Newspaper Page Text
In Other Words, Cuckool!
——————By ‘Ric’ Roberts————
’l‘}llS department has been vagucly troubled by something .over o pee
it left the athilctic Biounds ol Juhnsoin O S Uitive ILyIly over in
Charlotte, North Carolina, some few days ago .and upon mature e.
liberation it has decided that it spent a cold, drcary, unqg
otherwise uncharitable afternoon looking at a crowd ot
“ lunatics, Of all gooey slickery, slimy, messy, cozy,
muddy footbail games, the very cold and very rainy uwi
/ involving the Clarks and the Johnson C. Smfiths casily
!f took all prizes. ~SAfter three plays, Smith's blue and
Clark’s black vanishéd r«:'mpl(finly in the muck. The
playing young men looked like strange creatures from
s Silurian times, fresh risen from the ooze. A few fans
"“RIC” swarmed on the scene at the outset, but the fieree, biting,
: 'sistent cold and the wind and the hard rain convinced them that
fi*thm‘ flirtation with the pnewmonia germ was silly, so they ot out
from there. Only the foolish coaches and footballers remained out
there in it. Now why should any kind of game be carried on under
such wretched weather conditions?
Mine has always been a solitary, unheard \-.nim- rafsed a
gainst the playing of football in rainstorms and ssow, and
cloudbursts. I can see nceither the logic of exposing fans who
have not sense eneugh te stay in out of the wet to' a bout with
pneumonia nor the justice of playing a game under condit'ons
that will not afford a fair test. The finest running attack in
the world bogs down and under on a mucky ficld. A slow,
heavy, dull-witted team may obtain an undeserved advanta:e
over a light, smart, snappy combination and a wet ball s
neither kickable or passable. Steady marches and sustained
attacks worthy of being crowned with a touchdown are
brought to an unwelcome close by unavoidable fumbles. Have
you ever tried to handle or clutch a foothall that was soaking
wet and buttered with slime? '
l Jl’ in Carolina, that never-to-be-forgotten afternoon. the Clarks and
Smiths looked a pack of fools, On would-be end runs, ball car
riers, tacklers, interference and all went sliding gracefully on their
sides out to the boundary whene they usually collected the head
linesman and the stick hdlders and sat them down in the welter of
muck and bodies. Covered with mud from head to foot all the play
.‘rs looked alike. As the mud finally worked down their neclis and
Mside their pants the boys began to get a little cranky and pushed
one another around. When the first half ended, the boys ran for fhe
gym as fast as they could. The Clarks were so stiff with mud they
couldn’t move quickly
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The weather was just kidding in the first half. When the
two teams lined up for the second half, rain was falling in
sheets and much colder. Most of the ficld was under water. [t
was awful to stand and look upon such a speetacle, and worse,
I discovered a little later on, to be out there in it. As the
game grew the men became so covered with mud that they
began to look like unfinished clay models for statues, with
gr(‘m-sque frug?(-_r::'s;and“}umps c!inging to them.
T was pure torture for the boys, and, as I prestated. every time they
‘ went down their noses were crushed into cold slime. Not a stitch
of their clothing was dry and every contact in the wet and cold was
miserable. A Smither was injured in the early moments of the second
half. He was banged rather seriously but would not lie down in the
mud: rather he stood up on bending legs and clutched the outraged
spol on his body. He was so mucky that none of the doctors or train
ers scemed to want to touch him.
War and football are the only things done in such weather. For
the spectator, sitting for two hours or more watching a game
played in a rainstorm and in mud must be tops in discomfort.
If he drinks to keep himself warm—and who doesn’t?—the
liquor will start him perspiring beneath the close rubber gar
ment and pretty soon he is soaked inside as though he had
been exposed to the elements. If he carries glasses he can't
see because the rain spatters them. And if he can see he can't
tell what is going on because all the players look alike.. This
is not a cheerful vista I have outlined here, but if I can save
one kind old guy or pretty girl from the schnupfen that will
perhaps send them prematurely to whatever veward has bren
prepared for them, then I have not written in vain,
“l./\lH\' won by secoring fwice. Bul except for thHe seoring plays
featuring McPherson and Mecevin, all the two teams could do was
push one another's faces into the mud, gain a few yards, kick, tumble
and slide about in the goo, Too bad that they don’t postpone football
games until the weather allows them to make a match of it. It is at
_1]hi:; point where pcople go to sce twenty-two men moil about in mue
gi)d muck for an hour that foothall is5 at its weakest. Th: mon are
mcknn to moil, the colleges cuckoo to let them and the spectators
euckoo to go. I there is to be common sense in football hereatter,
begin here. They won't though!
