Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, March 01, 1815, Image 1

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lift [3 dolls a year, half in advance] * ,* Tni» «uhscri- luv I;\kes this inrlli- (i l of iiifurniiur; the t iiirtl i lawd* (h itur- V) v. . M ? , ,,j,. ti .CM- !z a i:ii- u it • fir Unlonel of t*«class, am! snii- «il-; their SoflYrttces. (By Authority.) A'-' ACT U t t -11 • •!" tin 'iU r,v I'"'! 1 ;r== dry time only, find tin re to uitrcl sat 1 enumerated artic.or O'lter su.* aforesaid ; and ill case anbe ouad. detain, and keep in cutt day, until , have been ascerfiunrd wt.- 1 and hoe’ Pi;■•'■■Itedj* n.' ,«■'* BMW exist*, as tifvicxakt, am No. 49 '"'fi of any nf Uie penalties or ti iff,-i tores inr irrrd war, or other officer, rivilnr militarv author. <s in virtue of this uc*. shall b. iv ar; u a iawl by the President »f the United’ Stales* on the trial for such penal iv or fit i' ll offif ■ ■ or olio i per m ;v be i tijHin tl e\iil trial, Inr tnsuc.h so, >i CT\ . ■ til !i<! 10 :t;n ■ - to grant the same, nr stttt. or territory ; not 11 rsi n t in wg as nf ire* e ,.n\ nre'erre i.u ,L..... » from governor of a ball any citizen o;» 'l.nfliisownuccrd-. i'.., . .*, 'X.Z~“ nr. etm -i'll ’■! Me Senrfit etui Ihuf if nr.tinjr upon prooame enure as »»«• ore .4 me part or.s', arm vvlii. n he otnerur*? o» i,ships .j »... 1 V } -u' — ; •!: rhitivn nfti. - ITmted ■itatei of .bnni- tbori/ed and ivpuired, .m the owner' r ov m rs would have been entitled, shall revert to the trv on the likes, along the «,* - I - .srd 9 a', in monmUM, Thai it shall be law- of such enumerated artirles, or otlw supplies United States. where within «'ie hays, sounds, rivers, or \w,- ful for sue collector, naval officer, surveyor, being brought on due process been to §8 And he it further enacted, Tliat if any tors of the United States, or to hold ativ inter- Eomonh Ant'.K- or inspector of the customs, ns well in an ad- hold him or them to security in •» sutni ir-nt suit in - prose ution be commenced in am suite cnursc with Mich enemy, or with any officer cuoMIJIF." joini*^ t, •'»* that to which hit belongs, sum, with snfiicicnt h:i I h»r his nr tnnr^ooa court, against any collector, naval officer, suiv theivnt; unr shrill any citizen or person n si- to enter on I card, :eareli, and examine any behavior, as a person or persons sic >n ted, veyor, inspector, or anv other officer, civil or ding as afi nesaid, be permitted without s'leli ship, vessel, bniu or raft, and if he shall find upon probubb - cause a aforesaid, e( 1 arryine military, or any other per ton aiding or assist, passport, to visitor go to anv ramp of lin en board the same inr. goods, wares or mer- on trade or intercourse With the enemy ; tr. ing, ogrecahlc to the provisions of this net, tin- enemy established within the limits ot the It. chindisc w hicli lie slmll have probable cause ’he said authority to In id to good be tiro mr, ti der color thereof, for anv thing done, or omit States, or elsewhere, to hold any intercourse to believe are subject to duty, the payment of extend also the person, having the custody o ed to be done, as an officer of the customs, v ilh the same, or with any officer helorgmg winch are intended to be evuded,or have been charge of such prohibited articles or othe ■ or for anv thing done by virtue of this act or thereto; and whosoever shall voluntarily of imported into the United States in any man ■ supplies, with know led, * of the criminal in- under color thereof, anil the defendant shall, '■ "d against any of the broliibitinns aforesaid I’iitnam oil tYb. 40 STRAYED. From Richard A. Blount’s in \\ ash- ingfoti