The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, April 14, 1836, Image 4

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LIST OF LGTTEILS S-L02S HCT21L a U EIALV'ISG in tlm P«*t-OIRce at Forsvth, Amro- connly, Git. on lt*p first day of April, 163ti, and winch if not token out before the first day of July next, will ati dead letters, be transmitted to the I'astOflico Departmental Washington City. A—John S. Anderson, F.!i Arnold, William A. Adam*. B—William M. Beall Jam*"* Brown, JdSep'.i Bruntly, Reuben Brown, Melinda Ben!!, A. Bellamy, Edward Rex ilk Asa A. Brown, John Burton, 4S3muel B. Baldwin, Pleasant Buckner, John Brown. C.—Jolin Cnv. -ns, Rebecca F-. Callage, Jam-* Colbert. County Surveyor, Georg,> \Y. CI.u k, Elizabeth frVzart, Slut M. M. M. II. J. Cherry, Jesse Colvin, Ambrose Chap man 2, Oliver II. I*. Caldwell, Wiley I,. Clements. George \V. Carter, Amanda Comer, William Cole, Gilbert Claik, I Jessco Coalman. P^Ahiwr Drake, Alfred Diake, Elizabeth Holes. John ; . ,. f . Hillard. Lucy L. Darden. J. Dickson, Garner, Za. lu-; This establishment, indoding th* ottt-bnildings, will be put nah Darden. ; i:i a strife of thorough repair, and the subscriber is vvellpre- H.—Marlin Edgo. Benitttjlin EdwanKJohn IMward?, f . 1 n?rcd la nceomrandat* BO VllDKBS. TitAXSIta l P. Evans, Thom ts C Edwards, John Xv. E/miugUs 2. ! STO'111RS,anlTR A V I!LLEIIS. SnestJiicits P.—Henry ft. Parer, Augustus II. Findley. „ f tnre of public patronage,..[ which sha will endi nder herself and her establishment worthy, hj a f- MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. f ETUIE SUBSCRIBER respect hilly infargts her friends, JL and the public, that she has removed to that very con- eiiieiit stand and eouuuoiiiotis KSTABId.SH JiE\ A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to an order of the honorable inferior court of Dooly county, L when sitting for ordinary purposes, wiil,ori the first Tuesday [ in May next, within the 1-gal hours, be sold, before the t cnnrt-house in the town of Drayton, Dooly county, the north half of lot of land number twefly-eight in the tenth dis trict of Dooly, sold as the property of Loarai Brown late of said county, deceased, for the t.enefil of the heirs and creditors ol said deceas-d. January 23, 1836. :;> JOHN II YOU RANKS, adm'or. veil formerly known as the I A ION eus been occupied for some ti HOTEL) and whii !>v .Mr. Aaron Searcy- G.—tloggins >1' Pool, tv- P. Gogg.ns. *h f.. f.ihscm, Joseph Gray, William I). Grant, J antes B. (*i.tss ‘2. IJ.—John Ham, Th oms Harris, Georcianna Holme?, Jamas W. Holcomb, William Holloway, Seaborn IJiel. on, Catherine Henderson, Whitson J. Hines, Lnviun Harris, G. JI. llarlsfirld, William II. Heeih, JafR-'s Harwell, W. II Holly, W. I* A' J. S. Ham-s, William Hurkahy, Wiilimu llirp, Meory Hill, Alford Hudson, U. G. B. Ilogm, Martha A- Home, Joaseo R. I lor no 2. J. —Jura >3 Jones, Benjamin Jon;-, AI. 13. W. Johnson, !_<!- {Hand Jackson, Maria Johnson. K. —Jessro J. Krnucday, Jessee Kinsey, Morris Kopmrin. • L. —David Lang. ill.—Zach ats AI'Kl-roy. Andrew 31. P. W. Jl’Kleroy 2. John 31‘Ghi'C, Saninel H. Morgan, James Mofilt. Green M r tin, Ernnsoii Miller, K. D. .Mitchell. Robert Mayfield, YV il- I> unison Alim?, llenry 11. Alitchell. Jefferson J. -Morris. N.—31. II. Na.-h, James Xehn=, Divon Naii'ft". P.—Margaret Philips, Walter U. Pope, Noxvnnn Podt:,', Washington Poe, fiejity Prescott, J. 11. Phir.n/.ee, Aret.t- hald Perry, ll z-kinh Pitts, John Parker, Thiun.i.s Poul, Young P. Pool,.! mi"j I’jttm, John I’indturd 2, John Pow ers. IL—Lucy S. Ragan. Alexander Russell, R. R-doiny. Jam-s Robertson, illa lba W. Rosser, Thomas P. Redding S. —James Smith, Peter Saunders, John W. Stmthur, it. n. m. Swann, John Scholl 'Id, Wiliiam Sitiirnons, Frank’in Samveli. T. —F.lizuh. th Taukerolev, R. Terrell, vTiiiinm <>. Tvu?, Jolin Taylor, Job Taylor, Puri "y Tingle, William Tlmtnp- s ju, Jessee Toleson 2, Alfred Townsend, Spencer T. 1 hom os. W.—Wilihrn 31. 33" ini ions It, John L. Won-hvarJ, W'csti y Wynn, 3Iary Wooten, .31 art ha t’. Wynn, Nj>rnivr Wile? 2, Andrew West, Paschal 31. Walts, John Wilder, Dougins'. Watson. William Williamson, George A. Wynn, J.,hn Wor sham, William II. Walker, llenry Wood, Eli/tin th V3 ood. 3s-11 ALFRED BROOKS, Postmaxtir. lal.ST OF ffsKT'&’EMiS J ® E'lAINl.VG in the Pust-OiTiee at 3Iontie.cll >, Jasper A- county, Ga. on the first day of April, 133/!,and which, if not taken out hefiire the (ir.-t day of July tv xt, wiit as den" letter?, 1)3 trnusiniil »l r» the Post-Oiace D partniciu at Washington City. A.—Miss Nancy V. Admns, Dnid A I wine. 13.— Edward A. Rmddti? 2, John 3\ r . R II, Leonardo. Il-nham, .Martha Booker, Andrew II. Beal. William K«i!>»= k, Charles Baker, William 31. Beal, E?ij. Mrs. Elisa S. i>< !- ch r, Jolin Brown, 'Ira. Louisa Barker, Eh/.abrlh Brown, Miss Mary A. Black.:: in, Hartwell Bass, Es<j. Patrick Bar- ty. 3Jr. Brown. C.—Jana.'S Clark. John L. Calhonn, I%-j Franklin Craw ford, Benjamin E. Crawford, Chn.lcs Chester, Ji ho Cavcn* d 'r. D.—Green Davi-, John U. Dyer, Atsa Durham. Ei’evina DrtidwilJer, Miss Amanda -31- Di-mokes, 31 rs. J dizabcl.h Do:ial!y% Robert H. [).:iu< 1. E.—.'lagers Enhar.ks 2, S. C. Ililiott, Braxton R. I’gcil, Rev. Ohediah Echols. F—Hamlin Freeman, Es'). ,3Irs. 3Ia _ v Freeman. 3Ii-s Eli zabeth A. Falkner, William Stirrer, Ej j. Daitiil lbccnniu. Abel Farrar. O.—Joint Griggs, James Grayhill, Alexander Gordon, Li bert Gay, James Bird Goolsby, Th unas 31. Godly. [{.—John Horton 2, Alordccy Ilolliy, Dave I Harris, T'm]. Jumca A. Horton, Joshua Haines, Isaac, liiv, William .!. Head, F.ancis ib eklen, T'imo'.hy llixsort, captain William, L. Hull', John llnll, George Hi a ! 2, h habot], 3Iiss .31. B. !ln'"!t:Tso't, Jacob Hnw'k, Bcitjauii i W. Hays, Sarah t). Hoekv.-y, William Henderson. X—John Kennrd, Joint 31. lung, John K- ilev, Hugh Ttfks K -rkpatrick 3, Bnrwdl Key. J—Th imu P. (i. Johnson, Miss Sarah Johnson, Enoch Joeksen, David Johns'on. J..--Sary Lynn, George Long. 3L—3I ; ra 3liry 31 Clenden 8, FTrjhCu 3Iohl >v 2, Joel Mi'chcl, William .Markaw, Jacob 3l‘'. n, Daw son 3!‘- Klero;-, Alisa Mary Ann Morgan, W. JI. .JTadds, Joel 3T- Ch'ndert, ( \V. JlerreU. N.—Thoarra J. Niphr. •ft — Qshum 1?. Onesl. John Prtcvjnn. John Pope, Jurat s Peers. ;i 1, .hours Pot's, Pv \ H —Rccro" it R-oJ 1 I endctjvor t't tu ample lock of the best supplies, and by the most as.-iduous utten- liot) to the wants and conuorts ol h-r rjisto:n.-rs. r __ t « t Jrmhary 8,1336.—83 NANv t J. fiODWW. \ FARD. 2-~r.X IIFSO.V informs Iter fri.-nd*. that Cie um® is acainthe owner cf the KAtltiT'’ HOI EL; .t.!185ilin 3ii!ledgi-vil!e—this lionse was formerly kept by h-tsolf, hut more recently by Mr. APCoinhs. iler patrons are fissured, t hat nothing, oil her part, shall be waiitingto rend rihem coiufirtali’o. lcbrnary 3, !8o.».-2l A RJIDilSTRATOR’S SALE.