Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 30, 1931, Wednesday City Edition, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ric Roberts, EDITOR
‘Melancholy’ Jones
Wilson L. Driver
Both Teams Expect
Victory In Big
New Year Clash
By Wilson L. Driver
BIRMINGHAM Ala., Dee. 30
When the Alabama State Hor
nets invade Houston, Texas to
take on Coach Sam 'I'aylor’'s Prai
rie View Panthers; both Coaches,
Lewis and Taylor will be confident
of winning the laurels for the
Both teams have a very imres
sive record to date. with the State
Hornets having registered eight
wins out of ten tries; and the
Panthers having one defeat to mar
their record when the Tuskepee
Institute Eleven slowed down
the'r pace to the tune of 21 to 0.
To date, the Hornets have piled
up 237 points to their opponents
89. while the Panthers have regis
tered 223 points to their oppo
. nents, 27. The Pantbers have a
”rvnt running trio to offset the
yrilllant passing of Frazier and
the ball carrying contingent that
the Hornets have to offer in this
encounter. While hoth teams can
boast of strong forward wills;
Coach Taylor 12 depending on the
passing and kick'ng of Love to
keep the Hornets upset thru-out
the evening
The Panthers have vet to win a
New Year's Intersectional clash,
but the Texans are sure of ditch
ing old man Jinx this year and re
e'ster a win over the Alabama
State Worrion i
There is little to choose from in
this encounter, with both ln-:nn.\‘
having what we might call an
eual chance of walking off with
the honors for the day, Much will,
depend upon the smarter qum't«-r-i
back who wll manouver his signals
to the best effect. when the time
comes to produce a score,
The pame will be played in
Houston, Texas and is scheduled
to be one of the best games that)
the Fans have witnessed in an In
tersectional meet. A r:;wvi:nl‘
traip will carpy the Student body
to witness the c¢lash. |
8Y )
BIRMINGUAM Ala,. Dec. 30—
Coach Cleve Abbott's Tigers of |
Tu-kegee Institute closed the'r
1951 football season with a (lv-|
cisive 19 to 0 vietory over the Lin-!
coln Lions of Lincoln University|
of Pennsylvania, j
The Tigers shot the work to Hw:
Lincolnites which proved to be
too much pressure. The clever,
manuvering of quarterback Mobh
ley’s plays bew'ldered the Lincoln
outfit and there was nothing in
store but victory for Tuskegee.!
Only the brilliant kicking of the
Quaker City Lads saved the team
from be'ng routed.
B. McKinney, Sivley, Mc¢ Car
thv and King were sharine in the
honors for the Tuskegee Tigers
Alabama State Hornets
The Alabama State Hornets will
invade Texas New Years Day to
mix wth Sam Tavlors Praivie
View Panthers. The Panthers are
.‘thu Champions of the Southwest
ind have only one defeat to mar
their 1931 record which was ad
ministered by the Tuskegee Insti
tute Tigers, 21 to 0.
The State Hornets have also suf
fered defeat at the hands of Cleve
Abbott’'s Tigers, 82 to 7. Still, if
vou believe in comparative scores
vou have something to shoot at;
however, the Hornets have an
even chance of registering a win
over the Panthers, |
Both teams have played °upm'l)‘
football this season. with the
'Bama State Warr'ors suffering
two defeats from the hands of
the Wilberforce Eleven of Ohio
and the Tuskegee Tigers, ‘
Since comparative scores have
all gone astray this scason, let us)
look at the offensive and defen
sive strength of the two teams. To
date. the Panther have piled up
223 po'nts to their opponents 27;
while the Hornets have scored 237
points to their opponents Ri. |
You can bet your boots that the
game will not be a walk-awav for
either side. Still. we can call the
meeting on New Years Day a toss
up. with the game go'ng to the
a team petting the breaks at the out
6’5&. Still. there's nohing certain
in this life - . . nothing certa‘n but
an occasional depression and
death: so let's wait and see the
outcome, and don't be taken by
Baker of Clark
Baker of Clark who has a way
of his own of do'ng things. cspe
ciallv things pertaining to the
gridiron. again pulled the game
thru for his teammates by h's
trustv toe, when in the first quar
ter. dropping .back to the 35-vd
line. booted the pigskin thru the
uprights for the only score of the
game giving Bis teammates a three
point margin which they held to
win the game. >
Tuskegee = :
30, 1931
“ 1
By Stuart X. Stephenson, Mont
gomery Advertiser Sporting Editor
|~ ALUMNI BOWL, Tuskegee In
stitute, Ala., Dec.. 30 -Coach Cleve
rAbb('H's Tigers hammered a n d
hammered and then hammered
'some more down h e r e in this
pretty hollow, sunk bheneath a verit
able mountain range of pines, on
this beautiful Christmas Day. And
Tuskegee closed its 1931 foothall
season with a decisive 19 to 0 inter
sectional victory ovr the Lincoln
University team of Pennsylvania.
