Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 30, 1931, Wednesday City Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1931 A " CTIV M_MW}—"——_—-—_—Y_-" . I1ITI s 4 "ITIES M*M—TV‘! @ LUBS LU e e e . ] 4 ! : XOUHY s = /I_‘{(\/\}(\ : n,f-'.’-‘f'_}f;.‘/ W (LANTS. Wi 5 o HALL, SORORS OF SIGMA GAMMA RO QANDWICHING a series of swanhy sacial cvents hetween g calendan w) of mot constructive and Hamirating L e ‘ fon P the charm ng sorors of Sigma Gannana Rho.o with My Fannic O'Bannon, s - giand bacileus, in the chair. have jut pacsed the midpoint of their Seventh Annnal Boule (p o U) X y nounced: “Poo=lav') xw ‘ PHE BUSIED PEN of Meo Juanta Paschal ;fi!fl{g’?;@ Toomer one of the soror: e well e o rogulir con- R “ . . ' g‘ 1\:&" S Y trihnlor Lo the ooty papes ol h patpur, will R R }Y/ proficy mai iitd detdile of the lisiie | on \,,;‘*"”” Y ."‘;‘(‘ a3 th i1y i by il NESa . s MG il o acl S b =4 L \ g\’\q‘? tholess o foew sidel ghts of thie doings ol sigma o S S il Gamma Rho may be eleaned in subsequent pird Lucius Jone, oraph A ctory of the opening meeting hus Leen furn =hed by thiz columinizt cliewhere within tins Bruc, MATINEE MIRTH SIOMA CAMMA RBHO pried ihe I'd off the social cchiodale Monday afternoon. from four Wl seven-thiity, on the Roof Gar | en. Our well known youryg pianist. Graham W Jackson. wai at the piano, flanked on cither < de by a coterie of platant Siminole Nvnco patars who were keved up to the oceasion. And such music why our intelligrentsia loot adjectives ‘with which to relate their superla se elation! The “Saint Louis Blues’ and “Happy Dayvs Ard Here Again’’ Wire de- nearnated “Slpapy Time Down Boulh' s gven NEWEE @jiesu The prde Was = thvie = o SPWENTY-SEVEN" RINGER Er i cANTEe TEEpR eV NI SRR EN L LB heart pal pitator, initiating at twenty-seven minules past Ten and prolong ing 'till the wee, wee hours of the morn ng Aoain Gralmim wa there with syncopation of highly cmotion-disturbing propertie:. Well known members of the professional and business world were starch od 20 stiffly, and looked so decidedly formal in their “tuxes” b they resembled sheaves of beaverhoard. They were immacuiate to their Linger tips, Promi'nent loeal mavons and debutand port od gowns of highly arresting beauty, all caleulated to elicit the envy of the most nonchalant connoisscur. For blocks on the ©Avenue’ hj[,:‘h |H>\\'|‘I'M| ;Hli{ hi"'?l }il‘i"uf Vb le l'(l\li-fi by cehn patked 1 !?I'xii" file along the curbs, Yo i the professionals had a holidav! And the sorors of Sigma Ganima Rho. despite the routine of the car fier hours of the day, were as buoyant as uncorked vingey abe flood o with salt! ; Sn A THE GAMMA MATINEE AFRFAIR. from the hupo throog ol Ytageed” Atlamtans. such ploasing periona a3 e ones aboul o be enumoerated could be sincled out: The Sigma CGamma Ri homsclve: amotic whom were Mecdames €. M. Pibte Iaanity Pa bl Loomer and Meced Meptle Mg balos Anona Walkey alte and Janie Goo !u.\' Faucitle H:.!’) oribay Rurge. and Ruby Wiie and othepss My and My - 1. Bell, Proland Mrs 6 Lather Hiooks and Mossi- Jeoae O, Fliomasd, A, A MePhooieres, (0 W Washington, Charles 1. Gideons, 11 J. Furlowe, Clinton Gibson, [iddie Hugping, Marvion Hamilton, Ralph Robin-on, Marcus Beaver feorge Logan dwicds, and res of other males: and Mises Mable Hind,. Vera Gibson Evolen Ross Thedma Handley, Oles Williams, Mildred Freeman, Lawia Campfield, Hattio and Edythe Wimbish, (Gl Rutleder . Blaache Dyer. Badve MWatson. Helen B Jehnson, Addye Crump, Robinion, Evanc. Dwelle, Majorie Roland. Pricstly. indl others: and Measdames Gscar 5 Hall: Niela Yilon T D, Shiy aby and othe) s b PERGONALIEIES ARELOATL a1 (hs STPwonly Sover! apev al were a hit too numerous tor ot vealeh them all with anything short f an adding machine, a pair of tape measures. and a crow of high powered sleuth . Noverthel he cuboequent Lzt will atl L0 Ve one an jden of jusl who wa who, and why, Lel'ls see. D, and Mr= H. M Holmes Dy and My ¢ W Powell Dy and Mys. . W. Rooves, Dr and Mis, €. . Joha ol Deeand Mys. bW Lo Linder Drs G, A Howell and ¢ 11 Kellvy, Messas Jesse O, Thomas, Harold i, Thomas J. W. Madison, J. I'. Cooke, W. . Kelly. A. D Hamilton. T TR T R A S ; P DTN }:};13‘."