County, tv nor conti arv to the law, it shall be bis duty to tentinn to transport tliei. as aforesaid ZVoviV- at the time of his entering Ills appearance in m'ntinmxl in thi; section, shall he considered scire and secugy the same for trial. eit "toy*, that the nec< isity of a search war. such court, file a petition for the re " '* ' 1 yi \ml he it further exacted, That it ran ’ , ... removal of IP'ilty of a misdemeanor, and be liable to be ising under this, nt, shall in no case te the cause for trial at the next circuit court of fined in any sum not exceeding on 'liousand light gruy horse, he- i ,w f, il for anv collector, naval officer, considered as apple‘abb »» an, a’iagv v :, g- the United States to he liolden in the district dollars, and to imprisonment for ,\ term * ‘ -> r ’V SJUtll I.M 1 I 'I • "ill '•tot) im muiiivu, ■ > • ' . • ..V ’ I * * " * * • * i v • • l * • \ t! }(>n ’'intr to nishoi) »uivc\or or inspector of the customs,as well JT° n » ‘'art, sleigh, vessel, H>at or >t.*< r\elnc-e, where the suit is pending, ancl oiler gDod and cscf-rdin^ vluve \rur,s. Ami even "I'treo • n limit in anv adioining district, as that to which he of whatever form or com'.ruction, employed sufficient surety for his entering in such court, coming front any of the menu’s proV .. : Y , b . | tosiom search and examine any car- lts a medium of transport.!,ion, or to packages, on the first day of its session, copies of said territory, in the' l niu-d .Stale's, shall live tcc unik r ( ; n , ^ , lui , le „ tlmv J. ilul wl, a , ,ecver, and ""any animal or animals, ircarrw.! : v nmaon process against him, mid also fur his there ap- himself fi.rU,with, or s i soon as prin m.tnennd inil. tlie latter disttgurci! by £p«u? mis<‘hicvniJH unv j^oucis, wan .1 or merch- Hi 1 v. ;ii slioil snhj't t to e to Si. n anv person i ravelling on foot, or beast Anil provided also, t at all the aid .nu- pearing at the court and entering speci >• in bur'll n,' on which lie shall suspect there are meraU'd articles, or others Pphes v. nt-li shall m the cause, if special bail was originally iv- the collector, or other, hiet officer of the cos- not pernoa provinces oc report ip- "iinscir mriiiw iin, op ?-i soon as practicable all .,I BnTcnltor, to ihe militia conimnmicr, or to alia he !. i?» lino crlm; ll'vrS4«! to Il.tfgrtive T !J "IIS, of .1 into tl i law Coiinf' - seized by virtue of this nr, shat be pm in- T Hired therein, it shall then be the dutv uYtlie toms, where there mnv be no eullcntor of the i and remain in tbecustoily if the collector, state court to accept the snrotv, and proceed district within which he ti ay first ,u rive • uiv * sticll other person as he si. 11 apppmt flu- no further in the cause, and the bail that shall mi pain, whereof the same w'omit led, of b'eil g I'lntp until it shall ha v/. useer- have been orepnallv taken, shall he disci,arg. liable to tlv same pr isecntitm and p'lnMlimcnt . . ■ «• »' ■ —— : VK-i; . a. >.■ , I lie Slid S , |C | U veincl p. sell reeling OU Mr not - W Siu(1 1,1 'UCIl C mrt or the CD,led -lali s, the ’/ • c f t«e I'llc.lA, W»i. ,«t l,'ie 3 U Dudley fool. burth I, which he slmll have f A. And be it further maetod.*! •• * ty cause shall the iv proceed in the same manner <>» •< J cl'iiv colivcior ot llic customs shall Un\ {nthoritv, :iS it had beenhn mjyli t there by original pm- y Ami be it f.irin r rl cnartctl, That any ill officer ecu whatever may he the amount of tl, .mini person or persons found lluxvriiig upon this 4ov with- 1,1 dispute or damages clnimed, or whatever • coini.