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A‘tlafntaflSo ciety
By Juanita Paschal Toomer
Elaborate Twin Parties Given
By Mrs. I. Sloan Blocker
Among the elaborate affairs given
during the werk were the twin
parties at which Mis. I S Blockes
was hostess al her residence on
One was given at 11 A. M. and
the other, which was an exact ren
lica of the first in decorations,
prizes ete., was staged at four
thirty P. M.
Florist's flowers used in profu
sion converted the spacicus parloss
into a veritable flower garden.
Yellow and znk were the pre
dominant colors: of the floweirs
Banking the mantel were pink,
carnations and tiny button Chryv
santhemums and arranged in vaszes
at other points were gorgeous huge
yellow Chrysanthemums, yellow
snapdragons, and pink roscbuds.
Bridge was the feature of en
tertainment at both parties and the
prize winners at the matutinal af
fair were Mrs. C. C. Cater. first
prizec Mrs. G. B. Warren, second
prize - and Mra. Brainard Burch,
third prize.
"In the afternoon, the lucky, con
testants were Mesdames Forrester
Washington, J. E. Salter and Mar
ion Partee, first sccon?® and third
prizes respectively.
A dc'ectable two-course bridge
lunchecon, was served at the card
tables, which were covered with
attractive linen cloths and center
ed with sprigs of holly, jauntily
1 :
Santa Claus Letters
39 Jackson Strect
Barnesville, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus:
I am a little boy three ycars old.
I am writing to let you know what
I want for Christmas. I want you
to bring me some toys and a pair
of shoes, a pair of socks, some
apples and oranges and candy and
grapes and also nuts. I guess this
is all cdear Santa, for this time
¥From Charlie McClendon, Jr.
Son of Mr. and Mrs Becher Me
s Clendon, - iy ¢
Barnesville, Ga.
39 Jackson Sirect
Dcar Santa Claus:
I am a little boy 18§ months old.
I am writing you to let you know
that I want you to bring me for
Christmas, a wagon, a pair of socks
and a pair of shocs, some appies,
oranges, grapes, candy and nuts. |
want you to bring mg some toys. |
guess this is ail Goedby2 dear
Santa. From Robert lLee Suttian.
P. S. Don’'t forget mother.
Hazlchurst, Ga.
Dear Santa:
I am a little girl nine ycars old.
[ am in the 3rd grade. Plogse
bring me a doll and dining room
cnt, a sweater, a pair of shoes and
apples. oranges and nuts. Pleas~
remember 1ay litile brothe: and
sister, Walter I, Vaught and Lillic
M. Vaught, alsa mother.
From yours as ever
Mary A. Vaught
Hazelhurst, Ga.
Dear Ganta Claus:
I am a little boy 7 vears old. 1
am in First. Grade I am a good
little boy. I study havd and am a
smart little boy now. I want you
to bring me an airplane, bicycle, a
pairr of shoes, a swealer and some
fruit. Please remember mother
enrd daddy, from litlle D. H. Wil
Acworth, Ga
Dear Santa Claus:
Here's hoping yvoir will be able to
come to see me this year. I am not
osking for any foy: this year,
since you brough!t me some last
5o please bring me a raincoat,
overshoces, stockings, shoes and my
schonl tablefs. You can bring me
some confeg¢tories, though, Mother
says I have been a good girl all tho
year, so I'll be lnoking for you.
Remember Mother and Father
and other poor little children. 1
am ten years old and in the third
grade. A good little girl
Irene FElizabeth MceConnell.
303 Glenn' Street. S. W,
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus:
I am a little girl 11 years old and
I am in the 6th grade low. I go to
E. P. Johnson High School. My
Bentley Shoe Shop
£1.25 White Oak Soles ‘ =
0 Rubler Heels
.25 Stiteh Picked | l'
.10 Laces
.10 Heel Pad -
Hecl Plates 1Cc
E. J. FULLER—Jo. 6204 76 Pryor SL., 5. E.
(corn~r Alabamn)
perched upon tiny jordiniere, con
[ taining sond.
l This gave the effect of a grow
ing bush.
i The guests at the morning party
were Mesdames E. G, Bowden
tChas. H. Johuson, H M Iolmes,
[ii‘. Raiford, Brainard Burch, J. B
'(}r(‘(‘m\'(md. Alex Hamilton, Sr.
