Newspaper Page Text
Professional and Younger Set
Hlonor M house. M. 1B, 1.,
Clark Athletes Tonight
By: Lucius Jones
QNG the piaht of
nights 1o Atlanta socioty,
Ig here! The professional
world and younger sc
will <toasl aoll Atflunta’s
Athletes at oiie of the o
cst social cvents th cily
has ever seen Sunset
Casino will be the scene of the oy
ubecrance, and the tender hoonrs of
from ten il two will prevosl
HE F'UN will center around
about a haif hundred stel
lar grid performers of
Morchouse, Morris Brown,
and Clark All Atlanta's
social clubs, greek letter
organizations, and @ olhel
units will join the dance. Amony
these units will be such groups as
The Sterling Club, The Black Cal
17’Etude des Arts Le Cligue de Dix
sept. The Riaccooners. The Horse
Collars, Della Epsilon Bota, Ph
Wisteria Twelve:. The PPeacocl:
Charmers, The Monte Social Clab
The Vicinity Charins The Justim
ans, Les Bons Am The - Orion
The Gay Fellers of the 'House. and
many others That O Gy
will be on hand 3o without say
All Join ‘Bhe Dance
ESIDES thie collegiate
throng trom the college:
ind the undergrad of
Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa
AlphuPsi. Phi Betla, Sig
. and e Pai - Bl
and of Delta Sigma Theta
Alpha Kappa Alpha. Zeta Phi Beta
and othey 1cly sacietics - will b
ot The rads of the orsaniza
tions will uizo be out
woere syests at the Allanta
Tennis Club - dances @ this
stnmimer and fall ave ex
tended a cordial welcome
and may or may not pre
members of the social or greel let
ter organizations mentioned nhowve
ar af Lhe busine:s or- profe i
realm of the city may do likewi:
bult all others MUST prasent - thi
coveted admit ¢ard. Two bils is th
fun tax J. Neal Monlgomery and
nine of other syncopated helpoer
will do the jazzing
On With The Dance !
Met at the home of Miss Carrie
Williams, 882 Mitchell Street. Busi
ness was distussed and -carried out
in the usual manner The next
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Thelma Arnold, 143 BRattle
Street, Friday night, December
Mr. Avery Hood. president
Mr. Roosevelt Smith, reporter
The Riverside Aid Club will
hold its repular meeting at the
home of Miss Willie Moreland, 433
Gartell Street 8 E., December 13th
at 4 o'clock. It 15 very necessary
tha! every member and friend he
present. Election of officers for the
goring year will tale place
Please be on time.
Mr. 5. H McBride president
Mr. J. B. Johnson, reporter
Wishes to annoutiio the first
mniversary of Student Cirls Cen
ter Sunday December 13th at &
o'clock. All are invited
Mrs. S. Calhoun, president
Mrs. L. Smith, reporter
Held their mecting at the hom»
of Mrs. Turl. We were glad to
have our president “with us, and
presid ng. - After all business vras
discussed a delicious menu was
gorved by the hostess The next
meeting will be zt the home of
Mrs. Avery
Mrs. Simmona, proesident
Mrs. Bessic Owcens, reporter
Met with Mrs. Thomas Blos-.
ingame, 755 Dunkirk Strec!, Nov
[\l %7 , -y 3 -
WJ) Yes Yeu Con Buy
_’.'57“ . (4 .
P High Test
i NJ}} " :“\- 3 )
ERL9%el G A S
eV e= Dodson’s
Mt f01 16¢ Per Gal.
~ Dodoon Always Leads in Qualiy
| and Prices. You Can Now bBuy
Purchases of (harcozl, Waod and Kind!ing, Don'
S Fargetl fo Stop at
e Dodson’s
ORI NTAYE & ck Fa UL Phone Ja. 8081
cmber Gth, The mecling opened
| with the president in charge,
business was briefly diseussed. We
had three visitors,” Mrs, E. Harris
of Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs
L. Cofer of Atlanta, Georgia. We
enjoyed a delicious menu, after
“which a few games of whist were
enjoyed. The next mecting will be
at the home of Mis. Gussie Cop
Lland. 20 Sewell Street.oN, B the
fourth Tuesday night.
