The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 24, 1800, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND republican trumpet. VOL. 11.] GEORGIA LOUISVILLE: PublHhe.l every Tuefday. by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, at 3 dollars per ann. payable half yearly :-W I here ElTays. Articles of Intelligence, Advert.fenren.s, &c. Ac. arc thankfully received, au I KIN lING in all its variety, is executed with ncatnefs and dilpalch. NF.W-YORK, May 28. Jfisnow pretended that the Tcgfon for enlifting an arm v, was that of defending ourfelveS aaainft a probable invafion by France. On the 12th of March, 1794, a motion was made in the houle of reprefentatives of the United States, for adding fifteen nfand men to the m litarv cf?ah ifliment; ami on the firft c» April, in the fame feflion, a bid wis brought for adding twenty-five thoufand men ; in the difcuilion cf the bill, twen ty-five tboufand, fifteen thou find, and ten thoufand, were fiicccflively piopofed and reject ed. A bill palled in the fenate for ten thoufand men, but was rejected by the reprefentatives. Thefe weic the attempts at that litre, to create a fianding army, and thefe atte: phs were unre mit: pur filed from *mie to time, until they iad fiiccced cd by h ’din g un y$ a [care-crow, ar lea of a French mvaiion M. S. dgwi< k as a prir cip • I advocate for this army cftabhfh ment. At that -'ime we were at < if wish I r.-nre, and yet at no time fince have thefe auftocrats ri'id monarenifts exerted them \e* more to irnpofc on the people of this country a ftand , m 3 army, than in the year '9.4 ; but tb?(e exertions were ineifec tual, until a breach was made with France, and a hue and cry was railed about invafion. The attachment to the government, the peaceable difpofition and moderation of the Americans loch as to admit thefe fchenes of defpotifm to pals filcntlv into operation, ard let experience decide whether the authors were attempting 10 de* Cf> i'e or not, lime has at h'ign diicoveied the cheat, and a.e about to rally J i-i their conftitutional liber a*-<d hurl from their unde- eminence, thole men who fo violated their trull. 1 perilling the papers by the ?r i*:ls, there is nothing to be 'J U!; d new or important, except of that fenfi •ll’ it of defpair and refentment, V has taken pofieffion of I 5 anti republican party- Af having calculated high upon II of federal men and * • ocraiic mcalures-—after ten ' ea „ s e *crtion in the glorious of inequality—-fter hav hvd ; love of monarchy ? llten books in praiie of it, <(j pied its fplendid prece ■ Y ts "-after fiimly believing for T ' n £ f une, that nothing couid f/ Urn empire of Bntifh n UCQ cc> to be at lafl conrpeil- 1 E E S D A V, Ju n 1 24, 1800. LIBERTY IS OUR MOTTO RSD TRUTH OVR GUIDE, ed to acknowledge defeat, and abandon the deep laid projetTs which had been conceived and brought forth by lo many fa pient heads, is too bad, too mor ti Tying for anti-republican pride! Yes, ye wife projectors of mo* narchial and ruinous fchemes! you have run your plans too hard : you have Rrctchtd the cord too tight; it has fnapped, and it will puzzle your beff poli tical rope-makers to fpi ice it again. Lamentation and re fentment are difplayed in all the tory papers, they pour foith floods of ca'umny upon the cha racter of that worthy citizen I homas [eflerfon ; but to thefe political detiadlers, we may fay m the pithy language cf an En glifh writer, etafe viper, you hit* againfl a fie , From the AURORA . The th r ee citizens who were con demned under an extraordinary py etch oj it gal con flru flic :i of the doßrines of treafon, Me firs. Fries Haney, and Getntun , were yefterday reprieved T the prejtdent , and im mediately liberated. This mea/ure calledJor by the public voice , and by the. wore fokmn dictates of jujlice and humanity, entitles Mr. Adams to prai/e—nor will we attempt to fippofe that it was dißated by any other than the mcjl laudable and praijt worthy motives, Mr. Adams many years before he could ever have expeßed to be placed in a fiation jo exalted , wrote exprefsh againfl fanguinary pnmfh ments. in the prefent inflance he has a tied flrißly conformable with the convißions of his early years. Air. Adams too was a lawyer , and it could not efcape his ohjerva iwn that the conflrußion of treafon put upon the oßs for which thofe fldl too grieviovfly injured men were found guilty of ireajon was as ex* cejpve and as high lined, as in any cafe under the mofl arbitrary or de lefable of Brit:fh judges ITe un der fiand that Mr. Adams has paid very great attention to the legal cha raßer of thofe proceedings , and, as it appears has condemned thejuage ments. We have forborne through ten dernefs to thofe injured men hitherto from animadverfion of every kind on the proceedings in their cafe. We cannot now refrain from ex preffin# our abhorrence of the whc.e proceeding in the cafe of thefe un fortunate men ; a cafenhich taking it at its root flowed from