Newspaper Page Text
0« the jirs. Tuesday in January next, .
W ILL be sold, before the court-house door in the
town of Covington, Newton county, between the
usual hours of sale, tue following 15 NEGROES, viz:
Will, filly or sixty years of age, Lyle thirty-fire, Mari-
ah eighteen, lack fourteen, Polly twelve, Sarah eleven,
Patty nine, \z iri.ih seven, Susan five, Sally thirty-three,
Lurany sixteen, Ann eleven, Lucy nine, Ben six years'
old, and a child, iiulla—levied on as the property of Tho
mas Stanford, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure
of i (n utgag* in favor of 'ohn S. Fall, administrator on
the fs -ite of Stephen H Gilmore, ileceased, vs. Thomas sen. K. W. HARGROVE, D. Sh'ff.
0.123 * 16
The above negroes are likely and will be sold without re
serve. K. W. Hi
On the first Tuesday m January next.
A T the court-lniuse in the lown of Hartford, Pulaski
county, will be sold, between the usual hours of sale,
th» following PROPERTY, to wit:
Two hundred two and an half acres PigftJkfoscm now
'.iJanif--vied oil as the property of Joseph Cle
ments, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Justices Court in favor
of Samuel tV. Unit, vs said Clements; levied on and re
turned to me by a constable.
802j acres Fine LAND, lot No 183, in the 19th dis
trict formerly Wilkinson now Pulaski county—levied on
as Hit property of Joseph Clements to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of Thomas Spears, vs said Clements; levied on and
returned to me by u constable- Terms cash.
November 27 21
O N tn- first Tuesday in January next, at the court
house in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order of
the Inferior Court of said county, wiiile sitting for ordina
ry purposes, will be sold, one TRACT ol LAND lying on
Kettle creek in Wilb-s county, containing
more or le«s, arid adj ining lands of Groves, Devant, and
others. Also,
One House and Lot,
adjoining lands of Brewer, Chandler, and others; the lot
contains forty acres more or less. Also, auout FORTY
OR FIFTY LIKELY NEGROES, consisting of men,
Women, and children.
All of the ab'ive, is the property cf Felix G. Hay, de
ceased, late of Wilkes county, and wit) be sold for the
benefit of the beirs and creditors of said deceased.—
Terms, twelve months credit, the purchasers giving bond
with approved security.
Administrator’s Sak.
W ILL be sold, on Tuesday the 14th day of December
next,, at the court-borne in Telfair county, be
tween the usual hoars of sale, the following NEGROES,
wit:' ' .
Aggy, a girl about 16 years old, and her 10-
fant child—Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of said
county as the, property of the estate of Jehu Everitt, de-
ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
estate. MARK WILCOX, Adm’r.
October 3® 17 6t
Administrator’s Sale.
I N pursuance of an order of the honorable the Court
of Ordinary of Franklin county, will be sold, on the
first Tuesday in December next, at the court house in Ba
ker county, a
lying in said -county of Baker, No. 59, in the 3d distric
formerly Early now Baker—containing two hundred and
fifty acres—Drawn by Thomas Clark, and sold for the
benefit of bis heirs and creditors. Terms made known
on the day of sale.
September 18 21
Administrator’s Sale.
O N*the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold,
at the court'house in Monticello, Jasper county,
the NEGROES belonging to the estate of Crawford Ed
mondson, late of said county, deceased, chnsistingofboys
and fellows— or so many, as will be sufficient to pay the
debts of said estate Sold by order of the Court of Or
dinary for saia county, for llie benefit of the heirs and
creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale.
Administrators de bonis non
Oct 23 16 lit
Executor’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next,
between the usual hours of sale, at the court
house in the town of Louisville, Jefferson county, a
named Jack, about 35 years of age, belonging to the es
tate of Noah Adams, late of said county, deceased.—
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es
tate, and which negro is authorised to be sold by the will
of said Testator. Terms made known on the day of sate.
JAMES ADAMS, Executor.
November 4 19 8t
Nvember 1, 1830
Administrator’s Sale.