H. S. Murphy, Matthéw Roberts
lAnnn Madison, Eliza White, How
(ard Pitts H Bell, M. 8. Davage
'l,awrvnoe Alston, Carrie Harper,
€ ¢ Cater, C W. Poweli, S M
!L(-wis. Samuel Cooper, L. D. Milton.
Frances Belcher, B. T. Harvey, H.
B Nash. & W Holmes. B (.
Baskerville, Birdie Gaither, C. C.
{ Wimbish, Eva Neal, C. W. Reeves,
{G. B. Warren, Harold Cunning.
lham, Wendell Cunningham, Annie
I PDoris Hall and Drs. Georgia
lchlIe and H. Ward Warner.
| In the afternoon, the guests were
Mesdames W. J. Faulkner, Mamie
Hamilton, D. P. Cater, Inez Thomp
gson. . Chaires. J. . Cook, H. 1.
‘Conley, Oteele Brown, J. E. Salter,
St Blmo Reynglds, E. 1. Parks,
!M:lri()n Partee, G. Brawley, J. 1
'B('il. Selina Shaw, Virginia Cana
l(iny, Forrester Washington. Irenc
i Powell, P. G Moore and F. A
Toomer and Misses Nell Marie
Hamilton, Carrie ‘Watts, Josine
iStarks, E. Lemon, Ethelyn Holmes,
Rubie Wise, Emma Arncld, Eva
Crocker, Irene Dobbs, Ranniar.
iHallie Beachem, Webster and
Katr Graves.
teacher's name is Miss Estes. Will
you please bring me a pair of
black oxfords, a pocket book tam
cap and a pair of sox. Thank you
Santa in advance.
Little Ruth Jonecs.
59 Hilliard Street.
Atianta, Ga.
Dear Santa:
I am a little motherless boy and
have no one to care »r me but
two aunts, and will you please re
member me. I go to school and in
the fourth high Please bring me
a suit and some underwear and 2
wheel. 1 have a little baby cousin
fifteen months old. Remember him
and bring him an automobile and
a little wagon and pair of shocs
and cap.
Woodrow Terrell and Dozier Hunt
Atlanta Ga.
Dear Santa Claus:
I am a little boy 4 years old. I
don't go to school yet but I am a
very good boy and I am asking you
for a wagocn and overcoat, a cap,
a sweater, a pair of shoes and dear
Santa. Please bring m y brother
James a bicycle and the rest ot
the things you arc going to hring
From Willie Mills, Jr. and James
“THE STAR CAME” a beautifuol
Christmas I'ageant, will be pre
seated by the Usheretis of Hig
Rethel Church, Suuday nighl
December 27th at 7:30.
W. Bonds, Mrs. Ocie—f.ce Cumm
ings, Mis. Austell and My, Roy
Cummings motored arwi {0
Orchard Hill, Georgia last Sunday
and weore the dinner guests of Mrs
Liney Willis. They reported a dc
lightful trip.
hier little daughter, Ella Will enter
tainced last Thursday cvening at a
dinner honoring Mrs. Maric
Arnold Miller and her young
daughter, Audrey of Drooklyn, N
Y. Among those present were Miss
Viola S.ans, little Miss Catherine
Howell and Mrs. Frances Ham
Met Thursday with Mr. McKib
ben, with the president poesiding.
Three new applications were re
ceived and were passed on to our
business manager for investigation
Next meeting will be with Mr.
Birown, Ashby Strect. All members
urged to bo ovegent
Mr. Joo dirown, president
Mr. Sunuel MeKibben, Business
Manager and Reporter
At the beautiful and spacicus
home of Mrs, Tennic WcFall on
\ —
| Don't forget the Benefit Moy u'\!
at the Royal and lincoln Theatie:
Sunday, December 20, from 2 p n‘{
to 7 p. n. Admission prices for the
Lincoln theatre on West Mitchell|
Street are the low rates of five and)
| ten cents, while prices at thel
Royal are set at ten and tvsrnty}
Mary Pickford in ‘* Daddy
ll‘('us" will be shown at the I.m'
eoln and Lawrcence Tibbett in
:"Th(‘ Southerner” will thrill they
i audience ot the Royal. |
These Benefit Shows are spon
ir::nwi by the Neighborhood limunl
{ for the benefit of the West Side
% poor children. |
Miss Lois Burge |
Hostess : !
