The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, September 13, 1832, Image 1

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m ■ \9 THE FEDERAL UNION. VOLUME 3—NUMBER 10.] MILLEDGEVILLE, (GA.) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1832. [WHOLE NUMBER 114* edited By 1 6* pOI<HIW* & A« CUTIIDERT. lN - ou^ every Thursi-V at THREE DOLLARS ’ .. „ r eoUK, if ncit paid before t),e end c: the FU.OCLAMA.TION. B y ^ ILSOjS LUMPKIN, Governor of the Stale of Georgia. MB— J. GODDARD, W are-House Jutes by Exec ‘.Xr^usAty Executor before the day of sale. pcopeity (except nejrrocF) of testate and tntes- bfP? * • "itur^ ^iid Administrators, must be adveitised !, Administrators mid Guardians to tire to stjl Land, inust be published l’OCil , . u.. rxecutors and Administrators for Letters Dismts- ... :C1 “Snablisiied six MONTHS. i ••• -ft,r of Meitsngeson real es'ate must be a uu'iitli for SIX MONTHS. ■ "T 1, Lie l>«’ Executors, Administrators nr.d Guardians, >u l,f nhlislifd SIXTV DAYS before the day of sale. These •••:11,,. ma ,1e at tl.e court-house doer between the hours of 10 coMiviissicitf beerohatott, MACON, "VM^ILL continue to transact the above busi. * * ness at the same place occupied last year by J. Goddard &. Reed. He lias built a good W harff’er the CiLOBE UOTBL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SUBSCRIBER, (late proprietor of the Globe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) begs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen- eially, that he has taken that elegant and commodious hi e ptool Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jack- snn streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, am. is in the very heart ol bitsiness—being in the vicini- the Supreme Governor of the Universe—the A uflior of every good : to acknowledge liis power: to make con fession of sins.• to ask their forgiveness: to supplicate i His mercy', and deprecate liis wrath:— j parts ofour^jountnr ^vrith^'a most destructive ne-tilence" I f° nven . icncc of and there is no Ware ! ty of the Augusta Bank, and theBranchBank of Ithe State I the i . pe-.un.nce, i house m town more secure from the dangers of fire. | of Georgia. | to apprehend? will*' 1 erV'^l^-'risirrifs'sta^-A''d b^‘ ' ^y strict attention to business committed to bis care, ; This establishment is known as the Globe Hotel, ; Having as I do, that the imoendin- JiuUmms nfTTfo. and ““tacditR-s which hcwnll be able to render his cusio- , . .dm the interior arrangement and general construction, who despise til'not the com rite lie-.T-f* , Vi \ °. If u ’ j mc , rs ’ ! c llo P es t0 ment a continuance ol the patronage j mutes in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and 1 1 U,C COnlrUC hcait > cal1 fcr dc '° ,K hu - I of his friends and the public in general. [ comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, He is prepared to make liberal advances at all times,; the daily hoarder, or the fashionable visitor, the Giobe on cotton stored, or shipped by him. Cotton stored at | presents accommodations, inferior to none in the South ern States. mi hat ion and pray'er, on the part of us his offending creatures; I have therefore thought proper, at this alarming crisis, respectfully to recommend to the inbab- * ,l " l ?n!in"AiiJ i in the itfternoou. No sale from day to day is j itants of this State, unitedly, to set apart THURSDAY i “h r . .L crossed UUhe advertisement. . i},» SflrV, . * _ .1 r. i:._: ■ so expressed in - rjlin o! ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of d '^^ .TTPriuciit; to make lilies to land, must be ir MONTHS lit Jenst. the 20th day ot September next, as a day for religious ! exercises; especially fasting, humiliation and prayer; to i entreat the Disposer of events, that this awful Pestilence i his Ware-house will l>e insured at the lowest rates, if requested. aug9—6m , letters c ‘ * u :i,le them to attention. 4'lLLIAM \V. POOL, Esq. is a candidate J If ,-r Ttx Collector for this County at the next [ , nugU j —'oXpriSY 7\vTi ** meeting. I I '.flST Camp Meeting will be held at Mount j V /iuu Mccting-Ilouse in Randolph county, near J '*’• „•*, commencing the Thursday before the V' s'iWmth'iii August next, to continue four days. I are respectfully inv iled to attend. Jniy 10th m 3 ~ ul ! ' ,n sAL1s at this OFFICE, j , ,. Vv t ,,pi lS of POSTER’S DIGEST of the | ■1 ! avrsuf Georgia from 1820 to 1829. This isonc ol 1 (S t printed and cheapest law books ever offered for 'r n Geor‘'ia. It contains many forms of different tilm', very useful and convenient for Clerks, Sher- Justices, fot. as well L'w SO. by its afflicting illustrations, the uncertainty of human liie, and “so to number our days, that we may apply our otir hearts unto wisdom.” . In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand tit the State-House in Milledgeville, this 30ih day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand ciitli hundred and tlnrty-two, and of A crican Indepen- dc lice the fifty-seventh. WILSON LUMPKIN. as for the people at large.— "PRINTED LASTS TJIK DRAWING IX TIIK COXTF.3IPL VT] ■ &OLR & U. VND CEORtlUl By \\ J ilson Lumpkin-, Governor end Comman der in Chief oj the . Jrmy and Navy of this State and o f the .Militia thereof: A PROCLAMATION. 7 HERE AS I have received official information T v that. 011 the 11th day of June 1832, in the county of Burke in this State, a murder was committed on the body of Isaac Bush, by his brother JOHN BUSH of said county; and it being represented tome that the said John Bush lias fled from justice—Now in order that iiQ may be apprehended and brought to trial for the Crime with which he is charged, I have thought proper to issue th" . of TWO WAKE-HOUSE AXD COM2YEISSIGN BUSINESS. HAMILTON - & HAYES I > 1 ENDING to permanently' locate themselves in Macon, on or befoi’e the 1st of October next, for the purpose of transacting the above business; and having taken the new and convenient \Y r are-House recently occupied by Isaac B. Rowland, on the corner of Mulber- | vy and Second street, and in the immediate vicinity of most ol. the Cotton transactions, respectfully solicit a part of public favor, promising in return, unremitting attention to the interest of all who may favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on Produce, Merchandize or other propet ty. ; EVERARD HAMILTON, JOHN R. HAY ES. | Macon, August 1st. 1832. 