Newspaper Page Text
Poisons and thkir Anti
boTES. —The employment of subtle poi
sons in VAkYiy WttArkable cases of puis
oning by intelligent criminals cognizant
of their efficacy, has awakened a spirit
of dread among the reflective portion of
Nlie community—as it is generally be*
Heved that science has discovered but
saw, if any, antidotes to tho working of
theea destructive agents. This is partic
ular the popular prejudice with respect
to strychnine; but we glean from tho
Rochester Democrat a case of a return k-
Able character, ift which a complete re
covery from the effects of this deadly
poison has been wrought by the appli
cation |L most simple antidotes. The
narration of this case we deem of such
general interest as to authorize epitomiz
ing its features.
A policeman having accidently swal
lowed a large quantity of strychnine,
which he used for dog-killing, at once
struck upon the idea of attempting to
‘neutralize its effect, by swallowing an
‘emetic. This operation he twice re
peated, before the servicos of a practis
ing physician were called upon.
When the oV Galen arrived, he
found tho poVi'Ceman laboring under se
vere spasms ; his body was bent in the
form of an arc, and his teeth were con
vulsively closed. The physician imme
diately placed the sutyect under the in
fluence of chloroform, which appears to
have entirely negatived the power of the
spasmodic action, and continued the ad
ministration of powerful emetics; aud
thus, at the end of some twenty-four
hours, the sufferer was found not only
to bo relieved of every particle of the
poison, but entirely free from the spasms
and conyulsions which had seized upon
him. At the last accounts the man ap
pear? to be rapidly recovering, lie hav
ing regained consciousness during his
period of treatment. We have now in
disputable authority that chloroform,
Jwlien correctly administered, acts as an
antidote to poison; and,the very sim
|>Kcity of the remedy should place it
within the reach, as well as remem
brance of every individual.
Message from Gov. Geary to tub
Kansas Legislature. —The St. Louis
Republican publishes an advauce copy
of Governor Geary’s message. His
views on squatter sovereignty are em
bodied in the following words: “When
the interes sos the peoulo shall require
a State government, aud a direct popu
lar vote is necessary to give it sanction
and effect, then w.ll bo the proper occa
sion, once tor all, to decide the gravo po.
litical question which underlies all well
i bulutcd Oouimouwealths. „
‘l’lio Governor advises tho Legislature
to let slavery alone, where the constitu
tion place, it, and forego legislation in
reference to it, until it State Constitution
In r..;inttf7T. l m Attfil,
omisoions on tho statute book bo eorrec
■ Aedfv-dCll. tinces the teat oath act, slid*
its repeal; disapproves of
* the present’ m-klu ut cylloctiug jurors,
and recoQimemls their election by lot;
think* that thb ndbption of the ballot
plan of voting shouUfoe insisted on ; and
suggests the euactmuut of a law requir
ing a residence ia the lerritory o| ten
days, ter i rovetit illegal voting*
t — . ’** jr
Kaar Mktuod or DimtOTittn Spurious
Coin.— = A shopkeeper, residing in Dept*
ford, appeared betoro th*y|u qjistrata ut
the Greenwich Police Court as prosecu
. tor in a case of ‘Washing,” and m his
evidence stated tliat, having taken a vast
luantity of bad money, he ad at length
iscovered a certain tost fir silver coin.
It waaliis invariable custom, on receiv
ing a doubtful piece, to rub it with blue
vit/iol stone, and then slightly wet it.—
The effect is immediately seen; for if
the coin be spurious ‘metal, it at once
turns bljick, but if genuine there to no
alteration. in its appearance. — Engb.Ji
Paper. . ‘
A public meeting of the citizens
of Thomas and Lowndes was eld at
Grooverville on the 17th inst., to take
incipient steps iu the formation of anew
county to embrace portions of tho two
counties represented. Cdpt. A. B. Law
ton was chairman and W, H. McMur
ray and E**L. Hines, Secretaries.
Logical, —“Caesar,” said a negro to a
-colored friend 6f hie, “what do you tink
“firde most tfßetnT ob dtf comets sub
or de moon?”
“Well, Clem, I don’t know datl shall
be able to answer dgtt question, 6een’ as
how I neber had much larnin:”
“Well, Caesar, I spect do moon ortdr*
tako de fust rank in dat partiklar.”
“Why s >, nigger?”
