Newspaper Page Text
Scientist Finds Kin Traits Between Africa, Aframerican
¥ —_—
(ANP)--This city may be one of
the great laboratories for the study
B thc‘tr:msferonce of racial char
.oterisfics from one part of the
world to another and from one another, according to Dr.
Melvilld J. Herskovits, who addres- |
sed the anthropologicial section of |
the Afterican Association for the
Advantement of Science, on a
Dahomean custom which appears
by liter:l reference in the Louisi
ana Law-the “first friend.”
Dr. Herskovits, who is on the fac
ulty of Northwestern university.
has spent the past ten years in an
intensive study of the transference
<f African physical forms, langu
oo iraits, religious and cultural
customs and social characteristics
to America via the Negro. With
Mrs. Herskovits he has just return
ed from an eight-month field trip
on the West African coast and has
lead two expeditions for the study
of Negroes in Dutch Guiana. He
and his wife are now cngaged in
collating the volumimons notes they
have gathered on their various ex
peditions, which crop out in odd
nhases of Negro life in America.
Dahomey Custom
“One of the school principals in
¢ hicago had a difficult time with
the children of Southern Negroes,™
he remarked by way of illustration,
“because these children will never
look at the teacher. As a matter of
fact, such Negro youngsters are
merely showing the finest of eti
quette, fer in Dahomey it is a mark |
of respect not to look at another
person. Indeed Mrs. Herskovits
had quite a time while we were in
Dahomey. training a servant who
waited upon us at table and who,
when he had served us. immediate-
Iy turned his back and stood thus
until we needed him again.”
The Charleston. incidentally., is
derived frem an African religious
dence in its entirety, according to
1) Herskovits. “The finest Charl
eston I ever saw danced was in
Ashianti during a religious festival,”
he dectared. “I myself didn't re
fagnize it as cuch, but when ]
showed my students the motion pic
tures [ had taken of it, they re
coanized it at once as the Charles
ton. [ zaw the same dance also
pe-forried at Paramaribo. where
onc of ‘the Negroes asked me about
o~ ‘winties.! ‘Winties' are spirits
like voodoo spirits. and arc expres
sed in the dance. When I told him
we had no ‘winties' here, as all our
peobic werr professing Christians
among tho Negrees of this country,
e <aid* ‘6 but vou do have
"wintes” siv. I havo seen them in
the citie'na’ --memira the dances
he bad s2en in th> motion nictures.”
“Best Friend” Idea
The subject o D Horgkovits'
i s concerns the fist . “friend”
custom’ of Dahomey, e oevary
man or women hia hiee best
friends, the most ipt f whom
is known as the “fi-st end witlk
out whose services no cne ean be
properly buried. so thiat his soul
will be at rest when he dies. Un
fWer (hp I cuisiana law (ke samoa
terminology exarth ised in the
provisign of tho : tahites
whizh requirc nolving
for parole (0 resister nis o rivet
friend,’ who will b2 reiponsibla
for him. Dr. and Mrs Herskovit
hope to come to South Iouisiana
some ,time in the future. in orde
to cog‘mue their studies of the
trans%l{ammgz of Africanism in pre
sent ®ay customs that hark ba-!-
for centuries,
“The previous study in this count
ry has for the most part beon con
centrated along the Eastern sea
board. and the Sauth as represented
by New Orleans has been more or
less neglected in these investiga
tions.” he added.
5 - :
Business Assn.
] ‘oni
Holds Meet Tonite
The Neoro BRuzinge a0 o
aseocintion will hold itz fivet meret
ing of the vear tonight 2 the audli
forium. in the Universal Life 1In
Blilding Dr. J E. Walker. prop
nent insurarce man of Memphis.
president of the association An
economic program designed to oive
colored citizens more employment
and to 'help Negroes develop a spirit
of cooperation toward their own
enterprises is the chief aim of t
asrociation for 1932, This organiza
tion ie made up cf representative
business and professional men ot
the city.
flflfl .HM[] S-H]HLJ
EMPHIS Tenn. Jan 8—
RohbBerv crime beoon its 1922
erely Saturday cvening wbheon
three men held up and robbed the
P. C -Morris store. 621 McKinley
at 7 o'clock. and twentv-five rain
“utes elther the same men or three
wthers robbed a Chinese merchant
Joe Hanshev. at his store on Kun
’! street. He was alone at the time
| . ‘l b
! > ; .
