The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, January 22, 1861, Image 1

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BOlGHTOff, JMSBET & BARNES, Publishers and Proprietors. «. BOICHIOJr,;,... lO«. H. NfBBET. JBdii*r». THE 2* ED X* SAL UNION, y. v published II ceJcly, in Alilledgeci/lc, Ga., ('urner oj Hancock and Wilkinson Sts., i opposite Court House.) At 82 a year in Advance, (Unless in Advance, $3 Per Annum.) bates of advertising. /’< r square of tied re tines. 0m insertion $1 00, and fifty cents for each subsequent continuance. j- - nt nitlout the specification of thenumberof ‘ ,—r: inns will be published till forbid and chareed a ,-, mlingly. , . ..Ml i'lofcssional Cards, per year, where they ,i„i, n exceed Six Lises - $10 00 A \,i,i rat contract KtU be made Kith those tcho Kish to ,1 i ertise by the year, occupying a specif ed space LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. S • of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex- e . nr Guarnians, are required by law to be held • •• first Tuesday in the month; between the horns of in tne tnreuoou and three in the afternoon, at the i , i ,i, u ,e in the county in which the property is sit uated n, nf these sales must be given in a public ga- 40 days pre»inus to the dav t»fsale. \ s /or the .-'tie ofpersotmf property must be giv er, ii, hke manner 10 days previous to sale day. X'.Iices to the debtors and creditors of an estate must ./ he published 40 days. 'i'c that application will be madetothe Conrtof n irv for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be • ; Yi-lied for two months. • •-M for letters of Administration Guardianship, i . must be published 30 days—for dismission from •, : hi; oration, monthly six months—for dismission i Guardianship, 40 days. Ki,'<"‘ for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published • 'v for four months—for establishing los.t papers, space of three months—for compelling titles • .in Executors or administrators, where bond has been cicen by the deceased, tue full space of three l’idilientions will always bo continued according to the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered a - the following RATES: Citations, on letters of administration, Ac. $2 75 “ dismissory from ddmr’n. 4501 “ Guardianship. 3 001 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 4 no Notice to debtors and creditors. 3 00 Sales of personal property, ten days, 3 sqr. 1 50 Sale of land or negroes by Executors, &e . pr sqr. 5 00 Estrnvs, two weeks 1 50 For a inan advertising his wife (in advance,) 5 00 VOLUME XXXI.] MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1S6I. [NUMBER 35. Extraordinary Inducements! NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! T WOULD BESPECTFULLY invite the atten- J. tion of the citizens of Milledgeville, and the surrounding country, to my FAT .T1 STOCK —OF— DRY ©OODSI ASD BEADY nAjBE CLOTHI.YG. a)! flB. which will be eold as Low for Cash, or Lower, than any other House in the City; and warranted to give Satisfaction. I ant just receiving my stock of fJKNE IIA L AI) VERTISEMENTS. J. A. & W . W TURNER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Eatoiiton, Ga. October, 18, 1859 21 ly. COATES & WOOLFOLK (ii)t;trtIjoiist milt Commission m MERCHANTS, \|;E now "|> n and prepared for the reception of i , i,,t their NEW FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, oiposite Hardeman & Sparks. VVe will endeavor to • .ve ourselves worthy of the patronage of those who will favor us with their business. Liberal advances sin'll- on cotton when desired. Macon Ga.. Sept. 21, 1859. 18 tf. JOUST T. BOWDOZN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EiTOSTOS, GA. Eatonton, Ga., Feb. 14, I860. 38 tf EHi. LITTLE’S VERMIFUGE 1 In LARGE Bottles and Yia!s. * 04 a ’A his name blown into the glass of each bottle, 11 orders and lettera to be addressed to LITTLE & BRO., g* Drn«^i«lA. lUaoi. 