“Because de moon shine in de night
when we need dellight, and de sun shine
in de day time, when de light am no
“Well, Clem, you is do most lamed
darkey I eber seed. I guess you used
“to sweep out a school bouse for alibin.”
Fate must trouble itself about a num
ber of foolish people ; for no sooner does
a into trouble of his own mak
ng, than he puts it. all down to fate.
In Vermont the thermometers in va
rious places congealed, and the Weft her
judges estimated it at fifty degrees be
low zero!
In the immediate vicinity of Boston,
there are manufactures to the extent of
$150,000,000 annually, and of this the
value added to the raw material by la
bor cannot be less than $70,000,000.
Council Chamuku, January 13th 1857.
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Present His Hon. the Mayor, Aid. Barden,
Chapman, Ellis, Gager, Perry and Walker, —
Absent, Aid, Ayer, C’larke, L'urkin, ‘Gray,
Quin and Stewart.
Council proceeded to take up t'}(6 Bridge
contracts; whereupon Council agreed to iper
mit the following persons to cross at th fol
lowing rates, viz-.
A. Abercrombie, S3O, B. Dtincan, 16, J, j.
Abercrombie, 10, J. Echols. SO, E. H. Aber
crombie, 20, J. M. Flournoy, 15, J. It. Berry,
J. R. Baird, 7,50, Roht. Flournoy, 15, F-. Boy.
kiu, s„Mary Goslin, 7,50 W. R. Branham, 6,
Geo. D. Hooper for Heirs of P. L. Lewie, 5,
J. 11. Butt, 15, H. H-. Burch, 7,50, Homer
Howard, 15 B: T. Chapman, 15, H. L. How
ard, 7-,50, W. C.TClrftcrti, 10, Coo. T. Iluit, 15,
J. A.Chapman, 20, J. B. Hill, 20, R. J. Ca
rithers, 10, Geo. Hargraves, 7,50, Benj. Cropi*,
7-,50, J. O. Harris, 10 J. C. Cook, 15, R. S.
Hardaway, 15, Sarah C. Crowell, 10, Leroy
Holt, 15, J. E. Davis, 20, R. A. Hardway, 5,
E. G. Dawson, 20, Mrs. Hoxey, 5, T. G. Holt,
10, Wm. Y. Salisberry, 5, Geo. D. Hooper, 15-
Mrs. J. H. Shorter, 35, Hines Holt, 7,50, J. A,
Strother, 20, J. R. ./ones, 20, James Stroud 1
5, S. A. King, 5, E. A. Thom, 10. Phebe Lew.
is, 10, T. P. T. Threewiis, 10, Jacob Lamb,
7,50, J. L. Walton, 25, Rebecca P. Malone,
7,50 J. G. Worsbam, 7,50, B. T. Malone, 10,
J. S. Williams, 10, John L. Mustian, 10, B-.
M. Ware, 15, W. 11. Mitchell, 15, James
Wright, 25, Henry A/offet 15, Dune an McDou
gald, 20, N. Nucholls, 20. J. B. Oliver 5, D.
W. Parr, 15, P. J. Philips, 10, Lewis dr. Pitts,
10, Wm. A. Redd, 10, J. K. Redd, 10,
By Aid. Periy : Resolved. That the Mar
shall be instructed to call on ■each commitsfon
House or Negro Mart, and get the number of
Negroes offered for sale artd report the same to
the Treasurer w hose duty duty it shall be to
collect the Tax on the sArrte every quarter \ the
Treasurer requiring the parties to take oath as
to the number of slaves sold artd those exhibi
ted for sale. Adopted.
January 19th 1*57.
Council rtlet pursuant to adjournment. Pre
sent, His Ilonr the Mayor, Aid. Ayer, Chap
man, Durkin, Gager, Gray, Perry, Stewart and
Walker. Absent, Aid. harden, Clark, Ellis and
In reading the Journals of the two last meet
ings, AU. Gager gave notice that he should
move a re-consideratiou of .-o much of the ac
tion of said meetings as regards the bridge con
tract of Mrs. J. R. Dawson, J. B. Hill and J.
*. Strother. *
Aid. Ayer gave the same notice in regard to
the contract of Thus. J. Lewis, Agent.
Aid. Walker gave the same notice in regard
to the contract of Geo, L, McGehee, J. G-.
Woodson and J, C. Harris,
Aid, Chapman gave the saitte notice in re
gard to the contracts of J. M. C. Reed, Y. U.