-r, near any of the | jrovinccs or territory pi rsons, ’be citizenship of the parties, any former haw belonging to the enemy. *jpr of which lie inav or Join) probable cause to believe are subject ti , or have ix-en unlawfully introduced into the "V , 1 f' approliation of tin prir United State s, lie shall sente and secure the et the 1 ressury Deparlni: nt, to i a.neorlc or seen ring 6i , rn( . p„. trial. And if any of tin said office llim sn tliut. he cun ofthv customs shall suspect that any goods, in Ilia district such numbe of pr< inspectors of the customs, as in he recovered ttgirin, will hr luuidsonudy re nutrded. Fehrnnrv I. -lf>—It and merchaiulisc, Which are subject to t’veessary, wlm are hereby declij duty, i ;■ which shall have Ivon introduced in to the United States coin ran to law, or con. oc: led in anv pm lictlhtr dwelling house, store or other building, lie shall, upon proper ap- lierwby p|; C atmn, nn oalli, lu any judge or justiee of the p- :-rc. lie en! tiled to a warrant, directed to i it officer, who is hereby authorised lu i-ve the same, to enter sttrli bouse, suirc or .. her building, in the day time only, and there lit day Of tp search and’examine whether ihere ur< any 1\5 i rah next, suits such goods, wares or merchai disc, v litr.h are ■svili he illdiscriini- to duty, or liave hei-ii nr.l.iv in,I;, r-.i- li roil gilt a- pnned , and if nn such se:e eh i v •• It goods, wares or iner'uia-all.- ■ sli;.;t fici rs of the customs; and the sal, before they enter on the dui' .adjudge ’o the citiurary notwithstanding: mid any at- be pustessed, or travellin g Inwards and net to be ot- ’acliment of the goods or estate of tbe defend- samc , a’ a distance fi uni Ins or their , : ,i spec tors, ant, by tbe original process, shall hold the al place of abode or res idence, and wit hot sir, speclors, am, 10 me original process, slmll nma tl:e ”* >■ ■asueiicc, ana without _ , their ol- goods or estate so attached to answer tin- fi. any lawful business reip iriughisor their aU fivers, shall lake and subsorilr. * fore tin: nal jiidgem-nt, in the same manner as by the Iv’jjmwe Hi. re, and wit. mut u passport, shall illcctora appointing tin in, or lief, umiema. <>! llllC fi s'ale. they wmild have been hold- , , to .“ e I'flcl lose airily tiirhis or i heir gistratc within their ix-spectii i .' riels, uu- en ffi answer final judgement, had it been ren- good hehuvioiir, intlien anner jminted out in git hi 7 r < V L' after the llntr i acts, uu* , the fol der,-d by tl »o court in which the uicnccd. wit was ci»m- the iourth sectionoftlim u <, as a person ciuiust till persmis i >t ;p, m „d,'\vl.irh 111. re shall be prohahle r ■ vlwure iittli’hfetl to for the officer mnlcim; such seirrcli or ex.n tile estate of Levi tion, in lieli ve are suldcct to duty, or h; DniiicJ, tlec’d, fur a 0 f tjgtcroea. mu\ ! •• ",' A„ f”.l I 111 liteil ml viola! ions against t ! : ates ; I fuihcr sweat h. . ,1 lllllll Slates, In rfully intruiUu.ed min lb -Uiii'i 1 mull -eire and setlire t-lh- 1 ana- ii,r r :: Jari. t!)., W ih h'lvc Cfl T.l Cblil 3 3. ‘Vnd.bc it. furlirv fn.r* ■ or any p» -.•.son or pci-m miir.'iiii!i^ li:-sa; shuii transport,or at trtnpt to ir.tnvport, o land, hv \t iiln*, ir. w!; i'soovoi* w,.\ , c»r bv w' m i :A- at:» 1 i:i \,v::r t r mum' »ons or tides ot provisio nev, nr supplies in t!if United Kl tile I'HIS, v nr* for tho rcccprion and of Frodwpo, !(tCK i f co’t »n, lobarco, j^oocls, mo. .