Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, January 01, 1932, Friday City Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1932 e e e ——— e ————— N ‘ r l I r I e a"“—lfi{_"“‘w - M—.,—.—.—— e S —— 'l b Prr———_——— : ol e T | | [_J U . S RPN SRR 4 s s PRSI RISRNE| e - ( . A st A, AT ) . ) G ooty W = =M e e S—— —— —- - ) . " fi - (l I }\' ./(“’ ] -l : ¢ X B ., il WP A4 . q,._ . iy : ‘4 " Al ./ g'-‘& e P Y /18 T /L B \x’ i : /L.’: &N — 1 : ~ R [—1~ o by £~~f;—~§~ el | o port AR A G 0 A RO LB THE SIGMA GAMMA RHOS ARE GONE! W’I‘ILI,. WE HAVE A NEW YEAR, and . the charming sorors of Sigma Gamma Rho are gone. The seventh annual boule of the sorority is now a thing of the past, but mary pleasant memories still haunt the minds of scores of mirthful Atlantans. Who % .1l B "“ forget in a few fleeting scconds the Sigma Gamina )".'.‘,fi Rho matinee entertainment on Monday afternoon, the A __ bl ‘Twenty-Seven' special last Monday night, the A KA o i and Delta Sigma Theta receptions, and thie Alpha Phi &s’jj 3 Al!pha ball last Wednesday night? b : 3} %M J THE ALPHA PHI ALPHA dance was a corker! Seldom in one’s life time will he see more arresting Bl cowns and faiv women, or more immaculate business '1 and professional men under a single roof. Dr. C. H. ' 2 Johnson was {ripping a very agile pair of "dogs’ in- Lucius Jones deed. Mr. Charles 1. Gideons was in about the best spirits of his Ifie, or so it seemed. Numerous other personalities figur ed in the cnlivening of the occasion, and the professional world was happy * * * » » SWANKY GATHERING WELL KNOWN SOCIETY FOLK spotted at the Alpha P’h: Albha thriller on the Savoy floor, with the Jones & Brown Capiol City orchestra playing, were Dr. and Mis. C. W. Reeves, D, and Mrs H. M. Holmes, De. and Mrs C. H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs, Nathaniel ILamar, Dr. and Mis. E. G. Bowden, Prof. and Mrs, Kemper Harreld, Prot. and Mrs. E. Luther Brookes Dean and Mrs. - H € Hamilton, Prof. and Mrs. Robinson, Pref. and Mrs. J T Brooks, Prof. and Mrs. 5. Milton Nabrit, Howard and Mrs. S. H. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gideons, Mr. and Mrs. H S. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Toomer, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Simms, Mr .and M i Elmo Reynolds, and Professors A. A. Me Pheeters, E. B. Sarreals, A B. Wright, B. B. Brazeal. A. A Reid, F. M. Tharpe, C. A. Bacote, Mail cus Beavers, O. Wendell Hill, Clinton Gibson, Reuben M. Taylor, and Doctors G. A. Howell and G. A. Chatman, and Misses Ruth Wheeler Evelyn Thomas, Lois and Lawrence Rutledge, Evelyn Ross, Lucille Harper, Myrtle Virginia Estes, Marian Hicks. Irens Dobb Rupert Adams, Myrtle Martin, Ruby Wise, lois Burge, FElizabeth Wadley Louise Parks, Kate Goosby, Julia Belle Fountain, Alma Banks, Sylvia Lindsey, Hattye and Edythe Wimbish, Hattye Rivers Vivian Reid Hortense and Anona Walker, Helen Tolliver, Jeanetta Alston, Irene Austin, and Misses Anderson, Taylor, and Humpbrey, hailing from Chicago and l.ouisville, respectively. MORE PRESENT included Messrs, Jesse O, Thomas, W, S5, Can non, Walter Smith, Howell A. Murphy, C. W. Washington, J. H. Love William Ables. €'harles M Shefton. J 1. Pierce, Noel J. Pleasant, Louis J. Harper, T. R. Walker, Clyde Reynoids, Theodore Goosby, A P. Lightner, Conner Parks, Harry Purk: Phil Williams. Louis Pinlk ney, J. T. Smoak, James Perry, Greene Wadley, Augustus PMeal, M Sims, Thomas Arnold, and Mesdames C. R. Yates, Carrie Watts, Carrie Clonnally and others Messrs, William B Rivers Jr. and Lzra Méurt dock winded with graceful skill through the throng on the floor the whole night long. The colorful entourage of Wednesday night was rounded out by the vivacious vis:iting delegntes to the conclave, all of whom were present and had a real lively time. Mrs. C. M. Pitts local basileus of Sigma Gamma Rho, and her co-operatives saw to that - d - - . A FEW MISSED AT MATINEE OPENER AN UNUSUAILLY LARGE NUMBER of gucsts were missed by the columnist at the Monday afternoon opener of the Sigma Gamma Rho sorvority. Therefore, it pleases Lucius to make the following acknowledgements, with apologies for all others unmentioned as yet: Professors A. B. Wright, James O. Slade, Hooper, W. J. Nicks, W. D Long, and