Newspaper Page Text
ti Uu
MlLL&DGEVlLLEt published (weekly) by DENNIS I., nr AN.
i fires/jDri/gs& Medicines
Dr. Wilson,
IS NOW OPENING, at his Apo-
thtcj'-y Shop in Milledgtvillt, an
off ‘ tment of articles iti the DRUG
^ LINE, received from New-Toi k,
L whit'\hc is felling levs far cajh cr to
funrutol cujlomtrs on a credit,
Oil of Popper-
1 Opium,
Mint, [ditto.
Oil ol Common
' Caniharides,
1 Caftor Oil,
Sugar Candy,
Peper-Mint Lo-
f Calomel,
| Rheubarb,
J Cream of Tar
1 ter,
^Tartar Emetic.
Red I.ead,
Sugar of Lead,
11 Verdegreafe,
Oil of Vitriol,
Tooth Powder.
Nitric Acid,
if Lip Salve,
Ring’s Yellow,
I Senna,
Yellow Ochre,
Shaving Soap,
j| Peruvian Bark.
Caftile Soap,
Wafh Balls,
Batem’s. Drops.
Copal Varnifii,
1 Turlington’s
jpirits of Tur-
u Britifh Oil. StcdCopperas.
l December 9
1 Refpertfully informs his friends
that he has removed to the
lUhoufe occupied by the late Oo-
IlYernor Irwin, where his ufual
ilAttention will be paid to their
I calls.
December 26, 1809.
From Cobb fit's Weekly Political Re
Jubii.f.e.»—Threis every rea-
fon to fuppofe, that a peace ‘s
now concluded between Franc*
and Auftria; that is to lay.
that the latter has, in due form,
fubmitted to the domination
of the former, which former,
beitobferved,the king has, upon
a very recent occafton, declared
to be our inveterate enemy. Wei 1
then, here is our molt powerful
friend and ally, bent down, at
lafl, beneath this our enemy.
But, it is towards the event, now
naturally to be exported, that
we are to look ; for the fubdu-
ing of Auftria is, in fart, the
mere fignal for the great and
fteady proceedings againft En
gland. Napoleon may now
be regarded as having the whole
of the continent of Europe at
his abfolute command, Spain b
Portugal only excepted ; and,
were not thofe countries a (Riled
with the ftatefman-like advice
and the military fkill and prow-
efs of the Well flays, to com
plete their fubjugation, would
certainty not colt him nuny
months ; nay there are thofe
who appear to believe, that both
the noble marquis and his bro
ther the baton will find it their
duty to come home, in order
to give their perfonal aid to
their fovereign and his govern
ment, and that this move will
take place before Napoleon will
poleon, when having finifhed
die conqutfl of the continent,
will fay to himfelf, ‘ come that
1 is enough •, and, 1 will not on-
• iy leave England nuattempted,
• but will amicably (hike hands
‘ with her, and leave her in quiet
‘ pofleflion of thofe means,
‘which (he has fo frequently
‘ employed for the flirring up
* of other nations againft me, b
* for the putting down me and
‘ all tny family.’ No : eVen the
Dixons and their piftry-cook
co-operator; nay,1 hardly .believe
that, poet Fitzgerald is fo exe
crably ftupi.l as to fupoofe this
No ; that man nauft be flaring
mid, who d not fee, that the
feviou& warfare between En
gland and France is only now
beginuing ? that it is now the
beginning of dangers; that all
former and prefent dangers are
trifling compared to thofe which
are now about to menace us; of
this truth every man of fenfe
muft be convinced, and yet this
is the time when we are to hold
a national jubil c ; when, even
on this very day, cn which I
ana writing this article all the
means of intoxication have been
applied to the thoughtlefs part
of the people ; an d as if we were
in love with warlike failure and
difgrace, we anlwer with can
nonades of joy, thofe which the
ptor ; juft as if they could not,
if they had been lb difpofed,
have relieved the potn on any
other day, as well as on the 2.5th
of Ortober, 1809.— Thus the
thing originated, and that the
main object of the J ews add con
tractors was to amufe the peo
ple, to keep them, as long as
poflibb, from doubt.— There
is a man of the name of Drum
raond, who is, it appears, the
commandant of a corps of Vol
unteers in Weftminftcr called
the prince of Walts’ loyal vol
unteers, who his published a let
ter, or order, to his corps, in
which he clearly imputes dishy-
city to every one of the corps,
v;ho intentionally is abfent from
p trade on that cl iy. This min,
who is, it is laid, the kings bin
her, has faid no more than others
—and, the till is, that, either
in dlred or indirect terms, the
lews, jobbers, contrartors, na
bobs, penfioners, a id finecure-
placcmen, who have put them
felves farwars upon this occa-
fion, have charged with disloyal
iy all thofe wh ) difapprove of
the mealure, which charge, if it
were not falfe, would to? dread
fully ominous io the royal fami
ly ; for, I will venture to fay,
that the tneafure is decidedly
tiifapproved of by thofe who
poflefs nine hundred and ninety
enemy, from the c.ppofite coaft, nine parts out of every thoufand
is firing in token of the com-i of the fenfe, the talents, the vir-
plexion of a peace wen by his ' tue, and the property of the
fkill and valor, while v/e have I country—There is to be a grand
before our eyes the miferable
adventures upon the Scheldt b
the Tagus. We appear to have
be able to get back to iipain. I j 0 ft a ft fl nme ; to befo far from
If this fliould be the cafe ; if
Having taken the plantation
lately occupied by Mr. Samuel
..Johnfon, on the road leading
from Ragans’ Mill to Clinton ,
1 Offers his fervices to the citizens
l eif Baldwin county & its vicini-
yd‘ly in the practice of
/f Medicine, Surgery
j and
lj Having been occupied for
I fome years paft in an extenfive
»nd .fuccefsful prartice, in an
Stdjident county, he prefumes to
poffefs fome knowledge of the
[i oiifeafes incident to this potion
fl of Georgia.
