The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, April 14, 1836, Image 3

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HMCTUIJ !»—■—»» I lain n ) M mm muite ■•'Tistheuar-spangled banner,o'n, long may it wave ■O’er the land of thefree audthe home of the brave.” FEDERAL. UNION. MILLEDGEVILLE, APRIL 14, IS3G. R ART IN VAN KEREN, FOR PRESIDES T. R. H. JOHN SON. FOR VIC E-PR ESI I) Els’ T. meet i DAY OF PUBLICATION.—In order lo :tlie departure of the mails from Mil led^e- v ille and lo enable subscribers to receive their paper as early as practicable, t!i>’ Fjsdkral Union will in l’ulure b” issued on Thursday moniin" of each week, until alterations in the mail demand a corresponding change in the duv of publication. Correspondents and adver tisers are solicited to have their manuscripts, in. tended for insertion, handed in on or before Wednesday morning of each week. o'* servitude; while i r may tempt our slaves to e perpetration of Climes, which will he visited with an awful rotrih i:ion on their own heads; a' an act of congress lo abolish slavery in the District of Columbia would hi viewed by the •ntiro South, as an insufferable abuse of power, ind an outrageous breach of that compromise which lies at the foundation of the constitution; and that it wou'd he met as an act of unprovoked ■•in 1 d re has ility to the interests, the peace, the existence of the South. And occupying this ground, we arc sure, that a vast majority of our fellow.citizens in the non-slaveholding states would unite with us in'overwhelming, under deep and lasting execration, these detested fa natics, the enemies of our common country; and that the legislation of those states, obedient to public opinion, would soon heap cat their guilty heads, punishments apportioned to the enormity of their offences. We will, at a more convenient time, exhibit the grounds of car opinion on the constitutional question. IIOW JAMES POL HILL, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Southern Circuit, we sin cerely regret to learn, died, of bilious cholic, on Sunday, the 10th instant, at Hawkinsvillc, hav ing been sick only eight days. ABOLITION IN THE DISTRICT OF COLL ARJl \.—The illiberal strictures of the nullifiers, on Mr. Van Buren’s frank declara tions on the subject of abolition, evince an un- just and settled determination lo excite southern iiostilitv against the vice-president, whatever mav be his course. He condemns the attempt to abolish slavery iu the District of Columbia, as faithless to the compromise which gave birth to the constitution, and as threatening imminent peril, if not certain destruction to the Federal Union: and yet the nullifiers have the hardi hood to represent him as a friend to the fanatics. He explicitly states, that if elected to the chief i ciansare mistaken, magistracy, “he will go into the presidential j chair the inflexible and uncompromising oppo- j nent of any attempt on iho part of congress to j abolish slavery in the District of Columbia:” ; SMALL POX.—No case of this disease, since the de th of Air. Coswrd, has occurred in Milledgeville; and no apprehension of its re appearance here is entertained at present. It is a matter of sincere regret to find that the scourge still lingers in Columbus. The Health Officer of that place lias published a list of flf teen cases received at the hospital, the first on the 10th February and the lust on the Gth in stant, of whom however onlv three have ter. minuted fatallv. That officer is of«-pinion that no danger is risked in visiting Columbus, and it may be so. though prudence is certainly the parent of safety The Columbus Enquirer doubts the identity of the disease with small pox; hut in the characteristics of an eruptive fever so uniform in its stages and so remarka bly developed, it is not probable that the pbysi- w Inch lie intended a-\ and alleged to It”, a f >nail and honor- a!)I ■ dii-oliartj- from ih? service of the (Jailed States. 1 lie baiialion of mounted infantry lias not yet arrived. A rumor hovver reach'd m • on yesterday, that thpy were journeying towards Pieolata by a rente different from lhe one heretofore pursued—they having come through Talla hassee i hey will not be needed, and Col mel Crane in- f >rms me that he has received orders to discharge them as soon as they shall reach their destination. j hnye thus, sir, endeavored, to the best of my abilities, to fulfil the object of iny appointment. That'1 have not en gaged in the active duties of the‘campaign, is the result not of a disposition on my part to evade them, but of a com bination of circumstances which I had no agency in creat ing, and which Iovidently could not control. Nothing will afford me more pleasure than to learn !hui my conduct has been sanction d by your approval. 1 am gratified to have il in my power to bear testimony to the uniform politeness and urbanity which have charac terized the deportment of those officers of the United Stales' Army with whom I have hud intercourse, cither public or private, it is incumbent on me to notice, in a special man ner, the marked civilities and assiduous attentions 1 have re ceived from that accomplished gentleman and gallant sol dier Major-General M'Comb. _ No late intelligence has been received from General Scott. The impression is universally prevalent here, that the Indi ans have declined a general engagem nt, and separated into small parties, with a view of retiring to the everglades. If such he the ease, a long period must elapse, before they can ha dislodged, anti the war terminated, i entertain but little doubt from what 1 have heard, that all the volunteers will be shortly dischorged, and the regular forces with the Creek Indians, alone employed in the further continuance of hos- tilities. General Macomb enjoined il upon me, in my first coratuu- nicaiion, to present to you his best respects I have the honor to be, sir, with llie highest consideration, vour obedient servant. BURVVELL POPE. His Eccdlency W illiam Schley, Milledgeville, Georgia. St,:es ! artillery, left Picolata on the j barren of incident. The foe, whom we have zui lor Vohisia, m the steam-boat Santee. / . , .. . - , , , G ‘n ’ml Pop,- and staff arrived at Pioolata, on Wednesday ; ocoti so busily seeking, been mel only at evening last. A battalion of cavalry from Georgia, are ex- intervals, and never ill a mode in which We peeted to amve there about the 1st ot April. could have an opportunity of distinguishing our selves. We have either seen them hidden in UNITED STATES’ BANK.