The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, August 21, 1830, Image 2

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i(.y d, mean precisely the same thing. This mode of understanding things—or, that ' is things, themselves, we perceive, it was ho ambition of Reul to establish. In his va nity, he bestowed upon bis system tho pom- nous appellation of “common sense,” and claimed for its glory the banishment of delusion md ‘he prostration of the tyranny of opinion, j bavc bocn rcce i, e.l, of books from se» vhicb. Omnia Eva, bad obstructed the road j efa| in(Iivid „ a | s . a „,] th at the Librarian be, and he is hereby directed, to have the names of over the These Preccuis are much valued by the Hoard, and the spirit with which they have been made catinot he too highly appreciated either as relates to the generous donors themselves, or the effect it may have in awakening similar liberality in others, Resolved, That a porticular compartment of the Library be set apart for the donations to the sacred temple of truth. But, on the contrary, if ivc consider life, as list met from its phenomena or effects, then it ^"oks given by ca-h individual, in evidence vill not be syncnimous with these effects, but ; r.i something, which Stands in the relation to hem of sintecodence, they being the sequen ces. This view of the subject, I am every •vav disposed to adopt, believing, as I do, that l compoits with those great rules or principles, vhich ought to predominate in the formation of lauguage. And although it discords with those above mentioned, who had the honor of framing the first, nomenclature for the world and formed occasion for hut two parts of speech, I venture to think it not without rea son, and am bold to place myselfamong those, who believe that since ideas have accumulat ed, Philosophy has bursted the fetters of tho senses, and requires names for things beyond their utmost revelation For its importance, I dwell one moment on this subject. Language, it must he confessed, 'stiic most powerml helpmate, and instrument of thought; and its perfection must be the con summation of philosophy. IIow misrepresen- taiive of, how false to nature, is the language in common use! "The sweetness of a rose, the heat of fire, the tree shakes in (he breeze,” are fa miliar phraseologies. The apologists of this dialectic defectiveness, indifferent to reason’s prosperity, tell us, that language was formed, when the reason of things were unknown, that *ve are born. »9 under the laws, to its perpetu al heritage,—that it descends to us willithe au thority and sanctions of time—and that inno vation would be dangerous, as the abberra'.ion of political constitutions would be to States. With some exceptions, in this state of things, the philosopher, who moves in the path of his own genius, is compelled, in a good degree, o form a language for himself. This new lan guage, from the peculiarity, which attaches o the very nature of language, at first cannot be understood; all his literary cotemporaries ‘Vrde books to oppose his opinions, which may ie the same with their own, only modified by he prism of the language, lie use3. The age s sp *nt in disputations worse than unprefita file; the rays of public thought having no com-1 mon centre to converge in, disperse and are the donors conspicuously placed vicinal, in ! of the generosity of those who have ccntribu- ale King's Privy Council, wuo .had arrived at the Palace, were assembled in this apa.tment- viz. I am convinced that yon will fully partici pate in the affliction which I am suffering on account of the loss ot a Sovereign, under whose auspices, as Regent and a3 King, this country has maintained during war in its ancient reputation and glory*—has enjoyed a long pe riod of happiness and internal peace-*—and has possessed the friendship, respect, and confi. dence of foreign Powers _cs !o whicn they belong. The Electoral As semblies are not permitted to give instructions His Majesty read tho follo«vit>g declaration, [to Represent*! annually, and continue in session 90 days, with power to prolong their sitting 30 days more, it the public interest requires it. The powers ot Congress are nearly the same with those grant ed by the Constitution to the Congress of the United States. It is their exclusive business to regulate the public expenditures, establish impost and national contributions, fcoctract debts on the credit of the nation, determine each year the footing of the land and naval forces for the following year, declare offensive war, «$’C. The President has precisely the same power over bills which have passed the two Houses of Congress, as the President of the United States; except that in the former the President is allowed to retain bills for , , tI1 ^ ... , “In addition to that loss which I sustain in led to the increase oft he Library; and that the common with you,and with allwh© lived under secretary be and he is hereby directed to write | the government of a most beneficent and gra* letters of thanks to all such persons as shall j cious King. I have to lament tne death ot a thus contribute in the cause of science and lit- beloved and affectionate brother, with whom er;i t urc j I have lived, from my