The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 11, 1830, Image 1

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THE VHOIV. & >JtfN G. PULHUXj EDITOR. 51ILLEOGEVILLE, GEORGIA, SAT^RDAI, DECEMBER 11, 1830« =* . , VOLUME 1, KilMRLtt S3. Al! THE VESEHAE UNION iblisl-.aa cvci} o -ediij hi 1 -jnu-.e dollars per an- , in advance, or Fogk ujioI paid before the end of the The Office is on fV ay nt-Street, opposite Re s’ Tavern. \i>vkr riSBMEHts published at the usual rates. fCP 1 fc-tch Oititiun by the Clerks of tlie Courts ofOr- .iry that ap.ficUion has been made tor LeUei* iniit'rati <n. ouist ho published Thirty days ut b ast N lice by Executor's and Administrators ior Debtors i C *.J >r rs to render io their accounts most be pubHsii- -Au MX U IvEKS. F Siim ,i ,n?n>'* !.y Ex 'culorsam! .V’uiimrirt* tors must He n iv .rtii-'d Sixty cats before the clay of sale. •SJe-j if oars, nip I properly (except negroes)'of testate ind :nte-slate o>tat-’s by Evocators and Administrators, just be advertised Fort? days. .. Ap;i'tCJt.o:ix by Executors, Administrators rrtnl Guar di ms to the co'iri if 'i-diuiiy far leave to se|! Laud roust lie published Four mont&s. Applications by Executors and Administrators for Let ters DismUsory, must bj published Siv months. Aji '.ie.iti Jns lor for: closure of Aiortg-aes on re<l Es tate oust b ; advertised one • a month fornix months. S ’ -i >f real'. -date by Executors, Admmisirators and q , r ,| ms -oust be published Sixtt »ats before. th- day of sale. Those sales must be made at the court-house do oe' vecn the boars of 10 in the morning ar.d four in the lftcrnoou. No sale from day to day is valid, unless aocxiiressed iotheadverii- nienf. ii mo.dbs t fter date Orders ot Court of Oraurpy, (accomfUMicd «tth a copy J jjP l);i i,iiri-rabte »f vhe bond, or igrecmen 1 ) to tnak?. »i'l^s to Land, must be advertised Three months >ii least. Sheriff's sites under esccuti-ms regularly g-on ted by thecurt?, raustbs advertised Thirty day« Sheriff's salts under nmig'-.c executions must be ad vertised Sixty Days before the day of sale. Sli n iif’s s des of perishable property under order of Court •» int be advertised generally Ten days. All iirders for Ad-ertisements will be punctually at tended to. AH Letters directed to the ofliac, or the Editor, most post-paid to entitle them to alien lie o. notices. I SHALL, on the first Monday in Jiaoary ifxt, at the Inferior Court then held in the county ol Ne a - iuO for ordinary purposes, make application to said Court fur leave to sell the following NEGROES, to wnv- (4a j- tiufn, Nancy, Ruse, SJinab, Neman, Derrv, Peter, tYi- !ey,, Turner, ?.li\h’s, Tiltnan und Coo y—which s lid negroes belong totbe estate of Reuben k. Neal, late of Nowton counh, dcconstd, JONATHAN C- MACKEY, Adm’r. September 25 12 _ mtd SOUR nxuitiis afterdate application wittbe m. 6p io the hui'oruble the IiiforiorUcurtof Walton county, sittingX-ir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell thertal estate, belonging t j the minor heirs of John fecluiau, lute of said county, d< censed. JAMES W. HARRIS, JOHN H. LOWE, Oet23 ' 16 4 in Guardians. t ^OUR m mills afterdate application will be made te lilt hunur-ibie the Inferior Court of Etnaituel c on ly, when-sitting f *r Ordinary purposes,-for leave to sell all the real apd part of the personal properly belonging lo the estate of Solomon Meiccr, late of s ud county, deceas ed; DAVID GRIFFIN, AJia’r. September 25 12 : ~ l 4m. (■plication will bo made to the Inferior Court of ticqry tui.ny, i\ben sitiTiv foi ordinary purposes, forfeavi- to sttl aH U.e realcRlufo uf James S. Bishop,deesa.-red, fur ihc benefit, of the h>irs and creditors. DUDLEY BIS LI OF, Adm’r. November 13 19 4rj» F OUR m hthsufL-r date application ufl ht mad. to ttie hivnoratile the lufeiior Ci>urt of Jackson roun- We arc requested to say, that Mr. CHARLES D. HAMMOND, is a candidale for re-i lection to the Oiiicc of Rcctivcr Jf Tax Returns, fof the county of Baldwin, at the next election. Oct. 15. 