Newspaper Page Text
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! " ::'"J'—-—m . :bYo-C"‘t'?'f'-~r§*"-“d”) d\u._.——vw
/\'l‘ LAST, I'l'S HERE! 'That widely publicized Sigma Gamma Rho
conelave slated for the Gate City itself is here, initiating with an
open public meeting this afternoon. The Sigma Gamma Rhos promise
to throw Atlanta society into the gayety of a jubilee, the nartomime
of a fashion show, and the din of rolling claps of thunder. 1t o u
treat for you, and you, and you! (With apelogies to Miss Myrtle Esies).
THE SIGMA GAMMA RHOS boast a bevy of Atlanta’s leading
debutantes and matrons. Included in their coveted ranks are Mes
damoces H. R Butler, Jesse O Thomas B, C,_ Basker-
T "'":":""55-‘.5;,'5‘.,:_ ville. Howard Pitts Carrvie Connally, 8t. Elmo Rey
"’ nolds, Juanita Paschal Toomer, and others, and Misses
d~~ Lois Burge, Ruby Wise, Myrtle Estes ,Madeline
':\"’*":‘:; £l White, Lucille Harper, I Walker, Janie Goosby, and
:%?g " k] more As Mis. Toomer reminded you last Sunday, the
<'5W ¢l Sigma Gamma Rhos, despite their intense pursuit of
S, Koing p their social role to the Gate City populace, will be
\ St somewhat enshrouded in Jamentation cver the death
f’ x Sl of ilk of two members of their clan, to wit, Mrs. But,
A gt . ‘ ;
i .:\::;:;_Wj ler. whose husband, Dr. H R Butller, prominent lra
" ternal and professicnal leadey succumbed to- the
Luciui Jones clutching hand of the Grim Reaper last weck, und
Miss Madeline White, who, recently, lost her father
| . , .
conclave will be hundreds of “swanks” and “swelly” of the local popu
lace Belles. debs, and matrons will proffer their most eleetritying
gowns. These gowns, designed and suited to the most eritical connois
seur's taste, will cling to dainty feminine bodies, graphically outlin
ing plessing forme Women're like that! The male contingent will
be starched s tiffly il resemble g macs of beaverboord It will
flaunt creases with cutting keenness. Artistic taste will be rmatatest
even in the smart cravats worn by the masculines. Vain to a lTault
both feminines and masculines will spend hours of painstaking ¢l
fort at the dressing table or before the mirror, ‘That's the way ol o
intelligentsia! - We're vain, aren’t we all?
WIHEN DR. MARCELLUS M. MOORE returned to the Gate City
to praciice hie profesiion, Atlanta profited in a twolold manner. [or
with the advent of the young meodic, who, by way of pecord usod.
to be a football playver of no liftle skill and chicmery, answering to ‘
the namne of “Dinty’. Atlania had within her confines a2 man with |
appraisin: medical and su sical merits, and at the some thne a gentle
man who was predestined to assume a rightful place in the activite:
of the amarler st D, Moore, despite his youth, has the polish, the
innate skill. end the stability of bLis older sives in his, and correspon
dine prefessions. We predict for this youthful physicaian-suiseol
meny professional triumph Phe stuff's in him!
WITH SMILING APPROVAIL ycur wriler. reviewing a Rlac
tadden PHYSICAL CULTURE magazine, acknowiedges the euphemism
of a writerr on SEXUAL HEALTH, who pointed out the manitfold 11l
offects of entertaining abdominal or bodily frictions while dancing.
A summary statement of his article may be pleaned from his stale
ment: “Modern cocial groups are showing a marked tendency toward
abdominal friction while dancing: it is dangerous practice, onc detri
mental to sex health; it should be discouraged.” True as the arrow
from William Tell’'s bow ecre the health authority fatements. 18y
(Continued on Page 4)
Personal Mention |
D:. M. L. Taylor and Mr. Josoph
Clark of Columbus, Ga., were 1n
the city last week to attend the
filneral of Dr, II. R Butler, Sr I
Mrs. Naomi Shocklin Smith, pop
lar teacher at the Washington
High school, is spending the holi
days in Clearwater, Florida, as the
guest of Dr, and Mrs Archie En
route to Clearwater, she spent a
few days in Jacksonville, visiting
Mrs. Clarence Patterson.
