The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, September 20, 1832, Image 1

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c //r THE FEDERAL UNION VOLUME 3—NUMBER 11.] MILLEDGEVILLE, (GA.) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1832. [WHOLE NUMBER 115. EDITED BY j. G. POLHILL & J. A. CUTHBERT. .c DubU.'ht'l every Thursday al THREE DOLLARS Till* l NK Jr.,a.? an te or FOUR, if not paid before the end cf the t ™ pn ’ w.ivhe Street, opposite the State Bank. \M f - . nvvVlTt.sF.MENTS published at the usual rates. AU „(£h Citation bv the Clerks of the Courts ol Ordinary tha >'■ 8 , l0 „ h as been made for Letters of Administration, must Ire LJ Eu’cuwr* an/Administrators for Debtors and Cretii- •^‘^cr in their aceounts, must be published .SIX WEEKS, pirs to rend, g liy Executors and Administrators must be ad- aales oi • nAYri before tlie day of sale, vert!*! £ ;,.r»nal property (except negroes) of testate and intes- r 3 e ,utes bvB-tecutors and Administrators, must be adveitised ^ BT .Lnwfhy Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the vPf^^VrJdiary for leave to sell Land, must be published 1 OCR jiO.ViW- . E X( ,cu:ors and Administrators for Letters Dismis- A!>i>, ‘mst b lHd,Ushed SIX MONTHS. £"0'.for Foreclosure of Mortjaaeson real es'ate must be AW /!*d o re a month for SIX MONTHS, idrcrtiseu on b Exe c.utors, Administrators and Guardians, ^JSSSS SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. These -'’.•at be 1 | C ;lt ti, u court-house door between the hours of to ’ s m !,niii\ ' and 4 in the afternoon. No sale from day to day is UrJ ita ti.o •arlvDrficpmPiir. . , rrl.milH2 All' 1 f *1* aiaoiuo..... * ’ ~ v. so expressed in the advertisement. ‘ 7,3-, f Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy ol . '!\ C Z agreement) to make titles to land, must oo adver at least. of the dvertised •i:' :ii;l ,V M ?j!‘ 1 un‘l ( 'rex t ecittions regularly granted by the courts, * rirrtised th111T y DAYS—under mortgage executions, •’■' wniYS-Sales of perishable property under order of Court, “jvsrtlscd. generally, TEN DAYS before the day of sale, mi^r,‘ . s , or Advertisements will be punctually attended to. *•; ?o ie Ue rs directed re this Office, or the Editors must be post- ( ,’;t. ti, elitulc them to attention. WILLIAM W. POOL, Esq. is a candidate Fax Collector for this county al the next Vi }•) ar e requested to announce the name of |T HUBERT B. ME ACHAM as a candidate for j Receiver of Tax Returns for this county. . ^ 1 September (] Slug j TOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, a Few copies of POSTER’S DIGEST of the A Laws of Georgia from 1820 to 1829. This is one of ,'( t> (j es[ printed and cheapest law books ever offered for ! lie in Georgia. It contains many forms of different ..wCeetliiiFS very useful and convenient for Clerks, Sher- ' ;v Justices, iec. as well as for the people at large.— ] —e. 5 50. Printed lists OF THE DRAWING IN THE CONTEMPLATED GOLD & LAND SlfILL be regularly issued from 1 IT this office. They will appear in Numbers so tliat they may be bound together in pamphlet form. Persons desirou j of becoming subscribers can forward their names to us, post-paid, enclosing the cash, and j • hev will lie attended to. They should mention the post J t'llrcc to which the numbers should he directed. j Tip! whole work will contain about 400 pages, and j - aot lie afforded at less than $5 to subscribers, paid in j Smc. POLHILL & CUTHBEllT. ! Milledgeville, August 9, 1832. p t:ii,ri .f newspapers in this State who will insert the above i • .niiih; tlr.-t nf November no.xt, shall receive regularly a copy of j t ■ drawing gratis. (iOliO&liOtt MVP OF THE COUNTY OF CHEROKEE. 1 ; IA VIS uow in the handsof the Engraver, wbichwiil !, .• mipleted by the tirst of November next, a go.n- < r.d and accurate MAP ot the CHEROKEE COUN- :ilV, drawn from tha returns of the District Surveyors. Owing io the great number of Lots, into which the coun try has Iwen divided, particularly the Gold Region, the l uge dimension of the sheet it will require, to liven'd those numbers distinctly and accurately laid j dj.vti, 1 have thought it advisable to form the Map into - i true and detached Sections; which I designate as ■ ibiLl) MAP and LAND MAP. Ail the Land Districts in the Territory arc laid down t.-i one sheet, and constitute a distinct and separate Map "y themselves. Flie districts reserved and surveyed as Gold Districts, r. daiii 1 1 into three sheets or Maps. Districts Nm 1, •*3,4,5, II, 12, 13, 14, and 15, of tlie First Section, linn tip- first Map. Districts No. 1, 2,3, 14, 15, IS, !7, 1-3, 19, 20, 21,and i’J of the Second Section, form the second Map. Districts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of il. Third Section, and Districts No. I, 2, 3, IS, and 17 W the Fourth Section, form the third Map. On these ib tus will be found e ich District in the Territory, with i very squ ire Lot of Land and Fraction distinctly laid <? ■vii u’uJ numbered—all Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, Ihanchcs, Roads, Ferries, &>•. are correctly and faithfully deliaeaied. The M-ip will be handsomely engraved, printed on i'rag silk paper, colored and put up in morocco cases k' the following prices, viz: Lund Man, (5 5 00, 1 fold Maps 83 50 each, or for the three, $10 00, For Gold and Land Maps, comprising the whole Territory, $ 15 GO. l’ers ms desirous of obtaining this valuable Map will '.*i well to inform the publisher soon, as but a limited : ;mhcr can be obtained during the drawing of tlieLot- t;rv. All communications addressed to the subscriber in Millrlgevillp, Ga. (postage paid of course,) will meet with prompt attention. ORANGE GREEN. Milledgeville, August 23, 1832. Elitors in the State of Georgia, who arc disposed to publish "k above tv. o or three months, shall receive a set of the Maps as MMpeiisatioii. O. G. MEDICAL DOCTORS ROSE &. PEURIFOY, T ENDER their gratitude for tlie very liberal patronage they have received ir the last three years. From a strict ad- iierance to their former habits of promptness, uniform, and moderate charges, they hope to n-ctive a continuance of past favors. Surgical opera- boas and cases in Midwifery, will lie unusually moder- Flic evils too often incident to discordant opinions ia Medicine arc not likely to occur with us, as both of ' ‘ e ( lrm are now graduates of the same school—the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Stanfords X Roads, June 7, 1832. 