The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 11, 1807, Image 3

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* .?}J, ;:*• ’ r! *' i£oa.,ijiiu <iv.s:rtc Oisice. Friday, "December ir. ISO7. The Northern mail due at the Fost- Osn r c here on Saturday I a st, did not strive until Wedntrsday evening, via Savanni h. The MiHedgeville mail ar rived at the usual time—but as here *rsvre, n-ither brought us News-Papers 7iur intelligence os any kind. Flections by the Ligisiature, Augustus Baldwin, Judge os the Superior Court sor the Middle District, vice the honorable VVm. Stitii, deceased ; diTUi Early, Judge os the Fourth District, latch sormed by the divisions os th- C luntiesos B.ddwi 1 and VVilkinson. Et.ijan Cr.ark, Solicitor-(iv neral. John Scott, Brigadier-General. 13 ig. Gen, Patrick Jack, Major- Gtm-ral, vice Gen. John Clark, resigned. M ijor Daniel, lingulier-Gc- Jieral, vice Gen. Jack, promoted. The Legislature not being ratis r ied with the treaty entered into between the Commissioners (appointed at their last Session) and those os North-Carolina, relative to Walton county, have appointed Nicholas L >ng, Le Roy Lope & John L. Houston, Fsqs. Commissioners", to ascertain the 35th degree os north lulitud •, and to settle the disserences relative to boundary between this State and North- Carolina. They are to lie assisted by two artists, together with Mr. Sturges, the Surveyor-General, and with other instrn merit-. than those [ Hanley's d^iudrant. j heretosore used. We learn srom MiHedgeville, that the Bill sor Incorporating the Planter’s Bank os the State os Georgia, has pas sed both Houses os the Legislature.— The Bank is to be eslaolilhcd in the City os Savannah—the c..« ital where os, is sixed at One Million os D illarc, divided into iO,D'O (hares, os one hundred dollars each, entitled to an in crease, by a majority os the Dircstors, not exceeding three millions. Provi sion is als> made in the aT sor estab liihing a Branch in Augusta. Subscnp tions towards constituting the Bank, are to be opened on the sirst day os February next. A Bill has pal Ted the Legislature os this State, sor prohibiting the reading nstcr rhe vea; »Bxo, osany British di lute or authority in any Courts os Law. Captain Williams arrived at Salem srom Leghorn, consirms the account os ihe capture os that city by the French. In a letter received at Salem, srom the Mediterranean, is mentioned the mastai re at Constantinoplc, os 15,000 Chriilians, by the Turks. The American Consul at Genoa is said to have been arrested, and Teals put upon his papers, by order os the French government, without aligning any realum Charleston , December 1, The United Slates brig Hornet , Dent, E q. commander, anchored in ibis harbor yesterday, in 42 days srom Mala ga — uie sired a salute on passing Fort Johnson, Wc learn by this arrival, that neutral vessels os all descriptions are captured by tile belligerent p -wers ie the Mediter ranean. All communication with Gibral tar hud been interdicted on pain os death, it was reported that the French were a *, bout to embark sorty thousand troops, in Russian bottoms, sor the invasion os Si cily, but their success would be doubtsul as the Bi iti&h were erecting sortisications, and using every means in their power to oppose them. The Portuguese were in daily expectation os die arrival os the French, & the Royal samily were making preparations to go to the Brazils. \3 hen the Fiench troops look possession os Leg horn, in August list, they seized all Bib tLh and American property, and lodged it in the public magazines, until thi clai m ints c in prove it not to be os the manu sacture os England. The Ex-bashaw os Tripoli remained at Syracuse in good health. Savannah, December 1. A letter srom Washington, by the last mail mentions, “ That it is proposed to sortisy S " amah, a little below the city, (perhaps at sive sathom) with a covered work and with Gun-Boats. Gun-Boats are to be stationed between St. Mary’s and Savannah, and a small Battery, sup p >1 ted by gun-boats, at the sormer place ; and that Gun-Boats and Fortisications, ru th a new organized and well disciplined Md ti 1, probably an ex' nded regu lar sorce, will be relied on by i.ur govern t ir N itiu. al iJeitiicc.’ 