“. R ,"-,~.(¢$.,“b.;”‘,«', R s, AR ' AR b D‘ fl DW SR e el @ DB A e !}”‘ & W ‘(/q Lhe B S R O 4 7Y 14 : : S '.&'."?? B ) -’,. - 1" o ~,,’.”.’r: ‘.q‘,“ J"‘g v ; ‘ { gy, 2 "‘7 ~ .‘,.‘_.’;r;,, b il ¥ RO 5"-:":’%’3259'0?@"»? d TR T J«mw,fi" Pk = , IV @il or % NNy L DIR a w2/t SN S o } 50¢ R @/ rown /. merica W ] & ; "' ? - fi = I Five lovely shades of natural coms- ; clrv"fif%;y, e / Y WAIRD SN, “‘fi‘ihéfiifl"‘f “zi‘iwi(ifii&?» ‘s‘.k‘/r W Tha color chert ranges from dark ’u“z]“"l'“}""1’%‘;J);‘ifi’;ti5"~ ol n?" 5 brown to deep cream, careiully ‘Il”gm"%'?afi, i // compounded to blend with the AL ‘;Q‘?llién“l‘f;h"‘ ! A i i {'Unmuh‘\ i B e varying complexions. Also Poro o il i A ,“‘,lym»}%'g 4 ,}y P Fowdu comes In Brunette, or 3 ,-I -g.f,;"{‘ ! Lfi"”{s"fi!ffi‘,;;i,‘ i (‘ lesh, c':r White, = delicate, fre- o n;:!‘,‘l,"".':j.;;;;y fkgjfigf";i:;i‘{,x h 'O’( /( grant, clinging. 1 "0.’.'“{;1)* R iy ity i A R Three rich warm shades of mch v";:I‘M‘»-ngf?:a‘?{;ii“dl’ M;: and lipaiick to sult your particular bR R type of coloring. Rt “;'!-‘?i‘\.‘v, ," Yow Poro Dealer will serve yom i (‘ | % g or urite Sl Mt » POROCOLLEGE, e |\ AN ’ Erat ; .'.,.*‘n. 4415 SOUTH PARKWAY JE Poro Block, 44th to 45th Street / /|73 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DV fud Poro Vanlshing Cresm M. makes a perfoct base Jor pour powder, ’ FOR HAIR ANDO SKIN S . ! . - B I Mavs Hoopor. 1 1 Bell 1. D). Milton, Brainard Burch, "h’l'vl“! | Manley, I5. 11 Muert'n, William Brown, James 0. Slade. [J. .. Pierce 1 Bertram Hamilton, Samucl Johnson. T Lee Curry; E. B. Sarreals. William Jackson. Augustus Neal. Hehert Roland, S M. Lewis Frod Ables. and Mesdumes Milton. Yates. Pitts, Bell, Hall, Faulkner Buech, Madi-on, Maaley, Martin. Mayve. Baskerville. J. O. Thoma ' H. H. Thomas, and M5 Loiz and Lauwrence Rutledge, Agnes ‘\“‘"!‘\ dox, Myrtle Estes, Treno Austing Anne Savage, Laura Lane, b Hie | Black, Henvictta Smitl, Rubye Ford, Hattye and Edythe Wimb, )r‘ Johnnie Britta‘n, Alyce Rehecea Williams, Julia Madison, Mmhwl{ Combs.” Eliie Allen, Helen Chase Jolnoon, Hortense Walker. |\"x"" i Haywood Becsie Haywood, Myrtle Matin, and scores of other ‘ %Wy ' INVADING FEMININKS at both affairs of Monday were in t clutive of Eniil'e Walden. Evelyn Brixcoe, Helen Brooks, Fdyhe ! scall, Ninn Pettiford, Panuie O' Rannon. S, 1. Austin. Cora Wooid : ward, Ethel Seott. Lucy Brooks, Clio Bohannon, Esthep Boyd, Mary [ewin, Delight Winton, Iidna Weinburn, U, Ashburn. Henrietta Bran noin. Bertha Black, Lotz Gray, Juaniti Ashe. Florénce Barker. and miany athers, i 4 - - * - ‘ SHE T INCOLN COUNTRY €110 coming out of its social nothingness with a brillinnt New Year’'s Eve Dance, bheginning at nine o'clock tomorrow night out Simp.on Road, It promises to Le one of the thrillers of the weelk and will he largely attended by At lanta’s pleasure-mad-hatters = THE FIGHTING KINGS another live Atlanta society elub, well known throughout the sector here. will take Sunvet Casno by storm tomorrow (Thursday) night in their New Year's Eve special, This dance has beer arvanged by the Fighting Kings ever since many weeks back at the frst invasion of theose 'Bama State Collegians