American Democrat. (Macon, Ga.) 1843-1844, September 20, 1843, Image 1

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r J lie most perfect Gove:nmc.t wou'd be that which, enunabng directly from the People, Governs le;st—i'osls least—Dup uses’Juslic; to ail, and confers Privileges on None-.—BE NTH AM. VOL. I.j DR. W.\l. GREEN - EDITOR. Ai.i.VICA.2: D*MCOF.AT, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, IN THE REAR OF J. BARNES' B33KSTORE. MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GEO. AT TWJ OOLLA.ii F3A ANJNJU.3I, EO- IN ADVANCE -CD Kates of Advertist. jj, Arc. One square, of UK) wurds, or less, in small lype, 75 cen 8 for lire lirst lustrum., and 00 cents for each subsequent iliac.' lion. oil Advertisements containing more than 100 and less that. 20J wards, wiil be charged as two squares. T.t Yearly Advertisers, a liberal deduction will be made. [X3“ N. U Sales of LAND, by Administrators. Executors. Cuardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 in the fore noon, and 3 in the afternoon, at the Court-House in the Conn ,y in which the property is situa ed. Notice of these must Be given in a pub.ic Gazette, SIXTY DAYS, previous to the day oi sale. Sties-It PERSONAL PROPERTY, IIIU3I be advertised in she same manner FORTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. to Mr Mon and Creditors of an Estate, must be pub dished FORTY Days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ortli ■nary, for leave to sell LAND, must be published LOUR MONTHS. * Sales of NEGROES, must l.e made at public auction, on ,he first Tuesday of the mouth, between the legal hours ol .Hale, at the place of public sales in the county where the lei vers tens urinary. of A Iminisi ration or Guardianship, shall \liive been graded, SIXTY li\YS notice being previ ms y [given in one of the public gttzetts ol this Stale, and at the door fcf the Court Hoi sc, where § It sales* are to he held. 1 Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, mu-t be published for a'OUR MONT IS, before any order absolute shall be made th teon by the Court. \ All business of this niture, will receiva prompt attention, at *he Office of the AMERICAN DEMOCRAT. ! REMITTANCES UY MAIL.—“A Postmaster may en dose money in a letter to the publisher of a newspaper, to >ay the subscription of a third person, an! frank the letter, if j niuen by himself.*’ —.l <nos Kendal/, P M G. COMMUNICATIONS addressed to the Lotion Pasr _ 1' p oint Y. JO MAKE A SALAD WORTHY A MAN OF TASTE. ASCRIBSD TO TUB REV. SIDNEY SMITH. Two boiled potatoes, scraped through kitchen si ve, jSnl'tncss and smoothness to tlie salad give; Os mordant mustard lake a single spoon Distrust the condiment that bites too soon; Yet deem it not. thou man of taste a fault. 'To add a double qu mtity of salt; 4'our times the sp .on with oil oi Lucca erotvn, And twice vinegar—procured from lown, Vhe taste requires it, and your pool begs rite poumit-d yello v ofl.VO well boiled eggs; 1 hl.e< onions’ atom* lurk within the bowl, r-esAn.l scarce sus;*vtid, animate the whole; Mi Ami, Justly, in the flavored compound toss irA magic spoonful of anchovy sauce; •at Ob, great ami glorious! Oil herbaceous meat! , a rwouid tempt tie dying anchorit.’ to cat; ’ rrEack to the world he’d turn bis weary soul, •And dip his linger 111 the sallail bowl. »» of TO A bPiiING. . [u s 3LLo ne fount of the wood land with mvisical tide, murmur thy waters as onward they glide, ejTltou vanished are loved ones who sat by thy brim, , And the bright eyes that watched thee are rajless ihe anil dint; Ob! sad to a.y heart is thy low. plaintive tone, Jt brings hack tire vtices long silent and gone, \The memory of joys like thy ripples at flay, As bright auJ as sparkling, yet fleeting as they. t"’ hejoysthat were mine, when the fountains of fecl .fere pure as thy waters from crystal springs steal !ing, And filled with their music as swret as thine own— The depths of the spirit in days that are gone : Alas ! ’twere as idle to seek in the ocean The hue of those waters—their music or motion— As to search for the pleasures in lile’s turbid stream, Winch flashed from its fount, but to pass like a dream ! ( And the friends that 1 loved—like the flowers that If bloom i And scatter o’er thee a sweet breath of perfume, I When serial by the touch of the Autumn-winds throw fllutauaade in tl.e stream that r ns sighing below— Are