O V the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold,
at the court house in the town of Covington, New-
on uiiinty, the whole of the real property belonging to
th<- estate of Reuben B. Neal, late of said county, de
c «sed—consisting of the PLANTATION upon which
d. ceased died, un i the LOT of t-AND which he pur-
C’i i.'i 1 of L. P- Mackey—all lying upon South rivera'id
its waters. S viu land sold by order of the honorable
th Inferior Cnirt of said county, while sitting for or
dinary purposes.
\ ivrmber 25 21 9t
Administrator’s Sale.
GREKABLV order of tnc Inferior Court of
ugiethoipe comity, sit ing for ordinary purposes,
v... oe sold, on the tiist Tuesday in January next, in the
town of Lexington,
to wit:— Eo’ x, J-.icK, lohn, .' illis Fanny, Ann, and Jin-
n, — ‘vjid as the property of .Vlordccai Howard, deceased.
Tcitn-. ca.-h Also,
On the first Tuesday iti February next,
in the town of Thomastun, Upson county, LOT number
six.y n ue, in'he tenth district formerly Monroe—Terms
credit uuti! 25th December, 1831. Sold fur the benefit of
the irs. THOMAS HOWARD, Jr. Executor.
October 30 17 lOt
Administrator’s Sale.
% vL T H"k on trie first Tuesday in February
T W- next, it Uit court-h .use in Madison county, two
liunurc.. and fif'y acres of LAND—part of the real cs-
tul^if "Willi itn iVicRee, deceased. Sold agreeable to an
oim/ of the inferior Court of Clark county ( sitting for
okU isry purposes.
Administrator's Sale.
W ILL be sold, at tue place of holding Court in the
county of Randolph, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, within the usual hours of sale,
Lot of LAND, No. 95. in-the S2d district of
originally Lee, now Randolph county—suid land sold by
an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Newton coun
ty, while silling for ordinary purposes, as the property ot
IV illiani Lane, sen. deceased.
September 4 9 9t
Administrator’s SaJe.
W ILL be sold, ai the court-house in the town cf Cov
ington, Newton county, on the first Tuesday in
January next, the following NEGROES, to wit :
Ciuyburn, Nancy, Rose Dinah, Nathan.
Derry, Peter, Wiley, Reney, Turner, Tilman, Moses and
Gooly. Said negroes sold ns the pioperly of Reuben B.
Neal., deceased, and by order of the honorable the Itiltri-
01 Court of Newton county, while sitting for ordinary
purposes. JONATHAN C. MACKEY, Adm’r.
September 25
tds 1 ot
U 1
Administrator’s Sale.
NDER an order of the honorable the Inferior Court
of M erroe county, when sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next,
before the court-house door in Forsyth, Monroe county,,
within the usual hours of sale, two hundred two and a
half acres of LAND, being lot No. 14, in the eleventh
district said county—said lot of land lies between Cullo-
dens and Ichocuuna creek, contains about twenty-five
acres cleared and under good fence; the other part well
timbered and of good soil. Sold as the property of Bai
ty Stewart, deceased. Terms on the day of sale.
September II. 10 9i
Oetobcr 30
Administrator’s Sale.
GKEEABiA i. -n or . of the Honorable Inferior
C >urt of Habersham county, will be sold, at the
C .1 House in Baker county, on the first Tuesday in Ja-
i, ;t ,i,cx', LOT of LAND number two hundred and
t', in the 3d district of formerly Early, nov.
b k county,— as apart of the real estate of V\m. Bo-
lii-u f (.ue of liabnrsham county, deceased; Also on tbt
Burnt- day, will be sold, at Clarksville, Habersham colo*
1-, th. ballance of the unsold real estate of said Wm.
Jib ing, oece-.sed, th t is in foe said county of Huber-
snaui. Terms m- dr known on tlx- day.
ILLIAM BOLING, Jr. { At, “ rB *
November 6 i8 9t
Administrator’s Sale.
11 LL BE -K>t H, i>.. ‘Wednesday the 29dofDc-
v v c ino. i, t t-it late residence of Augustus G. C.
friuc ..ell, iri.e- snj in J>>nc-» county, alt the PERISH A-
Bi.Fi iR.'PE.iTY belonging to the estate of said de
ceased, consisting of hones, cattle, hogs, sheep, oxen,
and c- ii, corn, fodder, house-hold and kitchen furniture,
and ither articles too tedious to mention. Also the plan
tation rented &»:. hate to continue from day to day un
til -Ills sold. Perms made known on the day by
N•-vemher 3 -18 9'.