On Sunday afternoon members
| of the Sigma Gamma Rho Soror
ity were guests of Miss l,m:;l
Burge at her attractive apartment
on Circensferry Avenue |
Potted plants scattered about the
room added a cheerful touch to thul
scene, ]
Plans relative to the National
Boule which will convcne here)
December 27-30 were discussed
A palatable salad course, f(rll'rv.'»‘
ed by a refreshing ice course, was
served by the hostess. The fnllnw-’
Iin;{ sorors were present: Misses
Rubie Wise, Myrtle Estes, I,uril(-i
| Harper, 1. Walker, Maggie Mar-
Vin. Knte Goosby, Janie Goosby
and Mesdames Maud Tolbert, Jesse
O. Thomas, B. € Bask(-rvillv,l
Howard Pitts, Carrie Connally, St |
Elmo Reynolds and F. A, Toomer.|
| . —~ )
Miss Myrtle Iostes |
e : \
Fintertains i
’ My! But these L’Etudes ““"i
Arts Club girls are having meet
ings with short intervals bctwc(fn.i
Scarcely has the ink dried on the]
pen o fthe scribe, who wrote :lb(lln.{
'Unv of the meetings, before she re- |
ceives the intelligence that anoth
er has been held. '
| On Friday afternoon, Miss
iMyrH«‘ Virginia Estes, V('I':..'i»;lt‘;
[ young society belle, was hostess 1o
the Art students at her home on
Parson Street. ’
A special feature of this meet-|
ing was a treatise on French!
poetry splendidly given by Mrs. |
Brainard Burch. |
Those present were Mesdames S|
M. Nabrit, A. W. Dent, G. E. Del-|
orme, B. Burch, Misses Irenc
| Dobbs, Bva Crocker and Georgial
| Caldwell ‘
‘ Mrs. C. H. Fain
e .
| Enter'ains
Featuring the social calendar of
the pas! wehk was a Very beauti
gul hridon parcty given on Monday
fterncen by Mrs €. H Fain at hep
| residence ou Sounithwest Parsons,
' Stroet ;
| Holly, mistletoe and other decor- |
ations. symboiic of the Yuletide
Season, adorned the home. |
g Afier scveral gpirifed games of
’hridzv a toothsome menu was
The members o fthe club, the
Bona Fides, who furnished the in
eniration for the affair, are Mes-.
dumes Mamic I. Clevpland, F. A
Hatton Sarah Williams, l.ona M.
]‘;‘/:v.tson. Ida H. King. FElla ‘M.i
fl!:rmntcm and Allie Auctin '111-:i
‘i!H(_‘.’}k! present on this nr_‘:-n".unl
were Mesdames John F. Cook, I?.,l
l\\’. Thomas and Pritchett !
o e |
‘ ;
550 West Fair Street N W Mrs. |
MeFall and Mrs Olian Leigh wm'(‘:!
hostesses to the Don't Wnrry,
Club on Monday evening, Decem
ber 7. !
The ciub was opencd with the
president presiding. A large num
bor attended. Our plans for the
]hn!iday aré now completed. The
lymmg ladies did their best to
imak" things pleasant and home
'!ikc for us. A delicious monu wds
::xorved. All left, loudly expressing
Itheir praises to the gracious hos
Mrs. F. Walker, president
! Miss B. Z. Moody. repopter
Will fheet at the home ol N
J W Walker, 1081 West Fair St
Thursday night, December 21 The
feature of the evening wiil be a
Christmas Tree. All membors are
urged to be present. We are glad
,to report Mr. J. W. Walker able to
be on the job again.
Mrs. Lillian Sherman, reporvier
Charley Brooks, presicdant
Met at the usual hour at the
jhome of Mrs. Eddie Jordan. 146
Davis Street. Meeting was opened
in due time with the president in
the chair. A wonderful Jesson was
Ltaught by Deacon J. E. Howard
J.esson was discussed by all mem
bers. Next meeting Docomber of
563 Magnolia Street, N. W.
Mrs. Fannie Dorsey, president
Miss Cora Mitchum. rep
| Was © delighffully entertaioed
| Wednesday night by Miss Bogeio
[Barn‘e:‘;. 90 di Wheat Streat, N
E. Business was briefly transactod
{ with the president in charge. Finci
tplflns were made for our annive:
| sary dance iom'ght on Savoy Club
!from !0.10’ . After n\(‘cung the
| club enjoyed a social hour. :
The repast was enjoyed by all
Next meetifig at the hore of Miss
Minnic ' Jones. 311% Ol4 Wheat
Street, N. E. Decémbar "0 1
l Mirs. Mary Scott presidet
Moo Mattie Sue Wade, scoretary
Personal Mention
Mr. Joseph H. Douglass, noted
violinist of Washington, 1. C
was in the eity recently. e wa
the guest of his father-in-law and
mother-in-law, Mr. and Mis. David
T Howard on Johnson Avenue, N
Fricnds of Miss Ella Ramsey will
be happy to know that she has e
covercd from iMuries sustaincd. i
an automobile accident.