My: and Mis. A M Carter ol
Augusta, Ga., spent Christmas Day |
with the latter's raother and sister,
L Mrs. G. W. Arnold and Miss Emma
Arnolé at their home on Ridze,
avenue. _ .3
Miss Aurelin Williams, sv(':n“.;i.".'f
of the Phyllis Wheatley Branch of |
the X W. €. A, i5 spending - the
holidavs with her mother in Char-,
ol N € |
v s # }
Me and Mre John 1. Bell wiil
have as their guest during the
. E o
: !
~ » ¥ .
Joseph I'. Fielder |
» SR
Watchmaker & Jeweler
370 Peters Streel, S. W.
Cor. McDaniel St.
BUFFALO (Furnace Egg) $5.50
STARBOURNE (Round) $5.75—(Bloc¢k) $6.00
BLACK COMUTY (ROUND) $6.00—(Block) £6.25
RED STAR (Lge) $6.25—(Block) $6.50
We deliver two bags of approximately 100 pounds each—--S1.L0 1
JA. 5080 ., 240 MARIETTA, N, W.
Yuletide scason, Mrs. Maggie Davis
Gaillinrd of Tuskegee, Aly. Mrs.
Galliard is the attractive sister ol
Mrs. Bell.
Mr. W. B. Delorme of Sumter, S.
(., is visiting his son and daughter-
In-lave NMr and Mis GG B Deolotme
at their charming home on C street.
®oN N i
Rev. and Mrs. R. K. Paschal ot
Columbus. Ga - are the holiday
pguests of Mr, and Mrs. . A 'f'oom
cr on Sunset avenue. Rev, and Mrs.
Paschal are the parents of Mrs.
W W s i
Mr. N. B. Herndon iz spending
the Christmas holidays at his win
ter home in Tavares, Florida. His
mother, ‘Mrs. A F. Herndon h::»‘;
been there since early in Novem
o Ex % ¥ :
Miss Harriett Thomas has lefl the
city fer her home in Baton Rouge.
1.2. Before returning she will attend
the A. K. A. Boule, which convenes,
in Cincinnati. Her itinerary also m—‘
cludes Chicago. |
Mrs. Walter Chivers and lovely
little daughter, Miviam. are spend
ing the bolidays in Birmingham,
the former home of Mrs. Chivers
M and M .1 Motlam :m-1
the puests ot tho parents of Nes
MeClam. K1Y and Mrs. A € Sim
mons, 831 Creensferry avenue.
Peof. Almanus Crosby, teacher at
the North Carolina State Teachers
College. in Durham. is spending
the holidays with his wife. Mr::.‘
Leala Crosby, on Ashhy street. who o
by the way. has been quite ill, but
is better now.
Prof. 8. M. Naorit, wha is study
ing this year [or his Ph. D. degree
'at Brown university, is in the oty
’10 spend the Christima :.w}ulu‘y‘:\'l
with his family. -
. Mesdames Jesse O, Thomas and
' B. C. Baskerville will have as their
guests during the Sigina Gamma
Rho Boule, Mesdames Helen Brook:
’un(l Edythe Scott of [ndianapolis
and velyn Briscoe and Nina Pett
‘furd af Vincennes, Indiata
i Mrs. Howard Pitts, Basileus of
' the local chapter of the Sigma Gam
'ma Rho Sorority, will entertain
Mrs. Fannie O'Banner of Lowsville,
Kentucky, National Basileus and
Mesdame:s Beatrice Wright Fox
and Hazel Mosby of Clevelund dur
ing the Boule.
Miss Lucy Gadsen of Savannah
will be the guest of Miss Maggie
Mae Martin this week,
Miss Lois Burge will have as he
guest this week, Miss Austin, of
Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs, Carrie Connally and Miss
Cora Woodard have as their guests
Misses Ethel Scott, Lucy Brooks,
and Clio Bohannon, of Cleveland.
Misces Emelie Walden and Flor
cnce Jackson of Cleveland are to
visit Miss Anona Waiker this weck.
Misses Alma and Ernestine Banks
will entertain Misses Esther Boyd.
and Mary Irwin of Indianapolis,
{ during the Boule,
Mre. Delight Winton and Edna
windburn of Claveland are to be
the puests of Miss Rubie Wise this
Mrs. Charles L. Gideons will have
’J'Tl her puest during the Boule Dr
IIJ. Ashburn of Chicago.
