American Democrat. (Macon, Ga.) 1843-1844, September 06, 1843, Image 3

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(bat the Willi'S have succeeded in electing- eleven, cut of the fourteen Aldermen, at the municipal elec (ion in that city on last Monday. The Democrats, Ti-lyinj too much on their former majorities, forgot that “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty,” and slumliered ujion their posts. We confidently antici pate that the October Election will prove that they have inJutjed in only a temporary slumber. CORRUPTING EFFECTS OF ELECTION EERING. Among the causes which tend to confound, in the minds of a people, the limits that separate right from that relax and corrupt moral principle and lowei that lofty sense of independence and self-res pect that should he the distinguishing characteristic of a republican citizen, we know of none moie mis chievously operative, than the usual mode of con ducting the canvass, preparatory to our elections. That, for many yoars past, bribery and corruption have in one or another shape, been commonly prac ticed, is too notoriously known to admit either doubt or valid contradiction. This is one of the root can kers of the American tree of Lilierty—one of those decomposing, sapping agencies that are corrodir g away and subverting the very foundation of our glorious institutions—agencies, which if n<jt timely arrested in their progress, the temple of our liberties (Bust at length totter to its fall, or by a s l owe r pro wess, crumble into ruin—tor the true foundation, of a republic, is the lofty moral sentiments of its citi izens—when that is lost, t lle form may remain, but lake the frame of man, when the soul has fled, it be comes a lifeless n-.ass, the prey of daily increasing deformity and corruption. The Republics of Greece, where man seems to have reached the sublime of his nature, in genius and patriotism—Rone, and her glories, her heroes, her Catocs, her Scipios, and her Brutuses, (/mre been,) anJ are buried in the wide waste of by-gone ages — the Republics of more modern Italy, with their lines of merchant princes—all, all passed away—all de stroyed by the same common eause, Party feuds, the degenera-y of the people from patriot* into partisans, and the corruption of the popular suffrage at elec tions. Shade of our Revolutionary fathers, shall this fate, at no remote period, be the fate of our be loved country! We have seen the same republic destroying causes, in operation around us for the last twenty-five years—their aggregate constitutes Fede ralism in its most recent disguise, new light whig gory, or Clay ism. The last twenty-five years, in this country, have been the epoch of expedients, of mystification, de lusion, imposture and degeneracy from republican virtue during that every way disastrous period, th>- expenditures of the U. S. Government augmented more than threefold, while the population increased but in the rate of one, and the producing -iass of the American people were fleeced by Biddle bank and its Hydra progeny, to the enormous amount of fifteen hundred and forty millions of dollars. Any one im agining that in such a career our free institutions, and the Union of the States can be preserved through any lengthened period, is under a dangerous infat uation. For tlie’preservation of those inestimable ob jects, a return to the republican virtues of our fa thers —the existence of a democracy overwhelming in its strength—firm in its integrity, sincere and de voted in its patriotism, strenuous and inflexible in its purpose, to effect a radical, but gradually and mildly conducted refer.nation through the whole ad ministration of our gouernment—a restoration to its primitive uprightness and economy, are absolutely and impejalivcly indispensable. Should the system we have denounced be longer psrsiste l in, our free ins ilutions and the glorious fabric of our empire confederacy, must inevitably be prostrated, at a much less remote period than the unthinking imagine, and we may in fancy view tin genius of human kind, sighing over the mighty des olation and murmuring—alas for min, is he indeed incapable of self- government. Did the martyrs ol Concord and Lexington, immolate themsclues on y for this 1 Did Washington triumph and Jeflerson and his associate sages, legislate in vain! But away with sad anticipations—arc not the Democracyjjf twenty States pledged to redeem theii country and rescue its threatened constitution from the grasp of the spoiler ! Let all the ends they aim at he their their Country's, their God’s and Truth’s. Let them lie just and fear not. Heaven will guide them. Let them be true to the -people, and by that mighty power the people, they will ever he suppor ted. Asa commencement, let them purify the elec tion processes—that effected, wo have