vanished and gone, but their memories still, Float silently here, like dead leaves on t ie rill No tempest can east on obltvi m’s score 'The flowers of love though they blossom no more! tv. Though a ileseit of feeling lav tdighted aroun I me— All failed the hopes and the loVes that have outnl me— bough the smiles of my joy and the tears of my woe Ungreeted might fleet, and nnpitied might flow Oh! still would thv voice, like a friend of the past, Have a music to soften and soothe to the last, Alul keep—though the balance in darkness might roll One bright fount of feeling yet fresh in my soul! H. R. J. " PRINTING. vrmsut TAaaaxx OF BOOK ANO FANCY JOB PRINTING Will be neatly executed at the Officis of th.. Aml Riga n Democrat, on Mulberry Sircct. Our collection oi Job Type is New and comprises every vari ety desirable, to enable us 10 execute our work in a superior manner. IT Ca/ SCOHS AT J.BARNaS’ BO k-STGRE. ‘nil-: i.O-T SHIP, OR ATL \NTIC STEAMER X-w .Novel n. James —lhe l AE-.L liEIK I us Days • f Qi Etv Laky. Lif, OF JOHN V, . t-ALRuCN. Joiiv I'YLUh MUCOh, J utlC 2J, 1 if DEMOCRATIC BANNER FREE TRADE; DOW DUTIEI; NO DEBT; SEPARATION FROM! BANKS; ECONOMY; RETRENCHMENT• AND A STRICT ADHERENCE TO THE CONSTITUTION.— J C. C\l ..MMOU.Y. From the Charleston Courier. THE CALHOUN MELTING JN N. YOUK. Below we copy the admirable resolu ions adopud by the New York Meeting. \\ e have not seen a more logical and convincing statement of political truth than is here embodied', in language at once chaste, clear and strong. The meeting was called to order by Doctor \\ ilson, who nominated Stephen itasbrouck, ,M. D, us Chairman. Lathrop S. Eddy, Esq., nominated the following gentlemen for \ iee I'residents: Charles A. Clinton, J. L. 11. McCrack en, Robert Berney, Dupuis Mullins, M. Go dsmith, M. 1)., Jno. A. Sternler, Lew is P. (/'lover, Edmund S. Derry, John B. Sclnueizel, George G. Glazier, John Le counte, Robert Townsend, Thomas 6. Gibbes, Jonn \V. Mitchell, John Haunt ban, Peter AicLoug.m, Dr. F. T. I orris, Ld.nimd M. Young, .mchael Gainey, K. B. Cuthbert. Henry P. Barber, Esq. nominated the follow mg gentlemen lor sccretaiies John Gommtnbid, J. 11. Brady, S. R. Mac.Nevm, B. IS. Hart, Alexander Welts, and il. l\ James T. Brady, Esq. then addressed the meeting, in a speech replete with strong argument ana round sente, lie was lo.towed by 11. P. Harder, Esq. and William Wa.laec, E>q. of Keutuctcy. Tlie uuopted were uo fol lows : Wliereas, “It is all important to the successful operation of our system of go vernment, mat Hie tugliest otlice ot the Union stiouid be Lie exclusive reward of merit and services, siicu as may he wed known to the whom country, so as to en enable the people at targe to ior.ii u just estimate of their value and of the c.iur acter ttud motives ot him who render ed them.” And whereas, at the pres ent crisis of contusion ol parties, agna tion of princip.os, and ot pressure upon the commercial and productive pur.mils of industry, it has oecoiue iiidispeiLaole to tlie general well arc, that a man t»e se lected lor the Presidency, who in addition to Hie aoove named requisites, presents to the consideration oi ms teuow citizens such enlighten, and views of puolic policy as woo.d, it carried out, pro nom Lie .no t extensive commerce, mvi.e Lie invest ment of capita!, and impart new life to agncu.tura , mechanical and mc.uuu.ctu ring pursuits ; ttiereioiv. Keoo.ved, That contemplating to their full extent these great onjects and g.ave cousideratidlis, we feet bound to declare our convictions, that John Caldwell U .liiovn is pre-eminently qualified to administer tlie General Government ac cording to its true principles, and consis tently with the best interests ot the peo ple, and the progressive spirit of the age. lieso.ved, l hat in our mauilestation of preference for one of the candidates tor the Presidency of tlie United States, we have no wish or intention, to disparage any of Ins democratic competitors tor that distinguished station. On the con trary, we am, us American < ittzeus, proud of the great men ol our country, out regaid to party, or birth puree,) as forming an e.emeui Oi its greatness. But we present rUr. Gatliouu as the candidate of our choice, and we feel bound to set forth toourieiiow citizens ol tne Union, tlie following rea ous which have induc ed this preicrcnee: 1. That Air. Calhoun has given such prools of Ins clear views of our system of government, of its constitutional pio visions, and of state rights, as otlords a guarantee that lie won and administer the functions of the Executive Department within the limits of the Coustitulion. 