—On WVdnes- Psl. day after the first Monday in 3Iay next, will, within : the legal hours, be sold, at the late residence ol" Abner i Hicks, deceased, of Wilkinson county, all the perishable property of said deceased, in said county, consisting of nine horses,eighty head of rattle,nineteen ht ail oGdieen, eighty-one head of hogs,forty-four head of geese, seven heels, bedst ads and furniture,one clock, one silver lever watch, household anil kitchen furniture, three thousand pounds td good bacon, more or less, two hundred pounds oi lard, more or h ss, lotir- teen stacks of fodder, one thousand bushels of corn, more or less, one baroueh and harness, one ox-cart, thife ioke of oxen, two cotton gins, one sc! of gin geer, onp thrasher, and one dutch-fan, rye, oats aid peas, twelve !>ee-hives, andotlu r articles too tedious to mention. The sale will continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms of sale made known oil the day. 3Iarc It 7, 1836. 37 E. "'V. DENNIS, admor. A DJliXiSTIUTOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in May next, will, w ithin the legal hours, be soi l before the court-house door in the town cf Hartford, Pulaski county, all the negroes belonging to the estate of Frances 31. Thomas, deceased. Terms made know non the dav of sale. February 3, 1836. ;:'j JA3IES L. CARRUTITER", adm'or. I AO AIR MONTHS after date, application xx ill be made . to the inferior court of .Morgan county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ons lot of land be longing to the estate of Redmond Waits, late of said rotin- IV, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. April 2, 183G. ' 41 EWELL M‘COY, admor. F Ol’R AIONTIISafier date,application will be made to the honorable inf-riur court ol i'altnal! county, xviten sitting li>r Ordinary purposes, (i»r leave to sell lot of land num ber one hundred and eighty-four in the fourteenth district of the first section of Cherokee, and lot number fourteen in the eighth district of the third section of Cherokee, belonging to the estate of Jam s Standlcy, deceased, for the bent-fit of the heirs. March 7, 1826. 41 SUSAN STANDLCY, guardian. S AOL’R MONT His after date, application will be made to the inferior court of Emanuel county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell all the real estate of Abraham Cowart, lateof said countv, deceased. Februaty 13,1836. CULLEN COWART, ) 37 JOHN il. COW A RT, S The stihscrib >r r tarns his thank < to his friends j and the public for post favors tn his line of bu-si- I ness and hopes to merit and secure a continuance i of their paironaze, by strict anti nntlcviating attention on j thn part of himself ant his guests. His lions A DJHXISTRATORS’ SALE. Postponed.— J_\_ Pursuant to an order of the inferior court of Henry county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in May nt xt, within the legal hours, he sold, be- An-.C.vis I tore the court-house door in the town of Drayton, Dooly ia,n: - , extensive nti.l eotnmodi- ' 0lUlr,l >’’ h't.of land number forty-five in the fourteenth dis- itro very otw, with upwards of fitly that the best the country at; Miilc. C i. Sn fire-places. It is ut’I knoic ir.'s h-* will have on ios table. S.V2IFEL BEI-TiN’GTON. .,,- 26. 1833.-13 t.i iet ofsaiii county, as the property of Sannti l Johnson, de ceased, t< >r the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. December 12, 183.*. JESSE JOHNSON, ) , , . 23 JA3IES II. STARK, 5 a jlT) 1 l ~‘ -Ql ~ ‘T- Q) -Tt' 1 fTti-. © -dzJ <d'‘j && 5 / r£-\ THE «tibscrii;er would respectfully n.fonn his friends, and the public at large, that lie has taken i •US&tta* charge of that new and commodious TA\ URN | recently erect, d m EaUtnlon, west ol the court-liutiso s,juare, j on the site of tlieold tavern f irmerly oecttpied by Mr. N.v- ! than Lvov, xvlf’rc ha will Ik* happy to give his attention t„ the wants and eomfi'rt of all who may favor him with i tlcur eomvanv. Hit house, having been specialty erected fora TAVERN, being conua >'li‘»u«, situated in a central [ part cf tin town, Ids stables larg" attd xvcli provided with ; attentive <I8TLKRS) ituluecs him to flatter himself with I ■ he heli"f that he will iwrit and rhare a due proportion of j tlie public patronage. Jio pledges hmiseif to fnikav'or to j promote the comfort of such as may give him a ca,t. His ; charges shall be according to customary rates. ^ | JAMES WEIGH». \ DJI IN ISTKATOR’S SALE. On the first ia. Saturday in May next, will, within the legal hours, he sold, at the residence of John Casatee, late of Washington county, deceased, all the perishable property belonging to said estate, consisting of horses, ono jersey wagon, house hold furniture, Ac. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 11, 1836.-33 J. R. YOUNGBLOOD, adm'or. 4 DMIXSTIIATOR’S SALE.—Pursuant to an order of tho inferior court of i>oolv county, xvhen sit ting for ordinary purposes, will, on tin first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours, he sold before th? court-house door in the town of Drayton, Dooly county, lots of land, number fifteen and sixteen in the third district of said comity, belonging to the estate of David Lanier, late or raid county, dt'censi d. Terms made known on the day of sal *. March 10. 1836.-37 PHILIP LANIER, aam'or. 1 AO U I* MONT 1 IS after date, application will be made . to t>i' lionorabl * inferior court of Washington ronnty, winn sitting for ordinary ourposes, for leave to sell a part of the real estate of Jordan t ; mith. late of Washington county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. March 9, 1336 WILLIAM SMITH,), , 33 JORDAN SMITH, <1 >!i v ‘ " 1 710 U R MONTHS after date, application xx ill he made 1 to t he inferior court oi' Jasper count}*, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell three hundred and sixty acres of land, belonging to the estate of Rnnlph Iluflj late of Jasper county, deceased. March 3. 1836. 39 ELIZABETH HUFF, erV.r. I jlOrRJIOJITilS after date, application \\ ill lu- ntniie 1 to the inferior court of Dooly county, xvh* n sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell a negro boy, named Adam, and lot ofloml number one hundred and sixty eight in the seventh district of Dooly county, sold as the property of Sampson Diliiurd, deceased, (br the hen* fit of the heirs. JOHN J. COLLIER, adm'or. JOHN BALLARD, adm'or. January 23, 1S36.-32-* in right of his tcife. S COUTS MONTHS after date, application xxiil bo made to the inferior court of Pulaski ronnty. xvhen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the interest which the heirs of — Dillard have in the following negroes, viz. Dick, a man, and Elizabeth and Eliza, vv- men; and also the increase of Tilda; for the h*nefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 2, 1836. 23 JAMES DILLARD, adm'or. with the will a named. If MONTHS after date, application will he made Sl to the inferior court of Washington county, when sit ting ibr ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a pa r t of the real estate of Richard Gordon, late of Washington county, de- censed, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors. January 13, 1836.-30 FRANCIS T. TENNILLE, clot. ' F n t«- ri.7 'S'T DOLLi AR^- Eatan'on, March 29, I336.