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Ido what in me lies, to avert a very
<r:rnt and threatening evil in the only
way in whicli my effort can he effective.
If we should wait until we found a can
didate entirely unexceptionable in every
respect, before casting our vote for him,
through fear of endorsing what is wrong,
it would be exceedingly rare in this im
perfect state that we should feel it our
duty logo to the pel Is at all. We should
virtually disfranchise ourselves.
Cut Mr. Clay, slaveholder as he is has
given abundant evidence through a long
life, by many public declarations and
nets, that he is at least no friend to slave
ry, and would take earnestly hold o (any
scheme which he should see to be practi
cable for its removal. lam not without
hope of yet seeing him before he dies, an
ardent advocate of universal emancipa
tion. 1 am aware he is opposed to the
present abolition movements, and 1 am
sorry for it; but he is honestly opposed
to us and I think when he comes better
to understand the views and purposes of
the great body of anti-slavery men at the
north, he will think better of us, and
sympathise m our feelings and doings
against slavery. But it is asked again,
how can a Christian vote for a mail so
morally corrupt as Henry Clay ? I put
but littleconlidencein the representations
of a mail's character by exasperated poli
tical opponents, whose interest it is to
magnify his defects, and hide his excel
lencies. That Henry Ciay in years past
has beeu deeply effected with ihe fash
ionable vices of the society where he
has lived is probably but too true, and if
he suffers for them now it is but a just
retriUition, of which be has no right to
complain ; but that Mr. Clay’s character
is now and has been for years as good
as that of most of our public men who
are not professing Christians, Ido hon
estly believe ; and when 1 hear such pure
and spotless men as John Quincy Adams
and Theodore Freliughuysen, who have
for years been in habits of the closest po
litical and social intimacy with him,
speak of him as a patriot and as a man
iu the most eulogistic strains, I cannot be
made to believe by the exaggerated re
presentations of bis political enemies, that
he is so very corrupt. It does not stand
to reason, it is a moral inconsistency
which cannot Ixj believed. These re
presentations are all made for political
effect, and not from tiny regard to the
public morals. Mr. ('lay has never been
intemperate, I am assured on the best
authority : and in all bis relations as a
citizen, husband and lather, be is unex
ceptionable and exemplary. Asa mas
ter he is proverbially kind and indulgent.
Unless weaclupon the principles that we
will vote for no ruai: who is not achristian,
it is not easy to draw the line delining
the extent of moral qualification which ]
ought to satisfy our conscience. It is
clear, however, the Christian’s duty, is to
withhold his vote from every man ob
viously wanting in moral integrity and
voluntarily addicted to vice. To put
Mr. Clay in this class, would, I have no
doubt, be a foul slander. In the coming
contest, however, tfie great issue which l
think 1 have fairly stated, sinks the re
spective candidates as individuals very
much out of the way. They are to be
regarded rather as the exponents of two
widely different and adverse policies.—
If one succeeds, we are to have a slave
holding nation whose inhabitants rebelled
from their rightful government, and con
quered a free country, and cursed its vir
gin soil by planting upon it the foulest
system of oppression ou which the sun
ever shone, yoked to the car of our des
tiny ; by which act we shall plunge into
a bloody war, saddled with a delt of un
counted millions—the organic law of our
glorious constitution destroyed—the po
litical relations between the north and
south changed—the demon of slavery
placed upon a throne ‘high and lifted up,’
where he can laugh to scorn our puny
efforts to dethrone him ; and our country
made a hissing and by word throughout
the civilized world. And all this to
please the unblushing advocates of per
petual slavery, and a set of unprincipled
and selfish speculators in Texas land
script. The notion of the southern an
nexationist is open and avowed. It is to
extend and secure the pecular institution.
The correspondence connected with the
late treaty negotiations shows this be
yond contradiction. This view of the
question cannot be blinded.