1 bv all Druggists in Milledgeville. HEKTY & HALL, Agent*. thinar el«* i« required to relieve children of ms; and besides being one of the cheapest aud Vermifuges ever oflexed to the public. Its fre- t us* iu families will save much trouble aDd iw. as w#»ll a* »he lives of many children—for juL of every tea cases generally require it. A CARD. J B GORM AN having extensively used LIT- S VEUMIFlJGE, takes pleasure in raying it •* most valuable remedy to cure children of ;.MS lie ever knew. A dollar battle is quite UJ0TT05, Ga., Feb. 3, If50. LITTLE'S 10DYNE COUGH DROPS. •rtnin cure for Cutds, Cbrnghs, Bronchitis, itsthma, Pnin in the. Breast; also Croup, Whooping Ooughs, *e., tcc., amongst Children. is a pleasant medicine to take, producing lm- ■ relief, and in nine out of ten cases a prompt It exercises the most controlling influence r gha and Irritation of the Lungs of any re- 1- kt, ,wn uft.-u stopping the most violent in & •:ours, or at mosi in a day or two. Stauy case. 11 to !.e decidedly consumptive, have been Ipity cored by using a few bottleo. As anodyne • -rant, without a-triuging the bowels, it stand, mount to all cough mixtures. „ RENCH MIXTURE. > is prepared fr *m a French Recipe (In the - of No. I and U; the first for the acute, aud j for the chrome stage, aud from its uuexampled is likely to supersede every other remedy i,#» cure of diseases of the Kidneys aud Bladder, .-ri hueal, Bienaorrheeal, aud Leuchorrhceal or r Albas affection*. This extensive compound iiines properties totally different in taste and Alter from auy thing to be found in the United - Pharmacopoeia; and in i*oint of safety and efil- r is not rivalled in America. littlc 9 s IGWORM & TETTER OINTMENT. fortis, No. a. mired* of cases of Chronic Tetter., Scald Heads, 4 -oases -if the skin generally, have been cored remedy ; and since the introduction of the 4 preparation (being stronger) scarcely a case i • u found that It will n-'t effectually eradicate ► j rt time. For the cure of Cancerous Sore. V vn It is applied in the form of piaster., and m-tst infallible. more than two hundred places In Georgia, and •• >-uthern Slates, they are to be had ; and as re scamp* about who are c^uuterfeiting Ids by palming off their own or something by using the same or similar names - for no pa^ • wauled or secured amid the absurd patents of Jay.i let all be cautioned to look well for the atiire of tbe Proprietor, thus:— FfeBOOTS AND SHOE hich will be eold mn any other IIo ive Satisfaction. FALL GOODS, Knowing the wants and tastes of my Customers, I have selected with great care, the Latest Style and Fashion, of all kinds of b&bss goods, <©IL LATSIS) TRxraxvixrr as; SHAWLS! And a Large Assortment of Silks, and all Styles of WHITE GOODS. Also, a Large Assortment of SffESDI.1! WORK. AND ALL KIND8 OF Best made Calicos, from 7 to ID cents. BOOTS AUD SHOES ! A Large Supply of GENTS, LADIES, MISSES, and CHILDREN'S. Also a Large Lot of BRO GANS, for Negro wear, from fell cts. to $1 50 cts. Ift, HATS! CAPS! HATS AX?D CAPS, a Large Assortment of MENS, BOYS, AND CHILDREN. HOOP SKIRTS! 30 Springs, Good Quality, $1 00, and Finer Grades in proportion. 3L AISTHETS ! Fiue Bed, Mackinaw, Negro, Horse, Railway, Crib, &c., Ac. Wow is your time ! Come one, Come all! and look at my Latge Stock of GENTS, BOYS, and CHILDREN, and SERVANTS Also a Large Assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS! Consisting of Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Under Shirts, Ac., Ac. CASH BUYERS, will find that they can save money by making their Purchases here, as my Largo Stock must be disposed ot during the pres ent Season. J. ROSENFIELD. Wayne st., 2 doors above Grieve A Clark’s Diuh Store. Milledgeville, September 5th, I860. 16 4m. WASHINGTON HALL. This House is still open to the public. SPECIAL arrangement will he made for 4? the accommodation of the Members to v--- _ the approaching STATE CONVENTION, and the future Sessions of the Legislature. The rotes and terms at this House, will coulomito those of the other Public Houses ill this citv. N. C. BARNETT. Milledgeville, Ga. Dee. 15th, 18(11). 