-C/-40 HSGAI.ES 10,000 » ) Ql? $ S ,G0I>, A A 23 50 OF S5<M>, ti Zr> Xr, v v/--v JiY Tj, TP STRCZIT LOTTERY, Class ?To» •!, to !>e drawn in the Town of Mfllulgcville, On SATLRD YY tha 1 Itii of 3IAY, 1830. 75 2\umber Lo'icry—12 Drawn Ballots. h\x\i 15 .VV Ml SPLF.NI5SS> SCISSMKS 1 1 1 1 1 20 50 30 A D.MIXTHTHATOR’S SALE.-Pursuant to an ; V order of the infetiar court of Dooly county, w hen sit ting far ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in July next, within ilia legal hours, be sold before the court-house door i:t the town of Amerieus, Sumter county, lot of land, number two huru'n d and nineteen in the twenty-seventh district of originally Lee, but now Sumter county, belonging to the estate of D.uvi 1 Lanier, late of said county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 10, 1S36. 33 PHILIP LANIER, adm’or. jNOI'.t MONTHS after da:e, application will be made to the inferior court ofTvvigzs county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land, number one hundred and fourteen in th*’ seventh district of the first sei tion of originally Lee, but now Randolph ronnty, b* long big to the estate of Roderick Bush, late of Twiggs county, d-censnl. for tht benefit of the heirs and creditors. March 15. 1836-38 CHARLES CULPEPER, adm’oi 'A3 of 510,000 20 Frizes o ' §200 do. 71.000 SI do. 100 do. o 000 Gd do. 40 do. 1..VJ0 (i 7» u,'{. 30 do. 1 200 120 Jo. 20 (jo. 1,100* 120 d<>. ]."> do. 1.000 oTbO do. 10 do. do. 500 000 2312G d*>. 7y A DMIXISTHATOR’S SALE.—On Friday the | Gw. 3*1 day of June next, will, within the legal hours, be j .sold, at the residence of John Andress, late of Fayette rour- : tv. deceased, all the perishable property belonging to said deceased, consisting of stock of various kinds, and of house hold tuinitiire. Terms made known oil the day of sale. ALLIS ANDRESS, adm'rr. March ID, 1535.-10 DAVID ANDRESS, adm'or. V D MI \ I ST R YTOR-’S S A I. E.— Agreeably :o an order of the inferior court of Fayette county, xvhen silting for ordinary purposes, will, on the tir*t Tuesday in July next, within th? legal hoars, he sold, before the couit- hoitse door in the town of Perry, Houston county, one undi vided half of lot of land number forty-eight iri the fifih dis- triet of Houston county, ns the property of< s Sleene, deceased, for the benefit of the li ars and creditors of said deceased. Tortus made known on the dav of sale. March 13, 1:326.-10 BENIAMIN E. KNOLL S. fhl/nor. A'" rpje] Ob’ Whole.? >55- -llaIces 6' tic: I 50- 7nrters 61 82/* In the above Scheme of 73 nunjljcrs ap*l 32.] balitits, each package of 25 Tickets containing all the num bers in the xv heel) w ill cost td23, ami will he compelled to rr\v at least §53 dess discount! and may draw four <A" flu •ttr.i made pmd . Miss Virginia Racy, Miss Marika - Robinson, Messers. Williamson B. Roby & R-'.borf Edwards, i Highest prizes... .,D. Robmsnn, Mr. Russel, Larry R;rj\s, '4 foj Xlociixdr of' A ftedtte.iton'ff ten per r.cra.v 5’ftX-Rn.nrns S.—John B. ScoD, I.-hanj FaffoiJ. Eianv \V. Bird Fteon, \Y. B. Stiikeis. Gtricrol R. C. Shorter 3, I? xv is D 31. Smith .GeorgoSut.’l s, John Spcarnvvn, Thojms Hill,sen Fleming Shoemaker, G. & XV. Semen ter, Jjjmrs G Smith, Captain Jesse Spear. ? i iti be mJ • to ailvejjrt’rers Cither of Whole, ligli, 0? T.—SamuelTedards, Brgd’jerry Tei l, Francks N. Tin ier, ' Wiiiiirn Tyler, Jntirs N. Turner, Fphraigm Tiller, jnhu j T. C. i’oxvns, Uriah G. Tredxx* B, Sanford Thompson, John Thurmond, Elizabeth A. Tuggle, rtiilintaa Thurmarid, IGi-1 ztibeth Thacker, To!!ix*er Turner. W.—JI'?? M try .Madeline D. VVi'lson,Thomas V. Wilkes, Andrew Wclditt,Captain John Walden 6, All* xnttder Wiws.l- tmn, Benjamin F. Ward 2, Aaron White, 3.1 rs. N.incv War'. John Wiorden, Mo-es Welden, JMfon P. Wall hot. Miss Nancy Willson, J. Williams, IVIat. \\T.itficll, L-g. Lort'ttZD 1 Wtdlaco. William Wright, Y.—Mr. Yarbrough. Z—Mteha.'l L ihirt. WILLIAM 3IAXI LH xvho xxiil buy by lit <iuaTter Tickris. fCV” Orde rs du. losing Cash or Ptiz'v Tit ket? tn former SchzmdF, received nad promptly attended to, if addressed rn WRIGHT & COSXA11D, Mcjiast n. 3Rtn.h 4, 1836.—llt-3fi Pa f time OF LETTERS R EMAINING ill the Pust-OlHeeot M'Dimongh, Henry county, G«. on the first day of April, 1826. an 1 xxhieh it not taken out before rho first day of July r;< ,\f, xx iil dead letters, be t.-aiicinitlC-d to tl< “ Washington City. A.—John l*. Adair, Josep; fhaniel Anderson. Q —Ahel Barge, Henry Burks, Burks, B irra Bowling 2, Leroy William Bell. Asa Brown, F. E. Bailv. C.—Miss Eliza Craxvfnrd, Ezekiel Cloud, JoshuaG. Cnla- ■vvay, Gibson Clarks 2, W. P. Clark, Crayt-m Ax Finhiv 2. Daniel Conner, s n. Duncan Cul^uhoun,’Clerk .Superior -Con.*r. D.—Lnry D.nrirg, JohnT Dr.tTs,NaTliau Dav;?, FI man Dulvcs. E.—John F.iiis, 31 is? Elizabeth Eatitn. F-—Sarah Fields, John, Peter Fauil'ner. Bet.ja- U* it Fry, Arthur Foster, Simeon Foster, Jotrsoti Parguaun. Thomas F*'ors, Bryan Fcrtil. G.—Michael A. tlaar, William Galaxvay Je?seo Green, John A. Goodwin. Andrew Gibson, Jlauhtas Guhngnn. H.—Jara-'s f,. Head, lh zekiah Ilobgeod, Wilson Harvy, William Harper, Eliza Harvy 3, Garry, Roderick llarpvr, H-zemU Huilman 2, Hubbard Iioloxvay, I lia? Hale, John Ilennard, Elhxs House, Jjrties llarrl.*, Simeon Ilerton. J.—Anna Johnson, John Jarralt, Henry Jerks WaoJe! Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Nimrod Jones, Thomas Jtdinsoii. K.—William Kirkpatrick, li "nrv Konkin, Mary ICeopers L —Solomon P. Izre, Thomas Lite?, Rev. W. Lane, Daniel Lit' TO BriLDLB^i AND MECRASICS. ^SEALED proposals xx ill be reeeix** d nt the <3fti*'e of the ys) Clerk of the Inferior Court fin the county of Baldwin, j iri site town of Mill*»dgcyillt», Genreia, until txvclre uTlot k 1 31. on the FIRST day of MAY NEXT, for building j a Court-House in said r*>xxn, on the ?i*o xxh ro iha present ! Cottrt-Hrtlse noxv stands. The building is lobe tvv<» story high, each story at least fifleen feet—to behui't of brick j laid in lime mortar, plastered neatlv insi le; to r*M i-n a gran- i if ? foundation ot least four feet high, the face of the stone-j Jjexvn—the centra room beloxv to be forty feet .-qtiare—rooms cm ilia east and west eighteen by thirty feet story, a room of the sarao size os the erntr: Hall, surmounted by a dome in proportion—five rooms a- boveand five i himneys to the hotise-Thefront tdbea Portico ptuiportctl by four handsome pillars extending**} the square, ten fi e! deep—granite steps. The building to bocoraplot- f the inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in Jane next, xx ithiii the legal hours, he gold, before the court-house door inthetoxxn of Monticrllo, Jasper county, one himdr-d one | and a half acres of land in said county, adjoining Jackson 25. | and Shropshire, number and district not tecolleet* d. as the ru\\n ! property of William Perry, late of Jasper county, deceased, Ibr the benefit of the loirs and creditors, known otnhi'uwv of sal*' iar* !t28, 183f NATH \#FCL PFUR*,, . . 43 _ EDW ARP N. PEERV, \ n ,,;i ° ^ I73JIXIKTR ATORfi’ SALE.