earliest years, in terms —oojoo— | of tho most cordial and uninterrupted friend- case, ... r The. Steam Carriage. —The new road, in the j ship, and to whose favor and kindness I have esnsideration fifteen days instead ot ten. viciuitv Portiand-place, London, was clcctri- been most deeply indebted, fied on Wednesday, at five o’clock, by theap-j “After having passed my life in the service pearance of a steam carriage, which threaded 0 f my country, and having, I trust, uniformly all the difficulties of a crowded passage, with- j acted as the most faithful subject and servant out any apparent impulse. There was neither of the King, I am now, called upon, under smoke nor noise, there was no external force the dispensation of Almighty God, to admin- ( _ . . or palpable direction; the carriage seemed to js?er the government of this great Empire" 11 be so arranged, that one quarter ot the whole move by its own volition, passing by horses j am fully sensible of the difficulties which I have j number will cease their Junctions once in two without giving them the least alarm: desenb- j to encounter; but I possess tho advantage j years, and new members be elected to succeed Senators must be forty years old, possess real estate to the value of $8000. or an in come of $10C0, per annum from real estate, or $ 1500 from some useful business or profes sion. They are elected for the term of eight years; but the period of their retirement will ing half circles round the corners; trying short j of having witnessed the conduct of my revered races with stanhopes and cabriolets, and flying: father, and my lamented and beloved brother; with the same rapid and steady pace, over the j and I rely with confidence upon the advice most unequal ground Five gentlemen and a ;in d assistance of Parliament. aud upon its zeal- lady were quite at their ease as passengers; i ons co-opperation in my anxious endeavors, one gentleman directed the moving principle, I under the blessing of D>v ; nc Providence, to and another appeared to set unconcerned he-jrctaiu the. Reformed Religion established by- hind, but his object was ascertained to be the ! law, to protect the rights and liberties, and to care of the fuel and water. It was altogether j promote the prosperity and happiness of alt a startling and uncommon sight; but it was evi- j clashes of my people ” deotly a complete triumph of the principle, Whereupon the Lords of the Council made and the success ofthese carnages was, in the opinion of the spectators, completely establish ed. The carriage was lightly and convenient ly built, not larger or heaver than a modern phaeton. It went without the least vibration, and preserved a balance in the most complica ted movements. The pace was varied from five to twelve miles an hour, according to; pleasure, and the stoppage or accelerated pro- j gress, was effected with the quickness of thought. Aae*- an exhibition of half an hour, the carriage went into a yard in Albany street. — [London Paper. FOKm&M. From the A 'eve- York Evening Post, olug G. LATE AND IMPORTANT FROM ENGLAND. Death nf King George the Fourth, and Jlcees- lost—lost to the country, to posterity, and ig-j sion of King William the Fourth!—This intofir tiorarxe flourishes the sceptre, where knowl-jg ence is brought by passengers m the packet edge ought to rule. All for the want ot an adequate fixed language. Language wants u hero for its reformation, that it may reflect the lineaments of nature, and become a true de pository, a public grainary of the country’s thought. For the first time from the begin- j ming of the w-orld, America has framed a code of laws upon the principles of nature, and e- r ectcd a temple to Liberty. It ought to be ing to her to erect one to language, upon the ame principles; and as the bird of Jove is the roud descriptive insignie of the one, since sliere musi be words winged for swiftness and dispatch, the Talaria of his Cup-bearer, ought io be that of the other. The system of Reid is the edifice of language in the iufancy of thought; and that ot Des Cartes will continue unintelligible to the world’s utmost senility. All others may be considered as modifications ot these two. Pni- losophy. therefore, wants a true dialect—one. in which she can every where utter her pre cepts, and be understood. Then a torch would be lighted up in the midst of the world, which would ray the path of time, which is now left dark, time would no longer bury our genera tions under the pile of years; and men, in the most distant epochs, would live familiarly to gether, and cujoy a common existence. Flinging rnyselt more fully into the stream of our subject—it is amusing—almost laugha ble, on account of this dialectic deficiency, to see how extremely timid and cautious Physi ologists are, in selecting terms for the defini tion of life. One would imagine, in their mind’s view, torments were preparing for them, by those, who are to judge ol the execution of their work, for the commission of a sin, they are willing, but know not how to avoid, from llio inaptitude of the instruments of definition. To get rid of the difficulty, they change tin- forms of expression, but in vain. The great and original mind of Bichat oscillated here, and felt all the feebleness of tho mind’s com municating instruments. He generalizes, and says, ‘the totality of the functions constitutes life,’ and its definition is to be sought for in its history. These expressions exclude life from being a substance; and, in logic, places the author in the catalogue with Reid, or the system of com mon sense. Braussais, bold from his genius, whose pen sometimes flashes a most brilliant light, suddenly revealing the hidden images ot truth, leaves the subject mainly in dialectic ;bscurity. (To be continued ) ship Manchester, Capt. Sketchlvy. from Liver pool. The passengers left the Manchester off Block Island yesterday morning in a pilot boat, with the intention of proceeding to Newport and there taking a steam boat for this city.