-~ Misses Luile Harper and Hen
vietta HBrannon will have out of
town guests this week.
. ’ ¥
Misses Janie and Katie Goosby
are expeeling Mrs. Bertha Black
of Vincennes, Indiana and Mrs. Lois
B Ciray of Webster: Missour:, a8
their puests during the Boule.
Miss Juanita Ashe of Princeton,
[Htinois, and Miss Florence Barker,
of Lovejoy, Hlinois, will visit Miss
Mvrtle Estes this week. I
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hamilton of]
Pittsburgh are the puests of their
parents. Mr. and Mis, Alex Hamil
ton, St ‘
Me. and Mrs. Henry Cook Hamil
ton are the holiday guests of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamil
ton und Mr. and Mrs. Myron Towns
Mrs. Mavgaret Ford Hodge has
robiinad ito the city from 1ot
Springs, Arkansas ‘
. and Ais Chas H Juhn::on!
apent Chvistmis vy 6 Andor:;un.‘
S (0wl C‘hiristmas reunion
of the-Jehpeoy Loanily was held. ;
57 ind i Tohnson will ro-f
furn (o Atlanta fur the post-season |
festivities ’
Friends of Miss Mabel M\n‘ph\.!
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S|
Murphy, will regret to learn that
«he was painfully burned at her |
home on Saturday . l
Mrs S M Ilewis has been ('nn—'
fined to bed with an attack of in
fluenza. She is reported to be im-l
proving. !
* - " !
Miss Julia A. Madison who is al
student at Fisk university, is .\‘[)("lh!
ding the holidays with her parents
Dr.. and Mrs. J. W. Madison, on
VieDaniel street. l
Miss Alyce Rebecca Williams., of
Pensacola. Florida, who is also a
student at Fisk. accompanied Miss)
Madisgn and will be her guest, (hn’-'
the holidays. |
Dr. .and Mrs. GG. B. Warren are|
spending the holidays in Americus,
Georgia. j
Mr. and Mrs, Forrester B. Wagh-|
inston left the city last week for|
a motor trip that will include seve- |
ral points in the Fast |
= ]
Mr Charles W. Greene has re-|
turned home from Texas where he
has been on business for a (:unsi(lm‘-"
able length of time. ,
Ve FEdwin J. Turner of Colum
bus., Ga. was in the city last week |
o attens) the funeral of Dr. H R |
Butler, Sr. |
Something New |
Under the Sun|
Apain the Fox Theatre leads :nl
introducing comethine new in locatl
theatre circles. 1
Under the direction of Mr. A. C.
Christol, efficient, wide-nwake,
manager of the Colored Division
of the Fox, a weekly pre-view of
pietures is held. at which time
various groups of prominent Neg
ro _women arve asked to view the
wdvance showing., At these show
ings the lower floor of the magni
ficent edifice is available to the
race women,
A'I‘hi.\' is quite in keevning with the
liberal policy of the Fox, to whom
appreciation should be shown by
our stendy patronage. 2
h) adaition to the race policy
which is in itself sufficient. other
ncentives to patronnge are the
facts that it is the most beautiful
reatre in the South and that enly
he fmo.::tr highest class pictures
long .wuh the most elaborate
vaudeville, are shown,
, About the most unpleasint fon
tre of a trio to the Fox is walking
up the stairwav., and «oon vory
;:’:c"x:; :ffi‘rll(jlff,lgierilsal\t.u.-«_wm Wave
S ;‘;,‘\"“$.“ or within a short
- e:evator service there will be
a reality,
So come on folks, lets get the Fox |
T34 ) a
Nine O’Clocks
> i
‘ The magnificent home of Dr. ond
Mi I (¢ Bowden furnished un !