—Under an order h.' ii.fiuior court of Jasper county, xvhen sitting for ordinary purposes, xxiil, on :he first Tuesday in June te xt, v.ithin fho legal hours, he sold, before the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston ronnty, two hundred two and a half acres of land, adjoining Clopton. Mitchell and Way, number anil district not recollected, belonging to th* rMate of Perry, lute of Jasper county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 24, IS: A 1 I MH’lt MONTHS afterdate, application xxiil he made to the inferior court of DeKalb countv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Dan id U. Pones, late of DeKulh county, deceased, forthe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 1, 1336 2'J J A DIES B. FOXES, adm'or. ■gTSOLR MONTHS afterdate,application xvil! berm* 4.’ to the inferior eourt of Baldwin county, xvhen situ for ordinary purposes, for leave to sdl the land and negroes bdonging to the minor orphans of Thomas Veasv, late of Bahlxvin county, deceased. December 25, 1833, 27 G XT.T.F.V r »F.\ -dv GEORGIA, Pulaski county '““P'llKREAS, William S. 'Whitfield applies for lettprs ' of administration on the estate of James 8. Ivey, late of said county, deceased, Tii-s“» arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of saitl deceased to lie and appear at my office, xvithin the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, ibis 27th March, 1836. 41 JOSEPH CAKRUTHERS, c. c. o. GEOKUIA Tattnall countn. iH r IIEREAS, Josiah .1. Everett and Penolopy Archer ® ■ apply for litters of administration on the estate of Juraes K. Archer, deceased, l"hese are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tlie kitulr* d and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the tune prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said 1 iters should not be gran ed. Given under my hand at office, this 1-lth March, 1.336. 41 JOHN II. SMITH, c. c. o GEORG: Ay Hcnru county ffe^ r HERE\S, Zajiiek Sawyer, applies for letters ofad- * * ministration on the estate of Jesse M‘In1ursh, of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite ami admonish a'.l and singular the kindred and rmlitors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin the time prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this 3Jsi .Mar* U, 1836. 41 ' CHARLES BAYNE, i». c. c. o. GEORGIA, Tel/air county. XI'S* iit .RE vS, Ahagail Laslie and Duncan Cameron ap- V V ply for letters of administration on tho estate of Cliarlei; Laslie, late of .-aid county, deceased, These am, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, xxilhin the time prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hnnd at office, this 19th Ma'ch, 1836. 40 LUCIUS CHURCH, c. c. o. 40 N ATHANIEL PERRY, ? EDWARD N. PERRY. ■S adiu’cc. 1 7301 I? months after date, appiu-uii-u * the honorable inferior court of 1 lenry eounfy, w iten sit ting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell all the negroes In longing to the estate of Ilbum Harris, deceased. ALEXANDER PRICE, adm'or. March 11, 1836.-30 t JI 1 to the ir.f rior court of DeKalb county, vx hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for Dave tu s-ll the land and negro: ?, be longing to the estate of Lewis Brantley, late of said county, d. e- nsed. Match II, 1836. 39 JAMES XV. GIVENS, adm’or. #77xG4’45 AlONTGiS nffor dat**. application will be mail-.* JL' to the inferior court of Dooly county, w hen silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Barrel Williams, late of Doolv county, deceased. Feb ruary 13, 1836. MELVIN \ WILLI \ MS, adni'rx. 35 H J. WILLIAMS, adm’or Bi NOX'R ‘lONTHS afirrdate, application will b made & to the inferior court of Henry county, w hen sitting for ordinary purpcsc.s, for leave to sell nil the real estate (ex cept tie xv;.! c.v s doxv. i) of William Andrews, lateof Hen ry county, deceased, consisting of about nine hundred acres of land, iying in tho third district of said county, for the bo rn. Hi of the lu irs. February 6. 1836. MARTHA G. ANDREWS, adtn'rr. 31 JOHN G. TV US, adm'or. JNOF IJ MONTHS after date, application will he made 4' to tit ■ inferior court of DeKalb county, xvh* n sitting for ordinary purpo? s. For leave to sell the real estate of Fielding Pierce, late of snid county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 13. 1836. WILLIAM VEAL, > 31 JAMES PIERCE. { aditiors. A DM 1NISi HATHIX’S SALII. gulations. Paymmts to be made annually for three years from the j date of the undertaking. j ’Hie contractor to give bou*l and sufficient s-->cnri;y to the Justices of the luletior Court for said county for taitliful p* r- formance. For timber particulars apply at the Offiee *rt the G r or- gi:t Journal, in Jlilledgevilie, xvlv're a plan of tho bailing ran he seen—also specifications. February 16, 1836. WILLIAM GU1GG, J. 1. <;. THOM \S 11. KENAN, J. L C. V7.M. II. TORRANt E, J. I. ('. 1 It—34 WM.-S. ROCKWELL, J. I. x". A DM IN 1STII ATOR’S S ALE—Agrrral.'x to on 1%. onler of the inferior court of DeKalb county, wh-m si'ting for onlinary purposes, xvill, on the first Tic -Jay in June next, within the legal hours, be sol*!, before the court- itottso door in the toxvu of Decatur, DeKalb county, lot of land number txvo hundred and seventeen in the eleventh dis- the second i trict of originally llenry but now DeKalb county, ns the forV Court i properly of L* xvis Delanv, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 24, 1836. 40 ISAAC AWTRY, adm’or. Postponed.— hint- tl to he- Wnt-h- to the viz: two hundred acres of land situate, lxing and ln«ng in the county of AVashir.gton, on the xvators of Williamson Sxvainp, adjoining Thomas Tanner, William Mayo and other?, anil one negro girl by the name of Eliza, about fifteen years old, sold forthe bom-tit of the heirs nr.d creditors ofsaid deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. January 11. 1336. 41 ELIZABETH PAGE, adni'rx. GRANTING AND ISANK ACIAC1. IIIE undersigned will attend to the re*K‘Xvalof NO’PKS | 5 -X X ECU TOR'S HALE.—On Friday th- 6*lt day of li May next, will, xvithin the legal hours, he sold, at the late residence of John Waldrop, of Fayette county, d-censed, all '.lie perishable property belonging to said ikvease.l, con sisting of stock of various kinds, an 1 household farn.ture. Terms made known on the dav of snl \ March 19,1336. l'J DAVID WALDUEP, ex or. JBL in the CJJNTR \ L HANK, and passing Grants tlirutigli the several offices for OSH DOLL VH Each. HAMILTON B. GAITIIEU. Killi tigerillc, .January 'll, 1836.—3ft THK INDIANH PANACEA, 57’'OR th« CL It E of Rheumatism, Scrulii! t or Iving's E- aruel Lit**.?, Jaanoa Ijox-e'2, Zahus 2, Thomas L.iuscy. 5T’.0R the Ct It M of Rheumatism, Ferolula or Jvitig s E- M.—Alansou Mosely, Lc-vi If. Morris?, John Moldey 2, A 1 vil, Guat, hciaticaor Hip Gout, Incipient Cancer, Salt Andrew Y. Moore, James Mooring 3, Charles M'Douald, Rheum, Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, pariicular’y I I- Wtlliam Mangham, Alonzo P. Morris* 2, Martha E. G. : eers and painful A flections of the Bones, l Icerated Throat Murray, Silos Mosely, O. P. Mangham, Martai Ma'::*, and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description,- Fevt r Sores, and Christopher Morgan, 31. M. 7iI‘Mulli:i, John Matins, Wil- Internal Abscess'*?, Fistula*, P.!