2. That he has already avowed the of public policy tie would pur sue, both with respect to external and in ternal relations. “ free trade -low du ties—no debt—separation from banks— economy—retrenchment, and strict ad herence to the cons tuition and we be lieve that these measure are calculated to preserve the Union, and ensure the liber ty and pro .-parity ot tire puop.e. 3. That tie has entighun. and the popu lar mind with regard to primary or ab stract principles, and shown the vane of their application to ail great questions of national debate which have come up du ring nearly thirty years. Mr. Cu.iinun has so impressed his peculiar intellect upon tlie national political mind, that iliere is a constant recmrence to those first principles now familiar as simple truths, which were formerly derided as his political abstractions. 4. Tout os the advocates of Mr. Cal houn lor the I'residency, we do prefer and will sustain him, not because he hap pens to be from the North or South—not because of any accidental preterence; but because we know and estimate him as that enlightened statesman, in whose keeping may salely be entrusted the wel fare not of one seetton only, but of the whole country—because his lii<>h and chivahous character w ill shield our coun try from the first advances of [o.iticil error—because he has always stood lonh as t;ie champion of equal rights, and has always been ready to itituj ose himself equally to the untoward influences of a i igb I. rill i lid nomud oligmcht, and o lie be! a.- tig bee rim ol 11st k mail tariff | robctit n— aim btcame l.e is u.e man o. the pcO|.ie and loi the j.lojjlu u..d, MACON, tVEDNES AY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1843. ' the prompt advocate ofpojnl ar rights and human liberty. And whereas, rotation in office is a cardinal principle of the De mocratic theory of government; as Mr. Van Burcn, in confirmation of this prin cip e. Inis declared that “no one can ex pect «r should desire to be always in of fice under a government and institutions like ours, and that he has enjoyed th it privilege long enough to satisfy his ut most ambition and again, “ with a po litical ambition more dun sutified by the many and distinguished honors which have already been conferred upon hiui, and with no higher aspirations, if there be higher, than to occupy the station, en- j joy the privileges, and discharge the du- 1 ties of an American G’itiz n,” \\'e, there fore, responding to these laudable senti-1 ments ot An. Van liuren, me compelled to believe that the outcry made by some of his friends for his* renomlion to and their strenuous exertions against tlie district plan of sending delegates to the national convenion, and against the *‘e quill and exact jiutice” of the vole, and count per capita, must be repugnant to his, and are evidently more inci ted by selfish con ideratiotis than w ith any view to nis wishes or advantage ; for j they are all well aware Lint the “same! principle which demands Ins restoration, ; w r ou Ud in and also liie restoration o. a. I j who lie and subordinate offices under him, fro n the cabinet minister down to the village postmaster.” Keso.ved, Tnat the proposed reform of! each Congressional l istiict electing, bv j the direct vote of the voters of the Dis- | tnct, its delegate to the National Uonven-! non, is net only consistent with the rig'jt mode of ascertaining the | opuiar wi',l, 1. Because this reform is perfectly con sistent with constitutional ri'vht-; ns it en;ib es each citizen to exercise with di-' r.-ct efficacy his co iscieutio'ns preference | in die choice of a delegate*, and takes no thing fro n his of suffrage by hav- j mg others substi'mi.d to eiect"a delegate for him: in other words, to do th tt which ho can do better and with less trouble for j him elf. 2. Because the usage of e’ecting dob -' gates to a County Convent i m to elect' delegates to a State Convention, which | shall elect delegates to the National Con- i ventiou, results in ;i delegation no less ! than three removes front the people. And this political machinery to re nove, pow eras far as possible from the bauds of the rightful owners, is not consistent with de mocratic principles. 