30 dw. SANFORD’S LIVER INVIG0RAT0 R. Never Debilitates. IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY from GUMS, I. and has become an established fart, a Standard Medicine, known and ap-1 used it, and is now resor- " all t lie diseases for which *5 It has cured thousands |o who had ki»- **•- «o -Uj. numerous unsolicited cer-1^ show. . . The dose must be;^ ment of the individual, such quantities as to act O Let the dictates <d' ^ in the use of the Liver 1 cure Liver Complaints,: sia. Chronic Diarrhoea, sentery, Dropsy, Sour g tiveness,Ciiolic, Cholera, ^ Infant utn, FI a t u 1 e n <■ e. nesses, and may be used i ry Family Medicine, It gj (astliouKaudscnn testify,)! in twenty minutes,u nn or three teaspoonsful are W taken at the commence ment of attack. > . . All who use it are giv- „ ing their testimony jn its favor j Mix water in thc\ [mouth with the In- vigorator, and swallow loth together. Price one dollar per bottle. —ALSO— SANFORD’S FAMILY proved by all that have ted to with confidence in it is recommended, within the last two years 'i «-*• H.* tificates in my possession adapted to the tempera- taking it, and used in gently onthe Bowels, your judgment guide you Invigoralor, and it wili Billious Attacks, Dyspep- Summer Complaints. l>y- Stomack. Habitual Cos- Cholera Morbus, Cholera Jaundice, Female Weak- auccesafully as an Ordina- will cure Sick Ilendaehe, in twenty minutes, if t wo Cathartic Pills (I1ER0KEE REMEDY! COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, apd put vp in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate- The Family Cathartic iPiilis agentle but active Cathartic, which the pro- ! prietor has used iu hi practice move than twen- - j ty years. The constantly increaa- t/1 u.g demand from those who have long' used the j j Pills, and the satisfaction which ail express in re- (gardtotheir use, has in duced me to place them ” j within the reach of all. The Profession well *"* . know that different Ca thartics net on different Ip, portions of the bowels. The Family Cathartic I Pill lias, with due refer ence to this well estate, j lielied fact,been compoun ded from a variety of the.O purest Vegetable Ex tracts. which act alike on !m even- partol the alimen tary canal, and are good jt, and safe in all cases where a Cathartic is j needed,such as Derange ments of the Stomach, ICS Sleepiness, Pains in the Back and Loins, Costive- ness. I’ain and soreness over the whole body,! from suddeu cold, which frequently, if neglected, IM end in a long course of fever. Loss of Appetite,!, a Creeping Sensation of Cold over the tioriv, Rest-I lessness, Headache, or weight in the Head, all < |Inflnmatory D1 s ea s e s, Worms in Children or 0 Adults, Rheumatism, a great Purifier of the blood, and many diseases to which flesh is heir\ j to, too numerous to mention in this advertisement, Dose, 1 to 3. Price Three Dimes. The Liverlnvigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. y S. T. W. SANFORD. M D . 50 Iv. Manufacturer and Proprietor * 208, oornerof Fulton st., Broadway, X. Y. AN UNFAILING CURE FOR 7ka Hid all Diseases of the Hrinary Organs, [tF.MF.DY cure* when all other preparetion. fML It b very Other compound; containing Do* .V ■ soVor NAUSEOUS I)AlO; a. it;, prepared solelj fsj BARKS and LEAVES and ha* been_handec . veneration to another, by the CHEROK.F.E IN It i. "It' red to the pnbli' • ,,n **? J*" U -?J“ I'.N'FORTIT- ■ tutv quickly and tborouddy. Tile l Nr UB ■ u xlill tw repaid by ‘Tq u w kif Prefre ,ii i¥S?cfe , RK 1 nSo*^alb"s H (WHITEs * ■'''S X , poison from the SYSTEM but INVIGORATES . i :YOT ,B AKiFECr the BREATH or INTERFERE LASS of BUSINESS, or require any deviation from r.irrn no imairtann* fr«»m other medicine. -pvTIRF wl.Rt ENHANCES iu VALUE, u thjF-NTIRK F i.t H11 NAI'.SEAUS TASTE, bniug a PLEASANT luiors SYRUP. ^ Proprietore. ^SvSe^ HERTY It HALL. Jt A u Uns 'it the South. -X —ut Zfl s' SH| 't NH c !H Ph = | ISIS 0 -n«s §HI ^ O * t£ 1-1 S " 8 cq -g § -€>9- - g* o § 4 S? «- a &B = % - Eg Q = J J a £ c C o * ih S I - 11 (TQ -6/9 ~ s o C ' 5FC ; cO <X> cs; Ph o 18 GO. Fall and Winter, 1860. TINSLEY AND NICHOLS DEALERS IN WDOrtfSio aiEKlNBSb HATS, & CAPS, WATNE STREET, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA.i Have received their SPRING AND SUMMER SUPPLIES, and respectfully solicit, not only th«*ir former customers, but the public generally, to cnll and examine their LARGE and * A- lilED STOCK. * THIS DEPARTMENT is complete, embracing all the IxatcM Mylen of ?IEBINOS» LAEVES, POPLIYS, French, Enj{liiih and American PBIXTM, Ac., &c. Lace Goods aud Embroideries IN ENDLESS VARIETY, JI osiery and Gloves of every quality FOR MEN, BOYS, LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. VELVET and CLOTH CLOAKS, uf various stales aud prices* HOUSEKEEPING AND PLANTATION GO©OS. In this department they hare everything usually kept in their line at prices a little less than can he had elsewhere. . HATS AND CAPS, OF THE LATEST STILES, for Men and Boys. SOOTS AKTD SHOES, OF ALL QUALITIES, for Men, Ladies, Boys, Misses and Children, at low prices. CiRPETIKGS and RUGS, of all kinds. CXiOTHS, CASSITASUXiS and VESSXIiaS, of all Colors and Qualities. A LARGE LOT, AND CHEAP. 