Hence, it is safe to assume that the vounger ciement of Atlanta co ciety will get quite a big thrill. Ole Sam Speede. vour grood ole Park man, has everything in readiness MISS ESTHER B. JACKSON, former Clark oo ed and now an ‘nstructress. will entertain for former school friend: and other close connections @ her home on Simpson Street thi Friday night. Miss Willic Mae: Smith, of 560 ashiby Street will ditty wilh & 1iltle home affair- The Ki-Yi’s alio “cream” on the weck end. So do the Rho Betas, To be sure, there will be many others. Catch ’em as they comp-- AND YOULL BE WEARY AT TilE (Cloap OF DAY! .3 That's always the wav of Yours Truly. * * - * * ’ PAY 'EM A VISIT ) MOSKINS CUNNINGHAM the progressive clothing store at 105 Whitehall Street, is rapidly forging to the front ac one of the favored merchants for ladies and men's cloching. Combination quality and reasonability of prices, minced with prompt. cord’al and cqual treat | ment to all patrons are but a few reasons why our peaple should visit | the downtown shop. I, ke the OLSHINE COMPANY on the same l Street, MOSKINS CUNNINGHAM not only advertise the colored \ papers. but in many other ways riciprocate for eolored patronage re ‘ H‘w\fwl Gencerally, this altrism is in the form of reduced prices. | Clhivistmas ‘s gone, and many, many bargains on left-over stock may { be had. Try a visit up. They'll give you cash or installment plans. ‘ THIS COLUMN i more thin filled already—and the news on bond from various and sundry affairs hag barely been touched. We'll | have to ask you to stand by until Erdday foy the Jutinian ringer. the ‘ Weehington Tiiph recital, George Harrison’s recical, the entertain ment tor My Droderick Maise, the impomptu affa’r of the Ashby ‘ strect Ma- o Johinsons the Glaxo-Civle dance on Saturday aficrnoon at Subsct, nuniccous social items. and othor similar bits of so¢iety do | g THALEE CONELTI WEDNESDAY’S SEANTS « LHETS ] WILL RESUME THIS STURE IN THE READY ISSUE. WRITE QR CALL JIHE ATLANTA WORLD, OR WALNUT 19299 ! lmt.\'. VINSON AND DAUGH TERS HOSTESSES l | Mg Thomasine Vinson and her | i.!..u.;htv".\' Misses Claudine a n di Dora Mae Harvey of Howell Street | .\\vn- hostesses to several holidays ! (visitors among which were: Mr. | !!luu:‘tnn 5. Pevson, lHeniy Cunning | thim. Joseph Gregg and Chester | {Taylor of the S. C State football | l,qu;ui; Miss 'Thelma Nelson of | Puchlo, Colorado who teaches with Miss Dora Hiarvey in Cuthbert, Ga. | The guests were foeted on Christ mas. night with a party att {he ;uunn' of Mis. Clande W Reévnolds | on Fitzgerald Street, honoring Mr. *Hun::imn South. Person. All of the above name guests were present ’nmi Messrs. Cotton, Whittaker, De- Lorme of S. C. and their guests and !:l few others, |5 i Mr. Tyler Prasier and Mrs. Len jura Reese Gaither left Tuesday for | Washington, D. C. They motored \Am-;.n to Atlanta to visit relatives ':md {riends. They were the house jpuests of Mr. John Gaither and { Mr. and Mrs. Ilousion on Felton !lh':\'v Mrs. Christine Houston is the aunt of Mirs Gaither. They were honored with several parties e, Mrs. Ellis. 530 Oliver Stireet en tertained with a lovely dinner party in honor of Mr and Mres Johnson, Thoze present were: I Mesdames, Emma Wilson, Dickson, Calaway, Messrs, Calaway and Wii ':'un. A delicious menu was served | THE TWELVE VARIETY GIRLS SOCIAL CLUB ‘ Held their meeting, December 18, at the home of Mrs. Florence Elder on Simpson Street. Officers woere: ‘('h‘('t('d for the New Year They are: Mrs. Fannie Phelps, President Mrs. Gertrude Arnold, vice-presi dent, Mrs. W. Gresham, treasurer. !Mi::.\' E. Martin, secretary, Miss R lltubinson‘ reporter. The next mect ing will be at the home of M ll’hvly::. 