Wade, D, Z. Ward and J. P. F. Threewits.
Aid. Gray gave the same notice in regard to
the contracts of J. H, Butt, E. G. Dawson and
P, J, Phillips.
The Journals of the two preceding meetings
were then approved,
Tire subject of re consideration was first in
Order, which was taken up ; whereup.m Coun
cil agreed to reduce the contract of George L.
McGehee, from *2O to 15, D. Z. Ward, “from
10 to 5, J.H. Butt, (ruin 15 to 10, J. B. Hill,
from 20 to 12,50, J. C. Harris, 10 to 7,50, P.
J- Phillips, 10 to 7,50, trrcxi of Mrs. J. R.
Dawson, Thos. J. Ljwis, agent, J. M. C. Reed,
J. G. Woodson, YV jLL Wado, E. G. Dawson,
J. A Strother andT;1 1 . F. Thrcuwits, Council
refused to reconsider. • .
By Aid. committee on Ac
counts beg leave tOj&poil tbrtl they have exam
ined the following accounts and find them cor
rect) viz;
4. L. VValtf n, *o‘sg| l D. B. Thompson <fc
Cos., 19,3d, J. Ennis tfcjjo,, 00,96, Dr. George
Davis, 3, I. G S:\ u|jat, 18.75, F Landon, 10,
J. H. Merry,’ 102,B3 v .l*iley Adams, 40,50, T.
C. McDonald, 4, jjalhdin <fe Johnson, 12,50,
J. M. Hughes, 2. * Very respectfully,
Oft motion, tbs aboVl)report wj*s received
and accounts ordered to be paid.
~ The Sexton > submitted tho following report
W deaths from Ist- L)ct;Tßs6 to Ist. Jan. 1857.
Oct 2 child of Mr.,Mput, aged 0 years, measles,
3 chilli of M*\ Bartiet, 3 years,
7 “ Mr. O’Brien, 14 mo bowel coin,
8 “• John Sheridan,
18 Mr. Lemuel Green, 27 years,
19 Janies Watt, 50 “ bowel Com,
• 15 child of D. CrOpp,
17 Child of Mrs. Smith,
8l child of Mrs. Scales, 4 rears, Typ. fev :
“J: Ri Gilbert) 52 *- consuiup.
26 Mrs Peters, ,; *52 “ debility,
27 child of Mary Frostj
“ child of Attn Rose, 3 years, Pneitraonia,
“ James Slaughter, 30 * “ “
“ Mrs. N- Mitchell, 60 “ Heart disease.
Nov. 2 Henry Miflrriizen, 45 “ Dropsy,
6 Mrs. Jno. MaGarvin, 25
7 Mrs. Watt, * 46 Debility,
11 child of R; olinson,
20 Miss WU, 22 Debility,
21cbi!dof J. Wilhghn, 6 months,
23 “ Mr, BiikJers,.ls mo. Teething.
Ko’ 24 S. R. Bonner, 48 yrs. Dis. Heart,
4, measles,
Dec* 7 Mr. Bird 48 ** rheumatism,
11 child of J. B: Baird, 15 “ hoop, cough,
12 “ P. Hollihan, 5 “ Typ. Fever,
“ Mrs. Thos. Chaffin, 48 “ “
17 S. Ainehbaker, y 0 “ Intemperance,
]8 S F. Grimes, 46 “ Heart disease,
23 B. V. Iverson Jr; 20 “ dropsy of heart,
25 child of J. Hitnly,s “ Croup,
27 ATss Barden, }2 “ Typhoid feter,
“ James McDonald, 55 years,
28 Mis. F. C. Johnson, 35 “consumption,
20 Mary Gammell.
Respectfully submitted
Thomas Nix, Sextom
On motion, received.
Receired and paid over to the City Treasu
rer, one hundred and twenty five dollars, the
week ending the jOtli day of January IBy7.
John G. Bhnnhll, B. K.
On motion, received.
By Aid. Gray: The Finance committee beg
leave to report that the debt contracted bv them
the 20th December, for SBBB6, 44, pay able 30
days after date, will be due in a few days, and
they desire instructions from tho cattfldl as to
bow it shall be protected. On motion, received.
Whereupon Aid. Gray offered the followin'.’
resolution. Resolved, That the Finance com
mittee be and are hereby authorized to take
necessary steps to raise funds to meet the pay
ment of the debt due the Bank of Columbus,
for *8886,44. Adopted.