6—7t TO THE PUBLIC. i GEORGIA—Jones county. I D'» CERTIFY that Freeman Burrough told me in the presence of J. Beck and others, that the horse Mr Andrew Jackson and Sir John was got by Decatur in Shelbc.ville, also that Shofncr stated the same in pre sence of the Bostick’s, and Mr. Scrugs said the state ments made by Burrough were facts. Sir John is a blood bay with both his hind feet white, brought to this State by . . y Joel Harrison, anti Mr. Burrough stated that Jackson ;s my proclamation, hereby offering a reward j came of a small black racing mare of not line bjord. HUNDRED DOLLARS to any person or i SAMUEL McDAN'IEL, ■ T11,1. tie re r tins offle marly' issued from They will appear fasper con n(y, persons who may apprehend and deliver him the said : August 13th 183t JOHN BUSII into the custody of the Sheriff of said ! county of Burke, in which said murder was committed: j STATE OF GEORGIA h rfcJG» m Numbers so that they may be bo'und | —And I do moreover charge and require all officersi I certify that I kept Jacob Harrison’s' stud horse together in pamphlet form. ; civil and military to be vigilant 111 endeavoring to ap- the fall of 1 S31, (Sir Andrew Jackson ) his blood was v.nsili irons ol' becoming subscribers can forward } prebend and bringing to trial said fugitive. : then disputed and was said to be stolen by the Policy a imos to us, post-paid, enclosing- the cash, and! »i,„ Ci-m 1 • - - - 3 v. rll I»c attended to. l iiey dioulil ment ion the post lo which the numbers should be directed. . v.h,work "'ill contain about -’DO pages, and ■ ij. '.hided at less than $5 to subscribers, vitid in POLIIILL it CUTHBERT. iiblgcvillc, August 0, 1832. • ,.f ;i -...•u; js iii iV- state v!io win insert tl.e ahorc Kom-liiI... r next, shall receive regularly a copy of w to trial said fugitive. Given under my hand ami the great seal of the State, j Club from t«e Cherokee nation when a colt and taken at the state-house m Milledgcville, this eighth-j to Carroll county and raised ; on the twenty-fifth of De- ;ust, in the year one thousand ; cember following, a gentleman Tennesseanliy the name tceiuh day of Aus eight hundred and thirty-two. WILSON LUMI tlie Governor: Z. Hamilton, Secretary- of State. ’KIN. GOliD LAND MAY or TIIK COUNTY' OF CHEROKEE. llAYKiimv in;:.1 lidndsof the Engraver, which will 1 •ivniili t< 1 hv the first of November n< xt, a gen- ’> curate MAP of the CIIF.ROKEE COtN- , n fruni tin ret urns of the District Surveyors. 1 th'- nr. it. number of Lot.', into which the coun- 1 I,, divided, particularly the Gold Itlgion, j iii, Uruedi.Mcni.ion of the sheet. it will require, to I Ml th' - nui'uhci'S distinctly and accurately laid j •<i, 1 Lave thought it advisable to form the Map into r-tr. and detached Sections; which I designate as i ILUMAI’and LAND MAP. j ;.! the Land Districts in the Territory- are laid down | ■ ■ icet, and ron-stitute a distinct and separate Map i DESCRIPTION. Ir^ir is 21 or 25 years of age, about C fi gb, fair complexion, dark ryes, of hands I . Jo ' 1 j inches | persona] appearance, is lame in the right arm, which is t percirvahle f>n!y wlien he uses t’ne knife at table. IWIELEDGEVILI.E STREET LOTTERY. (Authonzcil by the Uunural Assembly uf the Suite uf Georgia.) Dame fortune stands in merry mood, foiirins tier favors to tin: crowd— Ue ready, friend, before they fail— Who Knows but you may catch them all! MONEY! MONEY! Lots of Money!! 7LIEN we r. mider that For- Vi I of John W. How, came to my house and stated that he ; knew said horse Sir Andrew Jackson, and was well ac- | quainttd tvitiitlic family of said horses; also said lie ; saw said horse Sir Andrew Jackson before lie was six I hours old, and he was sired by Sir Archey and his dam was the finest mare lie ever saw or ever expected to see, - j and the pedigree of Harrison’s horse was just and true. c ' | Also Air. Samuel Scrucgs iV< ni Tennessee, came to my ; house on the 24:h of February 1832 and staved some ! ten or fifteen days; he slated be knew the raising of Sir l Andrew Jackson, and he had no doubt of his being got by’ Sir Archey for he knew the man who raised the horse would not stale any thing that was not so. Also Mr. Moses Venable stated that lie lived in the neighbor hood where said horse was raised, and the people said he was got by Sir Archey fur Robert Htrrison who raised said horse paid seventy five dollars for the season j of his mare when said horse was got, and I beheve the report that he is not not an Archey horse is tale., tlue 13th day of August, J832. JAMES V. MORGAN. three she !, 13, 14, ml surveyed us G its or Maps. I)i: ur.d 15, ui tir. x and happiness in all corner of this extensiv diffusing wealth 'fUNxHsi parts and every 1 . .1 ,» u >. i 1 Iff wX re country, thro’ 1 a 1. ... c- r 1 J'*-'!. I IP, 20, 21, anu 1 Districts No. 1, 2,3, 11, 15, lb, 1 I! .Second Section, form thci econd M | Districts N... 1, 2, 3, 1, 17, 18, Iff, 20, 21, Third Si vi . and Districts ?>'.>. t, 2, 3, 16, and 1 th Fa tli S tion, form the third Map. On thus will be fimnil each District in the Territory-, with | • ■•'in.- L-.t of Land and Fraction distinctly laid ••a and tia.vilirr. il—a!! Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, ,v'l. ... Hoads, Ferries, fee. are correctly and faithfully T1 Man w -i’. b5 h jn’. r, colored at J pul ' '' *’ ; the medium of the LoUt.