' Mr. Duncan Hill, presideint
Mr. Sam Jones, reporter
- Mr. Richard O'NMeal Brown ha
recuperated at his home, 503 Bed
ford Place, after a period of illness
He has returned to school
Miss Thelma Wright is ill at het
home 96 Electric Avenue We wish
for her a specdy recovery
Miss Louise Batlts of l.ithonia
Ciearvgin spent the week-end with
Miss Dorothy Pace al 141 Walnu:
troel, 8. W Shio reports a lovely
timne E
Mr. James Boyce is still on the
sick lizt, has been for two months
He 15 the hiudband of Mprs Carrie
Boyvee, 469 Stoncwall Strecl.
Come out and hear. “Jephthah
and - his Danghter (The PBiblel
greatest cantata in 3 acts) at the
Butler Street Baptist Church
Monday, December 14th 8 p m
Hushed wveices directed by Prof E
C. = Davie: mizic by ihe SiGsp
Moon Athletic Band, - 28 pieces
Negro spirttuals Admission 10c¢.
| Mrs. Katie M. Jackson, reportie:
l Miss Lillie Weddington of 272
iV"l'n'm Place entertained hoer
‘ousin, Mrs. Janie Copeland ol
Marietla. Georgia Tucsday, Dec
ember 8th. Whist was the featurd
")I the evenine. A deliciois menu
‘woas served and everyone reporte!
2 very pleasant evening |
Miss Lizzic Perkins o I 1834
Briapclilf Boad enterained in hon
o Mis:e lda Dluvall . of Macor:
Cieorgin with a dinner party. A
delictous menu wae served and the
{z:uv*i: report a very pleasant ey
A Delightful Birthday Supper
Mrs Carrie 1. Woods entertain
od a foew of her friends with a do
‘ighitul birthday party at tha
home, 56831 Reed Street, honorin:
Migs Carric 1. Dixon. Among L
alests were Miszes Ruby Coleman
Mary I, Mack Jessie M. Speirs,
2 lordon. D Kirksoy . TTeasley.
Messrs. RNobert Mason, D, Daniel,
S Wavd. Elapdar and B Ward,
nd others The punsis were de
lightfuliy corved
Ileld their recular mecting with
Miss laeile Middlebrooks, Sunday
Docembor: 6th, - at 61 Chesthut
Street. Business was very brief, a
delicious menu was s2rved Next
meeting will be with Miss Matroy
Randall, 110 Mildired Street Dec
ember 13th. all members are askod
io please he present and on time.
Miss Withie Martin, president,
Otis B Lee peportel
Met with Mes G W Owen:,
sunday ot b oo olaglk Alter tho
busineds program. o most deliciois
inrkey conrse was Served. The
next meeting will be at tho home
of WNys Jobhn Colline 53 Paoker
Stvect. Decembar 1iHh
Met with bire - Walloy: Pinrea
Mhursday., November 19th. - Plans
were made 1o sive out baskets to
the needy. After being delighitul
lv served. adjpourned to mect with
Mpa I Cheistlor 180 Hammord
et at the home of Mr Willie
BPatterson S6 Mayam Avoniie,
Monday night Decenmiber & 1927,
for. the election of officers vir,
s ALenan Auston- was elocted
presiden:, Mr @ Jerrvy | DBicklord,
vice-president. Miss Grace MeCol
lins, - fecvelary, Miss Josephine
Huntor, Assistant Soecrctary. My
Arning Dotson, Treacure Banlk
ing committee Mr. Chiltord Ruaset) |
Miss Carrie Neal Hunter a4 M, |
Henry Potlry. The next rieeting
will be held at the home of {,1,-1
Jerfy Bickford, 211 Randalph St
All members are asked to please !
be present. |
Mr. Clarence Auston. president |
Mr. Benjamin Reid: reporter -
H o lLd their répalal mocting,
Mnnl];x.‘, riient at the homoe of Mr.