Opwe Block.From‘ Be" Street
Purol Ethyl
Ladies’ Rest Room
Y .. 0 P " g i 7
N SRR e Tn, O Wi as s AT oen. Al IR
i % Wl o W R . R 4P ——— - A st Y ) Sdiild DY
Ly e : B ¥ 2 s 0N Skl o 3% R 2 e o e
| A e X R A , e A WA R w 5 G B VT, P
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; W LaaaE A AP AR s 4 % T 5 B S ot s Gl &g s R
R T . DR k 2 i, ifad e St - A
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’ Ag an acdeq incentive a loving
'.«‘u; will be awarded the winner of
the game batween the Scerubs. local
negro, mdependent football cham
pions, and the Bay St Louic Tionrs
Thise feams meet Bunday al 1030
4. M al Heinemann Patk for
benefit of The Times-Picayune
Christmas Gift Fund
M ibiger Larry - Gilbert: of the
New Orleans I dicans has consent
ed to have the gridiron stretehed
across the infield at the ball park
This makes it possible for gond
conts 1o he obtained by all the fan
"l'hl- vrandstand will be N0l
‘['(ll' white )H"»jr!" and the bleacher
will be given over to the negroe
Hn case of rain al will be protectec
from the weather.
. I the past the teams have beor
playing in the outlietd of the park
and it has not been possible to have
pood senting arrangemoent
; As fr the pame ilself, prospect
noinl 1o 4 bBard foueght affalr Th
Scrubs coached by FEddie Brazile
have not had their goal line crossed
this year. The only bloteh on thei:
'u'(‘mrl is a 0-0 tie with Xavier uni
Captain Duplesio, a 200-pound
suard, is one of the outstanding
men on the local eleven. Another
mainstay of thé forward wall is
‘Fdgard Burrell, center. Eugene
Leonard, quarte®ack, and Stumpy
Morricon. halfback, promise much
a5 backfield players
| The Bay St. Louis team has beat
| ciervihing that it has encolin.
tered on the Gulf coast and some
of the best teams in Alabama :
With both anxious to win and
help out the needy negro ehildron
4 real "hot' lussle should ftake|
place. |
m .
Talladega Begins
1 » s
Cage Practice
! TAILLADEGA, &la - [e¢ 13
The Crimson Tornado basketball
’;n;u;ul of Talladeea Colleee ha
hegun its daily work-onts i1 (alla
| Lan gymnasium, gotting ‘n shape
far the 193182 sancon ;
Couach Kitchen has about twenty
or more candidates from which to
oloet his varsity Bquad this veuar.
Every indicat on points to a much|
more successful season than that
of last year !
. Pipren, ) Pitls. Ransem. W |
Pitts and Wright are the oustand-'
ing members of last vear's varsity|
squad who are out this vear {tol
regain thop old places. Among|
the nhew comers Herman @ Long|
seems to be the most promising|
player thus far. Having had pre
vious training with the Wendell
P'hillips high school team of Chi
cago, his basketball experience
leads that of some of the new can
didates. Games with Fisk. Clark,
Tuskegee and Morchouse have
heen scheduled up to this time
with prospects of an ‘ncreased
schedule very bright. 5
The girls basketball team,
coached by Miss Leola Polk, is al
“o fast rounding into sape. and
promises to be the best girls that
Talladega has ever produced.
Some of the veteran players are
Katie Kelly. Mary Engl'sh, Myrtle
Dejoie. Mary Ragland. Violet Gar
vett. Mary Johnson and Thelma
MeClenny, With an additional
host of both old and new candi
dates a successful season seems to
he in sight for the co-eds. |
1007 PENN.
i I :
| .
e 2 5 » <
“Joe” Green Packs
| "
~ Old Threat as a
| 1 q 1
| &, O, Stater
| 1
Xinas Day when fthe ]m‘.&'('l‘fnl‘
South Carolina Slate eleven from
Orangebure 8 € invodor Ailp .