Society and Clubs
! (Continued from Page Three)
i The many friends and relatives
fof Miss Amanda Rubie King, 980
i.'\'shhy Circle. will be happy in
{know that she is slightly improving
lafter a very serious illness. We
hope for her a very speedy re
i Met in a large crowd Thursday
‘night., December 31st at the home
lof Mrs. Precilla Cones, 237 Houston
street. A very interesting meeting
was held. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. P. Cones at
ecight ofclock. All members and
friends are requested to be present
Miss Ruby Jackson. Leader
| Will meet at the home of Mrs. J.
}\V‘ Walker, 1081 West Fair street,
{Thursday, January 7 1032 All
‘mcmbcrs are urged to be present
) Mr. Charile Brooks, president
] Miss Shurman, reporter
Wil hold their next meeting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Simpson. 361 A Merritts avenue. |
All members are asked to be pre- |
sent, business of importance. |
Mr. Owens Green, secretary }
Mr. Paul Simpson, president ;
Misses Viola and Bertha Moscby§
entertained with. a delightful
Christmas dinner at their home on
Chestnut street on Christmas Day.|
Covers were laid for Messrs. Jas‘i
Brown, Alfonso Terry, Miss Lillie
Griggs, Miss Nora Robert, Miss
Ocie Robert, Lir. Cottie Griggs,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Calloway. i
A lovely Christrhas dinner was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W L. Williams. at< 1161 Osborn
street on Friday. Their guests were
Miss Octavia .. Ragland and Mr. D.
Jackson, Miss Eva G. Ragland and
Mr. Williams J. Tucker.
Mr. Eugene Wynn, Rev. H. E.
Green, Mr. George Boddie and Miss |
Hattie Wynn motored to Tuskegee, |
\Alabama. Sunday morning visiting |
Miss Annic M. Wynn, who is at- |
tending school there.
Mrs. Cora Ray of Chicago, Illinois !
is visiting her cister, Mrs. Lucy '
Winn in Atlanta. She is residing at
299 Henry street.
, L
' Miss Ardalia Waits was hostess
'to the members and a few friends
of the Smart Sat Social Club Wed
nesday, December 30, at her home
on Boulevard N E The guests
were entertained in the living room |
which was dewited in red and
!m'ovn The president being absent
on account of business, Miss Waits
After the business a social hour
‘was enjoyved by all. In a far cor
‘ner of the living room a huge
Christmas trec laden with gifts for
cach one from the hLostess was the
centre of attraction. Miss Avilean
Waits assisted her sister in enter
taining the guests. The club ad
journed wishing each one a Happy
New Year.
Mrs. Flora Lane, president
Miss Mattie Matthis, reporter
The many friends of Mrs. Flora
ILane will be sorry to learn of her
iilness at her home. Bedford Place.
| e
Miss snnie [, Bright. an in
structress in the' Henry County
Training School, McDonough, Ga.,
| spent the holidays in Atlanta, visit
iaau relatives and friends.
| Mr. and Mrs Howard Goodson,
lv'n Howeil street. entertained a few
; friends Friday evening, January 1,
{ in honor of their sister, Mrs. Eu
| gene Heard. of Detroit. Guests
;\\'c'rv Mr. and Mrs. Berry Johnson.
. Mr and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and
{Mrs. William James, Mrs. Lora
! Harris, Misses Willie West. Winnie
(ivey. Martha Scott, Messrs. Ernest
jerd Richard Raines. Mrs. Sophia
: Broglin
Prof E € Tafe of Beda-Btta Col-
Ilcge. Macon. Georgia spent a pleas
ant Christmas with his parents. Mr.
Land Mrs J. E Tate 27 Bell street,
i:" E
Mr and Mrs. Hubert Gideon and
their tun daughters, Misses Loyce
ari Mildred Gideon. were the
nects of their parents, Rev. and
M- G W. Gideon in Coleman
street. during the Christmas holi-
Aisz Sarah 1. Eberhart spent the
holidays with ber parents. She will
leave Sunday t o continue her
school work at NMonticello. Georgia
| Rev. J H Boles of Af%ens, Ga.,
and his brother-in-law of Atlanta
Georgia were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs Archa Griggs of 92 Jackson
sireet, S K. Atlanta Georgia on
January 2 They were served with
- a delicious breakfast. The guest:
included Mr and Mrs. Lonnie
. Griggs. Mr. Johnny Griggs and Mr
Jimniie Griges 2l of Atlanta.
A lovely event of the season
was the marrage of Miss Dorthy
aay evening, December 25th. at
Cox to Mr. Steve Dean, on Fri
the home of the brde’s parents.
Rev. R. W. Riley, pastor of Reed
' Street Baptist Church performed
the ceremony in the presence of
a large gathering of relatives and
friends of the young couple, Mrs.
