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AMflßliAl lIMii&IT.
The most perfect Government would be that which, emanating directly from the People, Governs least —Costs least —Dispenses Justice to all, and confers Privileges on None. —BENTIIAM.
Advertisements inserted at the Customa
ry Prices.
The designation we have chosen for
our Journal, and the quotations adopted
<is our motto, might be considered as suf
ficient exposition of the principles on
which it would be conducted. And as
we are averse to thrice told tales and long
talks, had we nonebut ourselves to please,
the paper should be allowed to speak for
itself, and we should not add
word on the subject. Custom however,
has in this instance (perhaps more wisely)
directed otherwise. In submission to her
mandates we subjoin what follows.
It will be recollected that early in the
year forty-one, a number of patriots alarm
ed for the safety of our free institutions
and the integrity of the Union, menaced
as they were by the disorganizing pro
ceedings and developed views of the W big
leaders during tint Presidential contest of
IS4O, made a strenuous effort to establish
in this City a Democratic press ; circum
stances beyond their control and altogeth
er unanticipated rendered their efforts for
the time unavailing. The enterprize,
however was merely postponed, but not
for a moment abandoned and the present
publication is the result.
As the prospectus prepared on the oc
casion referred to, affords a full exposition
of the principles and views on which our
paper will be conducted, we proceed to
place it with slight alterations before our
The publishers, aided by an association
of literary gentlemen, will continue to
issue from their office a weekly Journal,
devoted to the assertion and diffusion of
Constitutional Democracy. In this as
sociation are equally represented, those
portions of the Union and State Rights
parties, which in the portentous crisis of
1840, generously repudiating former pre
judices and antipathies, pressed forward
to rescue the Free Institutions of om
country from the grasp of their would-be
destroyers, meeting each other as a band
of brothers, united and organized un
der the prouder and more appropriate
style of State Rights Democrats, or the
party of the People and the Consitution.
This was, indeed, in the truest and lofti
est acceptation of the phrase, a “Union
for the Sake of the Union?
What Democrat does not now exult in
the choice that lie made at that trying pe
riod ? Twenty Sovereignties of this
mighty Confederacy, by adopting a sim
ilar course, have already placed upon it
the Broad Seal of their Approbation, and
pronounced its Eulogium in a voice,
amid whose reverberations the strong
holds of Federal corruption have been
But, while, as uncompromising advo
cates of Democratic principles, we hold
it to be our paramount duty to insist upon
the master-facts, that if the Liberties and
.Union of the American people are to con
tinue for any protracted period, the Con
stitution and the Rights of the States,
must be preserved intact and inviolate,
-the legislation in Congress must be impar
tial and unsectional, and even-handed
justice, rigid but judicious economy, re
form, retrenchment and thorough re
sponsibility, beestablishedin every branch
both of the General and State Govern
ments, yet, onr paper will not he exclu
sively political.
We arc anxious that the Democrat, by
early, varied and accurate intelligence,
should be a useful companion to the man
of business, and by the interest of its news
and tasteful selections from the elegant
literature of the day, an acceptable visit
ant in the domestic circle. To the friends
of Religion, Virtue, Humanity, Educa
tion and Social Improvement, we shall
ever be found prompt and cordial auxilia
That we shall at once realize all we
wish on this subject, we are not so imag
inative as to expect; but to whatever zeal,
untiring exertion und liltcral expenditure
in procuring the necessary appliances, I
cun effect, we may safely pledge our-!
From the central position of this city,
surrounded as it is by a widely extended
country and a numerous population, we
are persuaded, (without intending to de
rogate from the journals already in publi
cation) that the establishment of such a
press as we contemplate, in Macon, is of
vital importance to sustain and increase
the influence of sound political opinions,
and promote the interests of the State.
