Newspaper Page Text
Grady Hospital’s Annual Report Shows
That 15,000 Negroes Treated in
Emergency Clinic; 36,000 Medical Cases
The first anpual report of the
Board of Trustees of Grady hospi
tal appointed January 1, 1931 by
the Mayor, reveals that 15,000 col
ored reccived treatment in the e
mergency elinic last year, and
rnore than 30,000 were given medi
cal attention.
" The report further showed that
of the 2,605 babies born at Grady
during the past year, 1,503 were
colored. The maternity ward ot
that has attracted the attention of
olored Grady, the report states,
@u‘d physicians from all over the
ountry. Dr. Charles Fx':mkhn1
Moon, eminent professor of Ob.‘;h'rlrr;‘
in the University of Nebraska stated
that there was no similar service
work was being done or maore ad- |
in America where a higher class ot
vanced methods being used than i
the maternity ward of Colored
Grady :
During the past year, according
the board, two outstanding hospi
to Samuel . Dobbs, chainnan of
tal authorities, Dr. Bert W, Cald
well of Chicago and Dr. McEach.
ern, head of the American College
of Surgcons, were called in to -
spect Grady hogpital and in themr
reports to their organizations, they
made special reference;: 11 th
high type and character of e @
S .‘,t- and e
octety and Ciul:
(Continued {from P )
Met ot the home of Rev. Win,
Lawson, 623 Windsor Streeo, 'The
meeting was opened with g rayer
service. We were delighted to
ave a visiting club on last Sun
‘v- Our president has been sick
yul we are olad to learn he is some
hetter. All members are asked to
be vresent on the second Sunday
in January.
Mr. McDuffin, Pres.
Mr. C. Jones, Rep
Rev. Johnson, Pastor.
We entertained with-a Christmas
tree Tuesday night, December 28,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Freeman. 343 Ashby street, N. w.
The tree was greatly enpoyed by
all. Interesting remarks were made
by Rev. Mack R. Davies and Mr.
Stokes The visitors were Mr. and
M. ] & Stohkes NMrs Oscar
Jewell. Mre, James Truitt. A deli
licous menu was served.
Next meeting will be with Mrs.
Sewell on Tazol street.
Mrs Minnie Taylor, president
Mrs. Bessie Freeman, reporter
il hold its weekly meeting
Thursday night, Jenuary 4 at the
vome of Sister Hattie News, 70
“‘.lliu! street, N. W. Installation of
Uiticers. All members are asked
19 be present.
Mr. C. J. Middlebrooks,
Mi:: Willie Mae Jackson, rep.
fhe Builders' Bible Class
acsembled Sunday morning at the
uewal hour. The lesson was taught
hy the teacher, Miss M. B Paschal,
in a plain and Christian-like man
ner. A very good start was made
for the New Year. Seventeen en
rolled. Mrs. Maude Foster was re
ported much better and expected
to leave the hospital shortly. We
feel that our prayers were answer
The newly elected president ex
pressed himsedf in putting over the
program this year and his intention
to get the class back to the old
standard. Mr. and Mrs. William
Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Curt
right motored to Covington, Ga,
on the 28th of December to visit
relatives and friends. They report
ed a nice trip.
Rev. J. H. Mathews, president
Mis. N. E. Curtright, reporter
'Guvv a New Year dinner at the
home of Mrs. 'B. H Wharton, 115
Iilllard street. A very fine pro
gram was rendered to the large at
tendance. Visitors and manners
rumebered fifty. A delightfully re
rast was sevved by the hostess,
Mrs. B. H. Wharton. Next meeting
will be at the church, January 8.
All members are urged to be pre
Mrs. B. . Wharton, president
Mrs. Jennie Tate, reporter
Met at the home of Deacon E. M
Colline, 841 Proctor street, Dec
ember 31. The club opened with a
spiritual prayer service. The vice
president, Sister Williams presided
over the meeting. Visitors present,
six. We were glad to have the Sec
ond Corinth Baptist Church mem
bers present with us. Sunday, Jan
uary 3. the club gave a splendid
program at the home of Sister
Mary Williams, 580 Ashby street.
Next meeting will be at the home
of Miss Daisy Carter, 704 West
Fourth street, Thursday night, Jan-
uary 7. Members are urged to be
$agresent. Visitors ave welcome at all
*fl(% We were delighted to have
r. and Mrs. Aaron Foreman with
us at the program. Both club and
program were served very nicely
Rev. J. M. Gates, pastor
Miss A. M. Collins, president
Miss Lucile Bell, reporter
The Mayflower Social Club en
tertained their husbands and
friends with a turkey dinner at the
beautiful home of Mrs. J. G. Ste
venson on Parson St. The house
.was attractively decorated with
Christmas gayelties,
vice rendered by the staff of Col
ored Grady to its inmates
Improvements made for Colored
by the report include 4 new sterliz-
Grady during the year, as shown
ing equipment for the maternity
ward; the utilizing of the space in
the basement ol the white side in
to a spacious dining room for col
ored nurses and thus allowing more
space in the colored nurses home
for a large and light classroom;
wards are now being painted a light
spring green shade; and numerous
other changes of procedure both
time and labor saving have been
made during the past year,
“On account of limitations of
space and inadeguacy, “of full
time personel” Mr. Dobbs, letter
which accompanied the report read,
“there has bee ni nthe past, and
we fear will continue for 4 while, at
leost, an over-crowded condition
in practically all the wards. This
iy especially true of Colore dGrady,
However, we take the liberty ot
pointing out to you the fact, that
notwithstanding these unfortunate
limitations, as well 85 a serjous
cutting down of our appropriation
for this past year, an outstanding
service has been rendered to the
poor and sick of both races of thi
The three course dinney wias fer
veg alt 9 o'clock, after which on
mteresting game of progressive
whist was enjoyed by all Mrs.