L fans looking for a certain Clark
’ clGhy are likely to 1 Coel \ i
; AP E TS s i ‘The e
awsterad frome fifty five eacer
Leoils of dppraising phyvsical k-]
’,u;. by Coehies B A ook
. Herdtus Cotton b ! L e
(Biich and a defense Tt Boiter
!'f}' IFTER have rolicel 1) b i
j’ f point: to their oppouend ) |
. When it is considered ihat the
\i',i'!]l‘d]”(" cleven: which iy“x‘ \E i
house to a scorele tic. BKnoxvill
Pleridn A and B Colore . ahd
CTilladoga which tonm lickod
Morchouse. bave all been thru the
erinder of - the Stude Collogian
one can appmeciade the fdet {hat
Clare Wl e it 0 0o hor 1o -
est spat of th o0 A ik o |
'\‘.'(vll:ll be @ 96 i o 0 |
loss of presu g i
State Has Many Stars
PDawkine. Sonlh Csivoling end
has for fweo vears beon a perforim
er whoso exploil linee pdad lile
hosr ob 'Tulane s hlrvpnio Ao
cordine o Mr Eey . il ab ol
{hee & | £ fhe Opeae ot A5l
don't think Heoves j= Lol o0 ot o0
Dl il Gy i oman
Hlale boasts who can 00 every
thing well and he has os ind ~:;,~?--i
hile fioghtive apinit. Hoe 10 like g
deer, |
Joe Green chose lislonie 5
yard daph o epaenal- A A1
Marelionse Lt alfer he had becn
a Maroon cast-olf gave A 17 the
seore that broke Morehouse's moi
ale; will be in the State lineunp as
guarterbaclk. Roports ~from |+ h-o
State have it that thiz coiorful
little meteor of past prelige s
ciinnne as of old and packinge o
real (hreat ’1
| State Knows Bhe's Good
. Siate aceording to dope on hand
“has one ol {he strengesh eqii s 1
the soclinn and ownls scoles of men
Who ok auith fhe best ity Lhis
confercnce dhe Orangebinl pop
‘ulice o alwavs contended that
their hel feans rank with dhe
best in s Confevence any dav.
They proved it in 29 when a med
iocre South Carolina Slate 1aa
chine helid Sar Tavieors powerl
i"'l‘lmu.‘::n«! Jhacks! o a thin 2.0
win, and in 80 when a good Sial
eleven stopped Alken's oulfit. 6-1
They were ol (he opinjan fhat
there leam wis twe fouclddown
better than Chirk the day Clark
plaved Chiflin o o 210 win In
Orangeburg in the oarls el
Tickets for the Xmas Day classic
will co on ale the laller porbios
of next week. Tickets mayhe ob
{ained by {hHc¢ genevi piblic for
seventy-five ecents at either Yatec
and Milton Store the Aiken and
Faulkner Beal Tsltate office Ful
ler's Smoke Holse {(he Amos
Prug Store, o at Morchouse
Clark. or Morris Biown. Ticlor
mayhe obtained by siudend for
fifty cents but ideniification eards
or student athletic book: must bhe
shown by those students at the
gate for admittance. The Ximas
Day clash will begin at one oclock
Washing and Polishing
Aunlo Aeccessories
Telephone: JAckson 7053
Quick Delivery Serviee
Phone Us! Twon’t Be Lone Then?
Free Parking
i. =4 ',1:. r‘ . !