4Seow4m MEDICAL institute op the state OP GEORGIA. ^BMIK Trustees of this Institution impressed with the JL great importance of affording the facilities of ac- yuring a complete Medical Education in our own Stale, m ourown climate, liave under the authority of their charter organized a Medical College in the city of Au- B'tsta, and elected tlie following Professors, viz : , 4i- Dogas, M. D. on Anatomy and Physiology. A. Eve, M. D. on Materia Medica and Thera peutics. John Dent, M. D. en the Institutes and Practice of •Medicine. M. Antony, M. D. on Obstetrics and diseases of wo- Jaen and children. n I> - foau, M. D. on Chemistry and Pharmacy. -,,L l '%[,• ^* VE > AL D. on Surgery. ■u hr ^ rUstc . es respectfully call the attention of the ef 'c to the distinguishing feature of their plan of in- ction. The course trill be six months instead of the v , P cr *°d of four, by which extension of time, the cd f UrtS ' V| ^ ^ ^ ess crowded, and an opjiorlunity afford- j,, or mor b minute daily examiiiaticns. That tlie Lcc- ^resmay be interesting and satisfactory, the necessary j puratus and preparations have been ordered from Eu- ' ro P? and the North. m or a , ,uJ , id ^s f°r the Doctorate arc required to be of go d 0 f r a clmra ?ter; to have attended at. least two full courses ta! D Vf lr ^* n t ^ , ' s Institution, or one in some other respcc- tj th/ Je, ^ lca * College and a second in this, in addition their* USUa * tCrm P r * vatc study; to have registered J| "Wha, and delivered to the Secretary an inaugural , n ,i| rUlllon on some medical subject one month previous conclusion of the course, 0 ‘ c C0ll i'se will commence on the third Monday in Ap r j| JCr next| anL ^ terminate the third Wednesday in 1 he expense of the full course of Lectures will be $100. Jdatnculation, $5. graduation Fee, $10. , ^ ,0 ard may be obtained ir. the vicinity of die In- ‘ Th e f >r «13 per month. ii rr ,, n ° * lc althiness of Augusta and economy to die stu- need no comment. 3 i ubhshed by order of the Board. wp,e “» AUGUSTUS B. LONGSTREET, President of the Board of Trustees. MILTON ANTONY, V. President, "..v Tra L. D. FORD, Secretary. *** '51smtl5S NOTICE TOMECHANICS. S EALED proposals will be received till tiie first Tues day in October next, for building a Jail house at Saundersville, Washington county, Georgia, on die fol lowing plan, &c. Ot good heart pine timber, two Sto rys high, tlie first nine feet between the lloors, and second eight feet between the floors. The lower room to have three walls, the outside wall eighteen feet square (in length) and it as well as the in side wall timbers, nine by ten inches, and tlie intermedi ate wall to consist of timbers six inchessquare, let down on an end, so loose as to drop. The upjier story tohave but one or outside wall, (of timbers as before described, 9 by 10 inches) tlie first floor of double logs, and second of one set of logs of similar dimentions (9 by 10 inches) each covered with plank inch and a half thick, six or seven inches wide, as also over head in second story seil- ed with similar plank, all well spiked with three inch spikes. The door in second story to have a decent plat form before it, and steps to ascend. The shutter to said door to be double, and well cover ed with sheet iron, and a good stock lock to each, also a substantial trap door in the centre of second floor pre pared for secure fastening. To have two small windows in the lower .00111, and three in the upper, well secured with grates or bars of iron. Well raftered and sheeted and covered with heart pine shingles eighteen incites in length—One fourth of the money paid in advance, and the balance as the work progresses. Tltc work to be executed in a workman like manner. Bidders are requested to state particularly the shortest time they can accomplish the work, also accompany their proposals with the names of their securities and direct them to the Inferior Court of said countv. T. J. WARTHEN, j. t. c. S. FLOYD, j. i. c. S. HARR EL, j. i. c. A. IRWIN, j. i. c. S. ROBBESON, j. i. c. Sent. 13. 10—3t J* GODDARD, Ware-House NOTICE. r HF. trustees of the Clinton Academy, wish to en gage the services of competent teachers in both the male and female departments of said institution, to commence on the first of January next—Where for the last eight or ten years, the village lias been as healthy as any other in the State—and there have been from forty to sixty taught, constantly in each department; and no doubt entertained but that an equal number may be kept in said academy, in future, if suitable teachers can be obteined. We invite those persons male and female, disposed to undertake, to address James Smith, P. M. at this place, who is authorised to correspc nd with them on this subject. JAMES SMITH, j HORATIO BOWEN, i JAMES GRAY, f 1 ni;jtee? - WM. FLEWELI.EN, J Editors wiiling to aid ihe cause of Academical educa tion would confer a favor on tlie Trustees as well as the public, by giving this notice a few insertions. Clinton, Ga. Sept. 1st 1832. PIEDMONT MAIL ROUTE. T -iIS ROUTE extends from Milledgeville to the City of Washington, and is so called, because it passes a considerable extent, w ith the Blue Ridge, in full and magnificent display. This route passes through Eatonton, Grccnsbovough, Washington and Petcrsburgh, Georgia—through Abbe ville, Laurens, Union and \ oik District, S. Carolina— hrough Charlotte, Salisbury end Lexington, N. Caroli na—through Danville, Lyncliburgh, Lovingston, Char lottesville, Barboursville, Orange, Culpepper and War- renton, Virginia, to the City of Washington. This Route is particularly recommended to the Tra veller for its salubrity, and the neatness, comfort and abundance of its Tavern accommodations. In the rich ness and variety of its scenery—in its numerous and thrifty villages—in its industrious and enterprising p"]>- ulation—in its transit within the sacred shades of con secrated Monlieello, this