Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 09, 1931, Wednesday City Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1931 TWNACIL T Y \CTIVITIE'S " RG | | : 4 | i A ; v e R A S S "““‘"‘“”‘“‘““““‘-'LY‘L-M === P A G AT N Y, S R EFRGS WC s 0 R B 5 S S i, et o | / e roam - “ l ¢ Q ’ - ( e : 'flki" y Q| \ o 1 SR \ l / s il ‘a..‘ LT iw} @I *« 2 5/ Yo = E ] ' » \ ,\'-‘ 1 e 8., 55 [ &1 Pl - N il o A I WrPRE L e { | 5[ . \ y { ';"-’:i;:i’:*,u. . “\‘_ ,. - l{"—-‘"\“‘ o ® By - SV‘-:‘:::_:‘ .. ) () cba > ~ A F'“: ) SOCIAL HEADLINER THIS FRIDAY % f‘v‘; UESS I OWE Sheppard Turner about five simicleans for a ¥y § (" bit of most unusual behavior on his part. Or did Ole Shep’ ;’!’;"fl;,,w‘,{‘ “' Just want to get his name in the paper again? ‘Yhen, 1t ;l?i‘:j | might have been that laughing soup again! 've warned i, | Shep about laughing soup, giggle gad, carbopated hash, and other intoxicating similes. .. .hut he insists upon....0 well, why bring that up! At any rate if I ailowed myself to believe the things Shep has prompted Messrs, Higginbotham, Cornell, Montgomery, and the fair ladies, to say, I'd be wearing an automob.le fop for a hut. Basy Shep, cacy Ole Pal, I'm broke! L e oy SERIOUSLY NOW, folk, there was a gay time al the Casino again Saturday night. So much in demand were those blatant 'Bama State Collegians th ¢ the cream of Atlanta’s younger set was paying forty cents straight just to get a whiff of those highly syncopated tlare ups. The ‘Gay PFellers of the 'House” sponsored the affeir, and how! Already I can hear you asking an tmaginary Maniac who the Hades are the gay fellers of the house, and what darn house I won't tell you what house, but T'll give you a tip! It WAS NOT the House oi David. o ol S e THEN WHO WERE THE FELLERS? Don't mind answering that one. They were Messrs, Thomas Dawson, Hortennius Chenault, Melvin Houston, N. A, Harrisen, James Melver, Curtis Cage, Jeland Foster, Armond Robinson, Daniel Davis, Wilmer Jennings, ¥, . Park er, and Lycurgus (where in hail did he get a name like thut?) Curry. The boys gave us two nice affairs on successive Saturdays, and al though we d¢ not know their before-and-after status as relates to yve ole Simolean, we must congratulate them on the color, the mirthtal blatance and the torrid notes manufuctured. NN THE TIHRONG, did you ask? Among the fragrant and alfable young ladies breezed such charming members of the so-called weaker sex as Mrs. Oscar Hall, Marjorie Roland, Mrs. John McFailin, Chris tine Barnett McFarlin, Nettie Bennett, Anne 1. Savage, Anne Rutledge Carmel Butler, Iuth Simpkins, Hattye and Edythe Wimbich, Willie Kate and Edna Taylor, Angeline Tatum, Louise Frye, Juanita Chap man, Minnie Calloway, Julia Minnilicld, Anne Wiikinson, Annic K by, Geraldine Mitchell, Thelma Handley, Martha lLee Echols, Hatt:o Thomas, Ruth Warner, Jimmye Lou Wilkins, Frances Wilson, Miurpa ret Wilson, Alyce Pearson, Josephine Driskell, Mae Hinton, Maypuare! Williams, Sadye Brown, Helen Williams, Willit Poole, Lilian Solomoen, Juliet Jackson, Rose Elligan, Emma Jones, Sadye Harper NMelton, Mar garet Wesley, Daisy Belle Hunter, Serethia and Fula Brown, Kathe rine Singleton, Mildred Pruit{, Margarine Williams, Manola Crigegs, and Alyce Thomas, and Thelma Dugas, and scores of others. ALL THESE AND MORE WILL DANCE AT THE MANIAC'S HEADLINER R DAY NIGHT AT SUNSET. * k% % 2 THE MISERABLES included Jerome Chapman, Hoerbert Roland Sheppard Tuarner, who is gotting lotsa pubiicity this issue, Witham Winston, Julius Minnifleld, Mr, Lovejoy of “Joymen” fame, whose name