every thing lo hope. SMALL VVIT. It was never our let !o see a production that abound ed in the above mentioned to such an .extent as the Whig Address, which has been con cocting ever since the adjournment of the last Legis lature. It is truly one of the very smallest of small partisan efforts that has emanated from partisan cliques. Mingled with partisan abuse, and bald at tempts at wit and sarcasm, there is plainly aristocratic contempt for the intelligence of the people, that policy might have induced the committee to con ■ceal. We hope the gentlemen will find that this “tub which they have thrown out for the Whale” as they contemptuously designate the people of Geor gia, is only a very small piggin. Remembered to forget, is another brilliant witticism for which the committee deserve some praise. There is one profound aphorism to which we give our ful lest assent, and that is, that in 1810 “Humbuggp.ry was reduced to an exact science and demonstrated by figures.” True, true as Gospel. Let the people say which pary carried it to an extent utterly unknown in party history before. *" The still small voice shout I have prompted the committee “lo remember ■to forget” ujion this point. The committee attempt to be excruciatingly sevrre -Upon the Democratic party about Relief, Relief, here again, the same silent monitor, or a more tangi ble attribute prudence might haw warned the gen tle uen tint this waa dangerous ground for them. — Did not this May parly use it :n tc4Q, to an extent previously utterly unexampled. INGTON IRVING. It is stated in the Foreign News, that the ycurio Queen Isabella, intended if it should have liccome necessary, during the recent disturbances in Madrid, to place herself under the protection of the A mericari Ambassador. Columbus discovered Arne dea under the enlightened auspires of IsaMla, the Catholic, would it not have been interesting lor the Biographer of the great navigator to have extended the piotec tion of the stars and stripes, to tLe young and beau tiful princess who now occupies the throne of that distracted country. CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. Me learn from the Federal Union of yesterday, that the committee appointed to fill any vacancy that might occur in oijr Congressional Representation^ have nominated HERSCHELL V. JOHNSON, of Jefferson, ti> till that occasioned by the resignation of Col. J. B, Lamar. This nomination, we have no doubly will he received by the Democracy of Geor gta w ,th an enthusiastic response. The vacancy col, ’id not be better filled. With Cooper, Stark and •' ohnson as our standard bearers, we have no fears. The party, if active and true to their interest, all will be well: CANDIDATE. FOR CONGRF.SS. • The Committee appointed by the Dem ocratic Convention, to fill any vacancy i that might occur in the Congressional Representation, met in this city yester day, and nominated HERSCHELL V. JOHNSON, of the county of Jefferson, a candidate for Congress, at the election on the first Monday in October next, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resig nation of Col. John B. Lamar. We have great pleasure in announcing to our democratic readers the name of H. V. Johnson, as a candidate for Con- ! gress in the place of J. B. Lamar, Esq., resigned. Mr. Johnson has resided in the county of Jefferson, where the cloud . of whiggery is perhaps thickest, but his destiny was not to be thus obscured. In-j trepid in the support of his principles— I talented and eloquent in enforcing them j on olliers, and in life and personal asso- ! ciations, unexceptionably pure and hon orable, the Democratic party hao not a name to offer which will add more talent to its counsels or weight Vo its claims be fore the people. We will add that he is one of the old pannel. whig Internal improvement. Sump of the Whig papers seem very anxious to kn aw if Major Cooper and the Democratic party are i-l favor of Internal improvement. Now if they mean such internal improvement as is contemplated in the following programme, of Mr. T. Butler King’s we pledge ourselves, that both the Democratic parly and Major Cooper are in irreconeiled hostility to it: On the 13th of December, 1838, Mr. King, of Glynn, reported a bill to authorize and require thp Governor and Treasurer of the State, to endorse the bonds of certain incorporated companies therein n - which was read the first time, and on tile mo tion to print 100 copies, the yeas were 47, nays 33. Amoug I lie yeas there were about THIRTY Whigs. By this bill the endorsed bonds were to be divided as follows: To the Central Railroad and Banking Company, ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS. Georgia Railroad ami Banking Company, ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS. Monroe Railroad and Banking Company, HALF