H. T. Hall, Chief Engineer, and J. L. Mor
ton, Assistant Engineer of the Fire D> partment,
petitioned council to appropriate $1500,00 for
the purchase of anew engine for Fuoco. no. 4.
Whereupon Ald.’Per-y oflp.-red the following
resolution. ‘Resolved, That council make an
appropriation Os sis een Iluudred Dollars for
the jrdrehase if anew engine for Firoco. no. 4,
ukd that said company turn ever tho old en
gine to the city, whenever the new one is re
'ceived,provided, said appiopriation is not call
ed for within six months. Adopted.
In agreeing thereto, the ye >s and nays were
required to le recorded. Yeas 7. Nays 1.
iliose who voted in the affirmative, were
Aid. Ayer, Chapman, Durkin, Gray, Perry,
Stewart and NY nlker. Aid. Gager voted in tho
By Aid. Gray : Raolved, That the clerk of
council be instructed to turn over to the May
or, all bonds in his hands, which shall be de
posited by the mayor, in Bomo of the vaults of
our Bank institutions for safe keeping, and a
memorandum of sucli kept by the clerk. Ad’d.
By Aid. Gray : Resolved, That the commit
tee on contracts examine into the contract with
the Gas light company, for lighting the street
lamps, and see whether the present burners are
such as were originally used, and if said con
tract has been complied with by the company.
11. T. Hall c’ ief engineer of the fire depart
ment petitioned council to provide means for fit
ling the reeervtfi s at the corner of -Bradford ‘tSt
Ligon’s, and near the Gin Factory.
On motion of Aid. Stewart the petition was
received artd complied with, and referred to the
committee on engines.
Thomas B. Slade anil others, trustees of Tem
perance Hall, submitted a proposal for the pur
chase of the lower hall of said building, by
council-. On ittrttioby receivod and referred to
the committee on contracts.
On motion, cohucil agieed to tako up the
bridge contracts.
By Aid. Perry : Resolved, That the Omnibus
Line bo permitted to cross the bridgo with their
omnibus and baggage wagon, the present year,
at *12,50 per month, to be paid quarterly. Ad’d
The following at *20,00 —G. W. Alexander,
Mrs. N. Boykin, James Castins, J, E, Hurt,
The following at *IO,O0 —Dr, Barry, \3\
Beasley, Morris Jones, Toliver Jones, Horace
King, B. Y, Martin, J. J. Martin, R. L. Mott,
J, S. Moore, N, A, Nuckols, P, Phillips, Thom
as Ragland, 11. W, Trawick for the estate of
Morris Trawick, J. M. Upshur) G. W, Winter,
Henry Ware)
Tho following at *?,50 —D. M, Banks, John
Buchanan, F, Gi Jones-, A, G, Jones, G. W.
Martin, Turner Moreland,
The following at SS,OO—A, L. Borders, Jas.
Canty, David Dudley, E, Dudley, Dr. S, M.
Griggs, G. D. Moss, J. D. Nuil, B.M. Smith,
S, Sartwell, Susan Trawick, D. It, Thompson.
The following’ at *ls,oo—Janies Comer,
Mr9, 8. D, Evans, Geo, D. Hooper, J. R-. Hull,
E. Hull, R, P, Laney, M. L, Patterson, F, A.
Stan turd, J, G. Winter,
P'orbes Bradley $7,00, A. 0, tWelhitt *p2,
Rock Island Factory *75,00.
l'he bonds and recommendations of Jacob
G, BUrrtts, James Boulter and Mrflinda Stew
art. for hitniling spirits, Vrttfe presented to coun
cil and approved,
The accounts, on tttotion, were referred to the
committee on accounts.
Council then adjourned till Monday next,
January 26th inst. at 7 o’clock P. M.
As this is tlie season of the year when worms
are most formidable among children, the proprie
tors of M'Lime’s Vermifuge, Fleming Bros, of
Pittsburgh, bog leave to call the attention of pa
rents to iU virtues for the expelling df llldte ttll
noying, mid often fdtal elioirtieS es Children. ‘ It
Was invented by a physician of great experience
in Virginia, who, after having u>ed it for several
years in his own practice, and found its success
so universal, was induced at last to offer it to the
publio as a cheap but certaia and excellent ined i
cine. It has since become justly pop tils r through
out the United States, as tho most efficient Ver
mifuge aver known, and the demand has been
steadily on the increase sinee its first introduc
tion to the public.