233 Inman avenue. | Shine s MISS MORGAN AND UR. NEWMAN WED AT QUIET ' DECEMBER CEREMONY ‘ Mrs. Ida A. Morgan announces itho marriage of her daughtor l(:«-m-\';l Beatryce. to Mr. Harry . Newman, the ceremony having I::.kvn plece Monday night, Doc ivmlwr 215t at eigpt o‘clock at the ‘h(vmv of the bride's parents. Mr. iand Mrs. Newman are it the home ;nf their friends, 253 Ashby Stroet, i Northwest, Rev. and Mpg - W. C. Odoms of 1057-A Quarry Street, S. W.. of this city motored down to spend the Xmus L ldays with relatives und THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLANTA, GA. friends in Wayside, Geovgia While there they celebrated his bivth day. They hidve returned to the city to the delight ot their many friends RHO BETA'S LEAP YEAR BALL The ladies are poing to call for the men. To go to Tiger's Villa, to dance the old year out and the new year in, Thuisday, December 81, 1931. Mrs. Mauable Hart of 506 Mary Street, S. W.. entertained the Rho Beta Social Club on Saturday aft ernoon. Four visitors were present ‘Mesdames P. Conn, F. B. Hick 'man, and Mae Moore, also Miss | Syrette of Tuskegee. The hostess served a veory/ delicious three _course menu. i My and Mrs William J lLee en tertained Sunday afternoon with a | buffet dinner at their homie on fr‘\ngim' avenue. The living room ‘was decorated for the occasion in 'red and green. Those present were: | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maddox, Mr | W. Scott, Mrs. Vivian Moulder, Mr ‘and Mrs. Thorpe, and Litile Ive ,lyn Thorpe. Mrs. Annie Patterson iand Mrs. W. J. Lee’s mother. { Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Sardon en tertained with an elaborate dinner, { Xmas Day. Those invited. Bev. and Mrs. Millnor, Messrs, Wiggins, J. Field, J. Dunn, Meadames, Wiggins, | Brown and Sardon FMp-and--Mrs-A- B Gibeon—Jr. 321 Henry Street. S. W., eatertain ed at a seven o'clock Xmas dinner in honor of My and Mps J. H Gibson, S, and a tew friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tuggle. Mesdames CGreen Huggle, Susie Heard, Mr. and Mrs. i Dorsey. All spent an enjoyable aft ernoon. Misses Inez Beale and Rosa Eyrd lof Atlanta are spending the holi | days with their parents dnd rela tives, Miss Eunice Touchstone of | Griffin, Georgia MRS. MARY WILLIALGY | HOSTESS TO DINNER { Mrs. Mary Williams entertained ;\,\‘uh a lovely dinner party at her {home on Ashby Terrace on Christ §m:1r: Duay After dinner a spirited [round of bridee i enjoved. The | guests inch ed A and NS { James Dieht. Mr ond Mes Osear | Heriel. Mr. and Mrs E. Johnson, iMr. and Mis Willie Rhodes, My, land Mrs Willie Bonner and Miss | U. L. Cody !MlSS LOVE HONORED I Miss Mary E 1ove was delight fully entertained tast week by her friend, Miss Selma Morgan, prior to Miss Love's leaving for Texas, where she will make her future ‘homie. A gay round ol courtesies ! 1 Sigma Gamma Rho] - d ! Opener Gemmed . s By Dr. Hope | i By Lucius Jones ‘ Featured by a timely admonition and challenege to the mode of soci 2l adjustraent of our college-bred wonien by Dr. Johin Hope ])H‘l-'idl‘l.’.“ of Atlanta University here Sunday | night at the Fiest Congregational “('hlll(ii‘ the seventh annual boule of the Sigima Gumma Rho Sorority if‘,m off with a hang. Dr. Hope de ||ivv-n-:1 the peincipal address, one Lof the snost stirring and eloquent ;1 ks ever made before a tocal pub lie Knowing that the substance of his address would strike scme as beine radical, Dr. Hope explained Lfrom the outiel that he knew some éwmm not ke his talk and otner, | would differ with his point of ve v, lbut neveirtheless, he was gong 10 'nmuv his candid ovpinions, based up on years