If the other succeeds, then all the evils
we have enumerated will be averted.—
We shall have no Texas, no war, no
change in the constitution, no national
disgrace, and the peculiar institution in
our country left as it is, to stand or fall
upon the -territory it has already cursed
and withered and exhausted of life, sub
ject to the influences which are now suc
cessfully assailing it. What hater of
slavery—what lover of his country can
hesitate as to the course of duty in this
crisis ?
Thus I have imperfectly set forth my
views of personal duty in the approach
ing canvass. I felt it due to friends with
whom I have politically acted for same
time past to be thus frank, that they
might understand and appreciate my mo
tives. I wish to act openly and honest
ly in all that I do, and refrain from every
tliing which 1 should feet ashamed to be
proclaimed from the house-tops. A great
and fearful crisis, in my opinion, presses
upon this nation. I wish so to discharge
TnV duty in reference to it as to preserve
a conscience void of offence towards Gcd
mid man.
An explosion coming. —The Boston
Post says- —“ We undestand that the ar
ticles which appeared in the Madisonian,
reflecting upon the character of
11. nry Olay, and were published while
Mr. Webster was vSecrctary of State, anony
nv.nsly. are to appear again, shortly, with
the author’s name attached, viz/ Daniil
‘•Our Country.”
The follow itig beautiful apostrophe to
“ Our Country,” is the conclusion of .an
article in. the Southern Quarterly Re
view, on the characteristics of American
! and English statesmen :
And oh f our country, there was a
i Power—a Power from on high, that ner
ved thee in the dread hour of contest and
revolution. It will shield thee yet ;it
will be present to preserve thee inviolate,
amid the dangers which so thick! v sur
-1 round. May thy Temple be preserved
i from the unholy footstejis of the dema
gogue,—from the scourge of ambition,
tlie desolation of party ; may the fires
upon thine altars be re-lit. and bum with
a purer and a steadier lustre, —consu--
ming, purifying &. sending up to heaven
alone, the incense of love uud devotion.
May the priest, as he enters to officiate in
thy rites put off his shoes and uncover his
head, and be conscious that it is upon
consecrated ground he stands; may he
feel and realize to the full extent, that he
is a ‘minister of God for good,’* and that
iiis every action is regarded. Arnid am
bition’s airy but desolating schemes, —
amid its plots and its devices, —its rest
lessness and its recklessness, —its blind
ness and its impiety ; amid the triumphs
of faction, the shouts of victors, the des
peration of the vanquished ; amid the do
minion of passion, immorality and vice,
with a party for Cmsar, and a party for
Pompey, and a party for Crassus, but no
party claiming for Koine ; —may there be
found a redeeming spirit to disenthral
and regenerate, —to breath upon thy es
cutheoo, —to cleanse thy leprosy,—lo re
suscitate and bring thee forth altogether
lovely,—to elevate thee to that nitche in
the world’s great theatre, the wonder and
admiration of mankind ; one prayer for
thy existence and glory—one blessing
upon those who have been faithful—one
giooniy tempest about the heads of thy
And, to you, spirits of our fathers,
would our thoughts ascend, —to you,
who nurtured and guarded the infant
days of Liberty, and tenderly watched
her first essays at flight,—to you noble
ones, who resisted bondage, friumphed
over power, and broke its cliains-we a
degenerate progeny, look up, and, like the
man of Athens, would rouse ourselves
and countrymen by the recollections of
brighter days. Be present, high and ex
alted examples of patriotic virtue, —be
present, melancholy names of those who
sealed with their blood the compact of
our freedom, —be present, ye of every
country and age and clune, who have
loved liberty and hated tyrants,—be pres
ent, that we may be cheered, in these our
days of direst need, by your ever glori
ous example. And Thou, the great Ru
ler of the universe, in whose hands the
‘ nations are,’ hear us when we deprecate !
thy gathering wrath, and invoke thy bles- !
sings* upon our country. Strengthen—
sustain ; bless the true, nerve the patriot,
arm the statesman, overwhelm with con
fusion the crafty and corrupt,-and, if there
be no impiety in the prayer a great states
man uttered,' —if it be necessary, ‘ and
there remains a thunderbolt, Jet it de
scend on the head of him who would
ride to glory over the ruins of his coun
’Romans xiii. 4.