Josie Mullins maid of honor, wore
a lovely evening gown of green
lace with slippers to match and
carried a lovely bouquet of flowers,|
Mrs. Elizabeth Pitts and M'iss Mag-|
grie L. Boswell wearing a beauti- |
ful blue evening gown with blue
satin slippers carried a lovely|
bouquet of flowers. The bride
wore a lovely gown of white crepe
which followed the slender lines of
of her beautiful figure. The full
fiare was just below the ankles.
She was wearing a veil of real lace,
.haped cap like. She was given
in marriage by her brother in-
law, Mr. Ernest Hall. She was
met by the groom and his brother,
AMr. Anderson Dean, acting as best
man, and stopped in front of beau
tiful palms and burning candles.
which formed a beautiful back
ground. Mr. Fred Barnes and Mr.
James Young were the groom’'s
men. Mr, Sidney Johnson played
‘At Dawning” while Mps. J. €.
Johnson sang, after the wedding
march was played. Little Mattie
Kemp was flower girl, wearing a
lovely blue dress and carrying a
basket of beautiful flowers, which
he strewed along the path of the
bride; Little Louise Jeffries was
he ring bearcr. wear'ng a darling
little pink dresz.
After the cercmony the bride
and groom and the many guests
were delightfully scrved. Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Dean are res'ding
at the home of the bride. |
A very unique affair was the
Christmas tree sponsored by the
Gladiolas at the home of Miss Zen
obia Berry at her home on Simms |
street. Wednesday evening. Dec- |
ember 30. |
Among the guests were: Misses |
Alma Wardlaw, Imogene Mayfield, |
Ruby Towns, Carrie Coppage. Leon {
and Bernice Gideon. Messrs. h'\vini
Hollie of Tuskegee Institute, CIlif- |
ford Hudson and James E Eber—!
hart l
Our president acted as Santa
Claus. Every one received useful
‘presents. A delicious repast was
'served by the hostess. Whist and
‘dancing were the features of the
Met at 882 Mitchell street at the
home of Miss Carrie Williams. The
club was beautifully served. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Smith, 328 E. Elifs street.
Miss Carrie Hood, president
Mr. Roosevelt Smith, reporter
One of the outstanding events
during the Xmas holidays was the
party given by Mr. and Mrs. Tho
mas, 107 Chestnut Street, Wednes
day night. Dec. 30th. There were
approximately fifty guests present.
Music was furnished by Messrs.
Jackson and Vaughn. All report
an enjovable evening
| Rev. and Mrs. Willie Kersey of
769 McDaniel street had as their
| guests for dinner Friday January 1,
| Misses Sarah L. and Mary E. Eber
hart. Radio music was the feature
of the evening. An enjoyable even
'ing was spent together.
Miss Mary Eberhart of Coleman
street had as her guests at a pretty
dinner Wednesday, December 30
Misses Ruby Goss, Callie Smith.
Prezolia Kirby. After dinner whist
was the feature of the evening. An
enjoyable time was had by all.
T b 1 3
Tk | Pure, Fine, Famous Herbs
AR T : .
AT RERE [or Sick MEN and Sick WOMEN
> ; Why Operate? Why suffer from troubles of the
f". lleart, Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, Blood Polson, Rheu
b S5 20: matism, Catarrh, Appendicitis, Skin Diseasea, Female
E‘-‘— % #% Troubles or other diseases you may be afflicted
5 Lo ‘4 &with, when our famous Herbs will positively restore
e ,g, you to health?
s Rt Wonderful Results! Call or Write ioday!
SR B R R Y v
ey rocxe. THE ORIENTAL HE! . 3 CO.
Famous Herh
Speclalist 137 EDGEWOOD AVE, N. E, \WAlnnt 2189
fn Atlanta 22 Years Atlanta, Ga, Hours: 7 A, M, to 7 I M.
RUFFALD (Furnace Egg) $5.50
STARBOI'RNE (Round) $5.75—(Block) $6.00
BlL.ACRK (OMET (ROUND) $£6.00—(Block) $6.25
RED STAR (Egg) $6.25—(Block) $6.50
We deliver two bags of approximately 100 pounds cach—S1.00
JA. 5000 240 MARIETTA, N. W,
v * .
$100.00 Complete Burial Qutfit
The Latest Seiontific Methed of Embalming
Order hy Telephone or Telegraph Attended to Promptly
Colfins, Casket: and Robhes of Every Description
Phones Wi [R90-1871 Residence Wa 3097
1t Pieduwnt Ave. N E.
