Newspaper Page Text
J_oe Rainey
’Jo"y' Forsythe
Hog Maw' Robinson
VSnnw Hill Puts It
To Sel
0 Selma In Hot
X 3 '
Iight, 6 To 0
The Srow Hill Institute “Piger:
defeated Selma U “Bulldo i
the Tuskopee Institute Al
Bowl Saturday afternoon by the
score of 6.0 ‘This was the first timoe
that two visiting feams have been
able to use the Alinni Bowl Snhov
Hill Institute being Tuskegoeo!
oldest offspring was able to 0
cure " the bowl and chose Selma
University as her opponent in or
der to settle the disputed pame
which was played in Selma Novem -
er 20th
Before 900 football fans Snow
Hill ‘Tigers' ‘’defeated the “Bull
dogs,” making their second victory
over the university thi Leason
Snow Hill Institute outplayed and
outsmarted her opponents through
out ‘he entire game.
Pueine the first hial®, English,
star half-back. for the Tigers, with
a perfect ipterference, ran around
left end for 65 yards for the only
'l(m('hdn\v!l ol the pgamnie SHow
hitl failed to add the extra point. |
From the beginning- it was evi
dent that there was potig to be a
real gridiron f1irht Both woere
tackling with ferocity and accul
acy maow. il Pigers made 15
first downs while Selma Bulldoge
made only b ‘
The stars of the game: English
Weaver, and John=zon for the Tiv
ers: Jackson, Woods and Greid for |
the Buldogs
Officials were: Collins of Hamp
ton, Referce; Talbott of Pittsburgh
U.. Umpire: Bailey of Tuskegee
Institute, Headlinesman; Brown of
Virginia Union. Field Judge.
Signed: RUBEN ALBA, Coach
“The Old Reliable”
Established 1869
r N
. Used Car
WE HAVE a few brand
new 1931 Chevrolet
Coupes, De Luxe
Coupe, Coaches, Sport
3edan, Sport Roadster,
De Luxe 5-passenger
Victoria Coupe and
irucks, that we can of
“er unusual trades on for
the next ten days, in
view of our announce
ment on the new 1932
WE ALSO have about
20 other 1931 Chev
rolet passenger cars and
trucks that have been
slightly used, at very at
tractive prices,
WE HAVE more than
125 used cars, mostly
Chevrolets and Fords, at
prices from $35 up. We
try to make our terms
conform to your needs.
REMEMBER, our “Bet
ter Than a Guarantee”
plan fully protects you,
and our cars have been
checked and conditioned
in' our shops— (not just
polished for selling), ¥ .
We Pay Cash for
Used Cars
’ John Smith Co.
530-540 W. Peachtree St. N.W.
541-543 Spring St., N.W.
Edgewood Ave. & Courtland
| Open Evenings until 9 o'clock
The weary and worn sons of
Clark Univergity, after a week of
respite and normaley, will apain
don the grid regalia and prance
jup and down the long lines. Chiefl
i Aiken has ordered all his mcn to
observe the call to arms on ANion
day afternon promptly at 3 orelincic
The team will undergo a sustain.
.od ten day practice in preparation
for the South Carolina Staters who
have not known defeat during the
now fleeting 1931,
| The Clark temd one of tho yery
{few major elevens 1o scampel
through a hard campaign withou!