rings true, Buford Bray, N. E. Smith, Marcus Covington, ‘'hir kield Freeman Charles Jurdan, Thomas Borders, James: Hembree, Jecel Washburn, Oliver Holmes, Eric Roberts Eugene White, Pap Ward, Gary Kendrick, the broadplayer, Paul Randle, Charles M. Lec, Jesse Arnett, Edgar Kinney, Robert McFariand, Verncen Smith, Beau and Collief Caison, Charles Herndon Faison, IFred Ables, the beau ideal of Atlanta, Willie Wynn, {villie Pullin, A. ¥. B. Iorry, Jr.. Augustus Jackson, John Jackson, Louis Mclver, Harrison Mclver, William Puck ette. James Pinkncy, Robert Stout, Leroy MeNiel, Ralph Long, John B. Hill, Skinny Greenweod, Nathaniel Ricks, Glanville L.ockett, Drat ton Roberts, Frank Nelson, andever so many more, This stuff is ex temporaneous, and sometimes the old knob refuses to generate. BPut those'll give you an idea of who was there, anyway. You can bet your sweet carcass that the same faces and hundreds of others wil be right back at the Friday night ringer, THE ROYAL THEATRE is gradually forzing to the iront. We predicted it. The pictures are attractions that are really hit: tHav ing missed several previcus chances to see “A Free Sou!” featuring Norma Shearver, Clark (Gable, and T.ionel Barrymore. we made the irek to the '"Royal” last Monday. $So compelling was the story that we saw it through twice. And then came back on Tuesday and wit nessed it two other times! Anry theatre-goer who really appreciates good acting could not sec such dramatization as that put up by lLicnel Barrymote, Norma Shearer, and Clark Gable without marvelling. Lionel Barrymore waa never betler in his eavcer as a player. Norma % Ve R R N SRR R ; 'lfi", v 2 i w’ g l":.:- ‘."":" "‘:M"} "'i‘.:‘j\:‘."w?.f?fl,}: ,", S 3 Ny ’ oy ' e T el r o ' ot by ‘u :'l;) ' ’ ‘ b’} ‘:’ » {," "; Qw ‘\ " B TR Vb S, L) C | R AR e | : ol ,:”%'%~""V“f-’vfil e F %, BN R or | o M- f’%)’ Sl R T % ?»"";:\.:wf.»v i IIB « . 1 50¢ %h e rown /America Five lovely shades of natursl com- /‘fl’“"’m“' - ,/ 3 plexion brown. SR SR \,‘\\\‘ The color chait ranges from dark R »” P brown to deep cream, carefully /A G e compounded to blend with the , w%fi{!””‘ i S 'v‘,// v varying complaxions, Also Poro ARELE R S w" Fowdu comes in Brunette, or N LR lesh, or White, = delicate, fra- W T N ”F \ grant, clinging. N ~'-4,;“i*‘*i;:“wf"t I/ - Three rich warm shades of e . s e P R end lip-stick to sult your particuler ok type of coloring. Ny ' Your Poro Dealer will serve you ‘ pr wii;m M 5 or write il el PORO COLLEBE, inc. P vk . 4415 SOUTH PARKWAY i : Poro Block, 44th to 45th Street G CHICAGO, ILLINOIS N 4 Poro Vanishing Cream makes a perfect base Jor your powder. i EOR HAIR AND SKIN, "l’llE AFRO HOCIAL LEAGLUTL , Met Wednesday night, Deconilio 4. at the home ~of “My and M "l‘hnmus 5 Ulogver: 2560 Aliton Drive. The vice-president piesidod over the mecting and busines: wa transacted. There were several in Itu‘u.-stin),', remarks made which all members enjoyed. The eriticionns by IMI'. Turner, were very interesting {The club will hold its next necting fl)vvcmlwr 9 ut the home of Mn, I:mr.l Mirs Otis B, Johrson - 508 | Thodes Street All members are ;l'vqlu".l(-d - e early - it o |great to be an “Afro.” - Mr. Otis E. Johnson, presdent | Mr, Thamas 5 Qluver vices i president l My, Otis E. Pittman, ce rep | . i | 'THE SILENT SIXTEEN | Mr. Ernest Lovelace was a -de fHghttul host to the Silent 16 Club Wednesday, December 20 ¢t his home on Bell Street The business hour was carried out in the usual manner, which was enjoved by all. The varicus mombers made some very encouraging remarks for