Newspaper Page Text
’Round Columbus
l Town
Christmas has come and gone
and Columbus Town is getting back
to normal again after a bombard
ment of firecrackers, blank pistols
cannons and other firears. Some
are glad und some are sorry but I
hope that Old Saint Nicholas was
good to everybody.
We are now looking to the arri
val of a New Year, 1932. As is the
usual custom we will make our an
‘nual New Ywvar Resolutions even
it we don't keep them. We uare
all hoping for and lovking to a
much better, a more prosperous
and a more happy year than the one
which will soon pass into history
And as we prepare to make out
new vear resolutions let us resoive
that we will do all that we cin
to help each other more. love each
other more as we journey as thru
life. Let us resolve to give mott
and to uor fellowman. Let us re
attention to our church, to God
for our neighbor and help Dbear
solve to always speak a good word |
each other's burdens. If we wili
do this. the year, 1932, will be a
glorious year for all of us and we
will find this to be a much better
world to live in.
I am going to be very brief in
my column today as I want you to
think on the things that I have
mentioned above, dear readers, and
I will not say anything that will
detract your attention from the,
same. So I am closing u:ntil Wed- |
Messrs Lucius Pride, Scl Cole
man and Booker Carter are spend
ing the Christmas holidays with)
their parents here. They are stu-|
dents of Tuskegee Institute. f
Miss Boobie McCluskey is also|
home from Tuskegee Institute and
is spending the Yuletide wiwth lzw"[
relatives, Prof. and Mrs. ] I)g
Davis on Buena Visty Road. I
Rev. Brown to Preach
“The Unpossessed
Land” Todayv
COLEUMBUS, Ga., Dec 27—
Announcement has come from
Rev. J. N. Brownfi the popular vas
tor of First African Baptist church,
that he will preach on the subject
of the “Unpossessed Land” this
Sunday morning at eleven o'clock
Rev. Brown is known throughout
the city and country as a great and
powerful preacher and the sermon
this morning will be one well worth
listening to. The public is extend
ed a most cordial invitation to wor
ship at First African Baptist thn
morning and at all tune:
All subscribers to the Augusia
Edition of the Atlanta World are
asked tp pay the'r carriers pompt
ly as the carier must pay his billj
evey week recardless to his collece
tions, He wiil theefore be s:av.l“
much time. worry, disapointment
and money. '
I met Drother Dr. Thompson al
few days ago and he ‘mpressed|’
me very much as all that a minis-|
ter should be. I can see why he
is pastor of the great Tabernacle
Baptist Church.
I might announce here also
that my home address has Dbeenj
changed from 1110 13th Street to
1227 Railroad Avenue. I can also
be found on the ground floor of
the Penny Savings Bank Building
every mornng from 7:30 to 8:350.
All readers, subscribers. and
well wishers of the Atlanta World|
are azked to cooperate with me to
make this an interesting paper by
conr'buting news items through|
Sylvia J. White at O. M, Blount’s
Real Estate office. 1140 9th st:'oo.‘-.‘{
I have eaten so many Xmas din-!
ners that I don't believe that T will
becorne hungry by this time next
week. I ate so much that I lost b
pounds carrying it around.
Whenever I get lonesome 1if it
. is 13 o'clock at night I just amble
¢ ip 1o the Progressive €lub room!
and there 1 always find a whis
tournament that rivals the Lenz.
Culbertson Bridge affair in inten
sity and skill ]
: All my reporters are taking the
holidays off so 1 am looking for
ii ‘2 World of news next week. 1 toke
-~ this opportunity to wish you a fur
ther Merry Merry Christimas.
.. Persistent coughs and colds lead to
@erious trouble. You can step them now
with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote
hat is pleasant to take. Creomulsion i3
& new medical discovery with two-fold
mction; it soothes and heals the inflamed
: gmembranes and inhibits germ growth.
. Of all known drugs, creosots is rec
ognized by high medical authorities as
one of the greatest healing agencies for
1 istent coughs and colds and other
ml of throat troubles. Creomulsion con
«+tains, in addition to creosote, other heuling
.yedements which soothe and heul the in
.. fected membranes and stop the irritation
_ and inflammation, while the creosote goes
om to the stomach, is absorbed into the
_blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and
. checks the growth of the germs.
. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory
ia the treatment of persistent coughs and
colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and
_other forms of respiratory discases, and is
__axcellent for building up the system after
. oolds or flu. Mgney refunded if any cough
_or cold, no matter of how long standing,
9:}. not relieved after takin;',.m:cnrdin-,: to
”'jkjcuum. Ask your druggist. (adv.)
———— R o R s \ ;
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South Side News
Christmas Wedding.
I A \wedding of recent alerest
i\\';:s {hat of Miss Ruby Wells to M
‘Riohurd Hackins 08 the UVORIEG
|6f December 25, 1931 at the home
Lof the bride 222¢ South 251h Stieet
at 8:00 p. m. The Wi dd was one
of the most calorful - ont afthe
yvule tide season We are wishing
them the seasons best grectings.
| - 5
| Hamilon, Ga. |
| = |
i Friendship. Rev. S & ”1]!'\'(‘}2:
| pastor, Sunday Schoot at usual hour |
The Sunday School will make |
‘h;x;:;\_‘: the unemployed children. |
I Phe lésson was very intervesting for |
;L'E‘.l'b‘tnm.; Wednesday. Dec. 23.
and 5 ulerary program One of |
Friendship held prayer services |
whom all enjoyed those taking
part in the progra mwere Deacon |
Reuben Brook. Bro. G. L. Hudson, |
Bro. William Williams. Bro. Ernest
Thompson, Sister Sophronia Pitts.
Sister L. R Harrison, Nettie L. Ma
son. Sister € M Hawkins Reci:
tation by Miss Margaret Gradic.
The nivht before Christmas. Read
ing Niss Winnie Carlise, Christmas
Night A =on@ for Chwistmas v
Miss Miss Liz:ie and Miss and
’f\li:».-‘ Nettie B Grade. Chrisanas
‘Fuiriv.. Miss Annie Adell Guadic
| After the prograrn Rey, Ilarvey
lwaus made to smile. Santa Ciaus
came to him in many ways, chick.
ens. fruits, preserves, pork and the
siiver offerings and lots of otier
things. He was accompanied by
his son Mr. Solomon Horave
!T\Id{iuhy ‘Pripin.
| Mrs Jimmie L. Pruitt of B'ham
Ala. was the guest of her motha
and sister Mrs. Amanda Bryant,
Mrs. Johnnie Kenebrew, Miss Bon
‘nio Muae Kenebrew, returned with
lhcl‘ Wedneday to spend five weeks
at Birmingam. Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Weldon, Mrs. Rueben Erooks.
Mrs. W. S. Washington were in
Columbus this week Christmis
shopping. Rev. G S Myrick re
ports his work is a spelndid field.
We wish for him great success.
I wonder why Miss 1. B M G
is in love with Mr. B. DB why
Mr. WW is loving Miss MLG and
she is in love with GRH.
. Why Miss RMG loves Mr. VH
and says she doesn’s. Why Miss AP
MG seems to love Mr. 1. & to her
heart and he is not siudying her,
Why Miss ARR want to take 82
from Mr. GHM and she scem to
be Mrs. EMMF best friend. 1 won
der why Miss NG loved and want
‘L‘d Mr. GMF to give her five dollar
wrist wateh and de did not it
: Why GLG is always sending let
iters to Miss LVH by her brolher
{I wonder why NMiss MAMG 15 so
erazy about Mec MH Why Mr B
love Miss BMG and she is in lm'v-i
with JB. I wonder why Miss CW
don't know how 1o falk to boys |l
‘Why SFR and CW don't pay no |
other givl any mind. The whole|
Union State iz wondeiing why Miss |
MRS try to love Mr. EK and HI\'.)
s so. crazy about Mi. Grant of
ton. We all wonder why Miss MMG |
Colunmbus and he iz married and
she is alwiys going lo Columbus
with other men from Chipley.
I wonder why Miss MRG thinks
she walks to pretty, when she dogs
nut. Wonder why when Mr. BNG
takes one drop of whiskey he has
to lavy dwn in the road I cunt see
why Mp. (. B: shoots s6 many
times and do not kill any rabb:s
i Why HHBNG, DCH ran so hard in
{August, thought ths law was after
1thom I wonder why EH 18 S0 ¢razy
iabout Ri® and she is ih love with
‘LA Wonder why LWH went away
jand came back telling =0 nmany
slories about going back and is stitl
i here,
i Why BELR i €5 crizv. abolit M
Wonder why B is so pepular in
the church.