F'rom the P&ttnhnrgh (Va.) Republican
Letter from itfr C alhoun
We have considered it unnecessary to ;
say any thing in vindication of this pure
Patriot mid eminent Statesman from the !
charges so falsely broughtup against him j
by Wing newspapers and stump orators,
that tie is disaffected to the Union. His
own spotless character, his entire history
contradicted it. But at the request, not
of Democrats, but of some Whigs, who
in their political indifference, do not for
get all truth and decency, we ventured,
though but slightly acquainted with Mr.
Calhoun, to represent to him the calum
nies which were circulated concerning
him. In reply we had the honor to re
ceive the following truly eloquent letter.
“ State Department, (
Ist August, 1844. )
Sir—l duly estimate your motives for
giving me the information you have, but
the charge of being unfriendly to the
Union is utterly unfounded, and so ob
viously for mere electioneering purposes
that i cannot think it worthy of serious
refutation on my part. The whole ten
or of my long public life contradicts it,
and every friend and acquaintance 1
have, knows it to be false. My life has
l»een devoted to the service of the Union,
and the constant and highest object of
my ambition has been to preserve and
perpetuate it, with our free, popular, fed
eral system of Government.
But according to my opinion, justice,
equity, and a strict adherence to the con
stitution are the basis of our Union, and
they who most firmly maintain them,
are its best and truest friends, nnd not
those who most vociferously cry out dis
union and at the same time embrace
those, who openly avow their opposition
to the Union, but push with all their zeal,
measures, which they know will, if suc
cessful, end in its destruction.
With great respect, vVc. &c. etc.,
T. C. Reynolds, Esq.
Extract of a letter, dated
Carlisle, (la.) July 15.
“ Polk, Dallas, nud Texas go it iu this
region with a perlect rush. Every old
Jackson democrat in Indiana that was
decoyed olffrom his party in ’4O, is re
turning to the standard of Polk and Tex
as. You well recollect how Old Hick
ory used to sweep the state. So will
Young Hickory sweep it. You must
j recollect Mr. Clay never did get the vote
jof Indiana, and he never will. The
i whigs are very much chopiallen ; their
countenances are elongated very much
after the fashion of a motherless colt that
has been fed on buckwheat straw during
bad fiteather.”— Spectator,
“ Xut ihegl&ry of Ctioczr, but the welfare of Home."
MACON, WEDXESOAY, August 11, 1811.
Os Tennessee.
Os Pennsylvania.
For the State at Large.
ALFRED IVERSON, of Muscogee.
For the District*.
Ist dist. ROUT M. CHARLTON, of Chatham.
2nd “ BARZILLA! GRAVES, of Stewart.
3d 11 GEORGE \V. TOWNS, of Talbot.
4th “ WILLIAM F. SAMFORD, of Meriwether.
sth “ CHARLES MURPHY, of Cass.
6th “ WM. R WOFFORD, of Hatersliam.
7th “ HEUSCHELL V. JOHNSON, of Baldwin.
Bth “ ELI H. BAXTER, of H#Orock.
’ihe office of the “American
Democrat” has been removed lo the
Second Story of the Building on Mul
berry Street, formerly occupied by ihe
Branch of the Bank of Darien. It is
now easy of access, and well supplied
with Job- Type of every description. —
Bills, pamphlets, and all kinds of Job
work will be done at the lowest prices
on SHORT NOTICE. A portion of
the patronage of our friends and the
public is respectfully solicited.
T. S. Reynolds.
Mr. Ross* cummilnic.'U if >n was unavoiJaliljf crowd
—l out to-day, it will appear in our next.