MILLION OF DOLLARS. Brunswi k and Florida Railroad Company, ONE MILLION AND A HALF OF DOLLARS. Chattahoochee Railroad and Banking Company, ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS. Thomas Brunswick King’s Canal and Railroad Company, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Making the enormous sum of FIVE MILLIONS rwo HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, for which the State was asked, by a WHIG Senator, and supported by many of bis WHIG ASSOCI ATES, to become responsible! Was this measure countenanced by the Whig or Democratic members of the Senate ! Let us proceed in our examination of the proceedings of the Senate. On the 24th of December, 1838, the lull to author ize and require the Governor and Treasurer of the Slate to endorse the bonds of certain incorporated companies til rein named, was read a second time amt committed. On the 2ith December, 1838, the Senate took up the report of the Committee of the Whole on the hill to au horize and require the Governor and Treasurer of the Slate, to endorse the bonds of certain incorpo rated companies therein named. Mr. Beall, of Wil kinson, moved to lay the report on the table for the balance of the session, on which motinn the yeas and nays were required to he recorded, and are, yeas 53. nays 10. So the motion was carried. This is liter ally taken from the journal of the Senate of that day. This monstrous hill was rejected by a majority of 37; and it is a pleasure to us to record, that many Whigs voted with the Democratic Senators in giving a death blow to this Whig measure. But how is it in regard to those who voted against laying the bill on the table for the remainder of the session ! They amounted to sirteen, all of them Whigs except two. The fourteen Whigs were Messrs. Baber, of Bibb, Black, of Monroe, bij'an, of Stewart, Calhoun, of Muscogee. Curry, of Decatur, Hansell, of Baldwin, Harris, of Taliaferro, Janes, ot Lee, King, of Glynn, Knight, of Lowndes, MeLennon, of Montgomery, Miller, of Richmond, Morgan, of Effingham, and Sayre of Hancock. The two Democratic Senators who votjd with the fourteen Whigs, were Messrs. Gordon, of Chatham, and Moseley, of Rabun. At a recent Democratic Convention of, the City of Baltimore, the following pre amble and resolutions were adopted. It will be observed that they recommend the FOURTH MONDAY of May for the assembling of the National Conven tion. The recent State Convention of Miss, named the same day. We heartily approve of it ourselves, and think it will be generally assented to. —Augusta Con stitutionalist. Whereas, It is now ascertained, that the great Democratic National Conven tion} for nominating candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States, will be held in the city of Baltimore, in the month of May,1844, therelore, llcsolved by the Democratic City Con vention of the City of Baltimore, That this Convention will make the necessary ar.d suitable arrangements lor the as-. Convention in the city of Baltimore. And, whereas, it doth not appear that the precise day for the meeting of the said Democratic National Convention has been determined o:i ; therefore, Resolved, That tnis Convention res pectfully suggest to their Democratic fel low-citivens throughout the U. States, the FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY, 1844, as the day for the meeting of the said Democratic National Convention in the city of Baltimore. Resolved, That the foregoing proceed ings, signed by the officers of this Con vention, be published in the Republican and Argus, ttnd recommended to the no tice of the Democratic press throughout the Union. [communicated] Mr. Editor: —The Nullification Ed itors pays a very small compliment to the common sense of the members of the Old Union Party, in supposing that they can make subservient tools of us by de nouncing Nullification as a heresy, &c., at this late day, and by denouncing Col quitt, Cooper and Black, as Nnllifiers. Renegades, and Apostates, &c. No sir, as contemptuously as they speak and think of us, we are not quite so green as that. As ignorant as they say we are,; we know well that Major Cooper, and a host of others who united with us in the support of democratic principles in 1840, did so from principle, and in defiance of a storm of vituperation and abuse, that required a high degree of moral courage to withstand. And nobly and gallantly did they pass through the trying ordeal. In such a manner Mr. Edi’.or, as to se cure the lasting esteem and affection of any true hearted Union Man. I wish lo draw your attention Mr. Editor, to the cool insolence with which they demand our vo'.es, while at the same time they denounce us as the most corrupt and li centious party that ever existed. Yes, Mr. Editor, they say that our “ party contained a greater