-y System: that J n li 1 J ■%.' •***“» t scarcely a week opEatiy wimels by us ithou't bringing the intelligence, ihat - 0 me one of our friends or fellow-citi- . . yV' ^ ' d J - -gens lias drawn a prize; and, that it am! oj 5 on |y rc q U '. r es an investment of the ‘ | trivial sum of ten dollars to give us a good chance for a j ° | Prize of 20,000;—Surely it is unnecessary to urge upon j this liberal and enlightened people, the policy of step- | ping in the iron to icculth and the favor of the propitious j Dame. j On Saturday, the 8th daij of September nest, j THE FIRST DAY'S DRAWING WILL BE j CONCLUDED. ngraved, printed on u 0 ia morocco cases This is to certify that tiie subscriber bred from Mr. Jacob Harrison’s hoy. c Sir Andre w Jackson last spring: that lie is well pleased with liis colt for its goi d lonn ana fine action, and that so far as lie kmrtvs any thing of said norse, tie nas no i i;-.iu, >. liatt ver 10 doubt the authenticity of the pedigree given him by said Harrison—but, that on the contrary a Tennesseean by the name of Howe or Rowe who said lie knew the stock of horses to be good, told him last fall that they were in high repute in Ten nessee. Given under rnv hand this 14th August 1S32. j HENRY DAVENPORT, Jr. j J am acquainted with llie characters of Freeman ! Burrough and Cob Shofncr, and I do not believe either of them worthy of full credit—for the'following reasons: Burrough labors under the suspicion of harboring a horse thief—and Shofncr is suspected of being a tory, or at least accused of it. I told them these objections to Having conducted for a number of years, two among Ue most popular Hotels in this city, he flatters himself thit his experience in business, added to the superior ad vantages ol situation and the resources under hiscontroul, wihenable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all whoniav honor him with their patronage. life Stables are spacious and well ventilated, and amplr supplied with the best of provender, and attend ed by experienced and steady Ostlers—in addition to whicty the subscriber will bestow liis own personal unre mitting attention, and in his charges, will not forget the dressuie of the times. ( Icy The Charleston Stages arrive at. the Globe llo- I every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at | 6 o’clock, and depart every Tuesday, Thursday a#ui j Saturday morning, n.t half oast 9 o’clock, j The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every j Tuesday and Saturday morning, at 3 o’clock, and arrives | every H ejnesday and Sunday evening at G o’clock. ! The Eiberton Stage departs every Sunday morning, j at 4 o’clodc, and arrives every Friday evening at 6 o’- i clock. j The Pendleton Stage departs every Tuesday, at 4 o’- j clock in the morning, and arrives every Monday at 2 , o’clock in the evening. j The Aiilledgeviilc Stage arrives every day, except ! Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the evening, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in the morning. | The S» vannaii Stage arrives every Monday, Wed- j nesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the morning, anddc- j part every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, at 2 o’clock in j the morning. ’ Yv ILHAM SHANNON. ! Augusta, October 1, 1S29 196—tf ' AN8IO\HOUSE, S.SrS> HAWKINSVILLE, GA. THE undersigned returns his grateful acknowledgements fcr the very liberal patronage which he has received, from regular boarders and travellers for the last three years, and respectfully informs them that lie yet continues to occupy the old stand 111 the town of Hawkinsville, as a House of public Entertainment, and promises to boarders and travellers a continuance of the best accommodations, that he can procure. The public are informed that the Stage Office i.-; kept at the Mansion House, and all persons desiring to take passage in the Stage at Hawkinsville, will please come forward and have their names registered in regular or der. The first, names registered, will in tlieir order be entitled to preference of seats, except those who may be travelling in the Stage at its arrival. No name will be entered until the Stage fare is paid. The Northern sta ges arrive in Hawkinsville at present every Tuesday and Friday, and the Southern every Wednesday and Sunday. Travellers passing through Hawkinsville to Florida, will be furnished when desired with a waybill of the roads, different stands, and distances from Haw- kiiisville to Tullaliassec. &c. . The town of Hawkmsvilie is situated on the western bank of the Ocmulgeo river, in Pulaski county, Ga., through which place most of the travellers and movers from South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia pass in going to Florida. Movers anil Stock Oiivcm nve informed that a ferry is kept at Hawkinsville with a large excellent ferry flat, well banistered on rt.o tiie, ami attended liy a very attentive, careful, and ac- commodating (whitemail) ferryman. Movers can gen erally procure at Hawkinsville all such supplies as they may stand in need of. JOHN BOZEMAN. ILfwh'nsville, 1st August, 1832. 5m JeabA Til 082; isaisesj ■11141! uprising tnc $ j 00, 810 00, $15 00. tietoilovviiij prices, viz: : an.i Map, ”>U Maps S3 50 e.v or Kir or Gold and Land Maps, c whole Territory, . ervins ilesirou; of obtaining •wellto inform the publish® labor can be obtained Jurin_ v. I All commemieations addressed to the subscriber in lillcdgeville, Ga. (postage paid of course,) will meet with 1‘raiit attention. ORANGE GREEN. 