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S()(.'IFITY SLANTS really was worked over-time during the recent
~ Sigma Gamma Rho conclave. Heodliners of the boule (remember
it's pronounced: “boo-lay") entatled Sigma Gamma Rho herself, the
“Twenty-Seven Club”, Alpha Kappa Alpha Deita Sigma Theta, Zeta
Phi Beta, and Alpha Phi Alpha. Plans of .he Phi
e Beta Sigma fraternity to enfertain for the invading
\ y sorors were foiled. much to their regret. Out of de
v ; ference for the late Dr. H. R. Butler, Sr., who was
R 5",’ the basilcus of the graduate chapter of The [raternity
3 5%&2% ; * here in Atlanta, at the time of his death, the Omega
"3',5_”{' "4 Psi Phi fraternity deferred its ball until the early
\’ :g' v spring season
‘,\,( . o 4 8
SIGMA GAMMA RIHO requested of this
g columnist to publicize her sincere gratitude and
thanks to those organizations which were so unselt
Lucius Jones ish and co-operative as to stage affairs for their
visiting guests Equally warm thanks were voted those organizations,
which, for plausibie reasons, could not indulge in their previously
i planned reception:
?' LUCIUS WISHES ALSO to state to Sigma Gamma Rho and to
his public that he is deeply grateful for their many compliments on his
work in connccticn with the conclave. Be it said that this column is
dedicated 1o cervice to the public and will leave no stone unturned in
the effort to help put over worthwhile movaments, as well as to fur
nish entertainments for it readers.
NEW YEAR'S EVE NITE was a thrill-provider to the pleasing
throng of professional and business men and women and members of
the younger set present at the Lincoln Couvntry Club house on Simp
son Road Despite a late start, the affair turned out to be personttied
paprika, J. Neal Montgomery, perched on that rickety stool, whipped
those ivories till they tinkled like glass. His hired hands were “right.”
Those boys took their wind instruments and “blew up a storm.” kdwin
Driskell “goosed” that sax till it burst into laughter. Lawrence Walker
got “happy!” The whole gang scored with that farnous Waltz Medley
THE FEMININES were as inviting as caviar, filet mignon, and
\\almt have you? (And caviar sells at eighteen simoleans a pound.)
Most of them wore blue gowns, pearls or some other kind of beads, and
a smile. Mrs. Lucile Harden flaunted a gown that played a mean tag
with the light from the lamps lined up about the wall Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Gassett and Mr .and Mrs. R. L. Dobbs were out, and all were
togped for the occasion, The entire family of the Lena Street household
was present and in buoyant spirifs. Mr. Harold H Thomas can still trip
a mean pair of “dogs” on a hardwood floor. Mr J € Chunn can 'go’”
. too! The Rutledge sisters. Lois and Lawrence, were striking in gowns
: especially designated for the occasion. Mr. Howell A, Murphy, of the
Pitishureh COURIER, was formal to his finger-t1ps . and as immaculate
a5 an Adolphe Menjou. Miss Marion Grogan: the charming young
belle from Marietta, who was the guest of the I.cna stret Dobbses wa
a real gem to the occasion. Other gucests having more than an ordinary
share of fun were Leroy Credell, Greenc Wadley, Louise Parks, Mar
garet Wilson, Esther Jackson, J. W. Brown, Elois Johnson, Eric Rob-
SLrts and scores of others.
THE LINCOLN COUNTRY CLUB is one of the city's mos!
worthwhile organizations. Initiating more than a ycar ago the Club 1s
coming to be one of the reception centers of the local populace, Hav
ing a polf links as their major attraction. it is only natural that inter
ect in the Club should lag a bit in the colder months when the weather
is inclement for golf. But dollars to doughnuts the Lincoln Country
Club hits a stride during the warmer spring months that will make all
our wiscacres sit and take notice. The officers of the club are as tol
lows: J B IVEY nprésident CLARK BLUACKSHEAR, vice prexy,
BURREI.LL HEATH, sekky: and 1.ORENZO TISHER, trusty, while
Messrs. P. E. Williams, J. W, Hanrs S J Grimmett and T. k. Grimes
are directo,
THE MUSICAIL MORALITY PLAY, 'Pcarly Gates” is coming
back. pentle fans! Yes, sir, “Pearly Gates” will be back at the City
Auditorium, Friday night, January 15. The Ponce de Leon Baptist
Church is sponsoring it this time and thousands of whites will be rush
ing for their opportunity to see the preat Dibhieal play all over agam
. or for the first time Prof. Frederick Hall, Head of Clark Music Depart
ment. is the composer and direclor of this p'ay which has thrilled the
south and northwest alike, having enjoyed sueccessful engagement
throughou! Georgia and Florida, and having scored in Chicago last
WELL, THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is gone and scores of well
known personalities from the local realm are back in the whirl! Messrs.
