Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 23, 1931, Xmas Edition, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
PAGE SIX Columbia Negroes Demand Proper Hospital Facilities | | COLUMBIA, 8 C, Dec 22— (ANP)—Delivering an ultimatum to the county hospital board, a] mass meeting of 400 colored citi-| zens at Allen university Sunday.| expressed themselves as “unalter-| ably opposed” to the plans for the| erection of a proposed Negro hos-| pital here. requesting the hospital | board to take no further steps in| the matter insofar as the colored; pepulation was coneerned. if it was | planned to erect the hospital under | the conditions which the board had | prescribed. The meeting went on| record as being opposed to thel erection of the hospital as an an-| nex upon the grounds of and con- | nected with the present white in-l stitution; as being opposed to the| location which was near a group of railroad tracks: demanded that a, real hospital should be established| looking forward to a program of! exnansion for the next 25 vears; pointed out that provisions should be given for the training of colored nurses. the same as are now pro vided for white and that the insti tution should be operated by color ed people, with Negro physicians having free and unrestricted access to its facilities. Under tho pian a proposed by the board this would not be possible. A few years ago Richmond coun ty in which Columbia is located. passed a bond issue of $300.000 to provide hospital facilities for the two races. Colored votes were sought to pass the measure upon the promise that adequate facili ties would be provided for colored people. It frequently happens that Negroes exercise the privilege of voting on bond issues in southern communities even where they do not vote in general elections. The po]ored voters supported the bond issue. "I'he announcement made by the Richmond county board cf their proposed plan to establish the hos - a2 6 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Fort and Auburn = i | Garage Phone Jackson 8052 | x M A s s c i | E E R - l_‘iii.:__,_-n-:-----—n e ‘/';, S :\\M T A“n A / ,'-f’f{:‘*‘\~ e B P P AR R AN [ r‘i/f. Il -‘.’.7._‘\3 E “ E w L .'o.,\\/fx---';'; L A ¥ To the already voluminous greetings being offered at this season---we add our chorus of felicitations. In happy realization of what you have contributed to our succss and your faith in our steadfastness---we extend our sincere hope that “all the happiness that the Yuletide, and the coming year, can bring, will be yours. THE PILGRIM HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE CO_ pital upon the Columbiu hospital grounds was the signal for the mass meeting. In the resoluiions which ‘u committee was empowered to present to the board the declara ‘UUXI was made that the philanthre pic foundations of the North which - had expressed a wililngness to con tribute toward the establishment of the hospital would be asked to withhold their support. On the com mittee are D. H. Suns, president ot Allen university: J C. Anderson, W H Harvey | B lLewis N J Frederick, T.M. Boykin, T.L. Duck ett. R. 8. Lawrence and J. P. Recd er. Prof. H W. Baumgardner serv ed as secretary. I am a little girl seven years old and I am in the low third grade. Miss A. A. Thomas is my teacher I have been a good little girl and I would like for you to bring me| a pair of skates, some murniturce! for my doll, and let my doll walk talk and sleep .too. a pair of ga loshes and a little kitchen set with) a stove. | From Mayme 1. Chaptman I 1 Dear Santa: ; I am a little girl seven years uid| and. in the third grade. My teach-| er’s name is Miss L. E. Freeman 1! love her very much. I go to Yonge| Street School. I am not asking t'ur} much. Please bring me a bx*o\vn-i skin doll with long. curly hair and anvthing else you have for a g(md.l little girl: Please remember nu" sick grandpapa. His name is I)ca-( con G W. Hatcher. Don't forget my mother and daddy a (l Santa Claus 212 Hilliard Street. Atlanta, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl nine years old in