—By the fol lowing communication, extracted from the Sa vannah Georgian, it is reduced to certainty that the Branch in Savannah lias, without previous notification, ceased to redeem Us own notes, and consequently necessitated the holders to incur the inconvenience and expense of applying to the parent institution in Philadelphia to have them cashed, or of using the intervention of a most broker. It will be seen by an advertisement fearful, when the president is the ‘iiifl xibleand i in today’s sheet, that the Treasurer of Georgia uncompromisi ig opponet.'” of our enemies; and j has very commenably and prudently detenu in - lie feels sacred)v bound to “use the consti- f, d to receive hereafter no bills of the United “and that it is the sacred duty of those whom ! the people of the United S a'es entrust with the j comm! of its action (the action of the federal j gov lament.) so to us;- tiie constitutional power ! \r ’ which they an invested, as to prevent it.” ! \V,. n more can reasonably be required by the .South? Is it not sufficient to satisfy the States’ Bank or of its Branches in payment of any dm-s at his Department. The notes of an institution so faithless should bo driven out of circulation: In the business hours of yesterday, the sum of 318,000, in the bills of the I nit*»d States’ Hank, payable at Savannah, were paid out at the Marine ami Fire Insurance Bank, to Mr. Henry Harper, nod by Mr Harper again return, d to the Ma rine and Fire Insurance Pack, saving that the}' had been refus' d paym -nt at the office of die Batik of the United States in this oil}'. A note was then addressed to Jam's Hunter, Esq. by the Cashier of th" Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, asking tutional power with which he may be invested,” iu defeating their pernicious schemes? These sentiments, s<» just, so friendly to the South, so patriotic do not alter the tone <>f the nullifiers, or mitigate their hatred fur Mr. Y.m Buren.— In action, he is our fiinnd, our ally. But ah! iie differs from them on an abstract principle; and fortius he must be denounced! Won Irous sticklers for principle! They differ fiom Henry Ciay on the principle of a protective tariff; and yet, they form a strict alliance with th.s bitter pnymontfor *27,000 of ihehills of th- United Siaes’ Bank, calumniator of Georgia. They differ from payable in Savannah, to which tlw following answer was Ldge White Oil the principle of the force-bill; j ^sTn-l have received your letter of this date, asking Mild yet, this fbchle and faithless old man is the payment of certain bills of the Bank of the United States, leader of their party. I ? n ' 1 . hnwinre P Iv f h ’‘‘ !^ ‘'* ia , rt, ‘ r l,f | ha '. 1 inalilu ' io ? ,, .. „ 1 •.. , . , . , . . 1 having expired 011 the ml of March last, and with it my ol- Mr V an Buretl frankly admits, taat ftC '.OOS : fie,-of Cashiprof the Branch III this city, I am no longer au- not entertain t he Opinion, “that congress (iocs; ihorised to redeem the hills of that bank, except by receiving „__.i ,.c i ! them in payment of debts. I will add, that any amount of not possess the power of mtcrfcrmg with or ab«.l- ; , !l( -se bills which you ,„«y hold, will be j«id on pre- -hiuj slavery in the District of Columbia: and sentment in Philadelphia. “JAMES HUNTER, Agent.'' lie at the same time declares it to be his “deli- berate and well considered opinion, that there are objections to the exercise of this power, utcimst the wishes of the slave-holding states, as imperative in their nature and obligations, in regulating tire conduct of public men, os the e .. . . , , , . , most palpable tcant of constitutional poicer would . r he” On the constitutional question, the nulli AUGUSTA RACES.—Oil the 12th instant, the contest between AitovLE (owned by Damp ton and Johnson) and John Bascombe, (the property of Colonel John Crowell,) for a purse tiers endeavour to separate the vice-president from the South. Here they attempt to plant the southern banner. They maintain, that this ii'.he great issue; that whoever admits the con stitutional power of congress to interfere with, or abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, is himself an abolitionist. It is well that these men are not authorized to represent the South; their present position proves, that they would be incompetent or unfaithful guardians of our rights. They would act most rashly, if not perfidiously, in placing the issue between the citizens < f the South and the fanatics, on this constitutional question; and we affirm, that a man may believe 'hat congress lias constitutional power to abolish fcluvery in the Dlstrct of Columbia, and yet U- j |1( nmost determined and efficient enemy to the j °Krciso of this power. Nay, litis opinion mav I Dear Sir- distancing the former. It is said that in the first mile Akgyle kept the lead, in I lie second Bascombe locked him and run some distance in that condition, in tlie third mile Bascombe shot ahead, and in the fourth distanced him with ease. FLORIDA.—For the latest intelligence from the theatre of war, we are, indebted to the Sa vannah Georgian, but 110‘hing of moment is detailed, nor aught decisive to be shortly ex pected. Tne following letter from Brigadier- General Pope to his excellency Governor Schley, relating to himself and the troops from Georgia, will be acceptable to our readers. The docu ments accompanying the letter and to which it alludes, are in consequence of their length, omitted in today’s sheet, but shall appear in our Jacksonville, April Cilii, 1836. -As I shall avail myself of the first opportuni- ,. • 1 1 . • . . „• 1 |v. that tnav offer, of returning hum", I deem it rnv duty, <5entertained by men, whose interests, whose : ■ - 6 - - - } . - ■ - . 