Newspaper Page Text
On thejirst 'i uesd&y in December vert,
B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Coving
ton, Newton county, within the usual hours oiaale,
will be sold, (he following PROPKHTV, (v>z:>
One note of hand made by John C. Fraisuer for oM
hundred and *eventy-five dollars, due the twenty-6fth of
December, 1831; one note made by Charles L. McCul-
b’rs for two honored dollars, doe the twenty-fifth*of De
cember, 1830; and one note of hand made by D**id Ed-
diemon, for thirty dollars, due the first day of September,
1830, allpayable to James H.Cruice, or bearer; also one
noted Jack, known by the name of the young Comesary—
all levied on as the property of James 11. Cruice, to satis
fy a fi. fa. in favor of George VV. Larrrence, vs James it.
Cruice, John Eddlemon and William Batchelor; property
pointed out by John Eddlemon.
Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, more or
less, known bv No. 82, in the 11th district of originally
Henry, now Newton county, adjoining Walker and oth
ers on the waters of South river; also one Jack and one
iron g*!ty Horse, about four years old; and one noted
firude Mare, known by the name of Fanny Hill—all levi
ed on as the property of Henry Carey, to. satisfy sundry fi.
fas. in my hands in favor of Benjamin Sims and ottiers,
ft said Carey; property pointed out by defendant.
Seventy acres of LIND, more or less, being part of
lot No. 248, in the ninth district of originally Henry now
Newton county, ai^jninfog the town of Covington, known
as the widow’s dower in said lot of l..nd—levied on as the
property of Sarah Flanigan, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in
favor of Edwin Payne and others, vs Sarah Flanigan; levy
made and returned by a constable.
Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, more or
less, whereon Notly Mobly now lives, adjoining Bacon
*nd others on the waters at Murder creek—levied on as
the property of said Notly Mobly, to satisfy sundry fi.fas.
in my hands in favor of Joseph Baton and others, vs Not
ly M.ibly; levy made and returned to me by a constable.
ALSO—Will be sold as above,
Two hundred two and an half acres o^k md hickory
LAND, well improved, in the tenth district of originally
Henry now Newt w, number not known, adjoining lands
of John C. Watters and Littleton Petty—levied on as the
property of Obadiah Ward, being the place whereon be
now lives, to satisfy a fi. fa. James Coggins, vs Obadiah
Ward. K. W. HARGROVE, D. Sh'ff.
Oct 23 16
On the first Tuesday in January next,
W ILL be sold, before the court-house door in the
town of Covington, Newton county, between the
Usual hours of sale, ttie following 15 NEGROES, viz:
W»!l, fifty or sixty years of age, Lyle thirty-five, Mari-
ah eighteen, lack fourteen, Polly twelve, Sarah eleven,
Fatly nine, Azariah seven, Susan five, Sally thirty-three,
Luranv sixteen, Ann eleven, Lucy nine, Ben six years
old, and a child, tiulda—levied on as the property of Tho
mas Stanford, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure
of a mortgage in favor of lohn 8. Fall, administrate on
the estate of Stephen H. Gilmon, deceased, vs. Thomas
Stanford, sen. K. W. HARGROVE, D Sk'ff.
Oct 23 1C
The abuve negroes are likely and will be sold without re
serve. K. W. H.
| Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to’..* order of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton county, while sitting for ordin
ary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber next, at the court-house in said county, within the
usual hours of sale, four hundred eighty-seven and three
fourth acres of LAND, more or less, with the exception
of the widow’s dower for life— it being parts of Lots num
bers 258, and 247—lying and being in originally the first
district of Walton now Newton county.
Also, on the first Tuesday In January next, will be sold
at the said court-house, within the usual hours of sale,
12 NEGROES—men, women, boys, girls and children—
all sold as the property of John Conner, late of Newton
county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms
made known on the days of sale.
VV. -CONNER, Mm'r.
September25 12 * lit
Administrator’s Sale.
IITILL be sold, at the court-house in the county of
v v Clark,.on the first Tuesday in January next, five
bunured acres of LAND and two NEGROES—Reuben,
about 20 years old, and Doctor about 18 years old—part
of the estate; of William McKee, deceased. Sold agree
ably to an order of the Inferior Court of said county,;-sitt
ing for ordinary purposes, for toe benefit of the creditors
Oct 21 16 lit
Administrator’s Sale.