! iils i L
rLE | Hil
r "T‘,”Pii" fl‘
HORtbh |
iU nlilkat
1 . ‘
Ask Cooperation For
5 :
muceess in Relief
Chricimas Game
Becitnse of- the lremendou a9
motint of witfering amang Nos o
im Atlanta as a el of the iin
employment ation g oharihy
fontball game ha been ranced
for X e tl ‘ Hf
the Allanla Colored Campitton On
Unemployment olief of which the
following prominent cilizen: aire of
ficer Atllorin A Wildon
“?:v,'l Yeill ' (V '-.(~I V," neton
("“(~‘1‘,,- ;: { T ;' ¥ .
are apnl B othe (il Roliol
e i ¢ v for food
dre siele and dui hrom disca
roculting fron sintiritlon Neorg
families are i i the ol
roady nvi P ¢ b bor
gaisi thoy oo o v even %250
a week rogiliod It i
;r(."; :y‘lv‘{v ¥ '. i i RS
B fhe (e Gf buin =
fecaional mren bopcing for fo i i
1o mvan e e o b
mong No i IS Hicroy =
"’.41.\ 1" i Prerers T & 1
bositione that hovo Beon teadil o
ally egnen 1o thom
qwav. all of which add. 1o
Realizing this the Atlanis Colo
od Commitioe on Unemnloviment
Reliel throuch the kindne of th
V. 5 Savare President of Chik
University and Coach W Aiken
has arranved a championshin foot
ball some for ¥ias Day The ¢
testapts o il Bo (Mol (eiuer it
Champions of the Southoastern
[(,’r':nfr}“v‘u‘r‘ abt - bonthe - Clargine
Siate Collose Chispibions of the
ESouth Allartic Confevence o
IS"!“‘ Titls Holders The winners
ol this game therefore witl aceupy
the pedeital as Champions of the
South . The Caralingng op unde- |
fenlod this wear o5 will pce |
Eral o eannneiiiion for tho Ty [
tboys. They have had gomel 1o
!' I ole veate Dotk noe =g that
iomog Bt e (B e
star 4ang Quarlerback will 1 ol
turning home for he bairs the
namie of Goe Ghreon and i m\r:«-l
other thali (0 fapo: Lie
Lininversily nanace who s !)“v"i‘
tuniung Wilkd - Clavke foate v
fiesh in the minds of a1} csnecially
e auldladline:e vk ar B
VHose dod il el mil Ll a
braouant vl oo Juikaa . 11 '
Morris Brovn DProecods from ih
teme Wil bhe donated to lhe Tnier
Schty Eampmitien o gf e T HE o
Dusiiness Capmniiesion which dc vp
shomihia 1 PaBl e T e
tho Gty Reliel Conler and aih
Uhcomppillos of aohidly D
1 Faulbner 8 Chairiman .
o pecnl inable B sl o0 |
Bulure dsies of this pooor vl
curplin oF 0t sl o
coith coglinafeam,
N ;i SER %
8 TE R 3 . 7 2 ¥ o
9 . PR ¢ he L& B e ) o V0t
e i i i e Y N
N Ok .1‘.':(-., e Q * a8 Ry i
A8 -' & 'Jl.;‘ "‘l” Y ‘”‘.5‘ ::'7.' HOH *":..,' %f,wj:“ e ‘h-‘ 8. * ? € o
Carter and Hall
Serviee Station
Upens Up Tuesday
(Cont cd from Page 1)
specifics the kind o ;emzaw;.m.;f
Lt Cioail N o iees dagl Dihoo |
r‘,,t'; r (,= * 4\ 1‘; l'!i(l”ib";;f"'
! Hiolene i= 100 por eont ]’,-m,;,»yg.,g
vania molor oil Equipment {or
iw:mhinq tars o Cochie Hedralicd
L EFE Ceapacity 6008 s ) cnabilios thc
i(';n'tm‘ and-Fat im0 coveeclly
| serve any awtomobile reaivrdiess!