Clinton Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Heath, Mr. and Mrs A 1 Lockhart. Mr. and Mr:. Willia'n Smith, and Misses Morlene Fer rell, Evelyn Thomas, Nettye Arnold, Marian Hicks, Beatriee Mazxey, Alma Banks and Mesdames Mary Elizabeth Lovejoy and Margaret Miles Simms, and Messrs, Clyde Reynoids, Charles M. Shefton, Wil liam Ables J. 1. Plerce Nocl J Pleasant J I Love, and scoies ol others. ABSENT AT THE BREAKFAST AFFAIR of 'La Clique de Dix- Sept” on Christmas morning. the columnist makes similar ackledge ments to Messrs. Noel Pleasant, John Drew, Willie Moses, Howard Mc- Elrath. William Sweet, Garland Stewart, Charles Faison, Hudson Banks. B. A. Hardeman, William Jackson, Fats Stanton, James Col ston. A. (. Simmons, and many others, and also to Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Lovejoy, and to Misses Alyee Guyton, Mative and Fdythe Wim bich, Helen Chase Johnson, Catherine Wakefield. Ielen B, Johanson, Bessie and Bonnie Kate Haywood, Edith Tate. Rose Elligan, IElla Peters. and scores of other equally charming ladies. - * * - - LOOK FOR 'EM IN THE SUNDAY ISSUE IN THE SUNDAY ISSUE the columnist will afford you with writc-ups of the Ki-Yi's, Rho Betas, Lincoln Country club, .Jamie Reddick's, Glaxo-Girls, Justinians, Tota L.ambda's, Willie Mae Smith's, Misses Esther Jackson and Louise Parks' and a number of other social cvents of the week. Some of the write-ups were to appear today. BUT AS ALWAYS. the space available is just about expended already. Apologies for moving back any news. In the Sunad number will also appear the story of Chapman Ellison's gay Xms Mye night atfair and the dinner in honor of Mr. Frederick Maise aiad his lady friend * * * * * MISSES EMMA AND RUTH JOHNSON honored Misses Jimmye Verdelle Williams and Edna Hamilton, of Washington, . (. and At lantic City, New Jersey, respectively, with an impromptu reception at their Ashby Street home last Wednesday afternoon. Bridge and whist were the features, with a prouram of radio dance music. Guests present included the honorees, the hostesses, and Misses Walton Young, Robinson, and Mary Malloy, Messrs. Edward Mazique, Brick Johnson. Carl Ray. and Herman Ficlds. and Mrs. Annie Johnson Craddock The repast wos aelicious ® * » . % OF MUCH REGRET to loral society was the calling away ol Mrs. A. M. Jones, wife of the well known Dr. T. C. Jo Atlatita physician, to Nicholsville, Kentucky, wnere her mother became il with sudden death following Mrs. Jones is an instructress at the B. T. Washington Evening High school. P O e e DR. AND MRS. J. H MOORE and Prof and Mrs. A Walter Childs motored to Cartersville. Georgia, last Sunday. They were the guests of Prof. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan while there. . . %S . MISS ADDYE CRUMP, cof Johnson avenue, northeast, had as her guest, Miss Fannie Sherrard, of Chattanooga, Tenn.. during the Continued to Last Tw o Columns, This Page.) MR CASIPER B. PHARROW. an clectrician of Chattanogoga. Tenn ‘ was the weck-cnd pucst of his roe latives, Mri: Elizaboth - Pharrow and My, J. Jasper Phorrow. He also visited his alma mater, Tus kegee, during the holidays MR. AND MRS. B S JONES entertained with a Christmas din ner, Sunday afternoon. December 27, at their home, 984 DeSoto St The guests included: Rev. and Mrs Smith, Mrs. Dr. Warrer, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Me. and Mrs. Bearden. Mrv. and Mrs. Ellington. Mrs. Hay nes; Mr. Jackson. Mr Kennedy Mr. Hill, Mr. Smith and Miss Grace Smith, all whom spent an cnjoy able afternoon. ; P = MR ROY MILIER of 496 W Mitchell Street, S W left the city ’fm' Griffin, Georgia, 1o spend the ihn]idny:\' with his relatives and friend. \ . MASTER WILL BARLOW Jv. 2564 Chapel Street, S. W.. was the guest of Master Richard Jones, 470 Stonewall Street, S. W.. on Dec ‘ember 28. ‘ e RETURN FROM VISIT Misses Evelyn and Magpgie Carr have returned after spending a de lightful Christmas holiday with their aunt and cousins in Conyers, Georgia, and have as their week end guest, Miss Anna R Anderson of 467 Felton Drive, N. E HONOR VISITORS Mrs. Odessa Heard and daugh ter, Stella Mae, of Covington, Ga., are visiting their mother-in-law, Mrs. Carrie Heard, and daughters, Chessie K., Lottic Mesdames Annie Crawley and Tinnie Austin at their home, 135 Clurke Street, N. E. Miss Lettie Heard and sister, Mrs. Annie Mae Crawley, entertained with a whist party honoring Mrs. Odessa Heuard and Miss Stelia Mae Heard lest Wednesday evening. Delight ful refreshments were served lH()LII)AY VISITOR ‘ Prof. John D. Gaither, principal of Johnson County Training School Wrightsville, Georpia, spernit 111!'