Maddox. We were glad to enroll
thiree new moembers. The business
part of the meeting was carried
out in the usual way, after which
4 delicious ment was seived: The
next meeting will be ot the home
cof Mirs Mappie FEreoman. 89 Tl
ard Street, S E. Monday afternoon
Mrs. Nanie Battles, president
Friss 1 B Morgan, reporter
Met Thursday @ night December
3rd al the home of Miss Christian
and Lorene Walace, 550 Hunt St
with the vice-president, presiding
Business was discussed from 7:30
{o 8 o'elock, then we enjoyed a so
cial hour. A delightiul menu was
served. The next meceling will be
at the home of the supervisor, Mro
klla M. Thomas, 354 Merritts Ave
Miss Fannie Thompson, pres
Mat swilh Mre and Mys Haeany
Harris, Tuesday night, December
8th wilth the president presiding
After the business- part of the
nmecting games were enjoyed by
all. Plans for the giving of Christ
mas baskets were discussed. Our
next silver tea: for the benotit of
the needy will be at the home ol
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Porter, 250
icatge Street, Sunday afiernoon
Liecemnber 13th from 5 to 7. All
members and friends are asked to
Hee present. A delicious repast was
njuyed by all. . The next meeting
will be with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Partee 277 Piedmont Avenue N, E
Visitors are always weleome
Me. W. M. Chappell president
NMrs. Katie I.. Partee reporter
The membership and friends of
Troop-A Social Cliub are herchy
cequesited to o attend the regular
meeting of the club to be held af
the home of Mr. Davis. 327 Henrvy
Streel, S W.. on Friday night,
December 11th. The elub expeets
ienorts from its workers in the
\'m-: hership eampatcn The presi
dent cxpects the full membership
in altendanee
Mr. H. G. Bell, president
| Mr B 1. Jlondersan 1cporter
SEUN 872 2oanal, €LER
Phe i @aaigql CJub met with
M Rt Th ma 037 Fair . 5l
B gy moaaiter 7L 198 Tm~|
moeiin : oupoved by all pre
ent Thomas served a (l!'!:-l
Clotts et after which My Fua
pore Chambliss and. Mr. Robent
Booker defeated Me E T I undsy
and My Thomas in . a Bridge Giame.
The meeling adiouened at this,
hour. Our next meeting will be
with Mr Robert Booker, Decem
bor it 1831 = Wesl ,\Iiich:‘-i‘:‘
Street. |
NMe BT Damdy: nresident ‘
Mr J E Carneliys reporter
Me and Mty Bl Borpus -were
punsts at the social given by the
Justinian: Club,
Of Greater Mt Moriah DBaptist
churchi held a very. interesting
meeting Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr and Mis Jim King
Three applications for membershin
weore received from Misgs Oeclavie
Robinson, My, Lucius Haramond
and Mr Willie Robinson. A do.
Hghtful repast was served. Next
meeting will be at the home of
Miss Annic B. Howard, 337 Henvy
Sireet on the third Sunday. thi:
month. .
Rev. €. H. Holland pastor
Mr. Willie Manefee, president
MisMary Moenefee, reporter
Meat at the home of Mr K. &
Worrior Wednesday night, Dec. 9
We enjoved a short talk from the
president. We were glad to have
with us as honor ouests Misses
Klorine Barnes. . Lelia Calioway
Emma Richardson and Ola NMae
Richardson of the Blue Mocn So
cial club. The meeting next Wed
fm‘.'\d;iy night will be at the home
"nf Mr. Irwin 1> Dotson, 379 Rock
Strect. There is an opening for
three members. Applications are
in order.
J. C. Rogers, president
Earnest Ector, reporter
. Cilub. met Tuesday nite. Decem
'ber 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs
| Arnett Burdett, 1072 Fortress Ave
nue. We were happy to have all
members present. Plans woere comn
pleted for distribution of Xmas
.hnskrts. Next meeting will be with
|’Vir, D. Burdett, 38 MecDonough
' Boulevard S. E., December 15.
l Mr. Arnett Burdett, president
| Miss J. L. Griffin, reporter
| Social Club was delightfully en
"tertained at the home of Miss Osie
‘Danicl Wednesday, December 2.
‘Business was briefly discussed.
There will be an apple contest
et meecting. Mr. Anthony was
welcomed as a guest. Next meeting
will be at the home of Miss Fannie
Milier on South Awggue at the
| Mies Minie Vandergrif, pres.