1 Miiledgevillc, August 23,-1832. *. T li’or? in tho state of Georgia, wLo arc fli«po?od to publish tHjv** two or three month?, shall receive a set ol* the Maps as P^nsution. O. O. i hose who feel disposed to acquire fortunes with lit- 1 their character and standing and 1 believe tins to be the tie trouble, will do well to make early investments in reason why they have endeavored to injure the standing of the horse, Sir Andrew Jackson. this Lottery; as it is but seldom that such* strong in ducements are held out to fortune seekers, and highly probable, that, when the present opportunity is past this valuable Map will ! such another will not soon occur again. : soon, as but a limited j the drawing of the Lot- • .. ,-,'ST RECEIVE®, It ItiEbli ,>l PPL 1 oj IA Silver and Plu*. d Spoons, Castors, Iked Bags, Music Boxes, and Spectacles, Pocket and Pen Knives, Patent Perryiun Pens, _ __ Sealing Wax, &c. Gr 1 ORDERS for any articles in the subscribers 1 ' of business will receive prompt attention. I' 1,f dcrs for PIANOS will also be attended to on nn >d- L ' f rms. JACOB FOGLE, [alilledgcrille, June 14, 1832. 49—-tf WILEY & BAXTER ' : R placed in the hands of Hines & Harris, At- arncy’s at Law, for collection, the notes due their Ihk II. are authorized to receive of the tenants 1 Prize of $20,000, is $20,000, 3 Prizes 10,000, is 30,000, 4 “ 5,000, is 20,000, 9 “ 1,000, is 9,000, 5 “ 900, is 4,500, 5 “ 800, is 4,000, 5 “ 700, is 3,500, 5 “ 600, is 3,000, 5 “ 500, is 2,500, 5 “ 400, is 2,000, 5 “ 300, is 1,500, 5 ‘ £ 200, is 1,000, 5 “ 100, is 3,500, 0 “ 50, is 2,500, 0 “ 20, is 13,000, 0 “ 12, is 60,000. Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! Mr. Morgan’s certificate; contradicts this j Q a |,i c Chains and Medallions; Silver Spoons, Spccta- rgan’s statement ot what A.r. Scruggs said j c j eSj Riitter Knives and Pencil Cases, Plated Castors, It appears from McDaniel’s certificate, that Mr. Scruggs had stated t lie substance of what McDaniel cer tified to Bnt —and Air. M or can lie confirmed by other persons, I have therefore reasons to believe that all McDaniel has certified to is merely done to injure the character and standing of the horse, Sir Andrew Jackson. JACOB HARRISON. August 17th, 1832. ‘ 7—3' JACOB FOGLE H AS just received from New- Y'ork, a NEW SUPPLY uf Watches, silver Spoons, belt ffstols, Walking Canes, Beed Bags, &c. &e., aiTtl has constantly on hand a general assortment of articles in ins Hue ot'business, consisting of Gold Patent Lever and Plain Watches, Silver do.; Gold Chains, Seals an! Keys; Breast Pins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, IN BALDWIN SUPERIOR COURT, February Term. 1832. George W. Kiny, ) vs. ~ [> RULE NISI, John W. Pitt. ) for foreclosure of Mortgage. GEORGIA—T o the Superior Court of Baldwin county. March 3d, 1832. T HE petition of George W. King respectfully shew- eth that on the 28th day of February eighteen bun dled and thirty-one, John W. Pitt late of said county, deceased, executed to your petitioner his mortgage deed, on a certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the town of Milledgeville in said county and state, contain ing three eighths of an acre, being part of lot number four in square number thirty-nine in said town, the bet tor to secure the payment of a certain note of hand of John W. Pitt, dated 22d February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, with interest from the 25th May, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, for two thousand dollars, where on the said George W. King was first endorser in the Darien Bank and which said note your petitioner has been compelled to pay off, or take up by depositing his own note in lieu thereof which said mortgage fell due on the 20th day of May in tiie year eighteen thirty-one—It is therefore ordered by the Court, That the principal, in terest and cost be paid into Court within six months from the date of this rule, or in default thereof, that the equity of redemption of the said John YV. Pitt in and to the said mortgage premises, be forever barred and foreclosed—It is further ordered, That this rule be pub lished according to law and tne rules of Court. True extract from the minutes of Baldwin Superior Court, March f j, 1832. WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Cl’k. IN W ILKINSON SUPERIOR COURT, Arr.iL Term, 1832. Lewis Bond, ) vs. i RULE NISI, Martin Hays. } For foreclosure of Mortgage. Georgia—To the Superior Court of Wilkinson county. rHMIE petition of Lewis Bond, respectfully sheweth JL that on the tenth day of April in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, Martin Hays of said county, executed his mortgage deed on a certain parcel or lot of land lyingantl being in the 4th district of Wilkinson coun ty, and distinguished in the plan of said district by the number two hundred and forty six, it being the lot of land whereon Martin Hays now lives, nnd said lot of land whereon he has built a mill the better to secure the payment of three promissory notes; the first dated the 10th Januryy 1826, payable one day after date to Lew- HBond, onJuearer, for $301 32; the second dated the 22d January 1826, payable to Lewis Bond, or bearer, one day after date, for $12 67J ; the third dated the 19th July 1826, payable twenty days afterdate to Rowe & Newell, or bharer, for $76 141; which said mortgage is now due—It is therefore ordered by the Court, That the principal, interest and cost be paid into Court within six months from the date of this rule, or in default thereof that the equity of redemption of the said Martin Hays in and to said mortgaged premises, be forever barred and foreclosed—iIt is further ordered, that this rule be pub lished according to law and the rules of Court, A true extract from the minutes of Wilkinson Superi or Court, tins 6th day of April 1832. JEREMIAH BEALL, Cl’k. April 19 mCm am IN DECATUR SUPERIOR COURT, Jcse Ter*, M32. James Bell, complainant,) vs. > BILL IN ECIUITY, Demsey Rawls. J for injunction and. relief. I T having been duly made appear to the Court, fliat the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, ami that he is m»t to ifo found therein, but resides in the state of Alabama. oiH of the jurisdiction, of this .Court’—On motion of council, it is ordered by the court, that the said defendant appear on or before the first day of ihe next term of thfs Court, and answer the said bill of com plaint, and that service be perfected by a publication