The Democracy of the city and comi
ty deserve great credit for the spirit with
which they have entered the present can
vass Our Democratic Hall whenever
opened is filled by our friends who evince
by their spirit and zeal a determination to
do their duty in the approaching strug
gle—this is right—and we honor them
for their anxious and untiring efforts in
the good cause in which we are mutually
engaged. The association was address
ed on Saturday evening last by R. M.
Johnston, Esq. of Hancock, and F. Hill,
Elsq. of this county, in speeches replete
with elonuetice sound roaorailn ff and r>a
triotic fervor, which reflected much cred
it on these young champions of Democ
racy. On Monday evening the associa
tion was addressed by Mr. Whitfield of
Hawkinsville in an argumentative and
able speech which was well received by
the numerous audience present. Keep
the fire up and let the people have a plain
unvarnished history of the issues belore
them, and the sun of Democracy will
shine on every battle field.
<Hir Convent ioia at Ylacon,
Thursday } . Sir trust 22, 1844.
It is at hand. The opponents of a
Dank and Tariff, the friends of the im
mediate annexation of Texas—those in
favor of a strict construction of the Con
stitution and opposed to the abrogation
of the veto power—the States right
men of-98 and -32, in the several coun
ties of the State with their public speak
ers—and all the friends of our glorious
Constitution and union—of Texas—Polk
—Dallas and Democracy are each and
vited and requested to join their Repub
lican brethren at Macon, on Thursday,
the 22d inst. Let the young men of the
party, those who are about to exercise
lor the first time the high privilege of an
American citizen come—let those in the
middle and prime of life come—let the
old and experienced men of the party,
those who have in many a well fought
field in days gone by bom aloft in tri
umph the glorious ensign of Democracy
come. Let all come, and let the states
man and patriot, the brave and highmind
ed as he exults in the glorious prospect of
the scene around him be encouraged by
the presence and animated by the smiles
of the bright and lovely as well as by the
patriotic of the land—let all come.
Let Georgia rouse herself as of old and
show her Republican sisters that she con
temns the federal doctrines of Henry
Clay as much in 1844 as she did in the
days of the coalition during the adminis
tration of Adams in 1824. We are hap
py to announce to our friends that some
of the most distinguished orators of this
and the adjoining states have been invi
ted to join us on that occasion and ad
dress the multitude. Many of them have
already signified their intention to attend
! —and great will lie their attraction. The
accounts of preparations we have already
received from different sections of the
[ state convince us that the gathering will
probably surpass any thing of the kind
! heretofore witnessed in Georgia—and
! we again in the name of the Democracy
j of the city of Macon and county of Bibb
specially and particularly, and hereby
cordially invite and request' our friends
to come forward and join us in the gcae
ral congratulations nyd joys of our great
Democratic festival at Macon.
We invoke the attention of every true
hearted Southerner to this important de
volopement of the designs of the aboli
tion, or liberty party, as they style them
selves, by a prominent member of that,
precious fraternity. Mr. B. says “no
matter how it may have been received in
the South, Mr. Clay’s letter is regarded
as entirely satisfactory to the North.—
The strongest abolitionist can find no
fault with it.” Ipanothei place. “To my
friend, it (the question) is clearly and in
dubitably this: Whether Texas, as she
is, with her slavery and her debts, is to
be immediately annexed to this Union
or not ? In other words, whether slave
ry in this country is to be placed, hu
manely speaking, hopelessly beyond the
reach of anti-slavery efforts, and forever
or indefinitely perpetuated, or to be left
as it is, exposed to the opposing influen
ces which are now so actively and pow
erfully at work, hastening its overthrow.
We are informed that the Whigs intend
to evade the force of this letter by denoun'
cing it as a forgery. We have preserved
the whig paper in which it was publish
ed, and intend to do so carefully for ref
erence at any moment. Are Southern
men so infatuated as to oppose annexation
or to support those who are pledged
against it now and forever ?