clegant setting for the Friday even
i meeting of the Nine O Clock
Budge was preceded by an cia- |
Lorate course. duner, which wae |
[eetyved from @ beautifully @ppoint
d tuble. |
| Artistic prizes for high O1es |
were awarded Mesdames ‘P H
Shiler and € € Citerand Dre I,
MOOHHE end €0 C Ciiter. D - R “
Hamilton and Mrs Chas ""i':"i
i received bhoobies, |
\ Notice
Don't forget the ficst and only
Public meeting of Sigma CCamma
Rho Sorority at the First Congre
gational Church, Sunday night
tDocember 27 at 8 P M
An announcement of widespread
interest i1s muade today by Nrs
Virginia Hawk :
Mrs. Hawk announces the marri
jage of her niece Miss Mabel J
Davis to Mr. Albert H. Jenkins
The happy young coupie is resid
g temporarily with Mrs. Hawk
at 180 Clifford street. Frieads hynay
get in tcuch with them by cabhing
Walnut 4724
} .
® .
Washington High
r A
i0o Re-Present
7 : 3
~ Xmas Theme
I an effort tu satisfy innumer
able requests for a re-staging of the
Christmas Cantata, “The Glory ol
Bethlehen..” as presented by stu
dents of B. T. Washington High
School, stated that the - ecantata
!wuu!d take place ugain this after
noeon - the Warren Memorial
Chapel at six o'clock in the cven
g |
The participint n the cantata!
ave divected by Mrz. £ M. Groves
a talented woman well known in
the musical * world. Assisted by |
Graham W. Jackson at the pipe or-|
gan, and by other well Eknown
Mm'ul musicel personages, the (h:'u;-1
ih‘u:;:: will even excel the formes
You will thrill as you listen to
the musical gifts of those youth
‘,!lu.' voices. You will be moved to
aeep emotion when you hear the |
dramatic qualities in the voice of
Miss Etoise Long stellar 5 1;:1:1:%?
of the chorus Fred Millel WIH{
win your plaudits with his sweet. |
toned male voice. ‘
Some of the numbers to lend ps- |
pecial ear lo ave 'The Gift of (;ud"
by WMiss Long; “The Gloritied City” |
by Miss Ednua Riley: and “Come :‘\.H}
Yo Baithfulr “by Miss Paulibe !
Whitaker . t
e :
/ , 5 {
My, H. W. Pitts Feted
on Birthday
On DMonday evening Mrs. 1T W
Pitls catertained at her pualatial
home on Hunter Road N. W. honor
ing: Mr. Pitls her husband. or the
oceasion of his birthday. i
The guest list was composed of !
church officials and co-workers of |
Mr, Pitts ’
The evening was (’u«~l|;:?1!x'axli}',
spent in playing games {
Interesting Chmstmusl
The Christmas cards sent out this
year by the members of Atlanta's
Fashicnable Society are. as a whole
mere conservative than in former
vears and entirvely in keeping with
the general program of eliminating
Even at that, though, they repre
sent an interesting assortmont of
greetings, as the following will de
My and Mrs E. L. Parks chose
white cards and envelopes. The lat
ter ape lined -with red and the
former have an artistic painting of
a Treasure Ship, which is on its
way, according to the printed mes
sage, 1o bring their friends joy!
during the season.
Mr. and Mis. Cyrus Campiield
and family selected cards and en
velops in brown, attractively deco
rated with a group of musicians
playing and singing carols, |
Dr and Mrs. Arthue [, Kviscyi
wnd son used white cards contain-|
ing a snow scene and the greeting!
‘s done in old English type. |
Dr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Johnson
used the assorted parchment cards)
‘or their forma! preetings but tao)
wer very intunate friends, Mz's.;’
Tohnson sent personal cards con-|
faining sentiments by Edgar Cuest
nd James W. Foley i
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Russell|
hose cards and envelopes in d!
yrilliant orange color and two en
selopes enclosed the thtracli\'e‘
areeting. l
v The cards used by Mr. and A\lrS.|
!.‘\H)mf W. Dent re so reverences|
,pr()\'()kinu that il scems almost su-'
erilegious to vtiempt a descripiion,
They are the tiniest wisps of cards
l in pure white and in the center is|
1 picture of the Christ. TTnderneath
| is the simple but trenchant inscrip
tion. “In His Name'
Nr and Mrs. John Henry Wilsn,
Sr . of 130 Griffin street, sent out
cards which are characteristic of.
| the hosnitality one finds in their
1hw~w They are of moire paner,'
containing an open door leading,
Activities at Y. W. C. A. Last Week
Center Around Committees 1
The Indutrial Committee mem- |
bers, numely, Meidames, Chas, W
Grecne, chairmun, A B, McCoy, J.