of this rule once a month for six months, in some public ga zette of this State. *- A true copy from the minutes of said Court, this Til* day of June, 1832. S. SCARBOROUGH, Cl’k. july5' , 52—3m EORGIA In the Superior Court of Decatur AR county, June Term, 1832, (COPY NOTES.) On or before the first day of December next, we <jr either of us promise to pay C. M, Scawell, or bearer, fourteen dollars and fitly cents for value received. (Signed.) • JAMES CALLAHAM, February 1831. . JOHN COCK. On or before the 15th day of May next, I promise tp* pay John Cock, or bearer, nine dollars for value ree’d. (Signed,) ARDEN KEOL. February 1831. Appeared in openCourt, John Ccck, who being sworn saith that the two notes, of which the above are copies, were recently in the possession of deponent as his pro perty and that lie lias lost the same out of his posessiou and that they, are still due and unpaid. JOHN COOK. Sworn to in open Coiu-t,tliis 8th June, 1832. Test, S. SCARBOROUGH, CVk. IT appearing to the Court by the oath of John Cock, that the two notes of which the above, are copies are lost out his possession, and that the same arc due and unpaid —On motion, ordered, that the said copies be establish ed in lieu of the original so lost, or good cause KFshewn to the contrary on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court, and this rule be published once a month for three months in one of the public gazettes of this State. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, this 11th dav ofJune 1832. July 5 S. SCARBOROUGH, Cl’k. 31 Its. lilt AO I-Y" In E., A AN, COW ” ' 4 1 ^ % &. Baxter, rents as they fall due. "'trust 1st 1832. LAW VUVlMtUl'S. ■Ik subscriber has obtained from some of tiie .Tudg , 1 ’> an< i others a number of DECISIONS made in -"tarn law eases. He expects to enlarge liisCollcc- . ' jnd so so°n as the subscription wilf authorize, to V'.^ 1 a plain, cheap style, in pamphlet form. nt Gtis undertaking is to awaken among i ‘' ’Feasense of the importance of a °J n 't jot' the Correction of Errors *he Jn,W o-i- J rs.... All the Prizes to be (foaling from the commencement j except the following, deposited as follows, viz: First Day's Drawing—2 Prizes of 5,000, 1 of 1,000, I 1 of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of GOO, 1 of 500, 1 of i t 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Second Day's Drawing—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, j t of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of I 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Third Day's Drawing—J Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, I ; 1 of 900, 1 ot 80.0, 1 of 700, 1 ot COO, 1 ol 500, 1 ol j tions of a similar kind, including all the variety of plain Ei A IHE semi annual examination cf this Institution took place or. Friday, the 15th instant. On which occasion tiie students were critically and minutely exa mined on the various brandies which had occupied tl:e;r attention during the preceding session. 1 he precision and perspicuity of their recitations, the pro in p 11 u d e and accuracy of tlieir answers, to t'r.e various interrogatoiies, evinced, in our judgment, m no small degree, much indus try, talents, & unquestionable acquire nvents or. the parti f the instructress, reflect not a littfc credit on the promit- ing genius ol'tiie students, anti must have been peculiar- ly gratifying to immediate relatives. The examination was succeeded by an exhibition, in which the students sustained tlieir respective parts with such : ingttlarabili ty, as to surpass the expectations of the most sanguine. The order and good deportment of the students, during the whole of the period, clearly evinced the most judi cious discipline. It is with much pleasure that we in form the public, that the next session of this school will commence on the first Monday in July next.— Y'oung ladies from abroad may be accommodated with board, on reasonable terms, in respectable families near to the Institution. The course of studies, in this Semi nary, compromises all the branches necessary to a use ful and substantial education, together with such orna mental branches as are generally taught in other institu ^^hrau£’of'^ cit0rs - and jV lbe ” I ^Fifth and lak Draiiing-l Prize of 20,000,1 of 1,000, | 1 'J fOf 1 of 800, foof 700, 1 of COO, 1 of 500, 1 of j I Trimimder' f AndL the commencement of the First, Second, Third, ] Lap. A r ,J profit, is the object of the unc ‘ j an j p’ om th Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall ' Nuon of the Bar tnd Benrit S" ri»n al an I be entitled_to l prize of $1,000, and on the conclusion 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200, Fourth Day's Draxoing—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 1 of 300, 1 of 200, .other perrons. totjtm ri,. jber shall be cntiuecHo doctors roszT* purazroY, r .NDER their gratitude for the very liberal patronage they have received ■ir the last three years. From a strict ad- ' to their former habits of promptness, p r*, v - „ u W°rrr h and moderate charges, they hope to j p unc ] 3 of the Milledgeville Street Lottery. L 5 and ‘ mi * J ? Uiin ce of past favors. Surgical opera-j The drawing to take place under the superintendence Ik. ‘i’h e ^*‘ n Midwifery, will be unusually moder j 0 f William YV. Carnes, Samuel Buffington, Samu el Rockwell, William H. Torramce, Ezekiel E. Park, Josefii Stovvall, John H. NV are, James j S. Caliioun, and Robert McComc, Commissioners; ; j also, a Board of Visitors. i I PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, Wholes $10 Halves $5 ...Quarters $2 50. , I For sale in a great variety of numbers at the Conujus- . 