Purchasers will be careful to ask so- Dk
factured by FLEMING HIIOS. of Pitts bukoii, Pa.
There are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills,
■low before the public. Dr. genuine
Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can
now be had at all respectable drug stores. None
genuine Unit ho ut the sign'd nr e of
THIS house situated north of the Columbus
Bridge, is now open for the KeceptidU of reg
ular Boarders and transient patronage.
Tho fare shall be gdod, and charges reasonable.
No efforts will be spared to make the guests of
this house comfortable. J. T. SCOTT.
Feb. 4—l y. Proprietor.
ALL persons indebted to John Ellis, dec’d;
late of this county, will make immediate pay
ment: and all persons having claims against the
suid John Ellis, dec’d will present in due form,
according to law. M. WOODRUFF. Adm’r
“great sale of
- >. Exaounvß Dki'aktmknt, 1
Afilledgeville, Ga. r August 3wR 85d, )
WHEREAS, the last General Assembly of this
State enacted; “That his Excellency the
Governor bej and he is hereby authorised to em
ploy a competent surveyor) and have surveyed a
a vacant square of land in the city of columbuS)
the property of the state and to expose tne same
for sale at such times and on such terms os he may
think most advantageous for the interests of the
State, and that he pay out of the proceeds a just
and proper compensation to the officer so employ
ed, any Jaw, usage or custom tc the contrary not
It is therefore Ordered, That Jambs Hamilton,
Esq.- be ( and he is hereby appointed a Commis
sioner for the purpose indicated, and that due
aith and credit be given to his acts as Commis
sioner aforesaid.
Given under my hand and seal of the Executive
Department, at the Capitol in Milledgeville; the
day and year above written.
By the Govern at.
B, B. ueO RAFKENREro, Sec’y Ex, Dept,
BY oftheauthrity granted me in the above ap
pointment, I shall proceed to sell on
SATURDAY, February 71b. 1857 y
Commencing at the bom of 11 o’clock, A. M,
comprising two vacant squares in the North-Ea*
tern part of theeity.
For the situation and boundaries of said lots;
a diagram may be seen until day of sale; at the
Ware House of Greenwood, /Jardaway A co: in this
city together with the original map of the citv, as
surveyed by E. L. Thomas, in the year 1828.
I JA.VES IIAJf[[.TON, Commissioner.
Columbus Ga., Jany. 24, 1857 —tds.
kiwslw wmm,
Sale Hall Broad St.
Manufacturers, and wholesale and retail Deal
ers in Fashionable and Plain
HAVING recently erected in this city a large
and convenient Factory and furnished it
throughout arilh the latest improved machinery,
our facilities for inaufacuring a first rate article of
Furniture, are not surpassed bj any establish
ment in the United States. It is our aim to con
vince the people of this section that an article
con be made here, and sold at a much less price,
equal in every retnect to articles of the same class
brought from the North. Knowing this, we ask
with confidence the patronage of this community,
assuring them that nothing shall be wan'ing on
ou; part to deserve it.
We have adopted the cash plan, as being the on
ly one with which the Southern manufacturer
can enter into successful competition with those
at the North, where this system prevails.
Our sales room will be under the ehage of Mv.
W. K Harris, who is favorably knowu to the pub-
Those who wish to examine articles of our man
ufacture, are respectfully invited to call and see
the samples at our sales room.
We are also prepared to mnnnfaciure Sash,
Doors, Blinds,^Brackets, J/ouldings, cornices, door
and window Frames, and Architectural work gen
erally. Finning, scroll sawing, carving and wood
turning executed to order. Jnn 8 ts
ers and others are taught th true secret of
proper Education aud Discipline.
Its Founder is the discoverer of the existing
Natural Graul Division in our Numeral; the Au
thor of the American Formula for ruling Steam
Engiues, and other Motors ; the similitude *f tho
English Numeral; the Inventor of the TarahoU
Instrument etc,, etc.
By the McCormick System of Education, the
reasoning powers are more expanded and better
cultivated in five months than by the old system in
five ycare.
The testimony is more than ample to p’ ove that
the Author of this System is the only inventor or
nlsdoverer, in Scientific Kducati n, in America ;
and that the’ Northern System is a failure und a
humbug, and the greater its dissemination, in the
North, the greater the proportion of convicts and
lewd women, among thi'So Ai-rtigdut, foolish aud
fauatical people.
