The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 05, 1800, Image 4

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Hy J 5. AH A attj, GEORGIA,/ Clerk of ih, Conn of ff'jjh.ngton Count}. f Crdinmy, fur )VaJb J irii'lc’t County, WHEREAS Pluili • Dillard, hath a phcd to me r.*r letter* o' ad"ii i( ir.tiion om ihr «ft te f George Di liird, dcceafed : thefe arejhcrcforc iruit hi*'. mlmonilh all mid finguiar the kindred ai.i cieditors «f the ' ul decenfed, to lie •> «p,> a- rnv office, on or before ti c 1.5 > day < I A go next, to (hew caule, 1 r. y the have, why let'erj 01 adininiftra Iton Ihould not be granted* Giveri under my hand, this 4 h da of July, iBoo, and in the twe «» fourth ear ot the American lode pendente, J. Watts, clerk c. o. \JJy JnsiAH Watts. GE O R G I A , / c.letk of the Court v of Ordinary for il fVtifiington Ou„ty. f r/ Wafhmg* ' ton, WHEREAS Irwin. J hi. Irwin, and N» ty Irwin, hath tin day applied to me for letters of adnn niftration on the eflare of Alcwtndr Irwin, decealed ; thefe are there fore to ci.e and arimonilh all an< fmgular the kindred aid creditors of the faid deceafed, to he and appear at ir oilier, on or before the 15 h dny of yfngui; next, to (hew caule, U any they ha\t why letters of adininilltation (iiould no be granted* Given under my hand, this 15'h day of J ily, rBOO, and in the iwent (onr>h year of rhe American Inde jpenderce. J. Watts, clerk c# o. , By l ra s Emanuel, O F. o R C r A, f Cirri of the Court Scrivm County • fof Ordinary , for the j County of SA/Kf*, WHEREAS E kanab Odom hai his day applied to me for Icuei of a unimifration on tt.e eftate of William Stringf, decrafed: theft are therefore t ciifr and admonifti all and lingular the Kindred and Cieditors of the faid de v ceafcd, io be and appear at my flic-, \ or before the 25th day of Ai.guA nrv t, to (hew caufe. if any they have, ictters of adnil iillratioQ Ihould not be grantc, Giv «n under my hand, this 26th dav ol T a y, 1800, and in the twenty fou, 1,1 year of the American Inde pend* nce * Amo* Emanuel, clerk c. o. TO A E 501 cheap rt' R eASH * AVALUABL v - Tenement in the town cf} °uilvilie, containing one hai. v " * ? ts Ko. 162, 189, and three fronts <o wit: —\U T^et ' ftreet, Sevenlh-ftreet, and an Ally, on which there is an ex ‘ cellent Dwellirig-Houfc, fifty fert long, and thirty feet wide, whh five rooms on the fir l ! floot, befidcs a (lore room very conveniently fficlved ; a good kitchen with two rooms and two frre place* ; a very ged ft.tb'e, forty-eight feet long and fixteen feet wide, and a corn and fodder houfe - they arc all new and well incloftd—here is alfo an excellrnt garden con taining one-fourth of an acre.— Indifpulable titles will be given to the pur<hdfer. For terms apply at this Office# July 15, 1800. A CAUTION. ALL perlons are forwarned from pm chafing a note given by me to Jofeph Marfhall dated the 30: h day of January, jBoo, for the fun; of 402 do'lais. As I have received no value for laid note, I will not p a y the amount of the fame. JOHN LOWE. July 22, 1800. Tohatco M anufaHory, WILL 3 A M FEE, r IpeAfully intoimshe public, tha he has commenced the above hufincf* o El is o reft, Augufta nppofi c Jilt J m>s Edwards. w ere he intend* weeping jroud manufactur es tobacco for file by the Srg Or pound, which he will fell forcclho: f:;d coltan. A B A R G A I N. TWO HUNDRED acre* of land, lituate iluee iniirs above Coif'nel Grave; s lantation, on ’he YV afhington roa«i, Wilke* county ; whereon is a pretty g' od D.v lling Houle, and out Houfe*, wi ll i£ -.crc* of cleared land, uader a good fence ; he foil i» equal to any in that county l< r he cultivation of Tohp.cco and wheat I'idifpi/tacle titles with imftteniate poflrf bon v<ili be given t« the pHrchafe r « AI.SO, two hundred acre* adjoining the 1 irnier, to be rented < heap for the term of t or iq vears. Fet terms, apply io tfa c fubfoiber in Louifvil'e. John Houfcley. July 19. 