7 Ex st .s js a letter srom Washington, s Fe deral City .) oj the 14rA November : “ Ine Cc art os Enquiry, has sound that Comm idore 13 irron, amply provid j d with tile means os desence, had sailed t > use th< in ; had made an tin-ossicer Eke surrender os his Ship, and is triable un der articles ot the navy, assecting his lise. He behaved with personal courage, but dispirited his men, and evinced a dispo sition to obtain by negotiation, what he ought to have compelled by sorce oi arms. I’he decision os the Court is unanimous.” New Turk, Nov, *l. Ex (raid os aI: tier srom IVajhington. “ It mty give your readers plea sure to have it aseertained that Admi ral B -rkeley is recalled. I; is a sad that Mr. Erskinc has received a letter srom the A.l niral insorming him os his being recalled ; not owing, he writes to our dispatchcs bv the Re venge, sor that the vessel which brought the order palled the Revenge, on her voyage—this looks well—ir leems that the Bncilh minuter viewed the condud os Admiral B rkeley w ith the same delegation that every honest man os every country mult seel on the occalion.” Fsuebcc, Ost. 19. Vesterday arrived his rnajesty’s sine new srigate Horatio, os 38 guns, George Scott, Lsq. commander. In her came paslsenger, his Excrljency Lieutenant General Sir James II nrv Craig, K. B. Captain General ami Commander in Chies in and over thr Britilh provinces in North-America. In the Horatio came 50 artillery men , which are all the troops we are to expect srom England this sall. From Halisax. —Numerous letters date, that orders have been received there srom England, to organize the militia j and put the sortisications in repair. One hundred miliria were employed daily, on the works; and large reinsorcements were expeded there. So say the letters. Poulson's Daily Advcriiser. . > London, October 15. We yesterdav noticed the arrival o* the Ekctra; brig, with dispatches srom admiral lord Collingwood. She leli Malta on the iBth, and Gibraltar on the 28th ult. and, we understand, brings intelligence os the sailure os Sir Arthur Jkget’s million to Con slantinoplc. It is also reported, that the Eledrie brings an account that Bonaparte has insluenced the emperor os Morocco to agree to withhold all kind os Supplies srom the garrison at Gibraltar, Odlober 16, Mr. Rose, jun. is not to supercede the hon. Mr. Erskinc in his embassy to A merica, but is Invested with a special com mission. i here is no doubt but he is tin bearer os a proposition that is expected to conciliate the States, and probably there is already an understanding on the sub ject. It is said, that a proposal has been made to America, which, without giving up the principle sor which we are at issue, is at the same time materially to aesisi our own colonies. It is said to be propos ed to the Americans, that as we mean t< put all the French and Spanish colonic* under a more rigorous blockade, th> 5 t,au no longer be allowed to carry the pro duce os Cuba. Guadaloupe, See, to Eu rope, but in recompense they shall be al lowed to take srom our own islands sugar as Well as rum and molasses, and to cam them to the European markets.— I his would release our own planters, while it threw back on Bonaparte the mischies that he designed sor us. Globe. October 17. Ihe cabinet council which sat on 1 hursday at two o’clock, did n< 1 break up until hals past 5. It was occu pied with the consideration os the instruc tions to be given to Mr. George Host Jun. upon his special mission to America, [ and to Sir John Borlase Warren, upon his accession to the command os the Bri tish squadron on the North American station. A passenger in the Frances, arrived at New-York, had a conversation with Mr. Munroe, on the 10th os October, and was told by the minister, that he i sound it absolutely necessary to come 1 home and have a personal conserence with ihe President, as the last instructions set ; tercel him so that it was impossible sor him to conclude a negociation with the ( British government. He added that he was prepared to state to the President, 1 < w la; G ear-Britain would yield certain points, and in vyhat particulars she would remain, that theiemust he mine mutual concessions ; and that he itillhopedthatno insurmountable obstacles existed to an amicable and satissactory adjustment os the concerns os the two countries. ALARMING to COMMFRCE. Antwerp. Sept. 28. a We undcrslaod, an order has been given out by the Emperor, to apu-re every vdTrl, bound to, or sioni England, and is with cargoes , are to ne < oniidered as good prize. Tin’s is a mortal blow to the American Com merv. " ■ and vve sear will lead tq a rup- Tire between America and France.'" ■RKwr**"*! *rR3»»5Aw-: rwrwarc .1 Du n—On I hutsdav morning, the 3d mst. Airs. Polly Ch vires, wile os Mr. (osenh Ch tires, os J.slscrson countv.— -She has lest a husband and severa* child ren to bewail the irreparable loss os ai issecdonate wile and an indulgent parent. On Tueday, the Rth instant, Miss Nancy C a ks\v ell, in the 17th year os her age,y mag st daughter os Major Alexan der Carswell, os the asoresaid county.