We understand that a large portion of
the “ last best gift of God to man,” the
ladies from this and the adjoining coun
ties intend honoring with their presence
our great Democratic festival on the 22d
inst. Let them come, and participate in
the great intellectual treat of that joyous
day. Let the patriotism of the fathers
and sons of the state as they gather on
that day to renew their vows to freedom
and their country, be equalled only by
the charms and smiles of the mothers and
daughters, the fair and lovely of the land
then assembled ; and let the inspiring in
fluence of beauty, the charms of elo
quence, and the fervor of patriotism, ns
they mingle together on that day, send
forth an influence that will redeem the
state from the pollution of federalism,
nnd place her on that elevated ground for
which God and her destiny intended her.
From the letter of our correspondent it
will be seen that our friends are in high
spirits in that county as wel as in other
parts of the district, and we have no
doubt, judging from the indications
which we every day see and the state
ments of well informed men, that Col.
Chappell, the anti-tariff, annexation can
didate will tut be slayed this time, even
though he be hunted to the very “altars
of Democracy.”
A glorious rally of the Democracy of
the Bth Congressional district, and their
friends in the neighboring districts in
South Carolina, was held at Augusta on
Tuesday the Sth inst. The meeting
was large and enthusiastic, and augurs
well for the success of our principles in
that quarter. It was addressed by seve
ral distinguished gentlemen of this state;
and by Pickens, Elmore, Bellinger and
others from South Carolina. We con
gratulate our Democratic friends in the
Bth district, nnd bid them God speed in
It will be seen that the convention
which assembled at Augusta on Monday,
the sth inst., has, by a unanimous vote,
selected lion. Edward J. Black of
Scriven as the Democratic candidate for
Congress in that District. This nomina
tion is a good one. Mr. B. will bear
himself well in the coming contest—and
although that district was gerrymandered
to suit the whigs, Mr. Toombs will have
his hands full between (his and October
—and unless we are greatly mistaken in
the spirit of the people of that district
Mr. T. may yet find himself bereft, when
the election is over, of every other laurel
but his celebrated New York speccli in
which he openly avows the damnable
doctrine that protection should be given
only to the industry of the free white la
borer. Large as the whig majority is in
that district, we don’t believe that they
will subscribe to such sentiments by elec
ting Mr. Toombs.
Mr. ( lay's op imm of the constitutionality ol
a United Slates Bank in 1811.
DER IT, to renevj the charter of the
bank. “To legislate upon the ground
merely that our predecessors thought
themselves authorized, under similar cir-
CTtmsfcmces to legislate, is TO SJINC
USURPATION.” “ Such a vast por
tion ol the circulating medium of the
countrv in the hands of any corpora
tion, will be DANGEROUS TO OUR
So m after making this unanswerable
argument, he was elected bank Att’ry,
and received a large salary lor his ser
vices. Mr. Clay was never known there
after to utter a word against it, hut has
always been its fast friend ever since.
Was it the large retaining fee given him
by the bank, which so suddenly enligh
tened him, as tofts “expediency” and con
stitutionality ?
We take the subjoined proceedings of
a meeting of the Democracy of Charles
ton from the Mercury of Saturdaj' last,
from which it will be seen that the noble
and high-souled Democracy of Charles
ton intend joining us by hundreds on the
occasion of our great Democratic festival
on the 22d.
1. Resolved, That the resolution to at
tend a Mass Meeting of the Democrncy
of Georgia at Macon, be accepted by the
Young Men’s Democratic Association,
and that the Democrats of the city gen
erally, be requested to join in the accept
ance of the invitation.
2. Resolved, That all of us who can,
will attend, and that one and all we will
endeavor to procure as numerous a del
egation as possible to join our brother
Democrats of Georgia on the designated
3. Resolved, That a Committee of 20
be appointed to make the neccessary ar
rangements for our attendance.