} holidays in Atlanta, visiting rela tives and friends | HOSTS TO BUYFET DINNER Mr. and Mrs William G Pitts 878 Beckwith Street. S W., enter tained with a delightful buffet dinner on Sunday evening, Do ember 27, Covers were laid for Mrs. B. Glass, Mrs. M. B. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. A B Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. James Daniel. Mrs, Herman White, Mrs, Inez Bl Mrs Ciors trude Harkness, Miss Collins, Miss Florence Wiight Mr. William Booker, M Charle Harrison, Littie Mis=es Marvie S iv oand Mae Ruth W Teters Herman Vhite, Jr. hert White, MRS. TILLMAN ENTERTAINS Mrs, Laura Thomas Tillman -on tertained a few of her friends at her home on Northwest Chestnut Street, on Christmas Eve evening The living roem was decorated with the Christimas holly and in one corner of the living room was ‘n beautiful Christmas tree. Whist {\\'u:: the feature of the evening aft 'r which an claborate course din 111 was served. Those present were: Miss B, Gresham, Mrs. 1. Cornelius, Mrs. L. Balicnger, Miss O.T King, Miss Agnes Deadwylder, Mr and Mrs. P. I Williams Messrs. Stones. H Buchanan. J. Hollis. C Strozier and J. Thomas The ladics received dolls and the gentlemen were pre sented with horns as favors for the iv\'(‘nn':; All reported a lovely time. HONORED iiss 1,013 Thomas was hostess 1o a Christmas dinner on Friday honoring Miss Cora Mahone. who is employed as a teacher a! Wil liamson, Georgia. The honored guests included Messrs. Harold Lloyd and J. B. Edmondson. PLEASANT MOTOR TRIiP Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pierce, Mr and Mrs. Joshua Curtright motor ed to Covington, Georgia, Monday and spent the day visiting relatives and friends. They reported a very pleasant trip and plan to go again in the near futurc. HOUSE GUEST Miss Leola McCloud of Dublin, Georgia, a popular co-ed of Mor ris Brown university, is the house guest of Mrs. Ella Davis 948 Har well Street, N. W. CHRISTMAS PARTY One of the outstanding cvents of the Christmas holidays was the lovely party given by the Hauvian Social Club on Tuesday night, Do 29, at the home of Mrs. Davenport on Parson Street. Everyc=> spent a delightful evening. Next mocting of the club will be with Mrs Dar bara Owensby on Fair Street. All members are urged to be present, ' Mrs. Beatrice Hurt, president Miss Lucile Palmer, reporter THE MISSIONARY WOMEN'S GIFTS TO THE ALMS HOUSE On Saturday, December 26th. 1931, the missionary women and deaconess board of Rush Memorial Congregational Church carried gifts that had been prepared by [them during the year, as well as fruits, to the women inmates of thoe lAlms House. This project was start. iEd by Mrs. W. D. Rush before leaving the city several weeks ago. ’The inmates expressed their gra titude not only in words and smiles, but in tears, The following commitiee represented tlie societies Mesdaines Leila Hancock, Nane: THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLLANTA, GA. Sutton, lLula Banks, A. Tomplin iid M. A. Peacock. ‘ CONSTANT WORKERS 1 Met with Mrs. Gertrude Buh 486 l.ena Street Sunday where the bays were given out to the un fortunate. One of the most out- | standing events of the club v the Home of the president, Mr. LMartin | whose house was decorated with the Season’s Greeting. There were ‘1 number of guests and prizes ' were piven. Next meeting will be ' with Miss Lucy Downer, 150 ‘-.Hri-' rod Street January 3rd, 1932 Willie Martin, president i Otis K. lLee, reporter TilE IDYL WYL SOCIAL (LUB ‘ Fntertained with a turkey din ner and dance Monday evening, Il,)v(‘f-mlwr 98 at the homec of M- | and Mrs. Fred Rivers, 1017 Mu;wmn‘ Turner Avenuc. The features oi the evening were whist and a dra- ‘ matic act rendered by Mr. P. R Scott, recitalist, and Miss Marion English, at the piano. The evening was enjoyed by all | ' Mrs. Christine Scott, reporter THE OAKLAND FLORAI CLUB ‘ Did not have the regular mcet ing 'Tuesday night as it was agreed | to have the next mecting fall on | the first Tuesday night in January at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James White, 558 Irwin Street. The club delivered free Christmas baske!s on Christmas morning to the poor All members are requested to be present Friday night at the homc of Mr. and Mrs. William Chappel. 