— They were fallen in with, however, by the steam boat Chancellor Livingston, which took them on board and reached this city with them this morning. They bring only a small letter bag containing a few papers. Among them arc the London Morning Herald of June the 30th and Liverpool papers of the 29lh June and 1st July. As whatever relates to the death of the late King, to his obsequies, or to the proclaim ing ot his successor, is matter of general in terest, we give as copious extracts as our Unfits will permit on these heads. From what we find in the papers of the latest dates, the London Herald of the 30th June, and the Liv erpool paper of the 1st of July, it does not ap pear that tnerc will be any material changes in in the Ministry. VVc give amongst our ex tracts some of tin) rumours on this subject; but the Courier of the 29ih, says those ru mours are unfounded, and slates ‘upon the best authority, that his Majesty took th<- ear- Si' st opportunity of expressing his unlimited confidence in the Duke of Wellington, and hi? determination to give the Government his warmest and most cordial support.” It is said in one paper that the King on hav ing the resignation of Ministers tendered to him, restored the seals, and behaved to the Duke of Wellington in the most cordial rnnn- tiiem. Each province is entitled to one Sena tor. The Representatives arechoosen in tfie ra tio of one to every forty thousand inhabitants, and another for a remainder amounting to twenty thousand. They must possess real es fate to the value of $4000, annual income of $500 from real estate, or $800 from some use ful employment or profession. They hold their office four years—one hall retireing eve ry tw o years, and must be 30 years old. Ii is made their peculiar perogaiive, to prefer char ges either cl’their own accord oral the instauce of any citizen, against the President and Vice- president in the cases of high treason specified in Art 87, viz:—entering luto any combina tion against' the liberties or independence ot Colombia—forming any machinations to de stroy the Constitution of the Re public, or ti e form of Government established in it—retus ing to sanction laws or decrees approved ot by Congress, returned to the Executive, and a- gain approved by a vote of two-thirds of the members ot both Houses. It is also the busi ness of the House of Representatives to prefer charges against the Ministers and Counsellors ... , . , xr- of State* the Procurado General, and the Ma proclauning ins Majoly lratesoftbe Supreme Court, for anv mi. Sir George Gayler, King ol =* a - - J * conduct in the discharge ot their functions. In case a plurality oft he votes for President in the electoral assemblies is not given for any one individual, the election shall be made by Congress from the three candidates who have received the highest number of votes. 1 he President and vice-President must be Colom bians by birth, 40 years of age, aud must have resided in the Republic for at least six years before the election. They are elected for the term ofeight years, and are ineligible to the same office for the next succeeding period.— The President has authority to appoint and remove the Ministers and Counsellors of Stale —to appoint with the approbation of the Sen ate, the Magistrates of the Supreme Court, the Arch-Bi'hops and Bishops, and the Generals of the Army and Navy. He cannot command :npon it th fir humble request to his Majesty that this his Majesty’s most gracious declaration to their’Lordships might be madopublic. which his Majesty was pleased to order accordingly. JAMES BULLER. While receiving this Address his Majesty was deeply affected. PROCLAMATION. Ilis Majesty, accompanied by the Duke of Gloucester and the Earl of Errol, arrived at his Palace in St. James’s, about twenty min utes before ten o’clock on Monday morning, June 28th, from his residence in Bushy Park. At ten o’clock tbc firing of a double Royal salute announced tho commencement ot the ceremony of William IV. Sir Ueorgn Arms, with the Heralds and Pursuviants in their robes of office, ami eight officers of arms, on horse back, bearing massive silver maces, wore in attendance in the Court-yard at the A detachment of the Lite Guards were drawn up opposite to the palace. The public were admitted into the court-yard towitness the ceremony. A few minutes alter ten o’clock the window of the presence Chamber was thrown open and the King came forward alone, habited in a suit of mourning, and wearing the riband of the order of* the Garler. Ilis Majesty bowed gracefully three times to the numerous assem blage in the Court below, by whom he was greeted with tho loudest acclamations. A band of fifteen trumpets, who appeared in their splendid state dresses immediately m '■* * - - j \ the foUR of gcvi'ttimcfit, which always shall be Republican, popular, representatve, alterna tive. and responsible. The next- Constitutional Congress shall convene on the 2d of February, 13o0. The Vice-President first chosen by the Electoral Assemblies, shall continue in office only lour years.