Il»f Si7p 0 weieht - A stanird line
of aide geces oo Wil he el
Pinieiindine hvbse balby e o
lj‘;ffi;.,” ol e e Wil ot
1?4:!'«- el dolivee e
!«.‘:im{ batleries Pasaline ikt Gl
Lo ol ;
. Foervone 1 capechidly oo
Cbead b fornal anching B ne
' Decomber 15 Souviners s il
%\".vz"m'n wiltl find cvery corabond o
| the Carter and Hall onc-siop = v
Fiee station The slation 48 focaledd
Lot 965 Auburn avenue notthondd
;'r)(-f','.'c~('!1 Bl sind ol siriels
! e S e
Prairie View Onens
Prairie View Opens
l na i
Iroothall Season
: By: E. A Jackson
‘ Diairio View Coloso o
seubte and ostadents tirped ol
atp o oo {0 ORI pEO . 0
Fhendor ushering in the 1931 1y
N ] a1 b
Scniors ve The Sonhs cnded
iscoreless (e fA'be second game 50
.!’ft't‘.‘.iml junior team eke out g €
‘viciory over the Freosh in o va
e few minutes of the want
‘ Thi- Senions It ol
LEall ehanmnion:s for L e Cdon el
\‘\}'v‘ Vhars wore fouahl 0 g o
15l by 8 areaf defenive o
* e 2 5 1 L ¥ SRS 4
Imore team. u#nd were lucky 1o oy
laape with g soprelecs tie - Phom
Land Sadberry. Sophopiore tackl
cpillad coniar ball earpiers o1l oo
the lot for consisiont lossos
Fhe Frosh Finior filt vwas 3
lieart bioaker (o0 110 Tadh [
the Irosh. who had out foueit anid
;"':'i"—“'-"l their more expeosicndecd
ii‘({‘.'(‘!’fiilr'ft'.\’ for thepa Bovigda. 4y
e in the claxine fnbr miniibo
| The Frosh scored taviy i {he i !
fra-rir:ti When Maeahall inlercoile ]
i pass and ran G5 vids o L
' Slichdowiy Wit ooy o 0y
!lY!i!]U!t‘f\' I ple 0 v e
Cullough left end for (4 Ty
placed the ] indin B b Ty o
e {ear wWheon eon Lol e
by Waldo RNobest s netini] 1he 1o
dawn, HReoepts Ll contor for e
added point. .
Fhe itlia il o 0 e 01
s Benaae (0 o Ll
b oun Aianb 1 Tireope |
tihaeh Faa T Pocen - el |
Thhiveral o il (irich
led Dibiee Faianion: ool
Coaches 01 A (1o Hlahion an |
€ W Albhintay 9 D 1Y
Fyvnns Al ol e .
dncleson . Deoalar dndie 2llual in
dram ‘
“\?“, T e o f o 6y e ilf. :'3 .I.’u']; N E
stecol pothenst Abtlamla was 1
BTl o o tniancis Jrriday
Vo e el b Riow AN o]
[ (fionen iy impraving Mes Mol
be Liveims his doudhter, has boeei
at his bedside, ginee being confined.
Sales & Service
Expert Rattery
LT e e |
. | |
i ]
} 8y |
| BIRMINGIHAM. Ala,, Dee. 18—
It you huve soen B. T Harvey's)
all-southern pick of the S, €. we
must agree that he too. has made!
a wonderful sclection from the
host of warrors who have fought
<o fatthfully on the gridiron thi
season. Alabama is honored thre
times by Tuskegee taking all the
honoes on the first eleven with
Tenne e 'n'.n',i P es nted twiee
and Georgia Laking the remaip
der of the honors with six berths,
Alabama State College looms in
to the picture with three warrior:
tnk ne positions on the coond
cam [ ach thaf verv hrilliant tac
e ofF e Hornet's Roster
a placed on the second team
vhile the powoerful driving of
i chie, ouard of the Hornets
cam was overlooked entirely, I'm
£ bz vour leanis B, 1
il tnothe coont that vou read
Hn 1 \»!.’*_\' '.4} ii]\" to Sek )
w that I'm <till as I was when
i v vou dat in Moutpomery
{ taluo o) The above
o mear nothing to you
‘ bE b crude structure,
‘ B T I knows. Hope to
oo lineoy
iret fTeam
Lennil LE Ala, State
E v LT Tuskegee
Lk I Tuskegee
Firh o Ala. State
G Ala. State
{ 1L Ala. State
Litiann RIS Talladega
ek e O) Ala. State
MeCarthy [.H Tuskegee
s ( R1l Tuskegee
K o B Tuskegee
Second Team
Belohor LIS Tuskegee
Canton I Talladega
1.6 Ala. State
€ amp o Tuskegee
Claiowond i Tuskegee
Me Kinney kp Tuskegee
3L brown IS Ala. State
Maohorls () Tuskegee
S Ensie F Ala. State
Vo 1111 Talladega
Johnson B Talladega
Third Team
Warier LE Tuskegee
Rohinaon I i Ala. State