1 in order to prevent any misapprehension on your part, to relations in life, whose welfare, whose happiness i f urf iish a full and minute narration of all the events whieh fi-t" c« .1 1 :.i — - have rendered this step necessary. 1 reached I’lcoialn, to which place I had heen directed by yourself, on the 23d ultimo. Learning that General Scott was then at Fort inane, and woulJ march in a few days u- ffcioug to the South; by men who are identified >3every feeling, and every afibetion, and every ~ ' Profoundly, ardently, Office Saoannak Georgian, April 10, 183f5—12 o'clock M. LATEST FROM FLORIDA. By the Steam Packet Florida, captain Hehhard, arrived yesterday afternoon from Picolata, via Jacksonville, <fce. we received the Jacksonville Courier of Thursday last, from which we make extracts. We since received by the Dol phin, captain Pennoyer, arrived this morning from Pioolata, a letter, daleiHast Wednesday, which will be lbuud below. We must await patiently the tidings by tbe next boat. We trust that they will be auspicious. “Picolata, Florida, April Gth, 183(5. “I did intend to write you at some length by ttie Florida, but she comes and is off, giving us no time to write. We have no news whatever from the army since it left Fort Di ane, ami are therefore apprehensive that our troops have gone to Tampa without finding the enemy. One thing is certain, the passage of the Withlaeoochee lias not been dis puted, nor has any battle been fought in that vicinity, or we would have been appr.ztd of it. The centre of the annv marched from Fort Drane iri two columns, with the provisions, Ac. between them—ihe light column, under the command of general Smith, of Louisiana and thelefi, commanded by colonel Bankhead. Every pnt- rautton was taken to guard against surprise. General Kus- tis's column.marched lor Volusia, and colonel Lindsay’s front Tampa, about the same time that the army left Fort Drane. Florida is the worst country in the world to make war in. No supplies—no means of transportation. If I can get at any thing authentic, 1 will write yutt by the next boat. From the Jacksonville Courier, April 7. T11E WAR. Nothing definite has been heard from general Scott since the report of his cannon announced his arrival at the Withlaeoochee, on the 29th ultimo. Shortly after the troops left Fort Drane, the Indians burnt tho place of Mr. Brooks, about four miles from the Fort. From the latest accounts, it would appear that the Indians are scattering. Traiis have been discovered leading in different directions from the nation. 'J hey recently stole tour or five horses iroin colonel G. Humphreys, near Micanopy, and have driven off several rattle. Should the Indians separate into straggling parties, it will be impossible to remove ’.Item this spring, and we shall be the prey of a roving enemy; driven to desperation by I tie prospect before them, by hunger and starvation, or death. Total ruin must await ihe citizens of Alachua, unit ss government come to their relief. Mr. Lowe, who arrived from Alachua last evening, brings the nows that colonel Lindsay inet the Indians a few null’s the other side of the Wilhlacoocliec, before ho had joined general Scott. Colonel Lindsay fired upon the Li llians, who, ufo-r returning the tire, tied to the hammock.— Thirty Indians were tbunu dead. Only one while man w as killed. Further particulars, and the consequences of this engagement, wo are unable to barn. The steamer Santee reached tins place last night. It left Volusia Sunday morning. Nothing had been heard from general Eustis since the day aller he left Volusia. The three divisions of the army must have met ete this. The consequences we arc anxious to horn. Some invalids, who arrived a few days since front Volu sia, report that of seven hundred men belonging to colonel Brisbane's regiment, three hundred were unable to proceed on the march, through sickness, occasioned by the hard ships to which ih.‘m“ti were unaccustomed, and the preva lence of the m< asles among them, l’oor fellows, they doubt less find that fighting the Indians is nut “what it vvus crack ed up to be.” Brigadier general Pope has been honorably discharged from ilie service of the United Slates by major general Macomb, there being no need of so large a force from Geor gia as a brigade. We learn, moreover, that colonel Crane is instructed to discharge likew ise the battalion of mounted infantry under major Ross, vv liich reached Newnansviilo on Tuesday evening, and is daily expected at Picolata, front the same State, as soon as it shall arrive—its services in the estima tion of the commanding officers in Florida not being re quired. General Pope, with those of his staff, who have not already left, will leave this evening, in the Florida, for Savannah. By the arrival of the Dolphin, from St. Augustine, vve learn that general Macomb left for Tainpa Bay yeaterduy. The following extract of a letter from Cap tain Seymour, of the Macon Volunteers, dated Fort Drane, 25th u!t. is copied from the Macon Messenger: 1 have hut n moment of time to let you know we leave here tomorrow under generals Scott arid Clinch with about two thousand men; we will cross tho Withlaeoochee about Tuesday; where it is expected the Indians arc—no doubt is entertained by the knowing ones that vve will have a sharp fight. The ludians have been uniformly successful in ail theirengagemenls; they have vv hipped every thing and have acquired confidence, and will give us warm work. We have just heard of a brush at Volusia; about fifty Indians attacked three companies—and killed three and wounded six They fight like devils, and are hard to brat. Wear" now off—“you will again (us some one also said before me,) hear from us, or of us.” From Florida.