1800. ~P R O S A L S FOR carrying the mails of the United States , on the following fio/l roadSy will he received at the General Pojl Office, in Waffling ion City , until the fifteenth day of Augufl next , inclufive. As fever at perjons have been in the habit of attending per fondly at this Office for the purpoje of handing in propofols , it is pro . per to mention that fuch atten dance is no way ufefuly as the hu- Jinefs can be conveniently per formed by letter . IN GEORGIA. ft. From b f Lincoln c. b. to Pctcrfbnrgh once a week. Lca»e Augufta every Tucfdsy at 11 £ \ M. and arrive at Walhington on Wedncfday «t to A. M. Lt a*e Walhmgton every Mo nday at 5 A, M, and arrive at Augufta on I u'f lay at 8 A- M fi. From Frsnkl n c. b. to Jackfon c. h. once io two weeks* Lesvc Franklin e. h. every other Monday at 6 * M and arrive at Ja kfon c. b. by • Pi M. Acavc Jacklon c. h, every other 'i ucfdsy at 6 A M and ariifc at r«*riklin by 6 P M. $3 From L. utfville by Oglethorpe c h. Gcor, c- Town, Warrenton and Sparta to fort Wrkiof n, and from f.»p W‘ k nfon by Ssuderfvdlc to Lou fv lie i»cc a erk /,ca»e /.ouifvillc rvsry Thurfdajr at fA M. and a r 'ive at fort Wiiktofon ou Fi ichy by 4 p m, Lc avt- fort W Ikinfoa every Saturday at € a, M< and arrive at Louifvillc o Mauday b> f t m AO T E S. Note i Tjir pottmaftcr grneral may alter the tiroes of arrival and depar urc at any time dur tig the continuance of the con'rafls, He prrviouflv ftipuatiog an adequate compcofanoo f r any cx ra expense that may be occafioncd there- T otc a. Fifteen minutes ftull be at lowe<N f° r °pcniog and clofmg the ms : l a aii t\^ cc 9 *bcrc no particular tme is fpecified. Note 3 For every fifteen mi nulci d-lay (unaviidablc azeidents cxriprcd) in »fi fr th e times piefcribcd in contratta# the con trattor (hall for feu one dollar ; and if me dc’ay continue ura\'l the departure of any mail, whereby hen.'*‘l® d' j ftii cd for fuch depending mail lofc a , tr ‘P» an tiouai lorfciturc ot five do'^ ari fhaU t»e incur ed. Note 4 Ncwfpapcrf as wi ’l a* let ter* are to be fent in the mai s' if any perfon aj;;k'og proptfils. dvs, e> to ncwfpapera other than thofc ' n “ ccyed in the mail, for his own emoiV 1 meat, he mull ttatc io hil propofals fur j what fum he will carry it with tha* cm tument, and fry what fum without (oat rraolument. Note 5. Should any perfon, making propolais, defirc an alttration ol the nines of arr.val and dcpirure above Ipecified, he muft ftate in bis propofals •he alieration defirrd,and the diff reocc they will make IQ the terms of bis con Note 6. Perfons making prnpofal* are defired to (laic their prices by die year—Thofe who contradf will receive •heir pay quarterly, in the month of January, April, July <md Odobcr. Note y The contrails tor the pre fen route tre to be io operation on the bill day m October neat. JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Po/lmafter-General, General Po/i-Office, Wrfhingten City, Twenty Dollars Rew&rd. BROKE away from the fob fcribcr, on the night of ihc 17th infl. on the road leading to WafhingtonTrom Louifvillc, a bright bay horfe, had on a bridle, pair of holders & fandle-bags* containing fundry valuable papers; ihehorfc, fad dla, bridle & holders, was found the next morning mcar captain Neal's, Warren county. Any perfon who will deliver the fad dlc-bags and papers to Edwin Mounger, Efq, in ouifaille, or captain Neal, in Warrcrt coun ty. fhail receive the above re ward. B. HARRIS, July 19, 1800. Walhinglon Superior Court, April Tern, 1800. A BILL being fi. eii on the equi'y fide of this Court hy Cornelius Miirphe , praying the eOablilhmenl of ccrtaiu Ji ft papr'*, to wic ; A fctneincni receipt thereon for the Cum of thirty pounds current mney of the fa’e of North-Carolina, in full of all accounts relative to the co-pattncrfhip be tween Cornelius Muff hey, and Flccber, dated lh« njh day of Auguft 1789, in the State of North-Carolisa, in .ion'gttmery c unry, fublcribeU by ft d y*naei Fletcher. No. 2. A receipt in favour of Carnelius Mur, bey for the amount of fifteen p< linn eurr m money of Norh-Caroliba, in full o ’ all accbuntsj bonds, lie. oared 4th Jl - 1790; fubferibed Samuel £cuy. No. 3. Acknowledgement of receiving fundry notes, bonds, kc. fot which pa p ri jT hn Shankle obliged himlelf to ac count the fame beating date ftatc of Georgia, Washington countv, 13d day of OAober 1790, and fubferibed J hn Shackle. No, 4. A receipt in favour of Cornelius Murphcy, for eight pounds money of N Tih-Carolina, tagether with federal pr "> c 1 accoun t therein dtfignaled,amount ing m the whole to ore hundred and fifty, two pourdi fil cen ftbilings, like money, I'aid receipt Scaring da e 18 h September, 1789, and fubferibed William Worley, EK'CU.of, N >. 