M. Chiles ] H Mt Grew €.
Juckson and A. T Walden, were
particularly fortunate in securing
as their cpeaker at the committee
meeting last week, Miss Frankie
Adams, nstructress in o Commgi
ity Organization at the Atlanta
School of Social Work
i Miss Adums spoke on CIndustrial
Work Among MNegro Women'.
| The fact that she has eerved us
Industrial Secretary of the ¥ W.
. A in Chicago places her in &
| position to speak with authority
Lon the industrial problems of Ne
iu;ru WOReH,
o bhe committce on Colored
| Work. which s interracial in its
Imeke up and which meets month
{1y to tudy various phases of Ne
f;!xn Lite and Literature selected
Las their speaker for the maonth,
IMr Chae W Washington, effie
Ef cient secretary of the Atlanta
tUrban League,
| Mr. Washington held his Listen
ters in rapt attention as he diseuss
Dr. and Mrs.). W. Madison 'ete
. Daughter and Guest
. Dr uand Mrs J W. Madison en
jtertained at their home on Mc
'Danicl Street on Tuesday evening
in honor of their daughter, Miss
(Julia A. Madison who, with a
Leollege chum, Miss Alyce Williams
!uf Pensacotu, 1s spending the holi
idays here
i;,'.,ung'_ collepge set were present.
’n.‘.u a wiim, cheery home. The
t serstiment oni the card anpounces
’timt the latch string hangs on the
,outsidc of the door.
| Mr. and Mrs. A Bowie used a
| card containing a snow scene. The
enveloge is distinguished by its
perforated line, which renders it
easy to open.
| Mr. and Mrs. G S. Delorme se:
lected a folded card in cream on
. which an etching of a Christmas
'E\‘e in England is done by Paul
r D». and Mrs. E. G. Bowden used
assorted cards.
~ Mr and Mrs. John L. Bell chose
a folder with a gold metailic finish
con'ainin? a Christmas wish and
| the simple signature ‘*Jack and
\ Mr. and Mrs lLawrence Allston
| and daughter used assorted cards.
' Mr. and Mrs. Dewey R. Watkins
i chcse a white card, containing the
| picture of a home decorated with
holly wreaths, etc.
" Dr and Mrs ' € Cater used a
white card bordered with vivid
colors. In the center, is the Christ
mus and New Year wish. |
Aity and Mrs T - W. Holmes
uscd assorted cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Kemper Harreld
are not sending cards this year,
but with the amount thus gsaved,
in addition tc a supplementary 2a
mount raised throuegh solicitation,
are playing Santa Claus to about
seventy children. who are wards
of the Chiid's Welfare Society ‘
Mr. and Mrs. J W Recce se
lected a folder etched with a scene
of an old fashioned winter.
Miss Carrie Watts was partial 1o
the Reims Cathedral design. {
Miss Helen Toliver cxpressed her,
artistry in hand painted designs of
a stage coach.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Partee used
an etching of a cathcdral. |
Mr. and Mrs Matthews Roboerls
and sister sent out cards in brown.‘
decorated with old fashioned fid
Miss Ella Ramsey chose erjn«l
terior of an early Amecrican cot
tage. ]
Mr. and Mrs. Periy White and
daughter zelected a design repre
senting a stage coach laden ~with
Christmas gifts.
Pr and Mrs. H D Canady used
cards in buff and brown ,picturing
a cathedral.
A unique folder in silver metal
lic finish, featuring the Three Wise
Men following a star, was used by
Mr. and Mrs. H S Murphy and
children. The inscription reads “We!
have the gold. the frank ne:nce an |
the myrrh, but what we need is a
return of the 'spirit. which shall
keep peace and good-will t(‘\\':ll‘di
all men .
Dr and Mrs €. W Powell s:»:loc—i
ted a card of elegant simplicity. It]
is a pure white card with the greet
ings in gold letters and a gold can- |
dle burning in one corner. {
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cook used]
assorted cards. !