20 tf. o zn o 3 ^2 5” ” * > 1 ^ E. O CD a> j-T-l •sg a t—i o re O O J— 5 o C-. o> “ £ o •-a t-f SB O GO ~o p o o < ^ o r*- C5j ►3 S9 P * Si p IP. w ty) co >5 ~ f re* ^ a ^ O 2 in w g t/3 pod ^ K I—« < K “ h- pa W o Kg s H £ K si s fe! D II n CD to 5 , i"-* o CD 5% ? % ► S5 h-i g s- > > & l * in "*> o D * rj OT s ft ft 6#» I 1 % * s 4 & * a % m e IS H MU ™ rg > BV ^ ^ 9 1| w © Nh H w.M yto * “ o s nj « ° 18 35 M p SB SI xii P w p 1 3 a p~ — c~' ^ H 3 3 his « H a —* © . £ -* > S H tq So *°3 z p3 a fa f ® 1 £ 8 ' | »—* s ft rO o S § B ^ a 2 O o o> GO H © H a H isd n K H ► o I- H •Ml H (sis nine min, ar. gans & co. BAZAAR OF FASHION.” W E ARE NOW IN the full tide of successful operation with the largest and most CHOICE STOCK OF btapIjE ^L2^rx> zETdaJsro'sr 4? MILLED OS1 yxiilija N AND BRASS FOUNERY! LEY A FERKOW8 would respectfully in i the public that they are now P re P“*?~ my work in their line with neatness and des ■ has SUGAR MILL ROLLS, turned or un f any size, trom 20 to 120 dollars per sett, KE'fTLES from 30 to 120 gallons ; Saw and 1 Machinery; Gin Gear of any size. r f or House, Garden, Balconies, Cemeteries, at Eastern Prices. I Clock Weights, Window Sills and Caps, dies, and Fanning Mill Irons of all de*enp- tde of the best materials, fork W arrant ed. „ Seville, Jan. 24,1859. •* * F. G. DANA, fLATE DANA WASHBURN) Factor and Commission JO’Jt'SSI-k'iTUL SAt’ANSAH, GA. w rOVTINITE the above business at the old stand of I K*. 114, Bay street, and am pre pared to make liberal advances on all produie c< u-ign ed to my care. 116m. August 1, 1860. 50 Saw Cotton Gin for Sale. nNF of WATSON'S best 50 Saw Cotton Gins, • °twd for sale. This Gin is new, and is equal ,s offered for saw ^ n o fault- the pre8e nt ow- nerThaving no use for it. Any planter wanting a iruz s‘:,Tii' "xn»»r. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, cfcc., c&Jc., THAT IT HAS EVER BEEN OUR PLEASURE TO OFFER TO THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH WE ARE OFFERING RARE INDUCEMENTS, AS EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT NOBODY CAN UNDERSELL US. BEAUTIFUL, ALL WOOL DELAINE, in neat and Elegant Styles at 50 cts., Worth .5 cts. NEW DELATES, at 25 cents, worth37 . „ SOLID COLOR WORSTED GOODS, at 37 cents, worth 02 1-2 cents. RED, ALL WOOL FLANNEL, at 25 cents. PANTS GOODS, at 20 cts.. worth 37 cts. mnvvFT <4 ,t 12 12 cents m A\n FANCY SILKS, at very low figures. ALL LTNLN TOWhLS, 1 A CLOAKS of the latest styles, fully 25 per cent below usual prices. Double Shawls at $6, worth $3. EMBROIDERIES, such as Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insertions. Band and Rich Flounces. COLLARS of the most beautiful needle work. JACONET SETTS without limit. RICHLY worked HANDKERCHIEFS ot all patterns. Our superiority in this lino needs no mention. 500 Pair BROGANS, at OOcts., worth $1 25. 500 pair Calf BROGANS, at $1 10, worth f 1 50. 150 “ Children Shoes (with heels) at 50cts. worth 75cts. 200 Pair Women's Shoes, at 75 cents, worth $ I 25. 150 Pair Women's Heel CalfShoes, at $1 00 worth $ 1 35. 300 Business Coats, at $3 50, worth ©5 00 50 Cnssimere Coats, at $5 00, worth ©id 00. 50 Black Cloth Coats, at $0 00, worth ©14 00. 100 Over Coats, at $5 00, worth $S00. OUR STOCK IS UNUSUALLY FULL, WHICH IS THE CAUSE OF OUR REDUCTION IX PRICES. CODES ONE, AND COME AXiL, and secure the GREAT j BA ^|jJ| S ‘^ £0 § January 1st, 1861. 125 Pilot Over Coats, at $9 00, worth $14 00. 25 Garrick Over Coats, at $14 00, worth $20. 50 Assorted Vests, at $ I 00, worth $125. 50 Cassimere Vests, at $1 50, worth $2 2;>. 50 Plush Vests, at $4 50. worth $7 00. 100 pair Pants at $1 00, worth $1 50. 50 “ Satinet Pants, at $1 50, worth $2 25. 