**?, Scald Head, Scurvey, liaro M.Kire, William JL Miller. Rev. Jolin Monte, Jites i Biles, Chronic Sore Eves, Erysipelas, Blotches, and every M'Elroy, S. ’PJit.ikin, Duncan M'Vtcker, lfi v. Japes M‘- liwin, Rrv. Wiltjam Mosely, Clwrl s M'Coramsan. N.—William Nelimn, Jatnca Nolen, Daniel Nolly. P.—Samuel Pb.t r, Frances Patterson, Georg.) I.,. M- Primrose, Mary Pope, Juho Pn-ker, An hibakCY. Paul, J- P. C. Pe'iff, John Porter 2. William Pate, sen. James Pairs, sen. Cwwell Peurifoy, William l’l. dgrr. t.ryst variety of Cttiarieons Afl'ection; Chronic Catarrh; Head ache proceeding from an acrid humor; Pain in the Stomach un.' Dyspepsia, proceeding from vitiation; Atfociions of the Liver; Chronic Inflammation ofthn Kidneys, and General Debility, cans' d bj* n torpid a* t:< >n of the vessels of the skin. It i.s singularly efficacious in renovating those eonstitntions St nave br*st !'r..k. n 1 xx r, !.y injudicious treatment or E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to an order of the inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting for j ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in May next, xvithin the legal hours, he sold, before the court-house door ' in the town of Muriiicrllo, Jasper county, ono negro man I by tho name of Isaac.about sixty years old, h. longing to the ! estate of Ohediah Belcher, late of said county, deceased; | sold for the benefits of tho heirs and creditors. Terras mndci knoxvn on die dav of sale. March 1, 1836. j 37 OBKD1AII IL BELCIIER, rx’or. E NELT TOIF8 H A Li:.—A grerab'v to the last xxiil and testament of Jesse Cox, late of Jones ciufhtv, deceased, will,on the first Tuesday in May next, xvithin the legal hours, be sold, before th * court-house door in lh° toxx n of Clinton, Jones county, one hundred and eighty aeresof land, more or less, Iv'ing the place whereon captain Thomas Davis noxv byes, adjoining lands of James Modesit, Ilnduck and others. Terra?, twelve months credit. February 25,1336.-36 J. VV. GORDON, rPor. H —George Kaimy, Obr.drah Richards, Jnnt“s Ransom, t juvenile irregularities. In g< nera! ;* rms, it is reeummended William Boss, James ilojier, Youtig W. Ray, A. Jlicliard- in all those diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, stm, Samuel AT. Rowan. : or vitiation ofthe humors, of xx hatex'c r name or kind. S. — Alexander Stewart, Andrew J. Stexvarf, AinasaSpen- Some of lit.: ul ve i otnnlaints may require some trilling err 2. Martha Stanly, William Stanford, John Stexvnrt,Guy assistant application?, which the circumstances of the ease W. Siuitli, Richard" Sappington, Ann Sowell, J. F. Shout, xx-iil dictate; -but for n gmerul rotn-dy or PURIFICA- Uarailton Stephenson, William Stevens, Moab Stevens! ! TOR. to REMOVE the CAUSE, t!:e INDIAN’S | Mary Scaiborongh. PANACEA will generally be found sufficient. T. —Henry Vv". Tindall, Thomas Teal, JL v. Nathan Tut- T.tken in proper doses, the INDIAJrb PANACE A Hugh B. Tomlinson, Mary Unix's Attn Templeton, WiJ- , operates as an alterative and detergent; a diaphoretic, din- ■ liim lior*, A- VV. Turner. t refi*' and laxative; an antispasmodtc and anodyne; and, in W.—t Jeorge Wightroan, James Wafsort, Susanna West, j proper cases, os a stomachic and ommenagogite. Generally j fioey B. G. WiKillv' Charh's Wilder, Juraes M. Weetns, j expressed, it inereasef all the secretions and excretions, give* : Winny Well?, John White,Charles Wilder?,Gabriel WM[e, tone to the stomach, nnd unit* s notion in the glands in .a Samuel Wyatt. particular manner. From these principles, its operations j V.'—Henry A. Young. * may be understood. j in'-! I G. s. MATTHEWS, PoMunsdty. ANDREW OP VIRGINIA. THIS dh Uinguhdted situ of Sir t 'uAr.t.r.s-, belonging to Col. WM, IT, JOHNSON of Virginia, and Mre.r.s. -T. IL HOW ARD of Columbus and A* IS. KENAN It is little more than three years since this preparation was presented to the puhliegbut, in that short spare of time, some hundreds of persons might bo found, xx ho Would so- loQinly declare that they believed that their fixes were sav ed by it, r.nd in most cases after they had tried many and perhaps all the common reni**dies in vain. Wherever it is known, it is rapidly coming into use, and this affords the of MiUgdgevillo, will remain the presetit ' most substantial and convincing proof of its merit-?, spring and fall seasons ntthe ataldeof Mr. The value of the PANACEA is most .conspicuous in t{ *n.jn at Milfodgeviile. As a nu'er ANDREW" xvas | those long-standing and syphilitic nn*l scrofulous affections roiinV r one. his ctjhs in Virginia an! Nexv York n.-e Hpolcpn ■ which have defied all other remedies, and particularly in ot in the h*ghost terms. Marcs sriii to AND31EVV vxiff ! those cases where mercury has been so lavishly usrd us to b 8 kept dinlars per utoitih and receive every attention; cause distressing paiits in lit© bones, no*ics, mercurial ulcers, . | *- * D These itcom- cradicates the ,p ;— - n'j mo .dm mi juiv, utsvitacn uini muiwvuui nvit in v. i'**novalcsl)teconstitti- i arms the same os lo»t season. llamHjilts WiUbeshunlv snet out. January 8, 1836.—23 ' ' I .^XECI TOR’S S \ LU.—Pursuant to an order .if J the inf* rior court of Tattnall county, when '-iui’iu for ordinary purposes, will, on the fi.-.-t Tuesday in June next, within the focal hour?, he sold, before the ccc i t-bouse do. r in th*'town of Rridsrill*', Tatti all county, two likely ntgto women. Surah and .Itnhi, bclottging to the estate of Jeremiah M‘Donald, deceased, for tho benefit of th-' lo ir?. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 7. 1136. il NATHAN BRUTON, ee'er. JAItDIAN’S SALE.—Ag e a’.dy to an order of the inferior court, of Appling county, when Killing for ordinary purpose?, xvilf, on the first Tuesday in May next, within tho legal hours, ho sold, before lha court-house door in the town of Nexvnan, Coweta county, lot of land num ber seventy-six in the first district of Coxvita county, for the benefit i f George Tatum a minor. Terms made known on tho day of sale. Fcbiuary 17, IS3t>. 31 X GEORGE LEE, guardian. ii' no Kept at ten do.Iars per month and receive every attention; cause distressing paiits in lit© bones, nodes, merettri: tticy will bo under tho intmediate rare of the proprietor and I derangement of titt digestive organs, Ac. 'i'lieso kept xvithin sight of ANDREW’S tStab’.'. 't in* season i pletely rerooV*a», and in all cases it entirely cradi. wtu conjoierKv the tirst oi Februarv and end fir-a of July, diseases and theoftectsof merotirv, renovates the , htr Twf arncE. tion, at; i leav**xi the pati*-nt sound c.n.l well. In Rheuma tisms ai d in Fleerared Sure Throat, its happy effects are nt>t less apparent, giving almost immediate relief. For sale by VC. t' BO'.VKLD, Agent, H3N--43 yWc<lgs»m* t (J^x ; L" AUDI AN’S SALE.