The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 05, 1800, Image 1

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VOL. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE;—PubIIfhed every Tucfday, by AMBROSE UAY Sc JAMES HELY, at 3 dollars per anti, (payable half yearly Where Effays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifcments, Sec, See. are thankfully icccivcd, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and diipatch. foreign news. Kiel, APRIL 30. The fortrefs of Savona has been fuppHed with provifions. The enemy has yet attempted to carry it by (form. It has a nu merous artillery; an immenfe quantity or warlike ftorcs ; an excellent fyflem of fortifications, and a refolutc garrifon; all of which enable the commander of that place to make the moll vigorous rcfiHance. The plan of the Aullrians appears to be to reduce it by famine •; but thefe hopes will be unavailing. The provifions which lieutenant ge neral Suchet has caufed to be collc&cd are fent there daily; and the fubfequent letter ad dreCTcd by the commander of that place, cannot fail to confirm the general opinion which has been circulated to the honor of the French name : Lieutenant-General Suchet , com mander of the centre , to the gen . of brigade Buget, commander of the fort of Savona . Head-Quarters, de la Pictra, 7 Floreal, (April 27.) I have this rrloment received, citizen general, your letter of the 6th Floreal, (April 26 ) 1 am aftonifhed to learn that the ene my furrounds you, and pulhes you to the very gates of the town. You may, you ought, and I order you, to menace the inhabitants with the firing of their town, if the enemy does not withdraw immediately, and you ought to keep your word. It is amongll the inhabitants of Savona that you ought to difpofe of the ufelcfs months Ihut up in your port—reduce your garrifon to fighting men only, and draw from the city all the fubfifteace you can. —In your fituation every forbearance is a crime. Forbid all commu nication with the enemy, and give yourfelf the example. Let there be no parley; you fhall Men to none. ! All eyes are foed upon you. The army is in need of Savona. Your pa tnotifm and devotion are to me pledges of the effort you will ~nake to prel«rve the important fortrefs to the republic. The conful, Buonaparte watches £ Ver the deftinies of the army; oe will direfl its fortune, and fhall foon come triumphant ron * the unequal conteft which ’’ e are now fuflaining. Spare * loCa nno 1 (hots, intimidate the c nerny-*_brave all his menaces, recollecl that you can only ? his efteem by the great ,n J 4 ry y oa c j o hjj-jy Diltrufl c;c 7 one, and take no 'other THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE * AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. T U E S D A Y, August 5, 1800. LIFEHTV IS OUR MOTTO AND TRUTH OUR GUIDE, counfel but that of your bravery and your attachment to your country, and to glory. (Signed) SOUGH Lieutenant-general Souchet ,0 the garrifon oj Savcnai Soldiers —You have been ap pointed to defend the fortrefs of Savona, You have pri vations to experience, and fa tigues to endure, but fupport them with all firmnefs—*The two corps of the army of Italy, although feparated, have beaten the enemy on more than one oc casion ; already have they taken from him 10,000 pnfoners, 300 officers, 8 ftandards, and killed or wounded upwards of 5,000. Buonaparte watches over the deftinies of the armies, and will bring them triumphant out of the prefent ftruggle. Conllan cy and devotion, my brave comrades. I fhall (end you all the provifions I can ; and the time, perhaps, is not far diftant when I may hope to felicitate you on your frrmntTs, your courage, and the mifehief you have done the enemy. The general of divifion command ing the 8/A military divifion , to ike frjl cunful, Head-quarters at Mar fellies, 16 Floreal, May G, BLk year . Citizen Conful—The news which I have received from the army, dated the 3d, informs me, that the general in chief, Maffe na, defends himfclf like a Lyon at Genoa ; that the enemy dare not block him up, except by dif tant pofitions. He has made a fortie and killed 800 Auftrians, and made 1200 prifoners. Five fhips laden with grain have ar rived at Genoa, and other vef fcls laden with grain are daily arriving there. The general in chief has anfwcreda flag of truce fent by the enemy, that while he had an ounce of bread, aud a drop of blood in bis veins, he would fight; and that he would fooner bury himfelf in the rums of the city, than abandon Genoa to the enemy. The Ligurians perform wonders, and fight with bravery. General Delaix, citi zen Ponffiielguc, and of the irmy of Egyt have arriv ed at the Lazaretto of Toulon. Health and relpe£l, (Signed). • * St. HILAIRE. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH, Gen, Moreau, to the Mini [let at War, Huninguen, May 16. " The right wing command ed by general Lecourbe, attack ed the enemy an the nth, in the pdfuion at Mcmmingcn. They have been completely beaten. More than 2000 men have been made prifoners, and a great number of dead are left on the field of battle." SCI! AFHAUS EN, MAY Q. The battle of the 15th (May 5) fought before Stockach, was tenible. Moreau had four hor fes killed under him. Lacourbe was near him made prifoner; two of his guides were killed by his fide. The French army was obliged to fall baT for a moment; it was then that Mo reau at the head of a heavy corps of \cavahy, precipitated himfclf upon the enemy, and at once arretted his progrefs. Kcf toring the courage of his fol diers by his prcfence and exam ple, he made them charge the enemy anew within the wood on the other fide of Stockach. Gen. Kray loft 13 or !4,ooomen. This battle can only be compar ed with that of Flcurus for the fury with which the two armies difputed the ground. It is afferfed that the prince of Wirtimberg was made priTo ner, and that the entire emigrant fcgiment of Bachmann was taken. TOULON, MAT 1 A barque arrived heie from Malta, brings an account that our brave garrifon in thafiftand have immortalized themfelves by their noble defence, but it it tn extreme want of and receives no fupply of provifions. PARIS, MAY 16. Several perfons has been ar refted af Strafburgh as accom plices in (he intrigues of the Fn glifh. One of them is a dancer named Boifgard. Search is making for another named La motte. Dumouricr, who has arrived in the Lower Saxony from Ruf fia, is faid to be charged with a million from Paul I. to the court of London. LONDON, M.VY 18. The king on Thurfday was prefent at Hyde Park, at a field day of the grenadier battalion of guards, which went through ihcir evolutions in a manner much to their credit rnd the fa (iifaFtion of his majefty. In firing by companies from the ‘centre to flank, Mr. Onglry of the navy officers, who flood a few yards from the king, receiv ed a mufket bTI in the gioin, which came out at the back part of the hip*- In the evening fheir majef lies *nd the princcffes went to Druryhne Theatre, fufl as his majelly entered hisbnx, and was bowing to the audience with hii ufual condefcenfion, a perfon who fat in the fecond row from the orcheflra, but towards the middle of the pit, got upon the feat, and levelling a horfc-plftol toward the king's box firrd it* It was fo inftantaneous as to prevent all the perfons near him from feeing his defigti time c nough to defeat it though Mr* Holroyd of Scotland yard, had the misfortune to ruife the’ arm of the allalfin, fo as to rireft the contents towards the roof of the box, and thereby laved the king's perfon!!! may at. Paris papers to the l oth in clufive, reached us this murning. The papers contain a tclcgi a nine " difpatchfrom Huninstuen, dated the 16th inft.dialing the capture of Memmingen by the right wing ot the Trench a'my, t)uBUN, May 15. The opporition to the Union feems to have confiderabiy dc crcaled. both in and out of par liament. In the onlr two "ivi fions which have taken plare fince the aiticles h vc been re turned, the minmhy has conlidc rablv diminifhed Loid Caftle eagh will to mor row move for leave to hrirg in a bill founded upon the refo u tions agreed to by the parlia ments of the two kingdoms; and if the Ami-Uniomfts intend any farther fenous ♦ •ppofition, they will probably take that op portunity. It is however, to be hoped, that the loyal men of that parly will not perfill in an oppobiton which can now have no other effeft hut that of in flaming the country Accounts were ytflcrday re ceived in town, that a party of rebels hiving been met by a detachment of the king's troops, on Tuclday laft, in the Glen of Imail, in the county of Wick low, a regular engagement en fued, when after : nr an hour’i fighting on both Gdcs, the re bels broke and difperfed The troops returned without any lofs in the evening to DonaftL We learn that the rebel forces contort chiefly of dclertm from the infh iegi*nents; and it is lard they a e lulhciently formi dable to render lomc ftr ng meafurcs for their fupprelliou neceflary. On Friday lafl N T apper Tandy was brought up to the Court of King's Bench, but remanded again until Monday. [Noj. 7.