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4 I U the Scott’s Crossing 4-H Club, won county :
i e Al ) ',-‘ \ honors for the best record made in cann- e
R E L o ing for 1931. Miss Jackson is vice-presi- T
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WITH NOTHING MORE than an armful of Balsa
wood and two feet of rope. J. W. Reno. inventor ef the
escalator, has turned out this new life raft for air trans
port passengers. It opens automatically and will support
five persons. —Photo by International Newsreel
o M. Mrs Lecila B. Smith, prominent
g § % Atlantan, and former matron of
- A f - . colored nurses at Grady Hospital,
3 Atlanta. Mrs. Smith is the mother
F e i of Mrs. Auretha Brooks Brown of
T LI the Atlanta World office.
§u fi Wy P e —Photo by Kelly, Atlanta:
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p ¢ Lo 4‘{;’_‘;:; ¢ .:Al.
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w’/‘ . And Short Breathing relieved when
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y f in abdomen, feet and legs, and when
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