—Colonel Strong, attached lo the staff of general Pope, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon. He i bushes and Carefullv s!lUnnil) CT our approach, Si* ! f a ' u,,! i y ‘T* aU u'- >a T d rhro " sh Ja, r son ; I or if the security of their hiding places aflbrded vide at II) u clock, on Sunday. Me have not seen colonel ( n- • . ■ 1. ■ V? , S. but understood that general Pope and staff are on their return home—general M'Comb deeming their services un necessary. We learn further, that general M'Comb would riot assume the command, lint leave general Scott to carry out the campaign; and that it was supposed all the troops Iroin Georgia would shortly he discharged, as the recent movements of the army would probably terminate the war. —Augusta Scitlinil,Sth lust. COTTON. April I J, 1836, Milledgeville 11 a 13 April 1*2, 1836, Augusta 15 o I9i April 12, 1836, Charleston t6</20 April 12, 1836, Savannah ltifi 20 iCP LAWS AAD JOURNALS. O N WEDN ESDAY the 30th day of APLIU, in stant,) contracts will he lei lo the lowest bidder, at the them sufficient shelter, shooling- down some ! for distrihunng among the several count,es, stray mao, and then running fiendish veils.” away with their APPOINTMENT BY TIIE GOVERNOR. — CARLTON B. COLE Esq. has been ap. pointed Judge of the Superior Courts uf tho Southern Circuit, vice lion. James Poluill, The Mobile Chronicle of tbe 28th ult. con. tains ihe substance of a letter from captain , decees-'d Hitchcock, which furnishes no details of the j operations of general Gaines’ command, with Indian Treaty.—A very interesting sa ne bulk place in which our rmdt»r«s urn not alre-nlv f-imilinr the early part of the week at the Masonic Hail, in this ctiy u men out rcauers aic not already laminar.— ( Thi , WM the c , )nc i n ,| in; j „ fa treaIV between the Ottawa, vvt; extract the following appended to tiie same: j ihe Chipp a wns, and the United Slates, in ro’atiun to the Since hearing the above letter read, I have 1 filing of the lndian territory in Michigan. The Indians . , . . - 0 c • .1 .1 r • ji have coded abonf twenty millions of omuj, reserving aibout ilf\U*iJ t;iG opinion Ol Uiitlimitiy, too incndly | one hundred and fifty thousand ac •res for themselves, iu ihe chief. lie Said Inal be did not believe that the northern part of Michigan, at Little Traverse, Chaboigan, InrH'ina inti.iwl.iri in nc..>co .ml nnlv I Grand Traverse, und Haro Marguetfe. They receive six Inmans intended to make peace, and only oiler- | hunilred lhm .«aud dollars, payable in thirty years, with ed to do SO as a rtis de guerre, to get the troops j Other valuable grants. After the ceremonies of smoking off their guard. Oil asking him why he thought i and Singing, several speeches were made, in which some of 1 7 . , .. . , ... T ,. . , , i the Indians indulged in a spirit of Imiuor. They call us so. 00 slated that tne hostile Indians intended 1 “the people with hats,” end one wished that the people to offor such terms as tho Americans would not ' with hats, would present each of the chiefs about twenty- accept—that is, to give to the Indians all the ! I*'; 6 c"i •. 0fll,0S '’ . - 1 \' ® . lugs which travel so last, moaning a horse. All I hoi r re- land south of Withlaeoochee, including the whole Peninsula. I obtained from Tuck-alusto liar jo, or Black Dirt, the friendly chief, a list of the Indian chiefs and their forces engaged with genera! Gaines. Jumper, men, 30 Ak-su ho-la, (Powc-I.) 7 All-hur-tu-har-jo, 30 Jar-liar-to Cher, 30 Uar char Tosknusk, (Mecosukec/ *170 Me-ca-»o-pe, (principal chief) 80 Abram, (negro) 70 \VVo-a Flocko Maltcz, 70 'N ar-hnr-hac-jo, 100 Tos-Kie u-car, 50 E-flm-a Matu-z, 50 Hnt-Huw-Ematli z, 30 Charles, (negro) 3 C’o-a-har-jo, 1 To-pa-lai-goe, 40 quests of this description, were granted: but one of them put a poser to the commissioner. He said that tiie people with hats oughito present eacti of ihe young men with a squaw ! This piece of fun was intended tor tho edification i of tiie ladies who were present. j The treaty is now before t lie senate; when Ratified, it will j lie highly advantageous to nil parties. The Indian territory I was too large to be of any use to tho tribes which were j scattered over it. Now, they will be concentrated. Under ! (he care of Mr. llaineiin, an amiable and accomplished j half-blood of tiie Ottawa tribe, their progress in civiliza- I lion must bn rapid. Th°y are all desirous ol becoming j amalgamated and identified with our own people, and they will soon he so. They have excited much interest iu the district.—11 ashing ton Mirror. .AW'S and JoCRXALS of the last General Assembly. R. A GREENK, Secretary, F.realties Denaftmcut. Milledgeville, April 12, '836.-1 (-42 *.* AM t.»c .MMleilgeville papers will give the alswe one i*t-€: Don. # TREASURY 1>E P,1 Il’fJir.ST. Milledgeville, (la. April y, 1836. T HE Branch of the United Slates’ Bank at Savannah having refused to redeem tiie bills made payable at that Cilice, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, iliat the lulls of the 1 nit”d Stales’ Bank turn itr Branches will no longer be received in payment nt thi* Di- partroent. T HAYNES, 2:-42 Treasurer. All th- papers in Miiimlgeville, tiiec'avsn '. thGeorgian.fieor- eir. (.'onstitiuionalis't. Southern Banner. Jlycon Telegraph, anl Cr lumtias Sclitiiiel, v, ill give the above two fnacitiens, and tonvard their hills. BANK STATE OF GLOUGIA. Savannah, 5?k April, 1 CO. OTIfE.—An election will be held nt the bnnkiiar house il in this city, on Monday, the 3d day of MA Y en suing, fir six Directors in this Bank r.n the pari <>i the in dividual Stockholders, to serve for twelve months frum tiiut date, of which all stockholders will take due notice. Bv order of the board, 3t-42 A. PORTER, cashier. From ihe Xa'chez Courier, 31st nil. TEXAS.—“Colonel George C. Childers ar- j rived last evening from Texas, informs us that j Colonel Fannin, with eight hundred men, was at 1 La Bahia, and felt confident that, in case uf at- ! tack, he could make a successful resistance.— It is supposed by the friendly chiefs, that there ! p encra * Houston was on the Colorado, with a were about ono thousand five hundred Indians i ^ MCC °f two thousand five hundred men. — and Negroes ! ^ rom t* 10 above we are led to behove that the a : account which we published of a battle having From the Milledgeville Recorder, the follow, j taken place between Colonel Fannin’s troops the Mexicans, is mainly correct. God Total. 1061 is extracted: Fort Drane, Florida, March 25, 1836. ; grant that it may be. Bank of the United Stales.