the extra vagant menfures which gave occa- Jion to lay an unpopular tax , from the ivantonnefs with which the in judicwvjl' r ho fen agents for levying it, condußed themfelves. This cafe , however* wc irufl will operate with fain!ary effeß on thofe who are entrufled with every branch of the government. It will we trvfi , point out to the executive cf the prefent and a future day. the delicacy with which the people Jhould be treated , and how careful the choice Jhould he of men whofe rafhnrfs , malice or whofe pri vate ammotify might lead to involve (heir political rivals :n jeopardy. The late Jacob F.yerely died un * der the imprcjfcn that his mijlaken ideas of revenge had committed thefe men to a puchc execution: and it is fuppofed to have haflened his death ; an awful leffon to rafh men To the judges of the fed ral courts this cafe ought to teach moderation and a love oj pure benev dent jujlice. 7 he acrimony of judgChafe in his charge on the fentence of thefe men , dees no A nor to our judiciary, nor to the humanity which ought to lim pet the feverefl aßs of legal jujlice. future judges may learn from this eafe t however , that ladling as they may be to /train the laws to party pajfwns, that a change in public fcn~ timent or a cool revijion of their de ctjions may fubjeß them to di!grace. Mar/hals and jurors, fhould learn that jv/hce may prevail , after they have turned their lacks upon the wholef me confideralien that the lives 0f their fellow creatures are objetts too important to he fieri feed to the momentary vimtßivenefs of party or place $ e trufl , however . that the abvfes which have been too manifeft on the trials at the former and the recent occapon, will tend lopiomo'e a le gislative correßion and regulations* of the powers oj judges and mtsrj, jhals, Lrtjh Drugs , Medicines, i3c. DOCTOR HULL Informs hie friends and the public, that he has received a large lupply of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ef fences. Sec. Sec. Which he will lell cheap for Cujh, He has a quantity of Colors: White Lead G »Id and Silver Red Lead Leaf Vcrdcjzrife Pumice Stone Rofc Pink Copal Varnilh Umbre Camels Hair Pc o’ Whiting, &c. he. cils Prufljan Blue Brafs and Cotnpo' Parent Yellow fition Mortars Kings Yellow ! Tooth Inftrun&enls Yellow Ochre J Lancets. Vermilion ! Country piaAitionera and Acre keep ers can be fupplitd, and they may rely on the Medicines being of the very belt quality, and put up with accuiacy sad Deatrcfs Augufla, June 2, 1800. A few copies of General vVafhington's WILL, May he had at this Office* (Price 25 cemi. Afthl State Houfe, Touifville, Beard of Vi/itors of the Vmvnfity Monday, Jane 16, 1800. Present-—His Excellency James Jackson, his honor Thomas Better < Carnes , and his hotter George Wal ton, Judge so/ the Superior Courts; and the honor able David Emanuel, Prefident cf Senate. — I he minutes of the laft board were read, by the Secretary of the Executive, under the imme diate order of the Governor, The Governor aOced thofo members of the board who be longed to the board of truflres, if that board was foimed—when Judge Walton replied it was noto And Judge Walton abruptly withdrawing himfclf from the board—the Governor adjourned the hoard of vibtors until to morrow morning ten o’clock. Tucfday, Jane 17 1800 Present—His Excellency James Jackson , his honor Thomas Belters Caines, the honor able David I mi nuet, ana the honorable. Vaunt Me nwether, Speaker of the House of Representatives. — The minutes of yeflerda y were lead and conftimcd. His honor judge ('arnes from feveral membeis of the board of tiulleos, who,though iniufficient in numbers to form a board, had convened, preferred their opi nion that another meeting of the two boaids be propofed to take place on the third Monday in July next, if. i Resolved mammon fly , That it i tNC recommended to the boaid f of tiullees of the Gnivcrhty, and ' it is hereby recommended that the fouilh Monday in Novcnvt her next, being the 24T1 of the fame month, be the thy appoint* cd to convene the Scnaius Aca dernicus at the (cat of govern ment, that the prefident do noti fy the fame in the papers of Louifville, Augufta, and Savan. nah, for tht information of all concerned—and that the board of vifitois do now adjourn to that period. laken from ihc »iinutci of lie board, lodged in rue Executive Chamber, where the beard fat. Thomas Johnson, Secretary £, D, Notice to Diftillcrs, EVER Y yerfVin having a Sal! or Stil.’i within the couniy of yrffcrlon, sr* to im»ke ertry of ihe fan>e f 'efcre the fi»ft fby of July near, ar the office of inflection, in Louify:!*, agreeable to an aft of Congests. T e pena »' >0 be irfl.fted on (hofe who ncgleft to m• ke entry a* afoielaio, it iwo hundred and lift v dollars U ary have Stills not intended for ufe they muft be entered accordingly. Thomas Collier, Ccllfftor of the Revenue, 10. the fiatb div ift .n of the full larvej, i u the diftrift cf Georgia. kovmviUe, Just iBoq% . [No. 73.