a hard campaign without a single
major injuryv, is all set and reads
The men are not alling and acc
anxious for war to start again
: Christmas Day will - see them
batiling South Cavolina State 1
4 Charity game = A brave attemp!
on the part of Clark and Caroling
| heads to arrest to some extent and
foster a tonie for the ever increas
ing question of depression. &
i Chief Aiken. fashioner of this
Laffalr, I8 coitain that all - Atlant
will respond nobly te the Christ
mas Day tournament which will
place a few coins in a rather empis
Unemployment Relief Fund ki
Hickels will hg rendered at a very
common figure and no person may
claim inability to equal the fiqge
A city wide appeal is being made
1o the clitizen'y. The vwvo team
are eertain to put on a thrilling ex
hibition. Clark has not known de
feal since an early scason miv-u
with - Alabama and the Carolinn
here intruded boistnously amon:
among such fellows as Knoxville
Talladepa. Ilovida. Benediel, Pain
and Allen. The - fteam o is weld
coached and carries Cotton. forimez
Marris Brown aee as an assistont,
Knaoxville College tied the Cane
tion which goes to show the truc
lina team in a - scoreless exhibi
defense power of the team. Knox
vile scored on most every slrong
leam she met except the Carolin:
She Clavle alltack whielhy 1§ -com
posed of a rununing, passing and
buecking game. will have a fine
chance of being curbed completilvy
Though Baker's loe is still Nt
despite tho fact that the North
Carolira mud and cold caused tho
hoy to be confined to his bed. Tie
will be ready for action next week
though = Bothh teams are. pragtic
ing hard and spirited!y
[ T———
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Baskelball Season Starts I
MEMBHIS Tonn, Dec 11|
The Bartlett High Basketball |
tecam is reported to be strongee !
than last season’s team. The Bart ]
lett High team was the quint that |
gave Woodstock a fast battle. Both !
Woodstock's boys and girls teams
will be in the race against challen- |
gers. I
Star Quarterback in Junior-Senior |
Yesterday marked a great battle |
at the lLiewis Park botween thel
Junior-Senior grid players. George !
Jackson, who was an all West |
Tennessee quarterback pick WS |
scheduled to guarterback the sen- |
Ljors. Clarence Jones ., wha jumped |
like a kangaroo last year in several
of the games he participated in,
headed the juniors.
Seniors Position Jutior
House LB Bryant
Adams 1 Albundy
| Perkins 1.0k Tavlor
| Terrell ) Soringficld
an-r-m.’-n R Clark
Hill I.r Allen
Scott RE Robertson
Jackson QB Jones
Zinn 1.1 Williams
l(.‘h;mh’n R Hayes
'Stl ong B Morris
’ Small Change
! According to reports from Chi
capo, Small Change, a formet
fighter of Memphis is making
strenuous efforts to land bouts with
leading fighters in his division
Tenn. Club to Sponsor Boxing
Card :
' The Tennessee Civie and Social
¥, : g -
& o ey - P T C—
Y , " X TR S - g
A?: e % % 5 A & ; i Jud ~ w & b . S . Y “
F 34 L kR a o VTR i oy R B e Nz 80 s B Nl
- " N (9 ¥ AN O SR M CHel 5 e g S| D
é . 2y X P& P o o A o S : .:,‘. P58 RS & 73
B ik y;% ] Ml % % i ?) y' % 4 x, st pollls VG 5 o il vg’ i,
; % . ( R G ; ¥ ;;1 :’-,_,.5; ‘ .-. ( A 4 o x ym‘ S AL oty 7 s 5 ’(,W o
N / " ;'y{ A X - i i v ) B, . g ’%a pi ! o 4
Ry v g S .' ‘t,l ~ "5‘ -a.,‘ _:;",q ‘v.v % )~(“ ,",45/' ;fi i ‘.,7 : ;
. R Lo,
Ben Stevenson Men
Get Tugzle Go:
- Get Tugzle Goat
l In 58-0 Remp
i Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Doec. 6
|'l'lu- Tuskepee Institiite High hool
‘ft ithall team, coached by Benja
min E Stevenson- former - Alls
iAmmu-:m Falfback defeated
lTu""v Institute of Dirmingham
l():', ' iti the Alumnd Bowl here
Saturday afternoon
The Tuggle team held their op
ponents on even terms for the first
few minutes to play, but could
(not stand the hard driving attack
uncorked by ‘5Singleton, Higgin:
Marshall and Frizier. the high
school backfield quartet. Single
ton kicked beautifully and Hig
gins and Marshal made several
finc broken field runs. Tom Davis
substitute quarterback, showed thi
best punting. Scruggs and Curry
tackles, exhibited the best line
play for the Baby —=%ipers
For Tupggle Institute Caplain
Theodore Smith. made several
dazzling runs.