mass of corrupt li centiousness thah any other party that ever existed,” and yet expect our sup port. That they will find themselves mistaken in this, as they have been be fore, I repose too much confidence in very old associates to doubt. I hope you will give ibis a prominent place in your columns, and oblige your friend. AN Old) UNION MAN. COME OUT. Every democratic Editor, and every polilical democratic meeting, ought, we think, to state its own preference, and what it honestly believes to be the pref erence of those around it, among the can didates for the Presidency. We do not encourage these avowals from those who prefer Mr. Van Vuren only, and denounce such a course on the part of the friends of other candidates its premature, inexpe dient, dictatorial, &c.; but we say to all, Come out male your preferences kno n. We want the public opinion of the democratic party, fully and fair y expressed ; and that we can have only by a frank and honest avowal of prefer ences all around. It is desirable that the question should be thus settled by the people, that the Convention, when it meets, may have nothing to do but to ratify their decision. It may, and we think will, remove all motive for intrigue and management, as well in that body as in Congress, at its next session.—Ken dall's Expositor. Party Cruelties.— By this morn ing’s mail, we see that the Bay State Democrat reads 1 .cvi Woodbury out of the party —the Albany Argus reads Mr. Brownson (editor of the Bay Stale Dem ocrat,) out of the party, and the N. York Courier reads both the Express and the Commercial advertiser out of the Whig party. Where are they all to go 7—Mad ison in. The Boston P >st endorses the state ment of a writer in the Charleston Mer cury, that, as between Mr. Van Buren and Mr. Calhoun, “the popular senti ment of New England” is in favor of Mr. Calhoun for the Presidency, and adds “ no sort of political jockeyism can make Mr. Van Buren the choice of the democ racy of New England.” From the N. Y. Evening Post. REVOLUTIONS IN COMMERCE. Mr. Wheaton, the accomplished Min ister of the United States, at the Court of Berlin, has written a long letter to the National Institute of Washington, on what is termed the “ Impending Revo lutions in the Commercial intercourse of the World.” Two great changes, he says, are at hand, which cannot fail to be attended with the most important conse quences to the progress of civilization.— These are— -Ist. The re-opening the ancient route between Europe and the East Indies, by Egypt and the Red Sea, which must in evitably result from the improvements in steam navigation and the founding anew Mahommcuan dynasty on the banks of the N'i'e. 2d. The opening anew route from EiirojK! and the United States to the East Indies and the Western coasts of Ameri ca, by an artificial communication be tween the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, .across the Isthmus which connects the two continents of North and South A merica. The importance of these to the United States and the world are argued at length, and considerable learning. Os the latter it is remarked : “ The U. States would save at least 10,000 miles of distance and navigation to the northwest coast of A merica, and to China by substituting the route across the isthmus which connects | the two American continents, for that round Cape Horn. The opening a wa ter communication from one sea to the other, somewhere between the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of Darien, thus be comes of vital importance to us. Our national interests, commercial, political, and social, are all deeply involved in the question.” A Phenomenon.— A friend who has just returned from the South, tells us that about forty miles this side of Tusca loosa, on the road to Huntsville, the dri ver pointed to a large hole in a field, which he said was the greatest curiosity in the world. The passengers went to the spot, and found a round hole about seventy feet in diameter, with the earth on all sides apparently solid, and over grown with grass. .There was water at the bottom, apparently a hundred feet from the surface. It is at the top of a ridge of earth, upon which, at the dis tance of twenty rods, stood the deserted dwelling of the owner of the plantation. The driver stated that about three years ago, in the dusk of the evening, the plan ter was startled by a rumbling noise, and stepping from his door was astonished to find that a magnificent pine tree more than a hundred feet high, and, a noble oak which stood by its sid * i n the open field, had both disappeared j 0o oming to the spot, this hole appeared, but noth ing was to h d seen of the trees nor has the top of them ever been reached, though a so’.tnding line has been sent down three hundred feet. The planter thought it unsafe to remain so near a neighbor to such a catastrophe, lest that should befal him and his family which befei the pine and the oak; and so he removed to another house a mile distant, yet nothing of the kind has happened since, and the wonder still remains unaccounted for.