O N the first TucsJay in January next, 'wilt be sold,
at the court-house in Monticello, Jasper county,
the NEGROES belonging to the estate of Crawford Ed
mondson, late of said county, deceased, consisting of boys
and fellows—or so many, us will be sufficient to pay the
debts of said estate Sold by order of the Court of Or
dinary for said county, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors. Terms made, known on the day of sale.
.administrators dt binds non
Oct 23 * 16 lit
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY ill an order of the. Inferior Court of
Wilkinson county, while sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, will be sold, oo the first Tuesday in January next, at
the court-house door in Thomason, Upson county,
LOT of LAND, N*». 252. in the Jfth dis
trict of originally Monroe, now Upson coun'y. The same
being part of the real estate of Brice Paul, deceased—
Sold for the benefit of the beirs. Terms made known on
the day of sale
October 30 17 lOt
Coroner’s Sale.
W ILL BE SOLD OP tile first Tuesday in December
next, between the usual hours in the town of Cov
ington, Newton county, the followiog properly, viz:
One house and lot in the town of Coviugton, whereon
John H. Trimble, deceased, formerly lived,—Levied on
es the property of Elisha Trimble, administrator of John
H. Trimble, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the
Justices of the Inferior Court of Newton county, vs. Eli
sha Trimble, administrator. Alexander T. Luckie, Jo
seph Walters, P. L. Trimble, and Richard Kennon, Sen.
his securities.
October 16 —15 8t
1 SH ALL, on the first Monday m January next, at
the Inferior Court then held in the county of New-
too for ordinary purposes, make application to said Court
for leave to sell the foHowieg NEGROES, to wit:—Clay-
burn, Nancy, Rose, Dinah, Nathan. Derry, Peter, Wi
ley, Reney, Turner, Moses, Tilman and Corny—which
said negroes belong to the estate of Reuben B. Neal, fate
of Newton county, deceased.
September 25 • 18 mid
F OUR months aftor'date application wi i bt mad to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
LAND belonging to the estate of Jos-Yarbrough, deceas
ed, late of said county, for the use of the heirs of said de
ceased. THOMAS J. BOWEN, 1 _j ,
am bugs Y arbrough, $
October 23 16 4m
£ |10UR months after date application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Irwin county,
when sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
- Jteal Estate of Lewis Wagones, late of McIntosh county,
deceased, consisting of one tract of Land, No. 34, in the
31st district of originally Lee now Randolph county—for
the benefit of the creditors of said dec ased.
William fussell, Adra’r.
July 2! 4 4m
8 A (JXjIt months aKti uute .^plication Will be made to
JT the Honorable the lofeiior-Court of Henry eounly,
when sitting for o'fchiuflj^ prrposes,-for leave to sell Frac
tion No. 3y:„ in t he 5ti>dis«. ict Early county—belonging
to the estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county,
deceased; to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred
itors of said deceased.
July 17 2 4m
Administrator’s *ale.
W ILL be sold, on Tuesu ij ; tn l4i\ day of December
next, at the court-boave in Telfair county, be
tween the usual hours of sale, the following NEGROES,
to wit: *
Aggy, a girl about 16 years old, and her in
fxnt child—Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of said
county as the property of the eslate of Jehu Everitt. de
ceased, for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said
estate. M Ai.K V* 1LCOX, Mm'r
Or»'jb»*30 17 6i
GWlirirSTT SAX.E5.
Ok the first Tuesday in December nrxt,
B EFORE the court-house door in the town of Law-
renceville, Gwinnett county, within the legal hours,
will be sold, the following PROPERTY, to wit:
Lot of LAND, No. 327, in the 5th district of said coun
ty, containing two hundred and fifty acres, moie or less—
is the property of the defendants "to satisfy a fi. fa. from
the Superior Court of Wilkes county, in favor of Ander
son Riddle, bearer, &c. va Thomas J. Wheeler and John
Two hundred and fifty acres of LAND, being lot No.
95. in 5th district Gwinnett, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Mor
gan Superior Court, in favor of Seaborn Williams, vs Jer
emiah Leverett—levied on as the property of the defend-
Fifty ac r es of LAND, whereon defendant lives, being
part of lot No. 13. in the 6th Gwinnett, to satisfy a fi. fo.
fr m Justices Court of said county in favor of James
Rice, sen- vs George Givins; and sundry other fi. (as.
from Justices court against said Givins—levy made and
returned to me by John B. Puckett, a constable.
ALSO—On the first Tuesday in January next,
W ILL be sold, as above, two hundred and fifty acres
of LAND, being lot No. 266, in the 5tb district
Gwinnett county—levied on as the property of the defend
ant, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Gwin
nett county, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in
favor of Peter Lamar, vs lames L. Plunkett; property
pointed out in fi. fa.