Prompt attention will be paid
j to every call, and the charges as
Spain and Portugal fliould be
thus deprived of the talents cf
the heroes of Calcutta and Tal-
avera, their doom is foaled at
once. In. fhort, when we foe
the Wellefleys come away,
we may be fure, that, in their o-
pinion at leaf!, the house is about
to fall. But, whether they come
away or remain, the fhort of the
matter is, that, with the excep
tion, perhaps, of the penfioned
poet,Fitzgerald,the editor of the
fad finking Morning Poft, and
a few fucli ones, there is nobody
who does not expert to fee Jo-
naval and military protnotion it
feems, when we have already ten
times as many admirals perhaps,
as are employed, and when we
have more generals than Bonaparte
has! Thofe newly promoted
people will, cf ccurfe rejoice ; b
that sheepish people, that we
were formerly thought, that we
may now with much more pro
priety become famous for our j fo will the failors wh > are to
lenfe left impudence. The poet j have a double allowance of drink ;
when he drew the chararter of I and fo will the loldiers who are
Bobadil, made him hang down to be released from dungeons end
his head after having taken a : jails; and fo with all thofe, who
drubbing ; for, he did not fujo- j will fing and brawl out the prai-
pofe that it was in human nature ! fes of thofe who fluff and who
for a boafter to continue on in drench them.—To read the ac-
ivis boaflings; and that, too, j counts in the news-papers, to
with an Increafe of brafs, after read the exultations at the prof-
having become notorioufly a , pert of the feeding b drinking
beaten thing. Look at the I of this day, foreigners muft look
droves of Englifh prifotiers of j upon us as having, lived upon
George the
war, who are, at this very m;v j hips and haws for the laft forty-
leph Bonaparte as much mailer ment, traverfing France on their | nine years. We feem to be
of Spain and Portugal, by the way to a pvifon ; I do not fay, J prepmng m: stag!: meal of vic-
end of this year, as his brother look back;, but look at what is, i mils and drink for the king’s
Louis is inafter of Holland, or, D n this very day, and then tell fubjerts, as it were by wty of
third is inafter of me, if you believe, that any na
This being the gene- tion upon the face of the earth
ral opinion, a queflion, which ever thought of a jubilee under
- , every man ought to put to him- | fuch circumtlances—It. is, how
Teafonable as poflible. Ifiofe I felf is, shall we then be able to de- ever, fitting that it fliould be
v.ho aie evidently unable to pay, fud ourselves against this ccnque- known, that the nation, prop-■ a-
tor it lie will have, under his ly f 0 called ; that is, that the
abfolute^ command every fra sense of the nation difapproves
port in the world capable of he- of til’s mealure. It appears,
ing greatly mifehievpus to this from a letter, publiflied by the
mayor of Glafgow, that under
fatten upon the taxes here, err?
giving the ignorant an 1 the
hungry virtuujs an 1 drink, in
order to make them flyout for
joy, whole ( nations, unbought-
with cither, bread or beer, are
proclaiming their admiration*
of our enemy.. He, I’ll w arrant
him,will make no jubilee knights-.