Miss Mary Harris sent cut white,
cards engraved in silver f
Miss Kate Graves used assorted,
cards. g
Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Cunning-|
ham and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cun—I
ningham used assorted cards. ;
M»r. Chas. W. Washington used|
a white card with a unique design, |
The background of the design is
black and embosced upon it are;
the Three Wise Men, done in sil
ver metallie tinish. |
Mr. Walter Smith chose Reims
Cathedral for some of his friends
and The Three Wise Men tor oth
From csome oui-af-f . persons
who are former Atlant»ng come in
tevesting grectine . o2 tollows, f
Mr. and Mrs ¢ ol Heard ol
Washington. send = st o coach de
sign. !
sy A I Hooo ctuds oy
phpe,-_v “n.\.“n,1 £ o e lanit of
And from the far-away Virgin
Islands. Mr. and Mrs Edward
Richardson send an interesting
(Othor cards will be described
later). '
ed the work of the Urban l.ei e
local and nation:al
Subsequent to the address oy Vi
Washington, Misz Ruth Wthaijer
guve an epitome of the Lite of
ed the merit of her fame . an
Coleridge- Taylor and substantiat
accomplished pianist by the . plen
did rendition of Coleridge-‘1aylor
“I feel like a Motherless Chiid ”
For apes past, sewing circles have
{furnished naterial for jokesmiths
i But those who insist that m those
circles there s alwnys more gos
Fsiping done 1hian , sewing should
;“:"" peeped in tast week on the
jone at the ¥ W C. A headed by
;Ml':‘ Rosa King
} The steady b of sewing, mach
mes festihicd that 1% fhet - group
'there wa tH-weark an® no play.”
Of course one (un understand
| why, when one knows what mot
livated those pood women, moved
tby 4a desire 1o oo their bit toward
?sprv:uim:- Chiristmas iy Hinong
fpom' children: they were n..'nkm'x.;
tgarmenis to distribute durine the
| Holiday sedson “Viay their tobo i
Dancing was the foa!
tertainment and music v
ed on the piano by M e
Morehouse College
i The home wis attraciiveiy des
‘rated in Christimas symbols (and
Tthu favors were red and vrem
~ About thirty-six membet LAy
Beautiful furnished room. Private
fhome. Hot water, steam heat
Ielcctric lights, radio, and other
!couveniencus.——“‘amut 4229,
’ y
' Seen and Heard
This time it's the MARINERS
{breaking up the social lethargy that
enshrouded the Gate City durii
an:a:& day. . On last evening aof
iSunset park many social ‘brads’
iseemingly spent a most enjoyabie
'evening. Your humble celum
“nist was so busily engaged Ir
|terpischorean technique with the
‘charming Miss Daisy Stantield that
the “plumb’” forgolt to list any
inames. The officers of ™™ c¢lub are
‘as follows: John T. Amey, pre:i
dent.. Harvell Wise, vice-president
!;\ndx'ew Thomas, secertary, Arthur
O'Neal, Business manager and €
| D. Harris, Treasurer.
! My ‘ole” friend, Sam Specde
;managvr of SBunset Park, breaks
forth with the news that baskctball
‘season is here again and sove
be ready 1o spend some evenings
inul seeing a good baskethail vurc
iund enjoy a: dance alfisvwa
L Mis. Juanita Ellison eatert uno
!with a pre-Christmas dunce at |
'spacious heme on Olives St \
' mong those present wore M
ILuum Lane, Billic Black, Hearviot
Smith, Nettie Arnotd. Mabel Hood |
!Cuthvrine Wingfield, Fannie f\,z"
|nold. Aurcthia Brown, Walter Ma
ILU}'»:I!. Donnie K. Haywood
| Messrs Chayles D Clark, James 0O
lSLi:!w. Pap Ward Cecil Walker T
C. Arnold. Herbert Roldand. - Mac
il(v!:/.xo Jones, Emmett Spuriock,
Oliver Holmes, vour Humble Col
unmist. and a host of othevs A
delightful repast was served. i
Just a correction Miss Elsie Fo X-‘
cr, popular sub-deb of this eity is)
{ not in the city for the yuletide sea
| 5o, but 1s visiting friends in‘
"ot Louls, 111
; —
P Mre o Jubiis We R and R J).Hl
| Wilson.: of Charlotie, N € ave i
‘the eity for the Xmas holidays
These two gentlemen are students
of T € Swith University.
