Newspaper Page Text
Ric Roberts, EDITOR
‘Melancholy’ Jones
Wilson L. Driver
Prarie View Wins Southwestern Championship By Bagging Sam
Birmingham Day
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Dee. 18—
In 1871 —exactly sixty ycars ago
tomorrow, was the beginning of
Birmingham. From a struggling
little mining village, #rmingham
grew as few cities have grown. T'o
day she stands without a peer, the
largest city of her age in the Na
Tomorrow, December 19 is Bir
mingham Day a day for the finest
patriotisin of all It s alag a diy
worth remecembering, that this is a
city worth loving; not only as a
place to make a living, but a good
place to lLive.
9 @&
1 ‘ 2
Visit the Capitol
g e B 50 7 A 55 A5
Win a “Bike” for
F e 5
\Q! it ": i\ ‘ / N
{ ; o~ e
S..-‘.‘\é‘- ', ‘
P N L . //
3icycle-built Veiodipodes, ba'l
beating of strong, sturdy (ou
struction, Decutdul new col
irs a'l‘i ("')['\E’~:ln"|tilll\f. 2
' special 885 and iip
C hers $2.95 and Up.
b 3‘::/"92&:'_"7 -,}fi . ,'/,(.11‘ s ,-\_:’_,» o |
W= 71 fe,ljl’ ( / S~/
W o N4
e ——t P g T
)o 2 T4
28 1Inch full-size, Morrow
Loaster Beralkes: U. S5 Tires,
Troxel Spring Saddle. In
beautiful colors and panel
stripe, $35.00 walne. Special.
Juvenile Size, $21.85 and Up
200 All-Steel
R 107
g o l"----h f.. : ! <650
A< RO < Tues
{ @) 'x.h ,o“} : Values
< AL/ |
20-Gauge steel
ody, roll - tnp$
tnd bottom, 10- '45
nch wheels, 1- g
Colors: Red and
green. (In car
ton.) Large size,
v e I el
g .7‘.‘:.'"—:‘ b
©) Mg
Bpeed King
Ball Bearing
The best Sknloz'$ ,45
made for boys
or girh_ Only
200 pairs, Rey.
$2.50 value.
See Our Complete Line Belore
You Buyg!
Used Bicycdles Can Be Traded
114-116 Fdgewood Ave., N.E.
SOV"Alnut 7995
789 Gordon St., 8. W,
RAymond 4154
See Our Xmas Display
Peachtree — at Pine St.
Opp. Prior Tire Co.
i "
! .
"l‘uskcgco And Clark Leading in Chances
~ to Become So Honored With Abbottmen
- Enjoying Edge in Percentage Score
ir v e LY Y 1 N Y T 1 T y 1 1
| . -
‘\L'I'H(H"i” the Houthicern Conference football season pldeled at
- coverlet. emitted the death rattle and tranquilly expired iate in
the afternocn of December 5, there are inquisitive, if not pyddlesome
souls who object to letting it enjoy ils consignment to a linal resting
place. Today and tomorrow, at Talladepa college. it will be eaverly
exhumed, its bones rattled and the cadaver carelully exarmined by
4 \,wkig
; il ik
: Qe
cxperts for the purpose, they say, of confirming suspicions, vecityims
rumers and acquiring accurate data which will lead ultimately to the
naming of the 1931 championship football team Tuskegee, Clark and
Alabana are avuolicants.
Reports of the facts found hy the autopsy comnmittee are nsued
annually and are commonly conzidered as officiai and the last word.
These annual mectings serve to remind us that tootball champion
ships, like any other thing. is won and lost at parliament instead o!
on the thirty yard line, or during the second hall. These annual. De-
| cernber exhaustive compilations.
| have alway: returned ‘Tuskegee
| Champion and justly so except for
'I‘JZZH when the situation rested ex
actly as it does now.