"~ Miss Ossie Clark, reporter ‘
Met at the home of M. Willian
Carter. 253 Chestnut Street, 5. W
Plans for our annual Christma
program, including the Xmas trod
pifts, ete, were fully made Tl
club spent one of the jolilest aft
ernoons in its iMstory. The menu
and decorations were delighttul
Mr. Hradley gave an interesiing
lecture. Mr. E. Lee 1s to be thanl
for his helpful hints to the ciub
Othor visitors were: Mr. Johiison
Miller and Miss Bradley. The club
received many comphiments in the
choice of their members. Other are
always welcome to meet with us
Miss - Esther O’Neal 371 Cluver
Street, 8 W. The sympathy of the
club goes out to Miss Haywood
(We Hope-for hek a Hpetdy fe
; Miss Fehols, president
| Miss O'Neal, reporter
., The Royal 24
i\ The Royal 24 Social Club of Col
"lege Park met at the home of Mr
Other Patterson, 315 West Harvard
| Street Monday night, December 7
|'The club opened at 8 o‘clock with
the president presiding. Business
'was carried out briefly. After be
ing served the rest of the evening
iwas spent in card playing and
| Mr. Sylvester Shell, president
§ Miss D. McDaniel, Secrctary
Mr. Richard Addy, reporter
o * l N
| m0Clal (NeWS
Mr and Mrs. Maddox of 172 Fort
Street, N. E. were hosts at a de
lightful Turkey dinner at vwhich
Mrs. Gussie Adams and daughters
Misses T.ela and Alberta Adams,
Miss Willie Kelly, Mesdames
Licona Coltor. Mavzie Bevell wore
guests. Thev onjoyed one of those
oid fashion turkey dinners
Tyons Aventio: who has been con
fined to bed for more than threc
weeks is much better 1o the delight
cf he: many friend
Virs: Trapees B Poeoples o f
Omaha. Ncbraska a pgraduate of
the Atlanta School of Social Work
has just been apointed Casc
Worker with the United Charities
Lol Chicago. Prior to this appoint
‘ment - she had ben engaged as
Community Worker with the
Omaha Cultural Center. a social
settlement of Omaha, DMNebraska.
Mrs. Marvjorie Bell, Field Sscre
tary, National Probation = Associa
tion of New York City has just
completed a two weeks institute
o probation wock at the, Atianta
Schoal of Social Work.
‘This institute 15 an extra feature
of the school's curriculum and was
made possible through - a special
grant trom. t h e Phelps-Stokes
Fund. It began November 30 and
cnded December 1L
Miss Lois Willanghby cntertain=
od in honoy of My (armer Panks
a student of Clark Univeisity, on
his birthdoy., Wednesday. Decem
ber 2nd, at the home of her uncle
and aunt. Mr: arnd Mrs. L. B. Ste
vhens, 273 Fortune Street. A very
delightful dinner was served at
sover olelock. At - eight thHirty
oelock My Parks and Miss Will
anghby were joined by their many
friends in several games of whist
Everyone reported a very enjoy
able evening
Miss Willanghby is formerly jof
Athens, Georgia. She is now living
in the city with hot relatives In
order that she might complete her
college education at Seplman Col
lege. ’
Seen and Heard |
The Rainbow Soeial Club H\'L‘d!
ap to my expectation, Wednesday |
nite when they gave their annual |
danee. Many ‘‘sacial breds! \\'H‘L‘I
out and »1l spent a rather vn_w,\'a-{
ble evening |
. |
that tonight is the night that “Mol-|
ancholy!' Jones 15 honoifag ath
letes wf tho collezes of the city. J.
N. Montgomery is furnishire the
miugie foy this roval Limb ioosens
o Don't fall 1o come aut
Iones and Haitie Tate have ven
‘ured into the field of matrimony.
May God grant that their ma picd
life be a happy and successful one.
e /
Theatre lateiy? Well if you haven't
~ame aut some evening and snend
an enjovable ceveninz. THE PRO
TECTOR in the Roval Theatre is
1he Jatest MODEL IN THE Cij¥
and the Royal boasts of the beost
ACOLUSTICS in 1 h e city I
member the place that bring, all of
the *big pictures” back
If you don't think it is embars
rassment to be “jibeing” a young
lady and have your kid brother
come up and tell vou that “mama”
said come home. ask Slater
Maddox. He was ‘‘shooting off
some of his ‘jibe” on the charm
ing Miss Edwina Derricotte.
