The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 11, 1807, Image 4

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gpgggg iGg-gy jUitscciuiacou* (Department. The solloiviug versisication os the beau tisul Asrican song in Mr* Park's narrative os his travels, rut believe is not generally known. Lady’s Miscellany, Bi.r, ak blew the wind in ceaseless roar, In whelming torrents sell the rain ; The white man trembling, cold, & poor, Exhausted sank upon the plain. Beneath the tree he weary lies, Nor heedsthc stormhisplaintive sighs; He li es a stranger to repose, Without a sriend to calm his woes. No mother’s smile his bosom cheers, No sister cohit a to give rebel; No *«nder wise to dry his tears. To sosten or partake his gries. us the white man’s wants supply, Ah ! sure we hear a brother cry ; It pitv touch the heart within, It makes both black and white a-kin. EPIGRAMS. The other day, said Ned to Joe, Near Bedlam’s consines groping, <l W hene’er I hear the cries os woe, My hand is always open.'* 11 I own,” said Joe, “ that to the poor (You prove it every minute) Your hand is open to be sure, But then there’s nothing in it.” Says (dies, “ My wile and I are two, Yet saith! I know not why, sir!” Quoth Jack, you’re ten, is I speak true ; She’s one, and you’re a cypher!” I do not rec- licet any where in print, to have «een the sollowing lines to the memory os the gal! int sounder os the Society os United Irishmen. To snatch them srom oblivion, we publish them. Press. Freedom's the Nerve os every happy state, 5 Eis that alone makes nations truly great ; Nations and states , your boast , your glo ry's gone , For now that nerve has lost its Tone. “ WE ARE HAPPYA I know os no phrase which is so strange ly lugg d in our newspapers upon all oc casions, as this. IVe are happy to an nounce this, says one printer; we are happy to contradict that, says another ; but ct all the curious instances in which this pour phrase is introduced, the sollowing srom the last Norsolk Herald is one os the most curious. 1 hro’ mistake, in a part os our last edition, we inserted the death os Mr. ~~JPaul IVashington. instead os that os hi* nuije ; rue are happy to correct the error, and in announcing that he is in a state os convalescence.” It is to be hoped that is the mistake had been the other way “ we” should have been equally “ happy” to correct it. N. T. E. Post WANTED TO HIRE , FOR ONE YEAR. Tnitee or sour able bodied NEGRO FELLOWS, sor the purpose os clearing land; seu whom generous wages will b.. given. Inquire at this ollice. Louisville, Nov. 24, 1807. NO 1 ICE. Taken up by the subscri ibrr, on the 23d instant, neat Evans’s bridge on Briar creek, an Asrican NEGRO MAN, about 40 years os age, 5 seet 10 or 11 inches high, speaks very broken English, lias a blemish in one os his eyes, and a burn on one os his knees; he had on a coarse cotton shirt and overalls and an old striped swansdowi. waistcoat; says his name is Bah rah, and that he belongs to a JNli. Gubber—when asked where lit lives, he points oss, and says at the big water. FREDERICK EVANS. Jesserson county, Nov. 24, 1807. lUST PUBLISIIED AND s r sase at this OFFICE, A t OMIT E l E Lib F OF THE NAMES OF ALL THE Fortunate Drawers IN THE LATE land lottery. OAober 9. \\ KM ING PALER Forjale at this Ossice. V I PUBLIC SALE Os the Frasiional Surveys, WHEREAS by an act os the General Assembly os the State os Georgia, passed at Louisville, on the Bth day os December, 1306 : It is enacted, that ail the srac tional parts os surveys os land reserved to the State by the sever al laws making distribution os the lands lately acquired os the Creek Nation os Indians, lying and being on the rivers. Ocmulgee and Oconee, and also on the pre sent and sormer temporary boun dary lines, SHALL BE SOLD, in separate lots to the highest bidder, in the Town os Milledge ville, in the sollowing manner, 1 to wit: The Commissioners to be ap pointed sor that purpose,. who the subscribers