50 “ Cassimere Pants, at $2 00 worth $3 b0. 50 “ Black Cloth Pants, at $4 50, worth $6. 25 “ Extra Cassimere Pants, at 5 00, worth $7 00. *" From the Charleston Mercury. Highly Important History. Statement of Messrs. Miles and Kcitt, of irhut transpired belxceen the Prrsider.t and the South Carolina Dtelgation. In compliance with the request of the Convention, we beg leave to make the following statement. On Saturday the 8th of December, several of the South Carolina delegation, including ourselves, wait ed upon the President. At this time, there was a growing belief Hint reinforcements were on the eve of being sent to the forts in Charleston harbor. It was kuowu that the subject was frequently anil earnestly discussed in the Cabinet. It was rmnoied that Gen eral Cass aud Mr. Holt were urgent that reinforce- mentssF.ould be sent. Upon our being announced, the President, who was then in Cabinet Council, came out to us in the ante room. We at onee entered into a conversation upon the topir, which was so closely oc cupying his thoughts as well as ours. The Presi'leut seemed much disturbed and moved. He told ns that lie had had a painful interview with the wife of Maj. Anderson, who had come on from New York to see him. She had manifested great anxiety and distress at the situation of her husband whom she seemed to consider in momentary danger of an attack from an excited and lawless limb. The President professed to feel a deep responsibility resting upon him to protect the lives of Major Anderson and his command. We told him that the news that reinforcements were on their way to Charleston, would be the surest means of provoking w hat Mrs. Anderson apprehended, and what he so much deprecated. We said, further, that we did not believe that Major Anderson w as in any danger of such an attack; that the general sentiment of the State was against any such proceeding. That prior to the action of the State Convention, then only ten days off, we felt satisfied that there would be no attempt to molest t'ue forts in any way. That after the Convention met—while we could not possibly un dertake to say what that body would see fit to do—we yet hoped and believed that nothing would be done — 4 ** •• *- ^ 1 *■ »— J- . l»*- Tui*r ’\c\l iif.— l l ’ri 1>1- imssioners, to negotiate for a peaceful settlement of all matters, including tbe delivery of the forts, betweeu South Carolina and the Federal Government. At the same time, we again reiterated our solemn belief that any change in the then existing condition of tilings in Charleston harbor, would, in the excited state of feel ing at home, inevitably precipitate a collision. The impression made upon us was, that the President was wavering, and had not decided what course he would pursue. He said he was glad to have had this conver sation wilh us, but would prefer that we should give him a written memorandum of the substance of what we had said. This we did on Mondatfc the 101b. It wan in these words: To His Excellency, James Burlianan, President of the United States : In compliance with our statement to yon yes terday, we now express to you our strong convic tion that neither the constituted authorities, nor any body of the people of the State of South Carolina, will either attack or molest the United States torts in the harbor of Charieston, previous ly to the action of the Convention, and we hope and believe not until an offer has been made through an accredited representative, to negotiate for an amicable arrangement of all matters be tween the State and the Federal Government, pro vided that no reinforcements shall be sent into these forts, and their relative military status shall remain as at present. John McQueen, Wm. Porcheu Miles, M. L. Boniiam, \V. W. Boyce, Lawrence M. Keitt. Washington, 9th Decembet, 1860. The President did not like the word “provided,” because it looked as if we were binding him while avowing that we had no authority to commit the Con vention. We told him that we did not so understand it. We were expressing our convictions aud heliet, predicated upou the maintenance of a certain condi tion of things, which inaintenanee was absolutely and entirely in ins power. If he maintained such condition