In memory or our darling sis
ter. Miss Hariet Lewis, who left
us one year to day, January 5,
Dear Harriet, we miss you, as
the night you went away
W e stil have that sweet hope
to meet you again some day.
We miss your sweet voice full
of cheer, And your sweet
smiles. It doesn't seem like
heme since vou left us.
Sisters, Ida Mae. Bessie; Mo
ther, Mrs. Ida Jones, and nephew,
Master Robert, Jr.
Miss Amrose Mapp and Alberta
Freeman of Madison, Georgia are
spending the Christmas holidays
in the city and will return to their
homes Sunday,
Was rovally entertained by Miss
Mollie Hughley at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Watson, 1011 Simpson
Street. December 29th. All re
ported a lovely time and a joyful
J.mas spirit was circulated. A
‘Lemon Party’ will be g.ven Tues
cav, Jan. dth at the home of Misses
Ihez and Mable Beale, 21 Thuman
Ave. :
Miss E. M. Kinard, Pres.
Miss M. Hughley. Sect.
Miss M. Dickerson, Rep.
Y. M. A. D. CLUB
Mr. N. W. Harper and mother,
Mrs. F. D. Harper entertained the
Y. M. A D. Club at a buffet sup
per at their home. 731 Ira street,
S W. on December 28. Mrs. H. B.
Smith, 118 Richmond street, S. E.,
acted as hostess. The parlor and
dining room were beautifully de
corated with holly and choice cut
flowers. All kind of parlor games
and music featured the evening
after which a four course dinner
was served at two tables, twelve at
cach table which was decorated
with candies, fruit and nuts. Every
one enjoyed a most pleasant even
ing. :
Mr. N. W. Harper, president
Mr. Willie Amos, reporter
Of Compolitan Church met Tues
day night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bell, 59 Griffin street with the
ncew president in charge. The next
meeting will be at the home of
Miss Girtie Gilbert, 525 Magnolia
Mr. C. R. Green, president
Girtie Gilbert, reporter
Met December 28, 1931, at 493
Tatnall street with Mrs. Annie
Taylor. Business was briefly trans
acted after which we had a won
derful program and an interesting
talk. We were then honored with
a turkey dinner with a guests list
of forty. which was highly enjoyed
by all. The president and secretary
of the club were presented with a
silver offering from the members
as a token of appreciation for their
faithful services. Our next meet
ing will be January 7, at 499 West
Hunter, Apt. 2. All members are
asked to please be present.
Mrs. Hattie Mitchell, president
| Mrs. Hassie 1.. Alexander, rep.
‘ The family of the late Dr. H R.
| Butler, Sr., Grand Master of An
i(-ient, Free and Accepted Masons
i!l’rince Hall Affiliation) of the
{ Jurisdiction of Georgia, wish to
| thank their host of friends for the
{many beautiful floral offerings.
| telegrams, letters. cards personal
calls, the use of their cars and for
other kndnesses shown them in the
hour of their great bercavement
Mrs. H R. Butler
Br. H R. Butler, Jr.
{ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith of 831
Greensferry avenue, Mr. and Mrs.
i{Gilbert Turman o f 258 Sciple
‘Terrace a n d Cynthia McClain,
fmntm‘od to Forsyth, Gtorgia, Sat
urday, January 3rd. as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. McClain, instruct
ors in the State Teachers College.
After a short rest, the men went on
a hunting trip. Those included on
the trip were: Messrs. Smith, Tur
‘man, McClain, C. Farley and an in
stovetor in the 8 T College. The
ladies, Mesdames Smith. Turman,
Misses Jones and Larke spent the
morning sight-seeing with Mr. C.
Hubbard, son of Presfient W. M.
Hubbard of that institution.
The latter part of the afternoon
the men joined their wives and
friends wish their big bag of game.
After which tney all enjoyed a de
lightful dinner at which Mrs. Mec-
Clain was the lovely hostess. The
menu consisted of an elaborate
course. Those enjoving the delight
ful dinner were: Messrs. (‘ Jenkins,
supervisor of Monre County, R. V.
Luke, instructor in Home Eco
nomics at the State Teachers’ Col
lege; L. L. Jones, instructor in the
Forsyth public school; Mrs. L. L.
Craig. matron at the State Teach
ers’ College, Mr. E. Farley, Mr. C.
E. Hubbard, and of course the
honored guest from Atlanta. The
early part of the evening was fea
tured by socializing, after which
the guests reported an enjoyable
day and returned to Atlanta.