957 Biggers Streel,’ to- a supper given for the club. Mr. W. M. Chappell, president Mrs Kalie 1. Partee, reporter ll'l,’l,l“-\rl.'\.‘\' PORTERYN BENEFIT ASSOGCIATION The Pullman Porters’ Lodge No. 22 is sending out a large number of Christmas baskets to the poor. Mr. J. L. Ingram is spending the Christmas in Valodsta, Georgia. Messrs. 5 I Arnisirong. R Mat= thews and E. Allen are on a hunt ing trip in Newnan. Georgia Next meeting January 15, All members are asked to be present S 1, Armictrong, chairman J. W Wara secrelavy-repotter THE RIVERSIDE AWD CLUB Held its regular meeting at the { home of Miss Willie Moreland, 437 i(;:nn‘vli Street, December 27, with i the usual faithful few present The same officers were re-elected to sorve the club for the ensiing year. We note with regret the ill ness of our dear member, Mrs Mary Butler on Butler Street. We ask all to visit her who can. Our next meeting swill *be with Mrs Jessie Shocklev, 421 Chamberiin [ Street, January 10 l Mr S Il MeBride, president J. B Jdohnson, reportei I MERCHANISVILLF, STAR | FILORAL CLUB Met at the home of Mrs. Ada l'l‘hu:;;::., 1133 McBaniel = Street, Sunday evening with the president presiding. Business was brief and lthv meeting was almost turned in to a prayer meeting. each member so rejoiced to be able to be pre sent in the last meeting of the year., We were royally entertained by the hostess, Mrs. Nora Askew, president Mrs. Erdell Jackson, reporter THE PEACOCK CHARMERS Met Monday night at the hoine of Louise Brooks. Whist was the i feature of the evening. A delicions menu was served. Our next meet ing will be at the home of Miss | Mable Gray. 658 Rhodes Street ’ Miss Ardessa McKee, president Miss Louise Brooks, reporter THE GOLDEN ROD SOCIAL CLUB Met December 17 at te home of Mrs. Holliday, Smith Street I'he club was grieved to hear of i(he death of Mrs. Wardlaw's son. Mrs | Wardlaw is our ex-president. Our sincere sympathy goes out to the family. Our next meecting will be January 7 at the home of Mrs E. iJones, 82 Hilliard Street. Mrs. 1. Evans, president Mrs. G. A. Maddox, reporter ! - i!'.\l{lr-‘l;\x SOCIAL CLUB | Miss Katheryn Jatkson enter ltained the ciub and frineds on !C!n‘islm;n: Day with an open house fat the home of Mr. 1. Davis, 83 !Hm‘.-(‘-ll Street Everyvone present | reported a Merry Christmas. The lelub will meet with Mrs. Carolyn ?Youn;:. 952 Parson Street. Sunday, ‘January 3 at 4 p. m. Members are lns‘.konl to be present and on time. IVibfhn'u are weicome | Miss Katherym Jackson, pres. ' Miss Evelyn Reed, secretary I'THE INDEPENDENT FLORAL CLUB NO. 2 i 1 Was entertained at the home of i Mr. and Mrs. [ P. Key, 610 Creens {ferry avenue. Monday night., Dec iember 28. A very fine program was trendered, consisting of: 1. “Origin {of the Club.” by Mrs. E. Thomas; 2. t A Reading by Miss E. Ivey; 3. Two 1::(‘l(~('lx|»xx.~ rendered by the Corinth |Quartette; 4 Instrumental selection tby Mr - Johnson: 5. ~Reading by |little Roxie L. Davis: 6. Song by | Bidie M. Williams: 7. Duet by Miss !;J. Gore and Miss R. Luke; 8. Closs< Iinp, remarks by M:. Key and oth ers. l The next mecting will be at the ihome of Mrs Gaddic Gore, 214 !Chapel Street, S, W. on January 11, |A~ delightful repast was served by the hostess, Mrs. Rovie Key. ‘ Mrs. CGaddie Gore, president ‘ v Miss Jaraline Allen, reporter THE MT. CALVARY | USHERS' CLUB I Metl at the home of M {roorpe Hodo, 624 Fighth Street. N. W. The club opened with a spiritual pray er service. The president presided | over the meeting. Several visitors were present Sister K. 1. Jones ic still on the sick list. We Dope for her a spcedy recovery. Next mect ing will be at the home of Deiac ’“l B M Collins 841 Proctor Street. December 31 Visitors are always welcome We were served very nicely. Rev, J M. Gates, pastor ' Miss A. M Collins, president Miss Lucile Bell, reporter 1 % Church News McENTIRE'S ( HAPEL Christmas joy was beautifully celebrated a t McEntire's Chapel A M E Zion Church at Delevant and Garibaldi Street on December 28. A heavy-laden Christmas tree was given for children and adults. A masterly sermon was preached by Rev. T A Pumas of South Carolina, followed by a literary program by the children. It was given by the church and Race Bet terment Society. Mrs. Mabel Jordan, president l Mrs. Emily Dodson, secretary | PINEY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Had a lovely Christmas tree Tuesduy ‘night, December 29, spon sored by the Sunday School. nev - D Sims pastor Deacon S. C. Jones, supt. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURC ‘ Phe: old. gl fo oi il cdiling on smoothly. Our services are getting ore nteresting evepy day our | pastor is preaching as he never | preached before. We are pfunnmg’ for a big baptizing next S\a‘l-i.’..'.',! January 3, at 3 p-m- at our church ; The members were very kind to | thie pastor for Chiistimas ‘I'he fol: | lowing members gave cach to make | a nice purse for Pastor W:l.sun:‘ Mrs. Mollie Burks, Mrs. Mollie Bowen, Mrs, Rachel Kirlcland. }".11‘:’:11 Viaola Culpepper, Mrs. Nartha l.a mar, M Namie Callowsay Mirs Saraly Hood - Miss T ydia Jenks Mrs. Cassie Smith and Mrs. Emmma Hamons. Most of these ladies ('m:-‘ stitute the 'Ladies' Aid Society | There are quite a few sick meni bers in our congregation, Mrs. Luv cna Scott has returned home from Grady hospital where she under went an operation. Miss Rosermed Culpepper is up and out again. Mr Boston - Lamar s very il af hzfl home in Gordon Road. . Rev. S. Ralph Wilson, pastor | i Qdessa Hall, reporter ' t ! | —_— IBEULAN BAPTIST SUNDAY ., ; SCHOOL, | ‘The Builders Bible Class 1::(‘?.‘ Sunday morning at the usual hour. !’I‘hz: class assembled and the lesson was taught by the newly elected !p:'(‘si(iont Hev.. § B Matthoows | There was much said to help m-‘ spire ecach one present. There was | 2 large attendance, numbering 24 Mrs. Maude Foster was reported very sick at the Harris Memorial | Hospital. The class is praying for her recovery and extends much ’syn‘\.pat.hy to the family. At this jwriting it is reported that she is I ot any bhetter. : ‘ Mr. Collie Broadnax. president Murs. Nettie E. Cutrighi’ teporter TURNER MONUMENTAL CHURCH Last Sunday w = nigh day al our church. A large andieco was present, which included a Jlarge number of visitors The visilors are ]incr(\zlsin;: in numbers overy Sun {day. much to our delight. | i Our new pastor Rev. W © { Kelly, is greatly beloved by all and ]i:; receiving the ftull support of the !mcn*lbcr::hip. Our rally will end on ithe second Sunday 1n January. We | tare bending very effort and count ling on all of our membors and ifriends to make this successful. We tare celebrating the pain and suffor- | |ing of our Lord and Savior, al | fwhich time we are expecting a re- ; {cord crowd present to receive | jcommunion. A special sermon will | | be preached at both services by the | pastor. | i Rev. W. € Kelly B D. D D i pastor R. Lofton, reportet |[DOINGS AT LIBERTY BAPTIST | By T. Arnold ‘ Rev. Clow used as his text He {answcrcd and said. Whether he be la sinner, I know not. one thing I know, that whereas 1 was blind, now I see.” { The militant pastor urged his fol {lowers to know that their lives ihil\'l‘ becen changed. Come to lib jerty. | !ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH | | Sunday School was held at the | gusnnl hour. Rev Terrell prv;u'h-\d;‘ (At 1l a4 m At 8 p m our pastor | lpl‘«fachcd at spiritual sermon. The | sermon made us remember many | good things the Lord hes done for | us. The pastor was the guest for | dinner at the home of My and Mrs. | iMeWilliamm (white) 8!'4 Glendale ! Terrace , Rev. I. K Edwar:i pastor Miss B. R Wa'd reporter ’ { - “ BETHANY BAPTINT CHURCH Qur pastor preachod a spiritual sermon the First Christimas Day from the subject. “The Wonderful Gift to the World” %*xt found. Isaiah 9-6 “And His Name Shall be Called Wonderful” Sunday morn ing*he preached from St Luke 19- 8, subject, "The Duty of Restora- | Ition“" At 8 o'clock his text wWasd “Self Consecrated,” Romans 8-1./ These were high spiritual sermons. ! Rev. Moses Biggs, pastor | Mrs. C. B Smith, reporteg