I always “hada a huneh® that 1
would never . marry. byt \\';th’
charming little ladies like Miscos
Daisy Stanficld, Louice Day, John
nie Brittain, Melbahue Bryant, Mil
dred Combs, DMarguerite Taviae
Helen B. Johnson. Muriel Alen,
Thelma Fuller, and the rest around
“thowsa feller sonna aliy & A:;'v'i
Are piving fheir first annual |
dance, Dec. 28th at Tiger Flower's |
Villa. Our next meeting will ho|
at the home of W\rs Adella Fair |
17¢ Bailey Street. |
Mrs. C. Fields, Pres |
Mrs. Lillian Battle, Rep ‘
Graduate Club Meets
On Monday evening Prof. A. 8
Wright of Clark University was
host to the members of the G:';mu-l
ate Club. |
Several games of whist and an
interesting program combined 1o
form an enjoyable evening The
lucky contestants in the whist
Tournament were Prof. John Brid
£es, who captured first prize and
Prof. A. A. McPheeters who won
the second prize.
The program featured Mr A W.
Dent, who outlined his plans for
the future in conection with his
new work in New Orleuns, Lou
isiana and Mr. H. L. McClain, who
thrilled his listeners with a tenor
solo. i ,
Mrs. Gussie Gideons and Miss Viola
sShorter Honor Mr. Frank Gideon
on Birthday
I Vit Iruank M. Gideons, instructon
w*' the David T Howard Junio:
Hivh School was honored Iriday
i- Cnine with a Birthday Patty by
thi tiother Mre (1I881E Cricleonr
‘-'-"“b b aunt, Mi Viala Shorter
‘ The (ifair was in the nature of a
s prise il o so 0 rlover! Wi 1
thandle ! that tho honoree did ol
have the slighiest fnticipation. of
the event. “Thid W5 made possible
by the hoste conniving with Miss
Jessic Mae Jone azsistant prin
who called M Ciideons to hoy
cipal ol David T Howard Sching
home urnid later ked Him to drivi
Professors Almanus Crosbhy ap
i8S Milton Nabrit: mviinbers of
club. but inactive o Gy
months becausze of abscrnce fron
the city expressed gicetin
Other members present
| Professors M. D. Kennedv, ©
Cornell, R. E Cureton A A Re
S. M. Warren, E. lLiuther Broo}
C. A Bascote, €. B. Lindsiy ar
| Joe Brooks.
| Met at the home of Mr. S. Wea
(ver 220 Lawshe Si¥zet, Monde
{right. Dee. 21st. Business was brie
plans were made for our dance ¢
{'he Sunset Casino on MNew Year'
o We want all of our friend
ito come out and dance with us o
t nigit
{ vir. Pavionh rep
L ME Wedver, pited.
‘ e
I The Blandiown P T A met |
i auditorium, Thursda
Lovitnng vt My A. Randolp!
'l;:» iding. A wonderful Xmas tre:
{ blietein ~Wus held on Friday @ a
{1 oclock at the school We were
{g2lad to have the superintenden
! ind ceveral wh te lady friends with
(i= Hewpoke o “Duty of child
LGNt el iy " He was suirprisec
Lwith 4 be iitul quilt as a Xma:
%vf"_ nidde by members of the sew
ing cly and-the PT A 1iltle Mis
‘E‘.w:‘r.;u: won the highest record
of pradse as being the youngest anc
| best seamtress in the sewing clas
{She is nine vears of age and b
.lduug‘hlu:' 01 Mt Lula Everhar
| Mrs. 1. Duvis Principal
{ Mrs D Lavender, Preés.
l Mre 1. Fverhan H-_‘-c'y.