—gY Y. Journal of Commerce. It is stated in a New York paper, on author* ity of letters from Madrid—that there is no idea entertained by Spain ot sending an expe dition again to America. The Naval force at Ilavanna has been reduced, and several Fri gates are to be laid up-—J>at. Int. as- struck up “God save the King.” All the semblage uncovered on the appearance of his Majesty. The Duke of Cumberland, th Duke of Sussex, t-he Duke of Gloucester — Prince Leopold, the Cabinet Ministers, ami the great Officers of State formed themselves into a semicircle round the window at which his Majesty appeared. Sir George Nayler, as King of Arms, from his station in the Court-yard, exactly under neath the window where the King stood, then read the proclamation, announcing the decease of the late King and the accession of his pres ent Majesty Sir George was moie than once interrupted by the cheering of the multi tude. Sir George repeated the words ‘ King William the Fourth” in an exalted tone of i voice; and the acclamation was then redoubled The band then played “God save the King.’ llis Majesty who had been agitated during tin reading the proclamation, bowed repeatedly ! in person the land and naval forces, without tlie express consent nf Congress, in which the Vice President will succeed to the Executive power lie cannot deprive any Colombian of !iis liberty, or inflict any punishment upon him. He cannot stay the course of judicial proceed ing, prevent the elections provided for by the Constitution, dissolve or suspend the cham bers. He cannot leave the country till one year after he has ceased to exercise this pow er when absent from the capital to any other part of the Republic.—Wish the exception of the cases of treason above mentioned, the Pre sident is irresponsible. The Military power is declared subordinate j to the Civil ; and its Chiefs subject to the laws and ordinances of the Republic The superior political government of each ! Department resides in a Prefect, appointed by j the President, of whom he is the immediate agent. and with whom he will hold commun- said moaning to begin on Wednesday next,! there wii , hc es , abtoheJ the 30th instant. FROM THE ATHENIAN. Extract from the minutes of the board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, at its late session in this place. The death of Thomas AV. Coeb, Esq. a member of the Board having been announcer^ —On motion. Resolved Unanimously, That as a tribute of respect to his character, and oi‘ his zeal in the discharge of his duties as a Trustee oftlie U- qiversity <o' Georgia, the members of this Board will WvXar crape on the left arm during the present se von. The Hon. William II. Crawford having presented the University the Diciionairc des Sciences, in 45 volumes Resolved, That Mie thanks of this Board .jo presented to Judge Crawford for his val uable present Resolved That the thanks of this Board be tendered to Gv-o. J S Walker, Esq for the valuable L'onation of 154 pieces gold, silver, and copper coins of different nations; also to Col. Henry Cumming, for 60 pieces of the same , and to Lieutenant Wm Shields, of the U. S. Navy, for a few valuable antiques made to the University. to some great and terrible riots. The particulars of one at Limerick are given at great length in the London Morning Herald of the 30th The scarcity and consequent high price of pota toes was the immediate cause that led to it. A number of lives were lost, and much prop er! y destroyed. The latter is estimated at 5,000/6 The military were ordered out, and! “ re,uu, l ?- ... J ,, . . | do put themselves into decent mourning, the ceded in quelling the rioters. I ; _ „ L __ ; _ _ , , n The extracts from the French papers, fur-; nish us with some additional particulars on the | two great topics of interest in that country—j the expedition against Algiers, and tho eloc-j tions. The Journal du Commerce of the 26th ; says, that 175 nominations which were then j known, the opposition had obtained 122. and! the ministry 53. One hundred voters of the 1 address had already been re-elected and had been reinforced by 22 deputies, who were not of the last Chamber. The mmsterial list con sisted of 43 deputies of the 131 who opposed the address, and of 10 new deputies. The Journal du Commerce anticipates the complete success of the liberal party. DEATH OF KING GEORGE THE FOURTH. Whitehall, June 26. A Bulletin of which the following is a copy, has been received by Secretary Sir Robert Peel, one of his Majesty’s principle Secretaries of State:— '•Windsor Castle June 26—It Almighty God to take from this King’s Most Excellent Majesty. “His Majesty expired at a quarter past three o clock this morning without pain. (Signed) “II HALFORD “M. J. TIERNEY.” nor. The King and the Ooke of Wellington ! aoJ , 1 ° nroli , re j TI,o procession mwei IVoin ! thron » h ,ho ™" is ' or * °f the Interior.