Miss Willie Verdelle Day vl
leave the city this week for Ty
kegee, where she will spend the
Chiistmas holidays as the gucest of
ME and Mrs. 3 J Flood
Miss Clenpatra Love will spend
the Christmas holidays at her
heme in Macon, Georgia.
“In the midst of joy. there |
sirrow: & degeriplive of the
stuation of Sigma Gamma RBho
Sorority, Whiie extensive prepara- |
tion are being raade for a gala na
tional Boule during the holidaye,
the Grim Hand of Death snatchces
away two close relatives oi
prominent Sigma Sorors, namely,
Mr. George White, father of Soror
Mazndelinre White and Dr. B H
Butler. hiusband of Soror H R
President and Mrs. John Ilope
had as their house guest last week |
Mr. George R. Arthur. ,’
Atlanta Sociely has had the op |
porturity recently to bask itself in
artistic atmosphere, First came
Abbie Mitchell, soprano, who was
the guest of Spelman College
faculty and students and then
fangston Hpghes famous young
poel, who was the guest of More
house College faculty and stud
ents ‘
Pollyannas Meet -
Mrs. J. E Salter chose Friday aft
ernoon for the party at which she;
was hostess in compliment to 1!1(:,'
members of the Pollyanna Club. i
Decorations. ugpestive of the
Chritmas season tavether \l.'i'h[
lovely potied plant Were us‘-"i}
throuszhout the reception rooms of!
the Pailey Street residence of ‘\ht‘;
Saliors i
Four games of —uridee were|
played after which atlractive
prizes were awarded to the win-|
ners of high score ‘
A delicious menu was served
upon the card tables which were
covered with erepe paper covers,|
- T PRI X A e e & B g 0GR oY (K57 0 T e e % IR A e T
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4 - : ‘ e BEREre s o L e ARl | ,:"tfij‘%&;'fi gV
Tune In on All the World!
Enjoy the better radio reception
which sets with all modern fea
tures make possible. But—
Don’t scttle on any set—don’t
think of it—until you have been
around to our store and have seen
and heard the New Stewart-War
ner Silver Jubilee Sets — “Round-
Lthe-‘&(/orld” Radio.
These sets were produced by
Stewart-Warner to commemorate
their 25th Aaniversary. And such
a combination of quality and low
price, we have never before seen,
much less offered in brand ncew
up-to-date radio sets.
Superheterodyne Circuits
with the latest Muiti-Mu and Pentode
tubes. Fuil vision dials. Tone control.
Electro-Dy namic chroduccrs. Tecle
vision terinivals —FEverything you'll
want in radio ios years to come is here,
in the handsomest of walnut cabincts.
World-Wide Reception
is 2 big outstanding foature. Some of
these have butlt-tn Shore Wave Con
verters. By a mere turn of a dial you
can convert them into short wave r.-
ceivers, for the reception of foreign
stations, ships at sea, local police calls,
amateur broadcasts, etc.
Other beautitul models in the latest
console and portable types.
Round-the Wsid RADIC
% ‘lSUA LEEHTH . Ine.
=81 Peaehitree Ni. W Anat 6B IS
Mrs. J. I.. Wheeler and Mrs. William
Burney Jomnt lHostesses
Evangeline Adam ratiid b
told prospective fres fesges fhtl
Thursday was a fuvorable day o
Mesdames Whecler ancd Pavia
dlso choge Thinadioy for their pa
given jointly at the vosidonpe o
Mrs. Wheeler on ol o0 "Ave o
Chanor .of the Utopia [iterany Clhun
L The lalatial Wheol linie wei
i(‘”f'r.‘l,s\'r'h decoraied wilit Gl
‘mas embler s and bocae coarner o
the lHving 1ooor a L and beat
ity dvesaed Clhividbmasy freh g
minded <ucest that the Yalelide
£eason 10 upon U
| The Ulopiand are persons with
literary propensitics and the foll
owing procoan . was rendered o
their delectation
L Chiielmns Cgrad
L2 Praver i
-8 Christmas story fold by Mg
Comer, of Clark Universily, who
proved herself a raconicuse of 595
mean ability.