Route is wrhout its equal in tlie Southern country. Nor have the Proprietors of this Route left the traveller to depend for his comfort upon the above natural te incidental advantages they liave sought to make Nature more at tractive, by procuring throughout, the best NORTHERN COACHES and PRIME well broke HORSES; all placed under the care and management of Drivers and Agents of skill and respectability. This Route will average from 75 to 80 miles per day. The day’s run will commence, with one exception, from 3 to 5 o’clock, A. M. and terminate from 6 to 8 P. M. On the excepted day, the run will commence at 2 A. M., and terminate at 9 P. M. Ladies may safely trust themselves in this line, as eve ry attention will be paid to them, and when so request ed, tlie Agents will travel with them on to the City of Washington. The whole Coach, when so desired, can be engaged by families. Distance 654 miles—Fare $45* Days of departure, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 A. M. All Baggage, parcels, £cc. at the risk of the owners. WILLIAM SMITH. Culpepper C. H. Ya. May 15, 1S32. w6m $50 REWARD. R UNAWAY from the subscriber, living in Mor gan county, Georgia, on the nigbtof tlie 21st Au gust last., a negro man by the name of Washington, 30 or 35 years of age, nearly or quite 6 feet high, likely and xvell made, weighing about 173 lbs. qt ite dark com plected, with rather low forehead, speaks quick when spoken to, and puts on an air of complaisance—he has a scar across one of his hands ; walks with a long and quick step, and being square shouldered, hangs his arms rather back ; he has quite a small beard for a man of his age, and does not look as old as he really is. He is quite intelligent for a negro, and equally witty. He took with him a very good (rather light) bay mare, 3 years old last spring, upwards of 5 feet high, with full and long tad, which she cairics rather loose and down ; light main—no white recollected, unless a small star in her forehead ; she is rather heavy headed, otherwise her form is good ; rather light made, with a round hoof, on which she stands quite upright before. There is still the signs of theropesoa her ancles, occasioned by learn ing her to pace, which gate she goes mostly, and if in plight, quite fast, though not easy. If she trots at all, its awkward and rough. She had on old shoes before when she was taken off. He took also a tolerable good man’s saddle, having one brass and one .iron stirrup; with crupper and double, girth, and the false skirt nearly as large as the pad; also a curbed bridle, and saddle blanket of tlie yellow stripe sewed together. He is tlie same negro, that has been advertised in the newspapers for some time past,and whilst absent, staid nearly three months, or the most of his time in the lower part of Hen ry county, in this State, with Thomas King, and was accompanied home by H. M. Jackson of the same neighborhood. And I understand whilst he was there, lie disowned me, and his own name, and professed to belong to Scott Byrd of Carroll county, where he aimed to get, and if possible find some white man bad enough to convey him oft’. He did once belong to Scott Bird, and then to Lee Bird of whom I got him. He has some knowledge of the new counties, and I think will aim to stay with some man of the frontiers of this State, Alabama or some other State, that will indulge him in drinking, gambling, and other such acts, if possible, worse, of all which he is very fond. It is more than probable, he is conducted off by some bad white man, if so, a reasonable reward will be given for the thief, as well as negro. Any person who will deliver said negro to me shall re ceive the above reward, and a reasonable compensation for my mare, saddle &c. and all reasonable expences paid—or any intelligence ot them, will be thankfully received. It is more than probable he will again dis- own me, and his own name—But hv is assured, I wnl not sell or convey my title to him whilst absent—Any thing to the contrary will be u B YBD., The Macon Messenger and Columbus Enquirer, will publish the above 4 times and forward their accounts to Madison, Morgan county, for collection. L- B. Sept. 13 10 ~ 4t ’ AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, MACON, "WM7ILL continue to transact the above busi- ® ® ness at the same place occupied last year by J. Goddard & Reed. He has built a good Wharf frr tlie convenience of the Ware-House: and there is no Ware house in town more secure from the dangers of fire. By strict attention to business committed to his care, | and the facilities which lie will be able to render bis custo mers, he hopes to merit a continuance of the patronage of his friends and the public in general. He is prepared to make liberal advances at all times, on cotton stored, or shipped by hint. Colton stored at his Ware-house will be insured at the lowest rates, if requested. aug9—6tn WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. HAMILTON Ac HAYES I NTENDING to permanently locate themselves in Macon, on or before the 1st of October next, for the purpose of transacting the above business; and having taken the new and convenient Ware-House recently ! occupied by Isaac B. Rowland, on the corner of Mulber- j ry and Second street, and in the immediate vicinity of ! most of the Cotton transactions, respectfully solicit a j part of public favor, promising iri return, unremitting j attention to the interest of all who may favor them with | their business and confidence. Liberal advances will 1 be made on Produce, Merchandize or other propet ty. EVERARD HAMILTON, JOHN R. HAYES. Macon, August 1st. 1832. 6—7t JACOB FOGLE H \S just received from New- York, a NEW SUPPLY of Watches, silver Spoons, belt t v i Pistols. Walking Canes, Beed 9 . ® a ? s > ^ c ‘ an< * l ,as constantly on hand a general assortment of articles in his line of business, consisting of Gold Patent Lever and Plain Watches, Silver do.; Gold Chains, Seals and Keys; Breast Pins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, Cable Chains and Medallions; Silver Spoons, Specta cles, Butter Knives and Pencil Cases, Plated Castors, Fruit Baskets,Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Razors, Pen Knives and Scissors; Razor Straps Shaving Boxes and Soap; Otto of Rose, Cologne Water, Macassar Oil and Hair Powder; Plain and Carved Combs, Pocket, Dressing and Side Combs, Gilt and Steel Chains and Keys, Sword and Plain Canes, Belt and Pocket Pistols, Percussion Caps and Powder Flasks, Military Hats, Swords, Belts, Buttons, Epauletts, Lace, Cord, ike. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO CLOCK & WATCH REPAIRING, ALSO, TO ENGRAVING COURT & NOTARIAL SEALS. Plate and Jewelry, neatly repaired;—Canes mounted with Gold, Silver or Ivory—Gold Spectacles made to or der—Surveyors Compasses repaired. Milledgeville, March 8, 1832. 35—:f TIIE SATURDAY BULLETIN, A FAMILY NEWSPAPER ot the largest Class, free from all political bias, published in Philadel phia every Saturday, by Edmund Morris, No. 95, Chcs- nut Street, at TWO DOLLARS per annum. The proprietor of the Saturday Bulletin takes advan tage of the enormous enlargement of his paper, to point attention to tliat highly popular Journal, it avows the ambitious aim of being the most informing, most amus ing and most spirited of ali newspapers, and in particu lar of being the best Weekly paper for respectable fam ilies, ever offered to the public patronage from the Phila delphia press. To establish this latter claim, the utmost care is taken to crowd into its ample columns every possible variety of new and interesting intelligence: and on the score of the talent, spirit and real interest of its contents, combined'wiih the beautifully white paper on which it is printed, the clear, new type, and its Hot being crowded with an abundance of advertisements, it is hoped it may claim admission to the parlors and libraries of all persons of education and taste. To those who do, as well as those who do not read the daily papers, the Saturday Bulletin will never lack novelty, every part being entirely original, or compiled in a manner to en gage attention to even the least imposing portion of its contents. It is printed on a large imperial sheet of fine white paper, twenty four columns of each number, and contains the nexvs in the week down to tlie latest dates. The papers for subscribers in the Country are carefully packed in strong wrappers and put in the post office in time to leave the city by the mails of Saturday morning, so that by Sunday night, they may be received at offices one hundred and fifty miles distant from the city; while those who live within fifty or seventy miles, will receive them on the evening of Saturday. Premiums.—Any persons forwarding Five subscri’oers and a year’s subscription, shall receive the Paper free for himself, so long as the Five continue. Any person forwarding Ten subscribers and a years subscription, shall receive a copy of the Life of Napoleon, beautifully bound in two volumes, or any other work of equal value which may be'desired. These books will be forwarded with care, in the manner directed by the owner. Address the Editor. June 21 A JUST RECEIVED, FltESll Sb PPL * of 7 Silver and Plated Spoons, Castors, Beed Bags, Music Boxes, and Spectacles, Pocket and Pen Knives, • Patent Perry lan fens, Scaling Wax, &c. fdp* ORDERS for any articles in the subscribers line of business will receive prompt attention. Orders for PIANOS will also be attended to on mod erate terms. JACOB FOGLE. Milledgeville, June 14, 1832. 49—tf ' (COPY NOTE.) O N or before the 25ih December next, I promise to pay Jonathan Smith, or bearer, six hundred dol lars, for value received, January 27th, 1832. Test, his Joshua Hill. JOHN ^ FREEMAN. mark. Reev’d sixty dollars in part payment 20th Jan. 1832. Reev’d fifty dollars in part payment 20th March 1832. GEORGIA—Jones county. Personally appeared Bazel Smith before me, who be ing duly sworn, saith that the above is a substantial co py of a promissory note which was in this deponents possession and that the same has been lost or destroyed so that it cannot be found. BAZEL SMITH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, 16th July, 1832. ROBERT BROWN, j. p. Jasper Inferior Court, July Term, 2832. IT appearing to the Court by the above affidavit of Bazel Smith, lie was possessed of a certain promissory note therein referred to and that the above is a substan tial copy of said note, together with the credits thereon; and that tlie same has been lost or destroyed—It is there fore ordered, Tliat the said copy be established in lieu of the original note at the next Term of this Court, un less sufficient cause be shewn to the contrary; and that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public ga zettes of this State according to law in such eases made and provided. A true copy from the minutes, 7ih August, 1832. ROBERT IvELLUM, Cl k. Aug 23 m3m FOR SALE, SKETCHES OF DISTRICTS IN CUE- ROKEE COUNTY. 1 HAVE made out a great number of Sketches, and will forward them promptly to any quarter of the State on application. The price for sketches of Land Districts is one dollar, and for sketches of Gold Districts, two dollars and fifty cents. Any person who will en close one dollar for each sketch of a Land District, and two dollars and fifty cents for each sketch of a Gold District, will receive promptly any number they may wish. The sketches will represent on a small scale, all the lots, numbers and water courses, together with the qual ity of the soil, as reported by the Surveyors. I will al so execute Drafts of the whole Cherokee country, or any part of it, as may suit the views of companies of Land and Gold purchasers. BENJAMIN II. STURGES. Milledgeville, Sept. 6, 1832. w3m LAW. 77 T homas c. jure ex, will practice Law in the Chattahoochie Circuit and in the counties of Craw ford and Upson of the Flint Circuit. Busincssentrusted to him will meet with prompt attention: lib address is Talbotton, Georgia. March 22, 37—6m G eorgia, Baldwin county.