M\ Gl&flCQ ackward
at 1931 will show The Southern . Newspaper Syndicate has ac
complished what no other Negro newspaper organization ever
dreamed of doing:
A chain of Negro newspapeirs published three times every
or 500 more in the circulationweek; |
A rotogravure section published and distributed every week,
the only “brown sheet” now in existence published by the race; -
A group of comics published every week and drawn bv Negro
artists, using the best talent available:
The publishing of news while it is news, made possible by
S. N. S. publications on a more than one-issue-a-week basis;
Full time employment for 51 well trained young Negro men
and women and part time work f
~and other departments;
Pardon us if we sound chesty. But we are vroud of our a
chievement and believe the accomblishments of the Southern
Newspaper Syndicate are a monument to Negro business and
publishing life and a credit to those who have made and read the
various S. N. S. papers.
Our 1932 achievements? That rests with our readers. If you
et behind your newspaper and buy every issue published, Jan.
1,1933, may find the S. N. 5. marking an even greater epoch in
Negro progress with emplovment for an increased number of
our race.
Are you with us?
Southern Newspaper
Syndmate |
| Hemlock Twelve Social Club
|was entertained by Mrs. Marzie
‘J‘o_hnson at her home on Milton
:btr_eet. Whist and dancing was
(enjoyed by all present. A de
licious menu was served by the
hostess. Many friends werc pre
i - Miss Willie Wall, Pres.
Miss Cora L. Jordan., Rep.
The Social Twelve Emb. Club
met at the home of Mrs. Simmons,
'the 29th of December. A deli
cious supper was served and en
joyed by all. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Jones,
'January 11, 1932. All members
lare asked to please be present.
Mrs. Simmons, Pres.
Mrs. Bessie Owens, Rep.
. Mrs. R. E. Gilbert entertained
a few friends I'riday evening with
a New Year party at her residence.
151 Lawshe Street, A delicious
menue was served and enjoyed by
everyone present. A few of the.
invited guests were; Mrs. Lillie
Brown, Misses E. Brown, L.
Porter, Williams and others.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell motored
‘to Gainesville with Mr. and Mrs.
iStrickland, A wonderful after
‘noon was spent in this city.
Held its weeckly meeting at the
home of Misses Esther and Viola
Rawson, 731 W. Fair Street. The
musical to in the near future was
discussed. We were glad to have
‘as visitors, Messrs J, Rogers. Dot
son. Rush, King, Warrior and D.
Hunter of the Moonlight Club.
The next meeting will be at the
home of the president, 331 Lee
Street, § i
Miss F. Barnes. Pres.
Miss Viola Rawsaw. Rep.
. Gives their first annual dance on
|Monday night, Decembdr 28th.
|Everyone reported a very enjoy
'able evening. We ,want to es-
Ipecially thank Mr. E. Rock for his
Mrs. C. Fielder. Pres.
Mrs. G. Battle, Rep.
| Mrs. Hattie Watson was hostess
to the West Side Beauty Floral
'Club, Dec. 10th at her home, 336
Lee Street, S. 'V. The home was
beautifully dec.rated with the
Xmas colors. Mrs. Victoria Sim
mons presided. The meeting was
largely attended and a delicious
menu was served The next
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
A. Eley, 835 .Greensferry Ave.,
S. W. All members are asked to
be present at 4 o’clock.
Miss A. Paschal. Pres.
Mrs. A, Eley. Rep.
" Met at the home of Miss Carrib
Meadows. After the business wap
discussed. a delicious menu was
'served. There were not any plans
made by the Social Committee. All
reported an enjoyable time at the
supper given at the home of Mr.
fcli;;oyd{ Trimble in , Ben Hill,
|Georgia.” The president is asking
all members to be present at the
4 ’ Mrs. E. ‘Sims, Pres.
- Miss R. Smith, Rep.
| Gave buw to seven ‘needy
familigs on . Xmas morning, whicfyl
seem to Have béen highly appreci
ated. The president wishes ¢tb
thank the members or being so loye
al. The next meetipg -will be Fri
'day night. Jan. gt.h. at the home of
\Mrs. Swanson o Qliver Street. All
Imembers are asked to ‘be oresent.
1 Mrs. 3llie"¥mley. Pres.
‘ Mrs. Minnié Thomas. Rep.
§i: —tyyeer
! LUB 2 ; . 3
| Will hold' their weekly meeting
Thursdav, Jfi‘mgry, Tth; at the
home of Miss' Robert8, ‘23 'Dorav
Street. N. W. All members and
| riends arg reauested to bhe presont.
| Miss J. Mavés, Pras.
i ‘ Miss P. Roberts, Rep
(Cont' nued on Page 7)