Theodore S. Ledbetter and Hamilton M. Holmes, and the others ot
their party, are back from the Kappa Alpha Psi conclave; Messre. Le-
Roy Earle Carter and J. Thomas Fagan arc again in the city after a
sojourn with the Alpha Phi Alpha conclave crowd at Cincinnati; Mr.
Rossman Turpeau and Miss Ruth Simpkins, residents of Cincinnati,
are also back; Misses Beatrice Maxey and Daisy S'onflleld have return
ed to Talladega; Misses Beatrice Watkins and Miry Frances Smith @re
in Tifton teaching again; Miss Mamie Cabanise ond Mr. J. H. White, Jr,
are back on the job at La Grange; Mr. J. D. Gaither has resumed his
task at Wrightsville; Miss Rebie Timbers and Mr. Canute Richardson
are hard at work at Statesboro a<ain; Mr. Greene Wadley is several
days old at Jacksonville again; David Latimer is again a figure on the
Famcee campus; Miss Helen B. Johnson is back at Anniston: Miss
Miriam Cunnigham has already made the trek back to Mount Holvoke
Miss Julia Madison, and her guest, Miss Alyce Rebecca Williams are
back at Fisk Miss Roselyn Comer is back from a yuletide stay with her
parents; and all the invading Sigma Gamma Rhos are gone and at
- their respective tasks again. Scores of others have resumed their pre
‘ Xmas whereabouts and toi's. We wich them all success and prosperity
in the new year
v . *
FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 2:20 o'clock the Parent- Teacher A
sociation of B. T. Washinzton High School will meet. Mothers of W. tt
S. students are especially urged to be present, attending the rooms ot
the home room teachers of their children, prior to the time the pro
gram begins. The officers of the B. T. Washington High School Par
ent-Teacher Association are Mrs. Ida Brittain, president; Mrs L. D.
Shivery, Committee Chairman; and your writer, Publicity Director
] * “ <
FRIDAY NICIIT at the McKay Holel the “Deagons’ will enios
tain The “Dragon's" consist of a hard-working crew of young mel
widentlfled with the Adeiphi Ciub. who are working earnestly in their
efforts to make the little riyver o very enjoyable affair. The present
leader of the youny men is Mi Julian C. Robinson, former M. B. U
immortal and rccent coach of La Grange Hiph School athletics, suc
ceeding Mr. Kugene L. White of the Atlanta WORLD, who no longer
finds time to do effective work with the enthusiastic young group. The
affair lasts from eight until twelve
ONE OFF THE TRULY 1,OVELY PARTIES of the yuletide sca
son was scored on Monday, Deceraber 22 when Miss Lillie Morris wa
hostess al her home, 134 Ashby street, o honor of Miss Rosa Mae Ric!
son, of Columbus, Georgia Whist playin, interspersed by a delectabic
menu featured the evening Holly. 1i:tle-toe, and other yule item
formed the decoration efforts. Guests were Mr, and Mrs. James Har
grove, Misses Frankie Wiliains, Matlic Miles, Theresa Glover, Willie
Ruth Stephens, Catherine Johnson, Cletter Johnson (New York, and
Bessie Williams, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Chivers, and Messrs. Harvey
Herring, Robert Harris Earl Housceworth, © Maceo Weems, Oliver
Brown, and S M. Turner, Sr, and Mrs. Amanda Stephens.
THE AFFAIR at which Mr. T. James Greenwood, of Gammon
Avenue, was host will appear in the Friday issue of this paper. Young
Greenwood is a likeable member of the smarter set and the well
known secretary-treasurer of the "Our Gang” Club, one of Atlanta’s
hottest organizations.
