The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 05, 1800, Image 3

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cxlftc ccc * * fc li P roi;)ub - C It j^ r< [ohn Adams and o- praifecl the Bri v‘ jrovtrnmcot. will Toon find ccnfiftent with their inrereft. not w ith their inclination, to :i on the g arb of *<T ublican ' n# _ 7/ f is wa* Jorus t is us* Than which nothing can be n !c certain, when applied ei cr i n rel'gion or politics—The u th of this Theological Motto aJ ftrongly imprefied on my ,nd, by obferving the condud ■ feme temporifing chara&crs nong us, who, under the cloak moderation, conceal the p to pics, that of all others, would rove moll dangerous to our avernraent, and republican li lies; namely, a filent arqui fcencc under whatever govern icnt may cxift. 1 obfeivc alfo ]it t hsfe fclf fame per lons who v they diflike both parties, and ould recommend what they ill moderate men, appear eager ) be defied, and let up their wu infigni&cance as the only ccommend atiou to public at trition, and fay “ fuch an one id do no harm no, nor any cod, ITI anfwt'r; therefore the eft that 4i fuch a' one can be" ill be only a tool for others, nd as thofc harmlefscaOdidatei!, ho polfefs fo much paliivc orth, are generally moil alive > their own intereft, und whofe bief view in being elected, ould be to fee which iWe ic longeft purfc ; the .republi ans will at once fee th \e little robability they can h of mung anamft bidders, d iaeflly id indire&ly in puffefli ot iMons of dollars. Rep übli ms of the Hate of Georg I arn you to beware of ca St ates of the above deferiptio. our next elcdtiort, for I p ra* ounce that your weifa c, as; a •it of the federal govemmci it* ad your deaieft rights as an ii i lividuai ftatc, never were 1 b mmentiy ar itukc as in the en uing legislature. Full—the holing elettors of Prtfidcnl— •ecoudly, the electing a fenator n the legislature of the United itatej, in the room of Gunn — And thirdly, the abblute nccel- Oty there appears for b-giflative tetifjon on the Ipuriuus Digefl of the law, whxh has made us appeaiancc in this State, and the made by the Superior Courts in feme circuits, and Inferior Courts in fomecoun t.‘ w g lv e it authenticity in their ev?td l jurisdictions; which )o °k contains at full length, the infamous ufurped a£l, patted in : e l ear 1795, for the laic of the ellern Ends. Thefe things, my fellow citi- Zer ‘ s * demand your attention, anc * honeft exertion, in lup- dag thofe that are, and h*ve Xcn tried republicans only; or . fhould a majority of the next g’uature °f this ftatc, be com } °led of anllocrats, and Yazoo Peculators, orot weakor wicked ■ nen > who may be bought with Aj ne y» you may look to fee t] • arns P r ebdcnt, Gunn fenator, Ipurious Oigcft adopted, be work of two ft ate con 3 ns » and five iegiflaturcs cd down with one (Irofce. Mcurs. Day Hily, The fenate. at the fettion of the general aifembly in January 1799. on the 26th of that month, concurred in the following rcto fution fentup from the houfe of reprefentatives: “ Rc/olved, That every refolu tioo, vote, or order, to which the aflfent of the governor may be ncccflary, lhall be figned by the prefidcnt of the fenate, and speaker of the houfe of reprefen tatives, rcfpf6lively, in which lhall be the date when the attent of each branch was given, and (hall be prefented by the clerk or that branch in which it may have originated.” This resolution was avowedly to carry into cffcfl the 1 nh leflion of the 2d article of the conftitution, and pointed out the mode and manner to be ob lerved in doing it. The confti Cation in that feftion lavs, *' eve / ■ ry v-»te, rclolution or order, to which the concurrence of both houfes may be neccttary, except on a queftion of adjournment, /hall be prefented the Governor and h'Jore it /hall take be approved by him, or difapprov ed,” &c, See . On the sth of February 1799, and at