3. Because the Constitution of the U. States allots Presidential Electors to each State, equal in number to the members it 1 sends to the House of Representatives, and two electors for the State at large. Hence the in.erence and right is clear, that each Congress onal district should also elect for itself a Presidential elector, while the State at large shon'd elect the two who correspond with the State rep resentation in the Senate of the United States. Therefore, in perfect consistency with the fundamental principles of thaso arrangements, each Congressiona' district should elect in the most direct manner, the delegate hy whom it shall be repre- i sented in the National Convention. Resolved, That the practice of voting and of counting the votes, which lias heretofore prevailed in our National Con ventions to nominate Presidential candi dates. is contrary to constitutional princi ples, and repugnant to natural justice; for, to vote p r capita, ad then count hy States, in other words, to vote individu- j ally, and then add the minority votes to the majority votes of each State, and count them all as majority votes, is such a violation of truth and right as has uev er prevailed in any legislative or deliber ative body; and w*e believe, that this shameless despotism over minorities, has only been tolerated in this land of free dom because of its not having been gen erally understood by the people. Resolved, That justice and a regard for the equal rights of' the States require that the delegates from the several States ought to be appointed in an uniform man ner, that in a Convention of delegates from many States, the di legates from all be pbiced on an e ptal footing ; thatahi s equality is destroyed by one delegation being appointed by a Stat ■ Convention; voting a conso idated ticket, by which, the votes justly belonging to a minority in that State, which may sympathize with a sufficient nuraVr of majorities in other States, to make a fair majority in the whole democratic party; are not on.y silenced, but impressed into the service of the majority, made to utter a voice against their wishes, while delegations from other States are elected hy districts 1 and voting per capita, are liable to lie, and generally will Le divided in their votes ; ■ it is unworthy the great State of .Y j Yoik, too strong from its own numbers, to desire to increase its strength dispro- 1 portionntelv by artificial combinations alike oppressive and unjust to the minor ity of their own political brethren in the State and to other States having delega tions e ected ty the peop’c in districts nr.d liable therefore to be divided m their votes, and that on this account, ns w«*ll as for the reasons alieady as-igtied; the 1 State Convention a! out to assemble at | Syu co e ought :o and c de that the X w dchg te o the Nation e Convention ; should be choscu Ly tl.e D-mouu:ic vo-1 ters in the several Congressional Districts —one to each district, aid that each del egate !>e allowed in convention to vote independently according to tlie wishes of the district sending him. Resolved, That we art; utterly opposed to all such precedents as voting individ ually and counting by States, not only for the self-evident injustice of the prin ciple, but because its practical operation enables two or three of the large States in combination, to effect the nomination of- such candidates as they prefer for the Presidency and Vice Presidency; thus forcing the smaller States to act as sub ordinate in the matter. We are opposed because there can be no harmony in the Democratic party when there is not “e --qual and exact justice.’ We are opposed because such despotism of the larger States, perfectly justifies the smal er States, in self-preservation, to take such steps as shall throw the election into the House of Representatives, where they can give the larger States, “measure for measure.” Resolved, That while the friends of the other Democratic candidates for the i Presidency are favorah e to the Di ,trk:t plan of sending delegates, ns well a- the vote and count per capita in the. Conven tin, we regret that many the friends of Air. Van Bnren have taken a stand in opposition to arrangements so obviously constitutional and just. Have they any doubts of the real popularity of tln*ir candidate to n a';e them fearful of trust ing hi