- o ’ *
YOUNG PROPRIETORS in the city are making their own
breaks, and they have learned that that's about the safest way to oper
ate a-business. The Thomas Barber Shop, corner of Auburn and Hil
liard, has made drastic cuts in its prices and already scores of Atlanta
folk journey there each day. Where else in the city can one get hair
cuts for two-bits, plain messages for two-bits, shaves and haircuts to
gether for thirty-five cents, cream massages for thirty-five cents,
shampoos for two-bits, shines for s nickel. and the whole job for one
dollar? Where else, T ask you. can you get a bargain like that?
AND THE COLLEGE INN, operated by “Pappy” O'Neal out in |
South Atlanta, is doing a real job in the food dispensary line. Good
food can be had at the Inn for the smallest prices one should want to
pay anywhere. A thoroughly good, and well rounded meal may be had
at O'Neal Inn for fifteen cents any day. Try it sometimes
Ht * * *
MISSES ALYCE PARKS and Esther B Jackson were hostesses |
to the younger set at a very gay little heart palpitator last Saturday ;
night, honoring Miss Louise Parks, sister of the former lady, and an
instructess at Burgaw, North Carolina.
® 5 » * *
THE GUESTS INCLUDED Misses [ois Burge Cieraldine and
Juanita Mitchell, Ruby McClendon, Ethel Mae Moore, l.alile Smith,
‘“da and Marie Caldwell, Margaret Wilson, Veda Grant, Dorothy
Clemens, Romeana Peterson, Willie Mae Poole, Katie Stewart, Carmel
}Butler. Roberta and Christine Adams, Gladys Jones, Cordelia Mathis.
Elizabeth Wadley, Audrey Rucker, Willie Drake, Lois Goodmadn, Paul
ine Minnifield. Evelyn and Irma Gantt’ lLouise Day. Mamie Moates,
Charlene Beard, Gwendolyn Allen, Lois Freeman, Agnes Thomas, Leila
Towers, Janie Jones, Florine Dyer, Jennic Thomas, and Mesdames
Joanna Parks and Helen Jackson.
* * * * *
. THE MASCULINES entailed the well-knoys Messrs. George Cox.
Greene Wadley, N. E. Smith, Edgar Kinney, William Sweet, Booker T
Jackeon. Sumuel Tibbs, Howard McElrath, John Jerome Drew. Robert
Wilson noown, Judson Pharrow, Willard Bracey, Walfer Tate,
Hene Wh (2. James Griffin, Jesse Brazeal, Herman Fields, .Jesse
}‘.1: tte. Julius Minnifeld, Elwood Staplefoote, Hudson Banks, Wade
!H.w il'on. Rupert Bell, Thomas Peek, Charles Lee, Frank Brown, Ciin
ton Davis Carl Bay. J I Finley. Ralph Long, A €. Simmons, Rochelle
Johrson. Nelson MecMillan, Marion Cabaniss .Andrew McKeever, Har
rison Meclver. 1. D. Pleasant, Elmer Barksdale, Wilmer Jennings, James
Cosby, Jesse Ward., Dynamite Mitchell, Harry Parks, Conner Parks,
Percy Parks. Edward Walker. T. Richardson and several others, ‘
* * + ¥
THE NAME OF MISS EDLYN BENTLEY was unintentionally
left out of the write-up of the Iota Phi l.amba Sorority’'s meeting,
which appeared on page two of the Sunday edition of the Atlanta
WORI.D. Miss Bentley is cne of the most likeable and most ecarnest
workeis of the sorority. To omit her name from a writc-up, cven un
intentionally, is a thing for which atonement is nearly impossible.
Mesdames Winnie White, Alice
Cobb, Ora Lee Cobb and Mr. Elisha
shaw motored to Covington, Ga,
Sunday. They reported a lovely
Mrs. John Parks and Mrs Winnie |
White weoere honored guests Friday |
evening at a turkey dinner given
at the home of Mrs. Annie Morgan
lon Fulton street.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. F: Woods, Jr., and
‘Mxi and Mrs. Percy Wray motored
’in Fort Valley, Ga., for the Christ
mas holidays as the guests of Mrs
Woods' sister, Mrs. Nora Smith,
406 Vineville strect. They enjoyved
a delightful dinner at the H. and !