the benefit of the club, after which the evening was spemt socializing. We were very glad to have the follow ing visitors present: Miss Burche, M. Frnest Ruff -Mr - Thaiff N Weaver and the 3 l.ovelace bro thers. Next Wednesday, Decenibor 9 Mr. Fred Strickland, 882 West Hiunter Street. will be the host All members are requested to be present and bring o visilor . Nr: Victoria scatl is- cn- the sick lis Members are asked to visit her Mrs. Minnie Patterson, president Mrs. Ruth Livingston, reporter LAFRANCE SOCIAL (LUB Met FEriday evening, and was royally. eglertained by Mr D C Gastor on FElectrie Avenue \We were glad to have with us a visitor. Whist was the feature of the even ing,. Adjourned to meel with Miss Sellers.: Pocermber 11th Miss Estella Winfroy, preside:nt Miss Virginia Sellers, reporter THE WEST SIDE AMERICAN BEAUTY FFLORAL CLUS Will meet December 10th at the home of Mrs. Hattie Watson 330 Lee Street. 5. W, at 430 p m. All members are asked to be present Miss Alice Paschall, president Mrs. Alice Eley, reporter THE HYACINTH!S NSOCIAL CLUB Met Thursday night. December Jrd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. was so real that manifold tears drained down countless cheeks in the audience. Clark Gable continued his meteoric rise to widespread sereen popularily. The sound effects of the "Royal’ are superb. [t is not surpassed by any other picture house in the city in this particu lar. Incidentaily, while scores of theaire-goers were seated in the “Roya!” thrilled by the superior acting of TLionel Barrymore similar nuihie: encouched within G. TOM BAILEY’'S “81° witnessing the carne stav goar 1o the supreme heights in "Guilty Hands'. TODAY AND TOMORROW the Royal altraction. according to Genercl Mana gor Berev [ 'Pavior: awvill be ' Commop Law,” which is everything ad vance dope has cracked up to be, Constance Bennet!t weaves all her passions. sorrows .joys, and {riumphs into those altending. Monday and Tucsday of next week, the Auburn Avenue house will feature that four star gridiron sensation, “The Spirit of Notre Dame.” A per centapge of all next week's receipts will be given to the Morehoiise Endowment Drive by the management. This being the case, all At lantans who really bave the time and interest, should come to enjoy tho picture and to help the Morehpuse Endowment fund. That's a way to kill two birds with one stone. NOW né a six-tube HM ’ GJ)W'%%Q&%@ NS ISR I Y O O Sptded 14 [ UI EIMPROVED .Sl PER-HE LT l{()_l)\'f\[ z Unquestionably ( \ ] one of the great | est radio values QMM NOXS| cver presented to the public, the “Little Corporal™ offers distance getting ability,selcetivity and tone quality on a par with those provided by many high priced sets. And yet the price of the “Little Corporal” is only $39.50, with tubes. Both the new variable mu tube and the Pentode power tube are employed in the “Little Corporal.” Complete volume control is an impor tant feature, as is the care fully matched dynamie speaker, Come in and see this splen Prices—including tubes: Standard Models §39.50 to $250; Custonss busils Models §95 to $350. Small down payment, convenient terms. Small Cash Payment Special Christmas Terms - Warren. Ine. 62 BROAD ST., N. W. ‘ WA. 1010 THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLANTA, GA ' Wright with Mrs. Idella Dock a: hostess, Business was carcied out briefly with the vice-president Mr W.. M TFannin, presiding Dunecing and whist was the featuie of the evening. A delicious menu wis served. We welcome to the club two new members, Mr. Fupen Guartrell, and Mr. Henry Dock. We ware honored with the presence of Miss Cora Shaw. i Miss Ella Battle, Secretary THE COMMUNITY | CHARITY CLUE . Met November 24th at the home of Mrs. Connie Johnson on Cuiro Street. A delicious menu was ser lved by the hostess. 