Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 25, 1931, Xmas Day Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931 WOCI A A 1 = /.l i . \ QLo MY S ~ N ‘ % - — v ; Y ] / - 7 v\':' i,"'\",\f%.,_;’ 5 ’ :/'"S.".'* F S W By e s MERRY XMAS EVERYBODY ! fl\n THE ENTIRE REALM of Atlanta Society, Lucius extends sincere regards for a Merry Christmas chock full of ¢njoyments and elations. May you not enjoy his plight of being unable to do any thing but draw his breath and spend his time ! Yes, M sir, Lucius is on his donkey this Xmas and talls 1n e class with, the “Not Broke, But Badly Bent” bhoys. § “ ‘ f i THE INCOMING MASSES for the Christmas sea- TR 1 1 arce beginning to make one conscious of n- W§ . creased population. Among the personalities al »é& / ready in the Gate City for Yuletide are Misses l.uetta ¥ Austell, Beatrice Maxey, Emily Thompson, Myrtie ;v>"' 2 ;‘ & Martin, Elsie Foster, and Daisy Belle Stanfield trom 'i* | Talladega College: Miss Miriam Cunningham from ; Massachusetts; Beatrice Watkins and Mary I'rances Lucius Jones Smith, Tifton, where they are teaching this year; Ben Gatewood and Miss Maodtic Blackshear from Savannah: Miss Helen B. Johnson from Anniston; Miss Rebie Timbers and Canute Richardson from Statesboro; Miss Mamio Cabaniss and E. H. White, Jr. from La- Grange; Miss Beatrice Blackshear; Doc Latimer and Coach Greene Wadley from Florida: Miss Ruth Scott from Johnson City; Miss Bertha Smythe from Eatonton; Mr. and Mrs. 1. R Harper and Miss Addye Holt from Augusta; Misses Thelma Nelson and Dora Mae Harvey from Cuthbert; Miss Helen Nelson: Messrs J. D. Gaither, Frank McClarin, and Garner R. Stearns: Mr. and Mrs Henry Cooke Hamilton trom Memphis; Mre. T J Calloway from Tuskegee: Elmore Watkins from Orangeburg; and many others yvet to be spotted by Lucius. A FEW DEPARTING entail Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Alexander, for Montgomery; Prof. C. 1. Monroe, for Pittsburgh; Mrs. Ruth Simpkins and Mr. Rossman Turpeau, for Cincinnati: Messre Herley Pope, Jack Thompson and Robert Stout, for Louisville; Virginia Kbe hardt, for Athens; Edna Boddie, for Nashville; and Roselyn Comer, for Roberts NOTED EDUCATOR BACK DEAN J P. BRAWLEY, of Clark University, is back in the city again after a protracted sojourn in the State of Texas, during which he visited Wiley College, Prairie View Normal, Samuel Huston, Paul Quinn, Bishop, and many other Lone Star colleges. Dean Brawley stopped off at New Orleans long enough to visit New Orleans Univer sity. Upon his arrival here again, he stated that he was just making certain that Santa Claus didn’t pass him by, Mrs. Brawley blushed and testified that with his return, her Santa had already arrived THE COLUMNIST wishes to acknowledge Christmas greetings sent to Society Slants by readers and friends of the writer, As late as Thursday morning these tokens included Misses Wingrette Belle Johnson, Lois Rutlédge, Roselyn Comer, Helen Conyers, Edna Len yard, Ossie Howard, Ernestine Goodlette, Willa Belle Wright, Louise Leah Day, and Mrs. Helen Brent Helen Henderson Grey; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chunn; and Messrs, Nace and Ralph, of the Fceonomy Delicatessen, Delphine W. Taylor, M. L. Thomas, Garfield Shields, Ray Ware. J David Reed, J. C. Robinson, Grecne Wadley, and Maceo G. Moody. WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOI. staged a wondertul program at Big Bethel Church last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Kssie M. Groves, directress of the singers, and Graham W. Jackson., who operated the sonorous pipe organ, along with Miss Dollie Latimer, and others, played a splendid roll in the success of the occasion. Prof. C. L, Harper, principal of Washington High, at the close of the