SCOTT'S CROSSING NEWS Mrs M € Dunn, Mrs Hazel Dunn and Mrs. L. Lawrence and children, motored to Gainesville, where they spent Christmas Day with Prof. and Mrs. Harper. They reported a lovely time. Prof and Mrs. Harper a n d family :pent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dunn and family. Fidelity A M. E. Church had ther Christimas tree. and program on Do mber 25, The program was very itileresting. Rematrks by Rev. Lowe, Lewis and Kelly. Rev. and Mrs J Gordon had as their Christmas dinner guests, Mr. anfi. Mrs. C Payton, Mr. and Mrs. Shelman Phoy reporled a very nice time | Mirs: B Pavton was hibstoss to a (‘h!'lfifflhix, PDay dinties which was served 1n course The hotise was beautifully decorated a nd thoe guests all went away “saving they wished every duy were Christmas. Among the many delightful en tertainments of the holidavs \were the parties given by M I;,_" Tuggle and Mis 1Lillie Defoe \WVil lie Mae Cargile Mis. Annie Josi I and Mrs. Velma Coveison ‘ Miss Inez Malcom 15 on the sicl | list this week: We hope she will soon be out. ( Springfield Sundav School and B Y Pl qnad their X o e Tuesday night, accompanied by o short proegram HOWELIL STATICN 1Mrs. Crawford Dead {- Mrs Tiuey Crawford derarted this life Deccember 25 at Foied l(}ru\'(-. She was buried Decembe 30, at Scott Crossing Hanley had jchargc of the remains. 'Passcd Away I Mrs. Grace King, 988 Herndon iST!‘cet‘ who died December 20 31 iwill be buried with funeral! ser: iices held Saturday, January 2 1932 1:11 o'cloek at the Hanley Unde - ttaking Parlors. The deceased. whe !\\'515 70 years old at-the (ime of by tdeath, is survived by one danph }tm'. Mrs- Eula Williams 27% Harr | Street, N. E. two grand-daughters | Mrs. Annie Mae Napire. 968 Herr don Sireet, Howard Station, M 5. B Tewis, 275 Hairis Street N E.. and cne son, of 268 Magnoli: iStre(-t, N Al are of Atlanl I Seen and kHeard ; BY JIMMY PERRY [Les Petits, Los Petits ’ This was the cry word when Imany of Atlanta’s youneer .o ;d:mra' to the harmonious modulaterd |tones of a Sam Cochrd=<a: 1 |piano and Neal James with tho saxophone out at the spacious lhomo of Miss Verna Mae Janes, on Ashby Street, . W. ..i05e present included Misses, Mildred Coamb |M(-.\'1<‘0 Hembre, l.eila Norwood Mary Reese, Ruth Tionor, Meien B. Johnson, Ethel Ale-auds e N.- Shirley, Geraldine [iichol Geraldine Allen. Jaunita Mitehoajl Louise Harris, Aurelia Piatiiann ‘}'J niin a Johnson. Eth: {Messrs. Ierbert Roiand oo 1“’1!\‘01]. Jesse Burney, Ben Paten |Cecil Walker, Donald Picasart I(_‘, Brittain Oliver Holmes, 6 v | Brooks, = Lawrence Wilcox, .Joco! | Washburn, Theodore Colenman ‘1.!,"».'1.1!‘(1 Tavlor D 5 RoekBers Wal ff(';' Tate, Carl Ray, Henry Green vwood and vour Colummist A:nd the iboys want to what have T oot to [say concerning the activities of a lrvrtain young lady and a certain lyoung man. I can only reply by cquoting the following few lines: ‘Grow old along with me The best is vet to be The last-of life, {or-which the first was made {Our times are in his hands Who saith, a whole [ planned Youth shows but half! Trust God Soe all. nor be afraid Prior 1o the danch a fou a1 e idinner was served to the club imembers. Honored gucsts wore | Helen Johnson, Ethel James Ellen |E. Shirley, and Bohert Wilson. The following are club members Mise | Mexico “Speets” Hembre, president |Miss Louise “Snookums' Harris vice-president, Miss Leila “Wink:" Norwood, sceretary Geraldine “lerry” Allen, assistant secretars Aurelia “Eyes” Mattizon. treasurer, Verna ‘“Vivacious"” Jamcs, reporter, Ethel “Little Bits" Alcxcafler busi- HESS manager, and Miss Jaunita “dolly’ Mitchell critic It's twelve thirty and here I an at the Alpha Phi Alpha dan I cryone seems to be having foy ly time. Among those presoent re | Mesdames H. M. Holmes, - ( I iJohnson, J. O. Thomas 8 1 inolds. &€ M Pilfs B € 1o ‘(,'. A. f;«'.\(‘flf(‘, LD Milton Y ‘L. Brooks, M. Sims. C Gideon O 'W. Reeves, Misses Myrtle Martin Marian Hicks, Lois and Lawrence ‘Rutledge, Myrtle Estes. Juiia Bell» (Fountain, S. Irene Austin . Fliza beth Wadley, 1.ucille Harper ‘Messils. A V. Wright John Clay }Harry Parks, Conner Parks. Tho mas Arnold, Ralph Robinson. Mil ton Banks, Pludie Carroll, Jesse O. Thomas, E. B. Sarreals. Gus Neal, Joe Pierce. Wm. Ri#rs. Clyde Reynolds, L. D. Milton, Yates, St. Elmo Reynolds, 1. Brooks ILucius Jones, Drs. C. H. Jolnson, Howell, Reeves, Bowden, Powell. and a ‘host of others. The Savoy Club with Jones and Brown orchestra ‘was the scene of this affair. Deacon Jones is evidently growing old as I had to write up a party for him. This beautiful Xmas !