- went up to London from Busby together. ; thc p,, acc> aD ,i proceeded towards the city, j 11, 1 °. government ol each Province will boves- The distresses in Ireland have led to some T r - r- t ™ 1 fed in a Governor appointed by thc political _ _ ... Cc.L^E, W 23. [Prefect of the Department. The Prefects Tl* Earl Martials Order Java general mourn j 0uvernors | lc | (1 lheir „ ffice f or (he term of mg for Ins l,ne Majesty king George the fourth : lo , lr vears . The civil and military authority In pursuance ot an order “I lus M-jesty in, 1>ftho Departments and Provinces,' cannot be Council, the Soil, of June, 1830, these are to ves!ed ,„ [besame „ erso „ undsr anv prc!ext give public notice, that ,t is expected that , lvb , ltcver . The Cantons will be governed by ali persons, upon the present occatmn oi tne , civH officers subordinate to the Provincial Go'- vernors. at last succeeded in quelling thc rioters. ! \ For the better government of the people,. THE ACCESSION OF WILLIAM IV. Ilis Majesty William IV. arrived at St. James’ Palace a few moments before twelve o’ clock on Saturday, and appeared to be in ex cellent hea th. The King entered the Slate room in which the throne is placed, about one o’clock. His Majesty was habited in an Ad- mirals uniform, and took his station at the throne, Thc whole cf the members of the CONSTITUTION OF COLOMBIA. Tiinew Constitution ol Colombia, which we have before us, contains 167 Articles, with numerous subdivisions. It was signed by the members of Congress and the Execu tive on the 25th April. Its principle features we subjoin. With the exception of an article in respect to religion, we see not but it is about as Republican and liberal as our own. The Catholic religion is declared to be the religion of the State, and no other form of pub lic worship will be tolerated. All Columbians are equal before thc law. whatever may be their fortunes or pursuits — No offices, honors or distinctions, shall be he reditary. All persons have an equal right to elect and be elected to office, provided they are citizen*, and possess the requisite quabfi- has pleasedi cjUions - After no person can enjoy tne is world the ! ri S hts citizenship who is unable to read and write; in case of habitual drunkards, tiie rights of citizenship are suspended. Each parish sh.dl have a parochical meet ing once in lour years for the choice of elec tors The voters must be inhabitants of the parish, in the exersise of the rights of citizen ship. The electors must possess real estate to The value of $1500, or an annual income from real estate to the value of $200, or an income ot $300 from some useful business or profession, or a salary of $400. It is the business ol the electors, assembled in their re spective provinces, to vote for President and Vice-president, and also choose Senators and Representatives to Congress, for the provin- \ District Chambers, composed of deputies from the Provinces em braced in the respective Districts, who shall be chosen by the electors, and shall have poiv- er to deliberate and decide on all municipal and local affairs oftlie D parlments, and to carry on thc General Government whatever concerns thc interests of the Republic at large. Within twelve hours aticr the arrest of any Colombian, it is made the duty of the Judge to send him a written order, in which the rea sons of his arrest are specified; arid a copy ol thc same shall be given him if hc requests it.— No Colombian shall be compelled to testify against himself, his wife, his progenitors, de scendants, brothers or sisters. No Colombian shall be tried or punished by virtue of an ex- post facto law. No Colombian can be deovi- ved ol his property, nor can it bo applied to any public use, without his consent: unless the general interest, legally ascertained, requires it in; which case, a full equivalent shall be paid. Punishment by tho confiscation of goods is a- bolished. All Colombians have a right to publish their thoughts and opinions by means of thc press, without the necessity of previous censorship, but subject to the responsibility of the law. The house of a Calc mbian is an in violable asylum; anil cannot he invaded ex cept in necessary cases and under thc condi tions pointed out by law. Epistolary corres pondence is also inviolable. Lette r s cannot be intercepted or opened at any time except by competent antoritv, in the cases and within the limits specified by law. The public debt is guaranteed. 1 he power which the Congress may have to reform the Constitution, shall not exteadto FROM TITE AVGUSTA CHRONICLE. Burrin's Case. — We recommend to the at tention of our readers, the article under this head, and thc signature of John G. Poliiill, E?qr. Editor of the Federal Union. It will bo seen that a most shameless effort is making by that pink of purity Featon Grantland, the. Editor of the Recorder, a political enemy o a Mr. PolbilJ, and cne who has lately smarted uuder the severity of his lash, to excite tho prejudice of the public against that gentleman, for an act which entitles him to the lasting respect and gratitude ol thc pcopl i oi Georgia. What if Burritt bo actually innocent, (which Is greatly to be doubted) does that detract from thc merit ot .Mr. Polhdil Did he not. act under imperious circumstance?