Parks kept score, assisted by Miss
Geradine Stevenson of South Caro
Prizes were awarded us (ollows:
Mrs. Eugene Campbell Ist for
ladies; Mr. Fred Johnson, 1st for
gentlemen: the hoobys were won
by Mrs. J. C. Rosett and Mr. Au
gustus Barner.
The following were the honored
guests of the club:. Mr. Henry
Lucius, Miss Sadie Brookins, Miss
Evelyn Jones, Messrs Fugene
Campbell, J. C. Rosett, W. M. Ros
ett, Jr., Fred Johnson, Augustus
Barne, Joe Willis, J. G Stleven
son and Steve Sheppard.
‘T'he charming Mayflower club is
made up of the followine ladies:
Mrs. Willie Sheppard., president;
Mrs. Augustus Barner, vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Walter Parks, secretary;
Mrs. J. G. Stevenson, treasurer;
Mesdames Eugene Campbell, Steve
Sheppard, Alfred Nash, Joe Willis,
J-C Heosell D W Wilson ifoe
Armour, Robert Gambel and Miss
1. M. Rosett.
Had a swiritual watch meetinge
Thursday night. Rev. Sims preached
a wonderful sermon which every
one enjoyed. Three visiting preach
ers were present, one of whom was
Rev. Bower from Athens, Ga.
Rev J D Sims, pastor,
“.J. A Johnson, rep.
Were delightfully entertained by
Mre. L. V..Rrown at the home of
Mrs, &t to have l)(‘(‘lrl‘t‘; Jones ave
nue, Wi Aggdressed Adid meeting.
Plans were made RO'\ a progressive
whist party at the ncme of Mrs
Marguerite lewis, 1013 Ahsby Ter
race Thiuisday night, January 7.
We were glad to have with us
again Mrs. Eva McAfee who has
been absent because of illhess. A
delicious course was served. The
club adjourned to meet with Mrs.
Ellen Lowe, 1058 Harwell strect.
Mrs: 1. V. Brown, president
Mrs. Ellen Lowe, reporter
Met EFriday night. January 1 at
the home of the grand chairman,
Sister Nellie Coker, 366 Rhodes
street. N W wilh the president
presiding. Devotional services were
led by the chaplain, Brother Ar
chie Scott. The Usher Board will
meet Wednesday night at the home
of Sister Dora Drake, 361 Mag
nolia Place. All ushers are request
ed to be present. The club will
meet at 5701, Mitchell. All mem
bers are requested to be present
and on time.
Brother C. G. Gore, president
Sister K. L. Bonds, reporter
Mrs. Louise M. Lane was hostess
to the Bouquet Bridge Club at her
home, 355 Culver street, S. W., on
Saturday evening. Quite an enjoy
able evening was spent with bridge
as the main feature of the evening.
The prizes for top scores were
awarded to Miss S. M. Cunning
ham, Club prize and Miss Lottie
Bailey, Guest prize. the bocby to
Miss J. M. Jones. THe® hostess ser -
ved a delicious menu, after which
the eclub adjourned to meet early
in the New Year.
Mrs. K. M. Watkins, president
Met at the home of Mrs. Ella M.
Thomas, 354 Merritts avenue,
Thursday night. December 31, with
the president presiding., After de
votional. exercise, plans were dis
cussed to give aid to the children
out at Battle Hill. We fell that the
Lord will bless us. The club will
meet, Wednesday night at the home
of Mr. Wu!lcr Ash. 261 Inman ave
Miss Annie M. Thompson, pres
Met at the home of Miss Ruby
Bradley, 236 Chestnut street with
the president presiding. Devotional
exercise was led by Mr. George E.
Post, after which business was dis
cussed. The club is planning to
entertain the public with a pro
gressive whist party very soon. All
members are asked to be present
at the next meeting, January 7. at
the home of Miss Wlorence Pos
848 Drummond street.
Miss V. Edwards, president
Mr, Van Buren Sho. o dee iep
Of Mt Moriah Baptit Church
met Wednesday cvening - December
30th, at the home of Ajj Bessi
Gay, 129 Rusby avenue, Colcg
Park, Georgia. .I‘Q'Hrun \_\'.'v»} taupght
by teacher Nu. % Mrs H D il
and was discussed by the cin
Misses L. Smith and V.M Arnold
jwere visitors to the club. Our n y
‘n]ernbers are, Mi: Alnanda Da
and Mys. D Bovnion The
meeting will be at the home of My
'H. Douglas, 697 West Fair stroeot
‘Wednesday evening, January 6ih
All members are urged to be e
sent. .
