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PR 1.”iv‘5’mfim~\,'1‘c“ "\«LJ“'Mr (i m
W. A. SCOTT Editor and Publisher
Frank Marshall Davis Managing Editor
1 Year, $6.50; 6 Months $3.50; 8 Months, $2.00; Weekly, 15 Cents
W. B. ZIFF CO., Chicago, New York, Los Angeles
rEt ° @ P ° *
The Sinkine Republican Ship
The wholesale defection of Negro voters from Re
publican ranks in the November elections, which resulted
in the appointment of a Negro to a high federal position n
New York and a press release lauding G. O. P. patronage,
has had still another outstanding effect. According to news
dispatches from Washington, Ben Davis has again been put
in the m(m(* and his national committeermanship restored.
Perry Howard of Mississippi is also understood tg' be re-in
stated. Both men were given the gate by the Republicans
following the Hoover land«lide in 1928 when it wfas believed
a lilywhite G.0.P. party would split the solid (hvnm-mtiu
South. Today it seems that in 1932 the Democraty will split
the Republican North.
The spectacle of a regime which started out forget
ting the Negro and has handed the race more insults than
posies now back-tracking and resorting to every known
political trick to win the Negro's confidence is with
out narallel in American history. It shows again the poten
tialities of (h Negre's ballot and what might be obtained if
the vote were exercised with real intelligence.
It will probably thke more than the re-instatement
of Ben Davis and Perry Howard to lure Negro votes back to
the Republican side of the halance sheot should Herbert
Hocver attempt to suecced himeelf in 1952, In a *
list of other grievcances, there is the depression for which
black along with the white hlame the present administra
The Democrats have a chance to, in 1932, gather the |
largest Negro vote in the party's history. This depends en
tirely on their method of approach and their candidate. |
National elections are becoming less and less an is- |
sue of party where Negroes are concerned since it is an |
open fact that there is not actually enough difference be- |
tween the two maior parties to be noticeable, |
E. Washington Rhoades of the Philadelphia Tribune |
has suggested 2 coalition heiween labor and the Negro pol- |
tically as a way of foreine legislation beneficial to both. |
The possibilitics of this plan are almost unlimited for the ‘
majority of the Negro voters are of the laboring class. And i
yet, although such a union is worthwhile and could deter- |
mine the economic and political life of the ¢ nntry, both +
Negro and organized labor are far apart as the Union: b
zonsistently snubbed the race. - |
It micht be wise for the Republien ok around
and find another presidential con ' 1 it the Demp
cratls set up a talented mo» 17 whites meny Negroes
$0in - - Loen mood Repubiicans will vote
I’ 4 nocratic, Ben Davis or no Ben Davis, Perry Howard or
no Perry Howard.
This is a wise policy since the Negro has no effective
political organization and must cast his ballot where he
considers he will be best benefitted.
:. OB WD) D ) G0 G () G (G D (1 WD 2l () D (S SR D ) L) S () SR QU
| Touring the World !
' ouring the W orld |
‘ Gpinions expressed in (his column, which will appear ocea- ’
i sionally, are not nececsarily sharced by The World but are purtry ‘
. those of the writer, '
: |
There are, at the present time. several thousand young Negroces
in both college and high school throughout the nation. Someday
they’ll graduate. There will be others to take their places. The point
is, what are they going to do? In what sort of work will they en
gage? They can't all teach ,seil inzurance practice medicine or law.
The parent who sends his secn or
daughter to college does not end
his duty there. After the Negro
gets his degree or diploma, he is
hard put to it to find some way in
which to exercise it. Those who
provide for their children's edu
cation have done only half enough
if they provide nothing for them
to do.
There is hardly a community
where the Negro has taken’
advantage of chances to establish
businness which would help solve
this problem in a large way. The
race is content to let matters rest
as they are.
I realize that lack of responsible
leadership is partly the cause. Most
of those in a position to sponsor
such ideas are too selfish or crook
ed. On the other hand, a large
number of those not expected to be
leaders who could support such an
idea give so much of their money to
help keep the clergy in satin and
gasoline there is none left for ev
eryday, business projects.
It seems to me that the pulpit
should take the lead in founding
co-operating businesses, i v
would, the church has a grip on the
Negro unequalled by anything else.
Yet the ministry as a unit has
shown little desire to help the race
go forward in everyday life, pre
ferring to spend its time describ
ing the glories of heaven and the
tortures of hell.