of cold, hard experience ‘I‘;:;p(»«'unj.', a cold and indignant aud Pdience at the end of his epochal ad ldrw;:;. Dr. Hope was acclaimed with a prolongation of sincere hand luhuw- the rumble and din of pass ing trolleys outside. ((Etiforts are fealps that must have been audible being made by the writer to get Dr. Hope to submit his address for i public print: hence. details of the i‘:nllv: are not included) i Many Greetings ' The program of Sunday night julu-nui with music by the Congre i pational Choir. followed by invo i(';mun Ly Rev. W. J Faulkner, pas tor of the church. ‘Then the Negro lAan-m Wwas sung by {he consrega itioh:- “Fhe st of g series of Sl |tutmn.< {o Sigma Gamma Rhe was |',',i\'('n by Mr, Jesse O Thoma:s not '(-;l Urbuan League worketr, who 1en resented the entire city of Attania Still more greetings <came from |m~ sororifies with = Nas 1. D Shivery representing Alpha Kappa I/\Iphzl: Effiec McGhee. Delta Sigmu: | Theta in the stead of the ill Mrs. | Mae H Proctor: and Julia Belle ;F(mnmin being responded for by i Miss Sadye Watson c¢n behalf of | Zeta Phi Beta, i Proi. E. Luther Brookes, Iead of I("ln-xn’z::?:'}: Depurtment at Clark University, appeared tfor Alpha Phi Alhvha: D 4 R Bitler for Omega Psi Phi: there was no res iponse from Kappa; and Dean E. C. )Mi\(:hvll. of Morris Brown Univer |sity, for Phi Beta Sigma. All these ‘snlututinns seemed warm and sin cere. Most were the result of much [time and serious preparation i Brilliant Response | Mre [Bannie OBannon grand basileus of the sorority, made 4 inost beautiful response and drow a big hand Mg, € M. Pitts basi- Jeus of Gamma Chapter of the Sig !m;« Gumma Rho sorority here at Atlanta, introduced the principal | speaker, Dr. John Hope. In her sin ‘5('('1'(' and unussuming manner, Muvs, | Pitts did ample justice to the occa- S1071. ' Another hishlight of the nivht twas a fitty dollar ($50) scholarship ;'dmut()d bty the Gigtaa Gamnri {ihos fo BErof 1, Flarper prin leipal of Washington 1ligh School, |to be awarded any voung lady of excellent scholarship gradaated ftom the school. on the cmdition that the said young lady would pledge to the Sigma Gunma Rho sorority upon the event of such eli (gibility, m order to belp Sigma i(z‘amm.x Rho continue her construci iive program. The night closed with I:;ihgiu;{ of the Sororvity National Song and benediction by Reverend {Faulkner. Many peoble remained lafter the exercises to be fermally lintroduced to the invading delgZ igulos and to commend Dr. Hopefon | his masterful address. / !\\'«.‘!'v tendered her as farvevell ;h,!wns of the esteem ol her many tfriends. '(‘-I'EST OF RELATIVES l Mrs. Ada Williams of Munnerly, |Georgia, is spending the Christmas lsvasu:x with her brother and sons, 'Messrs. James and Nelson Williams on Spring Street. She is the house guest of Miss Lucile Bowie and i Mrs. Brown. VISIT IN ATHENS Miss Cheney Willingham and ilittle Misses Athonia and Frankie (Jewel Smith left the city Wednes {day, December 23. 1tor Athens, Ga., |to spend the holidays with their mother and grandmother. Mrs. {Emma Willingham. They will re ‘lurn to this city January 2. | WISTERIA 12 Met at the home of Miss Rosa 1. Lawrence, 534 Fraser Street. Plans were made to give four baskets to the poor. The club delivered the ll);x:;k('t_: December 24 The dining f)'(.iuvn decorations were in Christ mas colors. A deilicious menu was served. Souvenirs were given {o all the puests. Next meeting will be at the home ol Miss Martha Lewis on Woodard avenue Jmnuwy | Miss Cussie Anderson president Miss Mury € Robinson, vep The home of Mv. and Mirs. James Mitchell. #75 East Avonue was the genter of one of il 1rost unusual family