—Tim House of Representa tives of Maine has passed a hiiI prohibiting the circulation of the notes of tho Bank of tin* United 81ales, lately incor porated by Pennsylvania, within the limits of that State.— Ayes 85—Noes *0. The 1 'gisJature of the Slate of Ohio has adjourned. A- mong the acts of the session, was one to prohibit the estab lishment within the Slate of Ohio, ofuny Branch or Agen cy of the new United States' Bank. S. ’■Ope, with the South. passionately as we love the Union, an act ol congress to abolish slavery in the District of -dumbia, would be to us, a signal for the dis- ^ution of the confederacy. We should regard •asthe beginning of a system ol measures, if permitted, would deluge our country ' ,; ‘ l calamities immeasurably overbalancing ‘y benefits which it may hope to derive from “• federal Union. We lament that the con- yrion has not added the obligations of a posi- G compact, to those 01 he rand momentous con- Rations, which forbid congress to lay un- lowed hands on the domestic relations ol the ^habitants of the District of Columbia. We multiply and strengthen the defences of ) °° u tn; but wo will not risk our safety in ^•j’lress which cannot repel the assault of the t ‘ rn }; A constitution is not a piece of sott g* hable to be moulded into the impression of WlS hes. W<-would not subject our unde r St*> the guidance of our passions, in our ^ ivourg to ascertain its meaning. We iu*V 001 indu! ge in the weakness of persuad- frj l,11 ? eIves > that it has a signification diffi-rent iahl l ' at ‘ ts language conveys to our l nor would we be guilty of the du- ■ ^ascribing to it a meaning diffe ent from Extracts from a letter from an Assistant Surgeon in the United 'States' army, now Florida, to a gentleman in this cih/, dated '•fort Drane, (General Clinch's,) March 13, 1836. “Dear Sir—Having once more reached a point whence a letter will probably find itM vvny to yon, 1 take the few moments left, before an express leaves here, to remind you of the existence of a friend. I haveju.->t returned from the famous Withlaeoochee, whore we fought the Indians for On the ninth they sued for peace, retaining the country This of course reD i v 1 received Ao 2. A lew days after the receipt oi ; was lnaumtssioie, and matters are in statu quo ante helium General Scott’s communication, 1 proceeded to this village, They came forward under the white Hag, and we could u hich is directiy on the route travelled by mounted troops not hurt them, had vve wished. S need not give you any ac- from Georgia, with a view of meeting the battalion, which , count of onr battles in this recent campaign, 1* ! gainst tiie Indians, I inimcdiaiely despatched to him an ex- ! press, formally reporting myself and soliciting his orders.— • eight successive days, t A copy of my note to linn is enclosed, marked No. 1. In i but on condition ol retail reply, I received No 2. A few days after the receipt of • was inadmissible, and mi General Scott’s communication, 1 proceeded to this village, They came forward until which is directiy on the route travelled by mounted troops not hurt them, had vve vv from Georgia, with a view of meeting the battalion, which j count of our battles in tli . w ns daily expected, conducting it to Gury’s Ferry on Black preceding it, as you find them amply retailed in the official Creek and there awaiting further instructions despatches and public prints. 1 have been in the woods tor I had been in this place but two days, when I received, ; throe months; have been in most all the battles, and am >et from Colonel Crane, a letter written by authority of General , sate; though 1 see no difference in the chances of an assist- Scou himself, of w hich No. 3 is a copy. To this an answer, 1 ant surgeon and a line officer. I have been in the front Gentlemen—We start tomorrow for tho Withlaeoochee. We take with us fifteen du)'s’ provision, and think with that quantity we can end the war. We were to have started this morning at sunrise, but were prevented by the heavy rain which fell last night and today.— Powell will doubtless give us buttle. The opinion is strengthened from the fact, that a spy sent by general Clinch, and who was to have j Valuable Recipe.—Mr. A. Bronson of Meadviile, lVnn- returned four dayssince, has not yet returned, j sylvania, says, from fifteen years experience, lie finds that an 1 j- 1 j , 1 1 ill j Indian meal poultice, covered over with \ oung Hyson ten, It the Indians had des, red peace he would have | sol>enetl with hot water, rod laid over hums andYroinfle-I,! returned; his own disposition to do so cannot be j as hot as can be borne, will relieve the pain in live minutes; questioned, when it is known that lie receives a if blisters have not arisen before, tliey will not alter it is 1 , ,, , . put on, and thatonepouliiceis geutTaliv sufficient tOCuect a great reward if he should return, and certain i cnre . death if he failed, and was ever after captured, i » Tiie Georgia troops are all here, to wit: the! Burning of the Treasury Office at Washing- commands of captains Merriwether, Seymour, : ton.—We published yesterday, exclusively, an Black, Brown, Foster, Bones and Robertson, of account of the arrest of a person suspected of the infantry, and Campbell, Mulone, Svvinnev i having been concerned in setting fire to the and Nelson, of the cavalry. j Treasury office about three years ago. Since Some of the troops under Eustis had a small j his apprehension, we understand, his wife has affair with the Indians, near Lake Georgs; he ; also been arrested in Sussex county, (New Jor- had three killed and six wounded, and has no I soy) on a warrant granted by Judge Baldwin, evidence that the Indians received any injury. ! at Philadelphia, to which city she has been con- Powell is said to bo twenty miles south of the vcyed for examination, touching her knowledge. Withlaeoochee, on the edge of the Large Darn- 1 of the affair. Three months since we were in- mock, with his women and children; but he formed of till the circumstances connected with will doubtless return to the river, and fight us this business, but underun injunction' of secrecy where he