—where as James C. Watson applies for letters Dismissory from the estate of Samuel Watson, late of said county, deceased: • These are therefore to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 3d day of April, 1832. mCm ' B. F. STUBBS, c. c. o. LAW 1VYYOIVTS. T HE subscriber has obtained from soaie of the Judg es, and others a number of DECISIONS made in important law cases. He expects to enlarge bis Collec tion; nnd so soon as the subscription will authorize, to publish them in a plain, cheap style, in pamphlet form. The object of this undertaking is to awaken among tlie people a sense of the importance of a Court for the Correction of Errors. The Judges, Solicitors, and Members of the Bar, throughout the State, are respectfully requested to fur nish authentic reports. To those who may do so, a rea sonable allowance in the price of the work will be made. Utility alone, and not profit, is the object of the under taking. And with this view he solicits warmly the co operation of the Bar and Bench. His situation as an editor will enable him to print the work more cheaply than other perrons. JOHN G. POLHILL. ’ Milledgeville, April 21, 1831. 41 LAW. J OHN R. WIGGINS having taken an office in the town of Irwinton, offers his professional servi ces to his friends and the public. September 6, 1832. 9—3t 1 7IOUR months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Newton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of the real estate of Mahaley Edmonds, deceased. THOMAS L. THOMASON, Adm’r. August 22,1832. ' <j m PROPOSALS For publishing i:i Monroe, Walton county, Ga. a Reli gious Newspaper, to be entitled the SOUTHERN BAPTIST REGISTER. BY JAMES W. PRICE. I T is a fact generally conceded, that the most neces sary study ofmankind, is how to prepare for useful ness in life, and happiness in eternity. The necessity is of consequence apparent, that every facility which the mind can invent, or the imagination devise, should be thrown in their way, to aid them in accomplishing this most important of purposes, this most desired of ob jects. The publisher deems this a sufficient apology for the prospectus he now offers. As its title indicates, the Register is designed particu larly to disseminate facts in relation to the Baptist de nomination ; to trace its history, to recount its trials, ami give intelligence of its success; yet in doing so, it will present nothing to which the G’hristian of any denomi nation whatever, can object. Its aim will be to encour age virtue, promote piety, and uphold tlie doctrine and precepts of our holy religion. To these objects a large portion of the paper will be devoted; yet to make it ac ceptable to families generally, and answer the purposes of ordinary newspapers, it will regularly furnish a syn opsis of passing events, without interfering in party or political strife. With this very brief exposition of his design, the Publisher submits it to the public, trusting with conli deuce to their decision upon nis claims for patronoge and support. TERMS. tt f-' The Southern Baptist Register will be issu ed weekly, upon a medium sheet, in newspaper form, at o- i.a,aci'.e n „t uaiil within the year. Advertisements will be gratefully received, .>,<1 in serted at the customary prices. The work will be issued as soon as subscribers enough are obtained to warrant the undertaking. Holders of subscriptions will please return them by mail or otherwise, to the publisher at Athens, Georgia, as soon as the 10th of October next. Athens, August 12th, 1832. PROPOSALS FOIl PUBLISHING AT MACON, GA., AN AGRICUL TURAL NEWSPAPER, TO BE ENTITLED THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. T HE SOUTHERN PLANTER will be devoted exclusively to the Agricultural interests of the country; including Horticulture, management of Stock, making of Wine and Silk, Gardening, Domestic Econ omy, useful Arts, Household Expenses, Health, Fruit Trees, See. Sec. Sec. It will be issued (at first,) every other week—on a medium sheet and quarto form—on good paper and new type, procured expressly for the purpose. To be im proved and enlarged as the extent of patronage shall warrant. The form will be convenient for binding; and each volume will be accompanied with a copious Index. Political and sectarian subjects will be excluded. It is the design of tlie publisher to make the w ork in teresting to all classes of tlie community ; particularly to those in any wise connected with farming, gardening, mechanics, &c. Communications are solicited. Agricultural Societies, and friends of the planting interest gene rail}’, are re quested to aid us in our undertaking. Essays on law, medical and scientific subjects, will be received. Premiums will be given for the best written essays on particular subjects. Any well written communication on any subject connected with the objects of this publi cation, will entitle the author to a year’s subscription. The publisher will be assisted in the Editorial depart ment by several literary gentlemen. Terms. Two dollars per annum, in advance, or $2 50 at the end of the year. To subscribers to the Macon Telegraph the price will be one dollar aud a half, in advance, or two dollars at the end of tlie year. The paper will lie commenced as soon as sufficient encouragement offers. Editors throughout the Southern States are respect fully requested to give the above a few insertions. M. BARTLETT. Macon, July 25, 1S32. 4 ^TRAYED OR STOLEN from the subscribe, residing near Washington, Wilkes county, on the 22d June last, a dark roan MARE, with black main and tail, about eight or nine years old. She was pur chased by me in March last from Alexander Doke, liv ing five miles from Irwinton, on tlie road leading to Mil- lcdgeville, in Wilkinson county. Any person deliver ing said marc, or giving me information so that I get her, shall be liberally rewarded. ELIZABETH LYON. Washington, Sept. 1st, 1832. 9—3t A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, at the Court-house door in the town of Knoxville Crawford county, in this State, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the usual hours of sale, (he lbllowing tracts of land belonging to the estate of Mat thew Marshall deceased, to wit: One lot 202 acres, more or less, No. 82, in the second district of formerly Houston, now Crawford county— Also 50 acres, more or less, part of lot'No. 80, in the same district, with a Saw mill and other improvements thereon—Also 405 acres, being lots No. 51 and 52, in the seventh district of said county—also lot No. 43, in tiie said seventh district cf said county,—Also lot 26, and lot No. 40, whereon Daniel Campbell now lives, both in the last above seventh district of said county—Also two houses and lots in the town of Knoxville, in said county, known as Marshalls lots in said town, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate, and sold pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Jones county, au thorizing the same. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale. LUCY MARSHALL, Adm’rx. ALLEN MARSHALL., J AtIm , rg Sept. G MATTHEW A. MARSHALL, 9—tds. UOT1CH. fflHE OFFICE of the PIED- J|_ MONT LINE, is now kept at Dr. Brown’s Hotel, opposite the court-house, Milledgeville, This removal has been occasioned by the refusal of the Daily Line to stop at the same house with the Piedmont line, it being considered by the Daily line a dangerous and formidable rival. iCU 5 * The Stage w-llcall where directed, to take in passengers. juhe29—6m IN BALDWIN SUPERIOR COURT, February Term, 1832. George W. King, ) ts. ^ [> RULE NISI, John W. Pitt. ) for foreclosure of Mortgage. GEORGIA-—To the Superior Court of Baldwin county. March 3d, 1S32. T LIE petition of George W. King respectfully shew- eth that on tlie 23th day of February eighteen hun dred and thirty-one, John W. Pitt late of said county-, deceased, executed to your petitioner his mortgage deed, on a certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the town of Milledgeville in said county and state, contain ing three eighths of an acre, being part of lot number four in square number thirty-nine ill said town, the bet ter to secure the payment of a certain note of hand of John W. Pitt, dated 22d February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, with interest from the 25th May, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, for two thousand dollars, w here on the said George W. King was first endorser in the Darien Bank and which said note your petitioner has been compelled to pay off, or take up by depositing his own note in lieu thereof which said mortgage fell due on the 26th day of May in the year eighteen thirty-one—It is therefore ordered by the Court, That the principal, in- t terest and cost be paid into Court within six months j from the date of this rule, or in default thereof, that the equity of redemption of the said John W. Pitt in and to the said mortgage premises, be forever barred and foreclosed—It is further ordered, That this rule be pub lished according to law and tne rules of Court. True extract from the minutes of Baldwin Superior Court, March ?j, 1832. _ -WILLIAM T. DAVIS, ClHc. I\ WILKINSON SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1832. Lewis Bond, ) vs. J RULE NISI, Martin Hays. ) For foreclosure ojWorlgage. Georgia—To the Superior Court of Wilkinson county. rg’lHE petition of Lewis Bond, respectfully sheweth -BL that on tlie tenth day of April in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, Martin Hays of said county, executed his mortgage deed on a certain parcel or lot of land lying and being in the 4th district of Wilkinson coun ty, and distinguished in the plan of said district by the number two hundred and forty six, it being the lot of land whereon Martin Hays now lives, and said lot of land whereon he has built a mill the better to secure the payment of three promissory notes; the first dated the 10th January 1326, payable one day after date to Lew is Bond, or bearer, for $301 32; the second dated the 22d January 1826, payable, to Lewis Bond, or bearer, one day after date, for $12 67|; the third dated the 19th July 1826, payable twenty days after date to Rowe & Newell, or bearer, for $76 14£; which said mortgage is now due—It is therefore ordered by the Court, That the principal,interest and cost be paid into Court within six months from the date of this rule, or in default thereof that the equity of redemption of the said Martin Hays in and to said mortgaged premises, be forever barred and foreclosed—If, is further ordered, that this rule be pub lished according to law and the rules of Court. A true extract from the minutes of Wilkinson Superi or Court. this Gth day of April 1832. JEREMIAH BEALL, Cl’k. April 19 nffim IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1831. Ann Melhado, 4 vs. > RULE NISI, for foreclosure of F.hjah H. Burritt. ) mortgage. I T appearing to the court, that on the sixth day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty sev en, Elijah H. Burritt made and delivered to Ann Melha do, his three several promissory notes, bearing date on the day and year aforesaid; one for the sum of four hun dred and sixty seven dollars, and due on the sixth day of June eighteen hundred and twenty eight: one for the sum of four hundred and sixty six dollars, and-due on tlie sixth day of June eighteen hundred and twenty nine: and one for the sum of four hundred and sixty seven dol la rs, aiid due on the sixth day of June eighteen hundred and thirty: and that, to secure the payment of the mo ney in said notes specified, the said Elijah H. on tlie day and year first aforesaid, executed to the said Ann, his mortgage on the following lots of lands, viz: lot num ber one hundred and forty, in the twelfth district of Hen ry; also lot number sixty, in the twelfth district of Hen ry, and lot number 20, in the 11th district of Henry—all lying in said county: and that there remains due on said mortgage, the sum of four hundred and sixty seven dol lars, besides interest, as specified in the last above-men tioned note: It is therefore ordered, that the said Elijah H. do pay into this court, within twelve months hereaf ter, the sum due as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with in terest and cost; and on failure thereof, the court will pro- j ceed, as to justice shall appertain, in foreclosing said mortgage. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the gazettes of this State once a month for six months before the fill term of this court for eighteen hundred and thirty two: or be served per sonally on the defendant three months before the said term of the court. A true extract from the minutes, this 14th April, 1831. may31 WILLIAM HARDIN, Cl’k. IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1S32. Benjamin E. Stiles & j Abraham B. Fanning, 1 IN DECATUR SUPERIOR COURT, June Term, 1932. James Bell, complainant, ) vs. J BILL IN EQUITY, Demsev Rawls. \ for injunction and rcliej. I T having been duly made appear to ihe Court, thul tiie defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, acd that he is not to be found therein, but resides in the state of Alabama, out of the jurisdiction of this Couit—Ou motion of council, it is ordered by ihe court, that the. said defendant appear on or Indore the first (Jay cf t! *> next term of this Court, and answer the said bill t feint- plaint, and tliat service be perfected by a publicatii n ot this rule once a month for six months, iri some public ga zette of this State. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, tins 7rn day of June, 1832. S. SCARBOBGL’GH, Cl’k. julv5 52—3m ^lEORGIA In the Superior Court of Decatur county, June Term, 1832. (COPY NOTES.) On or before the first day of December next, iut r either of us promise to pay C. M. Seawell, or bearer, fourteen dollars and fifty cents for value received. (Signed,) ' JAMES CALLAHAM, February 1831. JOHN COCK. On or before the loth day of May next, I premise to pav John Cock, or bearer, nine dollars fi r value rcc’d. (Signed,) ARDEN K£OL. February 1931. Appeared in open Court, John Cock, who being sworn saiih that the two notes, of which the above arc copies, were recently in the possession of deponent as his pv< - perty and that lie has lost the same out of his posessieir and that they are still due and unpaid. JOHN COCK. Sworn to in open Court, this ^th .Tune, 1S32. Test, S. SCARBOROUGH, Cl’k. IT appearing to the Court by the oath of John Cock, that tiie two notes of which the above, are copies are lost out his possession, and that the same are due and unpaid —On motion, ordered, that the said copies be establish ed in lieu of the original so lost, or good cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court, and this ride be published once a month for three months in one of the public gazettes c f this State. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, this 11th day of June 1832. July 5 S. SCARBOROUGH, Cl’k. G EORGIA—In the Superior Court of Decatur county, January Term, 1832. (COUY NOTE,) One day after date, I promise to pay Thomas D. Welch or bearer, fifty seven dollars and fifty six and c ue fourth cents for value received, December 20th, 1820. (Signed) RICHARD WILSON. GEORGIA—Decatur county. Before me a Justice of the Peace for said county, came H; u nion G. Harland, who being duly sworn, depose! h and saith that he was the bearer of a note, of which the above is a copy, and that said note is lost or mislaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2d day of January, 1832. H. G. HARLAND. Solomon’ D. Betton, j. p. UPON the affidavit of Harmon G. Harland, staling that a certain note made by Richard Wilson of said county, on the 20t.h December 1830, for tlie sum of fiii.y seven dollars and fifty-six and one fourth cents. ] ay able to Thomas D. Welch, or bearer, has been lost—It is on motion, ordered, That a copy of said note be establish ed in heu of said lost original, unless cause be shew n t<» the contrary on or before the next Term of this Court, and that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this Stale, once a month l’or at least three months previous to the next Term of this Court. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, this 2d February, 1932. S. SCARBOROUGH, Cl’k. March 1 34—3m RULE NISI, rs. f for foreclosure of mortgage. Bennett S. Griffin. J I T appearing to tlie Court, that on the second day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-one, Bennett S. Griffin made and delivered to Benjamin E. Stiles and Abraham B. Fanning, his promissory note for twenty three thousand eight hundred and eighty one dol lars, bearing date on the day and year aforesaid, and payable on the first day of October then next: and that to secure the payment of the money in said note specified, the said Bennett S., on the day and year first aforesaid, executed to the said Benjamin E. and Abraham B. his mortgage on that lot ofland known as four hundred and twenty six, in the sixteenth district of said county: and that there remains due on said mortgage, tiie sum often thousand six hundred and forty four dollars, besides in terest: It is therefore ordered, that the said Bennett S. do pay into this court, within six months hereafter, the sum due as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with interest and cost: and on failure thereof, the court will proceed, as to justice shall appertain, in foreclosing said mortgage. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this State, once a month for four months, or be personally served cn tlie said defend ant or his special agent or at torney, at least threemonihs belbre the next term of this court, A true extract from the minutes, 12th April 1832. june7 A. T. HARDIN. Cl’k. IN JASPER SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1832. 1 THE petition of James C. Flemister, sheweth that on . the twenty-sixth day of March, in the year eigh teen hundred and twenty-eight, George A. Hill execu ted and delivered to your petitioner his deed of mort gage bearing tlie aforesaid date, in and to a certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the nine teenth district of said county, known and distinguished in the plan of said district by the number two hundred and forty-nine, containing seventy acres, more or less, it being part of the aforesaid lot, for the purpose of se curing the payment of four promissory notes made pay able by the said George A. Hill to your petitioner, one given the twenty-eight day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, and due one day after date for eighteen dollars, three others given 7th day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, one for twenty-five dollars due the twenty-fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, the oth er due the 25th December 1829, for forty dollars, the oth er due twenty-fifth of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, for