A few words respecting our intercourse
as Editors Temperate gentlemanly re
marks on onr labors, we will notice in a
spirit of reciprocal courtesy. Towards
our former comrades, with whom in by
gone days we stood long and faithfully,
shoulder to shoulder, battling for the very
same principles we contend for now, we
still look in sorrow not in hostility
and still extend the olive-branch of con
As the spirit and morale of the Demo
crat are concerned —an inviolable re
spect for Truth in any statement we sanc
tion— a strait-forward, unharnessed In
dependence—a determination to render
impartial justice to friends and oppojpnts
—an undeviating adherence to the gold
en maxim, that clear, unmingled Hones
ty in Politics, as in common life, is the
strongest and most successful Policy, are
the principles by which we shall be gov
The descent from the exciting and lof
ty topics we have touched upon, to the
soul quelling, heart chilling concerns of
dollars and cents, is a process neither
congenial or agreeable, but alas, to this
complexion, per necessity we must come
at hist-
The annual subscription to the Ameri
can Democrat, is TWO DOLLARS,
paid punctually in advance , which, if
not done on the receipt of the second
number, Ave assure our friends in all
courtesy, will be received as an intima
tion that the person cuts the Democrat’s
acquaintance. We have thus reduced
the rate of subscription from regard of the
necessities of times, and to place it within
reach of as many of our fellow citizens as
But with whate\ r er sincerity, zeal and
devotedness of purpose to be useful to
do the State some sendee Ave are ani
mated, the ultimate success of the con
templated publication depends on the en
ergetic aid of our Democratic friends be
ing rendered now, (in enlarging our sub
scription, and obtaining it in all cases, in
advance,) and the generous patronage of
the public as subscribers and advertising
For the generous aid of our friends in
the different sections of the State, we ask
not for ourselves but for the cause.
As Ave before intimated, in other cir
cumstances we should have spared our
selves this perhaps over-lengthy expose,
and most confidently have turned the
Democrat loose upon the Avorld, to seek
its destiny, and fall or succeed, succumb
or triumph, according to its deserts. Per
haps, after all, it is but fair, that those
invited to a repast for which they are to
pay, should be furnished with a bili of
From the Augusta Constitutionalist.
As Ave have published a long extract
of a letter from a friend, upon the subject
of the next presidential election, Ave have
thought proper to give the conclusion of
his remarks. The Avritcr is a patriot, and
an ardent friend of the union; and in his
honest conviction of the policy which
should be pursued in order to maintain
that union, he can find no other principle
but that of a strict adherence to the con
stitution, Avhich will always preserve the
rights of the states confederated. The
conclusion of our friend’s letter is as fol
loA\ r s;
“ I take occasion here to remark, that
you must not conclude, from the interest
1 manifest in the success of Mr. Calhoun,
that it arises from any personal predilec
tion. With him, I have not eA'en the
slightest personal acquaintance; nor did
I ever see him but once in my life, and
then but fora few minutes. No, sir, it is
from a deeply settled conviction, that the
ascendancy of democratic principles, and
a consistent and firm adherence to them,
beyond all doubt or suspicion of insin
cerity, as well as an equally well settled
conviction, that the vital interest of the
south especially, and the preservation of
our union, all unite ut the present time,
in requiring of the southern democracy,
to present Mr. Calhoun to the Conven
tion in May’44, with its whole united
moral strength, a# our candidate for the
Presidency. For, disguise it ns we may,
this mode of nomination, by a national
! convention,has superceded, and virtually !
OA r errides, the constitutional process by
the electoral colleges. These latter, hav
ing noAv, in practice, only the function
left them of registering the decrees of the |
National Convention. Hence the im
portance I attach to the decision of the j
south upon the seeming preliminary', but
real election of the Chief Magistrate, as
far as the strength of the democracy of
the nation can effect the object; and
hence too, the great importance of secu
ring the fairest and fullest representation
of the party in that convention. Let us
have no packed jury in this momentous
national concern; no great decision of
the American democracy upon so vital a
matter, brought about by the intrigues of
| a clique of unprincipled political gam
i biers, Avhose motto is “all for the spoils,”
and nothing for principles. Let us watch
closely the movements of aspirants for
the Presidential Office; and if Ave find
one of them, aiding indirectly, or permit
ting the “pipe laying” system to be prac
tised in his favor, to discard him promptly
as unworthy our support. It is high time
that the standard of political morals
should be eleA r atcd in this country ; that
the growing impression upon the public
mind that our government has become
corrupt and unworthy the confidence of
the people, should be corrected. And
how shall A\ r e begin this work of eleva
ting the standard of political morals, and
inducing a reaction in the public mind
favorable to the political virtue of the
government ? I answer, by elevating to
the Chief Magistracy, a man who lias
never condescended to mingle in tire
closet intrigues of the Washington Avire
workers; who has stood aloof from the
trammals of party discipline; who has
evinced through a long service in the
councils of his country, a moral energy
of character, Avliich dares to pursue the
right in defiance of private and personal
considerations, and a man too, who stands
conspicuously prominent as the first
statesman of the age, who has no trained
bands in his service, to be rewarded for
gone by virtues. Such a man is now
presented to tire people of the U. States.