¢ party was given at the home of 'Mrs and Mr, Frank DBerty on i Frasier Street. Guests included | Mrs lLizzie Hightower, Miss Louise || Willis, Miss Martha Steward. Miss | Malindie Steward. Mrs. Howell, | Miss Mary White, Miss Olivia Sims, Lucy Neal Latimer., Mary Latimer, | Eva Reed. Lillie Fvans, Mabel London, Mrs Brothers, Sallie Willis, | | Mrs. Ed. Render, Mrs. George | Jones Mrs Willie Chambers, | Messrs, George Goosby, Curtis Gooshy, Wilson Callaway, Sam Al len, Iid Render, B B Edwards, iHowell and C. H Hollis A delight- | (ful repast was served | MR. and MRS, J. E. TATE ENTERTAIN WITH WHIST PARTY FOR MRS. JONES Last Wednesday cvening the home of M. and slra J. Ko Tate, 19 Bell St., was the scene of much fun and laughter, despite the in clemency of the weather, when they tendered a whist party in honor of their daughter. Mrs, Ro bert Jones and her husband. who are newly weds. The youthful couple was very gay and was very ucces=ful in the'r effort to make those present have an enjovable evening. Whist was the feature came although some bridge was plavid. Some of the gusts spent the maior part of the evening in attempting to put together some puzzles. A delicious course of refroshments was partaken by the Those present included: Mr:. Rohert Jones. Miss Ella Mae Tale. Mes e Rolhe pi Jones, Thomas Fowery . Harrison Pettis, David Hammocl ioster Watson, Clar eree Syl I C Tite and . A Wi du morning Mrs. Jones - was piven a shower by Miss Car - olon Doz er a school chum, at her home on Bynum strect. 16 Reas Wh 1D Reasons y P Mcdl . & - Births Should Be ! | .. | | Resistered | | = i | BIRMINGHAM. AAla. Jap 1| | (Yefietson County Poard of Health { There is hardly a relation of life. | 1““ il legal or ccnonomie, tn whica | the cvidence furnished by an ac- | e recictratinon of Pleths mayv | inot prove to be of greatest valuc not only to the individual, but also to the public at large. It is not only tan act of civilization 18 register ibirths, but good business, for they are frequently used in many prac- | tical ways: | ! 1. In many states the laws n:‘r-i tdivistic regard to the employment | jof children under legal age. The ipenaltics a v e especially severe Iwhen a child is injtired. in the | course of employment. Birth re gistration is a means of prmu-“,‘n'x‘ [to the ilawamding cmployer of ‘_\"-':‘h l | 2 The employment of vhllvlr-"xr +in hazardous pursuits renders such "vv:w)-mymvnt the more dangerous {v,I {all the workers concerned. Perilous ! (ooUnations are all B 0 mn:'r'! hazardous to the voung workers. | i 'The g'toinpis.through state laws, to | iprateet childaren b y prohibiting ‘{heir employment i n dangerous work ove materially hindered lln—l “less thore is available some reliable i mean: o ascertaining their ;u‘.os.l Sionie. yegve aga a mine disaster 1voiving la o eo loss of life was said to. be due to the irresponsible vaction of two children, employed lwhen (nder legal age, through perjurad ceriificates of parents. 3. Peactieally 411 states have laws spreifving the minimum age at i whieh children are admitted to teehen's Sueh lawes are based uprme {the o wepied doetrine that child- | fren shou!d have some degree n.rj imental and physical development ibafore being taught The only "monans of aocertainineg the real age of the child, in the absence of birth !w-;zn:“.znu.n. is the stalement of the | parents, Such statements are not ".’1‘.‘.".1.'» reliable 1. Those laws found 11 every [eommunity compelling the educa ['tion of 1 children of certain ages ;*:'n pairtiaily ineffective unless the wofficials have some means of dv—; :t"mtvlv ascertaining the ages of fthe childven. Such procof is mmb-l tainable in the absence of birth ireistration = b he exact dale of birth 18 jlikewise of great Iimportance ai :'m!‘n i in the settlement of inherit- 1 TV SOCIETY SLANTS 1 Miss Sherrard had a most pleasurable stay. 3 .8 0 % . Forced to stop here. The rest of the week's mince of . doings will be rounded out in the feature Sanday edition. unm‘;_ ",_L‘."