; a-. I R, Lovelt, president
R8s, Amy A Lovett, reporiter
Were delightfully entertained at
the home of Mrs. Lucile Hunt, 57
Boulevard, on December 310 A de
licious course was served Mem
bers of this congenial group in
cluded Misses Coleo Nash Brook
ing, Mesdames Rollings Warner Al
ston. The visiting guests who en
joyed their hospitality were M)
H, Young Mrs. Carter Mr and
Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Lois Johnson, Mt
Clarence and Williun Thompson,
A. Holland, F. Finlowe, Mr. and
Mrs. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland
Miss M. Brown, Mrs. G Campbell,
Mrs., T. Glass and daughter. Miss
Flanagan, Mr: Mathew: Mrs
Next meetling will be held at the
home of Miss Cora Nash 388 Liwin
Mis. Allie Alston, repoiter
Mrs. lanta Rolling: president
Met at the home of Mrs Pearl
Thomas, 587 Irwin streel. Sunday,
January 3. We were SOEPY 10 ra.
ceive the resignation of the presi
dept. My ] 0 Rogers. who has
made a wonderful president. Tl
club will meet Sunday afterncon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs J M
Johnson, 229 Ashby street, S. W.,
with the ex-president presiding.
All members urged to be present.
Mrs. Pearl Thomas Jeporter
Met December 30, at the home
of Mrs. Phillips, 39 Doray Street,
S. W. Mrs Ellington presided.
Scripture lesson, Mrs. Mathis;
Prayer by Mrs. Goodlett. We were
glad to have Mrs, Jones after an
absence of nine weeks because of
illness. Mrs. Pearson was a wel
come visitor, Next meeting will be
held January 8 at the home ¢f Mrs
Dobbs, 53 Doray street, S. W. The
hostess served a two-course menu
Mrs. A. W. Bonds, president
Mrs. W. S. Phillips, reporter
~ Church News
The 1927 Progressive club was
d('lighlfully entertained by Sister
Pearl Turner of 442 Lovejoy street.
The home was beautifully decor
ated \wlh wreaths and garlands of
Christmas greetings,
’ After the business meeting a de
'hielous menu was served. We were
i glad to welcome ” Rev, I 5 Mack
iand many other visitors. The next
meeting will be at the home of S1S
lter Vera Willingham of 456 Iove
{10y street. All members are asked
{to be present. Visitors are wel-
L come.
i Miss Katie Williams, president
Mrs. ldella Lamar. reporter
{ By T. Arnold
| Dr. Ernest Hall a former pastor
;t)l Liberty, will preach on the third
| Sunday. Hear him-he is a power
| 1he Youne people will have
‘charge of the services on the
{tourth Sunday. I.ct the youn peo
i ple be here on time.
; My. B € Ridley has organized
;whut IS known as the “Class Binld
(er’”. The official organization of the
EMvn':; Bible Class.
i People 1 can't forget, Mrs. Gur
{rison, teacher of elass No. 7, and
;Uvucun Rogers Henderson who
L Bave me g splendid purse. T n e
| former $1 and latter 25 cents
| Those Ushors led by deacon
| Brown has presented the church
;wnh 4 vety find Bulletin Baard
{ This is an organization of ability
Eund unusual thoughifulness 1o say
{ the leagst
[ Sunday school was opened on
tme with g large attendance. The
I uperintendent being absent. Mr.
I berhart served instead. All of
ficers for the year were installed
Ly the pastor. We are asking that
fvery teacher and member be pre
g2nl next Sunday. The Men’s
Eible Class invite you to attend
| heir class next Sunday HSame
'being ladies day. We ay looking
1or twenty-five ladies to visit this
class, Two members joined last
anday. 1 oam G if you visit
Liis class vou will have something
t yemember. . You ave always
Veleome gt EIBERTY
| M. A . Gambol Sun
i .\11‘. L5 I .-\”l‘fl Rt'p.
| faaa .
{ The members aro very grate
fl‘ul to the pastor, Rev. R. H. Mil
ner for moving to Atlanta on Dec,
23. The hospitality shown them
has been of no small degreo, The
| Matron's Miscellancous C'ub gave
| hem a “kitchen shower,” Dec. 26
{Many gifts from various memhoers
have also been given. He will bhe
«t home to his many friends and
vell wishers, 133 McDonough
Blvd, S &
All members and friends are
mged to be present at the serviees
Sunday. Sunday School 9:30. Juni
o church 11 o'clock. mornine
| ervices 11:30. Communion % o'-
‘Cock and evening service 8 o’clack,
To these vou are cordially invited.
Rov. R. H. Milner. Portor
Miss M. Dickerson, Rep.
& .
- Statistical News
‘ Tareah Moalhapt 99 MNvnanarand
} o ](, o n"" [‘7 4+ V:qg \‘qn';n
Mosely, 20, 588 Rock Street.