Oct 90 W ILLIAM BREWSTER, D. Sheriff.
On the first Tuesday in December next,
W ILL be sold, in the town of Clarksville, Haber-
erahum county, within the lawful hours of sale,
the nltowing PROPERTY, to wit:
LO r No. 20, in the 3d district cf Habersham county-
levied on as the property of Nathaniel Durkie, to satisfy
a ft. fa. from Columbia Superior Court, in favor of Isaac
8. Tuttle, vs said Durkie.
The one halt of LOT No. 31, in the 6th district of said
eounty, containing t wo hundred and forty-five ac es, more
•r less, aa 'he property of Henry M. Crumley’? to satisfy
aft. fe. issued from a Magistrates’ court of said county,
-inf ivor of James Brannon, and other fi. las. from a M agis-
Wates’eourt in favor of Turner H. Trippe, vs Wiley Nich
ols, Sidnor Fortins, Henry M. Crumley, David Nichols
and William Worley; levy made and returned to me by a
LOT No. 34, in the 13th district of Ifobersham coun-
ty—ievied on aa the property of ThomasWorsham, to sat
iny a ft fa. issued from a Magistrates* court of Hancock
county, in favor of Edmund Abercrombie; levy made and
returned to me by a constob'e.
0c , ;trt >. Mtn.PIV O
On the Jirsi Tuesday in December next,
A T the court-bowse door in the town of vionroe, Wal
ton county, will be sold, between the usual hours of
sale, the following PROPERTY, <to-wit:)
One half acre LOT, on the commons ol Monroe, adjoin'
ing William Carr and others—levied on as the property of
William R. Williams, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of Mor
gan Superior Court in favor of Carter VV. Sparks, vs
William B. Williams; property pointed out by John G.
Williams. JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sh'Jf.
ALSO—On the first Tuesday in January next.
Three NEGROES—one by the name of Milfey, about
twenty lour years of age, and one by the name ot Mary
aboutlw nty-eight years of age, ind the other, the infant
male child of the said Mary—levied on aa the property of
John M mte, by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. in fevur of
Thomas Hancock, vs said- Moate; property pointed out
la said fi. fa. JOHN T. MORROW, D. Sh'ff.
On 23 16
Administrator’s Sale.
t N pursuance hi no irder »!’ the honorable the CouT'
of Ordinary oi' county, wiil be sold, on tb-
first fVsUay in December next, at the court bouse in ba
ker cuiuily, a
lying in said county ol B .ktr. No. 59, in the 3d dislric
formerly Early now Baker—containing two hundred and
fifty acres--*Draw,i by Thomas Clark, and srfu for i n
benefit of bis heirs and creditors. Terms made known
on the day of sale.
September 18 II 9l
F OUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the inferior Court of Wilkinson coun
ty, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell all
•he real estate of Christopher Pearson, late of said coun
«y, deceased—For the benefit of the heirs and creditor?
of said deceased.
August 28 8 4m
Administrator’s Sale.
ACfILL be sein, at t;., place of holding Court in the
v v county of Randolph, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, within the usual hums of sale,
Lot ot LAM) N > 95, in the 32<1 district r.:
originally L‘;»*, now Kjndtdph county—said land sold by
an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Newton coun
ty, while silting for ordin ry purposes, as the property ol
william Lane, sen. deceased.
September 4 9 Ur
Administrator’s Sale.
ILL b< ‘■uui. at tlu couit-iioi-i in. the town o'
Greenville Meriwether county, on ihe first Tues
day in December n- xt, within the usual hours of sale,
Lot of LAND N-> 158, in the 8th district
of originally Troup in w Meriwether coun'y—said land
sold by an order of the ho norable Interior Court of N w-
ton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, as the pro
per* v of William Lane, st n. dcceaseu.
September 4 9 9i
Administrator's Sale.
W ILL be sold,ai tli. court-iiousi in the town of Cov
ington, Newton county, oo the first Tuesday in
January next, the folio iug NEGROE>, to wit.:
Clayburn. Nancy, Ri>?e Dinah. Nathan
Derry, Peter, WiUy, Rem v, Turner, Tilman, Moses and
Cooty. Said negroes sold as the property of Reub> n B
Neal, deceased, and by - rder of the honorable the Inftri
or Court of Newton county, while sitting for oiuinaiy
purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY. Adm’r
September 25 12 d<15t
Administrator’s Sale.