Mrs. &, Milton Nabrit iioners {lub
Mrs. Margaret- Miles
Sims Fetes Foothall
Ag o =phocidl eouriesy s o (he
Morrie Browr foothall deam Mes
Margarct Miles Simas popiilar se
orerary - a9t th "-;"‘;-1_!2_\," ontop
tained at an informal reception on
Friday eveninz
Thne blie toorm v the selting in
which the reeepition was hild and
special features of the affair were
fap dances and other esthetic ex
hibitions of the Terpsichorean art
Music was furnished by the Mor
ris - Brown: Oichesten under. the
capable diveclion of ['Eofessor
stamped with Chriztmas cmblem:
In the cepter af cicli able W
placed A vase containing a beuti=
fitl Boineetliy
The members present were Mes
dames A Cogaper S 5 Abfams,
€ W Creeno T. J Henry W €
Kelley, € W Powell NP Tillman,
A T Walden Two gnests Mrs B
T, Harvey and MNiss - Maadestine |
yangerfield, were present
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1 Christmas Carol:
h.. Short stories related in capt -
vating fashion by iss Simpkine
of Morris Beown University.
6. Cheistmas Carol
i, Cliristmas Customs, (includ
mg deveral nations)) inlerestingle
leseribiod by Mrs, Viola Hill.
. M Ann Thomas gave cuit
cnt cioent
Sulcenire of the oecasion wers
by ored o ctopkings filled . Wil
The b of the rclub are
Moy I 40 Wheelor, H &
Barnwell J W Modizon Allce
Care o Hamiiion S Tous
Hamibem Mare Baoher, M-S
Daviige. Wi Piiney Birdie Gaitls
ere gr. Fehih CUeaoenan Brools
Hatlic Seor. Carce Waper,. Bve
Neal Jolin 1 Fiedd and Misses
Ann ‘Thon and e Hanas
A gren o e ooty e as
also e nd
‘Ehe: number of loply affainy
given durmg the past week were a
fittinge prelude 1o the Yuletids
festivities. Among the very beauts
fal affairs staged was an alaboi gy
party given by Mis. S Milton Na
brit at her residence: on Henry
Sirect :
The affalr was a eotivtesy o the
members of | Fiudes Des Arfs !
As the name implies the ¢lub is
compe:ed of artistie devotecs and
the® “mectings are usually pent
indying the various phases of ael
bl becausec of the proximity ol
the: Christimas holidavs: the roeet
g on Thursday was-of a social
nature only.
An elaborate chicken dinna:
vas served by the hostess - The
merabers of the ciub are Mesdames
¢; & belorme A W Dent NMao
Proctor and Brainard: Bureh and
Misses frene Dobbs, Georgia Cald
wel! Myrile Estes. Nell Maric
Hamilton Eva Crncker Stella
Knox and Madeline White
S 1 R T TR W WSS | ST 55 A NN G
. .
Sociely Mews
Skorf Wave
The unit can be used 1
Fm-’\ a0y A €. s
Enables you o tune tn i
eign and also dorioc
short wave programs a’ s
simple rurn of a dial. Co
plete with tubes, in walr
A truec midget that per
forms like a GIANT. With
in 200-miles radius, its re
ception is comparable tn
that of larger sets. Has
latest Multi-Mua and Pen
tode tubes: also specially
designed elec rro-(fvvmv'nr
reproducer, Beautifvl dull
walnur finish cabinet, 15%
ini. wide, 12% in. high, 10
in. deep. Price complete
with tubes, only
Id=al for use in limited
room space. Scurdy walnut
cabiner of distinctive de
sign. 19 in. high, 14 in.
wide. Embodics new sim
plified superhetcrodyne
circuir.Mufii-.\iu and Pen
tode tubes. Tone control,
Flectro - dynamic repro
ducer. Television terminals.
Complete with tubes, only
& o A
@ W e
i/ B2 Lo Rt
™ N WA= i
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Epicures Goes Rampant !