Avenue to Miss Mattie Mae San
aers. 21, 996 Blue Ridge avenue,
Saul Gresham. 24 18 Brantly
street to Miss Callie Mae Kelly,
24 71 Randolph street, southr
v orext
Henry Wallace, 21, 148 Ellis
rect to Miss Juanita Green, 18,
213 Harris street northeast,
Thomas Johnson, 38, rvear 519
litchell street, southwest to Miss
tena Johnson, 29, 986 Quurry
troct, southwest,
Andrew Jones, 20, 367 Merpitts
venue to Miss Callie M, Carr, 117,
91 Linden avenue, northeast
Tramp K. Reynolds, I8 1)
Veatherthy street to Miss Louise
C uthrie, 18, 65 Weatherby strect
dohn \Will Davis, 20, 220 Cain
rect. northwest to Miss Colleen
¥ olmes, 24 77 Grape strect, north
Adolphus Wilbuen, 23, 171 Eor
¥t avenue to Miss Ida Belle Ha
mon, 14, BEs-B Buchiunan strect
Mr and Mrs. Chicks had as thei
guct. Mr. Tatt Woods of Alabama
l.¢ was honored with a Jovely
lirthday party, A delicious menu
Al served and all reported an e¢n
Jayubile afternoon.
On Decembior 28th Mis W
Johnson, Mrs. Sallie M. Jones and
oo . W, Williims serenadeid dif
{ crent homes in their commumty.
They sang many heautiful songs.
A most enjoyvable afftair of the
holiday scason was the birthday
varty-of Master J. H.- Thomas at
the home of his purents, Mr. and
Mis. Thomas. Many lovely par
ents were received. Many games
were played and a deliciou: menu
Vs sorved - All yeported 4. de
lehtful evening,
The Sunday School is continu
sy prowing and the B Y P 1 is
showing great progress. Suanday
morning the puastor preached a
soiritual sermon and alse Sunday
Thehe will be an Ordination ser
210n for three new deacons, Bro
fheve: l0d Battlo: W ] yons and
Richard Rice. the 3yd Sunday in
1 his month,
Our Sunday schaol s ctill grow
ne rapidly and on the top. We
ad two powerful =crmons preach
¢! by our pastor, Rev H. Carswell.
i The A, € ¥. lLeaguc was orga-
Jdzed by the pastor and different
Ommittees were formed to help
uild up our league
| Our rally comes off the Fifth
Sunday in January. We are ask
| ng all members and friends to help
{ 8 raise our funds.
! Mr W. A Qullian. Supt.
'1 Rev H. Carswell,. Pastor
{ Mrs. Mattie Brannon, Rep.
| The Rosebud Community Club
theld its annual reception a n d
Christmas tree on Monday, Dec
' ember 28, at 8 p. m. at the home of
' the president, Mrs. Georgia Shel
ton. who lived on Georgia avenue.
There was a present for every one
present and all reported having
spent a very enjoyable evening.
Music wds furnished by Mr. Jack
Shelton and the East Point In- |
vincible Quartette. The visitors
.present were Messrs, Joe Lloyd. |
James Washington, J. H. Huyunn(i.'
Revs J 1. Lockhart. 0.0 Wolfe
'W. B. Woods, and Mesdames Mut—l
tie Townsley and Reba Smith.
E Mrs. Georgia Shelton, president
Mrs. Mary Brame, reporter |
| The officers and members of
IGrant Chapel A. M. E. Sunday
School sponsored a Christmas Boat |
in their school. Sunday., December
27, 930 a. m. W. A: Quillian. supt
{ The officers and members of
Siloam Baptist Sunday School held
their annual Christmas tree exer
cises on Monday ' evening, Dec
ember 28 8 oeloek 8 . Ross:
i The High Twelve Embroidery
Club held its annual reception on
Tuesday evening, December 29, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
{ Wood on Calhoun avenue.
The Hyacinth Art Circle held its
tannval reception Wednesday ov
|ening, December 30, at the home of
LM and Mrs. W, H. Glass on Har
tris street. ‘This elub also dida bit
{of charitable work on the same
! The White Rouse Handicraft Club
gave no reception for the benefit
of its own mombers but it did dis
tribute a number of Christmas
baskets to the most needy, show
(ing that it and its members are in
harmony with the program to help
the unemployed and for the per
' petuation of mankind.
’ II.(*st you forget, your newsboy is
;L; to call on you Saturday ov- |
L ening and his call is going to be
more financial than social, Please
{don't disappoint him, bul have!
f,_\'uur money ready and pay hxmi
|sladly with a smile |
i The community at large wishm?