NDER an order ul tfie honorable the Inferior Court
of Monroe county, wrhen sitting for ordinary purpo
scs, will be sold, on the first Tut sday in December next,
before the court-house door in Forsyth, Monroe county,
within the usual hours of sale, two hundred two and a
half acres of LAND, being lot No. 14, in the eleventh
district said county—said lot of land lies between Culiu-
dens and Ichocunna creek, contains about twi niy-five
acres cleared and under good fence; the other part well
timbered and of good soil. Sold as the property of Bai-
ly Stewart, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. «
c ntemlie** 1! *0 u
Administrator’s Sale.
A greeably to an order of the Inferior Court of
Oglethorpe county, sitting for ordin..ry purposes,
wilt be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, in the
town of Lexington,
to wit:—Essex, Jack. John, Willis. Fanny, Ann, and Jin-
ny—Sold as tb« property of Mordecai Howard, deceased.
Terms cash Abo,
On the first Tuesday in February next,.
in the town of Thomaston, Upson county, LOT number
sixty-nine, in the tenth district formerly Monroe—Terms
credit until 25Ut December, 1831. Sold for the benefit of
the h> ire. THOMAS HOWARD, Jr. Executor.
October 30 17 »0t
„ Administrator’s Sale.
W ILUfoe sold, on the first Tuesday in February
next, at the court-house in Madison county, two
hundred mm) fifty acre* of LAND—part of the real es
tate of Wiltram MeRee, deceased. Sold agree able to an
order of the Inferior Court of Clark county, sitting for
ordinary purposes.
JtliN H. LOWE, i Mn
October 30 47 I3t
Gttr.LtJbLk to ut. rdi > it - tip J »ur U/».i I
Taliaierro county, while sitting fot ordinary purpo
se §, will he sold, at the court-house in Cow. ta county, on
the first Tuesday in December next, two hundred two and
a half being known by No. 62, in the
fifth district of Coweta county—being ptrt of the. real es
tate of Nancy Andrews, late of Taliaferro county, deceas
ed. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. MARCUS ANDREWS, Mm'r.
September 25 12 ids
Administrator’s Sale.
4 GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
Xm. Walton county, when sitting for ordinary purpose?,
will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the
court-house in said county, six hundred and twenty.eight
acres of LAND, more or less, lying in the third district
of said county, on the waters of Jack and Grubby creek,
and adjoining lands of Wm. Roberts, Daniel Ramey,
Brinkley Boice and others. Sold as the property of The.
ophiius Hill, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, &c
Conditions on. the day of sale. T. J. HILL,
October 9 14 13t Jithn'r.
Administratrix’s Safe. ~~
W ILL be sold, on the firs*. Tuesday in January next,
in the town of Louisville, Jefferson county, one
LOT of L AND, lying on R' edy creek in said county con
taining two hundred and thirty acres, well improved,
whereon Hardy Pool now lives—Sold as the property of
George Mock, -ieceased. for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. Terms mad- known on the
day of sale. MARY -OCK, JUmr'x.
Qef •*•-*• 30 *7 i
P J i RSU ANT l*» no order ol the honorable the Inferior
Court of the county of Early, w hen silting for or
din-'ry purposes, will be sold at Decatur, in the county of
Dr Kalb, on the first Tuesday in January next,
LOT OF LAUD NO- 327, .
lying in the eighteenth district of (jrigm.illy Henry, now
DeKalb county. Sold for the benefit of Expert Kitby
Spence, orphan of Aaron Spence, deceased.
JANE SPENCE, Guardian.
October 3ft 17 l(R
I ^OUR months after date application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of the county of
Newton, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to
s»*|| the whole of the n*al estate belonging to the estate of
Reuben B. Neal, 'a*e of Newton county, deceased.
Sw'i'ifibrr 95 12 4m
F OUR fo-nths utter date application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Walton county,
siitini for ojdinary purposes, for leave to sell the real
estate, belonging t j the minor heirs of John Selman, late
of said county, deceased.
Oet 23
JOHN H. LOWE, J ®™*-
16 4m
fc^OUR months utter date application wiH be made to
A the honor- bit- the Court of Ordinary cf Pulaski
count), nb« n sititiig for ordinary purposes, for leave to
■ II Lot No 293, m the 5th district of Troup county—
for the benefit of the beirs and creditors.
Inly 10 Guardian for the heirs of Mayo.
