Newspaper Page Text
Seaburv Graft Ouiz to Hit 600 Harlem Speakeasies
NEW VYORK, Dec. 22.—(ANP)
The regular routine in New York
City has been resumed. Mayor
Jimmie Walker is back in town af
ter a short trip to California, the
investigation is still on and Christ-.
mas is just around the corner. a
darp sight closer than prosperity..
Buf the work of Chief Counsel|
Samuel Seabury in the city wide
investigation is throwing havoc in-:
to the rank and file of Republicans
and Democrats alike
Jumping about like a Mv.\'u'un!
bean and missing no one, Mr. Sea
bury is going into first one thing,
and then another. opening up wide
holes into which his assistants’
plunge recklessly.
Having thrown over the Staten
Island unemployment scandal.
which showed that many youths
wiith care had been placed on an
uncmployment relief payroll, al
though Tammany gave the official
involved a coat of whitewash the
dodghty investigator is now attack
ing the speakeasies and gin mills
whieh will surely biing tears to
Puring the Republican campaign
pride ‘to Mr. Hoovz:'= election, a
sunvey of Harlem :.owed some
thing like six hundred speaks in
open operation many of them hav-
Mg . private entrances for Jadies
and parlors in the rear much more
¢laborate than the old time saloons.
Since that time, the number has
increased. the elegance of the
speaks has been glorified and the
business flourished. Where there
wasgone speak to a corner, there
are pow almost two. And right on
138th street and 7th avenue is Har
lem's finest speakeasy, Harlem's
finest dance hall. Next to the dance
hall the new extension to the Y. W.
C. A. scheduled to open very soon,
just next door to this, the Abys
sinnian Baptist church, then the
fine apartment houses of the Mon
arch Lodge of Elks. All in a nice
distance of each other.
And now Mr. Seabury has open
ed the way for the investigation h}"
offering immunity to the police
who will testify irr the hearings on
the conditions.
George Kinney. Greek merchant
who was wounded when three bur
glars entered his store at 147 But
ler Street, last Saturday night, died
Sunday afteinoon at the hospital
at 2:45 o'clock, according to re
ports. The Greek told police before
his death that he was sitting in his
store wheice the bandits entered the
Tan ( nanded him to hold up
tho . bo Lald here Soturday night
do so, thinking that he was the vic
tim of one of the many jokes piay
ed upon him by the many fellows
in the neighborhood. one of the
men fired upon him. The bullet
wounded him in t left arm and
passed through his arm on through
his body. -
No one wa ble 't furnish a
good descripticn of the ma2n. When
the: three shots were fired. N
Wissman, 224 FEllis Sfreet raced to
the daor e 1d ) the
men: fleeing fiom the nlac The
stote \was i w charz bw DPete
p T
; !
Prr D M Taylor of Columbus
Geo&gm. senior warden of the
Masbnic lodge, state of Georgia and
jurisdiction, at a special session of
the ‘body hed here Saturday night
was named grandmaster cf the
lodge to fill the office left vacant
by“the recent death of Dr. H R
Ritter Sr. It was anncun-~d that
thé term of office wil expire in
June of 1932.
Dr. Taylar is very well-known
thushich out the sovih and a large
figmber o T friends were: well
hl‘flied over the induciion of the
F?h}m‘ warden i1 the gr-and
m.:\%cr.vhip_ Scores ot friends both
in speial and buciness circles sent
cofigratulatory messages to the
fomv- spnior warden, as did a
nuth~~ ~f brother masons
'm newwlv inducted grandmaster
js .4 Virginian by birth and gra
d\,&'d from Shaw University and
Freedman's hosnitzl. He has been
prd’icin;z medicine for over 25
';!9555 and has heen a Mason for 20
5 3 . Dr. Taylor has nracticed in
E;’%’éfi)‘ufi“hwz for the entire 25 vears
- of %5 medical pareer. The sincuinr
hoxt' of city physician ic held b
thel doctor.