are,) shall by an ad vertisement published in tne Ga zettes os Petersburg!!, Wash ington (Wilkes County) Sparta, Augusta, Louisville and Savan nah—ln which advertisement shall be particularly specisied the day or days on which the srac tions in each County and in each district will be sold. We the commissioners appoint ed sor said purpose, do theresore, in consormity to said act, require all persons concerned, TO TAKE NOTICE, that at M ILLEDGE viIIe, we shall attend and com mence the sale os the Fractional Surveys, as sollows, to wit j WILKINSON ; Thoseos the sixch dislrict, lying on the Oconee river, commencing on the sirst: os December, and continuing srom day to day, until the lecond, (inclusive.) Thdse os the eleventh dislrid, on the third os December, until the sourth, (inclusive.) os the twelsth dislrid, on the bsth dpi)eccmber, until the Icvcnth, (inclusive). I hole os the seventrenth dislrid,, on the eighth os December, until the ninth, (inclusive.) Those os the eighteenth dislrid, on the tenth os December, until the ele venth, (inclusive.) Those os the twenty-second dislrid, on the twelsth os December. Thole os the twenty-third dislrid, on the li urtccnth os December. Those os the twenty-sixth dislrid, on the sisteenth os December. 1 hole os the twenry-seventh dis uid, on the sixteenth os Dccsrn ocr. i Those os the uxth dislrid, lying on cht CKmulgee river, on the leventccnth os December, until the nineteenth, (mciulive.) • hole os the seventh dislrid, on the tv\enty-sull ol December, until me twenty third, (inclusive.) T hole ol the eighth dislrict, on the twenty-sourth os December, until the twenty-eighth, (inclusive.) I hole os the ninth dislrid, on the twenty-ninth os December, until the thirtieth, (inclusive.) I hole os the sourteenth dislrid, on the thirty-sirll os December, until the hill os January, ISOB, (inclusive.) Thole os the sistcentn dislrid, on the sl (ond os January, until the souuh, (inclusive.) Those o( the twentieth dislrid, cn the sisth os January; until the sixth, (inclusive.) 1 hole os the twenty-sirst dislrid, on the seventh os January, until the eighth, (inclusive.) Those os the twenty-sourth dislrid, on the ninth os January, until the twelsth, T hole os the twenty-sisth, on the * thirteenth os January, until the sour teenth, (inclusive.) Those os the twenty-eighth dislrid, j on the sisteenth os January, until the sixteenth, (inclusive.) BALDWIN. Those os the seventh dislrid, on the eighteenth os January, until the twenty.sirsl, (inclusive.) Those os the eighth dislrid, on rhe twenty-second os January, until the twenty-third, (inclusive.) Those os the eleventh dislrid, on the twenty-sisth os Ja-uary, until the twenty-sixth, (inclusive.) Those os the twelsth dislrid, on thr twenty-seventh os January, until the twenty-eighth, (inclusive.) 1 hole os the seventeenth dislrid, on the twenty-ninth os January, unto the sirsl os February, (inclusive.) Those os the eighteenth dislrid, on the second os February, until the sisth ( inclusive.) Those os the nineteenth dislrid, or : the sixth os February, until the eighth, I (inclusive ) Those os the twentieth dislrid', on the ninth or February, until the sis teenth, (inclusive.) Those os thr sisteenth dislrid, or the sixteenth os February, until thr leventeenth, (inclusive.) Those os sourteenth drislrd, or the eighteenth os February, until the nineteenth, (inclusive.) 1 hose os the tenth dislrid, on the twentieth os February, until the twen ty lecond, (inciusi e.) Those os the ninth dislrid, on the twenty-third os February, umil the twenty-sourth, (inclusive.) Those os the sixth dislrid, on the twenty-sisth os February, until the twenty-sixth, (inclusive.) TERMS OF SALE. Os the purchasers, bonds with approved personal security win be required, sor the amount ol the purchase money, to be paici in sour equal annual instalments, in gold or silver ; the sirst pay mem twelve months aster date. Reddick Sims, Obediah Echols, Francis Flournoy, Commissioners, Milledgeville , Sept. 26, 1 807. 