4. Resolved, That the Committee of
Arrangements he directed to invite the
Democratic Delegation to the Macon
Meeting from Richmond and the adja
cent counties of Georgia to pass through
Charleston on thoir way to Macon.
Under the third resolution, the Chair
appointed the following gentlemen the
Committee of Arrangements, viz:—John
Cheesborough, John F. Gordon, Win.
Alston Pringle, M. C.Strobe!, G. N. Key
nolds,Jr., Win. A. King, A. O. Andrews,
Alfred Prince, S. Y. Tapper, W. L.
Cleveland, F. C. Mathiessen, George
Kerr, J. C. Walker, Charles Clapp, Peter
B. Lalane, James H. Dingle, M. Roddy,
Jr., B. P. Colburn, J. 11. Ferguson, W.
A. Hayne.
The following Gentlemen were then
unanimously elected honorary members
of the Association.
The Hon. A. 11. Chappel, TTon. J. C.
Alford, Hon. Edward J. Black, Col. 11.
Y. Johnson, Dr. J. G. McWhorter, Sol
omon Cohen, and James Gardner, Esq.
The Meeting then adjourned.
W. D. PORTER, President.
W. G. Desaussure, i o . •
, ... ’ > Secretaries.
A. V . D awsom,
C3? The Savannah Georgian of the
lUlh inst. says:
“The rates to Macon on the Central
Rail Road, for delegates to the iVlass Con
vention, on the 22d inst will be as fol
lows :
From Savannah and all points on the
road, up to the 50 mile station : s*2 00
From the 50 mile station to the 1 IB 1 50
From the 110 to the 150 :::::: 100
From the 150 to Macon :::::: 50
In returning the same rates will be
Delegates to the Macon Convention
from St. Marys, Brunswick mid Darien,
will be conveyed to Savannah and back,
for the price of a single passage, or one
way, in the St. Matthews.
The Jonesboro’ (Tennessee) Whig,
edited by a delegate to the Whig Nation
al Convention at Baltimore, Parson
Browklow, contains the following edi
torial remarks : “ Our opinion is that
there is to be no peace in this vast coun
try ’til the Mormons and Catholics are
exterminated.” To show the high opin
ion the whigs have of this Rev*, pothouse
politician it is only necessary to add that
we believe he was among the invited
guests to the great Whig Convention re
cently held in Madison : if he was not,
the Miscellany can correct us.
tfjr’ 'The Georgian of Saturday last,
says t
“ All the Banks in our city yesterday
determined to charge 1-2 per cent pre
mium for checks on New York, as char
ged last week by the Marine & Fire In
surance Bank, which course has been a
dopted by our Banks owing to the opera
tions consequent on the Charleston banks
demanding half percent prom.”
The following extract we make from
the correspondent of the Savannah Geor
gian, at Syracuse, New York. The let
ter of Burchard, to which allusion is
here made, will be found in another col
umn of this day’s paper—to which we
ask the particular attention of every
southern man. Let the people of Geor
gia read it, and see what they can expect
from the northern allies of Mr. Clay and
the whig party.
w The shifting scenes of the political
•■’Telia, ever cand anon, throw up for spec
ulation some new and exciting topic.—
The Texas question was the first. After
many committals on both sides, the
Whigs have determined to make it the
"rent point on which the election shall
hinge. It made quite a scrambling
among the various political forces, and
almost, if not rfnite, succeeded in aceom-'
phshir.g the design—securing the AbcJi--
lienists. This has indeed injured us be
cause theßiruey men seize upon the oc -
casion to show their old devotion to*
Whiggery, and ally themselves to the'
Clay cause, (vide Burchard’s letter.) i a
this way they endeavor to make Texas
and Abolitionism questions before the
Northern People. At their Convention
here, at which they assembled some 800 ff
or 9000, I saw upon the stage a large ban
ner, on which was painted a negrofehain
ed heavily, with no clothing on, and over
him the words “am I not a man and a
brother ?” This was the representative
of the Texas question. Side hy side
with this was a full length portrait of
Clay—and directly beneath was ex-Gov.