15 E are Authorised Io announce BARADELL P. STUBBS, E.-.q. as a ramlidate for T -x Collector fbr Bal bviu county, at Hie Election in January r.txt. October 30 1 ^ f t£ W E are requested to announce the name ol W II.L- 1 \ .1 D SOOGGIN, F. rp ts a cim'iikrte for SbeaiTof I’a! i vin county utllitf next election f .r county oi!ir< *s. Kouifter t> A CAR'). T IE friends of the suhscrib-ir wlioJioM subscription 1 i-s!s for the Georgia Ckriitian Repertory, arc re- to forward t.icai iia:.icdiatt.ty by mull oi of her* wise. G. CAFF.US. Macon, November 2, 1939 J J OTOE os* sysmarsiA. ® ’l. G A ROSE, of Virginia, was on tfte 23d nlt'urv >, at UaL'igb, N. C. oa los r. uy t.j \ltllecig. - v,ha —and is es’v-cted soon to arrive here. Il< will giv J,.. p.-.rticular cSitl and attention to cases cf DY^FfeF- •$1 A. As *oon as bu arrives, he will be r ady to wai on ui! patient# affixted -it 1 *, this distrcS- 1 !! gdisease. vYj. |. avc teen v; ry hcnonble tuention made in several papers of the discovers «-f Di. Rise respecting* the n.*t-are and cm c oif tl)i3.conipla:«t. A private I u.'er to the editor states—that “Dr. R. se has m :de discor-ries ia the nature of D«#pepsi.i, and the true mode of treating *1 .<H l:<U d with IHIOCO*-* •* ; r»or'*ins*vjr »• lt " him to visit Georgia, with aview of extending ln« prae- lice and d.ff-si g its bc«*?fit«.—U» lias nnmtrot;-» testi- i„,.iii ,N of his skill, entitled to entire confidetue. 11 <> 4 " ly, when sittii z f ; . ordinary pnrposi s. for Icrve to s*dl tlie LAND (•< tor-, ug to the estate of Jos. Yarbrough, dtcens- «.il, late of said c3uhtf,'for the use of tlie lirirs of said de ceased- TilflMAS J. Hmvi'N, ) AMBROS YARBROUGH,) October 23 1C 4 r» eldin'rs- Vj~?fOI. tv m mliis after d teapplrc .tiuu will be made iO S? th-. u-u.or.iblc the Inferior Co.ii t *.f W ilkinson coun- rj, when sit'hig for urdhiary purpose-, for leave to sell all ■he real estate cf Christopher Iharsoi, late of said conn V, di m a-e<l —For the benefi! of th< heirs and creditors of suiii dceuaned. JONATHAN PEARSON, Jldm'r. Aeg.«t 28 S 4m —-- . r T" ——— —«— .vttUlt months after dale anplicntion will he mode to il- the ho noi'.ubb: the Inferior Court of the county cf N«wton,-wlrihi-lifting fir ordinurr purposes for leave to sell Iht whole of lber-ai L- ouging to the estate of i Reuben B. Neal, Ian- >1 Niuvlui. county, deceased. JON ATI! AN C M ACKEY, Adm'r. ( ?»n!i'hili^r 25 12 4rn j, ilblR liicntir* aii- t date wpultcstiuii wiH 11 nude to S the honor ibb-tl.c Court o*f Ordinary Of Habersham county, v.hru r-ifu-g iVvr ordinary purposes, for leave to -i 11 LOT No. 150. ui Hu ninth distrret i f C irroll enmity, for the Lcn tit of the heirs ind creditor, of Mary V\ iliiai- son’sorphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Guardian. November 1, 1830. 19 4m * f ST'HIREE days al tr d.. e I promise (o pay George A- kins, or bearer, fort*-seven dollars ;.ud ninoty-twc cetus. for value received, March »8*2S (Signed) ELI FITZGERRALD. GEO R G1—Franklin county. Personally r une into open court, George Akins, whe being sworn, sai.h that he had in his possession the orig inal p omissoi)' i te of wbicu itLc above is a true copy md th t Hie sum** «• last or mislaid. Sworn to in open p.iurt- October l tth, 1830 GiaUUGE AKINS. Test, James iviur* <• n*ir relk ive< r*- TIIE N A'WON. To reckon oof^own n*£$u the snost i«»por fatil ol any other oft earth, is a ^t^prcference entirely justifiable. Tt* S3 true we »ve not (be greate#t people: nor *»re we the tnostrenown- etlfiir arts «nd arras, fiat we are d P^onfe « fi , , „ r u < i puvrers of the world to comer peculiar institutions, ot irmgn:fice.n? pren^e, of. commanding station and character and along with Him or resisting him; that io eye- -y act, and word, and thought, we are either lead by the Spirit, or else are grievirg Hie Spirit—to live under the habitual sense <4 rids, what is it hut to struggle through the narrow path which tie only treads who is *cro Convention. Tho first iuqurv is. what is lo ofied unto thi*v world.