—POSTPONED—A- xi!N greeably to an order of the inferior conn of Eiaanu I • county, xv hen sitting Ibr ordinary purposes, xvilj, tin the first Tuesday in July next, xvithin the legal hours, be sold, before tho court-house door in the toxvn of Franklmville, Loxvntfos county, lot of land number five hundred and twenty-six, in the txvcfth district tit originally Irxxia hut now Lowndes county. Sold for the hrnofit of 1 the !»• irs of Daniel (Jver- strorf, lato of Einanu* 1 county, deceased. Terms made kumvn on the day of sale. l’> hrnary 2,1836. 33 JOHN OVERSTREET, guardian I " 40111 MOM lISa her tide, application w ill be made to the inferior court .of Fayt tte county, xx hen sitting for ordinary purpirses, for leave to s*!lihe real estate of Thomas Bennett, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and ct't ilitors of said Len a?"..!. March 19, 1836. , 4>) WILLIAM BENNETT cinder. ■J aftf SS after dare, application xxiil be made T 1 to the inferior court of Henry county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell lot of land number nine hundred and twenty, in the eighteenih district of th* - third section of originally Cherokee hut now Paulding county, ns n part of the real estate of William Andrews, lateof said county, deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs of said deceas ed. March 22, 1836. MARTHA G. ANDREWS, adni'rx. 49 JOHN G. TYUS, adm'or. \ LL PERSONS h aving demands against the estate xA. of Lewis Braxti.ev, lateof DeKalb county, deceased, are requested to present them duly authenticated, within the lesal time, and those indebted to make immediate payment. .March 11, 1836.-39 JAMES XV. GIVENS, adm'or. A L7. PShSONS, indebted to the c.stnte of John / A Casatf.e, lat of Washington county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; anil nil those having demands against said estate, to present their i lnims,authenti cated, within the legal time. March 11. 1836. 38 J. R. YOUNGBLOOD, adm'or A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Abner Hicks, lat'* ol‘Wilkinson county, deceased, are request ed to make immediate payment; and those to whom the said estate is indebted, to present theirclaims, duly authenticated, xvithin the legal time. March 12, 1835. 33 E. W. DENNIS, adm’or. <4 BOHR I A? DeKalb county. WS7TIEIIEAS, Joel Morton applies for lettcrsnf ndmirii?- * » t rat ion on the estate of William Lokey, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deerasod to be and appear at. my office, within the time proscribed by laxv, to shoxv cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, th’s25(h March, 1836. 49 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. il llOKti 15, DeKalb county. AASTHKKEAS, John M‘Elroy applies fori tiers of admin- * * istration on the estate of Mury Ann JI‘Elroy, lute of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred am! creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, within the lime preserihed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, xx by said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this25th March, 1836. 40 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c o. GEORGIA, DeKalb county fc^TIERF \S, Nancy Gash applies for letters of adniinis- * ™ tratior. on the estate of James Cash, late ofsaid coun tv, deceased, Th •*> are. ther' fore. to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said *! erased to be and appear at my offi* >*, xxjihin the rime prescribed by laxv, to shoxv cans*', if any exist, xxhv ?;.id I Iters should n* t be granted, (fiven under my hand at office, this "5th March, !835 40 E B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. G lifffUGA, Di Kalb county. 'idK HERE.VS, ! ames Coventon applies for letters of ad- ministration onili> estalo of John Woodall, lateof said county, d'ccnscd, These ar-', th- r< (i.r,-, to cite an-I admonish all and singular she kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, xx by said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at ollire, this 25th Marc h, 1836 40 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Henry county. "%& * ^ UREAS, James J. Davis, applies for letters of ad- ministration dc bonis non on the estate of Samuel John son, late of said county, deera-.p*!, Th se are, therefore, to cite anil admonish all and singular ihe kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within 111" time prescribed by laxv. to show cause, if any exist, xx by said letters should not b • granted. Given under my hand at office, this 25th .Ma ch, 1836 49 (’ll \KLES BAYNE, n. c. c. o. '- 1'OllGIA, Payette county. IIEKEAS. Francis Champion applies for letters of w ’j administration on the estate of Abner Champion, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular th? kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin- the time prescribed hy laxv, to show eause, il any xisf, why ?atd letters should n*>t he granted. Given un.for mv hand at office, this 19th March, 1836 TJ ' WILLIAM M'BKIDE, c. c. o. GEORGIA? Fayette county. HKREA8, Philip Fitzgerald applies for letters of nd- w W mitiirtration on the estate of James Fitzgerald, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin the lime prescribed by law, to shoxv cause, if any exist, xvhy said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand nt office, this I'Jth March. 1835. 40 WILLIAM MB RIDE, c c. o GEORGIA? Washington county. fj,W " I1EUEAS, Allatar trhehee applies fi>r letters of d:s- V mission from the administration of the estate uf Daniel Shehce, deceased, "1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of deceased to le- anti appear at my office, within the time preerihed Uy law, to show cause, if any * x:st. xxhy said lettprs should not he granted. Given under my hand nt office, this 5th January, 1835. 28 FRANCIS i* TENNILLE, c. c. o. Executive departmentiGa, Milledgeville, 2d March. 1836 il *1 SKmiM R e , t «n- ral A^mhly, passed lota DU E.uBEU? 183o? it i.s provided “that t;.<> accounts tor services rendered during the prejPnt year (1835) in tlw com,ties «. f Stewart, Lee? Baker, R\ nn l doipb. Sumter, Early, and the counties adjacent there to, m defending ami protec ting the people from the hostda movements of the Creek Indians, shall he paid by the Go vernor, out ol any lands in the Treasury, not otherwise an. propriatwl ” With a view to carry into effect , h i s resolve of the Legislature, notice is hereby given, to persons having claims against the rimt-tinder its provisions, to make out an J transmit them to this department, properly authenticated or or hy the First day of MAY next. ’ ’ It is r*'(jtiired that carh claimant will make oath, hef 0Pe some magistrate, to th,- correctness of his riaim, and also procure the certiticat • of the commanding officer of th*’ county, under whose orders the services were performe.! that the services charged for were rendered as stated in th,’, account. By order of the Governor, R. A. GREENE, secretary. V The S: imlar.l of Union, Southern Recorder ami Colmah,)- Sentinel, will paali-l, tt)e above unit! the f.rst of .XIav. ‘ 3 Executive department, Ga, Milledgeville, March 21, 183C. SIEALED Proposals will he received nt the Exeemix* " nt,1 l lh0 20H 1 APR 11, next, for build,m* 4 tiUl ML) tor the residence of the Governor. The hull 1 ingto heofBHICK xvith a COPPER ROOF.