The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 27, 1800, Image 1

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You ll.] GEORGIA LOUISVILLE :-Publi(hed every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, at 3 dollars per ann payable half yearly Where Effays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifements. &c. &c. arc thankfully received, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpatch. * from the Baltimore Americans Sx. GEORGE and the DRAGON! To the efforts and afccndancy a gangrene Britifh fa&ion, which has wormed itfelf into the vitals of our government, may lc attributed the unfortunate divifions now cxifting among our citizens, and thofe dange rous and deftru&ful innovations drafted to the fubvcrfion of the firft principles of our revolution, and which have fo defcrvedly excited the fufpicions and fears of every friend to our liberty and political happincfs. Organized into focieties through out the union, under the humane pretext of “ adding brotherly love to charity,” with an effron try exclufively the chara£leriftics of our Mined ariftocrat?, wc find them in private, diffemina ting the mod pernicious doc trines, and in public abufing, by the mofi infamous toafts, the majefty of the people, and the caufe for which they expended their befi blood, and exhaufted their fortunes. We find them, in the mod dtfgufting and nau feating terms, praifing our fteady and irnplicable enemies, and clafiing our firft magiftratc with a wretch, who has been the flex ible infirument of more murders than an hundred herods; wc find them proferibing democracy t on the principles of which our government is founded, as a “ crying herefy,” and abufing our left patriots who advocate their country's happincfs. Even Baltimore, (which to its eternal honors, can boaft of a greater number of republican citizens ™ an perhaps any other commer rialnty in the United States) is ’graced by one of thofe pefti .crous ar idocratic juntos, a lead en mem - )er of which is a c/cr and a majority of its member B Britijh fubjefts, Even this city, if ay> fuchajunto tx l » interferes with impu -111 y m our eleftions, that digefts 1 private, the deepcfl confpira ; againfi democracy, and finds [f‘ ar ' Pinters, alternately any r n or nothing , to give publicity their political blafphemy. 111 Saturday’s Telegraph, (a "Pcrlirlt cQabbfhed in this city , , a hw republicans) appears , Mjt c °mrnent, a firing of 16 r i:‘ l ran k “ at the anniverfary CT? ' h^ onsof St. George;" t ; - lnou id rather fuppofe by v . l he dragon! for the i CT . rra S°n, is frequently, in [. V- npture a Pplied to the devil, %. ir . as lls majefty, from the ' dominion he is faid lo THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE j AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. TUESDAY, Mays/, 1800. LIBERTY IS OUR MOTTO AND TRUTH OUR GUIDE cxercife over many terrefihl be ings, mud be a vile ariftocrat, fuch fcntimentsalone could have emanated from him. as they breath alone the devilijh fpirir of ariflocracy, I here feleft a few of thofe delicious morfels, and add to them a commenror two, in order to wafh them down the throats of thofe unfortunate readers who may be infefted with the crying herefy of democracy “ 3. George the third and good—** the defender of <he faith, and the avenger ol iacobi nifm" [A very good kind of a crea* ture truly ! a poor fenfelefs ideot, without wit enough tokeephim felf out of the fire ! a mere tool in the hands of a few defigning villains, who have entailed mife ry, diftrefs, (larvation and Have ry on two thirds of his inhje £fs! a “ defender of the faith” who hath aflented to a ftateof perpe tual watfare againfi the liberties of one half the people of the globe, and the conferences of a greater part of his own fobjefts; in Ireland, for in fiance, where a Catholic is obliged to abjure his religion, before admitted to office.] “3. Prefident John Adams— the polifhed and trufiy Corin thian column of our federal edi fice.” [What “ federal edifice,” have Britifh fubje&s ? Hut a few years fince, thefe fame toafters would have hewn down or hung up this “ polifhed Corinthian column." But tempus muiantuf et mutantor cum ULos! “ 10 The army of the United States—may the advocates for its reduction fpeedily embark for Egypt, to prove the efficacy of firft conful Buonapartes late method.” 