: *-g:ng‘ ‘other fraternal offeces
helsk by tha ./ doctor was that of
exaled ryler of the Georgia state
Elks, é i
R A e
&41ie Monre. 144 Chestnut St
_f8 #n Gradv hospital with 2 deon
- stabt wound in the hack and police
. #rg searching for John Smith of
. theg same address, whom s h e
named as her assailant. According
‘fo'the ini'1~ed woman. the man at
kel her nfter a hented
Sight of 80 Cents
Leads to Robbery
Try, Man Thinks
Shot in the left lLimb by an un
known man, Sam McNell, 446 Vine
street. who was admitted to Grady
hospital Saturday night, told po
lice that he thought his assailant
wes attempting to rob him and wa:
frichtened away when he scream
ed for help
McNeil said he was enroute
home from Tom Petty's barbecue
stand on Vine Stieet. a short dis
tance from his residence. when the
shooting occurred. He was of the
opinion that his assailant had fol
lowed him from the stand after
seeing him get eighty cents change
from a $1 bill.
The bullet entered McNells lett
lez at the knee-cap. doctors say.
but did not fracture the joint
After the car in which he was|
driving was struck by a truck, Ed
Thomas, 112 Young street, who wasy
hurled through the roof of the|
automobile. was found to have hxs}
arm broken in three pieces {
The other occupant of t h el
damaged machine, G. H. R()sen-‘
bush. of 1505 Fairview road, for|
whom Thomas was driving, 5
escaped without injury. The ac
cident. according to Thomas, OC-‘
curred five miles outside of}
Gainesville l
Thomas was admitted to Grady |
hospital Friday night. h
K Harreld to
emper Harreld to
o ® ;
Give Recital at
Kemper Harreld, nationally cele
brated violinist, has been engaged
by the Douglass Relief League ‘o
appear in a benefit recital at Lin
coln High school, Tallahassee,, Fla..
January 4.
Mr. Harreld will have the sym
pathetic accompaniment of his
daughter, Joscphine Harreld an ar
tist in her own right.
The proceeds of this recital will
assist the Negroes of Leon County
to share their allotment in aidin»
unemployment thru tfie medium of
IL.eon County Welfare association.
Stops to Chat With
. -
Men in Field; Shot
Stopping to converse witn a
group of men “tanding amid a field
ncar McDaniel and Coleman street
proved costly for William High
tower. 901 Welch Street, for when
the crowd dispersed at the souna
of a gunshot. Hightower emerged
with a bullet wound in his left
The injured man who was ad
mitted to Grady hospital Saturday
night, was unable to describe the
1 3
Sunday night Roy Brawner. 593
Ashby stret. N W was robbed of
$5 by twao bandits while walking
along the streot One weighed a
bout 150 pounds yeillow complex
icned and wore overalls. He aiso
had »n automatic. . The second
weighed about 140 pounds, was a
bout six feet in heicht and scarch
ed the vietim, pockets
At the corner of West Peachtree
and Third. sircets the home ot
Robert M. MeFariand, Monday was
robbed by burglars who broke the
class out of the front door. Approxi
mately 83 in cash was missing A&
handit described as brown skinned.
about five feet eight inches tall,
wearing a brown hat and overcoat,
was seen by neighbors. He had es
caped when police arrived.
In an alley located off 992 Har
weil street, Will Henley, 404 Glenns
street. who is a drayman for the
Georgia feed and grocery com
panv. 265 Peters street. was robbed
of %54.69 Saturday, he recipts of
the day's deliveries. The robber
wore a mask, lumber jacket. and
overalls. He was about five feet
in Leight.
Near the intersection of Bank
head avenue and the railroad Sat
urdavnight A. F. Cranford, white
788 O:itk street, who is a watch
man at the Atlanta Cinder. Block,
and Title company, shot at twa
Negro men earrying three sachs
of flour. The men dropped the
flour and fled. One of the sacks
was stolen hefore police arrived
ard carried the other two sacks to
tho police station.
The home of Eddie Mahone. 218
Glen Ivis drive. was robbed of one
brown cuit and a blue suit, both
rined. The robery occured Sat
cedav pight, :
S F. Baker. 322 Richardson stref,
vas robbed of $21 by two robbers
Saturdev night, One of the men
had a pistol. was tall, wore a brown
b2t and was brown skinned.
Saturday night. A. F. Kinsey. 968
Hemphill avenue was held up at
‘he corner of Fair and Park ave.
