The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 10, 1800, Image 2

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} rrr> tnflrrc 1 by tbol> who c^ll themfclvcs his fri. nS‘y adhe rents. loth. Mr. Humphries after >.<■ ing of an aflault and battery on Benjamin Franklin Bathe, the printer of the Aurora, merely from political motives, tvas before his fentence was ex pired, promoted by Mr. Adams, «o a public office, viz. to carry di(patches to France. r ilh. Mr, Adams did promft and put in execution embattle* to Pruflia, Ruffia and the Sub lime Porte. 12th, Mr. Adams in the cafe of Jonathan Robbins alias Nafb, did interfere to influence the divifion of a court of juftice. i. William Duane of Phila delphia—indiQed for afferting that Mr. A dams had a (Ter ted the writing, and that Wtn. Duane poffeffcd the letter fo affecting that Britifh influence had been ufed under the federal govern ment with effe6f. Indifted for afferting that the Britifh government was a corrupt one, [N. B. Thefe two indict ments have been withdrawn, but they ftiall be published, j I ndifted for publifhing Liflons letters found on Sweezy, in which it was declared that the American government was pro voking France to war. Two or three other fuits, which he did not know what they related to. The balance of this account is immenfely in favor of the United States, and the fafts arc fcrioufly recommended to the comnufTioncrs under the Britifh treaty. • NEW-YORK, April 30. Britifh Robbery and Detection. GENERAL HAMILTON hav ing pretended to douh the cap inn of two American yeffels near Sandy- I'ook % and infinuated that the fame was a mere LUBioneer ing trick ; the general committee of republicans have examined in to the circumflances ; the follow ing relation may , there/ore f be depended upoh. HIS BRITANNIC MA JESTY'S Ship, the Cleopatra, which now lies fit this harbour, cap'ured the American fhips Warren and Charlotte, the for mer belonging to John Murray and Son, and the latter to Hcn iy A. Cotter, of this city : The mlurancr offices as foon as they heard nf the Britifh captain's be ing ivfolcnt enough to anchor near the city , deputed a refpcftable committee to wait on him to en deavour to obtain a releafc of the property, and of the Teamen who were prifoners on boaid, hut all in vain. The captain after keeping the merchants waiting half an hour, dained at length to admit them info his prefence. But he would give no (alisfaftion why he made the captu e. Thus my friends, arc you robbed, almofl at your own doors, of above two hundred iheu fand dollars in property, and your fellow-citizens detained perhaps in chains in fight of their wives and families. tVas a French man of war to have committed an outrage this kind, many perfons in this city would have expatiated on the infamy of the aftion, and talkre in thundering drains up on the honor and dignity of their country. But when the Britifh take upon themfeives thus to plunder us, they do all they can to palliate their con du6l, and to make you believe it a deception. Let any man who dilbelieves this relation, impofhble as it may feem, call at cither of the ipfurance offices in this city, and he will have it confirmed in evety tittle; and the Friends of the Britifh are hereby publickiy challenged to deny it, , May 13. In republican governments, principle and not men, ought to be the objeft of ftiong attach ment, Wafhington it is faid was great and good, his aftions brilliant, his life ufcful, bis cha-, rafter fplendid, his evidence a prodigy. All this being grant ed, it is neverthelefs true, tnat no human being ought to be come the objeft of or that the deification of a fiflglc individual, ought to be applaud ed by an enlightened fociety. The expenditures of all govern ments, ftiould be regulated by juttice—the motion, therefore, in congrcfs,conccrningthc erec tion of a ftatue to Gen. Wafh ingtorr, involving in it the ex pence of many thoufand dol lars, is entirely ufelefs and per nicious; Great and Good will live in the affeftions of their fel low-citizens after they have ter minated the career of individual gi o ry—and this is th« only fpc cies of immortality which it is in the power of mortals to bellow upon their fellow creatures. SSISSS ■■■■ 8 LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, 10, 1800. As trial by an impartial jury is cftcemcd one of the mod im portant privileges which mem bers of fociety can enjoy, and the bulwark of our conditution, fo is the trial by a packed jury a dangerous cover for tyranny, I have heard of feveral trials un der the fedition law which were held before a jury, who would have found St. John guilty if he had at the prefent time, wrote againd men in power as he did. It is faid, the fedition law al lows truth to be given in evi dence, but the queflion arifes here: What is truth ? I take it for truth, that all men may err, ard that the prefident and each hnufe of rongrefs are but men ; and their laws the works of men, confcqucntly they maybe w ong, but if 1 write or utter the fame, and the ;ury thinks the prefident, and each houfe of congrefs, are infallible, they may according to tho fedition law, find me guilty, and the court of the United States may punifh me with “ fine ard imprifon ment/’Arc. Good God! Where is our liberty ? Where is the fc curity for our