In 1928, Clark routed Tuskegee
13-9. Atlonta shellacked Clark 6 to
0, and Tuskegee got Atlanta U,
l 10 o 7. Tuskepgee claimed the crown
];uul pot it or rvather, kept it In
1001, Clavk led by Chiel Allkon in
stead of Sam Tavlor, rerouted Tus
| kegee 7 to 6. Alabama got to Clark
‘(‘:uli,\/ in October 19 to 7. Tuskegeco
| flailed Alabama 24 to 6. Hence, we
| have a parallel.
. The committee of coaches and ol
| ficiuls gathering today at Talladega
‘;n'v there for the signified purposce
| of applying the Dickinson Rating
System to the triangular argument
in point and thercby arrive at the
- 1931 monarch.
! Coach B. T Harvey, (he doesnt
coach now. but the name sounds
| better like that) is president of the
; organization and in an article pub
| lished about the country the other
‘day, boldly insinuated that Clark
{ would be the winner despite the
}rxh':( win Tuskegee enjoys in the
| percentage columns. It should be
| interesting to note carefully his
| own interpretation (which wii
| mean much) on this angle at the
: Talladega Convention.
| Tuskegee has a conference record
| that bespeaks the record of a real
1chumr)iun cxcepl for a single and
| very bitterly received kicking a
{ round ai the hands of the eternal
Clark Battalion of Black Death,
| (the only team to defeat Tuskegee
| since 1923 that calls its home be-
Ilnw the Mason-Dixon line) which
| is around anxiously awaiting the
| decision rendered by the autopsy
| committee.
| Clark boasts one of tb2 most pe-
Cculiar and dramatic records cver
| carved anywhere. She stumbled by
| four of her gternest foes i the
t fourth period, and three of them by
| the slender margin of a single
| point. The committee may decide
that after all it takes only a cham
pion to do such a thing as that. To
defeat Tuskegee, Knoxvile ant
Morris Brown is just about as mert
torious as taking Clark., Alabamns
Morris Brown. We will announce
the winner next wecek.
~ Cage-Mat and
~ (Cage-Mat an
~ Ring Event
-~ Ring Events
| Dope By Coke
]l,()Ul:s' CARDINALS
| MEMPHIS, Tenn. Dec. 18
{ ‘The classic of the scason will b
jpresented on Sunday afternoon
{ Hodges Field when the (but onee
ldv":-;.\lmh Tigers clash with nation
‘ll”.‘f known professionals.
i Local fans will sSee in action
iSun(h_\r, with the cardinals, rni
{Nevers, All-American back with
%N Y U in 1928 and Ken Stcong
[Strong was the leading national
jscorer in 88 and his add:dion to
the Tigers is great.
: In addition to plavers of vank
ing collepe “repute” the o are
former Clarence Savado.'s Tigess
coming with St. Louis,
A .
i o T p
i ¢ @ 4 & B -z
7 SR ¢ 3/ p & 1 E% R
’{ > o b ; i 8L A ] WPRE
§ e 3 b o I A % et . 7 (%5 S5, L% O % 4
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Morehouse Going
Okay; Clark, and
& T e ‘
M. B U. Nil |
| ; ; ¢ g
. Suspended interest in the Clark
fSumh Carolina State football clash
Lat Spiller Picld foy Charity: on
Xmas Day is tending to offset deep
feeling for basketball yet auspicious
Morehouse is off to an auspiciou:
1':-;1:n't. Knoxville, Tuskegepe, Tall
adega, Fisk Alabama. and the oth
ers followed suit the follewing
iweek” Clark got off at ths same
%lim.* as Morehouse, but due to the
if;u't that so many football men are
ibasketeers, and wvet-must remain
{down to prime for the Xmas mid
iclash, official practice has been
\indefinitely deferred. M o r i s
' Brovn will also stort late
. Knoxville lost only McTier and
| Needham last year and may be ex
‘pecied to be lots of trouble again
this year. The two-limes-in-gue
cession winners of the Southeast
ern. Conference cage honers re
turn Sol Sandford. Lamb Johnson,
Bert Hubbard, FEdwards. Render.
and possibly Red Wolls all of
whom - are lettermen The first
named pair were All-Southerns
Hayes of Pittsbureh; Browning of
Kansas City; and Tosey of Lexing
ton. are threec new mew who come
Lighly touted
Niocchouse Hopeful
| WoreBouse's prospects are less
bright than virtually all the other
conierence schools. Felix Banks.