Witu these faßt* before us, will the Soulli lon
ger feed abolition authors and Northern iguo
rarie* in preference to Southern Audiors aud
learned neighbors!
N. B.—YlcCormiek’s Arithmetic and Key (the
largest ever published) for sale by-the auth r, and
his agents. fi ,
Price of Arithmetic, or Keys, *1 50 per oopy.
L. J. MoUUUMICK, freft of’Colleg c,
Professor of M_ath jftiatids, Ac.
Opelika, Ala, _Nor. 28 18J%’ jl lyi
Mr. dfumes McLalu-.-A Tcucchcr.
Macon\County, Alabama, )
June 16th, 1855. )
PaoF. L. J. McCORMICK — Rear Sir: —l con
sider that the term of three mouths, that I went
to school to you (2 years ago) has been of more
advantage to .te than all the rest of the school
ing I ever received.
It is saying a great deni, I know, when I assert
that the st .dying of the McCormick System three
month, has bmm.i.f more benefit to me than
twelve or tliirfeen ygifts of-education, by the old
Yduf nysterti dcVßlt*r) natural truths and self
eVidfeHt pflptlplbS In lltfeli a way that, while they
fiSH HcVer he lui-gßtleo, they continually improve’
the mind and advance the judgment. I speak
wlmt experience has taught me, and not what 1
have heard; and either is sufficient to convince
any rational wind of the folly in relying on th*
present system to educate. Yours truly,
Not. 26. 1856 ly. JAMES McLAIN.
After teaching the old System, and having stu
died the McCormick system but ten weeks, 1 fully
endorse nil Mr. JfeClnin has said above ; and I
am surprised that a system so thorough, rapid,
and certaiu, U not immediately und universally
adopted. ‘ E. D: Tallor.
% Russell Cos., Ala, Sept. 8 1856.
I3T The aGpve express the pne universal opin
ion of all thole who have studied both sj-Stems.
TUE Eighteenth Anuual Course of Lettures
in this institution, will commence on the first
Monday in November next, and close on the first
Monday in March following. Having received
two endowments from the State of Georgia, it is
n possession of • splendid College Edifice, with
Anuratus, Preparations, Specimens aud Facilities
and a hospital for Clinicnl Instruction, under the
direction of . the Faculty, Cadavers procured
from New York and other cities.
L. BANKSTON, M. I)., Hiofessor of Physiol
ogy Und Pathology and Materia Medica.
J. T. COXE, M. D., Prof, of Principles and
PhltitlHScf Medicine and Therapeutics.
M. & THOMSON, M. D„ Prof, of Obstetricks
and DirthsKS ttf Women and Children.
I. N. LOOMIS) A. M„ M. D., Profi of Chem
istry, Botany) I’liSMnacy and Microscopy.
I. M. COMINGS, A. M: M; D:; Prof, of Aitnto
my and Surgery.
O. VLOCARANE, Esq., M. D., Prof, of Medl-
Compasntive AuatO.ny
Entire fees for tickets to Lecture, *IOO
Matriculation, (once only,) - • 5
Anatomical Ticket, - - - - 10
Payable invariably in cash in advance; at tlid
opening elf the session. Graduation fee, payable
before examination, *25.
J2P For particulars address any member of the
Faculty, Macon, Ga. aug. 13.
THE above Hotel loented in Llimpkill
Ga., has of fate undergone thorough re
fNkif; and Is new open for the reception of Board
ers and transient persons. Thankful for past
patronage the tindefslgfled solicits a continuance
of the sdmfl. P. LAMPKIN.
Lumpkin, Stewart CO: Grt. Dee. 6: 44 ts .
GAA AAA FEET of good Pine -Lumber
xw i/vf (most of it seristlned) on hand
and for sale at my Steam Mill*, Ofie mile West of
Sdlettl, on the Opelika Rail ltoad. Bills can be
filled and delivered In Coluutbne, If desired, on
the shorte t notice artd at the Customary rates.
Send in your orders to the Undersigned at Sa
lem, Ala. P.- ti: J. MAY.
ts cma xt ia ‘X &ts! & Aw-
March Ist ,1858. s—^ly
Auction, 4'oiniiii‘siaii, Negro Bro
kcrtiKc, and Forwarding;
and pledge themselves lo n prom ft and fuithful
attention to nil business committed to their care.