For a long while the National
Business League met, but did noth
ing. Then it started the Colored
Merchants Assocation with Albon
Holsey as its guiding spirit and to
day it shows every possibility of
becoming an economic power of no
mean proportions. ‘
On the other side of the pictu:‘e§
is the Young Negroes' Cb-operative
league, the brain child of Genrge‘
Schuyler. = It 'begins the ' stores
while the C. M. A. stocks mcm.]
Working hand in hand. the two or- |
ganizations should be able to go
This movement. of national
significance, is the result of leader
ship and support. the basis of all
business This can be done any
where, in any field.
Today the largest Negro busi
nesses are insurance companics
Coming behind are the black-no
more institutions, such as skin
foods and lighteners and hair
A sarvey of hotels. union stations
and t h e postoffice department
would show enougn young Negro
es with A. B. degrees to stock the
faculties of several Columbia uni
versities. After they graduate
they've got to live and 2 degree
won't digest. With the white places
of business closing their doors in
their faces. and not enough Ne« o
commercial institutions open, the
college graduate has to do some
thing to keep living so he starts
hopping bells, redcapping or carry
ing mail in the hope that he won't
be there long and someday can
find something befitting his train
| In the final analysis, if there is
‘no provision made by the purents
and leaders for the trained yonno
‘Negro to work when he completes
(his scholastic education, why seiid
him to college?
‘What About It, Santa Claus’
Dear Santa:
1 am a little girl eight ycars olc
in the fifth grade at Ashby Strce
School. My teacher is named. Mis:
Burge. 1 like her very muEh
I want vou to bring me @ dress
a pair of sox, a-rai nset. some un
derwear. a colored doll, a dresser, &
bathrobe now, I thmk 1 will close.
\ Your little girl
Lulabelle Smith.
Dear Saint Nichols:
(I am a little boy nine years old.
I gm in the fifth grade at Ashby
Street School. My teach is named
Niss Burge: | want you to bring
‘me a pair of shoes. a pair of o<
a siit of clothes, four shirts two
hats, a side walk bieycle, a pai: of
skats., an electric train and bring
my mother a dress, a pair of stock
ing, a hat, I am closing dear Santa.
Your little boy
Charles 1. Walton
Dear Santa:
I am a little girl eleven years
oid. I am a pupil of the sixth grade
at Ashby Street Schocl. I want you
to bring me a dress pair of sox, a
rain set, a pair of shoes a colored
D | . 7 v
Construction Work
Began Thursday
at Bolivar
~ Y
MEMPHIS, Fenn . Dec. 16—
The County of Shelby. by an
award granted to the Rock City
Construction of Nashville, has be- |
cun answering the pleas of Neg o |
and white interracial workers for |
a home in which colored insane |
patients of this county may be con- l
fined. The construction company
working on the housing project |
Thursday morning followving tho
completion of a $319.000 contract
with Shelby County. The institu
tion is being added to the Western
State Hoepital for insane at Boli
var., Tennessee. and will be com
pleted aboul the middle of next
225 Yeero Insane in County
fEia asa 935 Negrg - jnsanhe
' a - v SRS
cunty and 109 white insane &
white patients are at present in
nfinement at the Shelbv County
Taenital hat wo @ provicion has’
Not Such A Bad Place After All! l
“Cast Dewn Your Buckets Where You Are!”
Again and. again it is necessary to hark back to one
of the greatest of all Americans, Bocker T. Washington,
and reiterate this sound and sensible adviee that should be
cur constant guide and beacon light.
Two very significant battles have been fought, are
being fought and are yet to be fought that are of vital im
portance to the race, in the state of Alabama.
Perhaps the most (necuraging news in connection
with the Scottsboro case has been the action of the Alaba
ma Supreme cotrt in burring the Communistic group, bet
ter known as the LL.D. {rom participation in hearing of
the eight condemned voungsters. Suffice it to say that
these “Reds” entered the case with no particular desire to
help or hinder but rather to gain reeruits for, if they lost
the case, they planned to ¢npeal to the Necro and say, join
us we are with you, next time we may gain the victory! A
victory,-brought about by the natural course of justice
would give them an opportunity to say to the Negro, join
us—see what we accomplished for vou! The radical mo
tives were purely tax for self nropaganda. It is indeed
welecome news that such men as Clarence Darrow. Garfield
Hayes and the distinguished Birmingham law firm com
posed of Messrs. Fort, Beddow and Ray counled with the
aid of the N,A.A.C.P. are in sole charge of the case.