the 4th grade at Howard Schoot. My teacher is Miss M. L. David con. I like her very much. I want you to bring me a dress, boots rocking chair, a colored doll, a bath robe and a pair of house shoes. Please do not forget my mother and father. Dorothy Linder. CASH DRUG CO-. We wish to make special mention of our Xmas Specialties, fine Candies and Toilet Sets, which have just arrived. We appreciate the volume of business given to us by our customers and friends during the yvear 1930, and we (1ke this inethod of extending our XMAS and NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS to one and all. AUBURN AVE. at HILLIARD STREET Phone: Ja. 8528 [ Little Dorothy Pitts { 370 Lyons Avenue. Dear Santa Claus: | ] A little boy four years old iand 1 go to school. My teacher 1s }nummi Miss Kirkpatrick. I can | count and say my ABC's. Please ih”“" me a pair of shoes, car, and a pair of socks. Don't forget daddy, | mothicr. grandmother and sister. | ay Bobby Hill. J e ! Dear Santa Claus: [ 71 am a little boy five years old. ‘1 «o to Lutheren School. My tea { choer 1s ramed Miss Kirkpatrick. I | want von to bring me a train, pair | of shoes, socks, candies and nuts | of cvery kind. Please Santa don't ! forget the poor little boys who | won't have anything. , A little friend Edward Hill | Dear Santa Claus: [ am a little girl seven years old and am in high 3rd. My teacher is Miss Harris. 1 want you to bring e a pair of skates, a package ot irawing paper and a doll, doll-bed, blue rain coat and cap to match, a little piano, a pair of golashes, a brief case and umbrella. candy and fruit. ; Alma Mae Zachary. f 575 Piedmont Avenue | Atlanta Georgia. December 22, 1931 Dear Santa Claus: 1 hope you will be nice to me as! long as times are hard. but dearg Santa Claus I hope you will re member me. ~ will be thankful for anything. but Santa Claus I don't! want to be hard on you but please remember my mother and father.| Minnie Belle Porter } I am a little girl 12 years of ;aa«'! and in the 12th grade. Miss Nich—’ ols is my teacher and I am in school Booker Washington High. | I want ycu to bring me a sweater | suit. tam, a pair of shoes, socks and a raincoat. I won't forget my moth- | er, I want you to bring her a pair | of shoes and some aprons From your little girl. Nora Walker. Dear Santa Claus: ‘ I am a little girl ten years old in THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLANTA, GA. the 4th grade. My teacher is Miss Evans. 1 want you to briny me a doll, a story book, a pair of shoe: socks, sweater suit, rain coat and a bed room suit for my doll, o black board, piano and o doll and doll bed. Dora Walker Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl two vears of age. I want you to bring me a par of shoes, a dress, cout and tam. a wagon and kiddie car. box of ton sets, piano, a colored doll, and a pair of shoes and stockings for my mother, Johhnie M. Walker Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl, 8 years old. ] 2m low 4th and go to E. P. John son School. My teacher's namo j Miss Hadley. My Auntic savs 1 have been a very good little girl Won't you please give me a big doll, electric stove, pair of shoe skates and please remember little sister and brother. Annie -Grimes Standing in carly in the txudi tional Atlanta switch-bblade me thod of warlare. J € Gates 7 vears of age. who lives in Irman Yard, Tuesdayv night Jjugged John Inman Yard. B. Wright. 8 years of age and also of Inman Yoard: in the back with a long knifo According to Mrs. Daisy Gates, mother of the young Kknifer. hep son stabbed Wright only ufter th T TLGL TL TI G T TI TS GG GGG T VR ELILEL I 2L P KRB ¥ N v(q T() All 1ts ’P::'r()n-; And The e g ‘q General Public & ? The Bon-Ton ‘ & %\"(g Billiard Parlor \ ;j ;\0 190 Auburn Ave.. N. E. 5‘, %\‘ Wishes A : \ : e 'i o MERRY XMAS N~ ) ;} And A 2 Xy 3 S = = 2 A5 W HAPPY NEW YEAR o ?fi ‘0 We wish to extend sincere thanks “ ‘ g;:: W to that host of men who have en- Mwmmmwlw Tt ul ; Y ;q joyed themselves within our doors, ' E']f:';‘; y é\" ‘fl and promise them that same courtesy down thrcugh the ‘é{*\ W year 1932. L Qfi ED. TOODLE, Owner and Manager gg ?