.1, ERICURUS had his day last Friday night ! Yes, sir, Ole Epicure
15 went berserk | Four hundred flippant and chic feminines and swanky
and immacuiate n ulines went wild with fun! tun! The play instinet
/;Do":fi / t 'll IHM,)‘ x H})«) above, and fimv acceler
:~’2§f4}b§’ ’ ted at fever heat throughout the night Numerous
i % | sons and brothers of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
é&i i i plucked heroiczlly at their mental stuft--and the res
»"’ o 4‘ cult was the hair-erecting, emotion-mingling mirth
. ~'« i cpivode of Friday night. Mirth held sway, all were
"X@Q)W“%J gay. and everybod, ent cock-ecyed with that “"many
b R ey Z - = =
:‘:‘ % MISS MARION GROGANS, allegedly the most ats
[l ‘2“"; tractive you lady in Marielta, Georgia, added a
W i ‘fi) sweet sovor to the occasion, motoring down with
[ 5 j Messis Geor Hammond and Webster Porter. Not
' ey a few of ihe “zive 'em all a break” gentlemen preseng
persevered for “foot-battles” ! GARNER STEARNS, who doesn’'t give
i rious ‘hought to mileage at all vwshen he wants a good time, came
tl vy from Slagtown cor somewhere many miles from here in his
hi1 pia eports roadster to have it out with Ole Epicurus. “Spogo”
nows all the ropes, and to prove my point, he's stopped smoking
el cigai Oh ves, the former Purple luminary is too swanky for
repes these days. d
HE “FEM WERE LOOKII( O, HOT! Edythe Wimbish, Vivian
! Lawi c and Lois Rutledze, Irma Gantt. Alyce Creecy, Clara
Wffie MeGhee, Marcuctite Jones, Lillie McAfee, Mabel
Hood Luth Simpkins, Margaret - Miles Simms, I'lossie Armstrong,
1 { fin: Thelma Boyd Dav India Nelson, Ruth Haywood,
1 to Havwood, Willie Kate Taylor, Edna Taylor, Margaret
E Frve. Rosa Elligan, Lila Henderson, Phozie Dawson,
‘ B v Susie Warren Jenkins, Rosa Thomas, Georgia Bishop,
{ ] Juanita Perkins. Peortha Smythe, Juliet Jackson, Ruth
4 t'n Arnold, Louise Davis, Dolar Margaret Williams, Addye
I . Sadye Wat Atliera Gitmove, Anne Lois 'L'ravers,
v('nr;‘m':wl on Pagze SiX
I < 1 Y ] 5 B hl 1
» ‘l
Pridge Slippers
WA . \\\ . Y
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"2. ’i:-\gflv —;:
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%/ Q‘\({ e Blue Nile or
: R ol :
i \ B (orzl. Quilted Lining
g \J\._~_v .
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& ;‘M g R )
) See——
- BB AN\ - ,-f
7 i @ St ‘l wen ,",//“ “\\‘.\ 'fc,'iA ' t
Aopnas g GILILS
TN Just a few more days left. .
Ly o) L : , - B 3
’djfi Come in now and select [
1//, o ; A l\f
,”“%fi'\ vour oift. Do not overlook [EESEE
4W13=_\‘\< : - . : . &
"L;‘% oui stock of beautiful ear- COPSAN
é‘m—f‘f_‘ I rines and cdidrops and EEEESEEE
Eirg our wonderful bargains § 5 f
‘Q{JJ’ in diamonds. VS B
swerial Reduced Prices]Begins Mon.
J. L. HOLLOWAY, Jeweler |
172 Auburn Ave, N. L. Phone Wa. 2772
‘213?&&?%&?&2&#@#&" 30 oo vl
4 Could you make Dad or Ma a finer gift or bring Xmas cheer i
Af, any better than a new Set of Teeth? Inexpensive but evers S
f){ lasting. Remember—Good Teeth means Good Digestion— P
i#' gives Good Health. Arrange today—don't delay. = - &N
'{}vi 1}\(&: OF THIS g ? 4 A B MATERIALS | §
:5{; xMAS OFFER N tic e ‘4 USED ‘B8
g{ A\()‘y $ ‘n : l.&“‘.‘;' .,, .:'1
’.\{ Repaired VR, o l’;/." o 2
$ Whil-U-Wait IR, P T
é& ;L 571 Whitehall 8t. And_ by’ ADDh