With the ¢ves of the nation upon her. Birmingham has
proved that a man can get a just and fair trial in the
Southland regardless of color or circumstances. Surely
Negroes in Birmingham can show some appreciation to the
two brave men Attornevs J. H. Johnson and J. T. Roach,
who without monetary reward in sight and at a consider
able risk undertook to defend a man whom thev firmly be
lieved innocent of the crime. with which he was charged
There are several ways in which we may show our
eratitude to those who are taking an active part in proving
that our part of the country is a good place to live and the
proper spot to east down our buckets. First of all, we
should get our nickels and dimes together and give them
money necded to have the necessary transeripts of testi
mony made as well as reimburse them for their valuable
After we have responded in a financial manner, we
may all join in a genera]l campaign of good citizenship.
Mere obedience of the law ix not good citizenshin. A good
('1}1'/,(»11 will supnort his church. A good citizen will see that
his children ot the proper start in life and learn the value
ot prover relations one with another. A good citizen will
not only see that the laws of his country, state and city are
u%n'{\':.-.l but will persuade others to do likewise. A good
citizen will be peacable and not given over to gun toting,
(.h'.i"m'}”"“‘“'" of the neace and other actions that tend to in
fringe von the rights of his fellowmen. |
Let’s show our financial appreciation to the men who
are he ll')m‘; us fight for justice and then spend the last few
days ‘jfi this vear mukine an honest effort to make 1932 g
year for good citizenshin and good living. This will be a
good place to be if we do what js right.
From The Birmingham World
~doll, a pair of shates a doll bed.
| Your little girl
; Blanche F. Smith.
"Dear Santa:
| 1 am a little boy six vears old
{in the second grade at Ashby
| Street Schoo!. My teacher is name,
!Miss McAllister 1 want you to
{bring me a suit of clothes, a hat, a
[pair of sox some underwear, a
jhook anw ladder. a side walk bi
[eyele. a dump truck, a teddy bear
l?nn wheels and don't forget'to re
fmember my sick mother now [
rthink T will close.
| From Your little boy ;
Stanford M. Smth
Dear Santa Claus:
Il am a little givl 11 yvears old
and I am in the fifth grade. Miss
S. B. Tinsley is my teacher.
Santa Claus, I want a doil and a
pocketbook and a sweater and a
tam and a bookcase. So 1 will close
from your joving 2=end.
Gussie Lee Terrell,
P. S 1T want a big colored doll
and I want the tam blue. The
pocketbook can be gray or white.
i hitherto been made fer the housing
Llof Negro feeble-minded. The
county has nearly completed the
building at Bolivar for the lodging
of white patients. A transference
of the patients fr o m Shelbv
County Hospital to the new build
ing will take place around the first
of the year. It has a capacity for
400 patients. The 235 or more Ne
aro patients will not have access *:
their building beforc May or June
of 1932 With the transference ot
all patients. colored and white to
Bolivar. Shelby Countv will have
sumitted to the state 660 patients
(‘anse of Vice and Crime
“When this last building is fin
ished, it will mean we can begin at
once on our almshouse building’
Hale, superintendent. stated. "Plan
will be drawh in the next few
months so work can start early ip
the spring.” Much of the pressure
brought to bear on the county t«
urge the establishment of a hom¢
for the insane of the Negro race
was due to workers of the Wes!
Tennessee Interracial Conference
which held its last meeting in
Memphis in October. Observations
had been made by these workers
that much of the viee and crime
committed by Negroes were those feeble-minds. Instead of con
fining such individuals in an in
sane asvlum thev merelv are
thrown in the county workhouse
for a few months and then seot
froe tn on back to societv and re
neat their cerimes. This grave pro
blem waorild be soived the inter
a1l eonforence vointed out, it
1 w-bifan. wavae pap.
manently confined in a penal in
«fitution for the insane.
