The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 06, 1800, Image 2

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confirmer! in the fervice; that their (Lily allowance of meat vns two pounds per man • each of whom were then furnifhed with two pair of fhocs and four fhlrts. The chief magiftrates and principal inhabitants, invi ted many of them who were of genteel addre's and good appear ance, (and there were many of this description) to a public en tertainment, and alfo the gen tlemen appointed by the Irifh government, to attend them to the place of their deflination. Several toafts were drank after dinner, when the chief inagiftratc gave—“ That king who is the father of his people.’* “ Such toads were given of fuch a nature as induced the lri(h and Englifh gentlemen to retire. The tranfported persons were that night difperfed among the inhabitants, who treated them with every mark o( atten tion and hofpitaiily The next morning the gentlemen above mentioned perceived many ot them looking out of the win dows in feveral part' of the town, who, with much fang froid in vi ed them in, “ as they were now amongfl their friends." ******* »ri» vsjrwwtw*' Late Foreign News, Via Charhjlon , rtaived there hv the /hip Two friends, captain M'Nnl and /hip Maria, capt . Jfrjts , from London , in 39 aayt. LO N DON, February 25. |ud before the houfe of com mons formed themfelves into a committee for the opening of the budget, the mace fell from the table, and the crown came off, and rolled on the floor. It is well that the age of omens is pad ! February 27. Yefterday a mail arrived from Dublin, with intelligence to the & 3d. I n the houfe of commons on Friday lad, the three fir ft articles of the propofed bads of union were carried ; a debate took place hut they were carried without a divifion. It feems that the anti-unionifls no longer have any hope of oppofing the details with breed's, after the laft vote on the principal of the ineafure. March 1 . Mr. Core, one of the com miflioners for felling the Ame rican claims together with his a Kid,l fit Mr. Gabot, took their palfage on board the Helen, a Imall hngle decked vffie 1 , with out accommodations for paflen gets, but which veil'd was ex pelled to 'aft the lird for Ame rica ; but mindless have given orders for Tie February packet to New-Ynrk, to be detained at Falmouth, until M« Gore can reach that place, and he goes cm in her. The extreme h..ftc and eagernefs which were rnani feded on this occafion by Mr. Gore’s taking a palfage on board fuch a vclfel as tire Helen when feveral regular drips will fail in ten days, give rile to the idea that fome important propofition has been made by our govern ment, in confequence of the renewed conferences between thr American and French Re publics. Ifarch 7. Importation of torn from France. A minifterial paper inferred the following paragraph on Sa turday morning: “ We are ihformed by an authority the mod refpc&able, that the French government has conferred to allow the exporta tion of one hundred thoufand quartets of wheat to this conn try. We underftand that the permlffton of the privy council bus been applied for, to lulfci the importation," March 14. The union of Ireland had been agreed to by the Irifh par liarnent, and the articles of the union were framing. PARIS March 1. MclTrs, Davie and Ellfworlh, envoys extraordinary fiom thr United States of America, have fet out from Bayonne for this capital. Mr. Murray arrived here feveral days ago. Buonaparte has ordered all the ftandards of thr. republic to be hung with a p'ece of black crape for ten days, in honor of the memory of general Wafti ington—“ who consolidated the liberty of his country." PHILADELPHIA Afrit4. Envoys to France. Cap!. Barry in the frgate United States, is arrived in the Delaware, and yefterday after noon he came himlelf to this cit v. He has brought difpatchcs f*t)in Meftrs. Kill worth and Da vie, our envoys to the French Republic, dated the 10th of February, ar Burgos, in Spain. They had received the day be fo'e, a letter from M. Talley rand, the minifter of foreign affairs, covering their paflports ; expreffing impatience for their arrival at Paris, and informing them that the form of their h t ters of credence, (which wer* addielfed to the executive di reftory) would be no obftaclc to the opening of negotiations. The envoys arrived at Lifbon the 27111 of November, and after lome dctenfion in the Ta gus by contrary winds, failed Lorn thence for 1/Orient on the 21ft Dec. but encountering, for three week , violent ancladverle winds in their attempts to gain that place, they were at laft con ft rained to make the firll fafe port in Spain ; and they arrived on the nth ot January, at Co runna, whence they dr (patched a courier to Paris, for their palf ports; and at Burgos received an anfwer, as above mentioned, [We underftand the route from Corunna to France, is by way of Burgos, Vidforia, and St. Sebaftian’s, to Bayonne, the ncaieft French port, and from thence to Paris.] T he United Slates left Corun na the 16th of Febiuary. Mr. Murray had been fome time at Pans, as were the fecre taries of the embalfy, who went by land from Lilbon. Of the twelve Indiamen which wc yefterday mentioned bno fhortly expe&ed to emu h 01 = port, one has already rw d, viz. (hip Jane, M'Phcr' r Canton. Salfm, April 2, Trcvi St. Schojliaris, January 18. “ It is confidered here that our envoys have arrived in Eu rope, at a very favorable period ; and that they will be able to ad jull the difputes between the ‘two countries very fatisfa£lorily, and form a treaty upon very liberal principles. Buonaparte, the premier conful, who in fa£l has the government entirely at his controul, appears to be dif pofed for pacific mealures, par ticularly with the American go vernment ; and thole unjull arretes, againfl. the commerce of neutrals, which marked the in famy and impolicy of the late rulers of France, are repealed.” 