* and kas Rastotl th* L>»- ilmiv.l des- JiFied to become Oil liter the g’ory or ihu sbuvjf. not of the New World only, but of Hie W'hoie W^orlo. There is no middle ground left fix u* ; no tame mediocrity, either ol honor or dog redalipn awaits us. As w^; are fhe first nation ^>n e«T(b that ev r er fostered true, unnduitern led and r nfightend freedom, so we mav, bv po«-sd«ii!fy, become the first to destroy it. It we i r* reed with a direct march as we have hegiiii, ;u,d keep pure the cb; moots of society, and r men-f or that we are all brelberen ofioue great laiailv, -and act towards each ofr>« r ia the spirit < f undty and conciliation, and If the blessed Bibb- g v i? tues to th 1 voting, iher amplitude afbi' r.r■ •!'<» av o we peace, Ihk t'rarid bap|-i<iet>s'. l>of i<’**•**■ ..... cbtied to ce« k nr.ritual ilesdruction, no »l iTlti we can find it. YV\ enn brink all lh< v c* rds t f moral r. strait.t, ca?> abolish nil the mo‘ time'llt> oflroedom, can call iipto’.udws in the great woik ot devastation: bn-oti••tisne.-.-, 'vramty, oppressiru, an; rchy, and r : < frantic dsemon of , - >’ forth. \U healing vir- is t-o tmagiving fj>e dial I fi' 1 w oh ofied unto tbi* world,* and has 'tasted tlie Ou the other iiarui, to such a feeling occasionally, buf fills u- witfi and undefined iiorror, which forces us t- dtsmiss it, and to emancipate ourselves, if pos -ibie. from its harrowing influence, Shi! it does return: and then, how does the ohristain-behave?' D ei Ite feel'*havit is in ‘Vcd the Lord God tri m wliose presence he hks been vainly hiding himself.? D .rs < he re ■'‘■guise the still, small voice that says Wht fu arr diout Lot him come forth trembling, »- haiEod, and resolved thenceforward to walk -humbly with his God* He is yet in time; for We knovvyt would be useless for < ne Statu to resist, therefore we have consulted all the. siiffL'.ug Slates—they all agree to act tog* »h‘ er. Remonstrance is useless. That has Ijeeu ri. d m vain. We. have t^erelore tuilt-d a he done* One proposerl to N'dnfv the acts of Congress, and quoted the V rgmia resolutions I 1798; but then upon n fl ciioii it wits cofi* -idered that the resolutions had not that u.caning—and that au empty declaration that the law wjivnull and void would have no c fleet. We therefore considered the propriety of tn Northern Confederacy. If the Norther* States will raise a untied voice, I have ntf d.>uht it will not only command attention hut likewise' acquicscn in its demands* The N irthern Slates on this subject are one peo ple, one in interest, in leehng. in suffering, ia iucality and ia power, and ough* not to stpa« discord. Whenever we eh"->se to begin the j curreil quite as remarkably with those who gigantic enterprise of rum ; nd ‘h-moliiion, we have Imd ~ensjble manifestations ami occular have help eooUch. It ren-.j> /or us, then, j. r , i0 f t ;js it docs n»rw with Cbri^tains-, who either to become signally happy or signally jcti'tirplam ul the absence of such evidence — wretched; to spread forth cur bi rders a* » I This is never the real ca«=e. We all know, delightsome land, brightened with tho confrd-j jf we have duly tmpured. that God is with us; eracy of all the Virtues that a»i< v rn atid hints j a „d g' he has chosen lo assure utv of this by man; or to stretch out in dvrn.d cmPibmiy | ;i , v one suffioteut method, Ie"t us not say that ihe or rpchml desolations of prostraie in-titu- negu rt tho behaviour doc to his presence, tion*^, and frustrated fiop^S. Sironld the exp- - [because it »,tight to Lave been made known to *hc Lord has c.dled him, and him who c-imeth jriiie m resistance whether poaeoatde or fiorci* Ho tv-ill in no wise cast out. But does he j file. Let them unite, and whatever they de- -fill r«>p!v. ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful uvand, it they sustain it in a proper maimeri inae, O Lortl.’ Alas I for him—-a little while will be granted. Let them unite, and if their and u.df^-d the Lord w ll be no more recrsom/6/c demands be not peurcahiv eranted' him; and nh-»* i***. uhit is rie cannot then [ fh°y may be forcibTu ma»»t«--‘ed I ...n.** »)r doc** he plead with cm'—ionp, and 1 11 * ... . #••••— *' • .•Hedge that it i-i impossible habitually to re- cogi.tse the D vine presence, because he is not san-ihly ren i .dcd off:? O! let him beware of his worst d« in-ioa. It is not now fi<i the first time (hat God has come to his own, and H:s own have received him not. It ha* oc riinent.m self government, which our nation is now making, ultimately-fail, it would seem to annihilate forever tho hopes of liberty. Af ter such a failure, it would seem downright lolly ever to attempt its re-u-<itation Re voiving years, deends and centu i s might roH un wink* I he articulate speaking tribes upon QC xeil exrvan is Loin a fitter just * L «r m . > it • ., tt n . 1 ■>! I . ,^>,1,1 (.4 1 , t i fix\ • x\. c. ' 1' YT T T . I . a us in some oilier way. L- t us think ou those who. amidst a series of Miracles wrought and prophecies lultiifi’d, -yt; s at (o the l uoiannt!, We wvulil scu a sign fin rn ihee.’^—C'ol. Star Quod fsflings amrnig Christains —The an- isluicV--Ordered, Tijut ngT^TILl. t»e s^M, at P«^<c Mictu.n. ia du: tiwn MideJ^viile, *.n WEDNESDAY, the 89 !»of J; - aubur uext, Lifi TuWic Udnsc amt L^t •» said sown, VvlTli A C ■ N Sa ^U.O»T!I\ It House and Kitchen Farid litre. p li * l00 wi ll I.riown l-j nuts! d^criplion, amt iR-rs-i.s ivisl.iu* to p jiclia’je, arc r t t;iruJttd to cat} and 1 jiIa AUo, the corner S I'UR E & LOT in said towi', ii.e .i-nt occupied by TucLcr, Sc C«. anaBilii. JiliJik .Voo, th* timber. . ,. iost or th,. ftret di*> of next term ‘ C h? s vr?co V ^‘ ocld not te tiUb!i6littl , [" ‘ kU 0f v l "r ;;3L\, so lost or tuitMd U8 ftforrsaid, amt that a c<yy ..f d Srut.; be publish, d 0Mt ft month kr 'bree months tu ome pubir iazatle ..»this Smte. A true cu i } from the aiBteHts;i8lu October, l830^^ Eg * 10RR1Sj Cfcrfc . 13 ' 'Jw» Novenit" " C Ar-n, tii** i.iuUbL ami LOT at present occupied by *EOKGLi—'VVivri.inatui. JOus tf'cKKii, ) RTJT ID S72E2 va A for the fi.itcu.svet oj a v n.iiAM XL BeNjreTT. ) Mortgage. f jp;)N iiie iiv'-uion of ioliw Wicker, Aiuung tbftt j the HVc-nly-seventli day of Fekuary in- the year ol ;r Lord one tituusami ti^ tbui.Ur. d aud t»cut>-eight, in the county of Washington. M ‘ muke ex cute ffnd d-Uvvr uido the sam Jobii Wicker, certain Di d of Mortgape, b. a«*g ^ **** ‘!*7 , " 1 yenrotoresaiA. n hereby h> inorgagtd . ntotbe san. «•».* Wicker, tils L«;ir«. uh<1 a.vsigriJ., tv*., certain trai 'so. ; .*- cels of 1. nd. ou - on thy v.aler, ui' U ilh nison hm air adjoining lands of Barron, Howard, Osborn am* of .is Mr. Darner.V, i'.oivarJ, ku »uul to Novrmlwr 90 ___ EABORN JONES. 20 St T NOTICE. ^HE subscriber banter^ the State^ of Georgia on Cuck-Figi'ting, on the twerdy-bflb day i Dcccm- br next, uml on th' fmirtecnth da> ot January n ft five d-iUirs io live t.un red, the best six in eleven, or as 1 any gentteman may choose to light—meet at ^ ' 1 1 Arml di’» i» Franklin county, six milts from C .rne v.lte. i Any person th 'l choose to take up tins will naw I tu o weeks before band. W. A. JONEs. |K December 4 . 21 ■ i , KOTIC25. sobscriber now * Jf is I.i» LANDS and PLAN I i'ATvON in Bibb county 4 4 1-2 miboi abo*e Mt- I con for sale, which areas follows; SUO aerte, 3t)0 ot tl W (,tcli .iio cleared and very productive 1}logon U.e F.ast side oft’ue Ocmolgce uliovt like town, directly on tiie riv- W tr . Any prrsun wishing to purchase, vyuutu do well to ~ come and view the premises, a* I flatter myself, but ion > ^ if any more desirabb jvdantatioiis arc in the viemuy ul *ia- Gj con , and a very good Fishery is on tlieeanat; H»e Lands £% ere well limbered, tire plantation ia under good ropjars, avitii convenient cabins and Gin Uou8<, with many fruit trees, and no tract of Land in the state is betu r water*!. j.G k fc KUbki* fit or mi, fit"uv 3 19 ^ u> : and L ing m «hecoon.y and af t. uboCo written: which said deed ol morigag-was made t; si .id John. Wicker, for the porp et of .