Hetrack — Green;, Fuzzy Stewar!
Willie Wynn, and others are miss.
n from last year's hard-working
vounusters for one reason or an
ather; Leonard Archer, Everett
Mapp, and Red Smith are the only
tricd men returning back to Coach
I'rank Forbes. However, T e d
Mathis. a star for Alpha in lasl
;f'[n'inq':; Interfrat meel. looms as a
certain varsity forward Trips out
will reveal more about the vro
press of the Maroons i
~ Ezra Murdock. former Douglas
High star at Baltimore, Maryland
will be among the new faces in the
Morris Brown personnel this yvear
This tall, youngish looking follow
boasts six feet and two inches of
‘f',".“"““ a sparse 159 pounds, and is
said to .b(' a hell-fired shot and
ball-manipulator. Hig townsmen,
DeLoss Berry and Rat Williams.
bear out advance reports too! Mur
dock’s say they believe he'll go
lilze magie in this loop. We'll have
our eyes peeled!
- Morris Brown still has Drafton
IEn'bmls. 'R e d B.mdlev. Spects
Lright, Big Jim Reid, and Hidum
Y : I
Skegee Hi Topple
- Baby Hernet Of
- 2dbYy 1erne
| 1l
- Stite Normal
Montgomery, Ala, Dee 18 --(By
,’1":41' Associated Negro Press)--ln a
PoOst-scason game playved for the
benefit of {te local Hale Intiirmary
{the Baby Horoot aggregation of the
|Alabama State Teacher Collepge
Host their first game ol 1931 to the
"'J'li kegee high school eleven here
Pt i ton: Bowl dust week by
,.l"h- Gf 20 12
| :
: C
" 1
E(;nod State College
- & ! f
. Machine May Top
i Red and Black
- > r
if‘s"l‘:\'l‘i‘l ALL OKAY
L CHIER AIREN orim thar
Qi.t' has bocnh sinue ! Back laat
Lcaumpaign when loot . Cocky
}I)H-.v McPherson Pinkev. Lin
ywood. Garl Ray. anid aboul six
| other with one fell ] L Lhe
:I:UwJ ol - Rile = 15 tho i
pustod with the outlo] fon
Claple victony ob Xthas 1 Thie
Red and Black maob howing
i:::p\'lh ng but vietorious « in it
id.xil}' sessions
| Broadway Smith tnd oward
Arche: asuistants to Aiken, are
pERttne dn extrn thne withe Loy
\v,':n'\ir and backs respectively, but
(though a bit more optimistic thon
Hhieir elder think that the ftean
i they imagine State huas could stop
their recently listless men cold
! Panthers Loolk Stale
. Clark is fed up on football: that
ISemen ate. and ooz @ resuit
negative response is being shown
cenerally. Captain Jimmy Pinkn
and his: mafes fo the naked eyve
appear to be tryinir as hard as evel
but (he utge Simply IS missing
And . what | a8 man withouyt a
mine, or an auto without a motoer?