*, which no man could have resisted, with honor to him self, and justice to thc public? Might not the least hesitancy on his part, to act as he did, havo branded him with eternal infamy, and tempted most horrible cousequ ncos? Could he possibly have acted with more delicacy anil forbearance? And if he had acted iorproper ly. has not the Governor, thc lotendanf, and the other respectable gentlemen, mentioseit by Mr. Polhiil, done tho same? And lives' a man so base, that for the sake of revenge upon a p'.'Txal adversary, would draw down upon Mr Polhiil, the prejudice of thc public, for highly Honorable and virtuous conduct like this? Will the people of Georgia permit themselves to be thus imposed upon and in censed against a man, who, in the painfully trying circumstances in which he was placed, boldly stepped forward to protect their lives an.I property—their houses from the devasta ting torch—their wives and daughters from pollution—and the throats of ihemselve* and their little ones, from rhe fell knife of the murderer? But it may be said that Bur* rnt is not proved to be guilty. Admitted — Neither is he proved to be ioneceut. And im probable as is the crime of which he is accus ed, we unhesitatingly declare it a3 our firm belief, that if there is a man, or monster, of his color, capable of committing it, he is. Iii the first place he is an unprincipled man—suf ficiently so, to say nothing of the numerous suspicions expressed against his pecuniary transactions, to have declared to Adams men, that he was really in favor of Mr - Adams, while he was openly, in his paper, advocating the cause of Gen. Jackson. Ami ia the se cond place, he had no sympathy with or regard for, the people of the section of Country in which he lived Foi we know that he de clared in Milledgeville a few monihs ago, to one who would attest the fact on oath, that ht should thenceforth do nothing that would tend to strenghen his ties to this section of country —that the people were prejudiced against him because he was a notlu rner--and that consequently he looked forward to a time when he should dispose of all his interest here, an. -, leave if. The person to whom he said this, contended with him against the foiiy of his impression with regard to the prejudices oftlie people—a larg portion of them being nothern- ers. and even foreigners, and very many t: them among the most wealthy, influential, dis tinguished. nn.i popular—and deservedly so, And finally, he suggested to him the prudence, while he remained here, of restraining the e>:-- pression of such opinions and views. It is painful to us after refraining, til! now, from any notice whatever, of Burritt, and the Pamphlet, with a view of restraining the al ready hi<*h excitement against a man who might be brought to trial for the alledged of fence—to mention these prejudicial circum stances, which were known to us long before the developemcnt in question; and ncthing but the base attempt to prejudice the public against an honorable man—and for highly praiseworthy conduct, which entitles him to it? respect and gratitude—could induce us to mention them now The people cannot fail to appreciate cor rectly, this insiduous advocacy on the part oi Seaton Grantland of a maD, whom we will ven ture to say, he hated as thoroughly, when here as hc now does his subsequent antagonist Mr. Polhiil. No man can be so blind as not to sec thc object through its flimsey covering And must not every man be sensible of the danger of openly and gratuonsly advocating thc cause of a man like Burritt, so situated as he is.' a- gainst a gentleman of the unblemished honor and integrity of John O. Polhiil. Who will imitate his conduct, in similar emergencies, it censure is to be the reward?—If Burritt is in nocent, it does not at all affect the conduct of Mr Polhiil, in relation to him; and if Seaton Grantland had been disposed to espouse the thc cause o£Burrilt, from a sense of his inno cence alone, hc might have dor.c so more properly, easily, and successfully, without the least reference to the conduct of i\Jr Polhiil or, indeed, while extending to him a just de gree of praise for I is correct and manly con duct. For it must strike very sensibly an un prejudiced mir.d, that he could not have taken a more effectual method of completely ruining the canse of Burritt, innocent or guilty, than thus attempting to sustain fit. by the sacrifice of an innocent and honorable man. The Following just and liberal notice of tho matter is from the Washington JVews, a paper distinguished for thc uniform liberality and justness of its conduct. —oojoo— from the Washington news. Walkers Pamphlet—Seaton Grantland—and John G. Polhiil.—A few weeks back we ex tracted from the “Federal Union” published in Mdledgvillc, by John G. Polhiil Esq an article on the subject of the third Edition of “Walkers Pamphlet.” This article dr?w before the pub lic the communication, which will befoxmflfee;