^uroig th< ; llO M slid John Wicker as securily for the saidI W idiara tteModt on eigol promissory no w, 8e **" • he «p.teions ewrtli wnnlil content themselves 'vitl» misrule or tyranny, a the ensft uiiglit fie The example of our downfall would* stand m t lie way of •■very movement towards freedom, would look astern rebuke upoti every expres uiun Ifivorafile to such a cause, and would seal up in mute despair the hps of groaning millions. If such would he the disastrous results o! • *ur failure, ran any sacrifice he too great,* or any efforts too cosily, to avert its^|K-s«ahiiitt 1 Should we not cequiro into two thmgv? name* • L y, wfiat w II rn11 o*, 4 we are ever ruimd . and wliat -will save u <>< he*latest ages, if n.- d- ed we are so save. ] VV^** are aware ti a* Vn-tnim w-Tsa'Wfr /nl-P^n.. jire God’- • rul of his provplence. l >« employs means Wh In destroying and saving his crea tures, wo are permitted to connect th* opera t ions of his hand with the events of our history: :nd lo believe that the line of his dispensa- • it ns runs afi-ng inexact coincidence with the course of human c< tidnct. It, then, we are ever to fill, it wilt fi" a work t fpi'-cruet per- p! Dated by our own lr.rn s It t-he iair struc ture which our toiej. t ! er* hiweiiudt JJt» lor ns is ever sfi. !f n !io<n its stable fi sis, our unhallowed 'liands tviil lecenie the tii^ru uieets ur ! fiat fe.r n com u^»n>r<.—and title genorhtien that o. u i--, siiOiifil uot h • suitably edUfalt <1 for such V afthtl exploit, wo may readily bring up and e-oucate for tins end, t"* fittle f!i<’s who are t"/ socCeeil us. Wo Lave only to fi*t them au nq^aiiii the work is arc -ni- nl sfied, A»an»lo:i thfni to ignorant e and tr eHgioti; lawless passions, •-••..I corrupting iortsno -; to the love ‘ f l-lds ivut l d fu»d lh** r.oiiierppt i f the next; and no n o e will h< ivant ing.t* pfiint our groat G mutton»ve:d- i» w it t> .tint ‘miner of fury" which shall he suhiiovti nto fi • - 1*11. L' .ive* tfi.em to become a na ion of infidels who shall n strain prayer, and al! d cast off the tear efG d, and trample dowi the laws oJ Christ am r.ciiUHle, and t!*ev from Jones, the excellent Secretarv of the Lod n Tract Society in Ann rica. 'Fin contents will I'e pleasing to many of our rea^ ers.—•Cobum. Star. Dear Sir.—Your letter'was duty rpceiveil. The committee hud much pleasure in attend ing to your recom'Mendation respecting Bur mah. In Junuary Inst we sent the Mtssima ^■lesto Serampore, a grant, rt quest ng them t<; propriate twenty four reams of the paper to he publication of Tracts in the Burmese laD urge, fur the use of Mr. Jinlson. In conse quence of your letter, a further grant of twen* • y tour reams of printing paper, and 10/ i.i English publications has been sent f o Mr. -Iji 'son. tu the care of the Rev. Mr. Pearce, denr sir, out c mtnittee felt very sincere sans, taction *n complying with tho suggestion con- .lined in vour letter- They feel that we are engaged *n one cause, and that though labor mg iinfiff ri:Ui part* of the v cevard, we have Put one i^reat <du* ci l»et''re us tii3 advance- * * " * At fpice. hevoml all probability. >1 the NoiThefft of.lies unite nrrneir cuunsui. ...j lua do** mands. Tlie fear, hotirever, of this resjfr, has been arrayed in all the horrors of Civil IVar and Disunion, and has been the gteut engine* which has been worked against the Cause ai d tlie friends of State Rights, sometimes under the most honest conviction, hut ofteuer with the most crafty designs. War of any kind, if the North does not separate, is visionary, hot if it must come, and we meet it under a united banner, if will be divested of all the evils- of Civil War. Disunion will not be our choice, but out; necessity Unless tfien, some special visitation of Providence shall fiecioud the in tellect of our adversaries in the South in