. Administrator’* Sale.
I GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
|L Walton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the
court-house in said county, six hundred and tweniy.eight
acres of LAND, more or less, lying in the third district
of said county, on the waters of Jack and Grubby creek,
and adjoining lands ol Wm. Roberts, Daniel Ramey,
Brinkley Boice and others. Sold as U»e pi operty of The.
ophilus Hill, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, fac
Conditions on the day of sale. T. J. HILL,
October 9 . -14 I3t Adm’r.
T HE SUBSCRIBER, (late proprietor of the Globe
Hold, and mere recently of the Mansion Hoqse,)
begs leave lo announce to his friends and the public gen
erally, that be has taken that elegant and commodious fire
proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jayson
streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic M»ii*
It is situated in the most central par.t of the City, ana is
id the very heart of business—tping in the vicinity ol the
Augusta Bank, and the Branch lank of the Stated Geor-
81 This establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL,
and in its interior arrangement and general construction,
unites »* -*» eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and
comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller,
the daily boarder, or the fashionable visiltr, the GLOBE
presents accommodations inferior to noiiciu the Southern
Having conducted for a number of years,two among the
most popular Hotels in this City, he flatters hitnsrlf that
his experience in business, added to the superior advanta
ges of situation and the resources under hiacontroul, will
enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all
who may honor him with their patronage.
Kis STABl.ES are spacious and well Tentilatcd, and
amply supplied with the best of provender, and at
tended by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition
to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal un
remitting attention, and in his charges, will not forget the
pressure of Ihe times.
will be completed
Un- fifteenth of December next—at which time the follow
ing very desirable Prizes will" still be floating, to wit •
fC^p The Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe Ho
tel, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings,-at6
o’clock, & depart every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
morning, at half past 9. The Washington and Athens
Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at
3 o’clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Sunday eve
ning at 6 o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs-every
Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Friday
evening at 6. The Pendleton Stage departs every Tues
day, at 4 o’clock in the morning-, and arrives every Mon
day at 2 o’clock in the evening. The Milledgf-ville Stage
arrives everyday except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve
nitig, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o r
clock in the morning. The" Savannah Stage arrives eve
ry Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the
morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs
day, at 2 o’clock in the morning. '
Augusta, Oct. 1, 1320 -196 tf
Prizes of
' 900
_ It
20’s a- d 10’s.
The |
present richness of the Wheel ■
must present the
most powerful temptation even to the miser to invest
something in this Lottery. It is indeed surprising that
the two last drawings should exhibit so many lean Prizes
tvben so many
were subject to be drawn; but these, large ones are surely
in, and so surely they must come out! Those who wish
to procure Tickets at the present prices must call soon.
Wholes #10— Shares in proportion.
idP’ All orders (post-paid) ".ill meet with prompt at
tention. WYATT FOARD,
Secretary to Commissioners.
‘- Miiledgeville, November 27 ,
LL persons indebted. oie K i -se vices rendered by
my horse GALLATIN, will please pay their notes
ot uccoonts, in* tan ter, to .Mr. Hen ft Duncan of Mil-
fedgevilfe, who is authorised to receipt for me'.
November 13 - 19- if
GYORGIA—Washington county. _ _____
John Wicker, ) RulE HISX
rs. V for the foreclosure of •
William M. Behmett. ) Mortgage.
"■"TPON the petition of .«ohn Wicker, staling that on
Rj t t,e twenty-seventh day of Febiuury in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight,
iirthecounty of Washington, William M. Bennett dst
make, execute and deliver unto the said John Wicker, bm
certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the same oay and
year aforesaid, whereby be mortgaged antQ ihe sa.d John
Wicker, bis heirs and assigns, two certain tracts or par
cels of Land, one on the waters if VV ‘ H, ““ s0n ®
adjoining lands of Barron, Howard, Osborn *n&
said Bennett, containing one hundred and «^ ent *eo
half acres pine land, more or less, whereon Mrs. Dcborali
Cook lived at the date of said mortgage; the other on the
waters of Stephens creek, adjoining Warthen, Harnjon U
others, containing one hundred acres pine Land, more or
less, both tracts lying and being in the county and state
above written: which said deed of mortgage was made In
the said John Wicker, for Ihe purpose of securing thn
said John Wicker as security for the said 33 illiam M.