— N Y. Journal of Commerce. SINGULAR COINCIDENCE. The Boston Mail gives the following coincidence in regard to the Presidents of the United States, in addition to those which are now going the rounds of the newspapers: Washington had no son, and became President twice. Adams had sons, and became President once. Jefferson had no son—elected twice. Madison do do do Monroe do do do Adams (J. Q.) had sons, and became President once. Jackson had no sons, and became President twice. Van Buren has sons—President once. Harrison do do do Tyler do do do (!) In ad lition to the above, we might mention that the names of fire out of the ten Presidents ended With on ; and that all of these, with the exception of Har rison, who was removed by death, were elected twice; namely—Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Jackson. We think from present appearances the name of the next President will end with oun; the names of none of the Presidents has ended with a "y.” A WIZARD IN LONDON. The Editor of the Albany Evening Journal, now traveling in Europe, is writing home a series of the most inter esting letters. In one of his letters from London he describes a visit to the exhi bition of the famous “ Wizard of the North.” We went last night to the Adelphi Theatre, where the leading attraction was “The Wizard of the North,” whose wonder working powers of magic, if we may believe the show-bills, have procur ed for him a command to repair to St. Petersburgh to exhibit before the Empe ror Nicholas. This man is indeed a “Wizzard” The delusions practised cast Mon iettr Adrian, Signor Blitz, and ull other Magicians into deep shade. Let me astonish you with a few specimens. He came into the boxes and obtained a five pound note from one gentleman, and asked another (any one who chose) to write a sentence upon a slip of paper.— The note and paper were folded so that thf “ Wizard” could not see either the nil miter of the former or the sentence up on the other, and then laid upon a plate, set fire to by a taper, consumed, and she ashes blown about the stage. The ‘Wiz ard’ then announced the number of the bank nots, repeated the sentence written on the slip of paper, and a page returned these articles to the owners in a box which the “Wizard” had not touched. He then handed a box to a gentleman nearest the stage, and requested him to deposite any article he chose in it, and to pass it around for similar dejiosites by ladies and gentlemen promiscuously, he standing upon the stage. When the de posites had been made, he requested that the box should be placed where lie could see it, with the lid down, and standing'at least sixty feet from it, he named, and described with great minuteness, every article which it contained. He requested ladies and gentlemen to loan him their handkerchiefs, which were thrtnvn to him from all parts of the Theatre. Wheti collected and counted, to the number of 17, they were placed in a large Ewer, into which a servant poured a large buck et of water. Having been thoroughly saturated, the handkerchiefs were rinsed and wrung, and then spread, one by one, into another vessel, upon each one of which some blazing magical elixir was poured; and within five minutes the haukeichiefs were placed upon a salver aad returned to the owners, washed, uged, ironed, folded and perfumed ! And dji this was done openly, without turn lau away from the audience, and without aly of the lumbering accompaniments nrcompunying ordiriarly jugglery. ANECDOTE OF JOHN RANDOLPH. An Irishman, in the New Mirror, re lates the following anecdote, illustrating the marvellous geographical knowledge of John Randolph:— to me, ‘ seems to astonish you as much as it did a servant of Mr. Canning’s, at Washington, the other day. He brought me a note from his master—who, by the by, is a very superior man, sir—and the moment he spoke I at once detected the Munster man —for he had a fine licit brogue ; so, thinks I, I’ll have some fun.’ ‘ So, John, you’re from Munster, are you not V said I. ‘ I am, pluise your honor,’ replied he, surprised at my question. * From the county Clare, I presume ?’ (This was a guess on my pari as to the county.) ‘Yes, sir,’ said he, still more astounded. ‘What town did you live ia ?’ contin ued I. ‘ The town of Ennis, sir.’ ‘Oh,’ said I, laughing, ‘I know Ennis very well. Pray, docs Sir Edward O’- Brien still live at Dromoland?’ ‘ He docs, indeed, sir.’ ‘ And Mr. Stackpole at Edcnvale?’ ‘ Yes, surely, sir.’ ‘And the Knight of Clin at Shanno vale V ‘ Yes, sir;’ find then, after a pause and a low bow, he added, ‘ might I make bo'ud to ax, sir, how long your honor lived in Clare?’ ‘ I never was there at all,’ replied I “hut hope to be very soon.’ ‘Oh, sir,’ said he, ‘don’t tie afther fooling me, for yon must he a bit of an j Irishman ; you have the brogue, and you know as much of the count liry as I do myself, and more too, I’m thinking !’ It was in vain that 1 assured him I had never been in Ireland ; he went a way still insisting that I had been there; which fact he told to Mr. Canning, who was very much amused at the way in which I had puzz'ed poor John, as he told me himself next day.’ ” From the New Orleans Jeffersonian. COL. It. M. JOHNSON. The Tropic called Col. Johnson the fictitious Hero of the Thames, and says he is the “ legendary slayer of Teciun seh.” The following forcible and perti nent remarks we copy from a Lexington paper. The rebuke is just. Answer the interrogatories, Mr. Tropic. If Col. Johnson lie “ the fictitious hero of the Thames,” where will the Tropic find the real hero of that day 7 Are the five wounds which he received in that battle, the scars of which he still bears, fictitious ? Is it a fiction that he gallantly led the forlorn hope ? Is it a ficti n that he was the only man in twenty, who formed the forlorn hope, that was left in the saddle 1 It it a fiction that when car ried from the field in a blanket, the blood ran over its edges ? Is it a fiction that he more highly distinguished himself by his undaunted bravery than any other officer in that action 7 Is it a fiction that Congress voted him a sword tot* the gallantry and patriotism which lie dis played on the field of the Thames 7 Are these things all fictions, and is the histo ry of the country, in which these are re corded, also a fiction 7 It is sometimes possible to manufacture a hero out of very steuder materials ; but it is not in tiie power of the Tropic,aided by the whole whig press of the Union, to filch from Col. Johnson his hard-earned fame, and to fasten to him the character of a “ fictitious hero.” No, no ! The people of the United States are too just, too chivalrous, and too magnanimous, to permit the fair fame of one of their brav est and truest defenders to Lie tarnished, or the glory of the country diminished, by I lie base efforts of those who seek, lor political purposes, to blast the green lau rels of Old Tecumseik MR. VAN BUREN’S CABINET. A late Globe says that if Mr. Van Bu ren did not adequately press home reform in every direction, “ it was because there was not the same force and firmness and moral courage in all the members of the administration as existed in the head. It must he remembered that Mr. Van Bu ren’s Cabinet was handed down to him, not chosen by him.” “ A live dog is better than a dead lion.” In order to exalt, or rather to excuse Mr. Van Buren, who may again be President, for having left undone the tilings which the Gloln? does not deny ought to have been done, that paper seeks to throw the blame upon Gen. Jackson, whose politi cal race is run ! If Mr. Van Buren had had the choice of his own Cabinet, it would forsooth, have been composed of other and better materials than he was obliged to receive at the hands of Gen. Jackson 1 VVe did not know that a President was under the necessity of retaining in office the heads of departments that were left by liis predecessor, and we should think if his “ repeated and urgent instructions to press home reform” were not complied with, a President of “ force and firmness and moral courage” would not have hes itated to begin reform by changing these very heads of departments. But let this pass—it is the concern of the Globe—not ours. We did not make, nor shall we vouch for the correctness of the charge which the Globe insidiously seeks, not to repel, but to. shift upon others. Our purpose is merely to ascertain which ot the mem bers of the cabinet proved so negligent of their duty and so unmindful of the wishes of their chief; for the Globe does charge it upon all. The members of the cabinet when General Jackson went out of office were as follows: Secretary of State— John Forsyth, of Georgia. Sec. etary of the Treasury Levi Woodbury, ol New Hampshire. Secretary of I Var (acting)—Benjamin F. Butler, of New York. Secretary ot the Navy —Mahlon Dick erson, of New Jersey. Attorney General —Bcnj. F. Butler of New York. of Kentucky. Os these, Mr. Butler and Mr. Dicker son were the persona!, intimate, and con fidential friends of Mr. Van Buren, and every one acquainted with the political movements at Washington knows that both these gentlemen were brought into office through the influence of Mr. Van Buren. They soon, however, resigned, and their places in the Departments of Mar, the Navy, and of the Attorney General were filled by men of Mr. Vail Buren’s own selection. The Globe