program, stated that he was greatly pleased with the showing of the participants. He also announced that the glee clubs would go caroling on Xmas eve night, and, possibly would stage another program of Christmas musie at Warren Chapel next week. FIRMS SEND GREETINGS YATES AND MILTON, ECONOMY DELICATESSEN. Carter and Hall’'s Filling Station., Curry and Hall's Haberdashery, College Inn, Robinson-Cofer, Thomas' Barber Shop, /"\ikun—["aulkmq‘, Royal Theatre, Fox Theatre, Kelly Studio, Eighty-One Theatre, all the local churches, all the local colleges, the Atlanta WORILD. the Pittsburgh COURIER, and scores of other firms and institutions, send Christmas wishes to Y ° o |.I A OF THE SEASON WS TN S : o c LSOO " Y. - - AT THIS SEASON TN i\?:‘\\\ "f- Our thoughts 2o out to those whose co-operation i and loyalty have meant so much to us. We wish vou =, < heartily a G 3 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A '/ro i PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 5 Hotel & Caf Al James otel & Cale : ,,“,\ 211 AUBURN AVENUE, N. L. ATLANTA, GA. PO & , Hey! “?ryo S?VI";'. ].yl’ Reynolds, alias Deacon Jones, and contributor of “What Sam of Auburn Ave Si, who M8 gained many admiers through his tri-weekly appearances of The Atlanta World, the back force of The World wishes himoa Merry Xmas and a Happy New Yeur, MRS. HOLSEY OF TUSKEGEE VISIH'S SISTER HERE Mrs. Basiline Holsey, teacher of gewing and millinery at Tuskegee, is the house gucsts durimg the holi days of her sister, Mrs. Thelma Boyd Davis, at the Davis apart ment on Tatnall Strect. Mrs. Hol sey is the wife of Albon 1. Holsey president of the Coloied Mer chants Associatipn FUEST OF PARENTS Mr. Dewey R Watkins, and hittle son, Dewey, Jr. left the city Wad nesday afternoon, to spend the spend the holidays with the par ents of Mr. Dewey R. Watkins, Sr., in Clarksville, Virginia C. H. AND CLUB NO. 22 Met Thursday night, December 18 at the home of Mrs. Valenne, 229 Ashby Street with vice-presi dent presiding. Devolional service was led by the chaplain, Brother Archie Scott Sister Bowens was reported sick. The usher board will meet Wednesday nite at the home of Sister Ann L. Andrews 304 Rock Street. The club will meet at the home of Brother Mat Beasley, 343 Rhodes Street, N W Brother C. G, Gore, president Sister E. 1. Bonds, reporter CANTATA AT LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH The choir of Liberly Baptist Church will pender ifs Xmas Cantata, "“The Shepherd King,” Sunday night, Dec. 27th at ‘eight o'clock. If you have not heard this choir, visit this church on this date iund enjoy an evening in song. Come 1o the Church with a big welcome, I Rev. J. J. Clow, pastor ! Mrs. C. C. Mann, Organist M. W H h}mun, Director IN MEMORIAM In memory of our dearly be-l loved son and brother, Johnnie; Holmes, who departed this life| December 23, 1926. “Gone but null forgotten.” i Mrs. Aline Holmes Mrs. Sarah King ‘ Mr. James Foster and Mr. Wil liam Cook motored up for the holi days from I'lorida. Mr. Foster 1is an instructor in Sanford and Mr. Cook is teaching in Jacksonville. ANNOUNCES MARRIAGES Mi: Joserhine Blount of 324 Wab:ash 2 ue. became the bride of My .Josse Hill. 361 Highland Avenue. on December 14, Y sungJames Death | ‘ . } (ause Wrongly o -~ Reported - The World, after further investi gation into the matter., wishes to \upningiz(- to Mr:. and Mrs 35 1 l.l:nm-:{ for an article published |M:1_v 17, 1931, regarding the sudden and untimely death of William F. lJ:mws. It has later been found that voung James death was caused by %;1 cerebral hemorrhage of the brain |und occurred at 8:35 a. m., on May 16 1931 | James was not dying when his | parents reached him as was stated in the former article published by imu World, by passed away fully 'six hours