Tuskegee Ins. Tugele Ins
(58) Position
Taylor . L E Scott
curry |l Burkly
Lazenberry e Greer
Crawford @ Andarson
Elmore RG Toncy
Scruggs R Parker
Smith RE Wright
'Sin;f,!o-!rm QOB Patterson
Higgins RH Love
’f“"ilz""' 1. H Steward
' Marshall F.B. Smith Capl
1 A i
‘ Score by Periods
Tuskegee . . I8 14 14 12 53
!Tup.ul(- =0 0 0
I Touchdowns. Ti wejpee Frazie:
4: Singleton 2. Ca: or 1, Jhpguin
Point after touchdown: Higgine
placement 3 Ei Stngleton - {
Smith 1 |
~ Substitutes: Tuskegee Hiil, Ty
san. . Cralic, - Knighion, Noreis
Poole, Campbeil. Davis, Cummings
Carter, Wright, Moore, Richad
Substitutes: Tuggle—- Moore
Giordon, Richardson.
Officials- R B Colling (Ham
ton) rTeleree; K. P Talbot U7
versity —of Pittsburgh) umnpi
Roge . Oeens (Saithy Dak oL
State College) head linesman 'I'!
HH Countee (Lane) field judig: ?
itazor Cut Healing; |
Attacker Gone ;
. \
BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Dec 11—
Wounded on the nidat arnm when
she was slashed by Sarah Williams,
who lives on 24th street between
Avenues B and E. Catherine Mac
- Williams., 416 7th avenue north
-was taken about nine oclock Sun
day night to the Hiilman hospital
wherve she was releasea alter being
k-:.;s\'vn treatment. The other woman
» pseaped
Sports Happenings
In Dixie
By Ben Elder
club will sponsor a boxing ('?I'(l!
in the near future at the Orange
Mound stadium or Chuarch's Park |
Auditorium. They hope to stave the |
tournament that was meoentioned in
this column not long ago. This club |
will stage bouts at least onece n !
month and if fans have any disap- |
proval of verdicts rendered by the |
referee, three jjudges will be so. |
lected from the fans present (
The eiub will award Tenn. cham. !
pionship bells to the winners n(l
the different divisions, Every dij- |
vision has a ropresentative r.\'w-pt}
the junior jisht Wellrht . dnd iy,
weight divisions,
flegman Challenges
William Hegman Ynown as Do
tling Bumbleboe in ring circlas |
challenges an» light woieht 1
Tenn. including Herbert Kid [vice
and Robert Kid Hampton Jack
Lewis who broke his left arm in
two paces in his battle with Battl
ing Fuzzy of Hughes, Ark. has re
covered sufficiently to help as a
promoter until he is ahle to ticht
again. It is remembered that Jock
Lewis put up a desperate battle
with Gorilla Jones, who is now
one of the leading middleweisht
in the world.
i Gorilla is a Memphian and all
of Tenn. wish him much success
Ein his bout to win the world mid
‘dleweight b()xing championship
(title laid aside by Toy Bulldosn.
namely Mickey Walker who has
gone to seek laurels in the heavy
weight division,
W. A. Scott Is Himself
l s thnost provoked to laughte when T look back on n fellow
iftsmen. who indulged in the ancient and respected art of select
mg winners and losors during the now past 1931 football campaign
, perfect that T named the big winne iway back yon
!‘V 8 cer in September, w h perhaps is wi [ am more than
”’a: usually entertained Most of the g electors: of the
Lk ‘ year, faithful to the common blund i their craft. be
¢ t came comic immediately after the ¢ar started. Some
: o ? of tnem backed their view with cash and this made the
| 4 "bh laugh bigeer and louder for ine F'ho Atlianta Hatler
W started hailing Morris Brown clear back yonder in Sep
' ISEA puRr jUswIRUINO}] prig oyl Juninp Spesr ayj suigies
SR 40 Poof UIBD SeM ' doquIdliol [[IM Jqnop ou nof sy
tember as the wonder team of the yean Of course nobody thought
i Clark or Kpooxville. Bit I can imiagine the sensations expericneed
by cvery good Morris Browner when his team was tearin about the