T HE Board of inspec urs c. tut Penitentiary, will re- j lAJil/AJlJ Illf JL JLJAJj
ceive Sealed Proposals until Tuesday the 7th day — v
of December next, for furnishing the Guard and Convicts
The ration of the Guard to e-'nsisluf 18 unc« » ol flour
or 20 ounces of corn meal sifted; 12 ounces of pork; 8
ounces of bacon or 20 ounces of beef; one gill of spirits
per day; 4 pounds of hard soap; 2 quarts'of vinegar and
1} pounds of candles—and when salt provision? are issu
ed, 2 quarts of salt for every 100 rations, and 4 quaru
when fresh meat is issued. The ration of the Convict s are
22 ounces of corn meal, sifted; 12 ounces of pork; 8 oun
ces of bacen or 1 pound of beef, per day; soap, salt and
vinegar, same aa the Guard, and for six months in the
year, as may be ordered by the Physician, one pint of mo-
lasses each per week. Wlien fresh beef is issued as ra
tions, bacon or salt pork shall be issued twice in each
week during the time.
Sealed Proposals will also be received until the same
timq for furnishing the Penitentiary with COAL for the
year 1831. „
Bund and security will be requjred, and the securities
prop sed must be named in the proposal^. The usual ad
vances will be made.
By order of the Board of Inspectors,
JOHN MILLER, Secretary.
Mniedgeville Oct 30. 1830 . 17 6t
l. psamrs
H *» S just returned from N.
York with a RICH AS-
manufactured of Georgia Gold,
and under his immediate inspec
tion—consisting of Gentlemen's
and Ladies' patent lever Watch,
es, Seals and Keys- cable, loop
and bisket neck CH.ilJfTS;—
BreastPins. Ear rings, and Finger-rings; Miniature
Loekets; Jfiedalions, gold and silver leaf; Also, silver pa
tent lever and plain Wutcnes; silver, and plated table, tea*
and desert and soup Spoons; ever pointed Pencil Case?;'
Plated Cantors, Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, Snuffers and
Trays Silver Spcct..cles and Thimbles Brttania Coffi e
& Tea Pois, Do. Spoon? and.L tdles, Shell Comos, Pocket
Books and Purses, Dirks and Kniyes, Kodgtr’s Pocket
and Pen Knives, Razors and Scissors, Walking Cams—
MILITARY GOODS—consisting of Gilt and Plated Ep
aulets, Belts, Spurs, Hats, Lace, Buttons, Cord, Cock
ades and Eagles, Travelling and Pocket Pistols.
The above added to fbiiner stock will make a very
complete assortment, which are offered at whole sale and
retail as low as at any other establishment in the South
ern country. _ ’
t)LD md NEW GOLD of SILVER received for any
of the above articles. XVATCH ES and CLOCKS repair
ed as usual.
O-toiler 9— .... 11 — ■ fit
T HE SUBSCRIBER, (tale proprietor of the Globe
Hotel, and more recently of tbs Mansion li >use,)
beg,- h ave to announce to his friends and the p: i he gen
erally, that bt* has taken that citgant -md commodious fire
proof Brick Euildhtg on the corner of Broad and.Jack, on
streets, and immediately adjoining!lie new Masanic Hail.
It issitualed in the most central part of the City, and is
in 'he very heart of business—being in the vicinity of the
Augusta Bank, and the Branch bank of the State of Gcor-
This establishment is known ns the GLOBE H< v i'EL,
and in its interior arrangement and general construct!*n,
unites in an eminent d< gree, spaciousness, neatness, and
comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller,
the daily boarder, or the fashionable visiter, the GLOBE
presents accommodations inferior to none tc the Southern
Having conducted for a number of years, two among t/i'e
most popular Hotels in this'City, he "flatters hims» If that
bis experience in business, added to tbe suneiior advanta
ges of situation and the resources under bis controul, will
enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all
who n»av honor him wiilTtheir patronage.
His ST.ABt.F.S are spacious and welt ventilated, and
amply supplied with the best of provender, a'nd at
tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition
to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal un
remitting attention, and in bis charges, will not forget the
pressure of tbe times.
Uooted Vines, Vine Cuttings,
T HE subscriber has for sale, at his plaee of residence
in Jasper county, on the Clinton Road near Hills
401) 3 years old Roots at 25 cents pcrplont.
325 2 years do do at 2’0 cents per plant.
600 1 year do do at 15 cepts per plant.
25,000 Cuttings at $25 per thousand.
500 gallons sweet and sour Wine, at $1 25 cento per
gallon by*the barrel, delivered at any place not exceeding
40 miles—if taken at my r.lace, $1 12} cents per gallon
Any quantity of fresh ripe Grapes can be had, by the
pound, cluster, or otherwise, on liberal terms—as well as
Urppe Syrup.