— Those xx ho intend to submit proposal?, arcinvit* d tocallu* this offitv, wltere a plan of tho building and the specific lions may he viewed. J }^v order of the Governor, R A GREENE, sccrclar TheTeJenl Union. Southern fiecorder, Savannah Geor-l n ! CU ‘V‘ < r ' Teieanq.h. an,I Columbus SemintiV! : pu.ilislt ti'P g!)o\ «' uittil 11;c* *joth of April next. w GEORGIA, Dooly coun’ y. IIEKEAS, Joh’t J. Collier, administrator of the estate > of Sampson I>i!lian1, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to bo and appear at nty office, within the time prescribed by law, to shoxv cause, if any exist, xvhy said letters should not bp granted. Given under my hand at office, this 13th Februarv, 1836. 35* THOMAS II. KEY, c. c. o. GEORGIA Twiggs county. fi ’ IIEKEAS, Xuinu*'l Adams, administrator of thers. tateof Godfrey Ross, deceased, applies for It tiers of dismission from said estate, These are, therefore, to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appea: at my office, xvithin the lime preserihed by laxv, to shoxv eat:8r, if any exist, xxhv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office,this 7th December, 1835. 25 NATHAN LAND, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Washington county. IIEKEAS, Samuel Robison, administrator on the estate of Joseph Ilearndon, deceased, applies for let ters of dismission from said estate, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to he and appear at my office, xvithin tho time prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, xxhy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th March. 1836 38 FRANCIS T. TENNILLK, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Washington county. ? WniEKEAt', John Gilmore, administrator on the os- •S V tate of Thomas Gilmore, deceased, applies for let ters of dismission from said estate, These are, (her fore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ttr d creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin the time prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, why snid fosters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th March, l.*3f>. 38 FRANCIS T. TENNILLE, c. c. n. GEORGIA. Washing Ion county. IIEKEAS, Richard Martin applies lor letters ofoia- * w mission from the executorship of tho last will and testament of Thomas Martin, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditots of said deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exi-ft, xvhy said letters should not be granted Given tinder my hare I at office, this Dili March, 1836. 38 FRANCIS T- TENNILLE, c. c. n GEORGIA. W ’ashington county. T IIEKEAS, Samuel Robison applies for letters of dis mission from tho executorship of ihe last will and testament of Samuel Robison, sen. deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to he and appear at ntv office, within the time prescribed hy laxv, to show eanse, if any exist, xvhy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th -March, 1836. 38 FRANCIS T. TENNILLE, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Jones county 7, ilERKAS, George \V. Hansford, administrator on v 3 the estate of Susannah Hansford, deceased, applies for fi tters of dismission from said esta:;'. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin the time prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given underlay hand at office, this 4th March, 1836. 37 CHARLES MACARTHY, c. c. ©. GEORGIA, DeKalb county A LXEV BEAVERS ofthe five hundred and twenty- fourth district, Georgia militia, posted, before Josiah Tow pr, ti justice of the pence in ami fo* the county aforesaid, a mare mule, supposed to he between two am! three years old. of a light broxvn colour, four feet eight inches high, xvith a xvart on the left jaw, no artificial marks or brands un it that ar. discoverable—appraised, by John Roberts and Henry Bramfi t, to fifty dollars, on the 12th March, 1836 A true extrnrt from the estray-book. March 25, 1836. 40 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. i. c. GEORGIA, Fayct ‘e county. rspHOMAS G. GAY posted, before Jnraes II. Williams, fl a justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, txvo estray horsp.?, one a black poney about twelxe years old, four feet ten inches high, roach main and swab tail; the other a bay poney about twelve or fourteen years old, four feet tenor eleven inches high, blind in one eye, some white on his nose—the black appraised to forty dollars, and the bay to fifty dollars, by Gilbert Gay, and Josiah F. Reeves, on the 4th day of March, 1836. A true extract from the estrav-honk. March 19, 1836. 40 WILLIAM M‘BRII)E, c. t. c. §& #© DRUGGISTS, IlEAB-qilARTF.RS, eighth Division, Georgia Militia. Forsyth, March 30 ] S'til B rVISICN ORDERS.— In obedience to Exfcmivf orders it t 3 hereby ordered, that tlie review and,-, tion will take pl tc” in the folloxx ii*p order, in the first hriga.l, In the county of Dooly, at th> ir usual parade ground an rriday th-29;h of April, a drill of the field, staff remnant- nnd noncommissioned * flieers; and the w hole regiment on Saturday the 30th of April, and in like manner in t lie follow ing eonnti s: In the county of Houston, on Monday the 2d of Mar nnj th- xv hole regiment on Tuesday the 3d of Jinx; " ’ In the county of Craxvfotd, on Thursday the 5th * f May and the xv hole regiment on Friday the 6th of .May; * y ' I In the enmity of Bibb, on Monday the 9th of May and | tlie whole regiment on Tu* sdny the 10th of May; ’ 1 lu th" second brigade; in th- eoiin'y of Epson, on Ftidav the 13th *'f May, and the xx hole regtnunt on Saturday ifi. i 14th of May; ! In th p county of Pih*\ on Monday ihe 16 h of May, anc ' the w hole regiment on To sdny the l7.h* f May; ’ In the county of Monroe, on Thursday the lVth of Max- arid the two regiments one on Friday the20lh, and thcothr on Saturday th 21st o;' May. The officers ofthis division will be prompt in t he disc harg* i of their several duties. L. I,. GRIFFIN. Major-General. ! WILLI\M r. REDDING, i 31-41 Division Inspector, 8th Division, Ga. Militia. 5IACON, GA. fjJlIIE Si : B’<iCltIBEI{S (fiirmer partners of, -* Shntwell, & Co.) have resented their bu-dness under the above firm, at ih*ur old stand opposite th.' Brick Tavern and will keep a genera! assortment of Drugs, Me dicines, Surgical and Medical Inrtrninent?, Paints and Oils, of all kinds, Window Glass, assort'd size?. Glass Ware fur shop furniture, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes of every description, B'.iUinic and Patent .Medicines, Car penter's preparation, also his Essays on Materia Mediea.— Dye woods ai;*i Dye staffs, and a great variety of miscellane ous Articles, of w hich they have received n large supply, and intend keeping their'stock constantly replenished, so as to he able at all tims to supply Dealers, Physicians, Planters and others, who may favor them xv ith their custom. Intending to be p 'rmanpnlly engaged in this business, the subscribers, from their long experience, hope to render it worthy the patroiingeof old ami new customers. Orders by letter Will meet the same attention a? if made in person. HENRY SHOTWELL, JACOB SHOTWELL. N. B. G VIIDEV 8BED8, assorted, warrantedJresh. A hbpral discount made to country dealers. February 27, 1836.