[’any kind, from any place ,les, to any of tlie pi cnrniv tlinmecl by law to administci ... , ...v.. ......... lowing n.uii or ofllrnintion, to w; { iiwnccd. Ami it .shall be lawful in am action P^ l * so,,s suspected, upon | jrohable cause, of be* having been appoitPml art in r •’r of the ol ‘ prosecution which may he now pending, in K in unlaw lul (trade or mterrourser custom;, wiilini and lor the di >.t ol or bcivatier commenced, before any state ) V1 lb the enemy : uJr^ut/9 % That n<»t fi. , do solemnly, sincorcdc, ar - 1 f i tv swear <T>urt whati-vcr, forauv tlf in^ donc,oron\ited lfl ,T contaiiKxl in an\ partlo( this act shall be or affirm, (as the case may !>'•) t t will dil- 1<> be done, J?v the defendant, as an inspector C ins B’tn d to alter, in anyl lchpcct, the law of ifC’titIv and faidifmiy execute B (uties 0 f or other ofiirer of the customs, after final j the said ofTicc of inspector, u] will use judgement, tor either party to remove and > ,,V* i . . ” ,r ^ lc T enacted, That it n«V best emleavunrs to pr.-e* od detect transfer, by appeal, such derision, during the la.w ful tor the Prefiideut ol the t’nitetl session or term c.f said court at whieh the ^'-ites, or such other person as lie shall have same shall imvo taken place, from such rouri t -‘ M, p' uv< -t’cd tin* that purpose, to employ, tin* 1 will support the constitution O' i|j United to die nevt rirmit court of the t’nited States, . pt'^pci’ instructions to he by him given. Stales;* to be held in the district in which such appeal 1,1 cases of resistance, such part of the lane.'. kl»al* be l.'ikrn in manner udwesn’nl ; and it "* 1 ' ‘ l forces nt the l uit«‘«l States, or tif shall he tin- liulvyhc u-r; - i ’ •- ,rjj tile nillitia thi-reuf, as slu^lI h* iwlg*-! ' JV-al, t.‘ {ivialuci- and enter in the : uid circuit 1 ' f° r ’hv P'u pirn* id , ding and cn-npin .itInc *•-Uffi al" 'idle !• Willi tile officeef'the custlinn. 1-.: ' -ll 'b - anil judgement ill canal'; anil it t-iv il magistrates, in seizing anil securing shall also lie competent for either party with, pwions engag -d, or Mispecteii, upon pioba- in six months ot the reniiilinn of a judge- ’fin cause as aforesaid, to he engaged, in tin- ment in am such cause hv writ of error or fi'" * 11 ’ traile or intercourse aitli the enemy I,., i,.., ,i. ■ i- 'fiber process to remove the same to the cir- H '*'' l ’°>''‘said, together with the articles, or sup •’ J.'i- , 1 ' f 11 '’ np 111 '’ of tin- United .States in tliut disirr- Pfi f ‘ s * 'fssels, busts, vWnel s, or anamals, i * hi whieli such judgement shall haw liecn rent vniplnycd as aforesaid, in uch trade or liner- ' 3' 1 ^ dered, and die said nit cnlirt shall there- course, and scarchiii;.; fo ■ anil seizing anv prii- np' 111 proceed to try and determine the facts Pcrtv subject to duty, or which has been un. t am' pay a sum notes- a„d the law in such act ion, in the same man- lawfully imported. neras it the same had In • n tlu i-c m iginallv S> Id. And be it further enacted. That thi* And : t: proceeding to make anv s, efrj.uwercd t" ,'itninaml any per.v.’ I..? within ten miles of tee piucc o seie'cli or sei/iirc sludi ho made, assist such officer in the discharge . anee being ruiit any n ‘ ho si tail •re sueli aid and p rform- d uml cnnilTUinded. shall in gl i or seizure, the pi rsons so neglecting orterritnn belonging to the enemy, or of or '''‘luui'vtg si till fu witich they may he in possi i sin'i, sue.h naval rr< ’ ; ng ta n hundred dollars, and not I. or rail tary stores, arms, nr the munitions of "J*® comtiK-nccd, the judgement iil’siTdi'cSenot- »« «h«l} coiiiiituc in force during the enntin- Ab'o, sfv-ral vesselt v ’’‘ r , t o, slock, art wlrs nspi .-m ■ /• j ‘ t . p ‘ ‘ ^ witlisiandin’r. And anv bail whieli mav have tluj present wurbetwocn the United crapi wed in freighting cotton, guiidB, money, o'h. r sup- , " ' ' ( ' ') ’ '' • ' ‘ " been taken, or properly atladied, shall he States and Ureal Hritain, and no lon^r : Pan to Arael a. Island and P ll< ’ s l< >' ‘ "Mi*'"' ( - !, H ' A,. 