1 sioners Office, on Wayne-Strcet, opposite the Post-Office j and State Bank. and ornamental Needle work. To those who are acquainted with the talents, accom plishments, and amiable character of Mrs. Bradley, it would, we presume, be superfluous to add a solitary re mark as toiler competency to preside over an Institution of this kind. The experience which Mrs. B. has had in this avocation, connected with the universal satisfaction which she lias rendered, during her residence in thii place, to all impartial persons, fully authorize us to state, fliat none will be disappointed who intrust their daugl- ters to her instruction and discipline. JOHN D. HINT ON, J. W, FENTICOST, GEORGE PENT!COST, SILAS REY NOLDS, June 20, 1832. 52 1 Foarc of Visitrrs. ^IKOKGIA, BALDWIN COUNTY.—Where , „ rnjns TMTTtvr r* pot rill T I uer snau ue cuuucu m a capital Prize o( $5,000 each, I Milledgeville, April 21 G ‘ PUL 41 * ! in addition to such Prizes as may be drawn to their j i— - _ j numbers. ; rtllrDIC T/te whole Lottery to be completed in Five Day s j Drawing only! PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days afte.i j as James C. Watson applies for letters Dfsmissory each Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduction ot liltecn ; f rQm t j ie eh f a t c 0 f Samuel YVatsop, late of said county, per cent. AH prizes not applied for in twelve months j deceased: ! from each drawing to be considered as a donation to the i These are therefore to cite all and singular the kindred- and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3d day of April, 1832. m6m B. P. 8TTRBS, c. r. o. 100 often incident to discordant opinions f - firm ar° are not Hkcly to occur with us, as both of ■m: v .,(• r, now Sraduates of the same school—the Uni- ^; f ; rd Pfca ?^ v an i a. ■^2—Roads, June. 7, 1332. 48eow4ni I *** JAIL in Jacksonville, Tetlni: Iffslik - 1 • ’ .^ a- on the lGt.h instant, a negro man win 'theStS^S PETER JOHNSON, that he belom f^'siiicc f* ^ ,cor ^‘ a > ail( I that he run away about tv Nnabom !lis overs '-^ r in Upson county. He i •fetteioi,- 7 y cars Of age, dark complexion, abov inches high. JAMES A. ROGERS, Jailor. NOTICE. T ie office of the pied- MONT LINE, is now kept Dr. Brown’s Hotel, opposite the mrt-iiouse, Milledgeville. This Fruit Baskets, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Razors, Pen Knives and Scissors; Razor Straps Shaving Boxes and Soap; Otto of Rose, Cologne Water, Macassar Oil and Hah - Powder; Plain and Carved Combs. Pocket, Dressing and Side Combs, Gilt and Steel Chains and Keys, Sword and Plain Canes, Belt and Pocket Pistols, Percussion Caps and Powder Flasks, Military Hats, Swords, Belts, Buttons, Epauletts, Lace, Cord, &c. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO CLOCK & WATCH REPAIRING, ALSO, TO ENGRAVING COURT <fc NOTARIAL SEALS. Pleieand Jewelry, neatly repaired;—Canes mounted with Gold, Silver or Ivory—Gold Spectacles made to or der—Surveyors Compasses repaired. Milledgeville, March 8, 1832. 35—tf (COPY NOTE.) O N or before the 25ili December next, I promise to pay Jonathan Smith, or bearer, six hundred dol lars, for value received. January 27th, 1832. Test, his Joshua Hill. JOHN )/, FREEMAN. mark. Reev’d sixty Collars in part payment 2Clh Jan. 1832. Reev’d fifty dollars in part, payment 20th March 1832. GEORGIA—Jones county. Personally appeared Bazel Smith before me, who be- in" duly sworn, saith that the above is a substantial co py of a promissory note which was in this deponents possession and that the same has been lost or destroyed so that it cannot be found. BAZEL SMITH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, 16th July, 1832. ROBERT J3ROWN, j. f. Jasper Infexior Court, July Tcrxn, 2832. IT appearing to the Court by the above affidavit of Bazel Smith, he was possessed of a certain promissory note therein referred to and that the above is a substan tial copy of said note, together with th,c credits thereon; and that the same has been lost or destroyed—It is there fore ordered, That the said copy be established in lieu of the original note at the next Term of this Court, un less sufficient cause be shewn to the contrary; and that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public ga zettes of this State according to law in such cases made and provided. A true copy from the minutes, 7th August, 1832. ROBERT KELLUM, Cl’k. Aug 23 m3ru ~ FOR HALE, SKETCHES OF DISTRICTS IN CHE- ROKEE COUNTY, 1 HAVE made out a great number of Sketches, and will forward them promptly to apy quarter of the tsiate on application. The price for sketches of Rand Districts is one dollar, and for sketches of Gold Districts, two dollars ana fifty cents. Any iierson who wHl en close one dollar for eacli sketch of a Land District, and two dollars and fifty cents for each sketch of a Gold District, will receive promptly any number they may wish. The sketches will represent on a. small scale, all the lots, numbers ami water courses, together with the qual ity °f the soil, as reported by the Surveyors. I will al so execute Drafts of the whole Cherokee country, or any IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1331. Ann Melhado, ) vs. > RULE NIST, for foreclosure of Elijah H. Burritt. ) _ mortgage. I T appearing to the*court, that on the sixth day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty sev en, Elijah II. Burritt made and delivered to Ann Melha do, his three several promissory notes, bearing date on the day and year aforesaid; one for the sum of four hun dred and sixty seven dollars, and due on the sixth day of June eighteen hundred and twenty eight: one for the sum of four bundled and sixty six dollars, and due on the sixth day of J une eighteen hundred and twenty nine: and one for "the sum of four hundred and sixty seven del tars, alia True on the sixth day of June eighteen hundred and thirty: and that, to secure the payment nf the mo ney in said notes specified, the said Elijah H. on the day and year first aforesaid, executed to the said Ann, his mortgage on the following lots of lands, viz: lot num ber one hundred and forty, in the twelfth district of Hen ry; also lot number sixty, in the twelfth district of Hen ry, and lot number 20, in the 11th district of Henry—all lying in said county: and that there remains due on said mortgage, the sum of four hundred and sixty seven dol lars, besides interest, as specified in the last above-men tioned note: It is therefore ordered, that the said Elijah II. do pay into this court, within twelve months hereaf ter, the sum due as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with in terest and cost; and on failure thereof, the court will pro ceed, as to justice shall appertain, in foreclosing said mortgage. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the gazettes of t his State once a month for six months before the fail term of this court for eighteen hundred and thirty two: or be served per sonally on the defendant three months before the stfld term of the court. A true extract from the minutes, this 14th April, 1831. may31 WILLIAM HARDIN, Cl’k. IN IIENRY SUPERIOR COURT, ArgiL Term, 1332. Benjamin E. Stiles & j Abraham B. Fanning, i RULE NISI, vs. f for foreclosure of mortgage. Bennett S. Griffin, j I T appearing to tiie Court, that on the second day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-one, Bennett. S. Griffin made and delivered to Benjamin E. Stiles and Abraham B. Fanning, his promissory note f ir twenty three thousand eight hundred and eighty one dol lars, bearing date on the day and year aforesaid, and payable on the first day of October then next: and that j to secure the payment of the money in said note specified, ; the said Bennett S., on the day and year first aforesaid, ] executed to tie said Benjamin E. and Abraham B. his i mortgage on that lot of land known as four hundred and G EORGIA—Ja the Superior Court of Decatur count}’, January Term, 1832- (COPY NOTE.) One day after date, I promise to pay Thomas D. Welch or bearer, fifty seven dollars and fifty six and otic fourth cents for value received, December 20th, 1830. (Signed) RICHARD WILSON. GEORGIA—Decatur county. Before me -a Justice of the Peace for said county, came Harmon G. Harland, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that he was the bearer of a note, of which the above is a copy, and that said note is lost or mislaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tin’s 2d day of January, 1832. H. G. HAREAjNJJ. Solomon D. Betton, j. p, UPON the affidavit of Harmon G. Harland, stating that a certain note made by Ricliard W ijson of said county, on the 20th December 1830, for the sum of fifty seven dollars and fiuy-six and one fourth cents, payable to Thomas D. Weliffi, or bearer, has keen lost—It is nn motion, ordered, That a copy of said note be establish ed in lieu of said lost original, unless cause be shewn, to the contrary on or before the next Term of this Court, and that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this State, once a month for at least three months previous to the next Term of this Court. A true copy trom the minutes of said Court, this 2d February, 1S32. S. SCARBOROUGH, Ci’lf, March 1 34—3m GEORGIA—IN DECATUR St'P’Jt COURT, Duncan Curry, i- vs. .■ RL LE NISI to foreclose YIort.~ Jason Plant. ) gage. I TPON the petition of Duncan Curry, stating tint ) Jason Plant heretofore, to-wit; on the twentv- sixtHday ol January in the year of our Lora one thous and eight hundred and thirty, did execute and deliver to the said Duncan, liis certain mortgage deed, dated tho ady and year aforesaid, in and to a certain tract of land iy, ing in the sixteenth district of originally Early now Deca tur county, known in the plan of said district by the num ber fifty, for the better securing the payment of two cer tain promissory notes, dated as aforesaid, both payable to the said Duncan Curry, one of which on or before tire first day of January eighteen hundred and thirty-one, for one hundred and eight dollars, and the other of said notes due on the first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and tliirty-onc, for one hundred and twelve dollars, and that the sum of one hundred and forty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents, principal, and the sum of eight dollars and forty-two cents interest, is now due and unpaid on said notes.—On motion of Thomas Bishop, attorney for petitioner, it is ordered, that tiie said Jason Plant pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court, by the next term, the principal and interest stated to be due as aforesaid, together with the cost of this proceeding, or tlmt. the equity of redemption in ai’d to said mortgaged prem ises, from thenceforth, be barred and foreclosed—and that a copy of this rule be served on said mortgager if to be found m the State at leat three months, or published once a month for six months previous to the next term of this Court. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, this Jst day of February, 1832. S. SCARBOROUGH, Clk March I 34—6m GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY, Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. I T appearing to the Court, from the petition of Will? iam Miller, that John Adams late of said county, twenty six, in the sixteenth district o( said county: and J deceased, did on the fifth day of September in the year that there remains due on said mortgage, the sum Of ten eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, execute his bond to thousand six hundred and forty four dollars, besides in- t your petitioner fur titles to Lot of Land, number twenty tercst; it is therefore ordered, that the said Bennett S. , four, in the sixteerith district of originally Henry now do pay into this court, within six months hereafter, the \ DeKalb county, when your petitioner (William Miller) sum due as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with interest . should pay him the consideration money for said lot, and and cost: and on failure thereof^ the court will proceed, j the said John Adams having died, without having ex< - as to justice shall