' The Mision of St. Peter Baptis
Chureh brings greetings from Ne:
-'fi.t!(-m Bapt. Church where {their
{eonvention has just closed. A won
ierful sermon woes delivered b
Rév. Green
The following churches of this
ominunity invite yow to .worship
with them Sunday:
st ePter Bopt Church. Rev Sim
little Bethiel A, M. E Church
[Rev. Bearden, pastor,
| Roeky Mt (hrictiz® Ohyipren
"x‘« v Mayes, pastor.
| Muuehiedn SU. Wwill ‘spend the N
Hoeidivg with: her grandmother
I\J'~ Ceorita Johnson at Tallilal
’ Sl (a
is Sunceing thely pastor ey A
1 Wiy With g Xmas iree o
Docevhor 29 Mombers and frien
are invtad Please meet at th
chineh au g o M
Mrs. Grace King died Sunday
December 20, 1931 - She was 70
e Y O S
18 Gy IR g DY R TN S ‘_';'!f"';? Sl S 3
e e P N
:',"\J" \;V%‘g'f\h ?{-,1'. B ] D“ S ;
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gj {v‘*"r.: . i";.?""»:lt \ ': ; S wld W I~ (q
seellgiail., J W)
A wf‘"' 7,‘1-,;": S TR
Bty S ol N "
D S e 4
s ;h‘ ~»
wa o AR O |
b NGl or
RN ”B Am tea
50¢ K& & rown CrICl 5
U 7 —,
‘ s [y ;
Z -~ ]
| Five lovely shades of neturel com- i e v
plexion brown. S A
§ The color chart ranges from dark (' g
brown to deep cream, carefully .- '
compounded to blend with the ; _
varying complexions. Also Poro e it J 25
f powder comes in Brunette, or 3 I
| Flesh, or White, == delicate, fra- & v
| grant, clinging. 3 b : i
’, Three rich warm shades of !'O::E ) :
{ and lip-stick to sult your partic ;
§ type of coloring. ~ : b
i Your Poro Dealer will serve gou / i
‘ or write 5
{ 4415 SOUTH PARKWAY | i : >
| Poro Block, 44th to 45th Streat Iy >
i :
| Poro Venishing Cream A
| makes a perfect dase " " :
nee and hHer mother to his home
upon the pretense of a desire to
visit his muother
Upon their arvival at his mother's
home Mr., Gideons was gdreeted by
a host of friends, who included
members of the David T. Howard
Faculty and a few other puests,
Mrs. Gussie Gideons i a cateress
of réenown and to say thal the sep
vice on this occasion was elabore
ate would be cuperfiuous,
Mrs. Gideons and Mis Shorter
were uassisted by Msr Charles L
- i
T cars old Murdaueh Brothers have
| harge of the remuin Funeral ar
i ingement will b ¢ announced
‘; The Family Welfare Society is
nanktul -for many gifts for its
i We were not able {o locate Mrs.
angford at 504 McDaniel Street,
4 we could not get our friend
ho offered a roller chair over the
; ' number given. Please
4 agdill
| No. 2 Roy has been barefooted
{1or weeks has a severe cold, Child's
‘ Ot 1ze 13, would be a pgreat re
| No 5 A small bed needed for 6
| rear old child who is sleeping on
t he floor. The {umily has no room
| or full sized bed
g N T Two iu;f.' ages 5 and 11.
t n need of clothing and shoes.
| Mother unemploved. Father dead.
No 11 Shoes needed for b()y 3
No 5 and girl (No. 6)
Ne 1218 vear old l:uy would
ke to attend school but he has no
| The Post held its regular weekly
i neeting December 22, at BOSE
{ Headqguarters. This was a Social
I sight and every one re ported a de=
t ightful time. Discussion at this
neeting wa concerning our
‘hristinas plans, which were ecap=
| ded cut to perfection on Thurse
! ening December 24, 1931
We are glad to announce that
} ueh our supervisor Mrs. Ada
3. MceDav many hearts were made
«l, both grown ups and children.
it only did the Post help Vet
ans and their children but others
+ heiped who came to our of=
Jot a person was turned away
¢ mething, coal was alse
ven to those who needed it.
('h tma i a seinson of glfts.«
hese of us who are prepared to
| ive should give more than ever
. cccause the need is greater. Make
ome one happy It is better to
ive than to receive. May we all
[ 'ack forward to live a better life in
{ the future and to carry a prayer
for the World at lLlTLI,Q‘ within our
hearts, “Wishing vou a happy and
rosperous New Year.
All veterans are urged to be pre=-
ent at our next meeting Tuesday
night December 29, 1931
Ada B. McDay, supervisor
Carl McGill, commander
Miss Mazie Alford, of 383 Felton
Drive left for New York' City,
December 18th to spend the Xmas
i holidays. She wil return to the
i 2ity about January 15th. 1980,
Continued on Page Six
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