They will give their personal attention to the
Having ample facilities at command, they nr pre
pared to make LIBERAL ADVANCES
on Negroes and ITlcrcliandizc of every
Particular attention given to Administru
tors’ and Executors’ Sales.
July 29, 1850, 25 ts
No. 93, Etrond Strci‘l,Colnml)iis, Ga.
HW. NANCE having bought the übove ee
• tnblisbmcnt, of Messrs. Kivlin, Thomas A
Cos., has associated with him Mr. WM. GESNER,
whose well known reputation ns <'licniit and ,
Druggist in this city for the last six or eiglu
years, will, we trust, entitle ua to a liberal share
of public patronage. The business will he con
tinued under the name of
KiMKgn &
Our Stock consist* of nil articles usually kept in a
Drug Store, n part of which i* a gem rnl assort,
ment of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Perfum
ery, Pomades, llnir Brushes, Combs, Dye Stuffs-
Varnishes, Paints and Painter’s Articles.
Our Stock is all fresh and new, and all articles
sold warranted as represented, or the article taken
back and money refunded.
PRESCRIPTIONS carefully prepared and put up
at all hours, day or night*
December 17, 1850. 44—ly
X OFFER mv business, including STOCK,
FIXTIJKF.S A LEASE, low for Sale,
T*rms easy to a person of undoubted responsibil
ity. Lease has two years to run from Ist October
next. Here is an opportunity raiely offered to an
enterprising man. My Books will show that from
4000 to 6000 can be made annually with proper
attention to business. The Work Departnent
will more than pay all expenses. In the mean
time I will sell at greatly reduced prices at retail
-—lower than can be bought at any other estab
lishment in Georgia, for
r” Come one, come]all 1 and improve the opportu
mty now offered. In the Stock rah iVe found
Gold and SUver Watehs, Gold Chains
Diamond liings, Silver Ware,
Castors , Cake Baskets ,
And iilnidst every article sou iul inn Jewelry Store
.. a. li. Dewitt.
_ Columbus, May 28. 151.
THE subscribers are now prepared to btiy L-ilhn
Warrants, and they expect to continue iy
the market, and they always pay the tligliest
market price. Before yob sell call and see
J. ENNIS <fc Cos.
Columbus, July 2t> 65
‘'pHE Subscriber hnving bought out the entire
1 Stock of Groceries of 13. BARNARD A
Cos., will continue the same business at the old
Stand, for his own ncount. where may be found
at all times a large and well selected Stock, era
bracing all articles in that fine, which are offer
ed to his old friends and ustomers at tlm
Columbus, Jan. |l, 185 G. 52 3m.
‘pillS Cpmpany continues to insure Buildings,
X Merchandise, Household Furniture, Factories,
Machinery, and Personal .Property; geßerally,
against loss and damage by Fire; also on Marine
and Inland navigation. Risks of Fi-eight and Cargo
dnlL 8h fttt'Hl'able tfernjs.
H. H. EPPING, Agent
Office at the Agency of the Union Bank, Colum
bus, .Gat; where Signt Cheeks on New York,
ChnHestbn, Savannah, Montgomery, Mobile and
New Orleans, may at all times be purchased at
current rntes.
September B, 1855. 21 lm
WE linvc removed to Mr. E Barnard’s old
sti nd at No. 12 Broad Street, opposite
Redd, I’roer, A Cos., where we will continue to keep
a supply of the best
Provisions and Groceries
whichwill sell nt the Jovfest market prices.
Thnnkfiil fh’r prist favors, we respectfully solicit
a continuance o{piitronnge. Terms ea h or when
called for. Cash paid for Country Prol nee.
JUST received, another lot of those ijiie Cigars
—better than the others—at the Eagle .Drug
©ai® w ssisjis Am: oiAUnitiaaa'Yi
r |''HE Proprietor of this pleasant, commodious
-L first class Saloon of Fine Arts, lias again re
ttifnyd to resume hisbusiness for the season. Mr.
RIIUJLiE kits had a practice of over eight years,
which rail 63 hhrt rifle of the most successful in his
profession.’ //is , Pictures are clear, white audl
pretty, rind are.admired by rill, Call and examine
for yOurselves.
Rooms on Broad street, o’Ver C. Mvoatt’ l
Dry Good Store, Columbus, On. A. ). RfDDLE,
Proprietor and rrir.i'iptil Operator.