The loot netted $21 and a white
rold watch. The robber had a hair
''n and seemed to be 18 vears old.
five feet eight inches in height. and
weighed around 140 pounds. He
*as unable tn describe the other
tswo men,
The couth Atlanta Soda and Press
ing club. 1321 Jonesboro road. was
Rain Cuts in Charity
Show Fund; Ask Aid
Despite the constant downpour ot
rain which continued throughout
the day Sunday., a total of more
than $p0 was cleared by the venetit
shows staged at the Royal and Lin
| coln theatres. according to iurs
| John Hope. chairman of the unem
‘ ployment committee of the Neigh
borhood Unien, sponsors of the
shows for the benefit of unfor
tunate West side kiddies.
“We would like to thank all who
so kindly interested themselves in
cur project and especially the
managers of the Royal and Lincoin
theatres for the use of their houses,
Chandler Fi
/ e
(Continued from Page 1)
surance or not, as there were still
some standing notes oa the prop
He said that he knew the hearse
and two automobiles were cover
Plans for reorganization of the
company are already being com
pleted, according to Mr. Chandler.
which call for the erecting of a
new and larger building and the
the purchasing of new equipment.
He could not stgte the exact date
when construction would begin.
Once on Auburn
The funeral home was for many
years located on Auburn avenue
in the Herndon bu'lding. It was
founded by James C. Chandler,
more than a dozen years ago.
The establishment took it's
first lpcation in a wooden struct
ure located where the Herndon
building now stands. The estab
lishment moved to temporary
quarters during the constructon
of the building and later moved in
ing there until the early fall of
to the finished building remain
1931 from where they moved to
the location on Houston street. |
~ Pastor Kill
i astor Killed
5 (Continued from Page One)
fthc counter, Rev. Smith said, the
stranger drew a revolver from his
' pocket and fired one shot into his
right side.
i Rey. Smith then attacked the
| stranger, using the slab of meat as
'a weapon .As he floored his anta
gonist, the storeckeeper said, the
Fs!ran;:ox’ fired another shot which
entered his left side. The preacher
was unable to give any accurate
description of his assailant and of
ficers investigating the case have
}::(‘("urwi very little evidence upon
which to base their efforts to cf
fect an arrest. Rev. Smith’s store
| is located in a thicky populated
Negro district near . McCay Hill
entered by a buglar Sunday who |
twisted the lock off the front dun:‘.}
The goods were recovered by two |
students of Clark university, R. G i
Anderson and Samuel Jackson. |
The store is owned by M. O'Neal |
and the goods were turned over t |
him. ?
Sunday morning Charles Truiett, |
352 Chestnut street, was held up
and robbed of a pair of shoes and!
overcoat. The loot also included |
40 cents in change. |
Tag-—Auto Accidents |
Saturday at the corner of Har- |
ris and Spying otjects W B
McCurley. 1050 Ponce De Leon
street in a sedan. was struck by a
avenue, traveling North on Spring
roadster driven by an unknown|
man going on Harris street. The|
driver of the roadster jumped out |
and fled The car was sent ln!
Bell Brothey {
Another accident in which the
driver deserted the car oeccured
Raturday at the corner of Tatnall
and High streets when a truck
operated by . W. Edwards 578
Stonewall street, and owned by
the owned by the Pedigree Daries.
left turn into High. The truck
going nirth on Tatnall made at
was s'deswiped by a sedan which
was virtually demolished. Thfll
truck was not damaged and the
sedan fled on foot leaving the’
wrecked car. The license tag was|
traced at the Capitol and found to|
have heenisiued to the I and L.|
manufacturing company, 262 Gai-|
reet street i
| (i
| | Isss ‘
| w»«
‘ e t
s, =
| w DO A A b
[ —_—— e
for '
|| 'Bladder ana |
Kidney Trouble |
At Your Dfl‘mt or Bond 80c i
rrdiTon & oo, o ¥ |
. uh Szeet Breoklyn ¥, Y.
the exhibition companies for the
films and W. A. Scott, editor ol
the Atlinta World, for his in
valunable publicity, Mrs Hope
sald Monday.
= Though slightly- short: of the
-goul we had expected, we feel
grateful to the patrons who came
out to aid us despite the inclement
Plans for the erection of a huge
Christmas tree on the University
Thursday are already complete,
according to Mrs. Hope. The party,
to which all unfortunate west side
kiddies have been invited, is sche
duled to start at 2:30 p. m.