count in early season gami
These cagey Morehousers stepped on the gas lightly., The
only time that 1 could discern a mild shaking of that Good
Old Morehonse Spivit was upon the occasion of a Morchouse
hreak in a regular game, Sayv. like that great offensive gesture
that the team put on against Morris Brown when the ball was
handled three times before the runner finally set sail. Upon
exciting occasions of that sort all Morchousers got het. W. AL
Scott, publisher of this newspaper, was no cxception. You
should have seen him at the Maroon-Morris Brown and
Maroon-Clark games,
Eh.\:‘ t alwa back their school I true 1 I they
. have to vard or take a few ‘points!. WA Scolf honestly be
lies ed tl Morchanse would worst Morris Brown and bascd h ViCW
on purple conduct in Maroon games for nearly a decadi Lok
vision and fore e ¢ that Morris Brown had a ringit footba
teatn and wis corl { i h the Maroon 0 h of the fTact thiat
eholilch have 1od | that Vaughn wasn't gelting coordination 1
i t vad the Alama Matee was tvpical of a ¢ |
clloxy o WOl i fcam beat Monr Brown or Tuskege (
o anvbody AW Having received a lip as (o bBis convi
fiots as rosards the « & Fonmadde Mr. Seotlt an object of obserya
ion throughout the M 1L U debacl
Zz1661" " = e -
{OL'}(,/:I/A)W"X' v_, N @(. - [“‘\, . - Sy
COP~ Kn«\ AL W W }' /N ] - -
M()Qflcl)“‘. w"} h\/' y/ . ‘4\ : 0;’” I‘%)) : :
S A— JP}? = o,
/ /’" s . L 51 r EXPENSIVE j‘ ,\
e PL.J / T | “w» GRAVIE '-".' \zv\]‘:”"
o e CAMERA 7
‘——~~_.___________‘ ‘( (/ > /;.,(
= a0 L 5
W. A. Scolt, if you didn't kitow, was once upon a time an
impartant man cn a not far distant Morehouse foothall, In
fact, was quarterback in that troupe dubbed the “Four Horse
men. Well, anvway, he came to the Morehaouse-Morris Brown
footbadl game oi 1951 dressed in a brown suit, white shirt, and
Liue cap. He wore a grave vard look after the first Morris
Bicwn touchdown and actually put his Graflex camera away
in its case and carried it in his right hand. You can imagine
| how o 2uv could feel after having backed his school and then
j to see them let him completely down by fumbling the ball
; away, sort of like the Maorris Browns felt when they saw
i Paker sending that kick through or like the Tuskegees felt
| when ihe pun fired and Clark leading, or, for that matter,
: line Chietf Aiken and I felt at the Clark-Alabama game.
1’I‘Hi‘f.\' as I reeall it Keilyv lified a long spiral to Shao Janes. a punl
; Shao did a bum job on 1t and seme Morehouser recovered it over
| the Purple gdoal line for what looked liked a sure touchdown and &
!l.«' core! Wall siv. vou should have seen W A Scott at that mom
?!r.t Away went all thoughts of futility His feel lelt the eround
5\.‘.'.‘13 a4 kick The oxpensive Grafles was lorgotien and only the les
L emotional Mr. M. 1. Scolt saved it by clingin: grimly to if Mr. W
A snapped his fingers and exclaimed. "A touchdown. a touchdown
' Forr Morehouse.” Then they brought the ball on back. A Morchouse
i'[‘]:'_vl‘ Wiy offt-side It was pitiful. Mr. Seott: smile taded and he
funv(- more roverted to type. That is, he rcsumed his graveyard look
3l‘.'z! that was cxactly how I fell at the Clark-Maorchouse tournament
of 1930, Rather nice and fair the way Old Man Law of Averages
squares accounts every once and a while.: ‘Next vear I cxpect Morrois
' Brown and Morchouse to kick Clark rather severly.
;g;.r\l) as 1 am to find myself each day more of an outcast from the
‘“ 98, Wrong Club, nevertheless it is a source of satisfaction to me
that 1 made only one blunder during the entire. “Fisk beat Talladenn!