Cliff to a fast start Tuskoegee
swept within the shadows of
coln's goal on five plays, but lost
the ball on downs. Three more
\times before the first period closed
‘lh(' Tigers were inside the Penn
sylvania 10-yard line but failed.
The quarter found them 10 yard:
away, a bit weary but mucn the
Iwisvr for their offensive efforts
against a leam that appeared t0
ihu\'v them outweighed by several
pounds to the man.
Lincoln was content to let Tu
kegee “shoot the works” early but
Tuskegee banged across for a touch
down oa the first play that opened
the second period and gained
momentum as the game wore on
‘and the heavy visitors became dis
.m'g:mize-d and weary in the fuce of
the consistent onrush. Especially |
outstanding was the mighty driv
ing of McCarthy. Silvey and the
other Tuskepgee backs.
Tuskegee's first score was made
‘h_v Fullback King who hit inside of
his own right tackle for 10 yards
':md not a lLincoln man touched
ihim. McCarthy stepped back and
cooley kicked the extra point from
With this advantage Tuskegee
began to battle all the harder and '
Quarterback Mobley mixed his |
plays to such an extent that the
bewildered Easterners were push
[vd back with comparative ease
Toxeept for some brilliant kicking, |
Lincoln would have been routed
The battle see-sawed after the
initinl score until late in the per
iod when Tuskegee staged a sen
sational 60-yard march without re
linquishing the leather. Starting
(nn(th(,-ir own 40-yard line, the Ti
gets knifed the tackles and split
the guards for more than half the
'distance of the field in éight plays
| The drive culminated in u touch
ldown when Silvey stepped 10
yards through the wide gape made
'by BB. Mc Kinney, the outstanding
lineman on the field and a real
candidate for All- American hon
ors among colored football playvers
McKinney paved the way for both
‘touchdowns over his side of the
'line and his rushing of the kickers
and passers and sensational tack
ling made him stand out through
out the contest. MceCarthy was the
big noise in the sustained 60- yard
touchdown drive.
I Tuskegee pulled one o f the
‘cleverest plays the writer ever saw
‘when in the third period a fake
1 kick was transformed into a beau
tiful e n d around play, which
caught the opposition unawares
The speed and deception of the
perfectly-executed play resulted in
a long gain, only to be called back
Iwheu Tuskegee was guilty of un
|necessary roughness.
Confidence abounded in the Tus
kegee camp after Lincoln’s vaunt
led line had been torn to shreds.
iTuskegee was doped to have a
‘hard fight and was expected to try
the air for all of its gains. The first
{period punching they gave the lin
tv()ln players, convinced the Tigers
‘they could go on straight football.
i The third score was the result of
{a pretty 60-yard dash by Smith,
iright end. who intercepted a Lin
‘uln pass late in the fourth period
{Smith took the toss on the run,
lzig-zagged his way clear of the
[Lincoln left half and then picked
(his way neatly through the other
backs. Both attempts to add the
lextra points after touchdowns [utl
led. Both teams staged a wild acvial
jattack late in the game and honors
lwere about even for having passes
| intercepted.
| In the first half. Tuskegee gain
jed 187 yards against 56 for Lin
|coln and made a grand total of 260
vards and 18 first downs against
| Lincolns total of 85 and ceven
(first downs.