High School, returning Sunday aft
i«.‘rn(mn at3ap m
Mr. Alfred Hendricks, 3rd.. spent
Sunday, January 3, as the guest of
Miss Carmel Butler. Assisting Miss
Butler in making his stay a pleas
jant one were Miss Ruby McLendon
jand parents, who enterfained with
la surprise breakfast Sunday morn
ling. Later the party enjoyed a
[siaht»socinrz trip to Stone Moun
ltain and dinner at the famous
Scott Sutton's cafeteria.
( Mr. Hendricks is prominent
|among the social set of Macon
i(}vorgia. and is assistant cashier of
[the Liberty Savings Bank of that
{ e
Mrs. Charles D. Hubert and
voung son, Jerome, have returned
to the city after a pleasant visit
with Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Jones in
|Orlando, Florida, during the Yule
(tide. Other points visited were
|Sanford and Daytona Beach.
| Mrs. Roberta Riley of Atlanta
|spent the Chhristmas with her
mother, Mrs. Alice Rosemond and
1fflmi1y in Toccoa, Georgia. She re
{ports a delightful trip.
Prof. G. T. Merritt, Mr. Oscar
Wynn, Mr. Columbus Knisht Mr
Danicl 8. Perry, all of Dublin, Ga.,
‘were tlie dinner guests of M.
Phillips at her heme on S. W. Dor
fay street. Tuesday of last week.
| Prof. Merritt is principal of the
| Millville High a n d Industrial
! School of Dublin, Georgia.
| The Sojourner Truth Club met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Thompson. Members for the en
suing year were clected W e
pledged our support for the Stu
ident Girls' Center. We plan to give
a chicken supper and a peanut
picking at the home of Mr. Gee
Morris, 463 Lovely, Thursday night,
|January 7. Visitors are welcome
'Single admission 10 cents couple
115 cents.
| Mrs. Fannie Morris, piresident
Mrs. Mary Elegan, chairman
Mis. Ruby Hightoaer, secretary
Miss Alice Ricks entertained a
group of the younger set at her
heme, 400 Bush street, Monday,
(January 4th. Those present were;
'Misses Mary Bentley, Mildred Mose
lv. and Mrs. Eva M. Evans. A de
licious menu wa s served after
which music was the main feature
of the evening.
Misses Juanila N and Earline
Hudson. spent the Xmas week with
their mother, Mrs Lillie B. Hud
son, 196 Hurnicut! street.
| Messrs Emmit King. Harold
‘Lloyd and Miws [ois Thomas were
ithe guests of Miss Stiena Body,
"honoring Mis: Helen Johnson who
was viz'ting in the "“.v-
Miss JJessie Mae Jones onfertain
ted at a Christmas dance. Wednes
idn,v night at her home on Fortune
{street. honoring her sister, Miss
| Josephine Jones, who teaches in
|Chapel Hilt. N ¢ A joily good time
|was enjoyed hv all bridge and
ldancing were the features of the
‘Mis:‘. Fvelyn Carter enfertained her
many friend: of the younger get
with a New Years party. Friday
evening. January 1. 1932, at her
nome . 292 Fortune stieet, N. E,
whist and dancing were the fea
tures of the cevening? A delightful
repast was served. Miss Mattie
Walker furnished music and was
greatly enjoyed All reported an
enjoyable evening
Mr. and Mrs. H Weldon of 216
Currier street. N E. were the
honor guests of their mother and
mother-in-lav Mrs i®ra Weldon
of College Park. Georgia, Xma
day. There were many distant re
latives and friends to nmieet the re
cently marrvied couple. A most de
lightful day was spent by all.
Mr. Jecsie Adams of Gay, Georgia
spent the holidays with his son and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Adams.
at their home. 233 Mildred street,
S. W.
Elder Walter 1. Morris. uncle of
Miss Flora L. Morris. 195 Chest
n ut street, motored here last
week from Racine, Wis., while here
he attended a family reunion given
by his niece, Mrs. Edward Hill ot
134 McDaniel street, S. W.
Mr. H. 1. Dickerson of Bluefield.