reunion: ! Lula Jack- Ison made it possible for foue genes jrations’ presence lames iMitchell and daughtes. Mrs. Mannie A. Moore of Detroit, Michigan, and ther young son, Harold, completed ,the fourth generation. Quite a number of visitors were present 'lnd everyone enjoyed the occasion. Dancing und games were the fea- e 9 . { Carriers’ Meeting The Newscarriers met Tucsday December 29. A very interesting meeting was held.. We discussed how we might make a succe in jife after handling 4 news route A larve number was present. We ull | ulanted to make the New Y o l s reat 1CCenS | Mr. Clinton Bronner, Pre i Mr Edward Scott, Asst. Rep tures of the evening. i Mr 1L W Mitchell attended the L€ Uand 8 C game, Mrs. Moo is i former student of Clark Uni versity The many fricnds vegret to learn of the ilnecsi of Miss Cora Banks. |‘W\' wish her o speedy recovery. : I IN MEMORIAM 5 In loving memsory of cur father, | lJZ.un('.\ Murde: who passed away I December 28, 1430 l'l'im(- indecd fi e It can erect. it cun | 'And everytlhing it tuuche | i1t seldom fails o leayg : Q ’I am thinking now ji 1 Of a so-called timeg T I A heaven of rest b : il iThat time cap evir o | Since into that Havon ton !Our beloved one weuiit O iWilhm these lovely b i : L Thoughts of you resoly Mrs. Theresa Brown Mr. James Murden 'SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARIY i Mrs. Willie Newberry was hon iored with a surprise birthday party given at her beauliful home. 997 Simpson Street, on Monday. Dec ember 21. The affair was sponsor ed by Miss Floria E. Bentley und Mr. William Newberry., The guesty were served with a delicious nienu of three courses Those present were Mr. and M. |E. S. Newberry, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry iHLn'\'c}t Mrs. Taylor of Detroit il\’ll'. and: Nirs. Willizivgy - Jadkson {Mys. Willie Berkins M1 F O Trice of College Park Miss Ross Lee Oliver, Miss Mary Murray Miss Mary Ida Newberry, Mr. anc Mrs. J. A. Chiles. Mrs. Newberry received severa {beautiful present and a delightfu time was enjoyed by all SPEND PLEASANT HOLIDAY Miss Flor.,, L. Haile of Valdosta Georgia and Miss Alma William: of Brunswick, Georgia both sen ior students of “orris Brown Uni yersitv, spent the Christmas holi days with Mrs Pearl Haile Glover 815 Fulton Street. On their returr to the school both were loud ir lgu‘ui.\'(' for having enjoyved such ‘;'»luusum stay. LEAVE CITY Miss Floria E. Bentley. Miss Ma: gtiu Ruth Bentley and Miss Nelli May Bentley left the city Sunday tto spend the holidays wigh thei ipur(-ms_ Mr. and Mrs. Bertley 475 Jackson Sireet Barneswell Gu HOSTS TO DINNER | Mr and Mrs J S Ward enter tained with a delightful Christma dinner at their beattiful hore on Ashby Street on Chtistmaz Das Covers were liid f(or Mr P § ]’J‘l‘i(-u Miss Floria B Bentlov, il _hosts and their father, Mr Wi iSI“ The spacious rooms were gaily t decorated with lovely flower: and lseusnnul decorations { MISS MARY E. LOVE ENTERTAINED Miss Mapv B Love was enice tained at a delightful going away tparty by Miss Selma Morgan. She )\\'i,;hl;: to thank her many. friends ifor #he social courtesies shown her M‘v she left to make her home rin Texas MR, AND MRS. J. E. JEFE-‘ERS()N; ENTERTAIN ! Mz and Wrs J F Jeffercon f*n-} terfained at an eleborate buffet | party Saturday night, December 26 | it their home on Hiiliard Street. | The suests were ushered into thvi dining room to a beautifully ap- | pointed table. Silver baskets filled ! with sweet peas were 1;1.