‘ sahbath number, Lucius signs off, bidding all Atlanta Society & Ml \ Prosperous New Year, : “',%f PILGRIM BAPTIST CHRCH j Pl Near Walker St., on Stonewall St, i 4 . SUBJECTS ‘ili:f' g g& W& F. | 11 A M. First Lord's Supper = f %’* BN 7:15 . M. Eagle Stirs Nest & | ' ) A rarEa - ! REV.S. RALPH WILSON, Pasto 5. R. WILSON e PAGE THREE ance The oft-repeated story of the vaoung man who established his :g and saved his inheritance by common knowledge that he wag born on the same day as a certain registered horse, is not u mere fig ment of imagination, t Much of the blindness in the United States is due to lack of care of the eyes of infants at the time of birth Hgalth authorities and pri vate agencies are accomplishing much toward the checking of this vreventable blindness. T helr nurses visit many homes ims mediately after birth and take deps to avoid this lamentable con dition. Prompt birth registration is of material assistance in these ef forts. It1is clear that no such visits can be made unless the fact of the birth becomes known. 7. Public and privale agconcies also are endeavoring bpy proper care of the parturient mother and the new-born child to over come the present mortality. Birth re= oistration is absolutely essential to this important and practical work. 8. As proof of age to determine the validity of a contract entered into by an alleged minor. . As evidence to establish age and proof-of citizenship ... order to vote 10. As evidence to establish the right of admission to the profes ,~1ons and to many public offices. 11 As eviderce of legal age to mariy. 12. As evidence to prove the claims of widows and o:phans une der the Pensions Law. _ 13. As e¢vidence in the admine istration of estates, the settlement jof insurance and pensions. 14. As evidence to prove the ire reszponsibility of children under certain ages for crime and mige ,demeanor. 15, As proof of citizenship in order to obtain a passport. { 16 As evidence in the claim for ‘exemption from or the right to ljurv and military service. . Y Jefferson County fl‘ = - . eachers Start . = : Year With Pay BIRMINGHAM. Ala, Jan. 1— Dospite the fact that authorities havo-not been able to check upomn receipts from taxes to date or to determine whether or not the state will bring up its share necessary to operate the Jefferson County school system for the regular term, at 'mast seven months schooling is ivailable according to informatiom from the Jefferson County school hoard. I the state funds becomé available the full term will be held ctherwise instruction will cover & - cven months period. That isn't the only good news for Jefferson county citizens in the rural districts and -Mr. J. D. Moore, president of the board ,is heartily {hanking those who paid their taxes: rud made it possible for the schools to continue operating by paying their taxes promptly. This action came in response to a fervent aps peal on the part of President Moore to the taxpayers to come to the rescue of the schools and' abcve all to the school teachers vho were rendering efficient serve ice from month to month despite the fact that many of them were actualiy doing without some of the necessities of life because they had not reccived their salaries. Pay= mesits have come from time to time in a gpasmodic mauner and here is the good news Tomorrow morning, the First Na= tional Bank will be the scene of a pay-ofi in which every teacher will be given his December pay. More than two hundred race teach ers are in the group. What is more the board has enough money o &8 sure its operation for some time, pay interest on its loans, and pay the teachers regularly for the rest of the term. Up uniil a week or so "agn, the teachers were from one $o two months behind in their salary checks. 3 BIISSISSIPPI AGAIN THRUEAT- - ENS LOWLANDS : CLARKSDALE, Miss, Jan. 11— (ANP) The Mississippi is at it as :amn. Breaks in the levies behind | the Tallahatchie River weak i before the rush of back water frog the Mississippi flooded the lands in the Tallahatchie Valloy’,*% and farced 300 families to Convicts from the state penaltiflu',-‘.j were pressed into service to work reinforcing the levees. b