I wonder whiv LCH Tfollow men
ifolk up and down (he road
EN T Y. 3 F nY e
Thne Stovall Jr. Hi School closed
Friday the 18th for the Xmas hoii
Miss Tona Martin, teacher of tae
srd and 4th grades entertained the
school with a program and Xmas
frce. After which our Principal,
Miss F. H Robinson, gave the sii
| dents some interesting remarks fol
i lowed with a duet by Mrs. Hortense
'‘Whiitc and Miss Rock. Tre presents
were presented by the teachers
Wsses Martin and Rock after which
' a delicious dish was served FEvery
. tne enjoyed the affair to the high
ost. Were wishing every clild, “'A
Merry Xmas and 4 Happy New
Yeap |
It is very &°d indeed to lean of |
the accident of Little Thomas Grier. |
son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grier.|
The doctor pronounced his case;
serious. Little Thomas was thei
brightest among his classmates. His|
teacher, Miss Rock along with stu
dents and friends wish him a speedy
‘recovery. 3
3: ¥
By Elbert Aiken
The great State Annual Assembly
of the Church of the living God the
pillar ‘and Ground of the® trath.
closed at the Temple last Sunday
night, This Assembly was opened
Monday night, Dee. 14th with the
Chief Overseer, Bishop M. & 1
Kceith presiding.
A lovely welcoming program was
rendered at the opening of this
meeting. The welcome address was
read by Mrs. Willie McCarvin, Wel
come address was also read from
‘the Church of God in Unity, Graham
Chapel and Mt Hope Chuiches
- Two wonderful songs were sung
by North--£nd Quartet. This Quai
tet consisied of Messrs €. G. Me
%(‘r:n'y. J. € Kingston Robert Moor
Cray - J ¢ - mmeston. - Hober
‘Mnnrv and Ehheu Gains. Two
|h(*:xutiful songs were sung by the
EH. B Quartel which: eonsisted —of
| Messrs Robert Ponder. Cayson Shel
“ton. Aaton Moore and Maste:!
Johnny McKeover
(A beautifiil sclo was stme by
by Miss Lizza Mae Boss 'l awish
[m know if they will wélcome me
| there ”
- Several soul stirring sermons were
\(i.'-!i\‘vn_-({ to packed house through
1t the week. |
- e \
{ Rev. H: Green was re-appointed
rpastor at the Teniple.
i 5 =
| Mrs Elizabeth Johnson and Mrs
!IMinnu- Moore motored to Valdosta,
e Oth {o. attend the funeral of
{ Mrs. Magzie B Evans.
(Call Elbert Aiken for the A'l-
I.ANTA WORILD with the beautitul
brown sheet every Sunday for only
5 cents,
Covington News
By Morris Hardemon
& paul A M E church x-l
comes the return of their pa \.1‘.'
Rev. C. K Knikht. who has ",‘)ne‘
so much for its uplift. Rev. Knight
has been a power in the chuich
and community of Covington. We
thank the conference
The True and Tried Board of 5t
Paul AMLE. church met at L*
' home of Mrs. Mary Hudson on|
il‘;rnwn street. Mrs. Louise Hend :x‘i
l;md Mrs. J €. Lawrence were thej
| honorea guests, Officers were ele.-
“.(\d for the new conference year.'!
and a Talent rally was planned. Th ‘
| Utilis Decem club met at the home
Lot Mrss M. J Brown Plans werc
1(5.&'(1:‘ ed for the holidays. |
. Bov [ H. Fortson, pastor of the
| Grace M. E. church, preached a soul |
stirring sermon Sunday morning |
’with a large number of members
;;-m‘x friends present. 1
| The Friendly Twelve club of the
| Grace met at the home of Mo, iaula
! Shackelford. |
You arve ° cordigllv. diavited to|
Grace church Friday. December 25
to attend an old fashion Xmas tree
und program which ‘wiil be render
¢d by the Sunday school, Mrs, 1. M.
Basley .superintendent.
Christmas is here an dyou will
1ead during the Xmas. So pay your
paper boyv on time.