fought Clinch and Gaines. \ which prevented our giving thorn to the public, The companies of captains Seymour, Black, j and as the injunction lias not yet been removed, Brown and Foster reached here yesterday, just ! we are only now at liberty to state, that three in time, from Picolata. Captain Merriwcther’s persons were concerned iu the crime, to which company has been here two weeks, having come they wera instigated by an individual filling a down from Picolata as art escort to a train of 1 high station in society, Judge Temple, who our forty wagons, with provisions. He passed sixty-; readers may recollect, committed suicide by five miles through tho Indian country, without 1 shooting himselfat his residence near Montpelier, iheslighcst molestation, and even without firing j Vermont, m consequence of a discovery having an alarm gun. He has since marched to Fort | been made that I10 had defrauded tho United King, and back, (on Saturday lust,) without any j Slates’ Treasury, to an immenso amount, by difficulty. The tracks of several Indians, but j moans of forged claims for revolutionary pen- rccently made, were discovered. ; sions. Finding that this fraud must inevitably The troops from Georgia are in good health be discovered, he engaged these persons under and high spirits. Tho camp is all life and ani- a promise of a large reward, to commit the ar- matioa. The hope of shortly meeting Powell, j son, in the hope that the fire would destroy every the murderer of Thompson and Bassiuger, has . trace of his guilt. In this, however, he Was «ur $iadi, tail jsc lts wor express. Viewing this sub- andstoaddy, not through the re- He Co ' our ‘ n £ medium of our feelings, but H^fand direct light of reason, we can the belief, that congress has no con- O I'ovver to interfere with, or abolish '' n District of Columbia. We would H> vi ’ a l question, take a position, which A :;>y y W cai, not be maintained: we would oc- Y which we know to be impregna- 15 thr. ° proclaim to our fellow-ciiizrns f c tUr W? msiavelm l (J ing statoe, that any inter- \Sr, g ru h r,| ad, with the domestic relations ut ; " ill certainly increase the rigors 1 was aroused by tbe sudden crack of the Indian ride and the tremendous yell of the Indian war whoop. We wer« surrounded by Indians for six days, ami fought them daily on the same ground. We were out of provisions, and had to eat parched corn, and llten horse, and even dog flesh. I knew the quarter ol'a slaughtered dog to sell for five dollars. I ate horse flesh myself, though I did not go the dog; yet i must confess that I and my messmate had doomed lo Crane on the subject of his note, I readily accepted. A conversation soon arose between General M'Comb and .ray- sell in regard to the war in general, and particularly in re ference to my own sunation. At his request, thccominnni- cations of General Scott and Colonel Crane were exhibited t „ |„ m Having caretully perused them, he very frankly but deiica'ely express d the opinion that my services were n«t renuired in this Territory, and that I could return imme- ----- - - . ,, dh,JJv without detriment .0 .he public service. He further- slaughter a fine fat dog, but supplies reached us e. th’ mat* ty vwiuoui u 1; ^ t .1 I foul deed was consummated. V\ «have lallen back upi post for supplies, and will wait till g -neral Scott arrives I of course will take the field with him, and see tha war through. , ... r “1 have neither eaten nor slept (with the exception of one or two nights) under the roof of a house since some time last December. 1 have laid out in rold and rain, and yet am in excellent health. 1 have gained twenty-one pounds of flesh more avowed his behef that, were I to join the army, 1 foul deed was consummated. We have lallen hack upon this would be destitute of authority, as there were already a sufficient number of Generals in the field, and that the troops from Georgia were loo few in number to constitute a Brigadier’s command.ff] On my arrival at Picolata, I was assured by Colonel Crane, that General Seott entertained views precisely similar to those expressed by General M‘- Comh—that, in fact, he decidedly preferred my not joining „ him for the reason, uinong others, that all hts arrangements in Honda. for the prosecution of the campaign had been matured ; From tJ , e St . Angildinc Herald, March 25. without reference to rat si if, a 11, . ! - P , , . The Indians most have suffered severlv from the ruimer- ,he camp could be L, conform,- ouJtrail" of blood which were seen on the ground, arid our the contrary might occasion em mrrass ‘ . informant states that fl icks of buzzards are seen in the ty with the request of General 21 C m ■ - swamp, n-ar vvliicli cajdain Ashby’s and Fripp’s companies ,;i by me t . Iran, 1 ! w^S’ittrkcd on the 23.1 instant. The enemy were com- and subnui ting the whoie ma 5 j s a copy) : pletelv routed and they were in considerable force, ibis upon, the General returned an ans , (- • iy I f ailed the first victory that our forces have oblam- ,, ntg had been ordered to Florida in J ed since the commencement of the war. given intense fueling to every Georgian. disappointed; the most valuable papers and vou It may be gratifying to tho friends of captain ' (diets of the Treasury Department were rescued Merriwether, and In’s men, to learn that they are from the flames and amongst them the proofs of in good health and high Spirits. Yours, vAo. his delinquency. Upwards of a year ago one of the incendia- The following letter is interesting, as it gives ries was arrested r.t Syracuse, in this State, by some description of tho country, now the scene j .Mr. G. Finch, a police officer of Newark, N. of such interest: J. on a charge of forgery committed on three “Camp Vohisia, March 13. ! of the banks at Philadelphia; but on his way to “We have at last arrived at this post in our that city he contrived to elude the vigilance of compaign. No little trouble or exposure, and f h« officer and made ITis escape. Knowing, no small degree of fatigue has been undergone however, that he must eventually be retaken, in thej iurney we have made. St. Patrick’s he made a virtue