'The next rect- Ling will be again at the Lome of ' Mrs. Connie Johnson. Miss Minnic Taylor, president ; Miss Bessie Freemuan, reporter l’lllli DORAY STREET I COMMUNITY CLUB ; Met November 28th at the home of Mrs. Austrell, No. 33 Chestnut Street, S, W. The meeting opened - with the president presiding Scripture lesson by Mrs Phillip after which the meeting opened for business. Some very interesting remarks were made by Mrs ' Schimitt. Plans were made for Xmas We were glad {o have so Em;my present after being absent because of illness. Mz, Jones who ;h:x.-; been sick for the past two months is - much improved. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ponds, No. 57 Doray Stirect S.°W. The hostess served a de licious menu. i Mrs. . Bond president i Mri W S Phillips: reporier STAR 1I1GHYT SOCIAL CLUB -~ Met at the home of Miss Zolar Thomans = 520 Ihwin Street ol ¢ o'clock. Business was discussed briefly. We had two new members and one visitor. Miss Minnie K Perry. from the “Mvsterious 132 Social Clab. We are very sorry to i!\'nuw of the president's illness and wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Pearl Thomas. Acssistant ’ Piresident \ THE EVER READY SOCIAL CLUD Will - hold: its 1 lar meeting Thursday afternoon. Docember 10. 1931 at nine o‘clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stafford. 220 Dun- | lan Street A wonderiul program will be rendered. and we are usk-1 ing all members to be present 1.@- : . : L g ey e — | The Littie Corporal Six-tube Supar-lleterodyne $398.50, with tubes did new value and the many other new General Motors Radios. We shall be glad te arrange the purchase on libe= eral and convenient terma, Visitors are welcome Mr. P Simpson, president Mis F. Linder, rep:rie: THE MORNING GLORY SOCIAL CLUB Met at the home of Mrs. Annie Shianks, 498 Carter Street. Busines was briefly carried out, We ar corry to have on the sick list, Mrs Eva McAfore. We're hoping her o specdy recovery. The next meeting will be at 494 Jone: Avenuce THE WILLING WORKERS CLUB Will meet ot the home of M Laula: Cooks 317 Henry- Btreel December 10th Mrs. Fannie Dorsey. president. Mrs. Gertrude Alleil, reporter THE DREAMLAND ’} SOCIAL CLUB Will hold their weekly mecting Thursday. December 10th, at 23 Doray Street N W.. the home of iMr. Harry Elliott. All members are I+ quested to be present. Visitors lare welcome. ’ Miss J. F. Mayes. president | Miss Piccola Roberts, reporter Mrs. Wyolene Pullum, Mrs. D. Edge and Mrs. Ella Bigham spent Thanksgiving with Mrs lLela Mc !(flvndun. 988 Beckwith Street | Miss Mamie Wilson is- on the ";ick list but is improving nicely at i her home, 988 Beckwith Street. INF“'NAN VISITOR Mrs. Tennie S Acie the sister | of Miss Virginia Stallings. “nurse” of this city. has spent a very plea ;:::mt stay here visiting relatives and friends. She will leave Sunday afternoon for her home in New .nun, HOSTS TO BIRTHDAY DINNER Mp. and Mrs (leorge Tucker entertained with a lovely birthday 'rlinn('t' sunday afternoon. Decem ")l'r 6, honoring theic daughter. Clara. The pguests included Miss Jtilia Blake My - Rov Shaw, Miss Janie -Bailey. Mr. M. lee and Mr. Richard Bohannan .of Cleveland. Ohio. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A surprise birthday parly was given to Mrs. Connie Ferrell by her husband, Mr. Charlie Ferrell at their home, 375 Lundon Avenue, cn Saturday. December 5 -~ Among those entertained were: Mr: Benson, Mrs. O. Ferrell, Mrs. King, WMrs. Dottie, Mrs. Calhoun, Mrs. Norman, Miss Clartk, Mrs. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Moon, Mr. Maddox, Mr. Stovall, Mr. Jackson, y Miss Jackson, Mr. Hillard. Mr. Mar 11in. Mr. Richardson and others. A delicious repast was scrved by |‘Vh‘s. l.elia Binns. FULTON COUNTY CITIZENS TO HOLD MASS MEETING AT BUTLER STREET Y. M. C. A. All colored citizens of Fulton County are called to meet Sunday. December 13th, 3 p. m. at the But ler Street Branch of the ¥ M C. A.. for a big educational and poli tical program and to discuss better schools in the county and how to get more of our county citizens registered ond voting. Music will be rendered by Ful ion County Teachoars, Adamsville Glee Club, Allen Life Guard! quartet, Atkins sisters quartet and | others. Solos and readings will also be a feature of the program, Speakers of the occasion will be Colonel A, T Walden, Mr. Jere Wells. Supt. of County Schools. Miss Maggie Perry. Supervisor of Colored Schools and others. All school distriets are urged to bring their citizens t o this meeting which is being presented by the Fulton County Colored Civic Lea gue of which W. A Quillian is president and Howard L. Davis. seeretary., ! Miss E. Spain. reporter | THE ORIGINAL C. H. AND A. CLUB Will hold its weekly meeting, Thursday night, December 10th with Sister Hattie News, 77 Elliot Street, N. W. Flection of officers All members are asked to be pre sent. Mrs. C. J. Middlebrooks, president. Miss Willie M. Jackson, reporier SUNSET SOCIAL CLUR The Sunset Social Club met with Mer. E. T Iamdy. 5256 Magholia St N. W.. on November 30th 1031 Business w a s transacted very briefly after which a delicious chicken dinner was served bv Mes. F. T. Lundy. We had as gueat Miss Louise Harris and MNrs Julius Minniefield. The club was dismissed and the members then proceeded to the Sunset Casino to attend the Pea cock Charms Annual Dance which was greatly enjoved by all. Our next meeting will he held with Mpr. Joseph Thomas. 937 Fair Street. S W Docember 7ih, 1031 All members are requested to be present E T Lundy. vresident J. E. Carnelius, reporter BAPTIST MINISTERS WIVES' COTERIE Met December tth 1931 with Mrs. J H Brovna an ) oag Streeot N. W. Devotion-! o eonduct e€ed by Mrs. A N Williams. Serip ture reading 7’ wa 4th Chapter beautifully .- P hy Rey O H Holland and o''v We varce gft. erwards servod > 'elicious course, by the h WIE NONY meeting will bhe December 18th, 1881 at the home of Mrs. A P Brown 170 Webster Street. S, W, All members are asked {o be pre isent. Mrs. C. H Holland, president Mrs. S. M. Dryant, reporter THE SMART SET SOCIAL (LUB Will meet at the home of Miss Mattic Mathews, Thursday. night, December 10, 1931, 200 Griffin St N. W. The president is asking euch member to be present. Business of importance. Mrs. Flora Lane, president Miss Mattie Matthews, roporter THE NIGHTINGALE SOCIAL CLUB Asembled at the home of Mrs Mary I. Jones, 842 Hubbard St. S. W., at the usual hour. The meet ing was postponed from 224 Ashby Strect. The nexfméeting be at the home of Miss N. Zackey, 448 Cole man Strect S W, Mr ' Mitchen, president il Miss Bertha Watl, reporter PARISIAN SOCIAY. CLUB Met with Mi k- Reed, 120 Jep: tha Street. Fridav night Business wias brief The house was then turned over [or amusement and a pleasant evening was spent. We were very glad 1o hiave Miss Minniefield after a1 few weeks labsence. We