E. J. Scott says some of the fel.'
lows “avrE " tEeT=ts - thke NPT
Well brother! let the omg lady
cnjoy her popularity. 4
| (‘ > 1., 1 |
‘upid’s Corner
- Gleorpe Alfred Muckle - 19 378
Ciriffin Street: Annie Leec lLuca
29 180 Hunnicutt Slreet.
Matthew Rakestraw, 23 786
Hubbard Street to Alberta Hol
land, 22, 223 Fletcher Street. South
| Arthur -McCorery, 23, 244 Wood
ward avenue to Grace Daniel, 29|
633 Larkin Street, Southwest. :
| Bufiord Wright, 21, 461 Middle |
Street, Southwest to Elizabeth M. |
‘Kieth 19 886 Hubbard - Street,
Southwest |
. James Evans, 24, 508 Edgewood |
' Avenue, to Lessie Mason, 21, 603
Auburn Avenue
Will Mayweather, 29, 418 Temple
Avenue to Minnie Roberson, 23
Victoria Street, College Park.
Howard Daughtery, 29, 716 Mc
| Daniel Street. to Alberta Crockett,
25, 207 Hagood Avenue.
L Olis Echols 22 125 Batlle Street,
o Willie Te Jacobs: 19 215 Pair
[ Place, southwest.
| James Kirkland, 47, 471 Nelson
| Strect, to Rachel Boswell, 48, 471
iNelson Sereet, southwest
I Nathaniel Bailey, 31, 172 Glenn
iStreet to louise Davis 21, 141
;”'dL'lmd Streed.
| Abe Marshall, 22, 451 Martin'
[5irect. to Rosa Rolland 20, 139
Glen Street, southwest ‘
{ Alvin Handspike, 20, 1087 West
‘Hunter road to Rosa Lamar, ]E).}
{1150 West Hunter Road
L Richard: Bridges >34 405 Nelson
Street to Gatberine Burnette, 29
1200 Trotherton Stroet, southwest.
i Cieveland Waldon, 22, Chestnut
jpla(‘(- to Lula Mapp. 21, 78 Linden
| Henry Anderson Reid 21 1521
|Amenda Avenue to Carrie Belle
| Wise, 21 178 Mason Avenue
| Harry Wolford '19. 637 Parson
i Street. southwest to Harviet Han-
Lrocke, 19. 987 Ashby Circie
| Roy Jackson, 36, 270 Dova Streot,
{to Annie Lauric Tuggle 37 270
El)m:c Slreet
| Fred Gilass 21 911 Smilh Street
ito Savannah Parks, 19. 854 Hub-
Ehi‘.l"‘] Street,
t—J. D Dodson, 30 532 FPFraser
iStreel to Corinne Gray, 25 1076
| oy tioss Street -
Church News
ibe ladies Aid Board DNo 2 of
Wariren Memorial. Church m c {
with Mrs. Fannje Brooks. 997 Lena
Street, November 22nd The meet-
Ng was opened in its usual form
the president presiding. DBusiness
was briefly discussad on- plans
imding up to the Annual Confer
ence which was held at Newnan,
Georgia December 2nd threugh the
Gth. We arc all glad to have our
paster. Rev € K. Brown back
with s for another year Mis
Pauline Weinstock. though con
fined at the hospital is doing very
aicely. we adjourned to meet with
Virs. Esteiln Grabham. 228 Cheatniit
Street N W Decemaber 13th
Mrs. Fannie Brooks, president
Mrs. Mattie Liockhart, reporter
Opened at the usual heur with
in_increase in attendanrce. There
three new members added to the
Vlen's Bible Class. Every weck we
ire. peiting better Now don't fore
set on next Sundav 1igh! The
Amcrican Woodman ave having a
program sponsored by the Men's
Bible Class and Class No 8 af
2ight o'clock sharp. Col, E P Pope
it dhis class il bo Master: of
Ceremonies. Please covery member
be present. Some of the best tal
ent of the city will appear on the
program. The Doko Band will also
be present. Come with us and w
will do you good.
Mr. A 1. Gambol Subt
Mr. H. J Allen, reporter
Sunday School met on time with
Supt. Knight in charge. The lesson
was discussed and Class No. 5 won
the banner. Our pastor filed his
pu'pit at 11 o'clock and preached
1 soul-stirring sermon.
The Willing Workers Club mot
at the .church, Monday night. A
very interesting meeting was en
ioyed by evervone.