{to express ils sympathy to the
family of Mr John Knox. |
| N . {
Enterprise Basketeers
} 1 . . i
Get Away wnthV1ct01°y|
‘Over Troy Five 32_3;
| 5 i
| ENTERPRISE. Ala. Jan. 1—After:
overwhelming Clavton, Ala., a few'
| days ago in its first game of flw‘l
season, 75-9. the Training school|
stars, under the able lt}adt-rshxpz
of their coach. C. N. Hamilton, de-|
cated the hishly touted Troy high'
| school team, 32-3. Coach Hamilton'
| has welded together a team that!
| looms as invincible this year, The,
| entire team playved well. but the!
| sensational work of MeNabb and |
‘l'm'ris paved the way for the|
| Training school lads' victory. Thel
{ stars will bear watching in !’uturei
| contests with the best teams South-d
'east Alabama can offer &
| For games after February 12,
| Southern Alabama teams may write
L4 tha Caffee Counts Training ¢
school at Enterpiise Ala J
Seen and Heard
By Jimmy Perry ‘
Wrong Again
The bendfit dance that heing
friven on the ball=roora of the Me-
Kay hotel is this coming Iiday
Nite instead of Mondsav mpht Thi
dance is bhéing sponcored by the
Dragans, a part of thie \delphi
Believe it or not. Eatior Scott
i+ getting her a fellow It has
been qguaite g while since Delphine
has been gone. Now it looks like
Melvin Houston the new heau. !
Miss Helen Foster., formerly of!
thiz city, left yvesterdiv for Gy
Iid., where she will be engueed in
socinl sworle o Miss Irosten s o pe |
cant eradugte of the Atlania
School of Social Wori and s
knowit in this ¢ty
Mie: John 3 o to
have B 1. 1l v Sl i col
umni=t’ tery Loihnique
LI Lhe pat real o I'he
Caintty ity P o coiam
A M Cainehan N
Lulse meiber of the vonnper et
b this citn Jeil Monduy tar Vit
Holvaolke Colleog. wipere she | a
% enior. :
‘ Ue thing | éaie savy ahont Mil
« i Combs 15 that the i never
buaely on a Sunduy night £ vou
lfun’[ fu»liv‘,w iV ,hli;.‘[‘f hiave
}en over thers last Sundayv nite.
Only Mis Svoil Carier’s presernce
3 pt it from being o stug
L Heard Joo Wigpin vahlp Al
| anta pidnn plager. tieklay Lh
I hiriec The othep davy 0F 1 liiin
A b work e owall he saoother gyl
Yines or Graham Jackson
| UL El L:.] H
| 1
Detective Arrests L.
\L. Bullock in Michigan
MEMPEHLS Hehi = a0 F
In the arrest of Edward Lee Bul
lock. the police department has
solved three recent robbery myste
ries and has identified the prisoner
E\y;!!l the holdup and shooting of a
| sireet car conductor. J. R Brown
| white. about a month ago. Bullock
& e arrested by Detective Flovd
&\\V!l'}n‘!‘(!:i at Grand Ranids: Mici
j and also returned to Membphis by
e : -
. Admits Part in Three Robberies
I Aevcording to festimony of- De.
[ fective I.ieut Granville Heck'le
l’[’,nHm-!—: confessed thaf he and his
Laccaomplice. Braxton Atkinson. now
;,’x? large. committed three of the
| latest sensational robberies in
' Meniphis. The robbervy of Frank O
Sullivan cashier of the 5§ & W
Construction Co.., on the evening
of October 9, was admitted by the
defendant. In this case the cashier
was stopped by Bullock and his
companion near the new Summer
Avenue viaduct, and the two men
entered his car. With pistols flash
ine. the couple robbed their vietim
of $85 and then made him lie down
on the floor of the car in the rear
- O'8Sullivan was later forced to
leave his own automobile in which
' the robbers made good their escape
g'l‘hv car was abandoned laler at
gl’:u*kwu_\' and Florida.
' Robbed Groee
! Bulloek siid dh~t Al inaon o
| assisted him in the holdup of Lo
i Weiss: white: gracer. wwhn Wwis pob
Lhad in fronloef his storn at 1301
| Kennedv an the night of Nova
t ber 28 This holdup netted the vien
$1000. Tilie ocer poil el i
‘lock as one of the men who held
LM G oas he was about g ente:
%h{:i automobile
‘ Hold Un Piorly Wieely
. Following up their robbers pro
feesion. tho twa entered o Pipgly
i Wigaly store No. 18 Florida and
| South Parkwav on the cvenine ol
| December 7. Atkinson was the ac
L complice in this deal. the prisoner
Feaidh They took twentv-five dollai
from the cashiér The manaver O
| M. Dickery., whte identified Bu!
lock as one of the robbes Bullock
denied. however, the shooting and
L!‘u?llu':\' of the street car motor
5" an several weeks ago. althoush
Brown and a Jolly Cab taxi driver
- who:said he saw the pair leave the
‘;‘:xv‘_ pointed to Bullock as one ot
the stickup men ‘
1L Lhny
| |
~ |
A fuss over the non pavment for
a five cent dish of beans cost Clag- !
ence Sanford, 18 219 27th Place, N
a nice little sum when the matte
was threshed out in Recorder
court Monday.