Bennett on eight promissory notes, seven for thirty dol
lars each, and one for fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents,
amounting to two hundred and twenty-five dollars and
twenty-five cents, payable twelve months thereafter to
John Walker and Elizabeth 3Vamble, (administrator and
administratrix on the estate of Eggberl 3V amble, deceas
ed,) erbearer, fbr value recehed—and the said John Wick
er hating prayed for a rule nisi for the foreclosure of the
equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged prem
ises—/! is on motion, ordered, That the principal and in
terest of Ihe debt aforesaid, and the costs of the applica
tion on this behalf shall he paid into the Clerk’s office of this
Court within twelve months from thedate of this Rule, oth
erwise the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgag*
ed premises shall thenceforth he forever barred and fore
closed.—find it is further ordered, That this rule be pub
lished in one or more of the public gazettes of this State
at least once a month for sis months, or served on tire
mortgager, or his special agent at Icist three months pre
vious to thejirae the money is directed to be paid.
A true extract from the minutes, this 20th October,
1830. ■ - MORGAN ER03VN, Cl k.
Novembers 18 - 6tu
THE Subscriber respectfully inform
his friends and the public in general, that
he has opened a HOUSE ef
in Uarrollton, Oiuiolj < ouiny, Ga. and
flatters himself that he will give as gener
a I satrsiaeuon to all that may favor him with their patron
age as any other Jnn-Keeper in as newly settled country
as this—Though Carroll county has been kept in the back
ground, defamed and shaded by -reports, yet I hope all
-will soon be blown away by the sunshine of virtue, nuL
lured by the Gospel of Christ, and the instruction of art*-
and sciences—So call and see C. McCARTY.
April 24 <—225— tf
l^'ULL keeps open a tlouse of Entertainment
at the south-west corner of th< public square
in the town of Marion Twiggs county, and only
pledges himself to those who may favor hire with their
calls, to do the best he can. HENRY LOYLESs
Marion, Sept 10" 11 tf
C ASH will be paid for able bodied
NEGRO MEN to work on tb
public, roads of Hancock county. Ap
ply to the subscriber, Agent of the Infe
rior Court, at Sparta.
November 20 .20 3t
Administratrix’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, on the tirsi Tuesday in January next,
in toe town of Louisville, Jeflerson county, one
LOT of LAND, lying on R< edy creek in said county, con
taining two hundred and thirty acres, well improved,
whereon Hardy Pool now lives—Sold as Hie property of
George Mock, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. Terms made known un the
day of sale. MARY MOCK, Admi^x.
October 30 17 iOt'
Administrator’s Sale.
fe . 'I^L bi <»olit, un tue firsi Tuva .ay tii January next,
Y 1 groeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior
Court of Twiggi county, while sitting for ordinary purpo
se, it toe cour*-house in Marion, Twiggs county, ah the
re >1 estate of Owen C. Fort, late of said county, deceased.
Solo f„r the benefit of the creditors of said deceased.
November 6
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, at tiie court-house to the county of
Clark, on the first Tuesday in January next, five
bumired acres of LAND »nd two NLGROES—Reuben,
admit 2U y.ars old, and Doctor about 18 years old—part
of the estate of »\ illiam McKee, deceased. Sold agree
ably to -n ord'T of the inferior Coun of said county, silt
ing <br oi din ary purposes, for ttie benefit of the creditors
JOHN H. LOWE, \ Adin
Oct 21 16 1,1
" Administrator’s Sale.