W. Va. State Teachers: Collepe.
addressed Morehouse student body
while in the city. He was “he week
end guest of Rev. and Mrs. J A.
Martin and niece, Miss ¥. J Mack
Mr Hermaen White entertained
at her home, 1022 Ashby Terrace
with a chitterling breakfast at 9
a'leock Sunday morning. honoring
Mrs. Molly Liggens of Chicago, and
the Messts. Calvin Tucker and
Thomas Johnson of Philadelphia.
Among those present were Mrs.
Roy Henderson Cicero Seott. John
Stevens, Mr. and Mrs .Julian Wil
son Mr. and Mrs. Janies Lewis and
Mr. Clark. Assisting Mrs. White in
entertaining was her cousin, Mrs.
Beatrice Glass. Al 1 reported a
pleasant morning.
Prof James Foster motored from
Sanford. Florida, with his aunt
Mrs. Murdele Baker. one of his
students, and Mr. Willie Cook, one
of his classmates to spend the
Christmas holidays with his moth
er. Mrs. Ella Foster at 28 Ashby
street S. W. They report a pros
perous school year. He has return
ed to resume his duties for the
next semester which began Jan
uary 4.
. The Misses Kalhryn Zavenid
Jackson, 434 Irwin streetl, entlertain
ed last Wednesday with a2 beauti
ful! and dainty luncheon in honor
of visiting friends. The table was
prettily decoraled. carrying out a
green and pink color scheme.
The guests were Miss Sophia
Tate of Louisville, Kentucky, Miss
Helen Foster of Gary, Indiana, Miss
Georgia Dwelley of Witsiington, S.
C.. Miss Irene Dobbs, Miss Thelma
Gorvin and Miss Elsie Allan.
One of the most enjoyable affairs
of the holiday season was the sup
per-dance at which J - Austell
Fvans was host at his residence on
S B Crumley street on Saturday,
December 26, honoring the mom
bers of “lLex [oups’ (b . The
house was beautifully decorated
with hallv, peinseltas and cut
The dining. table 1w overlaid
with an [Italian lace cover., holding
as its central decoration a silver
loving cup filled with cut flowers.
:On either side were two cande
‘labra holding burning red decor
‘ated tapers. Coffee. mint and nuts
were served from the table
| At a late hour a very delicious
four course supper was served, aft
er which, Miss Lottic . Bailcy in
troduced the members of the club
to the guests.
The club members are I Anctell
Evans, president, Arthur H. Rich
ardson, vice-president, I. ¥enry
Fowler, secretary, Charles Atkin
| on assistant secretary., Willie At
kinson, treasurer. R Walter Wea
iver, business manager and Clar
ence Mizell.
The guests were Misses Lottie
| Bailey, Myrtice Mapp, Hazel
‘Blackburn, Phozie Dawson. Anna
jWhite. Mildred Smith, Annie Mae
‘Brown, M. Florence Roberson,
ilieo!;n Beadles, Marvel Beadles and
lJamo Drake. Messrs. S. M. Jones.
James D. McNair, Marion Mozyek,
ICharlos Robinson, Clifford Cox,
| George Cathcart and Carter Cary.
| Mr Evans was assisted in enter
liaininc by his mother and sister.
Mrs. M. J Clay and Mrs. Nell
;Evunx Hooper
Mrs. Hattie Phelps was hos! g
last Wednesday ovening to a whist
party at her home on Foundry
street, in compliment t4 Mrs. Sarah
Price Pollard. A delicioiis ropast
was served by the ho ¢~ Several
guests were present
One of the oui:lindra evening
affairs of the recont hnlidevs was
the lovely party piven by Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas on Wedneiday night,
December 30, at their spacious
home, 107 Chestnut street. There
were approximately fifty guests
. -
s [Eontinued on Prage 4)
" Suits and O
All Boys' Suits and Overcoats
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fi This season’s styles and shades in ali-wqol fab- " g
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(549 7jcars of Underselling citlanta”]
5 Until 9 OQ'Clock
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Musie and Entertainment
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1 P - > = > S
Siart The Yew Year Right
Open A Saving Account Now And Grow With
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The Members of the Board Invite You
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