According to O I, Aulcy. 2025
Third avenue. N, who works at th
Panic Cafe, 400 26th strect. N. San
ford came into his place zbout ten
thi!‘l}' the night of December 31
and asked for a plate of brans. Al
ter eating the young man started
to leave. refusing to pav and walk
ing out of the establishment He
called him a number of choice
names that broucht the restaurant
man after him to enforee his de
mands after beine 1cpeatedly told
that there was no pavment forth
coming. Mr. Autrv truck in
the leg by o brick thrown by San
ford who was later arrested at the
Terminal station by Otfwer Bal
GEORGIA Fuiton County. l
To the Supcrior Court of said
Cuunty; {
The petiticn of 'T, J. Ferguson, l)r.I
M. N. Davagel J. H. Hanlcv, Dr.!
Thomas H. Slater, and J. O. Thomas '
respectively shows: |
(1) ‘That the desire faor them-!
sclves. their associates and succes-!
sors. 1o be incorporated under thel
name and style of {
for a period of twenty (20) years.!
tor pecuniary gain and profit, their
principal place of business to be in
Atlanta, Georgia. {
(2) The purpose of the Associa-|
ion is to foster thrift and frugality |
among their shareholders and oth-|
crs, and to encourage the accumiu- |
lation by persons. of moderate
rmeans of periodic savings, and to]
provide means whereby such pm--f
158 mmay invest their savings to|
ire adequate rates of interest|
hereon. and to provide means|
shicieby persons of moderate cir
unstances ean be made smu“’
lgaps ol o legal rate of interest. i
13) The particular business they
fopose to Carry on i8010 have 4
general shvines and loan business,
and-amony other things lending its
Tunds to o bers of the industrial
and working cla nd others, ana
ceured in whole or i part by per
sopal . chdoriesont ind its own
fully paid .o pretinent stock, or
s 0w Ty Bl ingtaliment
Ceerhilicite of indebtedng or other
b mial ar real ooy Loty
(4) Pelitioners disire fhe right to
lend: ity funds upen 1ol bonds
and other evidera fdent “and to
accept as Bl or pavt security there
after morigage d deeds 1o land
and personalty. eallsternl notes
bonds and stoiks e1i ieanod
By themscives Or thet anc aitt
cthier forms 6F e includingd
\ personal endor-ciiey o bhorrow |
rnoney. and to pledee nartpape o1
encumber is assels 1o secure thg
came; 10 150 bond:s certiicaied o1
indebtedness, and othuw Hriehted
nagss do0 sbuy. Hold, 1o i i
real and personal propeiiy
iH)r The capital stoek of the A
seiation: - shall consis! of Ghed
housand (1.0600 shdie Wil P
valtue, and petitioners desi L
right to merease the 1171( oy
time 1o ime to anv amount oot ex- |
cecding one huntred thousind!
100000 cshares micludmnp the righl
ta buy inognd Yebite any oF suend
increassed stock. all as may be i
recied by a majority of the com-|
mon stock then outstanding i
i () Petitioners desire the right !
' eije 'and be sued, have and use i
conanon seal, together with all oth-|
cor rights and privileges allowed (0!
' corporations by the Code of the!
| State of Georgia and the :~t:11.1ran,i
tamendatory thereof. !
| H E COLE \
! Attorney for Petitioners|
I Filed in office. this the 4th day of|
January, 1932 J W. SIMMONS |
Clerk. .
| County of Fulton, '
i 1.9 W Simmens. Clerk of the
L Snperior Court. of Fulton County.
| Georgia, do hereby certify that t‘mr%
{foregoing is atrus ond correct copy
| of the application for charter in the
{matter of
as the same appears of file in this
| office.
{ Withessrny aifical ona . ¢ ard
Fihe seql of Efid Cogrr e s ey
LUl Januars 1937
f Clerk Superior Court. Fulton
| County. Georgia |
By Lewis O. Swingler
MEMPHIS, Tenn,. Jan 8-
The Cofillion Bridge club. truly
called the society beacon on -the
Mississippl, was a beckoning light
{for two hundred and fifty people
to don their formal attire and 1,,]
| celebrate the New Year with hila
| rity, pomp and fashion at the Hotel
i?n\.pru'\«-zm-nt club Friday morning
Beginning at the wee hour of two
the 1939 celebrators tripped. the
light fantastic until dawn broke
''the spell of the magic night Mu:-,n-'f
i'l‘lu-rv wias soft and touching strains|
I that made eyes dreamy and lovers|
;h(.\tl!' more closely their beloved
Fand wihisper g New year resolii
ttion. Miusie! An ontburst of jazz
E(']H‘i.'r nedithe infant year as a cre-j
| ation of this modern age Music! |
| “Blues in My Heart® was played ;|
|as a death knell for 1931 Music!|
Iplayed . yvarvis chords by I!H"/
} Mandelian Inn oicheetra” help tod
pke the Coetilijon Bridge . chibl
f formal theanost [~\"~'fl1i event of Hn':
! Yulelide e ason ‘
! i
i Members of the club and their)
i respective guests were: Miss Aliwced
Williar and Mr. Edward l'.!'(‘\\(-!':
| Miss Eugenia Williams and Mr. |
| Gentry Roberts. Mi Zenoblal
“Johnson and Mpr. McFarland, Miss]
' Elvnor Murdodk and Mr. Ogelsby|
' Charles. Mrs. Mabel Henderson and
- Mr: Booker Johnson, Miss Edna}
House and Mr. lLewis O Swingler. |
““xh*-’. E. O Rodgers. Miss Addie!