Co'umbus Sept 27, 55, 35 tt
MU lie
ST„ ©©!&# yt
Columbus Sep,. 29. 1853. • 31y
’ t ’IJE .subscriber having purchased the entire
A Ur forest of V. R. TOMIIEY in the NOTES
and ACCOUNTS o’ the late firm of J, Eimis
A Cfo.y (which firm was dissolved on t’ e Ist of
Oct. 18$$,] would earnestly solicit all indebted to
said firm, Note or Account, to call at
the Sttfre tff ,1. Ertri’is A’ Cos , and settle the same,
or they will find their Notes and Accounts in the
hands of an officer for collection.
Columbus, Ga., Oct 22. 1856 ts.
LAMP, Train ami Neut's-fnot Oil, and Burling
Fluid, just received and for sale at the Eagle ‘
Two Os the &bC Preparation* of the Age*
They are not recom
mended ■as Universal
Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name pur
The Vermifuge, for
expelling Worms frorr
the human system, ha c
also been administers
with the most satisfactory
results to various animals
subject to Worms;
The Liver Pills, fe
the cure of Liver Com
plaint, all Bilious De
rangements, Sick Head
ache, Bcc:
Purchasers will please
be particular to ask for
Dr. C. McLane’s Cele
brated Vermifuge and
Liver Pills, prepared by
(?HcjvaWj iSx/oA; j
sole proprietors, Pitts
burgh, Pa., and take no
other, as there are various
other preparations now
before the public, pur
porting to be Vermifuge
arid Liver Pills. All
others, in Comparison
with Dr. McLane’s, are
The genuine McLane’s
Vermifuge and Liver
Pills can now be had at
all respectable Drug
flaming- bro s,
60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
feblo Proprietors.
Scovil <fc Mead,.No. 11l Chartres strep*, New
all orders must be addressed. ?
Sold by Dan forth, Nagel tip Cos. Broo^ 5/chap
man, J, S. Pemberton <t co. Nance J: Gesiier, K
A. Ware and David Young* columbua Georgia
J, W. Strickland, TalLotton, Hood and: Kobjnaon,
Hamilton, and by on© Agent ia ovory town iu
tff e South. n
Farinet wardroom.
HAS -emoved his Cabinet tfni-e-Room to No.
48 Broad St., at the store fb'Miierly occupied
by S. Is. Purple, as a Jewelry store/ where l. will
be pleased to see his old fintfiuM rfnd friends.—
7/e will go upon the prinCftf i. that the nimble ix
pence is better than the slow shiJing. He will
always have competent workmen to do any kind
of cabinet work. J
Particular attention given to rcnnf'ing.’
of all kinds done in*
t he neatest stylo.
Columbus, Nov. 12 1850. §9 ly.
(3„ iifffiMfs
Office up stairs, between the “ Corner Stone/’
office find JJaHiard’s corner.
•7 I Mil. ~
IMIIS piip, r is man rifactured attfie Rock
Paper Mills,’ Columbus Georgia.
ami a halt cents per pound/cash, paid for
clean Linen and,Cof.ton rags.
Printing and pnpc? forsalli at low
Ju/y 3 55. , 85
A FINE LOT of Perftithcry, Pomades, Hail
Brushes,’ Combs, Ac., just received and for
sale at t|iu Eagle ifi-ttj Store.’
E>ee- 16. jjjANCE A GES'NKIt,
Si ET AifctS a, AX TO*’
Carpenter and Joinery
r I THANKFUL for past favors, solicits ,a floijiln-’
1 piles of the same from his old file ml S ahu the*
public generally. Having a siirrUieiiey of regu
Inf hands,to execute all ordinary contracts with
despatch, he will undertake all such contracts at
reasonable rates, and execute them in good style.:.
His shop is at the old Foundry, near the Wharf
January 14, 1857.
TIIB undersigned having oponed out a neW
on Broad street, in the hVMse between Mr. Ligon’t*
and Mr. Struppcr’s,’ wft’uld fastfeitfu! g'olftit the.’
iftteniion of those wlio wish’ (6 b'iij cheap an.f
gbo’d articles, i huvc on hand a good assortment
of fcfeiits, Ladies, Misses, Bops and Children d
Bdois,. Shot", Bootees, Gciiters, Italf
GaiterS, silrfoH* styles Ltidies’
Walking Buskins, Slippers, etc., dec.,
nil of which arc of the latest, styles. Cull and see •
at the sign of the BIG BOOT, and if yon have aini
MONEY bring it along.