fifty dollars. And your petitioner saith that said promissory notes are long since due and that the said George A. Hill has made default in the payment thereof—Wherefore, it is on motion of Burney & Freem an, attorneys for thopotitii ner, ordered, Tliat unless the said George A. Hill, do pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court, the principal and interest due on said promissory notes, together with the cost of this application, within six months from the date of this application, or shew suf ficient cause to the contary, that the equity of redemp tion in and to said mortgage premises be then henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed—and it is further or dered, That a copy of this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this State, once a mon'h for four months previous to the next term of this Court, or served on the said George A. Hill, his agent or attorney, three months previous to the thne appointed for the payment of the money, BURNEY & FREEMAN, Petitioners Attorneys. A true copy from the minutes the 3d day of May 1832.WILLIAM B. STOKES, Cl’k. P RINTING of every description executed with neatness and dispatch at this Office. GEORGIA—IN DECATUR Sl'P’B COURT- Dun’cav Cup.Rr, 1 vs. > RULE NISI to foreclose Mor:- Jason Plant. ) gage. TTPON the petition of Duncan Curry, stating that Jascn Plant heretofore, to-wit: on the tv.eutv • sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thous and eight hundred and thirty, did execute and deliver to the said Duncan, his certain 'mortgage deed, dated the ady and year aforesaid, in and to a certain tract ofland 1} - ing in the sixteenth district of origin ally Early now Deca tur county, known in the pkin of said district by tlie mini ■ ber fifty, for the better securing the payment of two cer tain promissory notes, dated as aforesaid, both payable to the said Duncan Curry, one of which on or before the first day of January eighteen hundred and thirty-one, ft r one hundred and eight dollars, and the other of said notes due on the first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-one, for one hundred and twelve dollars, and that the sum of one hundred and forty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents, principal, and the sum of eight dollars and forty-two cents interest, is now due and unpaid on said notes.—On motion of Thomas Bishojq attorney for petitioner, it is ordered, that the said Jasop Plant pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court, by the next term, the principal and interest stated to be due as aforesaid, together with the cost of this proceeding, or that the equity of redemption in a; d to said mortgaged prem ises, from thenceforth, be barred and foreclosed—and that a copy of this rule be served on said mortgager if tn be found in the State at leat three months, or published once a month for six months previous to the next teim of this Court. A true copy from the minutes of said Court, this 1st day of February, 1832. S. SCARBOROUGH, Cl’k March 1 34—6m GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY, Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purpose?. I T appearing to the Court, from the petition of Will iam Miller, that John Adams late of said county, deceased, did on the fifth day of September in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, execute his bond to your petitionerfor titles to Lot of Land, number twenty four, in the sixteenth district of originally Henry now DeKalb county, when your petitioner (William Miller) should pay him the consideration money for said lot, and the said John Adams having died, without having cxe-- cuted said titles, agreeable to the tencr of said bond, and it appearing to the Court, that the bond has been fully complied with, on the part of your petitioner—11 is there fore ordered, That Daniel Stone, the administrator o;i the estate of the said John Adams, deceased, do at tha July Term next of this Court, execute good and lawful titles to said lot ofland, unto the said William Miller, unless good cause be shewn to the contrary, and that a copy of tins rule be published once a month for three months. WILLIAM MILLER, Petiliorer. A true copy from the minutes of the Court of Ordina ry, this 14th March, 1832. E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. March 29 38—3m GEORG I A, DKKA LU COUNTY, ' To the honorable Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. T HE petition of Martin Pitts respectfully sheweth that John Adams, late of said county, deceased, did on the day of September in the year eighteen hundred and twenty six, execute his bond to your peti tioner, for titles to a lot of land number fifty seven, in the second district of formerly Monroe now Pike county,, whenever your petitioner (Martin Pitts) should pay him the consideration money for the-said lot, and the said John Adams having died without having executed said t itles, agreeable to the tenor of said bond, and it appear ing to the court that the bond has been fully corq^ed" with on the part of your petitioner—It is tb^-eforeor- dered, that Daniel Stone the administrator oh the estate of the said John Adams, deceas e^ *) at the next Sep tember Term of this Court, execute good and lawful ti tles, to said lot of land, unto the said Martin Pitts, un less good cause be shewn to the contrary, and that a co py of this rule be published once a month for three months. MARTIN FITTS, Petitioner. may 31, 47 3 m - WILKINSON SUPERlOU tpiKT, I April Term, 1832. T appearing to the Court, that the official bond of: Joui) Riley, as Sheriff of the county of Wilkinson, was destroyed by fire, and that a copy in substance has been filed with the Clerk of this Court—It is (n>motion, ordered, That the said John Riley, and his securities, shew cause at - the next Term, or as soon as counsel can be heard, why the said copy should not be established in lieu of the said lost original, and that a copy of ihis r'ulej be published in one of the public gazettes published i»' Milledgeville, once a month for six months. A true extract from the minutes of Wilkinson Superb r Court, this 7th April, 1832. JEREMIAH BEALL, C?i\ Aprils? xl?—