W.batoFSafli 8y
Ao 15ays|T
i v @;"'"tfih‘:‘o;\‘\;’,‘:; oz
wews from the “Western Front”
Deacons chairs at each
other and raised so much distur
bance at Friendship Baptist Chur
ch in College Park until the police
had to make cases which were
{ried last night yet they ‘rave’
about my cartoon Deacon Jones.
they say he is disgracing deacons
of- the church by using ‘“cuss
words.” I think some of the dea
cons are disgracing Deacon Jones.‘
If the real Deacons keep on I am
going to change the name of “Dea
*con Jones” to Jesse James. That
name would be respectable to the
'way some Deacons are acting
‘What would the blessed Saviour
say if he would visit the earth and
find deacons killing each other.
deacons fighting, Stewards fight
WHICH IS THE greater evil? A
minister lifted a collection
enougst was not taken up so he out
with his pistol and more ¢ollection
was forthcoming which i3 a hor
rible thing in the sight of law
abiding people. A preacher whose
only objéct is to get money out of
his congregation takes up collec-
tion and he is dissatisfied because
the collection is not enough after
the congregation has given him all
they can spare with out resorting
ty ungodly things to feed them
elves the next week, proceeds to
tell them they are all going to hell
if they don’t give some more and
then more collection is forthcom
ing from fear——WHICH IS THE
Both congregations give unwilling
Bighar: 2 staunch member of Cen
tral Avenue Church always gives
good advice though jovial at times.
A readv extembporancous speaker
on all subjects. They say his fathor
was ‘a preacher and it seems as if
fate made a mistake when he did
not follow in his footsteps.
condemns Negro Churches for of
fering reserved seats for whites. I
admire Rev. Henderson for adher
ing to christian principles. When
the Negro church gets to the point
where every member does his
chuistiat ditty to support it under
its immense ioad of debt it ca»
stop offering inducement as special
privilege to a certain class to get
funds but as long as the church
‘n debt and the members are not
awakened or haven't enough christ
ianity = to - support their giant
structurcs necessity makes the of
ficials do some things that are not
according to ‘“Hoyle” or else there
will be a terrible diilemma. Rev.
Henderson you are exactly right in
your contention but when the ox is
in the mire you got to find some
way to pull him out
I HAD A ciass-mate once when [
was in school who was a brilliant
student and admired by all. He
vas an African and his name was
“Menzi”. He got displeased at me
one day and if I had not found the
door quick I would have had to
jump out of the fifth floor of the
huilding. Its great to have an Afri
|can's friendship but you got H-on
. your hands to mistreat one.
County Teachers
May Get Another
Pay Day Soon
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Dec. 16—
Another pay day for teachers in
the county school system may be
due soon, according to announce
ment Monday from the Jefferson
County School board, if the tax
payers continue to respond to an
appeal sent out by J. D. Moore,
president of the board. last weck
urging the public not to wait untit
January the first to pay their taxes
but to pay up now as the Novem
ber salaries are still unpaid. The
October checks were distributed
Saturday and more than two hun
dred race teachers are happier
thereby. °
The board is grateful for the re
sponse given their plea stating that
the teachers are dependent on their
salaries for living expenses and that
if these are not paid, the schools
cannot expect to remain open. Al
ready a number of schools in oth
er counties face the prospect of an
early closing and officials are hop
ing that Jefferson county schosls
will not be so handicapped. The
board also stated that it has alreudy
borrowed from the banks to the
limit of sound and safe business.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala, Dec. 16—
Charlie Array, fifty yecars old,
was given a fine of thirty-five dol
lars and costs in the Recorders
court Monday. Mr. Aray was pick
ed up at 7:30 Sunday evening as
he stood on the corner of Avenu.
B and 24th street with a gallon of
liquor under his arm .
N .
Gregg Tells Whites
What He’d Do Were
He a White Man
Lawrence, Kans. Dec., 16 - (AN
P) “Black No More” became o
reality at least momentarily for
Bishop John A. Gregg, ot the
Afr.can Methodist Ebnisconal chur
ch, last Sunday evening, December
' when ba discarded P s Vo e
long enough to discuss the topic
“if I Were A White Man” at the
white Methodist Episcopal church
here. On the same program, the
Rev. R. A. Hunt pastor of tho
church told what he would do if he
were a black man.
More than 6.000 persons of both
races heard the informal debate
which was the third program
based on race and religion held at
the church during the past month.
On November 15, Rabbi S. S
Mayerburg of Kansas iCty discuss
ed “If 1 Were A Christian,” Rev
Hunt taking the postion., *“If 1
Were a Jew.” Six Qriental stud
ents at the University of Kansas on
November 22 “Looked At Amer
ica”” while Rev. Hunt told how
“America Looks at the Orient.”
The largest crowd was present at
the program on which the Negro
bishoo appeared.
Bishop Gregg, an alumnus of the
University of Kansas and a be
loved personage cf both races in
Lawrence with his characteristic
humor told his audience what kind
of white man he would be.