the fame fclljon, the houfe of reprefenta' tives fent up, and the fenate con curred in a refolution “ appoint ing John Hcrnen, cfq. one of the Comrniflioncrs of the Academy of |efferlbn county, in the room of dotlor John Powellrefigned." There was ftill a ftep wanting to make this concurred refolu tion of force, and to give it cur rency } which was for ic to be prefented to the governor, and by him approved, or being dif approved, to be palled by a majo rity of the two thirds of both houfes. Neither of thefc was done; it was never pre/ented to the Exe utivc nor again taken up by the legiflature; of courfe it fell to the ground—*-the thing was anullity—vind John Berrien, therefore no more a Com mj/ioner of Jefferfon Academy, than the Grand l urk—»and yet I am told ho has fince a£led, and continues to this day to a&, as one. It might be well for thofe who have p irchafed loti a C the N. W. end of the town, l.ronithe cOmmiffioncrs, to look to their deeds of conveyance; fuch forfight may favc their children* and their children's children, a Jong and uanecclli ry law the name of Johiaßerrien, a$ a commiUioncr, at th c foot of one of tnefe tides* is of no more confcqucncc than any other cypher. I flatter myfelf, that *ihe com* m (fioaers of [efferfou academy# from this ftitement Of fa6ls, feci, ing their own dignity, ?/ill dil penfe with that gentleman's offi cious intrufionj as one of their board; and when I affure you, I perfedly coincide with that line of Hudtbras, “ the man that’s dowu.C'in fall no lower,” I ti aft that no idea of perfection can attached to this addrefs. A. JUST RECEIVED, And may be had at this Office , A few copie* of The Piofpc# Btforc LV Jjv j. NOTICE. IS hereby given to all thole that have opened accounts with the (üblcnber, to com® forward and fettle the fame, by paying them off, or giving lh' ir notes; otherwife th «*y will be put in fuic immediately. Thofc that have any demands need no invitation. "CHFSLEY BOSTICK, jun. Augufl 5, 1800, COLLECTORS SALE. Will be fold oti the Second Saturday in Oflober next . at the Market Hov/e in the Town of LouiJville t at the ufaul hours , 977 h Acres land In Jefferfon coun ty, 00 W lliamroD'i Swamp, adjoining landa furveyed for Golphm, granted 10 Jofeph Woodrouj;h, ai d John Brafwell, taken as the property of Shac ker Vi trion, Efq. in default fur his taara for the year 1799. Tat due 16 dollar! 39 centa. Garland Marwick, t c. j. c. 5. 1800. Jcfferfon Supetior Court. OHober Term, 1799. Prctcnt the hon. Thomas P. Carnes. Haber Watkins and Job- T E. ‘'nderfon, for the uK f r . . of John ... > Fortcl ° fu " Tbomal Collins. j BE it known to all concerned, that a petition wae prefen’ed to the hon. the Superior Court of the county of Jefferfon held by h a honor, Thomas betters. Caroca, one of iheyudgeaof the faid court, praying the toredofure of the equity of redemption to one lot of land m the town of Zoaifviile, in the county of J ff'tfoo, and known by num her two hundred and lify-two—he it therefore Ordered That the faid Thotnia Cbllioa do come into court within twelve months from the date hereof, a°d pay the fa:d Robrt Watkins, sod J'Jbn E. Anderfun for the u c of John /'ore, the prior pal and intetift together wi h the coftg, in terms of rhe Haiute io fucb cafes made and provided ; o her wife the cqui y of redemption will be forever from thence forward foredofed Peter J, Carnes, Attorney . COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL B£ SOLD, At the C urt Houf in Wajh mrton County, on the Second j if°£S DAY in Augujl at fa ufwil hours, the Joll jxjjing Trails of Land l viz . Ooc hundred acre , of p; oe £, o d ; fl fa.d county on-hr waters of Creek, returned by Jo\ Q Holland j tat due, 6 i\ cents. One bundled and ninety nine and an La<f acre so f p ioe j j„ Lid COUa tv, obp Ohoopie waters, adj lining Tow!