GRF.EABLk-t an (udrr of the'Inferior Court of
v( ilkinsoti count), wbife sitting for ordinary purpo-
e< - W |!l be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, at
Rte court-house door in Phomaston, Upson county,
LOT of LAND N<>. 252, in the I Iih dis
■qf i r r*i""^‘ v a...... — ITiium f/inniv. The8<i|ne
being pari of th real estate of Brice Paul, deceased—
Sold r ur ih, benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on
the day -of sale
October 30 17 IOt
A feH
order of the Inferior Court of
Tafia:>rro county, while sitting for ordinary purpo-
will be sold, st the court house in Coweta county, on
t!. fi. i Tuesday in Detember next, two hundred two and
a aif cres «*f LAND, it b< ing known by N<». 62, in tbt
fh\h dis'rict >»f Cow« in county—being part of the real ce-
j.,Lj.ol N .*n« y Andrews, l.i'e of Taliaferro county, deceas
ed, S Id for the ben fi •( tb>'h:4rs and ereditorsof saiu
a>vd MARCUS IN DREWS, Adm’r.
September 9(1 19 (da
IkSliANT to an order of the honorable the Inferior
Court of the eouniy of Early, u hen sitting for or
dinary purpost s, will be sold at Decatur, in the county of
DiKalb, on fee first Tuesday in Jamiary next,
EOT or LAND NO. 327,
lying in the • ignteenih district of originally ii.nry, now
D^Kalb county. Sold for the benefit of Expert Kilby
Spence, orphan of Aaroit Spence, deceased.
JANE SPENCE,. Guardian.
October 30 17 lUt
Administrator’s Sale.
O N Ihe first Tuesday in January next, will be sold at
the market-house in the town of Louisville, Jef
ferson county, between the usual hours of sale, by virtue
.of au order of the Court of Orumury of said county, the
following properly, to wit:
All the real estate of William Hannah, late
GEORGIA—Emanuel county.
rpAKF.N UP, by Jesse Scarborough i i
JL 49tli district, G. M. and tolls befbr
Jesse Scarborough, F..‘q. n
{’hesnut Sorrel Geldings
supposed to be 5 '»l6 years old, two whit.-
feet, and a smyli streak in Ihs fece—Appraised by Alex
ander Lane and James VValeato Seventy-five dollars.
November 1 20 3 *..
Administrator’s Sale.
NDER an order of lh< Inferior Court of the count)
of Walton, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will
be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the
court-house door in Harris county, LOT No. 21 •, in the
eigliteenHi district of foimerly "Muscogee, now Harris
county. Sold for the benefi'. of the creditors and heirs of
Frances Nash, late cf Elbert county, deceased
November J 3 19 ~ 9t *
GEORGIA—Pulaski county.
Tv oil whom it may concern.»
W HEREAS, Lewis \3'ood, Ecxecutor of (he estate
of Abraham-Wood, deceased, applies to Ihe Court
of Ordinary of said county for letters dismissory on said
estate: ~ ,
These are-therefore to cite and admonish all and singn-
lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, 40 fife
their objections (if any they have) in the clerk’s‘office ol
said Court of Ordinary, on or.before the first Monday ii
of said county, deceased, supposed to contain 1500 ndtes, ^ are b next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted
bt the same more or less—lying on the e aters of Duhartfe. 1 ,Ca ?,'‘ . T .11, .
creek in said county. The titles will be shewn on the day Honorable John J. Taylor on* of the Jus-
of sale. J tices of said-Court, ihisfiib September 1830.
Also, will be sold, on the same day and same phee, the j N JOSEPH C ARRU f 11EKS, Cl’k e. 0.
Allowing NE6ROLS, all belonging lo said estate, •« \ oy
wit:—Creasy a woman, Vicey a woman, and her four
children, Rachael and her child,
da 5 years old, and Jeff, « boy S
be made known on the day of safe
November 10 19
1 woman, and her lour EOUG!A, Walton county^-Bryant jUneapplies to
Mnl) 17 years old, Rbo- fi‘f letters 0 f Adminfett ition fin the estate of
years old. Terms will Sarah Lane, Ijjte of said county, dccea a ed:
Administrator’s Sale.
A CREEABLY to an Order of the Inferior Court of
Henry county, to sell the real estate of John Mc
Kee, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday iir Janu
ary nr xt, at the court-house door in the town of Colum
bus, Muscogee county, between the usual hours of sale,
one LOT of LAND, number one hundred and se enij-
seven in the seventh district of said county. Sold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of saki deceased.
J ACOB McKEE, Adm’r.
November 13 19 6t
^ This is therefore to cite »he. kindred end creditors of
said deceased, to appear at ray office within the lime pre
scribed by law, and file’their objections, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given.under my hand, this 22d day of November, 1S30.