then we believed that collision would be avoided un til the attempt at a peaceable negotiation had failed. If he did not, then we solemnly assured him that we believed collision must inevitably, aud at once, be precipitated. He seemed satisfied, and said it was not his intention to send reinforcements, or make any change. We explained to him what we meant by the words “relative military status,” as applied to the forts; mentioned the difference betweeu Major Ander son's occupying his then position at Fort Moultrie, and throwing himself into Fort Sumter. We stated that the latter step would be equivalent to reinforcing the garrison, and would just us certainly us the sending of tresb troops lead to the result which we both desired to avoid. When we rose to go, the President said, in substance, “After all, this is a matter of honor among gentlemen. 1 do not know that any paper or writing is necessary. We understand cacti other.” One of the delegation, just before leaving the room, remark ed; “Mr. President, you have determined to let things remain as they are, aud not to send reinforcements; but, suppose that you were hereafter to change your policy for any reason—wlmt then? That would put us who are willing to use our personal influence to prevent any attack upon the forts before Commissioners are -l ... I.. W..I Inglnn. in m'h.r nn .irihjinjMng mi. sition.” “Then,” said the President, “I would first re turn you this paper.” We do not pretend to give the exact' words on either side, hut we are sure we give the sense of both. Tlie above is a full and exact account of what pas sed between the President and the delegation. The President, iu his letter to our Commissioners, tries to give the impression that our “understanding” or ragreement was not a “pledge.” We confess we are not sufficiently veised in tlie wiles of diplomacy to feel the "force oftliis “distinction without a difference.” Nor can we understand how, in “a matter of lie,nor among gentlemen,” iu which‘‘no paper or writing i* necessary,” the very party who was willing to put it on that high fooling can honorably descend to mere verbal criticism, to purge himself of wl at all gentle men and men of honor must consider a breacli of faith. The very fact that we (the representatives from South Carolina) were not authorized to commit or “pledge” the State, were not treating with the President ns ac credited inininisters with lull powers, tint ns gentle men assuming, to a certain extent, the delicate task of undertaking to foreshadow the course and policy of the State, should have made the President the more ready to strengthen our hands to bring about and carry out that course and policy which he professed to havens much at heart ns we had. While we were not au thorized to say that the Convention would not order the occupation of the forts immediately after seces sion, and prior to the sending on of Commissioners, the President, as Commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, could most positively say. tlmt'so long as South Carolina abstained from attack ing and seizing the forts, he would not send reinforce ments to them, or allow their relative military status to he changed. We were acting iu tlie capacity of gentlemen holding certain prominent positions, and anxious to exert such influence as we might posess to effect a peaeeiul solution of pending political difficul ties, and prevent, if possible, the honors of war. The President was acting in a double capacity; not only ns a gentleman, whose influence in carrying out his siiare of the understanding, oi agreement, was poten tial, but as the head of the army, and, therefore, hav ing the absolute control of the whole matter of rein forcing or transferring the garrison at Charleston.