"A bum of excitement went through the office. T yvawned. Old stufl
to me. I had decided on that and apprised my readers thereof forty
days before. W. A, and L, 1. Milton should have come to me. 1
could have told them "hefore hand. They said Morchouse, Now
they're themselves, particularly W. A,
AT o B i et R A i A P LT
8Y |
| . !
b e e
Melancholy Jones All-Smtthern
team for 1931 Alabaman s wail rep
resinied with Tuskenee leading the
list with thiecd vepresentative
Alabama Siate next with (wo grid
men and Talladega filling one of
the berths
F. Adams and Hackett of Tuskeger
With & Adams and Hockett of
Tuskegee filling the berths of left
fackle and left puard resnectively,
there can be no doubt in the minds
of the fans who sawv theae grid
men perform that they ave the
most. outstanding linesmen in the
S. C. for their respociive positions,
Branch and Lask of State
L The seloction of Branch and Lash
lof Z labama State for right guard
jand right tackle reospectively s
lvery! desorving of the two gridmen
who fought like Traians thi: en
son, with Pranch proving to be un
guestionably without a. poer e
in Coger. vwhn wis all-Americy
guard of vesteryears
Pigrom of Talladeon
= Tho tho Crimson Tornads oloa
;'Vf Talladea has a wouchat anatt
o tecard this season if vou )
sepn Cogch Kitehen™s lad: in
tion, yoir ean be astisfiod witlhy Pie
i Brie the colcid ot Bhe On
ference's most - outstanlin s oniph
Theviee AL AL Banhern
. Foi the host of warvio
L have foucht on the oridiron thi
tseason, thov ave ail pll-Seuthern
Ef"ifl_\'(‘l‘h'. When they oo out on the
ifiald of battle to FICHT For DEALDL
'OLD Tuskegoe. Clark and all the
!Other schools who ae ropresented
Iin the Conference cach mah &0
{on the field to win o die for h
1:;::hn0l. And evey oot thats put
farth by each plive {0 pake pos
sible for individunl plavers s-hool
afifd coach to receive the re-cpnt
tion that comes in the end for out
standing performances
Tennessee comes into th pic-
OUTHT lpl"f’
1 "
I H!’. ol
" wrym e
il Ll
9 P -
l-\.j‘ L". ;’ '
sl I o Atg T ol
The ant ! &
: .. ‘ : ‘ ' -
College. '] i o
Satiinday. Dieved .
cording { '
The memben
Montgomeny ( i
Morri Brown { ‘
Alabama Stak
Morchouse Cold A |
Water Cdallese. J
Knoxville College. J
IFisk Universt
[.ane Colicpd 3
Ml Memorial !
bian Alal Falladega (
Talladega, Ala : !
Coliese - T i
The following representatives
present: President H G Secnuoh
LCs Jehnson oG8 Les H
Ailker Iohn & Sin e
Theodore Wieient Walace ) Hawk
B o1 1 meplk Hopdoiaon oy
Johnson. Ray 1 Vaughn |
‘Forbes A ] Tockhart W J Nie
President W. A Fountain. Dr. M
P PBurley and Cleve 1. Abbott
‘The officers of the Conferenpe
are: Dean S. H. Archer, Morchouse
Collese president: =J- B Braps
Flovida A and M. Cotleger H C
Toanholm Alabama State Teach
ors Colléve: and W Wallace O
Hawkins. Knoxville Colleze. vice
president R, 8. Darnaby, Tuskegce
W. 1t Kindle Talladeza Colege
{ossistant secretary-treasurer.
ture with Tassiter at right half
Tho T haven't had the pleasure of
Lsecing the Tenncessee lad in action
ithere cdn be no doiibt as to his
olicibility as far as statistical rec
7 wds are concerned.
o gy, S
8 1 . | :
4 1 ) A
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4 % 3 L LAY
"\' %] S [} k.
| W A
..A..t;: et g B
CLOTHES & voc v s patT 0rr [
PO~ st i W WS 7T . o o
We promise you the unusual-——we promise you
values that will eclipse any you ever saw be
Ready-to- Wear
i o it
Lk ~ ‘.L‘y-:sl.‘:
" oy b i‘“fi \f$!< 9 c‘.‘““o "%‘,
g ghe
3 L8730 3
":S“ (BF T A
B3y AVR, i
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2O 4 pes & ,.’;rv.‘ & 5
,,;?f-‘i;, 3 x’.';-',:" w#wg 5
af SR »
&gl i e
e, ek ;
- W
Every F:li L 3vorcnat is included. Your
choice of the enii.e siove.