. "Myrs M. J. Brown. Mrs. lLouise
tl(ondrix. Miss A. M Blessomgare
- ond Mr. Somsont Hendrix motored
1o Atlanta Monday .
i Miss Julia Mary Stokes, a student
L (f Booker T Washington Hight s
| :pending the holidays at home with
{ler parents My and Mrs J. €.
i1 otokes, |
i~ Mrs Camille D Harvold, teacher
L f Pleasant Hill publie school en-|
P tortained Wednesday evening with
pa Jovely Xpjas tree and program.
;"iw program was enjoved by all
Fyresent: Mrs. Haveold is working
{ Lard for tne upbuilding of Pleasant
11011 school,
I Rev T H Forisony and lamily
fwvere strangely stirred Tuesday eve
) ing by singing led by Sister Fala
fIicks ond that unliring spirit 1
i the person of Mrs. Minnie Roke
{aw. Thev sany until theyv were ad
énit‘wd into the narsonage of Rev
lend Mrs T H PFortson After be
; ing admitied to their surprise o
i Iost of feiends were following the
‘\""T“(‘Y" These ladies came in and
’I"lmi the dinnine reom table of thy
BT E parshuape - o its ecavdefe
lwiih the most select and choiee
Feraceries and @ after [ilis th
;fi:xh:(} M A W Brown nade the
' presentation address W oilel Wit
_very unique and in its place. Then
the pastor, Rev. Fortson in a few
' chocsen words thanked one and ali
| for the fine way In which he and
| family were remembered. He alsc
referred to their Christ-like spirit
that was the foundation of their
' giving. And he urged them to read
the 13th chapter of Gen. 7-8 verse.
After this Mrs [. M. Easley led
| *God will take edre of you ‘T'hey
also sang “The Lord will provide”
ton leaving. The spirit ran high
They were invited to come again
by Rev. Fortson.
. 5
Mrs. Hortense Kyle White lef
Sunday night, December 20th for
{ Winston Salem., N. C.. to sptnd the
holdidays with relatives
Mr. Charlie Reese Jr. hag re
turned frem Anniston, Alabama.
| Misses Christola N. Wilkerson
and Louise McCollum are shend
ing the holidays with thair re
spective relatives here
- One of the most elaborale yile
tide: affairs was the surprse party
given Mr. € ¢ Cook at which
Micses Ruby White and 1 Mac
Kearse were joint hostess. Miss
White's home was decorated with
vuletide colors and a miniature
Christmas tree. The honored guest
was presented o nut and caramel
cake. The first prize for gents was
won by Mr. Douglas Stargell and
for ladies by Mrs. Ethel Thomas.
‘The consolation going to Mr. Levi
Taylor. Au elaborate and palatable
‘menu was served. Covers -“vere
Jrid for twelve.
' See Harold Lipscomb or Eima
Weaver if you wish to take the
\,W()RLI). They are at your service.
Give them your news also. Pay
lynm' newsboy promptly.
‘ Miss Inez Rock is expecting to
spend part of the Xmas holidays
!\\i\h her mother and family in
I Newnan, Georgia, and leave for
\:\tlumu. Sunday to spend the re
| mainder of her two wecks vaca-
I tion.
We ave glad to say thai Mes B
Rock and family are progressing
nicely in their new home.
There will be a Xmas tree and
program at Macedonia Baptist
Church Monday night.
Misses Gladys Womble and Bula Drake of the Fort Valley il
School are home for the holidays.
. Mr. George Spivey was the guest
!(:'f Miss Nora Spear, Sunday even
| Mr. O. Traylor was the zguest of
' Miss Ruby Child. Sunday afternoon.
The marrage of Mr. Walter Hut
{ rhinson and Miss Amie Lou Gray
lwas solmenized Dec. 14, at the home
[ f the parson, Rev. € H. Child
1 . 3 T
By request of so many people,
the Sccial Circuit Hi School will
play Covington Hi. New Years Eve,
lilf 9:30. Everybody is cordially in
i\'lft:\l to see a good game.
| Miss Selma Davis is on the sick
! Mrs. Mattie Curry reported a very
| pleasant stay while in Atanta.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris are the
proud parents of a fine baby girl.