«r f returned by Robert Hadon j Aue 68 cents. * ifty acres i a faid county, on the W'a'ers of Ogechce, adjoining lands of Jamca Walker, returned by jMiq Brink ley | tax due, 41 cents Cornelius Murphy, T, C, Wajhington County for the year ’99. June 7, 1850. GENTEEL BOARDING & LODGING. TH£ fuoferiber rd cftfully infWnu bi* Friend* m articular, and the Public 111 gen«rti, (hat h« intend* JIhJiPING ENTERTAINMENT, f>r Gent erne a in the Country,' hi hcII a? the City, at bit Toufe, in formerly the Paver;,—*i b go«d jt tblej for hoiTe*. The feeairA attention wi 1 be paid to thofc who favor him «*iih their cutyom. John Hart Richaid, stgn ol the Croft K. ys. Savarmak, June io, t3jo< CORONER'S SALE. On the fir ft Tuefdai in September iuxt t at the Mfrkei tiouft in Lnuifville between the hours of ten and thee c'cixk, Will hi foil to the htgheji bidder, One t raft ot land, rotvtioiog five hundred ao.l Shy-five, scree, iyiogj •>o he warm of R.adyCrr k imp n f » Puftii Flournoy sod B ? cHbaw—L kc wife one hundred acres lyin* ou fbe George Town road, adjo.o.og C hat| f * Hartey, and Coleman, 'I »|tco as the pro petty of Johb Psol-t. | o d Har ?<7» to lat iff Flukerand jujgemcn • obtained againlt then. Wm, Goold, Coroner . Auguft £. A LIST of LETTERS, Remaining in the P . (* Office, at Lofl iftltc, on the ill day of July. 1860, which if not taken out before ih« firft day of September near, will be lent to the Central Pott Office, as , deed leltcn. PETER J, Carnes. 3. Row~ land Stone, 2. ‘fames lluni 9 col* John Cobbs % Mrs. Alary Fox $ Major Odam, John Philips . Doftor John Pugjley, caft . Ijaac Hand # Daniel Twig, John Eubank John Mar}hall, Sampfon Carver, liar> is Nicholjon, Mrs , Ann Brown. Hugh M Nelly , David Wood, —— Brunfon, Elijah Padgett, honora ble A* * Baldwin, Nathan Barr 9 John Britt Darling Peebles , Da niel, James Hud}on. Solo~ mon Mofftt, Mtfs Ann Bourquin 9 Mathew Knight, Willi ams, ————— Gardner, Henry G • (aldwell, Levy Lowry Edmnni Neville, Mari Holton . Elias m John Alien . honorable Dav>d B» Mitchell, General Jared Irfjin , a* John Lawrinct. James Hoieman* p. Af. naiwi Jefferfon Sop* ,i or Cpurt, April Ter*, lt ,755. Prefent the be n, Ceo. U'altooj I J f t! N " lon •rw«ik»nl*l km, Ki(* a|d Curry, Jjcrjaml# a - rn>er * v *ying tLa (orhclofura uf thf rvli #!v rctiCin P*i°n, an anU r aerttai* a d 1 ‘ and, g (our !■ umirad trio, i u, J . ly* n S and (>*ing in the .‘aid county J iTcrlOli, one hundred rcrci ut wIulU **'. granted to Frederick Duglafi, and the 0 her three hundred actei to |f«ac Auger, m rtgrged *6 the faid N .-uhanicl M MiikM, Richard Currey, and Benjamin by Ifuac yfUgur, fur the fecoring |h, pay. ment of a Aim f money coi.uiied jna b>nd hearing dare he ioth da/ of July, o e thoufand fevtn hundred and ninety* eight. Ad upon morion of Mr. Camei, mior rrF *ur the pctnl .fieri •it Ji ordered, that tha principal, in melt ami cofl. be paid mt*r c urt, within t el ve months from the dat« h cof, otherwife the equity of redemption Will oe for ever forcrlofcd, and other pro ceeding! lake pl»ce, aprerablc r. an a«s> of *.‘lembl>, m luch Cain made and provided C and that ihit rule he pubii/hed in vi • »£ the gazettri of thi, flare, at ieafl orue in •'Cry month, until the tapiratfon of tho laid twelve months, or f*rved upon th# mortgage, or b i f -ecial agent, at leaf! fi< nonthl preno i to the ta| Irarion of tha laid twelve moßtln. Certified thii 41 h day of OAobtr *gq. Wm. M‘Dowell clerk ; Twenty Dollars Reward, p AN-AWAV | m • XV f'om the lub ( Vwyyra jrr j ftru>er,‘ ohi Sunday t ( the 8 h mft, TWO NEGRO M E N, ab /uc twenty * lSr ' ■ y —five year* ot ege ; ouC ia a c ry black fetlow, vri*h one ten’h cut before, n.nncd J (Ki the oebrr ii a yellow fe low, matkfd co ti e br?att: m French, /quot eyed, oamrd Jofepti. Whorerr will take up la d rrgroti, and deliver them to ac, Tnaii receive the tbovc reward. • William Nel/on. Moo'gortjjry Couury. Juuc 13, 1800. almanacs' lor taU at this Office.