9 «* CHARLES i ON, April 28. Arrived on Sa'iirclay, rhe Amenc B letter of mirejuc ihipa 1 wo /'’riends, M Neil, snJ Maria, logics, in (bys pelLgc from London } alfo the arm d fli p Ei'za, Perry. Thefc dupe left th? /Lwns the 17th March, in romp my wah the fh pd Ehza, Browu, brig Wcft-I dun, Cbiiolm, for this port j fh p Benjamin, for Savannah, and fc,p Ri (on, for Virginia, and parted w th tbcm 21 days ago, Mr. Murray, one of the American Envoys, had arrived at Paris horn the Hague ; Afcffrf. Elfworth and Z>avie, the other Envoys, were momently ex peded in /■’aria from Bayonne. T he campaign on the continent, it was fuppofed, would commence early in Mitch. American produce was generally low. Colton, is. 6d. a ji. lod. —7’obacco, no price—Hjce, (the South Carolina itaplc) from 45 to 511, LOUISVILLE, TUnSDAT, M*y 6, 1800. From a Northern paper cf Afnl the 14 th. Death of Porcupine! We are informed that Peter Porcupine has been (hot by the Ton of Dr Ruth. A challenge had palled but Porcupine de clined the meeting. Ru!h after wards met him accidentally, and perpetrated the deed. This news has acquired fucli general cur rency in town, that we are not permitted to doubt its truth. From the N L, Bee. The prefent number of this paper probably clofes the edito* rial career of the printer of the See in this Bate. On the 18th mßanc he is bound to appear at the bar of the circuit court of the United States, for the dilhicl of Connecticut then to fit at New-liaven, and to Band a trial upon an indi&mcnt under the ledition law for publiQhng a piece in May lalt, militating againß the recruiting ftrvice. Situated in this predicament, he has hitherto forborne to detail the outrages of a fet of men, whofe lituation in fociety has protc&ed their infamy, while their individual demerits would have expofed private citizens to ihe obloquy and execration of ihcir country. The depreda tions of thefe men upon the property of his fellow citizens, he h?s palled unobferved, the I! infults and threats offered to the peaceable inhabitants and help lefs women in his neighbor hood, and the alarm and dißu mice excited by firing in. Le Greets and under the windows at all hours of the night, he has refrained from publishing; ar , f | though the public feeling hus been excited in a very high de gree, he has carefully avoided every thing that could have been conltrued into perfonal intuit or wound of private charafter, \ regard to truth and ju Rice, how ever will not permit him toomit this oppoitunity of recording ore of the exploits of fome of thefe ** defenders of the coun try" in this city laft w eek. On Tucfday, one Peter Du ran, a corporal in the detach ment of aitillerißs and engineers under the command of lieut. S.’cele, Rationed at Fort Trum bull, in company with |ohn Eaßerbrooks, one of the foldicrs, affaultcd. and had neariy effe£l ed an abominable purpofe upon a refpc6table young woman who had come to the relief of her niece, a fmali girl, who was firft pmfued by the fellow. The villain, who has a wife and chil dren in the garrifon, tore part of the deaths from her body, and much bruifed and injured the young woman. Meanwhile Faf terbrooks w’ent to the houfe where the girls lived, knowing the men ro be absent, and intuit ed and threatened the family, reminding them in terrorum that he had “ powder and ball e nough." A Complaint being entered, and warrant iflncd for appre hending the offenders, the pro locutor, who accompanied the officer to recognize the men, was intuited and menaced by the lieutenant, who bid the fol diers to defend themfelves, but fuffered them to be taken and carried to trial, where Duran was frned fifteen dollars and the cofls of fuit, and Eaßerbrooks acquitted. The prifoner was committed to jail, bur is to be liberated on Friday next by tak ing the poor man's oath. By this means the whole expence of the fuit is thrown upon the pro fecutor; and this is the recom pcnce he receives for endeavour ing to bring to juftice an offen der againft the laws of this country. The people in the vicinity of this ganifon feel their lives and pioperty in jeopardy from men whom they icruple not to call a band of diforganized, unpiinci pled abandoned mffians, a bur then, a pcR, and a tenor to the citizens who are taxed for their tupport. If thefe foldicrs w r cre only “ to eat, drink, and play with the girls," as faid by the recruit ing officer in Litchfield, it is proper that provifions and wo men of their own fhouid be fur nilhed in a fufficiency to prevent theirmaking too free ufe of thole belonging to their neighbours. Twenty Dollars Reward. ON Wtdnefday the 23d irftant, fetsr Walker, about 17 years of »Ef» a Ico.iJerl from the plantation of W il liair* Magee’s, in Wrlhingtcn com ry, and cat lied off in y Lor'c, faddlt an i bridle, W l ** plated bitts ard buckle* ; / e ** a *" v grldirg, about hands bifib, ft nr years oid, Do vilibie Urand, trots and can ters veil. A reward of twenty will b: given for delivering the laid ;er, ai d horfe, to the Subfcrsbcr. JAMES MOULTIUU ipril 29.