What He'd Do
I T were a white man' «caid
the bishop, “I would emulate those
men who encourage colored youth
to atfend colleges and be like the
philanthropists who give them fin
ancial aid with which to go; I
would be like the early pioneers
who kept slavery out of Kansas
ond like the churchmen who sent
the colored youth t o Sunday
He said that he would be the
first to approuch th® Negro who is
naturally timid ar¥® embarrassed
and that he wol® attemnt to
break down the bar of prejudice
ind to understand the colored man.
The achievements of the Negroes
would be written down in the
school histories if Bishop Gregg
were white. He would rea'ize that
the civie, industrial !and social
conditions of the country would be
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Car b'g November Advertising Service is ready. It con
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Plan your campaign now.
: . & uolications
Who Will Show Them the Light
and Truth?
By C. J. James |
MEMPHIS, 'Tenn,, Dec. 10—
Among our many business und!
social leaders ,what are they dumgi
to lay a sound foundation for the
coming young men and women?
Among this class we have not one
public benefactor. Its is heartles
to think that among all these sup-|
posed race leaders, civic, social and
tinancial giants they have not laid |
any standard or set up any ideal
which our thousands of boys and
eirls are to be guided by, They have
neglected to develop character, the
value of coutsey, truth and self
reliance.. They have failed in one
of the greatest efforts and that is
of men and women and being an
inspiration to the thousands of our
boys and girls. .1l that the young
present day girls and boys have to
confront or face them, is the self
ishness, avidness, disloyalty and
inability to act under trying and
stressing circumstances. The sur
vival of any race is based upon its
CHICAGO, H1, Dec, 16 -(ANP)
~A. Phillip Randolph. chairman
of the National Negro Conference
and president of the Brotherhood
of Sleeping Car Porters of Amer
ica, addressed the Chicago Forum
in the Masonic Temple here Sun
day., December 13th. Mr. Randolph
confined his talk to a discussion of
of the economic problems facing
America calling the attention of
his audience which was chiefly
white, to the fact that the Negro
population comprising one-tenth of
the whole is being held on a dan
gerously low economic level and
that this fundamentally affected
the economic structure upon which
the rest of the populace rests.
improved if the shacKles of race
prejudice were thrown off. Il
would give the Negro a man's
chance to work wherever he is fit
and would recognize his desire and
right for life, liberty and the pur
suit of happiness. He would do all
in his power to guarantee these
rights to the colored man.
The Rev. Hunt declared that
were he a black man he would be
proud of the proness of his race
during the mere 65 years since
slavery. He cited as examples of
individual achievement the work
of Booker T. Washington and Drv.
R. R. Moton in the field of educa
tion; of Dunbar and Countee Cul
len in poetry; and of Dr. Carver in
character, standard and its unsel
fish material ideals and gain. The
boest security that our leaders can
give to their boys and girls is prin
ciple, good living conduct, and the
recognition of their felow man
right to live as well as themselves,
and duty to their race. Of course,
there are a few exceptions, andg
those exceptions are those who ar
daily trying to blaze the way to-:
higher race standard. Their efforts
seldom come to surface to be seen,
until the moss adds a selfish greed
and a divided race. What one in
dividual in Memphis, Shelby coun
tv. or the State of Tennessee, who
the fortunate and the unfortunate
or underprivilessed can point their
fingers at as a champion of race
rights or a benefactor? (no one).
If unlawful mercenary gains coudyg
be eredicated, we as a race, woula
find that fine thyead of disposition
to act fairly and intelligently. But
somewhere in the far future there
awaits us peace, harmony and un
Greenwood, S. C., Dec. 16.—Joe
Wah, 70. Chinese laundry man,
shot and killed his wife, Janie
Wardlaw Wah, 50, early yesterday
as she was sleeping, and fired two
shots at Henly Mathews, a roomer
in the Wah home &
After the shooting Wah went t
the home of Trank Arnolds, the
son of h's wife, and gave him the
pictol. e then surrendered to the
Testimony at the coroner’'s in
anest indicated that the shooting
arose from domestiec trouble. The
coroner’s jury ordered Wah to be
hold without bail and Mathews ar
rected as a material witness
W:ah hos been onerating a laund
rvy at Abbeville for several years
and had recently moved to Green
Coal ' ..
, Pay Less
Furnace Egg ...........$5.50
Kentucky Heater Egg . .$5.75
Kentucky Furnace Block $6.00
Kentucky Grate Block . $6.25
Supreme Coke . .S
Chiles Coal Co.
‘ North Side, MA. 1151
West End, MA. 4932