1 p,, " J j . j’ • ho.uen »>» the jnilgcnient of the said cir- v,l " :n > I hat the termination of said war shall mall. Planters and fart, sleigh, vessel, boat, raft, or vehicle, of J 1 ’ Y m’ , ,, 11 emt court in such action, ' prefer shipping at their risque, orders will In- attended to with prom o dispatch. Mr !l Harford will reside for the present ■ alt nr other veilic) at Amelia. U. H.UtFORI), tfen. Darien, Dec. 4—38-11 cava'iiiao. ruin ■ r.ii'nii ’ ? ’ . , , , , , ,„i,.„ ..(!•„ oi »ui-o action, in me same manner : wi .iniio< any iiioci'i.'i Merchahts sending cot- whatsoever kind, or horse; or other beast, by n ■ \ ‘ . , , ‘ , ' . ,, as if no such r. nioval and transfer bail been ,n f ' s 'fi’*’ **”*>' theretofore have been comment ton, flour, &.C. down widen they, or anv o! them, are tranimoricd, k ' *. . _ a oiirhip^Sveors i M aforesaid s and the state court fr -m V' 1 ’ concfiuled, or in any way destroy * the river, will meet or attempted to be transported, sl.ui.i ,x: fui- ‘ 3 which any such action mav he removed ami |ln pair any right’s or privileges accruing ui With a ready sale and f ‘ 1 t0 llic useo( ’ficUm’ed Slates, at dtlle ‘{..I ,. : ' vt ,V V, 1 A / '''“""terred afiircsaid, upon tlic party’s giv. f cr » wcured, or given, by virtue of this ac liberal priavs ; or if prison or persons so () ^ i ’ , ''; |,, b r {)V asi my** or 1 r ‘ ‘ “ ‘ . n i‘ 3 • , ,* ^‘ 0o «l and sufiic.ic*nt security for tin: prose- * ul ;H to any transaction prn Pi*’" V !'> ’fi'*, •<:•'»<•••, ” lU lol-tca aml p*.'*’. 1 " ,ll . c L , e n \u; ,, u. f «,u 1, it h, - m hi cut " m ’'"'’euf, shall allow llie'sHHie to be re- '•’‘•‘f’*'". ’fi” procctdii gs shall and m. use of the 1 ui’ed states, a sum j <;ual lit '"'h ; ■ ' ,l 1 , ‘ ' j , ( , K , moved and transfemd, and proceed no fur- fi uil > “ s ’hough this art wete in full fore in to the said enumerated sn tides, or other 1 1 •> ui\ Mim not ’cec ling Id therm the case: Provided however, That if l.ANf ;)K)\ CIIKVKS, suiief -S, forfeited as a«. 1. as hell as ot doli r., and be inipi .sonid tin .. ly U|m not ex- the party aforesaid shall fail duly to enter the Speaker of the House ol lh preseututivos. the carriage, waggon, cart, si.-.glt, vessel boat, K ineemonuis. removal and transfer as aforesaid in the cir- JOUV (.AlUAltD, • t used to trims- M AI)I SOX. ed- Notice § 7. And be it further enaefi i'lmt the cuit court, agreeable to this act, the state President, pro tempore, of the Senate, rt the same , mul the said e.iii/ ns and per- fot fitun-s and penalties incut ioiiedsitliis act, court, by which judgement sliail have been Pebruary 4, 1815—Approved, ■s so ollendiug, their aiders and abetters, shall be sued for, prosecuted, and recovered, rendered, and from which the transfer and re- JAM US and also the owner or owners, of any of the or inflicted by action of debt, or by informa- moral shall have been made as aforesaid shall said enumerated articles, nr other supplies, tion or indictment, in any court competent to be authorized, on motion for flint purpose, to knowing of such illegal act, and the owner or take cognizance thereof, and try the same ; issue execution, and to carry into efi-ct anv owners of the carriage, waggon, cart, sleigh, and that all forfeitures and penalties so reco- such judgement, the samc as if nn such remil- vessel, boat, raft, or other vehicle, or boast vered by virile of this act, shall, after do- val and transfer hud been made: Prov.dcd used with his, her or their knowledge or con- ducting all proper costs and charges, be dis- nevertheless, That this act shall nut be ron- _ sent to transport lie same, shall, moreover, posed of as follows ior.o moiety shuii be for the st ue( f to apply to anv prosecution for an of- f BT'IOSR illdclit- be considered as guilty of a misdemeanor, and use of the United States,and be p».d into the £ nCC involving corporal pimishment. And 8 etl 'll file estate h «“ liable to he feud, in any sum not exceed- treasury thcrof, by tbe culiector recovering ,, roV ided also,' That no such appeal shall be of Junes M’Oor- i’’g* «”c tlumsai.d dollars, and be imprisoned thesame; the other moiety shall be divided Jqfowcd in anv rrmiinal action or prosecution, rviek eso deeeisod f<>'* “ term not exceeding three years: I’novin- between, and paid in equal proport inns to w ]iere final judgement shall have been render- ins simp oi Medicine: ' h * , ' . * nn. That nothing herein shall be construed the collctor mid naval officer ot the district, u i j n favor of the defendant, or respondent, by Mr Dwm Sanders, ii are lntormeil Hint to prohibit any transportation, for the use or and surveyor of the port, wherein the same the state court j and in anv action or prosecu- road leading from Chr their notes ami ae- account of the United States, or any of them, shall have been incurred, or to such of the tion against any person as aforesaid, it shall be he tenth «. his services Counts are in tire or the supply of'heir troops or armies, where- said officers as there may be in the said dis. i aw f u iVor such person to plead the general is- es of his profession. soever they may be. tricl; anil in districts where only one of the gue> an dgive this act and any special matter Those laboring undertliecomplicatedpres. § 4. Anil be it further enacted, That every aforesaid officers sliallliaye been established, i n evidence. And if In any such suit the plain- sure of poverty and disease, shall have that collector, naval officer, surveyor, and itispec- the said moiety shall lie givenito such officer: ^|(}q s non-suit, or judgement piss against attention which Christian charity requires, tor of the customs, shall, on probable cause, Provided, That where the seizure shall have the defendant shall recove r double ousts. February £2. 22—2t have full power and authority to seize, stop, been made by an iiispai-tor or insiieeturs, out g Andbe jt f, lr ,| 1( , r t . nac(t ,l, in any ‘ —^ search for, detain, and keep in custody, until of the presence of the eollectoi, mival ufliccr, J pl , )Se ciUion against am pei-un, f.r a- X0T1CK. shall have been ascertained whether the f ^veyo^st,eh inspect^ shall ^act c.V thing done ns an ufiher of the ms. A i.l. those indebted to the Estate of Hub- suine slmil have bcc’ii forfeited or not, oil naval ^ 1 1 1 11 » 111 a j ( 1 () t . t toms, of any person aidinu* or assisting sucli frt Reynolds, dec’d, and ;o the firm ot or military stores, arms, or the inanitions ot pensation aainuj be allow id Ao 0 fticvr therein, und juduein. nt shall be iriven Hubert & Co. ure requested to muV.r iimqe. war, cattle, live stock, articles of provisions, *‘ ve P e *‘ ce ’ u * °n tnc inoie!\ , n o Kr;lin#l l j u; ^elcndvntur rcKpondent, if it b! -Il diute payment; those who do not "avail tlutn- cotton, ti.hacco, goods, money, or other, sup- tlie collector, nu\ at otiicr, ' 1 , ar ’ m( . al . to the cuurt. before which such suit selves nt this noth ? will liml their hfott* and Itiuuis of Abner Hammond, one of the executors, for cnlleetion, where they tvili iin well to cttlinnJ settle them, anil thereby prevent more expensive no- |j lieation Joint ,*rConnie!;, Jlbver ll'tiumonil, Kxo’rs. Fell. 7. -1 (i — tl pie's, transport^, or attempted to he trail’s- °. r 1 ‘* T J ’A;. 