’ Nov 27 21 ot
GEORGIA—Henry county.
W HEREAS, Lytha Joiner and Woodward Join
er have applied lo me for letters of administra
tion on the estate of John Joiner, late of said
county, deceased:
These »re therefore to cite and admfrnish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be on I
appear at my office witlun the time prescribed by law, to
GEORGIA—Henry county."
/ HERE AS, John P. D>daon applies to me for let
ters of Administration on (lie estate of John Brown,
late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at my office, -within the time prescribed by law, to
shew cause, if any they have,-why said letters should not
be granted. Given under my hand, this 29lh day of Oc
tober, 1830. GUY W. SMITH, n e b. o.
Nov 13^ !9 5i
ijiEOttGIA—Henry county.
14 / HEREA.N, Aaron Parker, jun. applies to me for
Y v letters of Administration on the estate of A. ron
Parker, sen. late of said county, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of suid_cfecenser), lo be and
appear at my >ffli-e. within the time prescribed by : .w, to
shew cause, if any they have; why said letters should not
be granted Given under my hand, this 29IW day of Oc
tober, 1830. GUY -W. SMITH, d. u. c. o.
November 13 19 5t
GEORGIA—Pulaski county.
OftN D. McCUl.LERS applies to me for letters of
Administration un the-estate of Charles Stuart,late
f said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all the kin
dred and creditors of said dece iscd to be ^nd appear at
ny office, wiftttn the lim> prescribed bylaw,'e shew
; ui«e, if any they have, why s«ai'( letters shuuid not be
granted. Given un< er my hand, this I2lh day of N‘vem-
ber, 1830. JOSEPH CARRUTHERs, c c. o.
GEDRGI A —Pulaski comity.
1HEREAS, Furn^y F Gatlin an > Sessoms Per
kins, -jdministrato.s ol Joseph B CoaIson, late
of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters
>1 dismiss! n:
This is ibercfbre to cite the kindred and creditors of
aid dec’d to tie and appear at «n< office, within the time
Toscribed by law, to shew c ause, if any lb’ y have, why
■ id letters of dismission should not be granted
Given under my hand this t2th Novomber, 1830
‘‘Guv. JO-r EPH CARRUTHEJIS, c c. o.
EuKGIA — Pulaski county.
IWTHF.REA'S, Sessoms Perkins, Guardian of Mary
If Ann Packer, minor of John B. Packer, dec’d.
((•plies to me for letters of dismission.
This is therefore to cite the kindred and creditors Qf
i.-id dec’d. to be nod appear aj my office; within the time
described by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why
arid -letters of dismission s a mild not be granted.
Given under my h -nd this 42th-November, 1830.
m6m. J. ( ARRUTHFR8 c. c n.
F OUR m< nths afterdate application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of VV’alton county,
silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to s«'ll the real
stale, belonging to th* minor heirs of John Seiman, late
of said county, deceased.
Oct 23 16 •' 4m
GEORGIA—in Pulaski Superior Court,
October Term, 1830.
I T appearing by the affidavit of James Tooke, adminis
trator with the willannexcd of Allen Tooke, deceas-
ed-^that tfie original Bond of Gray B. Gardner, the qual
ified executor of Allen Tooke, deceased, of which the
annexed is a copy in substance, (to-wit:)
GEORGIA, ) Know all men bt these trks-
Pulaski county. ) ents—That we, Gray B. Gardner,
principal, and Jamc*s Bracewcll, Washington I ancaster,
Robert Thompson, Samuel Robertson, and V\ illiam Jeik,
securities, are held and firmly bound unto the Justicis cf
the Inferior Court sitting as a court of ordinary of said
county, and their successors in oflice, in-the just sum of
thirty thousanddollars; for the payment of which som of
money to the said Justices and their successors in cflice,
we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors ai d administra
tors, jointly and Severally and firmly by these presi.nts.
Sealed with our seals and dated this 29th of May. 1823.