Should the weather be unfavor
able, Mrs.- Hope said, the party
will be held inside the old gym
nasi'um where a suplemepntary
tree has been erected,
Further donations to the fund
for the party are heing asked by
the unemployment committee due
to the fall-off in reciepts at the
show Sunday. These should be
sennt to the Neighborhood Union,
706 West Fair streets or those
interested in donaing may tele
phone Main 0611 for a representa”
tive to call;
The committee s also seeking
toys for the children, who, with
out aid. would find empty stock
ings Christmas morning. All toys
should be sent to the West Fair
street address. |
(yarments are being suplied the
older children. whose fathers are
unemploved. by the committee at
its party Christmas day. The
nmes of the kiddies whose prents
re unble to clothe them properly
for the winter months. were sup
plied by the public schools. More
200 children's names have been
sent ‘in, according to the com
N2 9
Attacks Friend's
(Continued from Page 1)
ed to the aid of his mother, and
Miss Daisy Smith, sister of the in
jured man. later joined in the at
Only neighbors interfering saved
Mrs. Robinson from being beaten
& ‘ =
. B A
s TN
'f".‘_:‘ q 4 /‘/ N
A .“:'t' 'fl? ,:fi :
i AN N ) .
AR W o ST ™ - -
May we take this opportunity to wish
everyhody a Merry Xmas and a Pros
perous New Year and to assure you
that in the coming year just as in the
present you will fine Dodson ahead of
the pack in rendering service and in
giving the best vrices on High Test
Gas and Oil Save meney by trading at
Cor. Auburn Ave. & Jackson
Phone Ja. 8084
0 . ¥ % i >. 7 ‘w" . : .
e 0] X
e o Ly
P ‘
sl g W R .
Sa Tt Rl . ’
**‘%’%, A\ |
£ G e g
Rt [or
O o A
! M
' Pive lovely shades of natursl com- / - ,/ 3
plexion brown. T ,5"’« ‘\\\‘
' The color chart ranges from dark e J) i
brown to deep cream, cargfully 5 O i
compounded to blend with the R P
varying complexions. Also Poro i Al RS
wder comes In Brunette, or 8 G P
Floosh, or White, = delicate, fra- & e e /
grant, clinging. %* i
Three rich warm shades of rouge . i o
and lip-stick to suit your partlc:ar e !
type of coloring. TR '
Your Poro Decler will serve pos B : "
or write e
A g :
PORD COLLEGE, inc. ki b
Poro Block, 44th to 45th Skeet / /i
Poro Vanishing Cream :
makes a perfect base i
to death by the trio, WITNESSES Sdy.
| Mrs Rohinson ran to her home at
t;;:j;; [vons Street and awakened her
Bushand who b aid had gone
to nod
Diossings Robinson -returned to
the Noirt houschold and asked
for the mcamng ul the altack up-
L on his wite Nuorris, who neighbors
| said had been drinking heavily, 18
said 1o have replied thal he would
beat Robinson “you dont get the
h— ol of this holse
. Picking up the lamp i question,
Norris is sawd to have hurled 1t at
Robinson's head narrowly missing
it. Robinson retaliated with a chair,
which struck Norris on the fore
Robinson then, according to wit
nesses, pulled a curved-blade dirk
and struck Norrvis in the shoulder,
knocking him down. He then ad
ministered two more stabs, one in
the neck and the other. which may
prove fatal, - in Norris abdomen.
Norris by this time was on the
floor lvinz in a pool of blood.
Norris' mother, Mrs. Smith, ran
throuch the door and shouted for
help. and several neighbors came
to the rescue.
- Robinson then brought the in
jured man to Grady hospital in his
automobile, where an X-ray re
vealed that he had been stabbed
through the lung. Doctors say that
the man may not live.
Xmas Game
(Continued from Page 1)
and on a day convenienl to all
Virtually all other games this sea
son have offered some sort of in
convenience to a certain amount ot
fans——especially within the labor
ing mass. Xmas Day. those toiling
hundreds who reced (=4t highly
stirnulating rest afford by outdoor
activity. will be able to do so at
Sniller Field. seeing a rea! game ot
thrilling football to boot.