Rev. Moses Biggs, pastor
Mr, C. E. Smith, reporter
The Progressive Bible Ciass of
Beulah Baptist Sunday Schoo!
held & helpful session. Lesson was
taught by Mr. R. H Hunson. Two
visitors: Dr. R H. Carter of Friend
ship Baptist Church! who review
od the lesson and Mrs. Brown of
Ft. Smith. Avkansas. close in the
lead by five hundred fifty degrecs.
A business meeting was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
Hilliard Street. who were celebrat
ing their tenth marriage anniver
sary. Many presents were present
ed by the class Officers for the
ensuing vear were elected-all re
clected. Rev. James Mathis in the
choir, A number of wvisitors wore
prescat Reov 1, A Pinkston Dr
Once You Trade With
Jack, Yoa Are Sure To
Come hac’i. The Cheap
est Store i1a Tewn.
180 Ildeewood Ave.
Shoes * and Ready ‘o
Wear at Your Own Price
' Broadnax and Mr. Thomas of
Wheat St. Church gave very help
ful talks. After an cnjoyable pro
gram the hostess served an elabor
at menu. Waiters, Misses Estella
Freeman and Georgia L. Williams
Mr. W. J. Shannon. precident
Mrs. Nanie Williams, reporter
Sunday School opened ot 930
with Supt B L Pickson, presid
ing. We had a wonderful leszon,
'No. 3 Class won the banner. We
are sorry that our junior teacher
is sick Sis. W. A, Miler. We'rc
| hoping her a speedy recovery. The
|pastor filled the pulpit al day Sun
lday at 8 o'clock If you want 1o
hear a good meeting, come to Mt
Leidiiard Church Visitors are wel
come .
| Rev B 1 Johnsn pastor |
t Deacon . L )ickeon, 1(*},4”"10‘"'
Church invites vou to attend a!
special musical and literary pro
gram which will be given Sunday i
;nftm‘nwm ¢ -4 ocleric ot v‘;,'.'
i('hnrch corner Fort and lHouston!
| Streets.
l Mis R. Pace, president
' Our new officers for the B Y |
. U. 32 were elected Sunday. Dec
!(-mber 6. We were glad to wel
| come Mr. James Atkinson as presi
| dent again. With him as presidont
;“'(‘- did great work in this year and
gwith the carefully chosen office
iwc have, we are planning to do
islill more. Our attendance Sunday
| was 157.
!Oh baby dear it has been one yea
Since you left us sad and
| Heart broken here.
| Your smiling face we will
| Always remember.
| Although you left us last
i Little Gwendolyn Erncstine Gii
| bert. Died December 11, 1930
| Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Gilbert
{ Father and Mother
; M:. Ernest T. Lundy, Brother
By Lois Young
The Usher Board and the Younsg
Men's Christian Club presented o
program at Mount Caltvary Baplist
Church on Sunday afternoon Mr
Langston is ill at her home en
Johnson Road. The Young Peopie
of Mount Calvary Baptist Church
presented a program at Central A
M. E. Church of Mitcheil Street on
last Sunday aftornoon
Mrs. Bernice Young of Avenuc
B. wishes to express her apprecii
tion to the moany friends on Lind |
cn Street for the kindness shown |
to her mother Mrs. B. Gordan dur ‘
ing her illness An interesting evs g
eni in church co-operation weos that |
contest held between St Luke A
M. % (Chureh Georgs OQlwos !
Church and Mouni Calvary Bap i
tist Church. Mrs Tda Smilh r
George-Oliver Church roporie
#6155 Mount Caloary Bani !
Church and St Luke A M E |
Church combined reio tod $2L00 l
By M. B. Beavers
We are very glad to have bask
with us Rev. J W. Swain and Ret
E. H Warely of Laster Chapel anc |
Mt Zion A. M E Church; respe. !
‘velv. Both pastors have been w —
s for {wo vears and have donc
great work in our community ;
well as their respective churches |
They both report a successiu |
Anniial Conference. |
We wich to say to these efficien®
nastors that we are very glad to
wave them back with us. for an
sther and better year. We wish te
sxtend to them our hearty support |
. - |
Please, dear folks. send ail r‘.tx“&
news to the reporter or ta your |
newsboy. Hamilton Cunninghan |
at Mrs. Mammie Cunningham’ f
~afe. Clubs, sports, society and |
churches are ask to contribute tw!
our city ncws without charges. \\'1-‘
want to commend the Royal 24 Sn»i
rial club on taking the lcad iri
such an act. We extend a ::;wmu?i
invitation to Church and Club
news I
We are very sorry to hear of the !
illness of Miss Georgin M. Wolf{ of |
Princeton Avenue. We wish her :II
speedy recovery. !