the present struggle, they will not foic.c us eut of • bo Union; aud no other cause sari sever oa from it. By the embargo and restrictive sys tem, our navigation was destroyed, our Ship* rotted at the wharves; our seam , s ' were turn ’d adrift not Upon the sea, but tipoU the land—* commerce ceased—property fell—ruin follow ed. Then came a war, as we believe unneces sary , expensive, ami rutoous. Tin se evils are :><oL‘rafilH,in-ofifirahte. Wu have reroonstra- t-d; they have turned a deaf ear. We have c. mjdained; they have mucked at us; they •menace and they defy us. This disunion, however, is after all, not so '»ad a tiling We derive very little hen* fit from tho Union. We ran protect ourselves. We fear no foreign or domestic enemy. We shall make peace with E gland—have a free trade with all the world Wu shall carry the fl air, tobacco, and cotton of the Souths to market: co in morse wdl revive—property will rise—Boston will become the most flourishing City Wo shall govern cursstves, wake our own President, flit all the places of minor ah* Dill ton. * Wo have not resolved, finally, upon meat* ures. We hope you will save us the trouble. What would you be without us? moot ot our fife^std Saviour s Ivinpdoin ill future I lines vour letters will receive prompt attention, and oar committee will ever |;,rs cacti, uiui (-w (or Cficcn I'ollurs ui.d twenty five cent», amxinting to tw» Imadred and tweoty-fite Uollars «r.d cents, puysbls twelve months thereafter - John Walker and Elizabeth \Vkmihfo, adimn.Mruior * aihiiinist rutrix mi the Estate cf L^gbcrl ' v atolJe, dece . ^ . r.v>. . ni.m n r’pJvpd— and the said J<»ho W i c rest SALS, . Neat Plans of the Cherokee Coutitry 9 ^Ht iilNG the districts, water courses, fcc.Bcwiate* 1^ ly cupfid from an oiigiual made by tt»e S wreyor General fruw surveys ami the most authentic uifuruu;- lion that could he ‘ btamed. &2 00 tor large M»i»s and . „ _ __ Si U'J for small flans. —Enquire at the Rtate-llniise. * benjamin h. sturges. 20 4> rr e !!!v!fl»Vcxn* S " payable twelve monfos I hereafter to 1 L ** .- . * r*r_ i U /urimini^lrtiinf aiiU ceks id l orb- arcr, lor value r« ceiveil— and the said J*'ho Vt ick- er living ,^’yed for a rule nisi for the foreclosure of the equity of rvdenipton in and to the said mortguged prtin 2s-U is en ration, ordered, That the principal and ... twest of the tk bt aforesaid, and the costs of the applka non on this behaW ehall he paid inU the C,er £ s .*®* Court within twelve months from the date of ibis Rule, olh ,-r .vise tlie equity of redemption in and to the ecid mortgag ed premises shall thencr forth be forever barred and lo*«- cloLd.-.fctd Uisfwlkcrm dered, That this rule he puh- lid.ed in one or more of the public gazelte> of this State at least oner a month for six months, or served oir the mortgager, or bis special ag’ nt. at least three months prt- vimis to the time lit* money is directed to ( uc* paw* \ tiue extract from the‘minutes, this 20lh October, MORGAN CROWN, Cl’k. Novemb< r 6 ^ —**■?— Sugar-Cane in North-Carolina.—We presented a few day* since, by John M’Rae E q. of Fayetteville, with a eautple of a small , , , . crop ot eugar cane which grew in his gantcu (I to co-«>pf rate ivithyouf itistmmott i he J}J . e8Wlt pe{Ml0n . The stalks are large, -rtfi»* work •. ♦'tfir- Lord M I having 15 or 16 perfect joitHs, each. The cane was planted last April and appears to be From tar Js ttionui intelligencer. I well ripened, the juice abm dant aftd sweet, y i'A t B Rllili I'ty. j and to all appearance as fine as if it had been Letter from a .Vernier of the Hartf&d Conven- j ra ^ cl ( ; Q a 8Ugar country. We have no doubt nun iuojri'tui in South Carolina. (that in a* few years, the sugar cane will b€ Hart Ford. Octobe*', 1814 [extensively cuhivated in. this State, as it is g. R —On live 'topics that now agitate ti » e j evident from the success of this limited expe- tMibSif* ui’iirt, 1 Have uev^r had but one °P ,n * frtment, that our soil and climate are well a- : „. : I, .. .1—1 . ... .. .L M. U'DrUk ■ OU, find a speedy grave happy.