Fiane ang Mp and MVigs Samuel |
| Brown. Among the other guests, |
, 10O numerous to name, were lu'n'hvi
-ers physicians, business leaders|
L and prominent men and women inj
many other professional walks of
lid Near the close of the party
members of the club vassed out!
novelty caps and pencils as favors|
1O 1o guests !
. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Jan R
According to the report of Dr
(:. A Davis. who has charge of the!
| health clinic at the ' Community |
Center, 100 children have received )
phyvsical examination, 65 have been!
vaceinated against smallpox, and
7 received toxin, anti-toxiin for |
immunity against diphtheria. Thel
clinic is under the supervision ot
the city health department. |
lard. i
Young Sanford. who stated ‘.‘:u'i
he came here from Wetumpka sov- |
cral months ago to visit some neo-|
ple here, told the judge that ‘n-f
walked out and forgot to pav, but|
came back when his attention was|
ralled to the matter and settled up |
He claims that the man became o
busive and that the brick was
thrown in retaliation Judge Mau
tin fined him twentv-five dollars
and costs for disorderly conduct '
. o
Business Guide |
PACE'S BARBER SHOP, 55 Decatur H(.“
Our <hep i< vour shop. Selomon E. Pace,’
Proprietor. Ja 7963, i
ARNOLD'S Cafe & Confectionary, 769
Hunter 8t., NW. Good f{cod prompt anag
efficicnt service. Try Us, i
INEEDA TAILORS make Clothes to Fit.
Ve alter, repair, elean, and press. 181
Auburn Ave. JA. H827. X
Ave, A Good Place to Eat Fvervhody
s e “
Ave. JA. =116 ‘
Ave, Expert Operators. JA. 4174 |
Ave. Repair all makes of cars. Recharge
and sell butteries. JA. NU52
burn Ave. JA. 6614,
HAUGABROOKRS & CO.. Funeral Dirce
tars. Lady Atiendunt. Ambulance Service
277 Auburn Ave. Office Phane WA s8171;
Res, WA. 7046,
For Sale
FOR SALE-—-Hulf froot Lot for
sale in South View Cemetery, Price
very reasonable. Call The World,
Sunday at Butler Street €. M. 1 Chure b
a peld bracelet with three diamond.. e
ward. Call Ch. 2x1x5. C. J. Smith
Display Classified
Tatnall and Mitchell Sts.
Cizars, Cigarettes, Candies,
Cold Drinks, Ice Cream
ANDWICHES of all kinds
S5: MARION, Prop.
| .
Legion Post Names
| -
- Membership Heads
i MEMPHIS: Tenn. Jan R —
i Preparations by the Autress Rus
| =il Post No 27 uf the American
{ Legion for a big membtrship drive
| were made with the selection of
| the following former post comman
ders as caplains of teams: BE. R
[©@ Venson G T Dulaney R T
{ Diggs. Thomas Olden. Henry Pil
cher, William Jov. A. Burnett, Clif
*M:‘ Satterfield. Dr. S B. Hickman,
i present post commander, Edward
| Saddler, . Rev. Bosworth, anpd = Jo
j.vm;h McKinney. The campaign is
scheduled to last 13 weeks, one
- weck being dedicated to each of
l:m- commanders. Thirteen dollars
'\;'i‘;l be given the commander who
{ brines in the largest number ol
‘1 1embers. Last vear the post added
‘U”\i new members to the organi
zation It is striving for 1500 mem
i bers in the present campaign. Dr.
| S. B Hickman is the present post
i commander, and Dr. R. Q. Venson
| is chairman of the executive com
"‘;z!h't‘ and a former commander
- He was senf by the state gs an of
ficial representative to the nation
al legion convention which met in
- Deiroit, Michigan, last summer.
i MEMPHIS Tenn Jan B
“¥Your Honor. this man Patrol
| mdn J B. Cummings. pointing to
Will Wisner, 50. *is a patient at the
| County hospital and Dr. Carr th
| superintendent. said he has be n
stealing rubber alechol and drink
me i
. L Eine him $25 so he can ltake the
él:z:‘(- at _the workhouse’ - Judg
FEitzhugh snapped
A twenty-five dollar fine was in
posed upon Andrew Ellis whom
| Detlective © Sergeant Tim Pavio
caught entering an autormobile ot
pumping station
- MEMPIIS Tenn, Jun 8-
- Mis John W TYIOr gave 4 Sur
prise birthday party for her hus
band, Mr. John W. Tvler at the re
sidence of Mr. and Mrs. W. P Dix
on. 792 Mississippi avoenue Satu
day evening December 26 A deli
cious three course menu was ser
ved - the many guests who were
present, the dining room table was
beautifully decorated with t h e
birthday cake as a centerpiece. |
.'\!::."‘} usefu! gifts were received by
The Atlanta World
f'he Redvetion in Rate is for Consecutive Semi-Weekly
and Sunday Insertions, CASH WITH ORDER
No Advertiscment Taken for Less Than the Cost of Two Lines
One Time 14c¢ a line | ‘
Three Consecutive Times 12¢ a line ; |
Twelve Consecutive Times 9¢ a line l |
Every day in the year The World urges its
readers to read and answer World Want Ads :
Call WA, 1459
All want ads are restricted to
their propes classification and
the World reserves the right to
revive ur reject any advertisement.