p, to a Convention of delegates eb'-ebid by the* people themselves—to a Convention democratically organized and voting and counting the votes like all other representative bodies? Resolved, ‘i hat while we reverence the true voice of the people, and, would extend to the honest convictions of eve ry American citizen the same respect which we claim for our own, yet we will not bow dawn to any false image of public opinion that the of party may set lip: That while we are ready to vie'd much lo the spirit of har mony and democratic brotherhood, we will yield nothing to political jugglery : And we would remind the opponents of popular representation, that shou and they succeed in excluding any portion of the party from a voice in the nomination of President, they must at the same time ab so ve the per.ons exemded troin all ob.i gation to support their nominee at the election. Resolved, That it confirms our faith in tlie intel.igence of the people to per c ive the increasing popularity of Air. Calhoun in all parts of the Union, the efforts of a cordon of organized presses, and the proscriptive re-echoes of a host of ejecte I officials to the contrary notwith standing. We therefore recommend to friend-; of Air. Calhoun in every part of the United States, to hold meetings in or der to act in concert with each other for the sake of the cause, the man, and tlie country. And we call upon his friends in the several wards of this city to organ ize themselves to act in vindication of their constitutional rights when necessa sary. Messrs. Robert Townsend Ed mund S. Derry, Job : decker, E. B. Hart, Stephen lltshrouck, James L. Statton and George Dixey are hereby appointed (with instructions to fill vacancies as they may occur, in their number) as a special committee to call meetings and assist in forming ward Democratic Constitutional Associations. Resolved, That I. L. 11. McCracken. E nanuel B. Hart and John they are hereby appointed a Committee on behalf of this meeting to draft an ad dress to the people of the United States, setting forth the grounds of preference for John C. Calhoun as the Democratic candidate for tlie Presidency. From the Canton (Mis?) Democrat. Ever trii'* to the genius of sycophancy and petty gossip, many papers of the Uni ted States, and especially at the north,are fi kd with aniionncenijiits, wondering conjectures, and gaping curiosity about the Countess of Bes-ingto.i and one D'Orsay, wh i rejoices in the appellation oi Count. The fir-t is a sii|*eranu.ited wo nan of fashion, who has made up some vo.times of common p ace tra-h, filled with the fashionable follies of dissipation. She has been long* known to those who arc familiar with what Cobbett calls the “gin an I whiskey of literature.” The other individual of the male gender, is r - markable far nothing but being a first rate fop. If as such he is worthy the at tention of the American public, that same public, is more contemptible than he.— ’Tis said that fie once wrote a book, and if never to have seen it*, argues ignorance and rusticity, we are assuredly among the guilty ; and what is worse we arc con tent with that dep orable state. It is cer tainly udt as great a book as ‘Shakspeare’ or ‘Johnson’s Dictionary,’ or it would have made its appearance among the vul gar; though it is perhaps the case that it circulates only among the upper circles, and has not come down to the Atiglo- S ixon Americans. newspaper edi tor, and dabbler in small literature has said, that fie would rather see D'Orsay’s d:?crption of Niagira, than that of arty other mail livi ig. hwo id nodo.)b(be of a mid taking; We once heard of a knight of the needle, (we speak rospectfully,) who visited the great cataract, and gave tis Ids ‘first impression’ that it won and tie a good place to sponge a coat; alluding to the falling mist. D’Or say would probably say, that the scene would be much more attractive, if the spray was composed of il eou de vieil ” or “ bo'juet de Caro iae.” Greet concern is manifested, because exalted dignitaries travel incog. If they should corn:; and go without being seen, the consequences tq,the country would ha disastrous, and tlie injury irreparable. He who sees them will be happier than the man,whose optics were blessed with the sight, of Sterne’s man with the big nose. The American public ought to scorn to know or enquire the whereabout of these titled lazaroni, or