of necessity, and voluntarily day was the third day of our march from Camp surrendered himself under the hope of pardon, MTlca, and we spent that day as we had done { to secure which, he communicated to ihe police the day proceeding, marching through mud and I all the circumstances in relation to the bur'ning water as wo marched along. We were obliged ! of the Treasury office at Washington, admitting to follow a trail for our guide, and had to make i that lie was partieeps criminis, and through his our way as we came. Passing through some of! exertions, tho actual incendiary and his other the deep creeks, our men were obliged to take J accomplice have been apprehended, and are the horses from the baggage wagons and draw now on their way to Washington, them through with their own power. It was [ When we are permitted by our informant, delightful to witness the continued willingness of j we shall give a more circumstantial detail of the tho troops on this march, where difficulties met! occurrence; for the present the above statement them on every hand; where one moment they ! must suffice.—New 1 'or!: Courier. were obliged to wade up to the middle through * : deep swamps, and then obliged to halt for per- The Grand Jury of the District ot Columbia naps an hour, waiting for the train to .make its found a true bill, on the evening ol the 30th ult. slow way. Unfortunately some portion of tiie against Dr. White, ol New York, charged with ’roops had not exercised sufficient foresight in j firing the Treasury Building—had it been laid the providing a requisite quantity of food, and i °vcr until the next day, he would have escaped consequently were obliged to feel, in some by the statute of limitations. His wife was dis- measure, the pressing necessity of hunger, an j charged from arrest without examination. Kel- occurrencc, l apprehend, which will not be ofj ley, the marsna! of the District ol Ohio, who anv great novelty before the ciuse of the cam- j brought Mrs. White to Washington City, left a- pai (, n. I ffnin for the North, and expects to make one or “We ace here situated at a delightful post.— two more arrests in New York. He is necorn- comphance wtri l» e J OV ernor appointed the river were found .tie next day: among then, the body ol ol Georgia, arid tt|. ^ ^ Billy, a chief, whs recogn.z f L arrived. General Scott, On Friday last, three boats will. Indians were seen rross- ' nd ' in" the St. John s river, near Picolata. A steam-boat was General Vopo^onif ordered bin. to the scat of war to com mand the brigade—but. More '• by express from Picolata, desired ihe'cavalr^com- Syfngtn the stream at the time, but before she could get tin- one of the -SS^Kl^df^eSvons, refused .0 der way they had disappeared ami concealed ihc.r boats si panics, after arriving alt n | the number of, that they could not be discovered. be mustered into the service. C q . ; di - Indian tracks have been seen in. the neighborhood of St Georcia troops in Florida was reduced below a ur.^dur j >fitc0 lholroo , t g hive Icf”, Georgia troops command Our cum;) is upon the summit of a beautiful eminence. Three hills, with a .small rivulet be tween them—the river St. Johns winding just at the foot of a hill, all around, covered with a rich velvet green. The general appearance of the country is as beautiful as you could imagine —all is still and quiet—nature seems to have taken a ploasaiit mood here, and to have thrown, with a somewhat lavish hand, upon this spot, the delicacy of scenery which site has so care fully withheld from other parts. If the delays which have hitherto marked our campaign, arc panied by a man named a noted forger and counterfeiter, who is the principal agent in making the arrests.—Savannah Georgian. NOTICE. I N order to bring to n close all of the old and outs land, ng debts due to the Branch of this Bank in .Milledgeville, the parent hoard, have thought il expedient, and have there fore constituted and appointed NATH AN J)I*(*143iDR Esq. of that place, their Afieut and Attorney in tact.— Ail persons ihmToie, who are indebted to said office by Note, Bond or otherwise, are hereby required to settle arid arrange their respective debts w ith lint). EBENEZKK S. REUS. Cashier, 11,ink of Durien. MilledgeriUe, April 1, 1S36.-31-11 LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING iu the Post-Orfire at Covington, Newton ■ < minty, Ga. on the first day of April, 1836, and which, if nut taken oat before the first day of July m xf. will, as dead !• tiers, be transmitted lo the Port-Office Department a: \\ ashingtun (’iiy. A.—.Airs. Rciiccea Allen, Mrs. Levinah Anderson, Mrs. James Austin. Miss Pht’rihy Avcock. B.—John Browning, William A. Browning, George W. Berry. James Berry, John Rugby, James M Bagby, William M. Beall, Peter Boyd, Uriah Brvanl. Benjamin II. Bailey, Eii Bennett. Williamson M. Bruzwell, 10. T. Bankerston. C.—Isaac Cohron, David Childers, Isaac Chrisliun, A. Carrington. C. E. F. W. Campbell, H. M. Cook 2. William Courser, istanly Greaves, J. W. Carroll, Mrs. El.zabeth Cheney, Mrs. Ann R. Cabell. D.—.N’icey M. Daniel. 10.—Mi>s Kebpcca Echols. F.—T. Freeman or L. Petty 2, Aaron Formin' 2, .Airs. Sa» rah Flanegan. G.—George Gordon, 31. Glass, William Gibson, J. G (Hover, Majors L. Graves, Sulumon Graves, .ALs. Juana GrAWM. JI.—West Harris, John Hughes, Robert Hansen, Mr. 1 lenrst, John Hail!, Henry Jleald, Allen Hood, William Herage, John Hammock, Charles Ilardy, John D. Hendrick, T. J. Hays A Co. 1). il. Jiodge, E. Jl. flinit 2, Matthew 8. Hannon, Malha Harmon, William Hill, Llius Hill, M;ss .Alary Hill. J.—William Jarrell, Alexander Johnson, J. J. Johnson, Samuel Johnson, George \V. Johnson. Iv.—J. W. Keaille, Kiehard Kennon, N. B. Knight. L.—F. A. Lane, P. Jjme, Miss E. Lane, Miss 11. Lonvfh. M.— Hugh A. Masters, J. Jlulhews, Samuel Moses, Dan iel 31‘Bean, Jolinathan -AI'Dovv, William D. M'Cracken 2, 3Irs. Lytba More. N.—Alston Neighbor-, Mrs. Sarah Need, Miss Nancy T. Neely, Miss Nancy Nash. - P.—Jesse Peek, Mr. Parks, Samuel Paiillo, John Paul, James Planket, Martin Pucker, John W. Parker 2, Nancy \V. Pucket, Mrs. Jane Pool 2, John Ponder. IL—Arthur Rice, Abram Riley, Miss Catharine. J. Ryan, Miss Annubclla i>. Roberts. t).