Ade urdered by telephone are ac
cepled from per-ons listed in the
telephone or city directory on
memorandum charge only. In re
turn for thiv courtesy the adver
tiser is expected to renmat prompt
To Call WA. 1459
) eavlaxy ‘Yhad .
Raillway Schedules
Schedules published as wnformation,
(Central Standard Time))
Phone MAin 4900
Arrives— A, B. & C. R. R. —l.eaves
7:10 pm Cordele-Waycross 7:50 am
5:00 am Wayx.-Tifton-Tho'sville 9:45 pm
Arrives— A. & W. P. R. R. —Leaves
11:45 pm N'Orleans-Montgomery 6:10 am
4:20 pm Montgomery Local 12:30 pm
7:05 am N'Orleans-Montgomery 4:310 pm
16:40 am N'Orleans-Montgomery 6:05 pm
8:10 am West Point Bus 5:35 pm
Arrives— C. OF GA RY. —Leaves
5:56 am Mac.-Sav.-Alb.-Dothan 7:25 am
10:00 am Columbus %:00 am
5:55 pm Mac.-Jax.-Mi. Tampa 9:23 am
10:50 am Macon 4:05 pm
6:40 pm Columbus 4:25 pm
9:45 am Mac.-Jax.-Mi.-Taimmpa 7:25 pm
7:15 am Tampa-Sara.-St. Pet 9:10 pm
T:15 am Jax.-Way.-Mi. 9:10 pm
&:20 pm Macon-Albany 11:30 pm
3:15 pm Macon-Miilen-Sav. 10:00 pm
6:49 pm Birmingham-Atlanta 7:25 am
3:45 pm N.Y-Wash.-Rich.-Nor. 11:55 am
11:45 am Birmingham-Memphis 4:15 pm
5:45 am N. Y. Wash.-Rich.- Nor. 7:05 pm
7:15 am N. Y.-Wash.-Rich.-Nor. 10:05 pm
3:30 am Birmingham-Atlanta 11:45 pm
5:50 am Co.-W'n-N.Y.-Ash.-Rich 12:10 am
1:15 pm Anniston-Birmingham 6:05 am
6:55 pm Greenville-Charlotte 6:00 am
K:idd pm Valdosta-Brunswick 7:00 am
5:40 pm St. lLouis-K.C.-B’ham 7:10 am
X:20 pm Det.-Chi.-Cleve. 7:06 am
1:00 pm Piedmont Limited 7:30 am
5:50 pm Columbus 7:45 am
5:45 pm Jax.Miami-St. Pet. 8:25 am
5:40 pm Crescent Limited 11:01 am
1255 pm Richmond-Wash.-N.Y 12:10. pm
12:05 pm Rome-Chati.—Local 2:30 pm
10:55 am Fort Valley 1:05 pm
11:15 am Columbus 4:10 ‘'pm
10:584 am Macon-Hazlehurst 4:20 pm
11:45 am B'ham-K.C.-Denver 4:15 pm
710 am xHeflin Accommodation 5:25 pm
15 am Cin.-L'ville-Chi.-Det. 6:00 pm
P am Macon 7:00 pm
7:50 am Washington 5:20 pm
6:55 am Jax.-Miami-St. Pet. §:10 pm
G:20 am Brunsw’k-Jax-vill-Miami ¥:50 pm
3:55 am B'ham-Shrev.-Ft.Worth 11:30 pm
xDzily except Sunday.
Following trains arrive and depart from
5:00 pm Anniston-Birmingham 9:00 am
$:00 am Washington-New York 5:00 pm
Phone WAlnut 3666
12:15 pm Augusta-Athens 7:25 am
3:35 pm Augusta {55 pm
5220 am Charleston-Wilmington 9:00 pm
5:20 am Augusta-€olumbia 900 pm
7:45 am Social Cirele Bus 5:55 pm
Arrives— N., C. & ST. 1. RY. —Leaves
€:00 pm Nashville Chattanvoga %:080 am
6:55 pm Chat.-Nash.-Chi.-St. 1. 10:15 am
$9:03 am Chatt.-Chicago-St. 1. 6:30 pm
7.00 am Chatt.-Nash.-8t. L. 9:00 pm
Arrives— L. &N R —Leaves
%:50 pm Cin.-Chicago-L'ville 7:40 am
5:40 pm Knoxville via BlueRidge 7:00 am
12:08 pm _Knoxville Cin.-Louis. 3:26 pm
%:25 am Cin.-Detroit-Cleveland 6:15 pm