after they were first called. ACTIVITIES THE JOLLY TWELVE EM3ROIDERY CLUB Was the guest of Mrs. Ada Wil liam, 533 Rigdom Stret. After a re gular routine of business the club wias served a delicious repast. Oul next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Annie L. Williamson, 103 Electric Avenue, on Xmas eve Mi: Mamie Johnson will spend the Christmas holidays with her daugh ter in Louisville, Ky. We hope she will have a successful trip We with cverybody a Happy Christ mas and a Prosperous New Year Virs Josie Tompson, president Jrs Pauline Walton, reporte: MARINERS TO ENTERTAIN A masque ball will be given ut the Sunset Casino on Christmas nieht, December 25 from 9 p. m. to 1 & mn. by the smart Mariners All fricnds are cordially invited. Mu gic by J. Neal Montgomery. K Wise, vice-president; R. Kendall reporter. THE RIVERSIDE AID CLUB Will hold its regular meeting with Miss Willie Moreland, 437 Ciartrell Street. S E., December 27, al 4do'clock. On account of the weather our last regular meeting wis postponed. Election of officers will take place at this meeting. We trust every member will be pre sent. Mr. S. H NcBride, president Mr. J. B. Johinson, reporter MOONLIGHT BOYS CLUB Rendered a Xmas program at the home of Mr. Clifford Judge. Wednesday night, December 23, at 3 o'clock. Miss F. Barnes was in charge of the program. There were several numbers from the Blue Moon Social Club. The president received many gifts. We were en tertained later in the afternoon with a dance. The Star Ligh{ Sms cial Club was present. December 30th the club will meet at the home of Mr. E. Ector, 428 Rock Stret, 7:30 sharp. All members are urged to be present Mr. J. C. Rogers. president Mr. E. Ector, reporter THE OAKLAND FILORAL CLUB Met at the home of Mrs. Martha White., 1300 Ponce de ILeon with the president presiding. Final ar rangements for the delivery of Xmus baskets to the poor were made. After all business was trans acted, games were enjoyed until the wee hours of the night. Our first meeting for the New Year will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James White. 558 Irwin St Visitors always welcome. Mr. W. M. Chappell, president Mrs. Katie L. Partee, reporter WHITE ROSE SOCIAL CLUB Extends to their members and friends best wishes for a Merry Christmas and : Happy and Suc cessful New Year. We will meet Sunday, December 27th at 4 o'clock We are having our installation at 21'; Bell Sireet Visitors are cordially invifed to attend Mrs. S. W. Credell, president” Miss Sadie Gatwell. reporcter CONNTANT WORKERS | Held their regular meeting wita Mr. Otis K. Lee, December the 20, at 889 Drummond Street. After the lesson business was transacted in the usual manner, a cold menu was served and enjoyed by all Next meeting will be with Mrs. Gertrude Bush, 986 l.ena Street December the 27th all members are ask to please bring their bags o RGOS For iond and oateen. : : : .’,.-.". We hope that ever) . ' 4 q ¢ -’.." The New Yean Q ‘ 3 ., AR DENTIST X-RAY PICTURES MADE Res. Phone MAin 2515 Office JAckson 4670 Office: 186!, Auburn Ave,, N, E. Atlanta, Ga. : : FOR YOU I WISH A : MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Your Prompt and Willing Plumber and Vi ¢!l Wisher C.C. HART o &e i 200 Auburn Avenue, N, E, JAckson 3061 THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLANTA, GA as they will be given out Sunday night and the Christmas tree on Monday night a4t 531 Markham 5t Mr Martin. Willie Martin, president Otis K. Lee, reporter UNION BAPTIST CHURCH . Point. Geargia: The church i still going on inspite of the hard crosses we have to bear. Sunday morning at 9:30 we had a wonder ful Sunday School At 11:30 o m Rev. (5. S Ellington delivered a splendid sermon. At 3 p. m. Rev E. M. Johnson preached a great sermoh: B Y. B 1l at 630 and 730, Rey. P.J Dolson bhrought us another great message. We listen ed to a gooi message from Mrs Dollie M. Stovall of Toccoa, Ga She is visiting her daughter and son.