— But we have dwelt long enough upon this point. Suf fice it to say, that considering the President as bound in honor, if not by treaty stipulation, not to make any change in the forts, or to send reinforcements to them, unless they were attacked, we of the delega tion who were elected to the Convention felt equally bound in honor to do everything on our part to prevent any premature collision. This Convention can bear us witness as to whether or not we endeavored hon orably to carry out our share of the agreement. Tlie published debates at the very commencement of the session, contain the evidence of ourgood faith VVe trusted the President. We believed his wishes concurred with his policy, and that belli were directed to avoiding any inauguration of hostilities. We were confirmed in our confidence, and reassured in our belief by a significant event which took place subsequent to our interview. He allowed his premier Cabinet of ficer, nn old and tried friend, to resign, rather than yield to his solicitations for the reinforcement of the garrison at Charleston. We urged this as a convinc ing proof of his firmness and sincerity. But how have we been deceivedl Tlie news of .Major Ander- toa's roup produced a sudden and unexpected change in the President’s policy. While declaring that his withdrawal front from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter was “without orders, und contrnry to orders,” he yet refused, for twelve hours, to take any action in the matter. For twelve hours, therefore, without any ex cuse, he refused to redeem liis plighted word. No subsequent acta on t he part of our State—no after rea sons—can wipe away tiie stain which he suffered to rest upon his “honor as a gentlemen,” while those hours, big with portentous events, rolled slowly by. His Secretary of War, impatient of a delay, ever moment of which he felt touched his own honor, resigned. He did so solely on the ground that the faith ot the Gov ernment—solemnly pledged—was broken, if it failed promptly to undo what had been done contrary to its wishes—against its settled policy—and in violation of its distinct agreement. The President accepted his resignation without comment. He did not attempt to disabuse the mind of his Secretary, as. to what was the true position of the Government. What a spectacle does the President’s vacillating and disingenous course present! He allows one Secretary to resign rather than abandon a policy which he has agreed upon. Scarce ly have a few short weeks elapsed, and he accept, the resignation of another, rather than adhere to tliat very policy. He makes an agreement with gentlemen which while he admits that they have faithfully kept it on their part, he himself evades and repudiates. And this he does rather than redress a wrong—cor rect an error—what he himself considers an error— committed by a subordinate, without his orders, and contrary to his wishes! It was at least due to Mr. Floyd, 'who as one of his cabinet, had officially and personally stood by his administration from its very commencement—through good report, and through evilreport—to have explained to him that he was, in the President’s opinion, laboring under a misappre hension. At least, to have said to him. “you are mis taken about this matter—do not leave me on a false issue.” But no; he coldly, ungraciouslv, vet promptly receives the resignation without a syllable of remon strance, and thus tacitly, but uuequivocally accepts without shame the issue presented. He does not de ny that the faith of his government is pledged, but he deliberately refuses to redeem it. WM. PORCHER MILES, LAWRENCE M. KEITT. It is said that Indian corn produces a clear fluid, which burns without odor, without smoke, and is inexpensive, affording a good light in an ordinary kerosene lamp, for half a cent an hour. The corn oil is as clear and colorless as water. From the Newark Evening Journal, Dec. 22. The Sonlhrrn Cauw our Cause. The Southern secession movement deepens and strengthens. The practical action of South Caro lina has awakened the liveliest feelings of sympa thy in other States, and at many important South ern centres the beginning of tbe revolution which the South believes is to end in South ern independence, is hailed with such joyful de monstrations as only follow the inauguration ot great political and moral achievement. Not onlv in extreme Southern States is the independence of South Carolina openly reeognizod and applauded, but in the border States of Deleware and Virginia the news of the first step in secession is received with joy, and welcomed by ihe explosion of gun powder and the plaudits of the ladies. The South are terribly in earnest in this seces