o On the other hand = periodic
gleanings from the State camp
| 1'¢ veal: the "j=1:'( of Brooks and
‘Cotton to be just about on edge
iN(,l lured by the lime glare of
bright lights. blatont jazz band
‘;md other f{empting items, th
(ataters: fend - lo yelaln perfa
|physical vigor as well as psychi
]l.);::v::“ fitnes:
e, —————
e s
Bogss o8 ,.,/4,.{,
Ve A A
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i el TR
S e B R
(oA e
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'5"2.‘531';:'52 o o RN
s (ot
State Attack Deceptlive
Cain, State's ftriple-thicater ane
sparkplug, is kicking, passing, and
running brillianfly = in - all- the
serimmages. Cotlon has eapitali
zed Turther on Cain’s versatiiitv bw
building up fakes, most of which
have Gregg another demon bacr.
coming in {5 havd ripping surgos
thtu “the ftackles and around tho
flanks. ;
Persons, a biz tackie who form-
McL.emore, all ot whom have ei
joyved the coveted honor of Ail-
Southerns in their murderous cage
span. Dyke Smith outdribbles and
outmaneuvers 'em all with the ball,
but has a habit of petering out
within five minutes. Jack Thorn
ton will go hot too, but he's a bear
of .a cager
Unofficeil practice ouat at Clark
reveals Walter Tate, a newcomer
from Dunbar High of Washington
D. C.. to be a worthy prospect for
the great Red and Blask five. Cup
tain LeRoy McNeil, Carl Rav, and
Donald Reeves will again loom as
certainties on the big Five. With
the outlook that WBrick Johnson
and Red Kinnev wil! be out grow
ing bigger and bigger, Lucius
Jones. making his debut on the
oligibility list this season as a
Clarkite is conceded a good chance
over Stout, Ted Johnson, an d
Doug Robinson for a Oveted for
ward berth on the Big Five lLong
Hamilton, Williams, Ed Kinney
Sam Clark, Arnold, Arnett. and a
bevy of other men bid fair to soar
as the season advances Big Mbw
Bobinson and Bates Blackburn
stars of Alpha last year, also loom
as heavy contenders, especially
Robinson, at center, in the event
that Brick Johnson dors not wear
the Red and Black spa=Zles this
'vear. Should all men expected for
official work function as per sche
idulo. Clark wil have the best indi
vidual corps of superior shots this
! ’ a
section has seen in Donald Reeves,
Big Kinney, Brick Johnson. Jones,
iStmxt. Ted .Johnsen and Doug
‘Robinson, and possibly Tate all of
lwhom have a deadly eve for the
basket. The former ouartet have
any _number of games tied to their
records in which they have tullied
fourteen points or better,
erly. perfornried for Nijclhooo |
' another hig 5 for b 0 = oatine
Bed Dawkins and We - pru
bably - the redioad Hark oje in
Negro lagolhaill (ot Lo
atid Pinkrev. of | 1
of the best in this conlerchee have
nothing on then bawking® pre
tige in hi 1661 rivals that U,
Dalrvniple in white urid elreles
What, loe Greene Again!
JOF GREENE - gquarterbaclke of
the South Carclina Slate eleven &
the most{ colorful man on the
squad. Joe Greene's mcleoric rist
in the football spotlight reads like
fiction 1t came over nipht. 85 the
legend goes, Greene was an 6b
scure gridder on a hupe More
heouse squad. The date of the an
nual nationally-famou More
house-A. Ul - eclassic was fopr at
hand. Joe Greene a star at beart,
was dissatisiied a n d. convinced
himself that he was not geeting hi
chance Finally. Joe vataled the
red hill, mnade the trek over () At
lanta University, and reported for
grid work the first afterncomn fol
fosvang RBis Arariste
game began to ¢! old Maorehaa e
with W A Soitt ovrnor and puD
lisher of this paper, peneralling
the leam, drove the ballito A | =
30 vard line Anoliir nower play