Howaiid I.G Talladega
Clemoent ( Talladega
[.ono RG Talladega
bl RT Ala. State
ol e Tuskegcee
\Titchill ) Talladega
Lield [ Ala. Stote
N L Al bBrate
A\ b Broave L Ala, State
® e A
Poh Hunter To Try
TF :
Henry Johnson A
Second Time
eCon 1 ime
I niacain lorial will havy g
T t Ilenvy Johpsen apd b
Vool o the 292 of Precemby
Wil e e sanivel ool ne ol
the two men and bhe!lh ave in hard
teainiing This will he the last bout
of the vear gs far as Pensacola i
decicion s Poh !.‘:,-‘ »".l ha on
4. 8 cnpnciconiblc vl adean
tiee over the bov | Bath Bob aqd
ieney il i (e sohles on - KOs
Johnson has plenty of speed o1d
limipes 1y oo Jhipilee it an
coening Baoh happens to bhe ona
of 1he fovemost men at his weight
One Block From Fort Street
Service With Pleasure
'Si(ip' Hazzard
D. M. Coke
Jimmy Perry
1 - s . + 1 ™
Sophs Licked Frosh,.
2 . .
6-0 I'riday; Juniors
Won Over Seniors
By “Melancholy” Jones
Before large student crowds on
Friday and vesterday here, the
class teams of Morehouse college
engaved in two exciting chapters
f intramural football. Much spirit
and hilarity marked both contests.
On Friday afterncon the Frosh
andd Sopl battled to an absolute
standstill for fifty-nine minutes.
With the outlook of a tie game
taring evervone in the face, H C,
Robiert tar pivot man of the
Sophs. intercepted a forward pass
by a Frosh back on his own 49
vard line and raced D9 VARGH
e the goal line for a scoig
The game ended shortly after #n
attempted pa for the extra point
failed. The Sophomores won, 6-0.
Yesterday. unleashing a forward
pa 01 iwprising accuracy and
perfect timin Leland Foster's
deadly right member brought vie
tory to the Juniors over the Son
iors by a 20-0 margin The first
touchdown by the Juniors came
in the second guarter on a 20 yard
touchdown pa Foster to Lycur
gus Curr: The point was foiled.
The second score was tallied on a
30 vard touchdown pass, Foster to
Mclver. The extra point was added
by the ime combination The
final tally came in the fourth quar
fer when TLanky Svers nipped
Foster's 30 yard toss on the dead
run for a tally. Sweet bucked over
for the extra point
Stars of the Junior- Senior clash
were Dick Frazier, Foster, Mclver,
@iy nd Syers, of the winners,
and Shags Stoewart and Blake, uf
the lose: Wealkk pass defense by
Coach Rin Mok by enabled
Coach Red Smithi's charges to tally
all three markers All the wolfing,
errors of commission and omission,
and nconsistent play char
acteoristic of intramural lLilts were
evident, though the bovs more than
made up for the lack of knob
usage by many sparkling physical
plays Fol instance the deadly
tacking of Epps on Friday. and the
passing of Foster, and the pass
receiving of Melver on Saturday
‘Dotty’ Milton and Cecil Walk
cr pre-advertised what they were
going to do to those upstart Jun
fors and even sold their ideas. At
least seventv-five percent of the
two hundred fans witnessing the
tit came out expressly to see
Walker and Milton do their two
man showmanship Doth came
thraush with a bang!
“Dotty: plaved a hair-crecting
fifty-cicht minutes of blood curd
ling. foolbalk -On the Beonch., pote
ting in during the closing minutes
of the game. Ceeil Walker a cen
ter, was a pseudo Peter Pund or
Ben Ticknor, as you like it. On one
occasion he got in the backfield
and ran 82 vards for a touchdown
wWas - a groat samoe. wt o wilh
thrills and spills like that!
in the cntive south
Advance inlercst in {the serap is
mountine with each passig day g
the aepotts sav. and a roysify
crowd will elatier thiough (88
portals (o see the two men measure
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