?‘W* BN e Lo ey e SR R T RIS TR A ‘:& < v o RO
3 TR L 0 d T I U R e g S ]
& o oy BRSO VR “
3 i kle A J ; = L ' {
1R 7o } .4 o 1 0 '
| A C oed ® A |
al . o B0 v ¥Ry WL % A L
N, e L€ P %
# e N RS 3 # 3 ] 4 : 4
160 " R B - ‘:'li % HEN b
W i - » Y A gl 3 >
1 sfea., * Ay o Thm g o A s B ¢ LR o L 3
4 B IR T A R il -+ W : e
¢~ t1'g Largest Ciothiers and Tailorl‘ s
157 Riitchell Street, S. W,
i e ——
7poRT |
| AT |
|.:l ij:’,
v o3 NHE : i)
7 9 C Sraes
There 1S not mucn. saia. apoul
prep tcams throughout the coun
trve to the conlrary, it 1s unjlst. as
the youngster deserve credit for
‘heipr feat on the gridiron and oth
er athletics Here is an unusual
attraction where a former Atianta
mentor makes good in a big way
Coach David Gunn _is the man
of the hour in prep circles, and
oo Walker Baptist Tnstitute locat
ad o in Angista. Geordig coines 1
for | chare of honors as well a:
e stalwarts who made this feat a
Waiker Baptist Institute under
the leadership of Coach Gunn,
who never, while at Washington
ttich school here had a deserving
chance, has carried the Augus'a
<chool to a championship in prep
circles, or rather claims so, as
there are not any opponents to
cuntest this honor, if so, this noted
and popular mentor would like to
tnow and then meet them on the
sridiron an contest the honor.
After being unable to round out
b chedule with all prep games.
Coach Gunn was forced to booked
several Colleges to balance out hic
seazon. Allen University, a worthy
rponent to any College team was
Leld to a scoreless tie. Then along
e Paine College, a sister school
! I in Augusta and beat him
i trick nass with three seconds
o play Critics who saw the game
i thi! the vietors were outplay
ed nd wismarted throughout
Hie but dumness on the part
e Walkers plavers was re
onsibie f the defeat. Due cre
it s to the victors but one
st considd that the prepsters
t of {hioir class and much
qodit dhould oo (o them for their
endid eftort e
Weachington Hish and Scofield
tHich prep schoo) Harbison Col
160 nd Ha Institute, were
beatin: decisively, T h '@ Ginn-
Coached machine amassed a total
o’ 168 points against the opposi-
It’s a Sensation
This Clothing Sale
[¢'s Extravagance To
Pay Any More. No
Charge Feor Altore
'Slkip' Hazzard
D. M. Coke
Jimmy Perry
Win Over Woodstock
ve ° 4
Will Bring State
MEMPHIS. Tenn., Dee 11+s
Fhe B ker T. Washington “Iflh
Sl bhasketball team. coached by
Jams King claim the Memphis
Prep basketball championship title
1s a result of their win over the
Mai Tigers last vear. The
W hope to remain city cham
pioY nd then win the Tenn. State
) mnehip title by downing the
W ds! \ coached by Wil
ects for this yvears
t naing combination
S { ¢ ¢ present for the
‘ ‘ n and 15 new players
1] (rreenwood and
Grant basketball bovs
tear I off much trouble
in the tournament this season fav
IrAna chool honors. Coach
Ve the ind hi Manassasg
o { cive more wing
this ve fue to the fact that they
two new basketball stars from outs
of-town '
ftions 13. which shows no weak de
{feonse by any mean:
| Coach Gunn, wishes to furthep
lhis eclaim for the prep title of
|l)i\'ir and agress to meet any prep
it«-um in the country any where at
janytime for the coveted honor, the
‘rh‘.unpinn»hip of the South. Any-
Lone desiring a game can get in
[touch with Coach Gunn at the
| Walker Baptist Institute in Auge
usta. Georgia. Coach Gunn s
known the country over as a great
sportsman and one who is surely
to come to the front in Southern
foothall. Ail Atlanta is proud of
his record at Walker Baptist. His
sterling echaracter and the great
love he holds for his family has
made him one of the most popular
voung man in the Southeast.
| A\
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