The condition of the above obligation is such that the
f-ahlGtay B. Gardner, now acting as qualified extculor
of the last will and testament of Allen Tooke, dt ceased,
having been required by said court of ordinary to give se
curity for the faithful execution of his trust as executor
aforesaid. Now if the said Gray B. Gardner, executor
of AUen Tooke, deceased, do make, or ctuse to be made,
a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the
goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, which
have or shall come to the knatvledge,-possession or hands
of the «aid Gray B.-Gardncr, executor aforesaid, 01 into
live possession of auy other per-on for h.m, and the same
so made, <h> exhibit to the Justices cf the Inlet icr Court
sitting as a courLof ordinary lor said county, at such
as be shall be thereunto required by said Court of Ordina
ry, and the same goods, ch-ittcls and credits do well and
trulv administer according lo law, and mnk< a just and
tru account of his actings and doings when by few re
quired—and further, do well and truly pay and deliver i ll
legacis-s contained and specified in (he suid will of Alien
Tooke, deceased, es far us i-he said gouds, chattels, and
credits will extend, or the law require, and in all things
faithfully perform his duty as executor aioresaid accord
ing to law, then the above obligation to be void, else to
remain in full force.
Gray B. Gardner, - [l. s']
Robert Thompson, [l s J
J nines Braceteell, [1.. s. j
Washington Lancaster, [l. s.J
Samuel Robertson, [l s J
Wm. Jelk, (l. s.J
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in open Court, this 24fti
May, 1823. Thad G. licit,
Joel Cranford,
hns been lost or destroyed—
It is therefore ordered, That the opposite parties do
shew causi-, by the next fertn of this court, w hy ti e above
copy should not be established in lieu of said lost original,
and that this -Ride be published in omrol the public ga-
zettes-uf this State, once a month for i.hred-mot-ths.
A trucextracl from the Minutes October 13ili, 1830.
7IOUR months after date application will be made to
the honor-dde the Inferior Court of Emanuel comi
ty, when sitting for-Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
all the real and part of the personal property belongin'* to
the estate of Solomon-Maieer, late of said county, deceas
ed. . DAVID GRIFFIN, Adm’r.
September 25 12 4m
F OUR months after date application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of Henry county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sellnM the
real estate of James S. Bishop, deceased, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors. DUDLEY BISHOP, £dm’r
November 13 19 4m
I VtOUR'months alter date application will be mad-- to
? the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purpose s, for leave to sell the
LAND belonging to the estate of Jos. Yarbrough, deceas
ed, late of said count)', for tlm use of the heirs of said de
ceased. THOMAS J. BOVVTN, ) *, ,
October 23 . 16 V 4«.
I j^OUR months alter date application will ue made to
the Htmoruble the Inferior Court of Henry county,
wheo sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Frac
tion No. 3191, in-the 5tfi district Early county—belonging
to the estate of Alexander Moore, late of Henry county,
deceased; to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and-cied
itors of said deceased.
tuly 17 2. 4m
A GREF ABLY to an order of the Inform Court of s ["? w Ciiuse ’ if an 7 lhc y said letters should not
Henry county to sell the real estate of John vie-, granted. Given under niy r hand, this I5tli day of No-
Kee, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Ftb- Te ^^ (| '* I80O. GUY \V. SMITH, p c. b.
r.iary next, at Carrollton, Carroll county, Lot of LAND, ^ hi
Slid county, as the property of said decea^Fov* ! OEt»RGlA—Dooly county'
the benefit-of the heirs soil creditors of sn id deceased.
JACOB McKEE, Auiu’r.
November 13 19 O;
Adftmiistrater's Sale.
^~^N the first Tuesday in January next, will be
’■Ydbam Hilliard applies to nn for let-
fers orAdminmniitonoBAhe .he estate ofChat-
,0l it M * 41,ard > Hta oftaid couhty, deceased :
T C f. e ‘•'d admontsh ad and sin-
1 the Mnared and creditors of siniifeceased to be
1 and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hy
F OUR months after date application will be made to
the llonoratde tbe interior Court of. Wjlkinson coun
ty. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavo. to sell all
the real estate of Chnstojahcr Pa arson, late of said coun
ty, deceased—For the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of saia deceased.
August 28 8 4m
F OUR'months after dute application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior Court of the county of
Newton, while siMingfor ordinarv purposes for leave to
selltho whole of the era I e-tote belonging lo the estate of
Reuben B. Neal, 'ate of Newton county, deceased.
in McDonough, Henry county, LOT of LANDi 9,,eiv Causc . ifany they hare, why said lette
number, fifty-two, in the seventh district of said.county
8<*ld for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Benjamin
Carrol, deceased, by order of the Inferior Court of suit
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes.