Glad to hear that Miss Vallin|
Bohans, 410 West Harvard ;‘\\'cm:f"
is convalesing rapidlv at her home ‘
Miss Bohans and Mics Wollf have !
been confined to ihecir beds for
several weeks.
We avish to extend onr heapls |
weleame to Miss l.ela Dav
Newnan. Georgia and formerly of |
Selma, Alabama. to our city. Mi 5 |
Davis is Pesiding at tha hova o
Mr. and Mrs. Bugena Hunt, 20 W
“olumbus Avenue,
Snent a fow hours at the B Y
P 1] of Friendship Baplist chireh
last Sundav evening and spent a
most enjoyvable afternoon. T h ¢
nrogram was jponsored by M-y
Bva T Cannon. and was excellent
My good friend. Sidney Abbott,
just had to tickle his tonsils in a
duet with Miss Ruth Burks. "Sid”
says that was all for company. All
! can say its h-———to be company
Early Thursday morning at
‘Alline and Murphy Avenue, John
Bell, alias Curtis Gresham. 152
Vine Street, was arrested with a
sack of grocerics. Upon question
ing him, police discovered that he
was taking the food from a store
operated by Mrs. E. M. Pearson,
1487 Stewart Avenue. The gro
ceries were turned back to her and
the robber plaeed updor oiresl
and held on suspicion
The lunch stand f Sophrunia
Tirner, 875 Connally Stiroet. wa
entered by twistin the lock off|
the front door. A small amoint of
cancdy and bread vwad taken Wed ‘
8 ¢ et G G O B (SR
i ) i A J i
f iy
(For the Associated Negro Press)
Now that the political dust has|
settled, folks in New York are tak-|
ing time to think aboui something
else except politics. That is. with
the possible exception of a few Re
publicans who have not yet il
themselves ont of the political
eraves into which they were so
unceremontousty dumped by the
Democrats in the last election. That
election is no longer news, but it
will be a long, long time before
Harlem will forget it. Bewildered
onlookers might be interested to
know that reactionery Republicans
say that they have turned Deiio
cratic in order to show the Do
crditic party that the Republian
party in New York City does not
carry the Negro vote around in ils
vest pocket. So they jumped r:ght
over into the vest pockets of the
Demoerats. Maybe, that's all right
Are not vest pockets the places
where viles are supposed to be
Foshionabie Harlem bustied into
Thanksgiving Day going places and
doing things for the peor It is
smart to be listed among those who
are working for unemployment ra
lief. None will deny that this 15 an
innocent and altogether worthv di
version. But Heavens above. the
way oo Harlemites do scrambis
and seratch for a place in the spol
light. On the surface, all seems s2-
rene Lut in reality a bitter and un
remilting war i= being waged. This
is of 1o intere-t to the piblic ex et
hat it evplains why many of Hao
Term's most uselul and resnected ¢iti
ens seldym {ake part Iin publie
Thee are ftwo welfars commit
tecs in tharlep Ofo was appointed
by theeWetin - Chiinall gt ow
York Liie ot the roguest and wilh
ihe cooperition of a group of 5o
eisl Agencies i+ Haplom. Anoihor
commitiee. which i1s known as a
volunteer fun valsing commitiee
wis organized after the first corr
mitiee had met and discussed pla s
for administering relief in Harlem
' this winter. The question no:: s,
[v, is goirg to boss this job v
wav? And the fight waes an - Al £ o
P s Z R O p“".' - ot
i 4 ’ \ 24 /"'.,u:l a1 fi} 'J*_'jh;:;'._ 3 7 :
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‘: %u\ B d}\ Children's % // f//// Trilt B
il i 3 or - % Z"’///// ;7/ 7%7'
by i, e . 5 / s ,// ////// &
Bl Women's felt slippers. Always Ladies “w, ////”r,///; g
| > 4 Har you warmth and Al rul.hfir, #, 7 /'/"/‘{;///,’%
| fort —For such a tiny price. snap fasten. JGR Al T A |
| - all heels, ", //// 7 "'4./’1”'
= T 1.