N. B.—Persons buying quantities of Vine Roots and
Vine Cuttings, can have my V ine Dresser’s Guide thrown
in gratis. C. DIEMER.
October 23 16 4t
SCP The Charleston Stages nr> ; v<. ut tut G!ob? Ho
tel, every Sunday, Wednesday mid Friday evenings, u6
o’clock, & depart every Tuesday, Thor day and >uturdav
morning, at half past 9. The Washington and Athens
Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday niornir)?, at
3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sum uv eve
ning at 6 o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs every
Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrive? ev< ry Friday
evening at 6. The Pendleton Stage departs ewy Tues
day, at 4 o’clock in the morning, and arrives every Mon
day at 2 o’clock in the evening. TheAliliedg<-rtlie Stage
arrives every day except Thursday, ut 7 o’clock in the eve
ning, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’
clock in the rnmniag. Tbe Savannah Stage amv< ? eve
ry Monday Wednesday aod Friday, at 10 o’clock in the
morning,and departsererjr Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs
day, at 2 o'clock io the morning.
.Augusta, Oet. |, 1S£9 196——:f .
'^L-tOUK nuntb* afterdate application will be made to
It?, tiu- honor blc the Inferior Court of Emanuel coun
ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for feavi to seh
ill tbe r«ul and p »rt of the pcrtonul property belonging to
the estate of Solomon Meicer, late of s-<jd county, deceas
Sept* mber 25 12 4m
EORGI.A— Walton county.
J OB SMITH, of the 415th District, G.
M. tool? before Berri n Williams, Esq
d small
i supposi d to be between 12 and 14 years
: ■ s* <>: ut fore, branded on each shoulder, with a stirrip
iron—Appraised by Thoma? Comp and William Kim
ro*jgb,.to be worth Twenty-five dollars.
v. Haralson, ci'k.
October 15 16 3t
GEORGIA—Habersham county.
b. fort lames Brvan, an <cting Justice
«f the Peace in and fer Capt Biyun’sdis-
rict, two head of eslray HORSES—on«
about fifteen bands high, of a gray color,
ith a siit in bis right ear, and a long switch tail—Ap
praised by David Black and Curtis Satterfield to Sixty-
five dollars. * 1
The other a FILLLY, about three years old, cf a brown
color, with a l< ng t lit—taken ud and appraised by «hr same
persons at Twenty -five dollar?, this 2«Uh October, 1830.
'■’A '!F.s WILLIAMS, c i. c.
Or* 30 . * 7
D OCTORS John M. McAfee and James
B. Underwood, have associated them
selves in the PRACTICE of PHYMC, and
ito collateral branches, Surgery, Midwifery,
&c. under the firm 0 f
One of wham will be found ready at ail limes to attend to
anyr professional calk. Their mileage or other eharge?
w»ll i«e moderate, as times are hard. They hope froir.
nnremit ing attention to the duties of th* ir profession, to
merit and receive a liberal share of tbe public patronage.
N. B.—They will Practice in the Cherokee Nation
when called on. McAFEE & UNDERWOOD.
Gaim-sville, Hall county. May I, 1830 225—tl
A LL persons are hereby e.>uti.*ne»l ngainst trading for
a Bond for titles to LOT No. 278, in the 4’hdistric*
“f Lee county, given bv myself to Wiltinm Stinson, dated
27th November, 1827;—as the same is forfeited, end I am
determined not to comply with it.
Clarksville. Qct Wlh 1830 1 7 4t
OitVii A — i < ... i i - :»> too. ,.
Lt Rhl) DICKINSON oMj iplaiii Davaux’s district,
tolled before Hrram Rus>cH an acii.-g Justice of the
Peace for said district, a SORREL H *R>E. with ato.II
face, bis Iff fr.p,- fi jot ‘tirf b<itii hind feet are white, a roach
A 1
mane, and fl <x color'd mane and tail, blind in bis right
eye.—Appraised by Jonn B irk-dab md A iron Smith, to
" '*■'*' A trueuopy’from the esiray book,
JA ;ES WILLIAMS, 1 c. i. c.
T eniv-five :o :ars.
Oct 20f!>, IS30.
October ?0
GEORGIA — Habersham couiily.