—Charles II. Sanders 2, Benjamin Smith, Absalom Smith, Seth P. Storrs, Alexander Stewart, Joseph Simpson, Obediah Snow, John Sawyers 2, Samuel B. Skelton, George D. Stance] 2, James Stanfield, VV. M. Swnu. T.—James M. Tate 3, Rev. Epps Tucker 2, Andrew JI. Tarver, Elisha S. Tramel, William Tomblin, Benjamin Thrower. W.—R. Wilbonrn, Jack II. Wilbnurn. Rev. Jack VV i I - bourn, William West, Bazil Wooley, Settborn Worrell, William Worrell, Sinnneon S. Worrell, William Ware,Gib hert A. Ware 2. Martin or William VVoisly, George Bell 0£ Robert Watlkins. 31-4.2 ROBERT O. USHER, Postmaster. LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in tbe Post-Office at Thnmaston, Upson county, Ga. on the first day of April, la36, and which, if not taken out before the first day of July next, will, as dead letters, be transmitted to tbe Post-Ollice Department at Washington Citv. A.—William G. Andrews, Daniel A. Allen, Jim. Benja min Adams. B.—Enuck Brag 2, Martin Euc.k, William Blaekson, James Braswell, VV. M. Beall 2, J. W. Bridges 2, J. U. Black, John Bustin, Robert Brown, John Bunkb y, Reid Beall. George Browue, Thomas D. Black, VV. Couch or Thomas Bailey. C.—D. F. Clarke, Roper D. S. W. Cants, James Courson, Cliarles Q. Collier, H. K. Chapell, John Cnddenhead, J. K. Candler, A. K. Cunningham, 1’heodore Ciiild, A. F.Collier, i Robert Collier, R. M. Collier, William Cuuteli, Julius Clark, ! Madison Cutaway, 3Iiss Susan Courson, Elijah Cruett, Ed ward Caulkins, Martin Cott, Mr. Collier, Willis Cole. D.—VV. F. Dean, William Davis, Denis Daugherty 2, M. Duster, Dr. Dunn. IL—D P. Ellis, William Ellcrbee, M. D. Ellis, Andrew Elliot. William Ellington 2. J'.—fll J. Fangn, James Fincher, Francis Franklin. A. G J’'ambough 2, John Ferner, Susaiuiah Farrar, Green Fer guson. G.—Seaborn Gordv, John Goode, Mrs. I.ucy S. Greene, Cannon Gibbs, T. Y. Gill. II.—William Hudson, J. C. Headley, VV. B. Hopkins, Elizabeth Uardridge, A. Hawkins, J. C Hunt, Miss Harrei Ilarrell, Lewis Holloman, Barbarra Harrell, Benjamin Ham- brick, A.C. Hickman. J.—Thomas Ingram. J.—Lemon Jay. William Jav. K.—A. M. I). King, Davis Kendall, VV. K. Keith. M.—E. JI. Maynor, Joel Matthews, Alexander Marreson, Icsse Motes, A. A. Manning, Willey, Mr. M'Coy, Benjamin Milton, C. C. M'Kinley, Thomas Manghum, John M'Danough. N —William Newson, Jesse New bey. P.—Lunsford Puis, J. D. Prator, E. B. Pircharu, Vmeant Presley, John Piits R.—Franeis Roberts, '1’homas Tfii’ls, F.-lis Robertson, Jane Rogers, J. Rogers, Mrs E. A. Rain sv, William Rai ney 2. S.—Archibald Stvvart, John Slaughter, T A. Sailer, T. L Stafford, N. Sanders, VV. Shaver, S. VV Smith. Harris D. Smiih, John Sellers, C. Strtiings, II. Smith, S. Stephens. T.—J. It. Turnbull 3, VV. Tilluion, il. Torbter, Mrs. E. Threavitt, 31. Turner. VV.—S. M. VVilson 2, J C. Wheatan, W. Wayche, Mays D. VVheally, A. VV’ilson, J. Weaver, A. Webster. J. Will ng- ham, D. Walker, J. Wadsworth, E. Wail, J. White, Miss j. C. Walker. Y—VV. P. Yonge, A. L. Yerlv. 3t-12 II. B. MABRY, Postmaster. BROUGHT TO JASL, I N FORSYTH, 3Io:iroe county, Georgia, a Negro Fel low, calling himself (xEOItGllN and saying that he is doubtful of liis owner’s name, but thinks it is M'Cprihs, living in Weeks county, Alabama, to whom he was sold by .Martin or Marlin and Pitts of Jlaeon, Georgia, about No vember last, and that he has been runaway about fight weeks Th" said fellow is about twenty-five or thirty y ears of age, and is brown complected. The owner is requested to comply with the law, and take him away. April 5, 1830. 42 MARTIN NALL, jailor. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. IFHKkEAS, Slepheu Lee, administrator on the estate of * ® Christopher Pair, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said estate, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear at Riyoflice. within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, ifany exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, this 5th April, 1836. 42 JOSEPH CAKRUTHKRS, c. ri. o. Joicc lleth.—It turns out, as far as ran be judged from physical appearances, that Joice Heth’s wonderful old age 1 was only a wonderful humbug. l)r. D. L. Rogers held a post mortem examination on her body yesterday, and stated that there was no indication whatever of extreme old age about it. The body was generally in a limithv state, except the left lung, which was diseased and which in the opinion of Dr. Rogers, was <lie cause of bnr death. But even be fore site died, Dr. Rogers had g : ven it as his opinion that she could not lie so old as she was represented to be. He visited her about three months before her death, and onex- ... . , . amining her pulse, found it was seventy-five; nnd as to the mill to continue, tncrc is no spot ill i ioinl.l, , loag her eyes, it was evident to him that it had arisen from which 1 have vet seen, that would make tho j disease, and not old ago. From I lie exainiriafion he held on , / , ..ii ,; mnj P .-, t-i» r ,Vn 'i’Lo b p r before and tiller her death, Dr. Rogers stated Iliat slut .(St (at dll times t.U10U>j oO tOlcrabiO. * ^Icould not have been ranch more than eighty years old at the countrv, ns films vve have travelled- ha? been m*oet ~.Vs» IV* j»nmni r/ (lemmecc. (GEORGIA, Pulaski county. ^UMTIIEREAS, Hannah A r ins tong applies ft.r letters of administration on the estate of John Armstong, late of said county, deceased, These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to tie and appear at my office, within the time precribed hv law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand at office, this 6th April. 1836. 42 JOSEPH CAKRUTHERS. c. c. o. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. W HEREAS, James J,. Carruihers applies for letters of administration on the estate of Susan Carruihers, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, tocite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my otlicc, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if.any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 4th April, 1836. 42 JOSEPH ( AtlKCTHEKS, c, c. o