- Reyv. and Mr Dotson. We wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Yeur Rev. P J Dotson. pastor Richard J C Rice, reporter THE Y. W. (. 5. ¢eLUB Met Sunday, December 20, at the home of Mrs. Lue, 668 Evans Street. Business was briefly trans acted with the president in charge Sunday was a big day with us. We gave away Christmas Day with Mrs. Huttie Little, 1138 McDaniel Street. All members are asked to be present. All visitors are wel come. Miss Lena Strickland. president Mrs. Albert McMillen, reporter THE CHRISTIAN PRAYER BAND Mets at the home of Rev. B. J. Johnson, 656 Curry Street Thurs day night at 8:30. All members re quested to be pres=nt. Church News ‘hurch News BEULAH BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL - The Buiders’ Bible Class met Sunday morning at 9:30. The les-| son was wonderfully taught by the teacher, Miss M. B. Paschal. Rev J. C. Mitchell and Strozier were made welcome as visitors. The business meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Emma Collins. 430 Lovejoy Street. In spite of the inclement weather, a large number was present. The vice-president, Mrs. M. J. Reed presided in a dignified, christian manner. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year, with Prof. A. C. Curtright, acting president; Miss Ethel M. Christler, secretary; Rev J. H Mathews, president; Mrs. M. J. Reed. 1st vice-president; Mrs. Emma Hindsman, 2nd vice-presi dent: Mrs. Willie M. Dennis. assist ant; Mrs, Jeneva Jester, financial secretary; Mrs. Nettie Curtright, assistant; Mrs. Maude Foster, trea surer; Mrs. Nettie E. Curtgight, re }porter: Mr. Roosevelt Brown, as sistant: Miss M. B. Paschal. teach er; Deacon T. 1. Jester, assistant The class donated $5 to Mr. and Mrs. Hightower on their rent. We also gave $2 as a present for the bride and groom, Rev. S. M. Short er and Miss Novie Belle Howard. Bev. € Mitchell #rot A Curtright Miss Hattie B. Wimbish, Proacon W 3 Shannon Mp R H Herndon, Mr. lawton Moore and Rev. S. M. Shorter were made wel . come as visitors and each gave helpful remarks. We were glad to have our pastor, Rev. L. A. Pink ston with us. and sorry to know that he was not well. We pray that he will soon be strong again. The hostess served a delicious mentu, The Builders® Bible Class wishes the entire Atlanta World stalf ot officials and its readers A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year _ Deacon Collie Broadnax, pres. Mrs. Nettie E. Curtright, rep. CORINTH BAPTIST CHURCH The 1927 Progressive Club met at the home of Sister Pearl Turner of 446 Luvejoy Street The chub held its regular meeting, with the president presiding. We werc plad to welcome one new member. 5i ter Lillie Mae Bush. We were sei ved o delicious menu after the re gular routine of business. The next meeting will be at the home ol Sister Lillie Wilson, 442 Techwood Drive. All members are urged to be present. Business of importance. Sister Katie Williams, pres Sister Idella Lamarn, rep THE TURNER MONUMENTAL A M E CHERCH ‘The whole congregation and comm unity of East Atlanta is congratu |]21UHL‘, themselves in joyously re ceiving from the hands of the good Bishop Fountain the Rev W. €. Kelly as pastor of Turner Mon umental A. M E Church. He comes like Paul from the feet of Gam aliel, well prepared graduate ot Turner Theological Seminary with a degree of B. D and Princelon 'Univcl'sury with a degree of B. D. ‘}{C preached two powerful sermons l on last Sunday morning Subject “Why 1 ought to go t6 church’ Evening—Subject: “The preat crisi; of Jacobs Life.” He is indeed very resourceful in