-eowtf-36 II. & J. S. APPRENTICED. . ANTED, at the Federal Union apprentins i attho printing business, ixxo BOYS of fr* in twelve to four?, en years of ace, xx ho are able to read and xvrito.— Bovs front the country xvill he preferred SAJIIEL ROCIiWELL E3 AS removed his LAW OFFICE to the Masonic E a Ham,, over the Store of Cowles & Ward. Milledgeville, March 25, 1836.-40 LAW. ' “ * T HE subscriber has removed to Coinmhll.c, Ga.— his office is in Calhoun’s Buiidings, over William anti W. Toney's Drv Goo I Stor". Februarv 10, 1836. 13t-5G " M. J. WELLPORN. MEDICA B.AOTBC E. D R. WILLIAM ii. » ITTLE has removedt.. Milli dgt'ville. Ho will practice Medicine in the vv rious branches of the profession, in this and the a:!ju;;.i::g ronniiis. January 22. 1836.—30 N. li. Dr. J. B. GORMAN hn» left at ir.y office, his Notes anil Accounts for collection; those ir>- d''b;ed xxiil |.lease mil and make immediate payment. March 4, 1836.-35 W. G. L. JSED3CAL AOTIC IK » R. G. D. CASE respectfully informs the citizen*ef Milledgeville and vicinity, that he has opened an Ot- fic'- in the east room of tic- htuitling of the Southern Record, der, (opposite the Masonic Hall,) where he would be hap py to receive ami attend to ail calls in the line ofthe 3IED« ICAL PROFESSION. Milledgeville, Sr/itember 18, 1835. 13 SOT iVSIC iiEMCim AND D5S. S. THOMSONS RIGHTS FO.t l .-ING TIIK3I, For Sale by WILLIAM S. ROGERS. Milledgeville, Ga. February ]2, 1836. SCT He will receive subscriptions for the BOTAA'IC SENTINEL, printed nt Philadelphia,and the TIHf.M. SONIAN kECORDER. puhhsh.<d at CoJmnbitv. Ohio. Specimens of each may tie seen by applying in per son to him *** Alt. letters directed to him must,to rectixealter* tion, lie post-paid. THOMSOiVlAN KECOKDEB. EDITED BY Dft. A. Cl.Rn.8. PROSPECTUS of THE FOCRTII VOLUME. rWTHE publication of the F'eurllt Volume of the Tuny- 5 soman Recorder will be commenced on the ilt.’i of October next. 'J'hp coming volume, like it.? predecessors, will be mainly devoted to the diffusion and defence of that system of Medical Practice, discovered by and patented W DK. SAMUEL THOMSON. As heretofore. th» Recordeu xx iil contain a largo portion of Oriuixai Mis ter. »n*l no exertions will be spured to kr.puce xvita tiiat march of improvement in Mc»!ical Science, which ifo intro*luetion of the Botanic Practice has, xvithin a lew years, advanced with a rapidity unparalleled in the history of other sciences. Lectures, Fssays, and Practical (.'<«!• miinie.itiuns, may he expected front the same gentlemen whs have hitherto made the R eorder their medium of comme- niention to the public. The mechanical appearancp and general features of the Second Volume will remain ui:- changed in the Fourth CONDITIONS.*—The Tiiomsonian RuronDEr. it published every oihpr Saiitrdny, on fine super-royal paper, in octavo form, convenient for preservation and binding. A title-page and in*fox will be furnished at the close of lh' volume. The annual subscription is Two Dollars, pet- able at the time of subscribing, individuals or rompnisi'S i forwarding Five Dollars, frep of postage, shall rocHV three copies; forwarding Ten Dollars, six copies; ar. i m the same ratio for larger sums. Agents xvill retain fvrtr and a half per cent, on subscriptions coffee ted, ami are M- thoriz"d to forward us sums of five dollars, and rising* hy mail, at our risk. For the work, apply to our Agents, or postage paid, 10 J.VRVJS PIKK & CO., pMisheis, Columbus Ohio. Columbus. Ohio, September 2C, 1835. sBORN S PHILOTOKON, or Female C^"* fort, for the relief of all the Sympathetic Disea= , ‘ saI ‘ tendanl on pp gnancy. It readily relieves Nausea orSifh- nes at the Stomach, Vomiting of Food, Sour Snwws h, Heartburn, Indigestion, Fastidious Appetite, TuntharV. Wandering Pain?, Crantps, Inquietude, Solicitude, iniidj' Ac. It sooth's and tranquilizes the mind and tltspos* 8 •' re: t. It is a certain n it* f in painful periodical visilatioW— A single bottle, and sometimes a single dose, will ccnUrf any patient that it is truly a fem.xlf. comfort. By strta? ; '.- enir.?, correcting and invigorating the uterinesynbiR .t* 111 effectually prevent Miscsrrtag.s, when there is a | osmbniiy. and mak- Purtnrition qui* k, suf’ and easy;—unit for idler pains it is a sterling remedy. It ha* been before the pufilif, in fiom 1 parts of our country, since i829 it has !'t | ’ 0 d l,!r test nf scientific, opposition and investigation, and ha 8 fp' vailed! And wo have th * certificates of physicians, nut- wives, and inieffig* nt females, in nhundanee Each non has tlie proprietor’s name impressed oa one side, and written signature on a label on the other. r . Direction? for using the Female Comfort in ail cases- xxhieh it i? recommended, with many important cerunrat ■■ accompanying each bottle, in pamphlet form, within th ee - velope. W C. POWELL, Agent. At Ins Drug and Book More, MiVedgeviux. The above M* diem*' will also be sold by I. T. 11 ®*. ING, as travelling agent December 25, 1835— CURE OF DROPSY. » RS. FALL & ELLIOTT intend to keep eon-daw'' hand,xvith M. E. Edwards of Milledgeville. a s tP- of thi'ir valuable Medicine for the cure of Dropsy- Nov 26 .21 m AGENCY. Milledgeville, December'20, 183.3. x IIE subscriber return? his sinrere thanks to those w1k> have favored hint vx ilh the transaction of business in the Gentral llank; heing noxv about to remove to Columbus, he has Iratisforred his book? to his sun. BENJAMIN II. BETHI NE, and H AMILTON 13. GAITHER, xx ho are authoriz' d to settle all balances due to or from him on said books; and they xxiil attend to (he renrvx'at of notes in the Central list,k at the usual foe nt one dollar for each renewal, i Ip solicits the patronage of his former friends and others in their behalf; he feels confident that all business en trusted to their care, will be faithfully and promptly attended fo.-jf-27 JOHN BETHUN5. RKOl’GIIT TO JAir v I N FORSYTH, Monnte eonntv, Ga A negr” j 1 the name rf JEFFERSON, w ho says he b^-. Jam -? Marks of Montg"m> ry eoutity, •xlabntD3,anu ^ merly one ofthe State hands of Georgia. Jeff twenty three years old dark complected, amt h» sbee xvav about eight months; the owner is requested 10 c( \ y ward, prove property, pay charges, and take him a 1 ! j March 17, 1836.-40 MARTIN NALI?/^ CENTRAL BANK OF GE©» gM ’ milledgeville. T'HE undersign?*! officers of this Bank will h^ rl ’ f ^. v tend t*. the K ENEWAL of all NOTES be entrusted to their car”, for the customary * ’’ V DOLLAR for each renewal. Letters enclosing and Money forthe renewal of notes, post-paid. c y the “Officers of thp Central Bank of Georgia,^ V of them, xvill te promptly att-nd.d ;o 1 he o.d ^ tire and blank Note, will, in all eases, be for ware earliest mail. > ugttst 19, 1335. C.C. MILLS, Cashur, XV. J. DAVIS, Teller K ^ L. D. BUCKNER, Di ^°Tgee? : 9 li. 11. KEXNOLDS, ‘