5. An undertaking pfomlfe or ne knowlcdgrment by the Executors ot Mark A l«n, deceafed, unto Cornelias Muphc-, to erne as a credit on his briqd in their pofTeflion, of fix hundred and nine ty li* pounds, current mo ey of fj, t Carolina, lor le; vices rendered by Corueh 11 us to laid Mark \llen in his life time a 1 to his £wccu:*'-s after his difeafe, lor he cflatc, to am unt 0? one hundred and ninety three pounds r ghteen (hillings, ‘awful monev of north Garo ina, bearing date the 27th cay ot June 1789, and fub frribed Charles Jonet, William Woo *«>» r**.cutorj of vlaik Allen, dece ife 1, N . 6- A prcmiTofy note in favour of Cornelius Murphe», payable to him or his afli a >, for the fum of fourteen pounds a«ful money of North Carolina, bearing dare n < day of Oftobtr, 1789, and fub 'd>ibed J .feph B wen. Whet, u on, it 3 ordered that the defen Hants in the faid bill do fhew CRitleon or before the fir(t day ot net’ terns, oilierurifc tfat the bill be taken as cot f. lied, and the tapers therein dated to be Ml,cflublifhed And i< is further ordered, that this order b» publifhed monthly fo< fiv months in one #f the rublic Gazettes of this flaic. Extract Jrom (he Records , ttb 'July iBoe. Thomas B. Rulherfo d, clerk DOCTOR HULL Informs his friends and the public, that he has received a large (upply of Drugs, Patent Medicines/ Ef fcnces, &c. &c. Which be will fell cheap for Gafti, Jle has a quantity oj Colors: White Gold and Silver Red Leant 1 Leaf Vcrdcgrife Pumice Stone Rofe Pink \ Vo pal Varnifh Umbre Vamtls Hair Tcn- Whiting, &C. Cf!l PruffiiO Biuc BrafgandCompo- Pa ent Yellow fition Mortan Kinpi Yellow / Tooth lolhumcnts Yei'ow Ochre Ljottti. Vermilion Country p T tftitionrra arid ftcrc keep ers can be fupphed, and they may rciy on the Medicines being ot the very beti quality, and put up with and neatoefs Auguft a > June 2, 1800. BLANK DEEDS JT?r Sale at this OJftce, notice. 'T'HAT nint months after t>> date hereof , application he made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Warren , p leave to [ell a tract of land, contain ing two hundred acres, on the Ogechee river , adjoining Rraday and Ringery : it bein» fa the real ejlate of John Curr v ° fa ceafed, for the benefit of the hem of Jaid ejlate. * Benjamin Warner Richard Curry, Adminipators of faid ejlate, February 20, 1800. notice. ALL Executory adminiftratorsacl guardians. appointed in thee ua ty of Montgomery*, «re direfted and required to render ro the honorable the inferior court of faid county, 0Q the fourth Monday in Ju y oeit, a corrr s account of the receipts and expeoditurea of the eftatts which they have feyeraliy been enlrufted with ; alfo at the f«mc time to exhibit on eath,\u n account of a’! the eftate of the orphan or dcceifcd peifon, which they have received or hare came to the knowledge of* Ejr order of the Court* Ihomas Davis , clerk. Montgomery county, June Cl, iBot. WILL BE SOLD,~ To the highefl Rader, for ready money, On the S ECO AD MONDAY in Auguft next , at the plantation late the property of Mr. William Stevens . decrafed, in Jefferfon county, at ten o'clock in the Jon • noon, All the PERSONAL PROPER TY, be! to the faid dcceafcd j confiding of Negroca, Horfca, and Stock of ail kindt, Houfchold Furnr turc, toother with Plantation TOOII, &c See, All prions who May ha»e any De mands, are icquctted to bring then forward for (ettlemcnt ; and thoff in debted are called on for immediate pip ment, to Mary Bryan, admx. Nathan Powell, admr» July 8. Eight Dollar j Reward . T) AN awny fr<-m the fubfenber cn tke f\. jnh inft.a Nep,ro man named HiR- K\, about five lect li* ii.chei high, twenty-fix year* of i-gf, has both hu cars /cropt iff, arid is a very pood fhoem.’ker; Fie carried a fet oi ill cnaaWr’s tools srda pair of ihoe. boots not fi t filed. Any par ies n apprehending faid Negro, and lodging him in snv jail in this county, fo'hatl may find him, /hall receive the above re ward. fames M‘Bride. n o tTcIT" rHAT nine month* from the dift hereof, application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Jcflerfon county, for prrnj'fE o to fell I iraft of one fundred acreicfiaod, ly>D g on Big Cretk, in county, joining Cunning and hightm**, of the real eftate of Beatty, dec. for the benefit of the heirs of fait* YofepU Beatty. William Beatty, B, Whitaker, Executors, the subscriber Beg* leave to inform his lB particular, and the public in R that he has returned ft ora Cb»ricft # with a large and general Affortment of Groceries, I Which he is determined to for cafh or produce, at bis h H corner ot Market Iquare, nesr the L H Houle, Louifville. . H Daniel Lcmlf- ]' July 1, 1800. tI blank, letters Of ADMINISTRATION’ I For laic at 111 sOihcc.