11. A fpeedy ronverfmn to every degenerated brother from the crying herefy oj democracy [The 10th toaft is a daring infult to thofe worthy patriots in congrefs, who fo ably, yet unfuccelsfully advocated a re dudlion of the army. No won der that men with principles like thefe Sens oj'the Dragon , fhould founder at a redu&ion of the army, as it is the favorite infim ment to which the ariftocrats have long looked up, as the only means effe&ually to carry their fchemes, of annihilating demo cracy into efFetfi] “ 16. The ftftive 23d of April—may the hallowed fpear of our tutelar faint defend it from all prophanation, and keep aloof the dragons of not, disor ganization and intemperance. [So I fay — but the “ hallow- ed fpeai” was, it feems, point lefs on the above occafion ! for when black eyes were added to “ brotherly love,” finely the “ dragon of not” was not « kept aloof;” and where fits were pro duced by hard drinking, the profiituted goddefs of temperance muft have quitted the bdotted faint in difguft!] ■ ■■Mill 11—^ VIRGINIA. PETER SB U RGB. May 8. ExiraFl of a letter from Bourdea\ix t dated Qst.h Ft by nary, 1800, to a gentleman in Georgetown , by a Jhip juft an wed at Norfolk. “ Our envoys palled through this place, on their route to Paris, a few days ago, they ap pealed fanzine on the fuccefs of thrir miffion, and manifefted the fame fpirit of conciliation, that thue is little doubt, they will meet on the part of this go\ eramenr. Thus, an arrange ment: is certain, and will be in my opinion prompt. A month probably after their arrival at Paris all will be fixed and con cluded on. “ There is no doubt the Ruf fians have definitively abandon ed the coalition, or at leafl the emperor of Germany, and in that cafe a continental peace is fure, which it is hoped, and cx pc6Ud will bring about a general one. The executive of this country is very peacefully m cincd.” ExtraFl of a letter Jrcm the editor of ike Aurora , to a correfpondent in Fichmond i dated April ifh, 1800. “ The cabinet here is in a very difeordant condition. r J hey hang together only like wrecked mariners on detached planks ; if one lets go, the whole go. You will be lurprifed to learn that an indi&rnent has been found againfi me lor publiftitng the celebrated letters of Lift m feized on Swcezy, The fhenff of Berks and two others are in cluded in the indi&ment; but more firange fhll! they were Cent to me and pubhfhcd by the ex prefs dire&ion of Governor Mifflin ! after being opened by the exprefs authority of Robert Wharton, our good mayor. 1 am told they have withdrawn the indiftment found againfi me at Nonis Town, lafl tall, pre dicated on mv afiertion concern ing Britifh influence, as declared by Mr, Adams. It (eenis they found out that I had the a£tual letter of Mr. Adams in my pof ieffion, Mr. Cooper late of Manchef ter, (you know him pcrfunally and well) is to he tried for fr di tion on Saturday. He pleads his own caulc. He applied for a lul poena for the picfidcnt yef terday, 'I he court refuted ; and, as I have Been told, the judges declared that the piCfi dent could not be alFideAh/ any legal proceedings, unlcßby an impeachment ; fo that wo have one man above the law. Chafe preTides ; and Peters is the puilne judge. I have not been out of town, having lived moflly in my own houfe, and have been feveral times on the parade with the legion, f Mr. Duane is a captain, we believe in that corps.] I keep retired only bccaufe there is no magis trate to be found, who has a knowledge of his duty, and hia rights ; or virtue or courage to atl upon the habeas corpus writ. If there were. I (hould take care to be arrefled immediately. In die prefent cin utnllances, my only coutfe is to defeat their make, and give a good example to others. » J OUI 8 , WILLIAM DUANE. Anfwer to the above. Richmond , April 27, 1800, Dear Sir, SINCE my Lift, the clc£lionS for next aifembly have begun, and the people are aimed evt. ry where turning out the tones. Macklenburg. which Cent two of tlv dujl and cjbiC', kidney, has replaced them by 'wo republi cans. Thomas Onffin oi York, a gentleman of great influence has, in the fame manner, ob tained leave ofabfcncc. Richard Lland lee ditto. In fhorf, die next affembly wiII undoubtedly be 11 ill more dcmocratical than the laft 011 c, and we flirt'd as for merly, do juft what we pleafe. This (late is underlined to con tain more than a million of peo ple, including above an hundred thoufand white families. When dtfpotilm advances her profane footlleps towards the verge c£ Virginia, (he will do well to re member, like the Jcwifh llup herd, that this ground is holy ; lor, as I lately remarked, in an ad drefs to the public, we ate too numeious to be bullied, and too intelligent to be cheated. i\nt w aMUndm*. thereiore, a few o* Scots pedlars, and place-hunting grdmb ers, an immenfe majority ol citizens will be ranged a uund the banneis of conflitutional freedom. I his diviGon of the American empire forms the foundation Hone of the fou Imrn Rates ; and, uketht rbunner of , omnipotence, the voice of united [No. 69.