' r 137
| Misses Alma Mercy. Eula Mercy,
’l na Bryd were guests of Mis
IR C. Cunningham.
l T AT 1
% &
l Nisses Lizzie Inez Mahone and
[Carrie Owens motored to Atlanta,
Monday to spend the Xmas holi
' Miss Reather Ellison motored to
i Atlanta Tuesday where she will
pend the Xmas holiday These
{+irls are students of the County
) Troining School. We hope. for them
(9 AWorry Xmas and a Prosperous
Noty Year,
| rteg Carrie Peters is also visit
ine friends and relatives i1 At
lar'n We are wishing for her an
'x‘:\.? - nble stay.
s 1 T King for The Atlan’s
~ Baseball Heads
(Continued From Page 5)
m the League ‘
| Since that meetng, one of the
organizers has given information |
i!.: the Press which lecads to the’
conclusion that about four teams
will comprise the League. These ‘,
| would bLe: Baltimore Blacksox, |
Hilldale, Homestzad Grays and '
I;\-‘.hu‘.:lv Cleveland It is undcr-;
L ifood that these four teams would |
fconstitute what known as m‘gun-'
liiod baceball for both the Kastern
;‘,n‘.i Western Section ]
| By oliminating other formidole;|
‘1(.;3,],.¢ in the East <and alonga lh(-l
[route to Kansas (ity one is left to |
figure out indinvidually what pll.’~!
lp:':p the Leapie i85 10 Serve. .Amli
right here is where the I‘itlsbur:.:hi
Crawfords open thei- loud speaker |
| Next year the (rawiords \','1]1‘
I play in their own park. They will |
\travel in their own busses. Thi'yi
already have their own Clubhouse. |
And in spite of depressive condi- |
tions which we all know about |
the Crawfords have money in the |
treasury. §
At present major baseball ot- |
tractions in Pittsburgh are held at |
Forbes Field When two foreign |
j teams are plaving, the Forbes Fieid |
management demands 30 per cent
of the gross receipts. Under the
isame conditions Grawfords Park
managers will be satisfieq with |
20 pet cent. Crawtords Park is lo- |
cated so that 80 per cent of pitrons
of Negro baseball will not be re
quited to pay cab fare or extra
lear fare. This fact above all will
| insure at least a 10 per cent in
'('r(‘aso over any previous year's
! No other Negro Team in Pitts
{ burgh has these .dvantages to of
1101‘. No other team in Western
Pennsylvania can make such an
‘ufi'vxt With these obvious advant-
ages entirely ignored by the Lea
gue moquls it seems that the
Crawfords have a right to inquire
about the purpose such a League
would serve. ‘
Another questionable phase of
the proposed lLeague's activities is
their method of organizing. They
have no. officers now. nor do _they
plan to have any. If moaey is to
be deposited, questions or light
thrown upon existing or expectant
problems, no single individual is
named for purposes of communica
Under conditions as herein re
ported, West Penn Service draws
one conclusion about the proposed
League, It is not a League of Base
ball teams, Managers or Owners.
Rather, it seems more like an as
sociation of Owners who in turn
wit induee their booking agents
to asgociale similarly. In that ev
ent teams oulside the association
could not invade any of the four
cities with any reliable assurance
of success.
Overton News
Mrs., Ora N. Griffith
Church Services Sunday were
very good in spite of the incliment
weother. Rev. Spencer preached a
good sermon while the Sunday
School department held a very
warm discussion over the Christ
‘mas lesson.
- The faculty of Ovarton. Jr., Bhigh
a3 well as the students, are enjoy
ing their Yuletide vacation. The
Christimas tiee took place Wednes
‘day night.
Eaton, who died at the South High
lund Infirmary last week She was
accompanied by her husband. Mr.
John Jones, Mr. and Mrg, William
Strong, brother-in-law, and siswet
tol‘ the deceased and other members
of the family. Mrs. B. L. Eaton and
children will n o w remain in
Greensboro to live with her moth
lvr there.
} The rural atmosphere is really
| felt here. Citizens have broken
their garden plots prior to next
year's planting.
Prof. Parker, principal Junior
High School, Marvel, spent the
week-end here with Mr. and Mrs
J. R. Gray and family.
P~ ~r
) /|
X ————r Tl
Now For Shaves Without
‘A R-zor
Here it 1s! Manufacturing wizards §
bave turned another trick to make life
easier—a powder, known as Magic Shave
ing Powder, which you simply mix with
water and put on your face snd your
beard washes off quicker and closer than
you can shave it off with any razor.
Hair is dissolved clean to the skin,
end grows back same as if you shaved
the old bothersome razor way.