Will the south, in such a crisis, be so
blind to her interests, so reckless of her
future safety, as to refuse to elevate to the
first olliee in the government, a man avlio
is by birth, blood, sympathy, and princi
ple, one of her noblest, most talented and
patriotic sons ! One avlio, whatever may
iiave been his apparent inconsistencies,
had never been found false to her honor
and her interest in the hour of trial
! one too, Avho never shrinks from his duty
to his country from party policy, or want
of moral courage to sustain and defend
1 “ the right, the just, aiid the truth?”
Especially, will the great democratic
party of the nation, who, at this moment,
owe more to this bold, honest, and dar
ing champion of its principles, than to
any other public character now upon the
political stage, suffer this occasion to pass
without an bfl'ort to bring back the ad
ministration of the government to the
true principles of the constitution ? If
we are sincere in our profession of prin
ciples our political creed, —our course
is plain —in Mr. Calhoun aa-c have the
very personification of democratic prin
ciples— and with him as President, the
south may endure the workings of the
federal system for some time to come—
which I do not believe it can, if the an
tagonist principles and their great advo
cate, should rule in the ascendant.
It cannot be considered rash or un
charitable for a man to express the con-
A'ictions of his mind; and it has been,
and is now my belief, that the Union Avill
not survive the administration of Mr.
Clay, should he unfortunately be elevated
to power; unless the opposition in Con
gress be sufficiently strong to resist his
measures—or he be Avise enough to re
versc the Avhole order of his political life.
This he will not do—and hence the dan
ger of a dissolution of the Union, should
he succeed to power. There is at pres
ent a calm in the political affairs of the
country —-but it is not the calm of safety
or prosperity—it is the calm of that “sol
itude” which ;l reckless party has made,
which is called peace. The country is
now in a stupor, produced by the high
political game Avhich has been playing
before it, but it will ere long be aroused
to action, to reform, to redress.
Mr. Van Buren has done the state some,
perhaps much, service: this must be con
ceded : his country has rewarded hitn for
doing his duty— amply rewarded him
he should ask no more lie has shared
his country's honors bountifully —and
through the all-poAverful influence of the
veteran Hero of Orleans, combined with
his own merit, has moulded the public
affairs of the Union for the past twelve
years. What more should he ask or de
sire of the people ? Why surely the time
of one generation is enough to satisfy the
thirst for dominion of any reasonable
The time is approaching, when avc
shall require a more bold, daring and de
cided democrat than Mr. Van Buren is or
ever has been. The half-way house
must be given up, and we must strike for
principles to the heart’s core. We can
not call Mr. Van Buren a decided advo
cate of free trade he is for a “judicious
tarifr’ —a discriminating tariff. We cun-
not rely upon Mr. Van Buren’s moral
! courage, in case of a powerful and over
whelming majority in Congress, in faA'or
of abolishing slaA-ery in the district of
Columbia, for he is not restrained by con
stitutional scruples from approaching it.
j True, he is opposed to it upon expedien
cy; but who can assert that expediency
may not change in his view of the sub
ject ?
Reviewing the whole ground,and look
ing forward to struggles that the South
will ere fang ha\ T e to encounter, with
hosts against us, my firm and unchanged
conviction is, that we, of the south, have
but one alternative left —and that is,
most distinctly to declare through the
press, through our legislatures, through
our representation in congress, that our
brethren of the free states must give up
the protective tariff, and provide by Uiav
for the security of our slaA r e property
within their resjtective limits, or we must
provide for ourselves otherwise. It is
our high privilege and duty, lieirerthe
less, to exert every power every plan
within the sphere and scope of the con
stitution, to secure our rights before the
filial resort to other means.”
From the New York Herald.
The Great Moral anil Amalgamation Dali
at the Apollo Saloon yesterday.