—Columbian Star. for nil that is good, vi th an<J . ff i ting ar. «tll the u.jnry as the remedy The Embargo was n <Ungvr>.us, palpabfo , aud iefiberate violation of the CoustituiiOo. The injury far exceeds the common esfuaale, which o«n.sid rs it as u* just, unequal and oppressive The evil swell-, when we consider the motives, • endencies, abuses, aud probable duration, to ,, -.izo altogether alarming- But with the loss „j c ,or Hi*vigatK>n and commerce, which ha ro-trated the North, we have had to endure ,11 the Burthens of war. The magnitude ot November 20 GEORGIA. WALTON, COUNTY ’Court of Ordinary, July Term, IS30. P INFERIOR COURT, SITTING FO* <»MHX.ART PORl-i^SEfl, ii r s at ttieu* Houura H i/sou U hatlcy, hebert B Bern, • Rootrl .'L Echols and Timothy FiUmn*, Jusucw ol said Court. .... # ■> IrmULE M^I—Upon the application of DMijatnin lift/Hainnio<lc. administrator of John H. Boardin, de ceased, staling that be has fully_ discharged tbe Jutiea aa- signsd as Administrator aforesaid, .mJ pr-ying to Je dw- m.sscd therefrom—It if ordered, That a copy ot this RuU be published once a. month for six mU» public gazel'.rs of thia State, requiring \ cerhed to sheer cause, if any they have, why said letters diimusory should noth® granted. _ . , , -g 30 A • • juljW * *» God’s presence in his earthly Temple—I' *■ ntelancholv to reflect on the cold ImarteU m- • :fl'rence with which this the true sanctuary is regarded, even by numbers who value the good tidings of tlie Gospel. Has Christ in deed gone and left us comfortless, that we must look back for t he source of our holy lov*e and zeal to days of /n>t iiC * e « Uf * manifestation; and, fike Peter; stand gazing with misplaced icr wucrcr, - --- - r- enthusiasm on the goodly, stones of au earlier of itie public gazettes of this State Temple, unmindful of that to which t he She- china has been transferred? Ilow poor alter all, is that use of Christ am privileges, which awakens no habitual sense that God is present, and himself dispensing their secret virtue ?— It savors of the dulness with which numbers came to tho Immanuel to be healed or to be fed, and yet failed to recognise ‘the Lord that healeth,’ and Him who provided their fathers with manna in the desert.. , . , Is this apathy increased, or is it diminished, by the further view which that si-me truth car- * i *aL 1* |-L>i4 kat a UFA • I ilUOt l • 1 GEORGIA, Pulaski county. Court of Or dm ry, July adjourned Term, 1830. -tfm ULE NISI—The petition of Lewis « ood, Klnm* K* istrator of Elisha Evans, deceased, shewetb that he has fuffy completed the ud.nin.stn.tion «f said Estate, and j'rnys io be dismissed therefrom— Rhereupon.'itu ordered by foe Court, That a copy of this rule b< publish* ed once a month tor six month ; in one of the public ga- zr.Uesof this State, riquirin; all persons concerned, to shew cause (if any they luivc,) why said Letters Disnass- sory should not Us granted. iaM A true extract from the minutes, 30tb July, law. JOSEPH CARRUTHEHS, €l’k c. o. Aug «1 7 6>n dapted to it* growl Ik Mr. M’Ra* will pro* -erve bis present crop, for transplanting next Spring.—Raleigh Reg. From the National Gazette. DIED. On tbe 224 instant, at Vh« residence of Col. Armstrong, in Nashville, of a pulmonary com plaint. JEFFREY LOCKfiLIER, a free man •f color' com..louly called M>jor Jeffrey, aged The deceased resided »f» .he evil in this view, would ordinarily be Coo lahout 42 years . -idered cause enough tor resistance in the most hat town tor upwards of twenty years and extreme modes, when, a* in this ease, it is ofr though a very humble member ot «««), viuos the con,won remedy, that of the baltot I till It may be troly aanl. hot fat. e.J yed the box docs not and cannot apply, and when to esteem aud good wiH of the cvmnnttt.ily to mention it is to mock the sufferer. In these greater extent than he did. His universal he- views, we behold, among