was called . by Guarterback W
Scotl. The elected buck L hiad
on the 85 yard hin Jou Greon
alert to a fault scooped up ti
erratically bounding agate o o
twisted 65 vards through U
Maroon secondary for ihe seqn
that biroke the Morchouse nmja
John Clay reeoided anothicr das
on -4 fumble later and A {1 Lo
upset a highly totted Tiger ¢l
with 4 baeleward ottt 120
That was back vounder tao! Pal
S odoels Girbere Wil hse vl
back apain sl not gn oa slicel
chair either The bov has ben 7
tHE s SLEONGEE thies sonar - It hae ooy
chiefly his wise gnarterbacking
mtertporsed ~with - an. peeasinligl
spiriled dath in the pinch thal 1y
made the Stlate eleven click =
magically e bovs a filhieno )y
Yeu su it be a fecat o ow e by
- haired,” olive calored, and garril
Dramatic Values To Meei The Spirit Of 1932
These days a 1man looks for more than price in the
clotkes e intends to buy. There is thal combination
of style and fit thoi is so essential with him. No
whera will you find this combination more evident
than in these New Fail Suits and Gvercoats we are
Every Ready -to- Wear
Suit or Overcoat
$ 95 and $ 95
& 8
W here Quality is Not FKxpensive
No Charge for Alterations
i B,
AR A -
RN LRI £4Y .o AN et —— RN 2 X i g s RN AN ; e
3 B e A . D S T e R e PRI IERe R .’;":-c.,‘»fi'“ e
UMV U e S . LIRS A ) St IR 2 fall [ ‘
L R A A LR~ 3 S & "
A £ g s < \ Y s
3 ™ bngdie (P £ %(‘ A 4 4%
.7 F P I /4 -. ¥
e e:; l&‘""“i’ » Wl 5 '*4" »* <SR {
$e L . A LB A o’ ¥ o i -~ AN -~ o,
i .5'2«-;« R ‘% . JQ'Q'.: A ':: s *”*s Ao RGNS
B RS Ry | SN e vk & AR R B P S S T R R ERERIR S g
R Dl G N o T #
m-‘,m;ww';xma“l ""—'?Fl\lumm.‘%.-"l-mwn é'rr' "m
«c ouih's Lovgest Cloiiicrs and Tailors”
177 Mitchell Street, S. W.
Hampton Grid Aces
= m rit .
irat Much Turkey
. 1)L >
At Big Banquet
Hamion Inatit ! 15
(i e Xosng i
Having oot
eagle bgetr. |
angd panther
lv- sridiros ot
titute football sq
voured seventy-live g I
ey at the Andital ) b
guet held in the Canpne o
The i;l!';l{!u“ Ty £ '
yvear by g @rolip of
workers and facuity nioribie )
the campls. anxicis o cinv .
some way their appreciatic: f
enviable record made by &
this season.
Charles I Weikiar ciny
e Plhysical Bducaticn Dopartinent
it Hampton: and the tetndor f Uie
21 8 A, menticaed i i |
the Abbott Football Trophin T
titts year become e Porry ine
possession of Hampion, arcl skefeh
¢d roughly the tentative riclivion
Ienu planned for esl yeod
The other spe ker ESCREMORE e ]
Willter- R Brown Hav S Ayt
Devan: Prol George A ety e
1 Howe: Parker sael Bamacy
fPronle I8 Rogers: Ciideah B Sl
fmd B impls Who oxpite el L
entiments of the sguad
X Y cnvf o L aiiwan b,
smas Entertainnients
ol LR UL e e 1y -
Amond the -vothie becphe ool e
city wheo will enterbagpiiiving 1he
Chislnas Hoid \ M
Theling: sol Ti 4 Jonie
N Setenaton e \ieaties
RLarplbs ok Wy doanes g ey
ol Joe Gireene bavie i okl
EEIeKS — 013 - Xhd By I o oPike]
2 AR AP AT A SRS ST S S S TEMR PRI | G Gl WSS A T L L L e s e s et o A+ 0D AL A et 8 .y
7 2 N T BRI 1 R o I IO A 90 (RPN V6 AR R R S T R AR el S < e
BRaEs g’l"’ G & s -‘;;?...v & e 85 e W o
gy e X f A 5% i) ¥ o 'y [ N s i
: & W Bl 8 3 W W4 ¥ 3 T R A Vo
a4 FEN A v v & 15 GO e 50 UL A WA
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A sl q‘:: l- ‘,); A i e & &y /“.f;‘f;.:‘.;_ L2577 AR
X oy SRS, AT AIN 5 T AT AR RO e, SRR T PR oo el 1 1kl P e
52 €55 A AR 7 B AT S5 4 A SR T 534 P T i P
§ -
i (1 r’:‘
U i Ul Ui
Taviar’e Toean =
Vavlor’s Team Has
" 1 »
Cinched Conference
m w7 ey (1
Honors for Texas
By F. A. Jackson
ATISTIN. Texas, December i3
The Prairie View Panthers wan
¢ r firet championship conte!