70 Bh. SOLD, or exchanged sor land lying in the lower part os Baldzvm, or upper part os Wilkinson. A lot os land, No. 177, sth dislrid os Baldwin, and drawn by William Bateman, lon, containing 202 1-2 acres, bounded north call by lot No. 21J, north west; by lot No. 178, si urh west by lot No, 170, and sourh tall by lor No. 176, in san dislrid, with a bold c n ek running thro’ the lame. Apply to the subscribei near Fenn’s bridge on Oger< hee. NEED II AM COCK. August 28. 1807. MARS HAL's SALE. Is ILL BE SOLD, or the sirst TueJ day in December next , at the Mar ket-House in the town os Louisvilie, between She ujual hours : Tour Negroes, named Cook, Friday, Ctesar and Gawzal; le vied on as the property os Tho mas and Wra. Smith, and D. An derson, to satissy a judgment in savor os Thomas and J. Swords. GEO. U MOORE, d. m. Osloher gl, 1807. (D - I'he sait os the above property is p ost pone d until the sirst Tuesday in Ja nuary next. December 1, 1807. NOT R E All persons indebted to the es tate os John Spain, late os Burke county, deceased, are earrtsliy re queued to make immediate payment ; and those to whom the ellatc is in debted, will prelcnt their demands agreeably to law. Mathew Spain, Aamtnistrator. August 8, 1807, NO 1 I • In. 'rerally to cut c os ,7 )c In serior Court os slashinpston comity , WILL BE SOLD, Oil s/i sirst 'Tuesday In January m\ t, (it the Court House in Sanders ville, I\v o tracts os land, lying Irt Washington county, on the wa ters os Williamson’s Swamp, )ne tract containing 115 aen s, more or less, adjoining ITizaLc :h Tanner and Hopson; tie ot <r containing 92 1-2 acres, adjoin ing John Lowe and Wra. Tuke; sold sor the benesit os the heirs and creditors os Noah Wimberly, deceased. Conditions will be: made known on the day os sale. GEORGE KLLJ.r Adm mistrator. October 22, 1807. FOOD FOR MAN AND HOUSE ! ! On Tuesday the i sth os December next, void be Sold , Hired and Rented, ths sollowing property, viz : A quantity os live PORK#, between sisteen hundred and two thousand bushels os CORN, a •mall stock os likely CATT LE, .nree or sour head os likely GEL DINGS.— lo be hired sor the erm o| one year, several prime sield NEGROES,, consisting cs nen, women, and children.—And lo be rent; d sor the same term, Four Editable Plantations , AND A SETT OF VALUABLE GRIST-MILLS. The above property will he dis posed os on the day asoresaid, at he plantation os the subscriber, m Brushy creek, three or s ur miles srom the Chickasaw bridge, which is across Briar creek. I welve months credit will he given sor every thing sold, See. ex cept tite PORK, which will be CASH. JAMES WELCH. N vember 7 , 1 807. WILL BE SOLD~ On FRIDAY the 18 th day cs TJicem her next, at the plantation os Jumej Howard, late cs Burke county, de ceased. I he Persom! Property os sind deceased, viz:—One HORSE, ei.-dit bead os CATTLE, three FEATHER BEDS a-d FURNITURE, CORN and FODDER; with sundry other articles too tedious ro mention. Conditions will be made known on the day os salc. Wm. HOWARD, Admiuistrator. November 6, 1807. Strayed srom the 'S abler her* m Jur < 1806, ,1 two years old lIEIFER unmaiked, brown and while mingled j which has in 1 807 come home mark ed with a crop and hole in the right ear, and crop and hals crop in die lest. Any perlon claiming the mark, will conser a (avor by making it „ known. A quill a Xeaptrot. Oslober 28, 1807. NOTICE. All persons indebted totheeslate os El jah Padgert, deceased, are re quTied to make payment as early as (. t Bible ; and those having demands laid estate, are required to bring them sorward properly authen ticated, to SOLOMON WOOD , ELISHA BADGE /T, Executors. October 16, 1807. «' r~ „ ...» ■ " *■>■■■l*l NOTICE. All persons indebted to the Subscriber, are requested to come lonvard and make payment, on or besore the twenty-sisth os De cember next, as no longer indul gence will be given. Wm. RONALDSON No vember 2D, iBc 7.