could therefore have had no reference to these gentlemen or to their successors, hut must have aimed its shaft at the three re maining members of the cabinet, who were “handed down” by General Jack son to Mr. Van Buren, who continued in office during the whole term of the latter, and who, until new. we thought had ex ecuted their trusts to the entire accept ance of the democracy of the United States. They are Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Woodbury, and Mr. Kendall ! Yes, these are the men to whom the Globe alludes as having prevented reform through their deficiency “in force and firmness and moral cou rage!!” What will Georgia say lo tin's? at lack upon the memory of the proud, the high minded, the fearless, lire honorable, the eloquent, the lamented John Forsyth ; How will the democracy of the native and adopted State of Amos Kendall brook this attempt to diminish his fair name 7 And will not the voice of Democrat! New Hampshire rise in accents of indig nation from her rallies, and he flung btu-k from her mountains, to vindicate the character of the favorite son of the Gran ite Slate, the gifted Woodbury, and to repel the aspersions thus wantonly cait ujion him? Can the Globe find no other means o sustaining its favorite candidate than b\» depreciating men of equal worth and tal ent, men who have done as much and suffered more for the cause b'fdemocracy, though they have not re ■ ward ? Let others tell what will be the feeling excited by electioneering of this stamp elsewhere; we know that it can find no favor with the hardy democracy of New England. LIEUTENANT M< LAUGHLI X. A report has been lately going ihc rounds of the papers that Lieut. John IT. McLaughiin, U. S. N., was about to be tried by a Court Martial upon a number of charges, one of which was for minder. This gentleman, in a note addressed to the Editors of the National Intelligencer, which appeared in that pajicr on Satur day, pronounces the statement “utterly false.” No Court Martini has been or dered to try him upon any charge what ever. He says: Upon the return of the Florida squad ron in July, 1842, complaints against me were made to the Department by a ma rine officer, of the squadron, which were examined into and dismissed by Secreta ry Upshur in the following letter: Navy Dept, Aug. 17, 1543. Sir: 1 have considered fire several charges preferred against you by Lieut. Fansill, of Marines, together with the explanations and counterproofs offered by yourself. 1 see no reason to proceed with them any further, nor to bring your conduct Into question. The charges are dismissed. I am, very respectfully, Your oltfdietit serv ant, A. P. UPSHUR. Lieut. John T. McLaughlin, v. s. n. Washington, Some of the complaints thus dismissed by Mr. Upshur were brought against roe again by shis same officer, connected with additional charges, which were examined into and dismissed by Secretary Henshaw in the following letter : Navy I)Ep’T,'Awg. 21, ISI3. Sir: I have to acknowledge the re ceijot of your letter of the 15th instant, communicating explanations and doer ments in relation to the charges preferred against you by Lieut, Fansill of the Ma rine' Corps. After a careful examination of these papers it does not appear to n ■ that there are sufficient grounds for sub mitting the case to a Court Martial. TANARUS!. charges against you are therefore disnu sed. DAVII) HENSHAW. Lieut. J. T. McLaughlin,c. s. x. Wash’ll. The whole end and aim of these pub lications being to give an injurious noto riety to my name, I request in justice to myself, that those editors who have aided in disseminating the report that I am to bo tried, will give a place to this communi •cation in their columns. Respectfully gentlemen, I have the honor to be r John T. McLaughlin,. Lieut. U. 8. Navy Washington, Aug. 25, 1813. In this city, on Tuesday, 29th id"., Ta'acsP. Carey, aped 47 year®, a native of Waterford, Ireland,, and £ resident of Georgia for the last 25 years. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ON the tenth day of OCTOBER next, will he s !<t at the residence of the Isabella Clark, deceased, a portion of the personal property of said deceased, consisting of Cattle, and Hogs, with other property. Terms of sale made known on the day. ALEX’R MELROSE, Adm’r. St-pt. 4, 1343: 17—uls F'OUR MONTHS after date, a' plication wilt ha made to the Inferior Court of county, when sitting for ordinary pm poses, for leave to sell the Real estate ol Isabella Clark, dr ceased, late of said county ALEX’R MELROSE, Adm’r. Sept. 4, 1343. 17 —4m PRINTING.' GF BOOK AND FANCY JOS PRINTING Will be neatly executed at the Office of thx American- Democrat, on Mulberry Street. Our collection of Job Type is New aud comprises every vari ety desirable, to enable us to execute eur work in * sweniOßMAyjfE*.