OHN CAKN of Captain Sutton’s district, tolled be
fore John Sturce! a FLA K H.jRSE, fourteen
hands high, about two years old, with a star in his fore-
I ead, his I V hind foot and leg and his right forr foot are
all white - Appraised by John Purcel and William Parcel
to Thirty-five dollars, this 20th October, 1830
Oct 30 17
T HE Faculty of Frankiin College would respectfully
notify the parents and Guardians of the Students
thai tbe confl. gration of the new building however seri
ous, will not interfere in the smallest degree with the
regular duties of the College. The course -of instruc
tion will not be affected, as everv accommodation will be
ready for the stuuenis by the 1st January. - The Library
has it is true been destroy d; but we feci confident from
the munificence of the Legislature, that the loss will bt
3i 80 for repaired,.by tbe opening of tbe next term, as to
prucnt anjrjnjury arising fn.m its destruction. The
Mathenaatie .1 instrumenU can be easily reported. The
fine Philosophical Apparatus and Chemical instruments
<!T“ uninjured, and consequently full instruction in the
higher classes Caqbe given.
As t» tbe personal accommodation of the young men,
no di(ncnl f y will exist, as the old building hitherto de
voted t*» the residence of the two lower classes, is unin-
jured, and will consequently contain all who now com
pose those classes, or who may come by* tire commence
ment of the next term. The upper classes will be ac
commodated, with lodging and study rooms in private
families or the boarding houses in town, and that without
additional charge until the College building shall be repair-
6. I. C.
le for
GEORGIA—Walioii county.
IU HEKEA9 James VtcGnughtj applies to I
V v Letters of Administration on the estate of William
McGaughey, late of \\ alton coun'y, deceased.
This is therefore t«» cite the kindred and creditors of
said deceased, to appear nt my Office within the rime pre
scribed by law, and file their objections if any they have,
why said letters should nut be granted.
Given under my band this 5ti, October, 1930.
October 1?——15 st
GEORGIA—Walton county.
W HEREAS, William Price applies to me for letters
of Administration on the estate of George Price,
late of said county; deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all the kin
dred nnd creditors of said t* cc sed to be and appear at
my office, witoin the time prescribed by law, to shew
cau*e, if any they have, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand, this 2d October 1830.
Oct 9 14 5 |
GEORGIA, Pulaski county.
Court of Ordinary, July adjourned Term, 1830.
O CLE NISI.—The petition ofLewis Wood, admin-
M.% istrntor o'. Elisha F.vaqs, deceased, sheweth that
he has fully completed the administration df said Estate,
and prays to be dismissed therefrom—Whereupon, ibis
ordered by the Court, That a copy of this rule be publish
ed once a month for six months in one of tbe public ga-
.z*ttes of.this State, requiring all persons concerned, to
shew cause (if any they have,) Wiy said Letters Dismiss-
-ory should not be granted.
A true extract from the minutes, 30th July, 1830,
Aug 21 7 6m
THE Subscriber respectfully informs
bis friends and the public in general, that
be ha? opened a HOUSE of
in Cakkollton, Carruit county, G .. and
.flutters himself that he will give as gener
al satisiaction t& all that may favor him witn their patron
age as any other Inn-Keeper in as newly settled country
as this—Though Carroll county has been kept in the back I
ground, defamed and shaded by reports, yet I hope alt
wiil soon be blown aw f by the sunshine of virtue, nur
tured by the Gospel of Chris!,'and the insti uctiou of arts
and sciences—So call and see C. McCARTY.
April 24 225— tf
K| i ILL keips • pen a House of Entertainment,
at the South-west Purnot Ik, mih'ii LI.I.-F.
R5 at the south-west cornet otlfce public square
in :be town of Marion J'tvicgs county, and cniy
pledges bimself to those who may fsvpi bint with their
calls, to do the best he can. HENRY LGYLESS.
M irion. Sept 10 1) tf
A N ADORES^ before tiic .vloun;. Zion temperance
Society, July 4, 1SJ0; by Reverend C. I Behan,
Rector of the Institution at that place—Price 25 c. Mb.
Miikdgevill , Oct 30 17 3t
The Faculty therefore trust, and with full confidence,
that the credit of the Institution with the Public, will
not be impaired, end that the patroftage of its friends
will not be din inished. The Faculty therefore confide in
the return of all the students by the first of January
next, to resume their regular duties.
By order of the Faculty.
„ WM. L. MITCHELL, Secretary.
Oct 25. 17—2t
Macch Term, 1830.
The Governor on the information of 1 _ .