sifefi: A
1 o n ”I Wi )
K | QA, ‘\.\t,v c ,“/I”‘ ’Ill/’//,:l“,u///// 1.1
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‘f' ' '~ AN 4 i A
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/ ) Ay \ : /’2 Z//;/i;’;//
. @adliNe LGl ‘
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A soucy black crope slippar with
bl navelty Tear-drop trimming ‘a va
il rious contrasting colors—So chicl 5 c S
] '
QP‘M \ g (‘-'.r
5 : -
\,}i ot \ There's @ theill for every h ia
‘“1 ‘T owning these Indian Moccasinel -
; ‘ i AE} { : Browa Elk with soft pedded seles.
i \g:‘ ; 'O‘J' A ’Oc‘ Gm'
D RO for a bm} : p
i e Black Elk Hi- ) & LR
i } e ciaf Boot. " B ',»",,_‘a“?
1 .\o Longwear- Y3 Seaal R0 4
’ ( »\,....‘ \( »:, S 8 4 -r'fih.. 7Y .-.‘
:‘l X N "'g sole. T .’&y‘” ’
t ?‘ ‘\ - > ,'.s%fi‘-‘.‘fil; % v
s m‘.’h"" S i Dc‘ will like this werm folt howse |
e - 3‘!‘3’:\ slipper. Padded sele and leather
S 3‘5‘" teo-guard. Groy or Browa,
< MR o
: Fen Ry )
3 ) 98 “" A
4 ‘ \« 8 \ 4 v.,?«_li"\’-’ 5
E \%%(: : ,AB "(.a";’rfi“, d ) &
{*3\" : ; fiwfihfi‘w \ {3
v/ 5 ¥
Women's felt evereft 'lfl
leather sole and rubber heel,
65 Whitehall St., S. W, Adanis, G 1
writing. a tiuce has been called i
that the mass canvass foff
vy may be completed,
In the meantime, a relieg Om“
wis opened by the Welfare Coune
ail the day betore Thanksgiving,
vnd under the supervision of, ...
1 are entitied to two guesses....
{ hite social worker with a mixed
{f! Oh, yes, there will be plenty
of action presently. However, the
astlver lining to this cloud lies in
the faet that, fight or no fight, the
vinners are those who are going
recetve food, clothes and sghels
ter, And the sooner they get it, the
The first Colored Merchants Ase
ocintion food market in Harlem
was opened on November 20, It is a
Hace lovely to behold with its
modern santtary coipinent beauti=
ity arranged. There are five, exe
ot i need ciery aiert, courteous
ind pleasant. It Jis a housewife's
dream of perfect service. There are
three departrments, a grocery and &
meat and vegetable market. It is
wned and managed by Negroes.
This store represents an initial
investment of more tnan dollars
and cents. It is also an investment
n faith, hope and confidence in
opco cooperation and progress.
The manager of the store, Mr. Ar=
thur N Jones, is rather well-known
in Harlem for his initiative and
bility to deliver under fire. A little
more than two years ago, a group
of citizens were waging a fight for
the promotion of Mr. Jones from
istart ma 1 to manager of an
Alantic and Pacifie Tea Commy
e Auring this agitation
that Mr. Albon 1. Holsey of Na
tiongl P usine ;s l.eague
fame apreared on the scene with
his Colsred Merchants Association
jca, Not many months later, Mr.
Jones emerged as the manager of
the tivst Colored Merchants Asso
tion ¢rocery in Harlem. And that
T roa proc cded to perfol'm a
iie turned over the stock
' rst . M. A. store twenty
g t vear. (The aver=
{ for turnover in a grocery
o y Thus, the question
? rtomanagement seems to
: i put the public is bel
ed that petronage contr:l’l
v The fate of this splendid
citort » i the hands of Ne=
ro woemen. If it fails it will .
lay f2cn - Shulman, &
¢ f 505 Irwin Street, was
, v ard robbed of $3.50. One of
men wa v black. about 8
£t 4 and aoproximately 28
eqrs old wearing a saincoat. THE
; | sropeaved to be about &
' i black hat and coat.