Is so antiseptic it is used by Hospitals
and Deauty Parlors. Prevents ingrowing
bairs. Clears skin of bumps and pim
ples and is 80 gentle on skin even
women find it priceless for removing
superfiuous hair.
If your druggist does not have Magic
Bhaving Powder, by all means send 86¢
In stamps tcday for bhig, fuli-size pack-
Bge. Address: Magic Shaving Powder
Co., Dept A., Savannah, Ga. 3 (Adv.)
Y " " B 1 |
A e R A K |
1751 jvivker relier set child inhale Vapos |
Crosolene vapor while he sleeps. Every c !
Preath carrics soothiing, antiseptic vapor ,
airect 16 rritated membranes of breath- o i
ing oruins, No waiting for slower reliet of
remedios taken internally or rubbed on the L
feiip.Tyne. RUAE: No upset stomachs. D
Y upudie No fmuy stains. Drugless. .
SRR simple, easy touse. Lamp-type ;
{ \, or new electric vaporizer. Com
! 22 plete direetions with every bot
i tie. In successful use for 52
3 v vears. At all drug stores.
i .’ =) o .;
Je ;
g 25
- |
e Send for booktet No. (key) lectric
. e Vapo-Cresolene Co., 52 Corts V‘;oulul
= laivdt St., New York, N. Y,
Emancipation Day Celebration To Be
Held At Spencer High School Jan. 1st.
COLUMBLS, Ga.. Dec 20—
~ The annual celebraton of the
Emancipation Proclamation will
be held at the William H. Spencer
High School on Friday. January
1st, 1982, It will be sponsored by
the So-C 25 Club and the Min's
terial Alliance of Columbus and
TV'® € H. AND A. CLUB NO. 2
Met Thursday night at the home
r Mot Man Heaslev 49
Rhodes Street, N. W.. with the
piesiaent presiding. Devotional ser
vices were led by the chaplain,
Biother A. Scott. One new member
enrclled. Our next meeting will ve
at the home of Sister Nellie Coker,
366 Rhodes Street, N. W. All mem
bers are urged to be present.
Brother C. Gore, president
Sister E. T. Bonds, reporter
NEW ORLEANS, La. Deq, 25—
(ANP)—Paul Brown, veerin em
ploye of Dr. Denegre Martin and
his associates, who was known to
thousand of New Orleanians, is
dead. Brown had been employed
as a porter by the doctor for more
than 25 years and had become pro
ficient in first aid work. He used
his knowledge of this work to ease
the suffering persons who had to
wait for the arrival of the physici
The Ladies Aid Board No. 2 of
Warren Memorial Church met with
Mrs. Estella Graham, 228 Chestnut
Street, N. W., December 13th. On
account of the inclement weather
only a few of the members were
present. We are hoping that every
member will be present at the home
of Miss Carrie and Emma Heard
of 117 Ashby Stx'cel, N. W, Dec.
A 4 .
~ Mrs. Fannie B‘ooks, Pres.
Mrs. Mattie Lockharf, Rep.
Met at the home of Miss Peters,
508 Tatnall Street. The Xmas tree
will be given Monday night, Dec.
28th, at the home of *he president,
Miss Estella Winfrey on Fair Street.
After transaction of business an
evening of whist was enjoyed.
Miss E. Winfrey, Pres.
Miss Bobie Sims, Rep.
Mrs. Huttie L. Jeter is spending
the Xmas holidays with her son
at Tuskegee Institute.
Mrs. Mary Palmore was hostess
to the Bellvadore Social Club at
her home 174 Walnut Streel., We
were glad to have Miss Gresham
and Mr. Buchann presen:. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. 1.. Tho
mas, 173 Chestnut Street, N. W.
Miss Mattie Johnson,, Rep.
I | BN
solve to Read Every
Resolve to Read Kvery
WORLD In 982
v RER Bebe
No better New Year’s resolution could be made by any non
subscriber of The World than the promise to read each and every issue
of this newspaper.
Read:ng The World is the only way in which you can keep thorough
lv informed cn what happens here and elsewhere to members of our race.
The World is vour newspaper, devoted to you, and is able to give
vou service which no other newspaper published here can duplicate.
For the individual who wants real live features, The World offers
a weekly rotogravure section, a weekly comic page, and a wide variety of
articles by nationally faynous writers who know th:ir subjects thoroughly.
