ CHURCH | Worshipped with us today This is the first Sunday and we are lookin forward to each mem ber doing his dutyv. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. morning services, 11:15. The pastor will preach. Let's be time. Visitors are welcome at all time. Rev. C. Pickett, pastor Mrs. Maddox, reporter BE NOT AFRAID, THE ATIANTA WORLD HAS THE HIGH REGARD OF MOST OF ATLANTA'S LEAD ING DEALERS. STORE MANA GERS AND CLERKS WILL RE SPECT YOU WHEN YOU PROVE THAT YOU HAVE RACE PRIDE. MENTION THE WORLD EVERY TIME YOU BUY. COSMOPOLITAN The ushers and usheretts met Sunday night at the home of Mr. E. L. Williamson on Delbridge St. A brief and business meeting was held. We were glad to have Mr. J. A. Strickland and our chaplin with us again. Mr C R Green, our chief usher made some vey in teresting remarks on this years work. which was encouraging to the board. Our next meeting will be with Mr. C. Jordon, 59 Griffin Street. Mr. T.. H. Belle, president Mr. C. R. Green, reporter ZION GROVE RBAPTIST CHURCH Sunday. December 6th, 1931 Sunday School 9:45 Morning Service Sl g lAftermmn Service 2300 |Night Service 7:30 | Services will be conducted by L;H\.(- pastor all day Visitors and 'friends are welcome Rer J €. Alexander pastor i Miss Hattie Wynn. reporter A T ) \ days, WJZ (,,l:\;/}\\/ e §L 0O¢€ satisfaction begins with a Proper Fit- ENNA JETTICK SHOES FOR WOMEN fit perfectly | Even the so-called ' “hard-to-fit’’ foot )' '“ is easy to fit, from 'l our range of 177 l lfl different Sizes and ,‘ T ligh 1%a s . ”;\ § gy S 8500 ., 5600 YOU NEEB-NO LONGER] BE TOLD r»_-gé a3 B2 @E iRl . o «-,L' S AAAAATOEEE-SIZES1TO 12 Davis & McLarty Co. Operating Enna Jettick BOOT SHOP 134 Peachtree Arcade - | ~ Births | To John and 'Theodot Ha mock, 390 Lyons Ave. R - Ta- Heniw —and - Sukie- Porrsnion, 496 Ashby Terr., boy. . To Samuocl and Hattie (o0l ;!M Jackson. girl, . To Samuel and Bas) Atlvha | To Wilbar und Annie Jdelin 415 Elm Ste boy 1 To James and Coriné Ben' . 210 |Hill 8t.. gir] To Perry and Mapgie Howand ‘1516 Ist. Ave, girl ;. Ta Bert and Marvie Sims 110 é('hupt'l 5t boy l’l'-) Tommy and Willie Simmon 819 University Ave, boy | To Willie Geo. Greer, 490 Spen ‘u-r St.ogirl To Duston and Alona Neal, 1142 Coleman St., boy. 890 Sciple St., wirl To Charlie and Lorene Davis To Tommny and and Bertha Dawson, 252 School St.. boy To Ed and Frances PFoster, 317 Nelson St, girl | To Orin and Annie Benton 119 LLittlte St girl To Nathan and Rosa oreland. 119 Bass 8t girl To Charlie ord Sovah Tanes 80 Boulevard, boy. To Johnny and Phoebic Brooks 41 Bradley St boy To Waliter and Mayell Sims 616 Smith St., girl | BIRTHS To Isia and Idella Belt. 1126 Osborne Street, boy. November 21. To Will and Rosalie Williams, 1280 Dobbs N. W.. girl, November 15 To Edward and Sarah Slaton. 72 Thirkield Avenue, girl, November 19. ; To James and Callie Gui'ford 328 Highland Avenue, boy. Noy ~mber 14 = To Mervin and ula Walker ¢ To Lirenia and Jettic: Panders 957 Haynes Street. pirl. November 113 To John and Clara Solthern !4"1 Nelson Street, girl, November 15 l To Wesley and Eva Butler, 408 Merritts Avenue, girl, November Hhk \ To Foster and Florine Harris. '417-4th Street. girl. November 17 To Joe and Maggie Wise, 369 ’Arthur Street, boy. November 16. F To Milton and Gertrude Cherry 370 Royce Street, girl, November 16. ’ To Carter and Janie Maddox. 65 Liddell Place, boy, November 13 To Jim and Nellie Simpson. R 200 London Lane, boy, November 18. To Johnie and Hattie Jones, 173 Courtland, girl, November 15 - Lauther and Irma Dillard 633 Al (4 B Kk : s vh # 4 ot J od e ’ ; :{ Z % TRER D [+ ,fiil A ) @i &a .,“:"4 -“1 b, . & e et = 487G o e ‘o // ~~Q<-F.~"' L»".‘% " - - >“ ! e DA SRE B S oo O ol R oo % MR D G FENE LT T ST Sl . AR ¥ SR SRR 25 S R PSR AS G e I e ?’ SRR S i o Gl L e TLRETEEE S ke T R e gfig S T T L e oo R (LN . g a0 DGR Coan e Saa SRR R o R Eademne s T B R T R S Lo o4 e B N A e ) e R SRRSO N B R R . | d gives i in finish e o o CGNA gives it a satin finis Smart, sleek heads everywhere nod a vigorous affirmative when we say the new “Vaseline” Perfumed Hair Dressing gives the crowning ouch to a beautiful toilette. It acts like magic, straightens the most o stubborn hair, makes it lay smooth and soft and flattering. Applied generously before arranging the hair, “Vaseline” Perfumed Hair Dressing keeps the hair healthy, and straightens unruly hair. Twenty five cents a jar at all good drug stores. Made by the Chesebrough Mfg. Co., Cons'd., New York, sole makers of “Vaseline” Preparations. © 1431, Chesebrough MIg. Co., Cons'd. .i:'»:-:»:» ; -’\"—"v"- »"1".';:;-".:~::,-. foes -:3-“'»»:?“"77‘::;‘“ D) @ [y 5:.-':;;\“ PR e *2..’.-2 PR e A P"f,";‘ bl LRI e/ Har PRSI e ._ :;'; DRSS REG. U. 8. PAT. OFF. e - o PR \?’;— 5 ,_-;‘;".v PSR ¢ et PERFUMED S i o A R L e A 3 : piie Blace, girl. November 13, ' To Robert and Robero Piach, B l 126 Harrvis, girl, November 1 To George and Selemma Roba ’, sune i Doray,. boy: Novembor 10, 1o James and Carrie Neison, 40 CORCREO Avenue - il A;‘,u.xm,_s\»:‘l 179 o Bobert and Maggie Ch r..pmnf Gl Daniel gl Noveiabel 10 | o Joseph and Boatrice Spii (0a mpencer Street. boy, November | T0. Charlie aud Berthia leuak el Wheat Sticet, pirl, November 14 To Farnest and Lucilie Smita iid Bumstead Alley, boy, Nov ember 23, To Milton and Lizzic Mac Puph sley, 673 Dallas Street. N. E. givl November 22 To Eddie and Josephine Giil, 231 South Mason Avenue, boy, Nov ember 22 To. Ralph and Hatlic Norwouod 147 Walnut, boy, Novemnber 29 To James and Georgia Bing 1) Murtay 8. B boy, November 21 Tao Way andd Geneven Wise R 163-14th Strect boy Novenihes 20. DECATUR The: Smart e Somglboelab oo Doe: 2= 1041 a1 fhe home of M= Willie Mae Harrvis, 109 Win strect All the business was carried out We had two new viembers to po's us, Mr. Frank Flint and Mr Deweld Adams, On next Wednesday night the club will meet at the home of Mrs. arrie Stills, 805 Rear Syca more street in Decatur Mrs. R. Mathis. Pres. Mrs. Willie aMe Harris, Seet. M S =St Rep SOME OCF ATLANTA'S LEADING STORES, ARE ADVERTISING SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR MON DAY'S SELLING IN TOBAY'S ATLANTA WORLD. THESE BAR GAINS MAY NEVER BE ADVER TISED AT THESE [LOW PRICES AGAIN. CHRISTMAS 15 NEAR. PRICES WILL RISE IN A FEW DAYS. BUY NOW AND SAVE SAY YOU SAW IT IN THL WORLD. Feohh B Lt Joseph F. Fieldei ~ Watchmaker & Jeweler 370 Peters Street, S. W. Cor. McDaniel St. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1931 SCONTSs CROSSING NEWS We aie proud to have some new neighbors in our communty, Mrs, viary Nerwood. She is also one of our hest csubscribers of the At lana World. M Liza Scoit has a her guest, M Clyde Scott of Knoxville, Pennessee . Ihe children of Springfield S. £ have staited 1o practicing for fhicr Amas exerices tiev. Eliington preached for the Busy Bee Club, Sunday night and Wednesday night. His sermons were wondertul There will be miecting all day Sunday. We hope evervbody will come out and worchip with u - TThe Willing Workers Club met at the home of Mrs., 1. Defoe last Thursday hight. All reported a rood time. Our next meeting will be at Sister Clara Mason, on Maif "‘"z'm'! We ure asking all members and friends to be present ) i Annie Josie, president | Liilie Defoe, Secretary LOME OF ATLANTA'S u-;gmu STORES ARE ADVER ING SUPLCIAL BARGAINS FOR MON 23Y's SELLING IN TODAY'S ATLANTA WORLD. THESE BAR ' 5INS MAY NEVER BE ADVER PISED AW THESE LOW PRICES ACGAIN, (CHRISTMAS IS NEAR, PRICES WILL RISE IN A FEW DAYS. BUY NOW AND SAVE. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE WORLD. Dixie Theatre Cor. BUTLER & DECATUR Sts. Monday and Tuesday “BEYOND VICTORY” rhe love story of brave men in the cross section of life. The nost gripping drama of the year. with- - Biil Boyd, Lew Cody, Zasu Pitts Wednesday and Thursday Charles Ruggles in “CHARLIES AUNT” I'ne Best Comedy of the Season I'riday and Saturday “DUGAN OF THE BADLANDS” The most gripping - Western of the Wild West. Western Electric Sound System Children He —- Adults 10c Thiy «npon and 5 cents will admit ene adult. Coord week of Pec. 7ih. This And 5¢ Admit One