JOHN C. DU LIN, j J *dm’rs.
November 13 18
sh°»jld m.t be grant-d. Given under my hand, This 13th
day of November, 1830. _
(20—5t) THOMAS H. KEY,
c. c. o.
_ Sherwood’s Gazetteer,
last of rlK- Edition just reeeiv^d by
* November 0 fm\trr so't
Sw’OUct'ino.^rii’aite if- '.pj. ic..m -h . ,ir-b ji^ ... ir
wk. 1 the^ honor.r le Uu Inferior Court of Ir«an countj,
When siuing for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
Real Estate ol Lewis btv of McIntosh county,
deceased, consisting t.-l o.r- tract^of Land, No 34. in for
31st district of originally f,.*e now Randolph coun’v—(< 1
the benefit of the creditors of sffid ileceased.
Tviy W 4 4tn
T HREE days afterdate T promise to pay Ge-orge A-
kins v or bearer, forty-seven dollars and ninety-two
cents, for value received, March fS2S
(Sigiteri) ELI F1T55GEIIRALD.
GEORGIA—Franklin county.
Personally enme into open court, George Akins, who
being sworn, saiib that "lie had-in his possession the orig-
rnni promissory note of which the above is a true copy,
and (lie same is lost or mislaid. Sworn to in open
court.October 11th. 1830. GEORGE AKINS.
Test, James Morris, Cl’k. /
IT appearing lo the Court npon the foregoing affidavit,
that George Akins had in his possession tire original note,
of which tlie above is a true copy, and tliat'the same, is
lost or mblaic!—Orderett, That Fdi Fitzgerrald, the al-
ledged maker, shew cause on the first duy of next term,
why said copy should not be established in lieu of foe
original so lost or inislaid as aforrsaid, and that q copy of
this rule be publislutl once a month lor three mor.ths in
some pubfic gazette in this State. A true copy from th®
minutes, iSth October, 1830.
November 6 IS 3m
GEORGIA, Pulaski courtUf.
Court of -Ordinary, July adjourned Term, 1830.
R ULE NISI.—The - petition ofLewia Wood, admin
istrator ol .Elisha Evans, deceased, sheweth that
he has fully completed the administration of said Estate,
and prays to be dismissed therefrom— Whereupon, it is
ordered by the Court, That a copy of this rolelte publish
ed once a month for six months in one of the public ga
zettes of this State, requiring alLperson-s concerned, tot
shew cause (if any they have,) why said Letters Dismiss*,
sorv should not be granted.
A true, extract frdm the minutes, 30lb 'Jnly, 1830.
Aug 21 . 7 6m
Mxqcn T*rm, 1830.
The Governor on the information of \ t a
Joskpk VV eldo» vs. Jatwfs Durham. ) * -
I T appearing to the Court, by the return qf the SheiiS;
that the defendant in the above case is not to be found
in said county, it is therefore ordered, that service be per
fected by publication in one of the publie gazettes of this
State, once amuntlrfor three months. A true enpyfrom,
the minutds. C. BLANDFORD, ir. Clerk.
0 tTft 17
Court cf Ordinary, Jtdy Terns. 1830.
INFERIOR COURT; SITTING por ordinary purposes,
Present, their Honors fi ilson H hatley, Egbert B BeaS t
Robert M. Echols and Timothy Tiitmafi'; Justices of
R CLE NISI—Upon the application of.Benjamin
Hammock, aiiministrator of John H.^Beordm, de-
ceas d, stating thql he has .fully discharged the duties as-
sign d as .Administrator aforesaid, and prnjiog to be dia-
m.ssed therefrom—// is ordered, That a copy of Him Rule
be published onre a mrnfo for sni months in one uf he
pubticvazettes of this State, requiring aft persons con*
cernr-d to sfew cause if ny they have, why said letU r*
dismissory hould m.t 1*. granted
A true extract from the minute-', th.., 19fo Julv 1830
AESSr MITGHtiX, c. c. o.
J'tljlT 9 ca