\'1:‘1'1111)‘ iplaced aboil and silver candles burned brightiully as the ,L:uo.;t:‘ enjoyved the delicious supper Amonz the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Franklin, hir. and Mrs George Hollis. Miss Blanche Juck son. Miss Pinkle Stephens, Miss Flora Clark, Mr. Joseph Fielder | land Miss Aunie Robinson \\'hr’.l tand dancing were enjoved throu ht i out the evening. i (THE MONTE SOCIAL CLUB ! i Met at the home of Mr. and Mrs | “Albert Smith, Monday. Decemb r {19 Whist was the feature of the thome of Mrs. L. B. Cullins | Mrs. Carrie Grimes. president | Mrs. Albert Smith, reporter g 'THE EVER READY RBIBLE ('I,l'ni { Of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church | imet last week with Mps | Menefee, 355 Humphries Street. Lesson was taught by the tv;whv:'.t Mrs. Josephine Pope and beouu | fully discussed by the club. Five dillars were drawn from our trea ‘ sury to help the cause of the needy. Next meeting will be with Miss Bessie Gay of Collese Park 'All members are asked to be pre sent. Vissitor alwayvs welcome ; Mr. J. R. Lovelt, president i Mrs. Amy A. Lovelt veporter I | THE NIGHTINGALE SOCIAI CLUB Met at the usual hour at the home of Mr, C. M. Mitchem at 888 Hubbard Street. Business w a s briefly discussed. Mr. Jim Crane was elected vice-president. The Christmas dinner will be at the home of Mr. 1. H. Hood at 47 B. Mehaniel Street. Our friends and | clubs are cordially invited. A do licious repast was served The next mecting will be at the home of Miss Beptha M. VFoxworlh, 462 Ira Sireet i Vi Bertha M Foxworth, rep v (M. Mitebein president THE CHRISTIAN PRAYER BAND Will meet. at the home of M Priviillan, Cane 200 Haouston. S~ Thiursday gight At 8 o'elock All merrion na driehd e HEge j Lo 1 et 1 piay the New: Yo 1 ; e e t i adig THE DREAMLAND SOCIAL l o e1rp ] One of the £ = ! ek evenls of the siop wa e di ey parly piven Le he Dieainliag P Soecial Club. Phuradin L Ui December 24 al 41 Diovayv Stiee! The home was: beaqgbiiniy dee ated in wreaths atd lands o Christmas greenety (e rinud after twelve the club s i Night”? After that dancing | (ot hotrs of pleasure to everyoin pi sent . The Christmas tree was the center of attraction. Fach nmicembcs of the club, together with thei puests, received presents. Just be fore dawn everyone left, singin the praises=of the D 5. € Woe cite everyone to meet s Thun day. December 31 in our weekl meetic at the home of Miss Iren: Ruberts, 41 Doray Street, N. W x Miss Zilla B. Mayes, president ' Miss Piceoli: Roberts. reporter THE TWENTIETH CENTURY ~ SOCIAL CLUB . Was entertained with a Christ ma: Tree on Christmas Eve night “at the home of Mr. McDowell, The [tree wis wreatly enjoyed. After the tree we went about singing carols tand giving lood to the poor. We i 1 to thark Mr and Mrs. Mc- LDoell the courtesios shown ithe club ot theit home. ‘The club will meet: a1 the -home of Miss { Ruby Bradley 236 Chestnut Stréct, FThinsdav night. December 31 We ‘ e ol members to be present. ’ Misy Vasentyve Edwards, pres. ‘ Vai- Buren Shortridge, rep: i THE BLUE MOON CLUB | Enterfaimed with 2 dinner dance {i:;ru.u.;: fas Moonlicht Bovs ual the home of M Calloway, 355 Los Streel Boiday hight [Phpee present were Mesvs | James O Roger Ireii P Dstson - Bavid Hunier. J&. Wilhe 1iall 1 H Rush Earnest Ector and K S. Warrior of the Moonlight Boys and Messrs. B J. Furmer. Robert Moore, Jimnii: }l,v(- Maddox. Charlie Douglas Ben Liamin Simpson. Jerry Fluellen | Raymond Ray Johnnie Menrri! {James Powell John Williams. Joho v Calhoun, W, B, Douguas :and aoth il',’“ Young ladies present weoere Ill‘\!;,w. Viola and Esther Ramson { Emma .nd Ola Richardson, Florine Land Lejewel Barnes - dapg - and j Lelin - Howard: 1 eila Callowy I Sarah . Bohanon, : Fitda M- Karmer Georgia Lee Juckson and others. | Mizs Viola Ramson, reporter THE 1. (. B LB Was entertained by NMis Illla Thomas at 351 Merritts avenue on iriday might with the president presiding. After the usual routine of business a delicious salad course was served by the hostess We were lad to have Mrs Cneron as g visitors One pext meeting will ba with VI Emma Thomas at 342 Woodrow Plage: on Bilday nioht B R P e e 3%&%?;?:_5‘&%2%1?