The great annual gathering of the
American Anti-Slavery Society, took
place yesterday at the Apollo Saloon.
The audience Avas chiefly composed of
the fair sex, and seldom have the classic,
walls of that temple, consecrated to mu
sic and the dance, contained a more bril
liant display of feminine loveliness.—
There were all sorts of beauties. Prim,
shy looking “Friends,” Avith eyes as
mischievous as their bonnets Avere pro
vokingly concealing fresh, plump, ro
sy-cheeked girls from Ductless County,
Westchester and Long Island—comely
matrons from the upper part of the city
and an agreeable sprinkling of very pret
ty yelloAV girls perfect models of Afri
can beauty. As for the male portion of
the audience, the virtue was doubtless
unquestionable, but the less said about
the beauty the better. Tall, lank, down
east methodist preachers and class lead
ers —-elderly Quakers —and a A r ery re
sjx'ctable representation of the colored
male population. One thing was re
markable about the gentlemen—the
enormous dimensions of their shirt col
lars. We never recollect to have seen at
any public meeting such a quantity of
starched linen.
The platform Avas erected at the upper
end of the room. Immediately in front
of the chairman’s scat avos the following
For Salk Here.
Then, at a little distance from the plat
form was a table coA'crcd with the “Son
nets,” in plain and fancy binding.
Conspicuous amongst the audience
Ave saw the beautiful and intellectual face
and head of Abby Kelly. She had laid
aside her bonnet, and sat Avith her hands
folded on her lap, and a pleasant smile
lighting up her features.
Francis Jackson, Esq., of Boston,
one of the Vice Presidents of the Society,
took the Chair, and remarked that an op
portunity was then afforded to any one
who wished to offer prayer, or read a por
tion of Scripture.
Here there was silence for some min
utes, when a colored gentleman named
Pennington, from Philadelphia, ascended
the platform, and made a brief and appro
priate prayer.
Joseph C. Hathaavay, Esq., read
the annual report. It was dull and pro
sy, and put to sleep numbers of the breth
ren, avlio had traveled from the country
that morning, and Avere suffering from
the combined effects of fatigue and the
soporific effect of the coffee at the temper
ance hotels. Somebody moved the adop
tion of the report, but a Mr. Bostwick, of
New Hampshire, started to his feet, and
objected. lie tlid not agree Avith some of
the sentiments and language of the re
port, and indeed that it should be laid on
the table.
Here there were some symptoms of a
storm ; but the report Avas eventually
laid on the table, and quiet avos restored
to the ball room.
Mr. James Monroe, a young gentle
man of great self-possession, and a nasal
voice, then rose, and proposed the first
resolution “ That slave holding is ne
cessarily destructive of national prosper
ity, and that wherever it exists, eA’ery
friend of the best interests of his country,
is bound to strive for its immediate abo
lition.” He concluded a very long and
bombastic speech, by speaking of the
danger to which the nation was liable
front the chances pf some bold aspiring
spirit arising, and leading to victory and
freedom the masses of the niggers. It
might be that the enslaved Sampson
might arise and pull down about their
ears the pillars of the Commonwealth.
(Great applause.) There Avere millions
of slaves ready to rise tip at the first tap
of the drum. (Cheers.) Was it u time
L o build the nation on a magazine of gun
poAvder, when the world was crackling
with the flame of liberty? (Great ap
Mr. Monroe was so confoundedly pro
zy, and spoke so long, that a irood deal
of uneasiness manifested itself in the
neighborhood of the platform, amongst
the brethren who had come prepared to
hold forth on the occasion. Watches
were pulled out and consulted the jaws
of hustling orators expanded to the very
borders of dislocation shoulders were
shrugged in dramatic a<rony —and one
pale gentleman with spectacles, elegantly
curled hair, and an awful shirt collar,
who had been writing the resolutions at
the reporter’s table, almost went oil’ into
At length, however, Mr. Monroe came
suddenly to a stop, and then there were
loud cries of “ A song!” —a song !” —a
song !”
Chairman— Will the gentlemen
from New Hampshire favor us with a
A Voice They ai’nt here.