Seward making an abolition speech, and
a very warm one too. So you see, the dou
blefaced dealing extends irom one end of
the party to the other, and throughout the
whole length nnd breadth of their policy.
It is man worship, not principles, for
they admit of no such hypocrisy.”
“Clubs of ten will be supplied wilh 10
copies of the Weekly Georgian, with 28
columns of matter, from the Ist of August
to Ist of November next* (or five dollars
being 50 cents each for three months. ’
Where not convenient to make up ten
names, four copia will be fui \v«idol fur
two dollars, free of postage to the pub
lisher, in all cases.”
We would be happy to send the names
of scuh of our friends in the' up coun
try, who maybe desirous of taking an able
commercial, as well as Democratic pa
per, from our principal seaport, to the
Office of the “ Georgian.” It is one of
the very ablest democratic Journals at
the south, as well as in Georgia, and wc
would most willingly lend our aid to its
wider circulation in the interior.
The returns from North Carolina come
in slowly. The counties already heard
from show a Democratic gain in the pop
ular vote tdnee 1842. We have never
claimed North Carolina at this election,
but from the signs of the times there it
will not surprise us to see her alligning
herself with her Democratic sisters iu
November. Our friends have lost some
members in the Legislature by not run
ning full tickets in every county —and
the whigs will probably have 10 or 15
on joint ballot. Graham (whig) is prob
ably elected Governor by a dimished ma
jority over Hoke (Democrat.) But Polk
cart beat Clay easy enough without North
Carolina, and now that the federal whigs
are preparing their friends for a possible
defeat in Kentucky, the very citadel of
whiggery in 1840, we are entirely satis
fied with our prospects in North Carolina
—and if we cannot carry these states
now, we are cheered and encouraged by
seeing our friends reduce a majority of
some 35 to 40,000 to a mere handful.
Wo have received the returns from a
few counties in this Gibralter of domocra
cy, which show a democratic gain of
some 1,000 votes. Wc will have the
state by at least 10,000 majority—now,
and 20,000 in November.
Young Hickory, Dallas .and Texas,
have carried every thing before them in
that strong hold of whiggery by a large
majority. They havealsocarriedßarbour
and Clark counties by increased' majori
ties. AH hail to the democracy of Ala
bama—“order reigns in Warsaw.” The
Young giant of the Gulph, although yet
in his cradle, has strangled the hydra
headed monster of’whiggery, and rebuk
ed most signally the fawning advocates
of British domination throughout her
borders. All hail—alljiail again to Ala
bama. v
From the Messenger’s account of the
meeting at Forsyth last week, one unac
quainted with the parties who addressed
if, would suppose that the whig champ
ion, Mr. Stephens, demolished his op
ponents entirely; and that' Mr. S. was
not only a great man in Georgia, but one
of the master spirits, and leading intelli
gences of the age.
The whigs are so much in the habit of
puffing, hy a kind of hot house system,,
ordinary tenth, rate lawyers into great
statesmen and orators, that we feel very
little disposition to join issue with them,
and seldom notice what they say in th~
way, consoling ourself hy one of /F^P 8
profound reflections, that when certain
animals are inflated to the size a
they invariably explode.
Extract of a letter to die editor, dated
Jacksonboi**) tSe.’iveil county, }
August 12, 1844. )
“ The democracy of old Scriven will
be represented in ti e great Mass Con
vention at Macon on the 22d. We will
send lOflor loftof the hardy yeomauary
of this county, to show you that all is
well here, and that the party will support
the nomination of James K- lolk an
George M, Dallas, as the standard bearers
of democracy with great enthusiasm.
Scrivcn will give a good account of her