And in the third place, the cause
behind the big Xmas Day tilt is
one too big to go unchallenged by
the best that is within all local
citizens who have any degree of
pride. It should not be necessary
for us to fall into the throes ot
want. the humiliations of poverty.
and the fangs of unemployed be
fore we can sympathize sincerely
with our less fortunate brothers,
Moo many of us put up the false
front of sympathy! Too few of us
aive 'til it hurts! Worthy Atlantans,
let us rally behind our Champions
for Charity. and give the Unem:-
As police drove up to the Cas-|
cade Service station, Sunday, uttvl'i
the station was closed. a robber
gis pump and had robbed the tank
who had broken the lock off the
of three gallons of gas, leaped in~|
to a redan and fled. Police gave
chase after him and followed h'm.
as far as Ashby near Simpson
where he leaped out if the car zmdi
cscaped on foot. Officers fired at
him tice and followed on fot but
were unsuccessful in ca turing‘
him twice and followed on 1{‘)01 but
brothers garage and the license
tag was found to have been issued
to W. W. Dickerson, 211 Hurt
street. Police believed the car was
stolen and ar awaiting the ap
pearance of the owner,
ploved a real, timely Xmas gift!
Reeves Will Be Out
Resuming a sportanic slant,
Clark will present her weakest
front of the season. Donald Reeves,
all-southern end generally, and all-}
American choice of the Chicago
sports writers, is lost to the team.}
Ted Staplefoote, who made Coach
B. T. Harvey's all-southern team.‘
and Watts, one of the most power
ful linemen on the Panther squad, !
are all to be missing Xmas Day.
Tough luck in the wake of a foe
like South Caralina it is. Elmer|
Baker, McPherson. Arnett, Cap
tnin Pinkney, Carl Ray, Hog Maw
Robinson. Simon, Fackett, Vaughn, |
. Staplefoote, Cosby, Bell, Mevin,
and a few other faithful have been |
the only men out working for the
coming clash. And that crew look
ed miserably drab in its workouts
Joe Greene, a star of no little re
spect; Big Cain, a 190-pound triple
threated halfback for State; Cap
tain Joe Gregg, a hell-fired fulk
back: Evans, a cocky little center
of 170 pounds, and that's ten more
& i) -
§ N4 Xmas Gifts
o . ‘X\‘;:, t s
3 5= mas \JIIs ¢
: & A If You Are Thinking of Giv- £
g / / ing Jewelry of Any Kind, Be g
g i) — \\\\k Sure You Come in and Sec §
Our Stock Before You Buy. i
§ JJ. L. Holloway. Jeweler g
fi 172 Auburn Ave., N. E.© Phene WA. 2772 fi
e Jordan’s
Y First
Follow the Crowd
' to Jordan’s
Xmas Gifts for Everybody
For Mother
Table scarfs—
Houre shoes—
For Brother
FOI’ Hlm
Bath Robes—-
New Low Prices
To Suit Every Purse
JORDA 'S Seace
227 AUBURN AVE., N. E.
604 McDANIEL ST., S. W.
| |
| |
| |
@ 2 Y ¢
$600 Raised byColorea
- Div.; Quota $1,500 |
| MEMPHIS, Tenn. Dec. 22 -
| When the Colored Division clos
| ed its campaign in the interest of|
| the Community Fund, it had only
| reached less than the half way
| mark toward the $1.500 goal. The
| exact amount raised by this divi
| sion was $675.75. This report along
]with others that reveal shortage
{ was made to the fund board last
| night.
i According t¢ ¢he auditor's ac
| count, the campaign as a whole
| lacks $89.407.37 before it will have
i the necessary budget of $501,630 to
'(-urry on its work. The total amount
]dunatod by 30. 109 individuals and
i firms was $412,222.63.
than Hog Maw has; Persons, a big
tackle who used to be a More
houser; Red Dawkins, outstanding
star of the team at left end; and,
Red Webber, an equally capablie,
but a slightly less colorful flank
man, make State an unusually
good choice to win. If the .writer
was asked for a winner. under ex
isting conditions, he would say:
}S'l‘/\’l‘fi SHOULD WIN.
| The Lineups
| State Collere Clark Univ.