'Tuskegee Lincoln
{Belcher ..... LE ...... Harrison
AN . LT, .. o ik
(Hockett (¢) ..L.G. ........ Rainey
'Camp s o0 anes
ey ;... .. RG. ... ... Veney
B. McKinney ..R.T. ....... Ashby
B .. RE .......... M
Mobley ......Q.B. ...... Coleman
McCarthy ....L.H. .... Smith (¢)
Blvey . .....RH ... ... Leuws
King ........F.B. .... Baskerville
e i o - oy g et CRE s (Y IR T TN
i PR B T o OB & . ol "y
8 3 6ok, t' i ¢ Keher s o s O o :'.4'_: 5 s i ¥ B P S IE i B
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1 o g & 5 i 3 . > i ‘f.g & v 0 57 L . g% 3 " £ % : , Y, T '“"“ g :w‘ o
a "-.‘ o % & o P k 2 G J vy ‘3 e T, il R
; & AN o 154 il o % s 9 o - 158 5o, - o 3 S g7 T 7o R &
A ¥y Tt 7 ” 4 Y b cresa N RS . L s Sl S TINES o i
@ A 3 >’( v o e TS & oy & ¥ P ’ & ’“'da g~ ’“' By © iy i,
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Y : ‘_,‘,_{ o el 5 . b ‘l". £3 o ff 1 @ ) IR ! & 5. - 2 . :,flfi:'..-;u e
@ | Sports Happenings
‘ In Dixie
i By Ben Elder
Some Happenings of the Year !
Christmas Greetings Received
from Many Outstanding Sports
MEMPHIS - Tenn, Dec. 30
I wias surprised Christmas morn
ing' to note the many holiday
grecting cards from some of the
most oustanding sport: in differ
cnt parts of the country Guy
Stubbs, tough feather wesgrht
formerly of Memph's sent a card.
Looking around 1 found a ecard
from Baby Greene, local announ
ceér of - Orange - Mound, Cther
grectings jpeceived were from
Youu;r Jack Johnson now called
Fddie Kid Miles, Hegman known
as Battling Hunt. Kid Henry, Tig-,
e¢r Towniend through his mana
ger Jones, Juno Williams. manager
of games and fights at Church
Parle. and many others teo numer
ous to mention, All of the greet
Ings received were very much ap
preciated. | hope for the many
-ports, many happy returns in the
New cYar that is just aeotnd the
Ane score by perinds:
Lincoln 000 00
Tuskegee . (13 :¢g ¢ 19
Running his car at a high rate of
speed, Wesley Argo. white 1213
Glenwood avenue. Soril s g Avhek
operated by Herbert Smith, and
overturned the truck throwing it's
riders several feel from the wreck
age. A wonan Mrs Matlico Cooper
was injared s she struck the pave
ment and was rushed to the hos
pital. Another woman, Mrs. Mattic
Banks, who was . alss ruiled o n
the ftruck, esciped injury as did
Smith. The truck belonsed to the
Log Cabin Nursery company It
was removed from the scene of the
wreck at PFlatshoals and Motro
politan avenues, to Bell brothers
garage. according to police records.
Argo wea 5§ Araveling oal 6n
Metropolitan avenue. police siid.
No record of a case was reported
but it is believed that a case will
be made by the company uavainst
A second auto accident not quite
as serious occurred in five points
Monday = when the auto of S
Temes, 75 Glenn street S W. was
struck near Edgewood avenue by
another auto piloted by Joiin Wil-
Liams. 24 Bell stroog.
Police claim that Williams was
D ® LJ
$100.00 Complete Burial Outfit
The Latest Scientific Method of Embalming
Order by Telephone or Telezraph Aftended to Promptly
Coffins, Casket: and Robes of Every Deseription
Phones Wa. 1890-1841 Residence Wa, 2497
71 Piedimont Ave. N, E.
B e &
F e __ i
R :
NS g
ez s ¥ e :!
sfi ;‘,\ ‘ L -‘-‘,%.