thought and very pointed Gripping his audience at once with Biblical | Facts and Spiritual Power. He ] fa -gospel Preacher of marke: tability which is attested by un cv- Tiler increasing congregation | THE MT. CALVARY 3 USHERS' BOARD Met at the home of Miss i 'u-m‘-l Johnson, 362 Wallace Street. De-! votional service was led by the chaplain, Sister Lucile Bell. The president presided oyer the meet ing. We were delighted to have our pastor, also our assistant pas tor, Rev. J. M. Gates and Rev Shannon, respectively. as visitors Brother Mitchell of Alexander Tabernacle Baptist Church wa dlso a visitor. Next meeting wit be at the home of Mrs. Geors Hodo. 624 Eighth Street. N. W« December 25, Christrnas night Visitors always welcome. Miss A. M. Collins, president Miss Lucille Bell, reporter Rev. J. M. Gates, pastor ROOM FOR RENT-— vweauiiful fur nished room. private home. hot water, steam heat, electric lights. radio. and other conveniences Call WAIlnut 4229, ) v . . A Merry Xmas AND A Happy NewYear We wish to express our appreciation to our many patrons and friends dur ing the past year. We will ')\c- at your service duriny :he coming yezs with th yvame courteous and effi cient staff to serve yud. MARY BROWY INEZ STEWART RUTH T. SINGLETOY , LUCILE MILNER [D v 3 ae r Pors Beauty Y Shop 250 Auburn Ave., Ja. 9174 ¢ CHRISTMAS GREETINGS PASEiS N : AND BEST WISHES : f 3 TEVY : “IEy 11 IDIN L'QQ \?\'. g‘:' ..;E ;-l*(lfl{ HEALTH AND HAPPINESS l' 3 3 L A ;' IN THE NEW YEAR T g ; TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS FROM THE E : | Cconomy Uelicatessens : g' 233 AUBURN AVE., N. E. W. HUNTER AND ASHBY STS. !_ _ ‘ ; COME DINE OF (CHOICE AND TASTY FOODS v THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE | E. No other feod ‘wables are able to equal or approach our great food . !‘ offers—check this: l — ;’ SPECIAL REGULAR DINNER WITH HALF A FRIED CHICKEN, ¢ DESSERT AND DRINK FOR 35¢ E REGULAR DINNER, DESSERT AND DRINK, 26¢c l e B MRS OS50 ¢ i COME AND DINE WITH US GLUBS Makes Appoiniments at Jackson-Memphis Conference Mr. Isaac Burt Buried VMEMPIHIS, Tenn [ e ) The funeral service of Brother Jeaae Burt were held at Mt. Ohve Baptist church by Re James C Cook The deceased 1s strvived by a widow, Sister Matter Burt of Ca taula. Ga. two sons. Jason Buit of Ditzgerald Ga. Justus Burt of Columbus Ga . thiee brothers. J. O NN S . . . . ‘Q\Q\\\ \‘\".’/////// Fyve- Examined Without eSS PP . == Sl ‘m\//‘)" For Appointment = 2 =g R Jackson 5387 S i N A. M. Cole Optical Co., Inc. Optometrizis and Opticians Consultation Free Prescriptions Villed—Cash or Terms 236 Peachtree Arcade Atlanta, Ga. Gzt Megl{{nln{i;g-in FOREIGN STATIONS DO IT IN A JIFFY with your present A. C. Radio Set With this New Stew art-Warner Short Wave Converter, you can at will, “convert” your present setinto a receiver for World- Wide reception—bring within range foreign stations, ships at sea, local police and ama teur broadcasts. Adapt able to practically any A. C.set .. . Easily at tached. To “convert” there’s nothing to do but tzrn a knob! Opens a big new field of radio thrills. Shorr Wave Converters are also built-in features of the acvey Stewart-Warner Radio. LCome in and see these sets! VISTALRZIT. Ine. 531 Peachtree St. W AInut 6845 STEWART-WARNER Senvend-the-World RADIO Burt of Columhus, Ga., Frank Burt of Fortson, Ga, and Luke Burt of Wayeross, Ga, one gister, Sister Hoenderson Ward, Fortson, Ga. and 1 hot of friends. Barber Shop Wishes Yeou All A MERRY (CHRISTMAS Wright-Clements, Prop. H. 8. Sinclair, Mgt All of Our Barbhers Join Us in This Wish T ; +Ai ““W\ : avi | ;‘ ';/ ¢ \)q\” ‘}\l{ \ i ” " A &\\N&\.\\\?f‘,!":?".i'-‘{:,‘f’\t:‘ i D R W i " 9 5 Short Wave $ Converter e e 11% inches widh.l.‘h‘ Complete with tubes inches deep. PAGE THREE