whether they said any thing about us. The practice of making a pro digious fuss over the English who come here, has been so common, that these in dividuals seem to have made an attempt to avoid it • but some of our tattling,con temptib'e editors, with a curiosity and sycophancy which would disgrace tlie chamber-maids and! foot men of a village inn, are reporting their every motion and movement, and enquiring of all the world, what they will do, or where they will go next. MERCANTILE HONESTY. We find in die Boston Atlas of the Till inst, the following account of an instance of mercantile honesty: S une time, we beiieve, in the month of November, 1811, the mercantile house of Shelton, Brothers & < of this city— borne down by' the uncommon pressure of that lime—found it necessary to sus-. pend the payment of their debts, and to J do eup the business of tlie firm. Their creditors, after an investigation of their j concerns, agreed to receive fifty per cent, of the amount of their respective de mand:, and release the house entirely f oin their obligations. This agreement was entered into by all the crcditois.— The stipulated per centage was paid, and the demands cancelled. Since the time of the failure of the house, Alrf Henry Shelton, one of tlie partners has departed this life. Philip S. Shelton, E-q., the surviving partner, proceeded, with undaunted and per-evering energy, to wind up the con cerns of the 6ld firm, and lo commence business anew, oy ins own account. In his new enterprise,- we arc happy to say that he has been piosperous—and that he has made most honorable use of his pros|ierity. Oil Tuesday last, he made a new dividend among all his creditors, of twenty-five percent, upon the full amount of their cancelled demands against his former house, paying out to them the aggregate sum ot "forty thousand dollar for which they had no claim upon in * wh itever. This payment was entirely voluntary on his part —and it has been made, not only lo individual creditors, but, in some instances, to rich corpora tion, by whom the loss would not have been felt. Anecdote cf Ciikvercs. The Echo de Vesone relates the following an ecdote of Archbishop Chevertis. After the disastrous fire at Balius, which plung ed so many families in ruin, the Arch bishop commenced a collection for the sufferers, which, although very product ive, was still less than lie could have de sired. When he had exhausted all the ordinary appeals to the benevolence of the people of Bordeaux and its neighbor hood, he learnt that a grand ball was about to take place at Bordeaux, and in the midst of it he presented himself to the astonished dancers. The music im mediately ceased, and tlie and mcers stood still. “Goon,” said the Archbishop, “i am not come here to he a tr tible fete':' But the respect of the company for tlie Archbishop would not allow them to con tinue. “ Well, then,” said he, “if you will not dance, 1 must have a wal z for m,-self,” and making a signal for the or chesira the music was resumed, and the company again look their places. The Archbishop offered his hand to the lady nf the hou e and went round the circle with an open purse, collecting subscrip tions lor the sufferers of Saliris. It is needless to say t.iat he had an abundant receipt. From the Knickerbocker, for September. EDITORS TABLE:—THE PERSONAL MAN NE.t OF WASHINGTON. What a personal presence was that of the Fatii. k of his Country ! All accounts agree, in this. We heard an old gentleman say, not long ago, that when a clerk in Philadelphia, he used to walk two or three squares every morn ing, to meet Washington as he caine down Market street to his quarters. ‘The dignity,’ said he, ‘of his movements, the lirace of his salutation, and the calm sweetness of his smile, were beyond de scription or comparison.’ Sitting the other clay on a long, scarcely a stone’s throw from where Andre was captured, and not far from the little Sleepy-Hollow church, we conversed an hour with a revolutionary patriot, tremulous with the p i'sy of age, who pointed out to us the spot, overthj Tappan Sea which lay be iore us; where Andre was hung, and where, on that day, the troops ‘spread out thick and black a long way from the gallows.’ He lived at Verplanck’s Point, close by, when Arnold came down in his barge, and went on board the Vulture, all which he himself saw. ‘They fired two cannon at the barge,’ said he, ‘from this side : having got news of the treason by express ; but the gun burst at the se cond discharge, and took off the legs, to the thighs, of one poor fellow, who was brought to our house, but he died, in two hours.’ ‘The army then lay at Bedford,’ continued the old veteran ; ‘and l saw 6fen. Washington almost every day. He was a noble-looking man; his counte nance was terribly pleasant. He did not talk much, but even the little children fairly loved him ; and they used to gath er about tlie door of his marquee every morning, to see him ; and he used to pat their heads and smile on them; it was (beautiful to see.’ How uniform and uni versal is this ‘testimony of the eye’ in the recollections of Washington. F o i the Portland American. * Young Air. Converse, who was so roughly treated by three ruffians, at New Orleans, a short time since, has publish ed a statement which adds to the myste ry of the transaction. He says that an? other attempt on his life was made on the night of August 22d; when he was passing through the yard fie saw a man level a pistol at him; but before it could be fired, he himself fired at the man who instantly rar. off. He publishes two notes which had been left by some unknown person at his brother’s house, where fie lives, one of them being stuck in the key hole. They are in the words following. Note First.— “ You have escaped; your life is safe on one condition ; if you attempt to do any business for Wm. J. Ryan 6c Cos., until his return, you shall die the death, as sure as my name is Revenge.” You have proved yourself no coward ; this is not to frighten you. Beware. Note Second. —“ You have heard said that the pitcher that goes often to the well gets broken at last. Twice you have escaped ; and if it had not been for your spunk, last night would have been your last. You must desist from doing any thing for Bryan, as I told you. The reason why you shall never know. You can’t catch me. Do nothing whatever, mid wheißhe returns you can do as you like. You will never hear from me more. Ido not wish to kill you, but I shall do it if you do not take my warn ing. I have promised—l am paid to prevent you doing business while he is absent. Take my advise, and live.” THE FEVER AT RONDOUT. Alayor Morris, of New York, has pub lished the following note: liondnut, Sept. 5,1843. —We, the un dersigned, from a full investigation of the character of the febrile disease now existing at Rondout—an investigation based upon the features of the disease iu the living and the appearance of the in ternal organs after death—have arrived at the following conclusions: 1. The disease is a Bilious Remittent Fever, with a great tendency to assume the typhoid type. 2. So far as our personal knowledge extends, and so far as we cau learn from others, we are decidedly of opinion that there has not been a single case of Yel low Fever in this locality, nor has there been a single case accompanied with the black vomit peculiar to that disease. 3. As regards the question of the con tagious nature of this disease, our opin ion in tlie negative is equally decided. JAMES R. MANLEY, M. D. SAMUEL FORRY, M l). Os New York City. EDWIN JEWETT, M. I). Os Rosendale. RIGHT. AVc infer from the following, which we take from the Madisonian, that if is the intention to use the broom in the offi ces at Washington. It is a work much needed. There is a vast deal of puppy ism among the clerkships of the depart ments. A purification is decidedly ne cessary. When at Washington, we vis ited the Treasury Department, and in trying to find the Secretary’s office, in quired of a super-refined, dapper cleric the way to it. He stuck his quizzing glass to his eye, surveyed tire structure of our boots and the texture of our cloth deliberately, and then drawled out— •‘ Demme, sir—do you t ike me for a por-’ taw ?” But to the extract:— “ We have never been the advocate of •general sweeps’ in Washington or else where ; but nevertheless, we think in common with others, that among the six or eight hundred office-holders in this District, at least a fourth of the number every four years might, with advantage to the Government, give way for others ‘fresh from the people.’ ” A new weapon! —lsaacc Homey was held to hail in Philadelphia the other day, for pelting the windows of Rosanna Si ferhelt’s house with— apple dumpling.-. Procrastination is the thief of time. JNO. 19.