Joseph Weldon vs. jamfs Durham. £ **Ct rj.
f .T appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff,
. that tbe defendant in the above case is not to be found
in f aid county, it is therefore ordered, that service be per
fected by publication in one of the public gazettes of this
State, once a month for three months. A true copy from
the minutds. C. BLANDFORD, ir. Clerk.
0 * 3 <> 17 3 m
MEETINGS will be held at the fol
lowing named places, for the purpose of
forming Societies Anxili ;ry to the Geor
gia Baptist Convention, to wit: at'Mon-
ticello on thr 5th of November,—at Eatonton, on the
24th of December, and at Sardis, Jones, on Friday before
the 3d Sabbath in January next. The friends of Missions
and of the education and improvement of the ministry are
invited to attend. ADI EL SHERWOOD.
October 30 17
We are requested to say, that
is a candidate for re-election to the
Office of Receiver o£ Tax Returns, for tbe county of
Baldwin, at tbe next election.
Oct. 15. - | 5
W E are authorised to announce BARA DELL P
STUBBS, Esq. as h candidate for Tax Collector
for Baldwin county, at the Election in January next
October 3(> t7 tf
GEORGIA—-In Pulaski Superior Courts
October Term, IS3C*
I T appearing by tbe affidavit uf .tomes Tuokiv-tiiuini*-
trutor with the wiil annexed of Allen X >oke, deceas
ed—that tbe original Bond of Gray B. Garcnei, the qual
ified exteutor of Allen fouke, deceasi-d, of which the
mnextd is a copy in substance, (to-wit:)
GEORGIA, 1 Know all hen bt these prej-
~Pulaski county. ) ents—:h..t we, Gray B- Gardner,
principal, uod James Bracewe.H, Washington I ancestor',
Robert Thompson, Samuel Robertson, and ithan< ielk,
securities, are held and firmly bound unto tbe Justic:s cf
the Inferior Court sitting as a court of ordinary oi said
county, and their successors in office, in the just sum of
thirty thousand dollars; fortht payment of which sun. of
money to the said Justices and their successors in office,
we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and admioi tra-
tors, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents.
Sealed with cur seals and dated this 23th of May. 1823..
The condition of the above obligation is such tfca: the
said Gray B. Gardner, now acting as qualified ex< tutor
of the last will and testament of Allen Took?, deceased,
having been required by said court of ordinary to gsv. se
curity for the faithful execution Of. bis trust as executor
aforesaid. Now if the said Gray B. Gardner, executor
of Allen Tooke, deceased, do make, or cause to be mem-
a true and perfect inventory of all and singular toe’
goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, which
have or shall come to the knowledge, possession or hands
of the said Gray B. Gardner, executor aforesaid, or into
the possession of aujr other person for him, and Ihe same
so made, do exhibit to the Justices qf the Inferior Ccurt
sitting as a court of ordinary lor said county, at sech time
as be shall be thereunto requir ed by said C ourt of Ordin
ry, arid tbe same goods, chattels and credits do well and
truly adtpinister according to law, and mak> a just and
true account of his actings and doings when by law re
quired—and further, do well and truly pav and deliver all
legacies contained and-specified in Hie said rill of Alien
Tooke, deceased, as far as the said goods, chattels, and
credits will extend, or the law require, and in all things
faithfully perform his duty as egecutor-aforesaid accord
ing to law, then the above obligation to be void, else to
remain in full force.
Gray B. Gardner, [l. 8.]
Robert Thompson, [l. s.J
James Brace wetl,
, Washington Lancaster, fj.. s.j
SottmcI Robertson, [l gl
4 Wm. Jelk, ( U8 f
Signed, scaled and acknowledged in open Court this24tft
May, 1830. Thad. G. Holt,
, . Joel Crawford.
has been lost or destroyed—
It is therefore ordered, That the opposite parties do
shew cause, by the next term of this court, why tbe above
copy should not be established in lieu of said lost original,
and that this Rule be published in one of the public ga
zettes of this State, once a month for three months.
A true extract from the Minutes. October 13th, 1330.
Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1830.
Present, their Honors Wilson Whatley, Egbert B. Beall,
Robert M. Echols and Timothy Pittman, Justices of
?aid Court, s
R ULE NISI —Upon the application of Benjamin
Hammock, administrator of John H. Beardin, de
ceased, stating that he has fully discharged the duties as
signed as Administrator aforesaid, and praying to be dis
missed therefrom—/I is ordered, That a copy of this Rule
be published once a month for six months in one of the
public gazettes of this State, requiring all persons con-*
cerned to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters
dismissory should.not be granted.
A true extract ftom the minutes, this 12th July, 1810,
» 6a