appertain, in foreclosing said mortgage. { cuted said titles, agreeable to the tenor of said bond, anti And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in ] it appearing to the Court, that the bond has been fully one of the public gazettes of this State, once a month for four months, or be personally served on the said defend ant or liis special agent or attorney, at least three months before the next term of this court. A true extract from the minutes, 12lh April 1832. jmie7 A. T. HARDIN. Cl’k. is JAHI'LK (SUPERIOR COURT, Arwj. Term, 1832. rgMIE petition of Janies C. Flemister, sheweth that oil complied with, on the part, of your petitioner—11 is there;, fore ordered, That Daniel Stone, the administrator on the estate of the said John Adams, deceased, do at the July Term next of this Court, execute good and lawful titles to said lot of land, unto the said William Miller, unless trood cause be shewn to the contrary, and that q copy of tius-rule be published oncc a month for throe months. WILLIAM MILLER, Petitiorer. A true copy from the minutes of the Court of Ordhia the twenty.-sixth day of March, in the year eigh- j ry, this 14th March, 1832. _ teen hundred arid twenty-eight, George A. Hill ex ecu- | E, B- RE* NGlDS, r. ^c. o, ted and delivered to your petitioner his deed of mort- | March 29 38—3m gage bearing the aforesaid date, in and to a certain tract \ GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY, ir parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the nine teenth district of said county, known and distinguished in the plan of said disti ict by the number two hundred and forty-nine, containing seventy acres, more or less, it being part of the aforesaid lot, for the purpose of se curing the payment of four promissory notes made pay able by the said George A. Hill to your petitioner, one given the twenty-eight day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twentj'-eighf, and due one day after date for eighteen dollars, three others given 7th day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, one for twenty-five dollars due the twenty-fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty.-eight, the oth er due the 25th December 1829, for forty dollars, the oth er due twenty-fifth of December, eighteen hundred and I removal lias been occasioned by the refusal of the Daily i ORDERS for Tickets, from any part of the U. j Line to stop at the same house with the Piedmont line, . - - .. . . - FT , ates (post-paid,) will ineei with prompt attention.— ! it being considered by the Daily hue a dangerous and part of it, as may suit the ytews of companies of Land 9 \ r 9 nnvHD luiimiiT. ! formidable rival. and (jrold purchasers. ICT* The Stage will call where directed, to take in ■ BENJAMIN II. STLRGES. passenger?. iune23—Cm Milledgeville, Sept. 6. 1832- w3tn ) Address' to" * " PRYOR WRIGHT, 1 Secretary to Commissioners. Milled?evillc, Mav 17, 1=39 15—tf To the honorable Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, T HE petition of Martin Pitts respectfully shewed) that John Adams, late of said county, deceased, did on the day of September in the year eighteen hundred and twenty six, execute his bond to your peti tioner, for titles to a lot of land number fifty seven, in tho second district of formerly Monroe now Pike count}', whenever your petitioner (Martin Pitts) should pay him the consideration money for the said lot, and the said John Adams having died without having executed paitj titles, agreeable to the tenor of said bond, and it appear ing to the court that the bond has been folly complied with on the part of your petitioner—It is therefore or- . - - dered, that Daniel Stone the administrator on die estate thirty, for fifty dollars, And your petitioner saith that V of the said John Adams, deceased, do at die pest 8er- said promissory nqtes are long since. du.e and that the! t ember Term of this Court, execute go*d and lawful ti- said George A. Hill has made default m the payment j ties, to said lot of land, unto die said Martin Pitts, Tig’- thereof-—Wherefore, it is op motion of Burney & r reem- : j ess good cause be shewn to the contrary, and that a ro an, attorneys for thepetitu ner, ordered, That unless the 1 py (i f this rule be published once a month for three said George A. Hill, do pay into the Clerk’s office of this i mon ths. MARTIN PITTS, Petitioner. Court, the principal and interest due on said promissory j may 31 47 3m notes/togedier with the cost of this application, within J six months from die date of this application, or shew suf ficient cause to thp poptary, that the equity of redemp tion in and to said n^ort^agp promises k>o tluin honooiorth and forever barred and foreclosed—and it is further or- W1LK1NSDN SUPERIOR COURT, Afrit. Tf.rm, 1832. I T appeal ing to the .Court, that the official bona of John Riley, as Sheriff of the county of Wilkinson, dered. That a copy of this rqle be published in one of * n T f J . i ^ ,s, . ance bzg the public gazettes of this State, once a mon'h for four months previous to the next term of this ,C°h r *j or served on the said George A. Hill, his ^gent or attorney, three months previous to the time appointed for the payment of the money. BURNEY & FREEMAN, Petitioners Attorneys. A true copy from the. minutes the 3d day of May 1832. WILLIAM B. STOKES, Cl’k. JpRINTING of every description executed with neatness and dispatch at this Office been filed with the Clerk cf this Court—It bs oo motion, ordered, Tl at the said John Riley, and his securities, shew cause at the next Ter pi, or-as soon as counsel car) be heard, a hy the said copy should npt be established i.q lieu of the : aid lost original, and that a copy of ihis uric be published in one of the public gazettes published in MiHedgevil'e, once a month for six months.' A true extract from t^e minutes of Wdkinson Sup/g-for Court, this 7th April, 1832. " JEREMIAH BEALL, Cl’K April 29 4*2—mCm