other evil results, a nevolcoce was a distinguished trait in his cl. r power-in which we have no practical partia acter; and it seemed to be the oustness aod £, ...d over which we' bgve no control, the pleasure of his life tci serve others without emploved not simply in imposing the burthen even the expectation of reward. n of the'.lay upon us. unjust and enormous in could boast ol a heart more d « volc d but in Lushing at the same time prm- country’s cause than the humble su^ct of; which in their effect and tendency, sob this article. He w«s. present at a most every vert first the great pecuniary interest of the battle that was fought during the last war. He North and next all tlie protective power of] was in the Creek country during the whole ot the States These burthens are imposed to I that war, and participated in the battles o he - ^ injury and perhaps final subversion Enotechopo, Emuckfa, and theHorse Shoe 4 onhegreit objects ofindustry on winch they and he was distinguished lo/ his valor in he bear. g They are urjust and insufferable. bloody conflict between the «f t,Ue ' r y I believe this statement to he feH-hlully true, Indians at the former placq. Bat his “ditary except as it sltall be wanting in strength, and, career did not end Indian campai^ it'it be not greatly overcharged,. doe^ it do! He followed the standard of General i-cksou exhibit a case involving most deeply and tnjn- to the siege In the Superior Court of Franklin county. M.W..KIW..I libel for divorce. I f appearing by tbe return of tbe Sheriff, that the de fendant, John Foard, is not to be found iii said coun ty of Franklin—It » on motion, Ordered by the Court, That service of said writ be perfected by publication or tbit rule in on'- of the public gazettes of this State, oner . nontl. for Uree-ooUa. A tree cor ITro. I8»h October, 1834. JAMEb MORRIS- Cl fc Nuvtotber 6^ *4 3*» lies along with it—that we are individual-y portions of this sacred edifice—lively stones, as St. Peter expresses it ? I feat A :s mcreas- ed. We could be content to visit, at stateit periods a shrine or a holy person;-once or twice to our lives, to make a toilsome pilgrim, age to Jerusalem or Mecca, and lor the occa sion to put any restraint on our conduct and to wind up our hearts to any pitch of devotion and holv fear: but to feel that we have not to go to God, but that God has come to us—that he is misferiottdy with us, V s * ever mingling lUe operntton, <*«» Spjfrt our own govonmienl ol our w.II ao.l »ffeclions —that, do what we may, whether good or evil we are doing it with Hun, and cither ^ D S extutnt a case involving uioai --- ■ ■. wvf»h« »!ori. riouslv the interests, the honor, and the prac-|*clton of the 2^d a* well a* that ol H g tical independence oft he Stale? In the sameLus gtb. Nor did tus services cease^ w. o manm r it affects all the Northern States. bermioxt.oo of hostilities against great Britain I entertain the opinion that the evil ought l At the breaking out oJ the Seminore w«r ho not .o be blv; Ihit i. ongb. «o bo rolled .. ag.m took .he “.d ^Tiaill. the vroper time and under the jwoper circum- Unrrender of Fort St. Mark, a«d the stmee?af anv and everv hazard, “peaceably I on Pensacola and the Barrancas. His military stances at any . „ - ■ * services termfo»ted only when his couotrjr ceased to have enemies. He enjoyed in a high degree, the good o* pinion and friendship of his old cmn*wndef r Gen. Jackson; and the President on life recent visit to Nashville, hearing of the sickness f>T his fellow soldier, in company With Gen Cof fee, visited bis sick eeocb, and spent aa bo* dm ha company. if we can, forcibly if we must.” It ought to be peaceable it possible, but if force he indis pensable to effective resistance, we ought to' employ it, rather than submit. Submit. Why the question is, whether we will submit to oppression or not. When I say this oppres* sion ought to be resisted at any and every haz ard, 1 walk on consecrated ground—that oi our Revolution.