Another Voice they liad’nt no
idea that they Avould lie called on for a
song. (Cries of “ Douglas” “ Doug
A tall sturdy mulatto,who rejoiced, it
seemed, in the classic name of Douglas,
then rose and addressed the meeting, lie
proposed the second resolution
“ That the Anti-Slavery moA’ement is
the only hope of the American slave.”
He had been himself a slave, and he
could sjieak from experience of the mat
ter. Even Avlien a child, he saw in the
anti-slavery movement the hope of his
race. Instead of thinking of the musket
and the battle-axe, he then reposed all
his confidence in that movement, and a
hope brighter than that of day itself arose
in his soul. (Tremendous applause.)
The Anti-SlaA r ery Society had kneaded
into the very bread of the communion
table had mingled with the very Avine
typifying the blood of Christ, abolition
sentiments. (Great applause.) They
saAV great hope in the fact that the jails
of Massachusetts Avere locked against the
reception of the runaway slaves. (Great
[Here a young man Avith A r erv red hair
and short pantaloons, rose from the vicin
ity of the platform and approached Abby
Kelly. A short conversation ensued be
tw.eeu them, and the young man Avith
red hair and short pantaloons, returned
to his seat apparently much delighted
with the success of his mission, and Ab
by smiled sweeter than ever.]
Mr. Douglass soon concluded, and
there Avere then loud cries of “Kelly
Kelly Miss Kelly.”
Abby then arose and ascended the
platform, amid thunders of applause.
The Chairman introduced Abby to
the meeting by simply saying “ Abby
Kelly”— which elicited fresli demonstra
tions of applause.
Abby then opened her pretty lips, and
spoke as follows : Well has my broth
er, avlio has just set down, said that the
only hope of the slave is in this move
ment. Had they any hope in the Pres
byterians? No. In the Baptists ? No.
In the Episcopal Church ? No. In the
democratic whigs or republicans? No.
They prated eterqally about liberty
but what liberty ? The liberty to plun
der, and to oppress and kill. No; the
only hope avos in the abolition move
ment. And had not that Spartan band
good encouragement ? Soon Avill our
enemies be driven before us like chaff
before the Avind. Were these not good
omens? Look at New York and Vir
ginia. Do Ave not recollect when the lit
tle band of three hundred were despised
by those in the rallies below ? But hoAv
avos it now ? One had become a thou
sand, and he avlio said that the expecta
tions of the poor shall not perish, will
arise. Shall Ave lay down our arms?
No. By the simple sound of breaking
the pitchers, we shall put ten thousand
to flight. (Cheers.) Hope is reviving
in the hearts of all who hate slavery.
No ; I know the American Anti-Slavery
Society Avill neA r er be abandoned.
(Cheers.) Abby then seconded their
resolution, and retired to her seat.
William Lloyd Garrison Avas
then loudly called for, and ascended the
platform. He said he was there against
the express orders of his physician
that lie had been sick —but his love for
the cause impelled him to come andspeak.
Lie referred in a rather discursive man
ner, and with great vehemence to the
Latimer case, and the law of the Legisla
ture of the State of Massachusetts, re
specting runaway slaves. The South
had found out that in that laAv they had
caught a Tartar ; and Mr. G. then rela
ted the story of catching a Tartar, great
ly to the delight of the audience. The
slave-hunters had better take care of the
North now. (Cheers.) There is a far
greater chance of their being carried off
to Canada than of the slave being carried
back to the South. (Cheers and laugh
ter.) Mr. G. then went on to comment
at considerable length, in the report of
the Committee of the Legislature of Vir
ginia respecting tlie Latimer case. But,
said ho, the Legislature gave all that re
port flic go-by —and it oould hardly fa*
said then— “ Old Virginny never tire !”
(Laughter and cheers.) Mr. G. conclu
ded by exhorting the society to increased
Blow ye the trumpet over the sea,
Jehovah has triumphed— the bondsmen are fiee V’
Randall Phillips, Esq., next ad
dressed the meeting, and proposed a res
olution to the effect that it was absolutely
necessary to break the ecclesiastical bonds
which held slavery in existence. (Cries
of “ good,” “ good.”) He had conversed
with George Latimer the other day, and
his opinion had been asked respecting
the propriety of ltis coming to that plat
form. Mr. P. referred at length to the
case of Latimer. But it was enough that
sympathy had arisen in behalf of that il
lustrious man. They should people the
Bay State Avith George Latimer’s. (Tre
mendous applause.) After all, George
Latimer av;ls bought. (Shame!” shame!”)