ence history when they defealed
the Sarmn Huston Dragons here i«
1 score of 25-0
i heatey ralngtHat télf tne
{ it the e tukl .r‘.
tieldd pto @igangniire gia
! top 1 i s lLeathing o f
Lt tean the Dradons triving
neciy ithnicx thaip Hrs
i and the Pa
1 1y pder to keop (hen
: ¢ : Ore. 1Nt n
' cial - detensive
G g iy
b I oecasion
1 it e teEritg 5
! 3 OiifE o
ried to
i ‘ ta have |
behind the
Lt eal Lo
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Fist Uoeriod !
i { it {rcar - biosil earity |
L ! £ ull i A naol §"x‘Ki
th filen o o he-Dragon |
g0 vl ! ber. and |
Lo on A off tackle |
I 1uch to the § yard hng
il thern ¢ ted ke end and
L R A T i AR e B {758 GO A R
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’Skip' Hazzard
D. M. Coke
Jimmy Perry
Huston 25-0
! q4 the goal Hne standing up
i the taachdown. Roberts added
the extin point on g thurst gt tefe
Ler Liater cin the reoond aUaeiap
M nooon aobeilliabt cut back ave
‘ tackle. pot off 1o a 20 vard i
trom midlield. A pass, Porter b
Martin o was - good for 25 yards and
placadd v oval on the b yvard
fr f i Mason went over for
the tauchdown The hall ended
with t Panthers in possession of
the ball on the Sam Houston §
ired HTHE ¢ ’l“;,)'hlv!!l g b_v’ a 130
Scecond Period
Ghe second period found a stube
st Deagon delense refusing. to
vickd ananch. Coach Sam Tavioes
Panthe continued under wraps
and resorted to straight football
Tvoo touchdowns were chalked ll])
in the remaining time. The first
camme aller the intereeplion of &
Dragon puis on their own 40 yard
line A ics ol end runs placed
the ball on the 20 vard line, from
whete a double pass, Robinson te
smitn to Nellum over the goal line
petted th etauehdown. The [aurth
and binal tuediy fedicwed sann after
when Magoon weint over from the
y vard line aftes a penalty for i
tertference Aath farward pass
plaged the bLall in ving position.
S he fourth guprier was all Sawm
Horston Unicorking g passing ate
tack, - Glyea brttiant despite the
wet Ll mized with "o brillank
runit attack, . the losers: drove
from tho avn 40 vard line to the
victon 2 yird e During this
ditve Jabineon, Dragon hatf. play.
o il et seinee for his o A el
FMister. cel oft f9 4 - brilliant 28
:‘\;yfi{ broken field run, which was
not o b dongest tun of the iy
bt | t spectacular. The
Gio tanded b the ball on the
ih Il %ard line i thae
1) I 7y The playing
of the Sani Huton hin was supetrb
with B3 Waoodson, anct
Flaodenian proving the brightss
L The Panthers meet the
!."\a‘ i sicte tornets New Years
“)u ol tiiton Teras 1o the
Fhotrth Aanaal New Yeais Foole
ball Clhassic