| 3 Red Dawkins L.E... Carl Ray 75
{ 5 Persons LT Puckett 64
14 Franks . LG Vaughn 62
[ 15 Evans c Robinson 99
| 12 Mack . Ry . Staplefoote
|1 Henderson - R T .. Simon 65
18 Red Webber R.E. Capt. Pinkney
i(i Joe Greene Q.B... McPherson 74
i gwlor . . F . .Baker 79
217 Cain . RH . Blackburn 72
i1 Capt. Grepp BB - Arhetite 78
For Dad
House Slippers—
For Sister
Garters— _
For Her
Toilet Sets
Perfume Sets—
Manicure Sets—
~ Parasols—
R T R e et b < e et el
According to an announcement
icsucd Tuesday morning by Walter
. Hendrix, chairman of the Fulton
County Board of Commissioners,
the |.~;nltc»|) County courthouse will
be closed from Thursday noon,
Christmas cve, until Monday
morning. The closing is in obser
vance o fthe holidays, Mr. Henrix
Goldsboro, N. Dec. 22.--(By
The Ausociated Presgs) The body
of Mary Lena Bryant of this cit®
young woman had been missing for
was found lying face downard in 2
swamp phear here Monday. The
severai months, Indications were
that she had been stabbed several
times before her body was hidden.
NEW YORK., Dac. 22 (AN
Charged with robbing the rame
landlord twice within a_month,
Van lLee Davis. 17, and Leo Smallg
%20. were held without bail by
Magistrate Hulon Capshaw in the
|Wushingt0n Heights court Sunday.
- ; R
JSorWOMEN ox/y
Why worry about delayed periods (rom samats
u’ thrla-lnuh. DIERER
ufi-'mm elief. Uded by doctors. Meves
:Lm Fleasant, safe, o interferense
o, e, St i &
Obetimate Cases §5.00. lllustrated Folder Free @it
order. PETONE CO, gm 10-F St. Louls !
Doctor Offers to Send Free "
Any woman denied the blessing of a haby
should write at once to Dr. DePew, Suite
IS, Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. The
doctor 18 sending free, postpaid, for the
30 days, his regular dollar size non-s
treatment. " based on glandular activity,
which has veen used with happy results .
thousands of women. No 0.0.D., no
no obligation. Mrs, J. Scheller, Ind., wri
“l never had a sick day. I became
mother of & fine 3% .ound baby. God
knows our joy. I hope every woman
for motherhood will take your medicine.
Mrs. White, Pa., writes: ‘“Married 11 yeara,
doctors told me 1 would never have ohflw
dren; I tried your medicine. Now I .-':
be a mother in October. My dearest
realized.” Simply send your name, and @
$1 treatment will be malled free in phq
wrapper with booklet, *“Childless Marriages.
Write at once as only a limited supply off
these freatments wil be send- free thiy
ST GWRITERS! Poems, melodies. Oubd
etanding preposftivn. Hibbeler, DISIX
2104 Erystove, Chicags
$8.00 buys deed part ofl 10 acres, Oklnhoma
Joe Milam, Dept. W, Okinhoma City, OLlnhoma,
e —————————r il
as our Agent for % [
Do ortised Tegularly i race
ries adve:
particulars <write The Boyd uu?'&"
mingham, Als. ®
' o« v
2 L
nda Short Breathing relieved when 3al.8€
DYA unnnturaldco'llecuon ng! :ft“:; "“)w'.‘zg‘r’;
and legs, @ 5 .
r'nbe::,,e (::ltklea leavesr 8 dent Trial packagl
FRER « i
Dept. 001, Atlanta, Ga.
Money, Love, Easy Life
No matter how hopeless your
case may seem!
901 Bergen Ave.
N Unlucky In Mo |
S, o Gl
&(\\3 ER ) carry s palr of “'
QP %4 uine WYBT 4
LS (reony, Gl
RN AStiions” e
' cerrie Ocgul
Orlenta) people 88 ® POWWILL ‘1'.50:5
CHARM, one to prevent Bad Luc‘. gy e
Misfortune. and the other to attract Sl
S":;‘,..“‘:‘f,“,; lfi.vo"i t%:p&? ‘i':o.‘“v‘é
instructions FREE Pay postman HL31 MG
3,?5;,.," :fffggfgfid. You,can be LUCKY! Orae®
vours TO! ’
e FAU, Genera) P &
D""_)‘:.',.r 7;. BROORLYN. NY e
NOTICE! Ve nbsolutel{l au bodeltorla
these genuine Mystic Bra ml' Ror n
Sre ALTVEL M8 TR, los
e —————————— e
Gain Physical Vigor—
Youthfulness A
Here’s the recipe that banishes fa$
and brings into blossom all the nate
ural attractiveness that every wome
an posseses. .
Every morning take one half tfi
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