1 .—"' w’prosecution slmU be tried, that tlurewas accounts in the hinds of an officer for col lisions of the next also, That in ail cases where sueli /malues V;ause 'for dffing' Vu’ |."act or 'thing, ketion. aet, as well as the »'»«! <“• ** • V 1 '^ 9 b ‘! J*’ 00 "' * J . J ' sucli court shall order a proper certificate or Those having demands r.gainst said F.sta k*i>'*h, vessel, boat, auanee o in mmu K>n gnen ,Vt» nmentrv to be ruatle thcivo.', and in such case tbe aid tbe firm of litibrn & Co. av i\ questi ,?n;h!,'lf U ^ ; ‘ sMch^minv shall or respondent shall not be liable fur to bring them in properly attested in tir ported, contrary to tlie provisions of the next also, proceeding section of this ac' carriage, waggon, cart, si raft,or oilier vehicle or . . „ beads, ti led to transport the same. And if the intomer the one halt of such moiety shall XTN'F - . . ,, , , 5 halt Ol Sl| c | } ,1 ' 0 .’’y“ l ;fi c<)sla , our shall lie he liable to execution, or prescribed by officers authorized as aforesaid, or any of them, be given to such informer, and tw ten unulu to anv ., ct ; oll damages, or t. anv other ItOlIKItT UUTHF.UTOIID, ^ A lm i lis .- i'ur shall havi p obublr cause to suspect aconccal- tlieivot shall be_disposed ot between the - • ... .1 ,1 i !i.. i,,„, irmiuai sruvu i • •'d rn Kstrite i quested time. r9 48- -3t ... r ... mode of prosecution for the act done bv him JOSEPH tfl'OVALU date.anp|; ation will be in nit in any particulai dwelling bouse, store or collector naval officer, and stine. or, m man- ^ . i» r!A ;de«l, *Ui»t sncli png. vty Februarv 22. mad io die court of building, of any naval or military stores,arms, m r aforesaid, and the same ’dm a at ee o „.|,. s as Iliay |, e held in custody hv tlx* * ~ * ” '21,* a!;,i " *"«'■ f the valve Wl1 *' returned to the claniiauis, his mm .i,i.n.l sold, 'heir, agent or agents. And be it further enacted, That no , ,, -- irrvrscn usu.llv res, ding v itldn the leave to *ell too n errs id I am! ou !z**a- O.'din.vv of AVishing- or munitions oi' war, cattle, live stock, articles twent-tive percent, to inspectors, nhen^ll.,, (!i ti „ if any*, b-. after judgeuient, forth. ton c.oun v for leave to of provisions, cotton, tobacco, goods, money, seiziire is made by tnem sell one Negro bov and or other supplies, with intent to he co iveyed provided likewise, Tliat wlienev the real estate of’»Vil. or i .'a .sported, cotitrarv to the provisions of of the properly seized, condemn T'i::n Wadkins dec’d the next prereeding sect inn of this act, they under; this act, shall he.less than two humlieU benefit n< tin or cither of them, shdl, upon ^proper applica- and fifty dollars, that part ot the t'lVietture cituvij 10. ur MINK mnn'lm after date, npplianti- ie ' ,ur *m will he made to tire honorable Infe rior court of Oglethorpe county, for 'll,.|n a',./creditor; of tion, supported bv author affirmation, to any winch accrues to the U. States, «o ninth United States, shall ! '-,11 inge or insure of the pe.tce, be entitled to a thereof as mav be necssart, shaifbc applt* frontier into are .4 tl, pu.v. r..,„ u ’ ) U n* Adm'x warrant,,l,reeled to such offi-er, who is here- cd in the payment of the costs of prosecution t to the enemy, or . ti?c ■ 14 mom I" autlvinzed to S, rve the same, to enter such Amt it is further provided, Chat .1 any officer he possessed, without a |m p dwelling house, store, ir other building, in or other person, cmit’-d *o apart or tbvc tram U.a secretary ot a.are, permit -d to ere** the ver dam in said county; the property nricrrituiy of Kiehnrd Hailey, deceased, sold for "• " fi ,cl1 J 1L * the benefit of the heirs and creditors »«**«*