— Amiable in her disposition and manners, her d ath is sincerely regretted by all wh had the pleasure os her acquaintance. Sh has lest a number os relatives tc lamen her early doom. ln this town, on Tuesday last alter a sew days illness, Mr. Richard 1 indall, aged 21 years, a native os North-Carolina. WILL HE SOLD, On h FID Id the 15 th day os 'January next, at the plantation cs Mojes horn, deceajed: I he P tlonal Property os sai dercasrd, considing os HORSES, HOGS, one yoke os STEARS— Hour-hold and Kitchen FURNI TURE, Plantation UTONSILS. & . Conditions will be made known on the day us Tale. MARK MASON, BENJ. DAVIS, Adminjirators . December 8, 1837. NO PICE. Ihe Subscriber has sor sale, 700 acres ol good pine LAND, .Middled l»t tween Gates’s and Venn’s bridge; the pi ion whereon Isaac Coleman sßmrerly lived, lying on the Georgetown road, leading srom Louisville 1 here are one hundred acres ol cleared land, under sence, with an excellent young Peach Orchard. I’he place is exceedingly well situated sor a Store or a Tavern, perhaps inserior to none in tht county sor that purpose. Indul gence will be given sur part cs the payment. LEWIS VOICLE. December 7, 1807. GEORGIA. Jt sserson county. • Whereas Bailey lias applied to iru* sor letters os adminidration on the estate and essests os Edmund Bai ley, deceast d. These are theresore sO cite and ad monilh all and singniar the kindred and creditors os the said deceased, s* he and appear at ihe next court os ordinary, to be held in and sor tht county asore said, on the siisl M n day m January next, then and there to shtvv cai ie (is any they have) why laid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at ossice, this sth dav os Dec. 1807. Ambrose Wright, c. c. o. GEORGIA, yt sserson county. Whereas Benjamin Davis and Mark Mason have applied to me sor letters os A : miniss rari ->n on the estate and e sit 6l sos Moles Horn, deceased : I helc are theresore to cite and ad momssi all and singular the kindred and creditors os said deceased, to be and appear at a Courr os Ordi nary, to be held in and sor the county as »rrsaid, on the serond Monday in Ja nuary next, to ssiew caust, any they have) why said letters Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand at ossice, this 7th dav os Dec. 1807. Ambrose Wright, c. c. 0. £TrrdsV Sased, sVILL BE SOLD, in thep st TueJ. dy in 'January mxt, at the Court Uouse in -5b nderjviilt, (IFashingtcH county) at the usual hours, Tiheen NEGROES, viz: Rose, j Amy, Maurice, Sharper, Nell, Robin, Phil, Mary, Jude, Doll, Harry, Stephen, Maria, Stephen and Edmund ; to satissy two rxe i culions, (’harles Lynch and Da vid Meade vs. Freeman Lewis. 100 acres os land, adjoining Thomas Smith and others ; to sa lisly an execution, John Pa ; kp> tOr the use os Reuben Turner, vs. Shadrach Moore, jun. 300 acres ol land, more or less, adjoining J. Bracken, 011 the waters os Big creek; to sa tissy an execution, Joseph Phi lips and his wise Susannah, sor William Bush, vs. William Brack en, surviving promisor os An drew Hemphill. 100 acres os land, in the sork os Bussalo, adjoining William Al britton ami E. Hodge; pointed out by' the desendant, and levied on by a constable, to satissy sour executions, William Folk vs. T ho mas Dussle. BENJ. SMI I H, Sheriss. December 3, tr.o7. &bensl*o Mali's. On toe Jit /l lUESI)AT in January next, will he sold, at the Market- Uouse in the town os Louisvilli , (J*ss er l m county) at the usual hours. One thousand eight hun dred acres os land, known as the Old IWn 'Tract; taken as ilia property os John Forsyth, to sa* tissy James Scott and others. One I louse and Lot in the town os Louisville; taken as the pro perty os Michael Burke, to saiis* sy James Scott. FK A N CIS M‘MUR R E Y„ Sheriss . December 3, 1807. MARSHAL'S SALES WILL BE SOLD, on tbesiyst Tue J - in January next, at the Market - Uouse in the town os Louisville, be tween the usual hours , the sallowi g properly , viz: Thirty-sour NEGROES, viz; Ab~ v, Chloc, Judy, I vc, Qu<quo, Ben* Robert, Tom, Oliver, Joe, York, David, Cyrus, Dick, Vudct, Diana, John, Fenton, Millv, Phcbr, Fanny, Charlotte, Nancv, Flora, Role, Po- Jydore, Grace, Prince, Nancy, Mr osta, Qjwlh, August, Sulannah and Peter—All os the Houschold and Kitchen Furniture, his Library os Books, Me didne, Shop Furniture, Surgeon’s Inllrumcnts, Tlantatior* Tools, one- Waggon and Geers, three Mules, three- Horses, one Phatton. one Chair &c HarnesTcr one Saw Rla < lunc sor cleaning os Cotton, s)3 r t os his crop os Cotton, Corn and Fodder —Also, six lots in the town os Louis viilc, with the improvements thereon, ail adjoining, whereon Dr. Michael! Burke now resi les,—A so, 202 t z acres os land, in the sccond distndt W ilkinson county, knov/n in the plan by lot No. 64 ; levied on as the pro perty os Dr, Michael Burke, to sans >v James and Alexander M‘Clurc, and others. GEO: W. MOORE, d. m* December 3, 1807. WILL BE SOLD , on Ihursday the °s January r'xt, al the late rejUjnce os Peter: Reid, deceased, The remaining Perishable Properly belonging to the estate I os said deceased, consisting os Horses, Cattle, Hogs, I louse i hold and Kitchen Furniture, Plan- I tation Utensils, and many other i articles too tedious to mention. Twelve months credit, the pur ■ chasers giving bond with approv ed securities, to ' JOHN BELL, Adm’tor. SARAH REID, Adtn’trix. December 3, lH r, r.