He hoped the time A\"ould soon come
when not to silver and gold would the
jails of Massachusetts open, but liberty
would close them against the poor runa
way slave. [Cheers.] He hoped Mas
sachusetts Avould soon burst from her
moorings .and be no longer the vassal of
a slave holding State. [Tremendous ap
plause.] He spoke with great vehemence
of the atrocious and infernal latv of Mas
sachusetts in relation to the slave. But
he did not think much of the power of
hw in this day. What was the influ
ence even of that intellect Avhich had
been christened the “ god like,” in com
parison with the constant dropping of the
New England pulpit! [Hear, hear, hear.]
It was the religious sentiment of Ameri
ca that Avas responsible for slavery. The
clergy and the churches held in their
hands the pulses of the national heart.
He hoped that George Latimer would be
the Luther of the new revolution. Un
der these circumstances, saidjjMr. P., you
must lay the Churches und the Consti
tution under your feet ! [Cheers and
A young man about the centre of the
room rose and called out “ That's fa
natical !” [Hisses.]
Mr. Phillips Avent on I make no
new proposition ; I ask you to do noth
ing more than the chiefest of the revolu
tionary heroes did. [Cheers.] Let the
prosperity of the nation go Avhere it
might, but I Avill provide far its rigfyt
eousness. [Cheers.] Let us, as Gran
ville Sharpe did, promulgate truths, and
let results shift for themselves. [Cheers.]
Several other speakers addressed the
meeting, but their speeches presented no
thing remarkable. A hymn Avas thaw
sung and the meeting dispersed.
The Florida Election.
We have received information to be re
lied on, that lea\'cs no doubt of flic re
election of Mr. Levy as Congressional
Delegate, by a handsome majority. In
East Florida he has about 500 majority
and about 100 in Middle Florida. In
West, Ward will have probably not more
than 200 majority, and the vote of South
Florida, whichever A\ r ay it goes, cannot
change the result. Mr. Levy has de
served this mark of confidence and ap
proval from his constituents, whom he
has ably and honestly served. Charles
ton Mercury.
r it i; thy.
“°h, give me AVealtn!” he said, and lp!
The pebble caught the diamond’s glow;
And mountain crag and valley mould
Burned with the Lues of gem and gold:
He had his prayer—’twas his, the whole
But grief sat heavy on his soul.
“Oh, give me Fame!”—The laurel bough
Twined with the oak to wreath his brow ;
The trumpet pealed, and poet’s lyre
Breathed forth his praise in words of fire j
He had his prayer—’twas his, the whole
But grief sat heavy on his suuL
“Oil, give me Love !” Bright lips were there,
Fair brows than Parian stone more fair j
And eyes of loveliness undreamed
With Beauty’s glorious spirit beamed :
He has his prayer—’twas his, the whole
A et griet sat heavy on his soul.
“ Oh, give me” “ Stay!” —a soft voice came,
“ Wealth has been thine, and Love, and Fame;
Ask not again, but give thy youth,
Time, being, spirit—all —to Truth f
And then, though clouds without thee roll,
Light—light shall rest Upon thy soul!”
“Then spake Jesus: I am the light of the-world?
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but
shall have the light of life.” —John viii. 12. ’
There’s a light on the shrine of the Genius of Fame,
That she waves where her sanes have their elory
unfurled ;
But it burns with a mocking and flickering flame,
And dies in the damps from the grave of the world.
There’s a light lifted, high on the ramparts of Power!
Where her blood-clotted battlements frown on the
But that ray shall sink down with each tottering
And dark ’tnid tlte doom of the universe lie.
There’s a light gleaming out from the coffers of
And gilding with lustre her pompous array;
But its gleam shall all fade when with terrible stealth,
Eternity hurries Time’s treasures away.
These lights of the earth are but tapers of Death,
And burn from miasmas that kill as they glow;
They live by a vapor, they die by a breath.
And lure all who trust them to darkness and wo.
But the light of the Crow is the lamp of our life,
And higher shall blase as Death’s tapers go down |
’Twill guide, when the elements die in their strife,
To heaven's sure rkiics, its it triple anti crown.