%‘%%féfijfirf’é‘fi%g’é"éffil’{ffiaféflfi dtop bl hit Gates with a rock burled from a [-NL"\""I- : ‘ s oune wrircht's was fiund not w be serious after he was exa mited at Grady ];nh)il.l'- RIS WL WITH I ,Iv-" RN - “ -t MAN E H.l 1 A i ' 1 | Temporarily Insane i 14 Al Man Cut Three He 4 * ne ‘ Nees in Streets A oncarmed man running a muck with a huge butcher knife; proved to be a “jonah” for Corne hus Williams. 227 Walnut .\‘tl'v(‘l.! who appeared at Grady hospital Tuesday night with two deep .-lush! 5, one in his forehead and thc-i ther in his left cheek. According to Williams. he had iust stepped out of his car at the «orner of Davis and Chapel Str(?ets‘ imd was entering a store to pur chase cigaretes when the man, who! appearced to have become momen tarily insane. struck at him with the knife. | MRS, ANDERSON CRAWFORD Wishes Every One A Merry Xmas And A Happy New Ymr. 1 281 Auburn Ave, N. E. Phene Ja. 8860 | Three others were cut in the melee, Williams said, although he - would not furnish their nancs and these other two victims did not show up later at the clinic. At Meing treated he was permitted to return home. . “I didn't know I was cut \\n_n_- ‘T;':'u-"."~"-".l - - - - W()l']d | 2 Y 1 Advertisers ALLTOYS SACRIFICED! Finest Wheel Toys, Mechanical Toys, Dolls, Etc.—all prices slashed for quick disposal! Come early Monday. Mm We got it. If you don't see it, ask for it. Saving more than half 1 ~§~’:‘fi\ Children’s N - B=z& DESKS s :'? B - | g!r!*.?'{“ [/ !f.’:.'fu o o o | i}l‘b.-,‘ -:v'lt}'(:‘r(-(-t.." e ; M $4.95, $6.95, $9.75 e — $1.00 §§3c $1.25 Smoking Foot Stools Stands | : ! :l‘;'nli::u‘lt:lr("'l'«'tl,‘ 't()An.:l‘_:. Only 25 : soc to Sell & = $4.50 VELOCIPEDES, $2.55 Extra special values and not only these, o h“u t lllll;.lfl.l"l'll.\ of \ b "“"_\ 9 thers, N O e Py (\\'Iuwln. Ihn: hlzu(i“t & : - ‘2 and for less, - & ) £ S Y. ANON .»:fi;‘i R & 1 'y 3 VS (SN ‘ NS Vs TN\ $7.50 Val, $4.95 W/ / |\ $9.90 Val., $5.95 @ o= From smallest to the largest. We got ’em for all ages. More to se lect from than any store in At lanta “Let’s go, folks.” ams told doctors at the hospital, “until 1 tasted the blood trickl ing down on my face.” Suspected of breaking the front lzss Lo a store located at 501 ‘oters street. Mrs. Barley’s place Tohn Hayvs rear 3856 Peters sireeoy Vill Wilson. 407 Chappell street nd W. L. Milling, whose address CHILDREN’S Only L 2 to Sell ggfv"g: . R RN RN by by S ‘A ARt \n“‘.: o ¥ i/ Reaufifal 5697 Rockers in cholee of finishes, upholstered seat ond back in your choice of ton-stey wotin domask and 7 Q velour $‘ S8 Other Pockers at 92c & $7.98 $2.00 _o Scanters |3 238c | = 3 Only ahont I 0 left to on /-l for by LN A R pvice, Bet "\ ¢ l fer comae % s i N enely for ; VOUrs, RASYS L AL Y FURNITURE CO. 182 Mitchell St., S. W. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1931 was unknown were arrested on suspension, Monday. | One other suspect was arrest ol Monday in connection with a [ hold up at Fox strecet and the A. ' B. and C. Railvoad. The two men %lh.‘\t were robbed were Fred Hay {es and Fred Head, of 965 KFort- I ress and 781 Ashby streets res- I pectively. Hayes as robbed of eight car tickets and s'x cents, Head had a pearl handle knifz taken from him. Robert Pe" 688 [ox street was arrested an [('h:n'gvd with the robbery. The | other man is said to be light com iplv.\'ioncd, weighing about 165 | pounds and about five feet six i inches in height. R i o | > }\‘ i I ‘ Iy A R 2 \[:\»& 'f » > X 'fl‘:.i t N | SR\ ‘u,},‘ 2y NG ] l?\ \ %”l‘) KRN N e Well, we got R too many, so S yvon ean have 'em tomorrow —we won't earry nanything over—values from $12.50 to $15.00-—prices from— 5 24.50 $6.95 to : DOLL BEDS 5 Styles to Select From—All colors, all sizes— Values to $5.00 69c, 98¢, $1.98 W DOLLS We got about 200 of these dolls we wusually retail for $1.98, but we got to let 'em go Mconday—- 69c¢c 2 WAGONS 3 ?or < 50 to Sell 98¢ Weo got BO of ! these all - steel ¥ ool N S wagons with dise l ‘} e wheels, to 80 ! A - W Monday ot the 3 I above priee, . i