-_‘.;;:_:é&;;{;;i‘;i;&: N S SRR e e R B, R N S R e 3 s R o o e . v o 2 e R - 4 : g R e e NI . e # S i F L e E R o R R ; e B e i i R , & L e S e 4 ; 3 . R R STRAIGHTENS HARD-TO- Well known members of the younger set...leading society matrons ... women of all ages make themselves ore attractive with the new “Vaseline” Perfumed Hair Dressing. Almost instantly it straightens stubborn air, and makes it brilliantly soft and beautiful. Use it daily, to insure that trim, well-groomed lock. Keeps the hair healthy, every unruly hair in place. Twenty= five cents a jar at all drug stores. Made by the L . . ‘ Chesebrough Manufacturing Company, Cons'd, New York, sole makers of “Vaseline” Preparations. } © 481, Chousbroush Mfg. Uo., Cons’d, é f:;;; B Y HAIR e perfumed ~ dSCIINEpressiNG ¢ £ e PAGE THREE Jinuary 10t The president is urge ng all members to be present at T4 as we have important plans to o for the new year Vi 1. € Bizhop, president diss M. B B Barnett, rep. THE ORIGINAL . H, AND A. Mot with Sister Hattie News, 76 [lior Street, N W. We had a won derful devolional serviece Next necting at the home of Mrs. Jime e Ann Adamy, 349 Foundry 8t N W All members ure asked to be ; vir €' J Muddlebrooks, pres, Mi Willic Muae Jackson, rep. e MT. MORIAH BAPTIST | USHER BOARD | Will have its next mecling at the church All members please be i nt A —Eindly visit the flick 1o bt of the Board We wish !,. ery gne o Happy New Year. M B H Wharton, pres { Mis Jennie Tite, reporter i - i s . IHE 500 SOCIAL CLUB DIS | TRISUTES BASKETS { One basket was carvied fo o cidy family on Crumbley Avenue tand seventeen others were distri [buted among the needy families by the club. We hope that these bage i roade it wpossible for these | persons to cnjoy a Merry Xmas, M Daisy Miles, Pres., Vi Rosa Carter, Rep. MLENT 16 CLUB Mis Olivia Jones was hostess to 'the “Silent 16 Wednesday, Dee. {23, at her lovely home on Hillard ! Strect. The home was beautifully :K(I.l'll:l(xh‘li with cut flowers. A jvery interesting meeting was held, ipl:nxh were made for our Xmas jtree which is t- be on the 30th. We |'-.'.'M‘(' glad to have Messrs, R. | Young, Furlow and Julius Parotte t);r“sc'm The next meeting will be | Cain Street, Dee. 30th. t Mrs. Minnie Patterson, Pres. { Mrs Ruth Livingston, Rep. ! Mrand Mrs. Susie Bell are cele jbrating their 18th Anniversary at ¢192 Davis Street N W ! BLANDTOWN NEWS iilu\vrll Station News i Mrs. Lillian Jones of Thomaston, { Georgia was the guest of her aunts | Mrs. Mary Mallary and Mrs, G | Walker, 951 Langley Avénue, At ;:mn;: She reported a lovely stay. | Mi Lulena Marreh is spending (the wock end with her sister and ibrother. Mr and Mrs. A Klnl. é.f‘w Mangum Street, N. W. - ANTIOCH EAST BAPTIST ! CHURCH people of Antioch Baptist Church sponsored by Mrs. {Ora Paythress unveiled and pre ted t \ntioch a set of steps to th entrance of the church A snort talk was given by Mrs @ { Hausbrook and Mrs. Sherwood of ‘Mi. Oliver Baptist-Church. A lite crary and musical program was rendered and $28.98 was raised on | Xmas morning. Our pastor, Rew. ' A Moore, preached from the ubject, “"Fear not for 1 bring to vou good tidings of great joy.” On | Tuesday night, the Sunday School tis giving theiz Xmas tree. All members are asked to be present, Sunday | Rev. C. A. Moore, Fastor, Mrs. Bessie Bell, President, | Miss L. B. Williams, Rep.