property ? An fwer: In the hands of the infor mers \ I do not mc;.n licentious liberty, no, fellow-citizens; but liberty to walk without the wails of the jail, and property honeft ly acquired ; even thefe facrcd rights arc in danger, and we en joy it only by the mercy of the court and the prefident, who feem to be willing to avoid (e -verify againft . I take it for truth, that the prefent mode of fummonirg jurors alone of the plaintiff's party, is an arbii/ary proceed ing ; but to the prelident has done wrong in appointing a marfhal, that does fo, might be of dangerous confequencc, and thole who believe in his infalli bility might call it (edition, without perjuring themfelves. CONTRACT; fntheyed*ifst. In 1800. Afamittcwas A. famine fcvcrely feltiri threatens def- France, which tiudion to Bri threatenedde- tain-—France flrudiontoc- engaged in a very fex and dt fen five war, age*: Britain for the prefer then at peace vation of her with France, liberties while animated by Britain is pour the very fpint ing in hoides of hell, ftopp- of affaflins, & ed neutral vef- fpreading de fels laden with folation thro' grain though her depart poffe fling plen raenrs, not on ly at home lypeimitsneu from proceed- tral veffels to ing to France; carry (applies the fca-rcity from France continued in to Britain,but 1793 and 94, even allows Britain violat- her own dri ed the laws of zens to enter nations, by into contrads feizing neutral for that hu veffels at fea, mau£ purpofe and proclaim ing the ports of France in a date of block ade; with the view of flarv ing 30 mil lions of fellow creatures! I ? Thus France, nobly revenges hcrfclf, and gives to the whole world a leffon of magnanimity and humanity, nowhere to be met with in the annals of hifto ry. Thus it is that a nation proclaimed as athiefts and infi dels ads, and thus a r. tionpro feffing to be chrillians has ad cd! THE HYDRA DYING . We fome days ago notified our readers that Mr. Pickrrivg was not about to proceed to the federal city. We now inform our readers that other changes are already in operation. General Marjhall- of the houfe of representatives has been no minated to the fenate, to hold the fiation of fecretary of the war department, now held by Jarirs MTltmy , Efq. This change of chataders is however laid to be but prepara tory to general M at (hall s ap pointment to lucceed Mr. Pick ering t who is alfo expeded to refign. It i fiifpedtcd by fome how ever thftt Mr. .\uifiMll vril! t . of the v a - office, upon the brffif profprct tf a ten months tenure. Another charge has taken piace in 3 fubordinste depar*„ menf» William Rawle, e r q. f e d<*\ ral dißridl: attorney for P ft] V lylvanij, has refigned that office and fared Ingerfol, attorney ge neral under the (late govern ment has been named asfucceffor to Mr. Rawlc. Mr. Ingcrfol's exertions on the late trial for treason are fuppofed to have re, commended him, along with the warm patronage of the Connec ticut intcreß, of which Rate Mr* Ingerfol is a native.' If ever a man went out of a public Ration loaded with the execrations of an injured coun try, it is Mr; Timothy Picker ing. He is an uncommon in fiance of the mifehiefs that may be done in a country, even by fmall and contemptible talents and a narrow mind when fet on fire by malignitv. The late intelligence from our envoys, has begun to open peo ple s eyes ; even Harper; that Harper who avowed his own purpofc of deceiving the public into defperate mcafurcs, declar ed on Wednefday from his very lofty public Ration, that all the clues had been followed the wrong way, and were found to lead into the labyrinth inftead of out of it; that it was all a miftakc~~~th2it there was no doubt our envoys would Toon fettle with France, and even made a motion for dijlanding the army— Every body lees that what is now declared, is the fame that was declared by Mr. Gerry , and tho fame that was declared by Mr. Munroe , and the fame that was declared by Dr. Logan> and in all the letters of Mr. Barlow , and of all other republicans of this country who have been in France, that there was no need of expenfive military prepara tions to guard againß an invafion from that country-—that war with this country was difagrec able to them as to us; that it was perfe&ly certain our affairs might becafily fettled with them if we deCrcd it? Yet Mr. Rich erivg Rands to it yet, and infißs it is all a joke, remember my laR words, fays he, when I deftroy ed Gerry % t% the cowering tyger crouches hejore he leafs on hisfny!* What Billinfgate and abufe has he not loaded on Munroand Gerry , and Logan t and Bari'W t for faying the fame thing Rom the beginning, which now comes from all quarters. He has lately faid, ” this little excellency Vans Murray has done moremijehuf than all of thcm t and he would with outdoubfget the three recalled as cheerfully as he did Munro and Gerry, for prefuming to encourage Rich reports ; but he begins to think the delufion has been carried too far, his bubble has burß and disfigured him —• he begins to fmell the rat, that there is feme mißruß, that too great a proportion of th t fifteen million a year, which is called for to lupport federal meafures, goes into.the hands of himfelf and his numerous partizans ; and a few* good fedeialifls. Let us warch* for it is faid men never cotnc oliCr