also wish (o thank Mrs. Weaver for the use of her beautiful home where the girls entertained a few friends with a turkey dinner Thanksziving night The guest reported a pleasant cv ening. Miss C. Jackson. president Miss Evelyn Red. sccretary THE FRIENDLY TEN SOCIAL CLUB Met at the home of Mr and Mrs Hicks, 124 Bonair Street Novem. ber 24th. A very interesting meet ing was held. After all busincss was transaclted the mes{ine was turned over to the hostess. A de licious repast was served. The next meeting will b2 with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Johnson on Currier Strect Mr. Richard Simmons. president Mrs. Hattie Brown, reporter | . LES ENFANTS DU PARIS ' Was organized Sunday, Docem ber 5th at the home of Miss Juan ita Reeves 384 [vons Aveni with the following officers elected: Mr. V. Byrdsong president, Miss J. Hollis, vice-president. Miss A Martin, secretary, Miss J. Reeves Assistant Secretarv. Miss A Col umbus, treasurer. M. I Robinson Business Manager Miss Miry Bonner, reporter. We wers served by the hostess a delightiul menu. The club adjourned to meet at the home of Miss Julia Hollis, 20 Jeptha Street. All members are urged to be present | Miss Mary Bonner, reporter (Continued on Piage [ive) MYERS-DICKSON 3D=P¢. Kitehen Cabinet Knsembiqe . o L 0 . lh.::“/«,’ ;i Wi WDl | B | e Yl o 8 i T Ff% 8 . Ry e - e = e it » dod %‘fi fv —— G| I EAEE SR > O T e BRI G A | il 7 %&’ H o A B L lames O sl AR g 8 An Ideal Gift m,‘ 1[: — 1k < " |‘l "(,' } :" s 4 ! to the e - | ¢ Ny ',1':; : —:-:,; ; o / i < : ; L Houseavi fe I ]\fl:@ IR {\:‘\I o | L WA 4 — | P~ - \ I o AN Z “’;;?‘.:?;m 57 Sy, ""g;- A~ o ‘i ';; oF ( PR N el N //{ 3 - b (0 i NGRS /,'/f sy s s S ety _JFET) (e SN i ) | e/ B2 0 L R AR Ry I . b RN A } (z ‘.3";5 i o= ot 75c CASH 2 L) .'. \%:j.;: $‘ WEEKLY %’.\': - ‘. '"l A e R N e Lt e et e s e e e e P R A OIS Just think of it—59 practical, useful, colorful, quality pieces for the kitchen at such a low price! There’s no more appropriate gift than an ensemble like this, as it will bring an abundance of joy both to the giver and the re cipient, and continues to render a real service for many, many years, Every piece of this ensemble is of nice quality and worthy of any home, so don’t hesitate to place your order early, with the assurance that we will make dclivery to suit vour convenience. Kitchen cabinet is available In choice of green and ivory, or white enamel, and golden oak., There are only 25 of these §9-piece ensembles to sell at this price, Early selection is ex ceedingly important l‘y I“R % | ‘ ‘ A A N4 k’ : 154-156 W hitehall, S. W, Where Good Furniture Ts Not Expensive « | MYERS-DICKSON ~ N e 4 CONTINUES S/ QW A DS |/ A Are you protected against cold weather? Why not let us install a Circulator for you now? We have a size to meet your ine dividual requirements at a price you will be glad to pay for such fine quality and beauty., They're in rich walnut enamel and graceful in appearance, o ® Your Dividend on This Heater Is $4.93 ; -'.:!:r'mlumm-uiumr b P t ‘U,r.\j,““‘l}ll!qp!lw‘u‘.‘j‘lll-i!'_l,l GO R el 52475 A ly ‘,'mt?{ | R TWEEhE ’ o . ‘.'L“’"‘/""’ 8 i }’ . ui?"‘f_* " | '-1‘ 4 ! IO UTY I B [RANOBYE T N s L ;»/ ;A"{:’«_a:«i{—:—'_‘j"fi‘,a xlj: No Extra Coet R TN TRTIL L [RRH 11 HIR . iy ki '3};"’; i ;‘{:@2. i for Installation S e T W B8 R | T SIS TR TR T S - TERMS GLADLY (e ca v < | ~ MYERS-DICKSON 154-56 Whitehall, S. W. Where Good Furniture Is Not Expensive _ PAGE THREE Inclndes: -Pe. Dinner Set 7-Pe. Water Set 0x9 Felt-Base Rug 8-Po. Cabinet Set 1 Kitchen Cabinet Any Finlsh