For yvour own pleasure and benefit, resolve to read cach issue of
The World during 1932.
the following committee: Dr. M.
L. Taylor. General Chairman
Rev. G. J. Hubert, Vice-Chairman,
Mr, O. R, Bryant, Secretary. Rev.
S. H. Rone, Assistant Secretary
and Rev. L. A. Townsley, Treas
The following s the General
Committee: Dr. M. L. Taylor
Chairman, Rev. J. N, Brown. Rev.
R. K. Paschal, Rev. 8. H. Rone.
Rev. L. A, Townsley. Rev. G- J.
Hubert, Messrs. E. E. Farley,
Ilenry Toles and O. B. Bryant.
Chaplain L. A, Carter of the
24th Infantry will be the speaker
of the day. The Spencer High
School Giee Club and the Taylor
Community Singers and others
will render several musical selee
t'ons. The pastors and congre
gations of all churches are urged
to be present.
The regular annual parade wl
precede the exercise at th school
and will b headed by the 24th In
fantry Band followd by a com
pany of soldiers in uniform. The
line of march will form at the
Y. M. C. A. on Ninth Street and
Sixth Avenue and will proceed
north on Sixth Avenue to 12th St
thenthen west to Fourth Avenuc
and then south on Fourth Avenuc
to Bighth Street and east on
Eighth Street to the Spencer Hi
School where it will end.
. : ’ ® .
Chris’'mas Stocking
® o
Might Contain A
e ®
Bit of Anything
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 27
It was Christmas eve at the Bir
mingham police station and the
usual holiday rush was on with the
phone clanging constantiy.
. Officer J. M. Maynor, bent over|
the table. finally completed his |
’stood orect and lifted for the (lisvl
play of those around him stock- |
ing that would make the most |
cynical youngster want to investi
gate and discover just what those
| bulges might contain for his de-]
llight or well being. ‘
. - .
Rev. C. K. Salland, pastor, i
1 Bro. J. Peteyson, pres.;
Bro. J. Gilstrap, rep;
- |
. )
{ Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Chiles, former- |
ily of 289 Fortune Street are :ut
{ home to friends at 253 E. an'(‘:"l
iAvenue. Their new home has
{been completed and estimated at
1 $4.000. |
WOM EN Dan't W » bout
f'u:t'.' m:‘flfl«utcfifi<:‘fi?“u .g‘nré:fi&hz
(I;rn-o %\nu”m}m. °";':"n‘3“'¢"'od‘$¥‘." .‘:Zf.'.““"
i Y Sl St Y
Cucts Cos Dept. 08, PN welle sy
Classified Ads
mvestigations, Mxperience unnecessarp
Particulars free, American Detective 3yse
tem. 2180-D Broadwoy, NY \
8" OWRITERS] Poems, melodiea. Oubd
standing prepesitien, Hibbeler, DK
214 Ksystove, Chicags.
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Good Luck, Love, Happiness and Prosperity.
Special only $1.07 for the two. With valuus
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these genuine Mystie Brahma Lodestoned
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Jor WOMEN ox/y
Wh bout delayed peri B4
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Liquid-Tablet Relief. Uded by doctors. Méves waste’ [
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e & S o e, U
Obetinate Cases §5.00. lilustrated Folder Fren
order, PETONE €O, a*p‘ 10-F St. Louis
Do You Want A Baby?
Any woman denied the blessing of a baby
should write at once to Dr. DePew, Suite
1.S, Coates Mouse, Kansas City, Mo. The
doctor is sending free, postpald, for the nexd
30 days, his regular dollar size non-specifie
treatment ¢ oased oo glandular activity,
which has Deen used with happy results by
thousands of women. No C.0.D.. no 6ost,
no obligation. Mrs. J. Scheller, Ind . writes
] never had a sick day. I Lecame the
mother of & fine 8% ,ound baby. God oily
knows our joy. I hope every woman Ion(ms
for motherhood will take your medicine.
Mrs. White, Pa., writes: *‘Marriea 11 years,
doctors told me I would never bave ohile
dren; 1 tried your medicine, Now I am t@
be s mother in October. My dearest wish
| reslised.” Simply send your name, and @
| $1 treatment will be malled tree in plate
| wrapper with booklet, “Childless Marriages."
| Write at once as ouly a limited supply of
| these treatments will be send- free
| mewth.—ade,