—nor will hunlefs he fh<>uhl
want them for real f< rvices, a Id
to the number of. thofe perfur.s,
who are already a heavy ex pence to
his people.*—I remember very
well, that when Bonaparte’s co*
ronation took place, our new s
papers aferibed all die rejoicings
ac Paris to the means used by the
government. Oh! ho,v they a.-
bufed the new emperor for pur*
chafing the (bouts of the ignQ»
rant and venal with the money
wrung from the Tenfible and ho-
neft and induflrious part of thft
French nation ; how repeatedly
and how fmcerely did they piiy
the good people of that country,
who were, as they laid, compel
led to put on a face of joy, while,
their hearts were full of grief l
And, who can hive forgotten*
that within thefe fix wo<-ks, they*
attributed the general illumina- *
tion at Madrid, an*! even the-
I'e Deum Ring in the churches,
to the fears, the selfishness, or
the hypocricy of the people, u hfi •
partook in it.—Well, then- will _
they no'w repeat, that the r< join
ings at Madi id were the effect*a
of the ball-ft of all human feel-
ings ? Will they now affert, ax-
boldly as before, that if was.-,
blafphemy to fing the T D um
upon fuch an o calion ? I think,,
they will now be a little more*
cautions how they fpeak upon,
the fubjert of thofe rejoicings^
which take place in honor of o-
ther fovereigns.—I (hall now*
have done with this jubilee,
which has been attended with thi*
good, at any rate, it has led to
difeudions, by the means of
which the people of this country*
who are always too ready to for
get, have been reminded of ma
ny things, many arts and events
cf the king’s reign, which had
funk into oblivion amidft the-
uproar of the laft feventeem,
years, and which, added to the;
arts and events of thofe fi ven-
teen years, cannot fail, indue
time, to produce excellent ef
;jiee,.;|-\uot fuffer, for they will be
attended gratis.
12th Jan. 1810. 42-4-t
Thofe gentlement who have
purchafed LOTS in the Town
of IVjONTICELLO, are once
more notified that if they do not
oomply with the terms of fale
before the 3d Monday of Febru
ary next, they will be fold again
on that day at their rifque—alfo,
a few more LOTS will be fold
at that time by the Commilfion-
ers of the above mentioned
John Cargil, "j
John Martin, |
S. Stricdand, }»
C Ccwfcrd, I
I. M'Ckndcn J *
l/.-.r'-n-y 1.3:Q, ' tfii
country ; and, at the fame time,
lie will have all the means for
building a hundred fliips of the
line in a year. At the end of
one year from next Chriftinas.
he will, in a'l probability,
have t wo hundred ships of the line
fit to put to sea. I t is /Mt more
difficult for him to have a force
like this, than for him to march
an army to Vienna ; and that
man muft be a fool indeed, who
fuppofes, that the conqueror of
Europe will want inclination to
create fuch a force. Indeed,
there is, I ffiould fuppofe, cv. n
in thefe times of niadnefs, no
one fo made, fo very mad, as to
fuppofe, t* the emperor J'Ja-
hand means to feel the pulses of
corporate bodies, as to the keep
ing of a jubilee, were reforte.d
to fo early as about the middle
of Auguft. The Jews and con
tractors of the city were the
firlt openly to propofe the thing,
and, as the publick will bear in
mind, the propofiuion was as o-
penly oppoled by every found
and ienfible man in the common
council. Grand dinners and
leadings among!! the rich con
tractors and jobbers were, at
full, the intention ; but, lear
foon fuggellcd, amongft thefe
gentry, the hypocritical pre
maWng up for a life of Starva
tion : and, when thefe fed peo
ple let up a shouting for jay at
feeing the ef'cfii of a belly full, we
are to proclaim it to the world
as a proof of national loyalty ;
and, what is more, as a proof of
the people’s having been happy,
having enjoyed prosperity, for
the lift forty-nine years ! -To
be added to this and to the grand
naval and military promotion,
there is but one thing wanting,
and that is a new.swarm of knights
to match thofe upon the occa
fion of Peg Nicholson.
would render the thing quite
complete, and, therefore, it is
a nit v it (hould be left out. A fet
of jubilee knights, fcattered over
the country, would be the thing,
of all other, wherewith to crown
the whole tranfartion.—In the
mean w bile, Bonaparte keeps
Itcadily on. We cannot fhout
him down. We cannot, with
all our boafting and to fling,
turn him afide from any one of
The fuferiber refcrtfully inform
his frioiiits and the public in general
that he has purchafed the Houfe
formerly occupied by Major Edwin
Mounger, where he intends to con
tinue his former line of bufinefs and
hopes, by due attention and indus
try, to merit their patronage.
Roger 0Instead.
Milledgeville, January 9, 1810
tgnee of a (lefire h rfie\c tips fcjs objedg, While thofe who
A Stallion....for sale.
^ I will fell on reafonable terms
This ^ ov ca ^ 1 ( or crcc ^ t wiili undoubt
ed fecurity) or exchange for
Land or Negroes, provided tho
land lies ribove Milledgeville,
my elegant horfe
of good blood & an excellent foal
getter. Application muft be
made by the firft day of Febru
ary next, to the fubicriber living
in Green county, Oconee, near
the little Co' tffrd.
James Cunr.ingha&i
December 1-5, 1809,