Famous [lerh
In Atlanta 22 Yenr
Wake Up Your Liver Bile
- —Without Calomel
And You'll Jump Out of Bed
in the Momning Rarin’ to Go
I you feel sour and sunk and the
world looks punk, don’t swallow a lot
of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative
candy or chewing ‘gum and expect
them to make you suddenly sweet
and buoyant and full of sunshine,
For they can’t do it. They only
move the bowels and a mere move
ment doesn’t get at the cause. The
reason for your down-and-out feeling
is your liver. It should pour out two
pounds of liquid bile into your bowels
daily. ~
t Young Jdack Thompson loses
title to Boulliard.
Baoker P, Washing High Grid
ders win city and State honors
Fuzzy of Hughes Ark. knocked
out Fighting Red. Memphis fuvor
Pruit kayoes Kid Clark,
Fighting Red kavoes Brock.
White selected to fill the full
back position on Ben Elder's All
West Tenn. prep football team.
Kid Jerry Joses to Ritstyles,
Kid Blue, light heavy we'ght
Mary Jones, Booker Washington
baskethall star muarries,
George Jack-on sclected to fill
{quarterback position Al West
Tenn prep foothall team..
Becton, star Mana--a gridder
makes a sensational 85 vard run
in a local game
Gorilla Jone: battle: up to finuls
in world middle \weight tourna
Tuskegee lases to Wilberforeo.
Woodstock Scliool Tenn. State
baskethall ¢champ-.
14 Al X
Fuskegee Seis An
- Karl '
- Early November
B | X
Date For M. (.
Pec 30 The Tuskegee Institute
football team will play Morehouse
College in Aflanta Geoorpia on
November 5. 1932 This date s
agreed upon at the annual mecting
of the Southern Conference which
was held = a6t Tallidepa Collesp
Talladega, Ala., December 18 and
ool Abbatt said he v 5 ¢
neegotiating with other Conterence
institution: with reference to
ganies for next year and would
announce complete schedule a s
soon s agreements could be reach
as to plaving dates
attenmipting to make a left turn in
to Edgewood avenue from Peach
tree street Not only did he violate
[the traffic ordinance by attempt
ing fo turn but going south on
Peachtree street he was travelin
tagainst a red light. . The light was
green to traffic passing on Edde
wood avenue. he said.
e —— e e e
Pure, Fine, Famous Herbs
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For Sick MEN and Sick WOMEN
Why Operate? Why suffer from troubles of the
Heart, Stomach, Liver, Kldneys, Riood FPoison, Rheu
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Wonderful Results! Call or Write foiay!
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13¢ EDGEWOOD AVE, N, E, W AInut 2189
Atlanta, Ga. Hours: 7 A, M. to 7 I’ M.
1f this bile in not flowing freely, your food
Aoesn’t digest. It just decays in the bowels.
Gas bloats up your storuich. You have a
thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, skin
often breanks out in hicmishes. Your head
aches and you foel down and out. Your whole
gystem is poisoned.
It takes those good JdCARTER'S LITTLE
LIVER PILLS to get these two b andsz of bile
flowing freely and make you ool “up and up.”
They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle
vegetable extricts, nmaznn n it eomes to
making the Lile thow frooly, ~,
Butdon't ask for liver piiis. ki for «arter's
Little Liver Pills. Look fur the ame Curter's
Little Liver D'it'a n thet { jabel. Hesent &
substitute 2o¢ at all stures. 1uil, L. M.Co
Read it FIRST
In The World
Truth, accuracy, and speed in getting facts
te the public are the foundations of a newspap
er's success. Most of all, people want to read
about themselves and then about others. Con
scquently, The World places local news above
all else unless it involves nationally known fig
ures or guestions of unusual interest or impor
But irregardless of the kind of news, each
reader can count on reading it first in The World
if it’s important. News about vou and the race
olsewhere is published now, not later.
Obvicusly, more ithan one World a week per
aits us to get it and print it while others merely
nave 1t in mind. It is only natural that we can
give you the news when it happens and not a
week later cince vou et only one each week if
it's printed by others.
The World reader. therefore, should be the
hest infermed man of his race in town. It’s easy
to get and stav that way if vou read everv issue of
Southern Newspaper
Synd Icate
"Skip' Hazzard
D. M. Coke
Jimmy Perry