sion movement. It is no fanciful freak of hair- brained fanatics, striving to realize some abstract theory of morals, social perfection, or political economy, but the result of a long series of aggres sions upon the property, the rights and the liberties of the South by apolitical party in tbeNorth, which has now obtained the power to make good its threats against them, and cither overwhelm them tn ruin or make them submissive subjects of a sectional anti-slavery government. To submit to one or the other alternative would show our Southern breth- ern to be either unworthy ot tlie blessiugs of civil ization or weak cowards, unable to appreciate their position or to save themselves from the fatal grasp of their enemies. Nearly all classes of people in the North are naturally inclined to regard the action of South Carolina as unadvisedly precipitate. It may be so. Many of the people ot the South so regaid it. 'I here are, doubtless, not a few individuals in South Carolina who might have desired to pause and reflect before severing the relations existing between that State and the other members of the re?efveij ra »inl f; reat popular movement ever Revolution of Independence, which the world has admitted to be as just a cause as ever a people en gaged in, is a high instance that no cause can be so sacred a* to exempt it from foes. The Bosto nians who consigned the British taxed tea to the waves were disguised as Indians, and there were those who did not hesitate publicly to denounce this destruction of property. It required the elo quent tongue of Patrick Henry to convince the trembling doubters of his day that a war had ac tually commenced, from which there was no escape but degrading and cowardly submission. South Carolina may be liable to the charge of undue haste in declaring her independence. But who is to he the judge of her movements? With remarkable unanimity she has thrown heiselfinto the breach, declaring that sho will no longer re main within a Union where she cannot have her rights and be recognized as an equal. She has declared her independence, resumed her sover eignty, and with Iter rests the responsibility. We who recognize the principle of State rights, and admit that the wrongs of which the South com plains are neither chimerical or trifling, cannot surely join our execrations with those of the Tri bune and the Mercury against the action of South Carolina. If that State has erred, we must regard it as error of judgment or policy, but by no means as an act of treason to the Constitution, the Northern violations of the provisions of which had already practically dissolved the Union. Nor can we doubt that most if not all of the other Southern States will not be found lagging behind South Carolina in giving practical effect to the prevailing ideas of Southern rights and Southern Independence. There will be occasion shortly for those whose vocabulary is stored with epithets for the Palmetto State, to enlarge their treasury of expletives in order to include seven or eight additional rebellious sovereignties. If Abe Lincoln, the would-be-Prcsident of the United States, is inclined to coerce these seven or eight States into the attitude of subjects to his Abolition dynasty, he will fiud the fifteen Southern States acting as a unit in a common defence of their homes and firesides, to say nothing of the North ern difficulties in the way of such a programme. Nothing short of a practical assertion of South ern independence can now save this distracted country. It may be called secession, revolution, treason if you please, but let those who character ize the position of South Carolina as rebellious, remember that the Tories of the Revolution were not rebels, but abject submissionists, and that the country was rescued from Great Britain in spite of these friends of coercion. We see now that the Black Republican abolition fabric is tottering and reeling like a drunken man iu spite of tlie efforts of its fanatical leaders to stay the reactionary tide, and to keep their columns in c ose order until thsy can reap the fruits of their iJ-gootten and sectional victory, by the emp'oy- ment of force against the Southern rebels. Daily the rank and file of their army are leaving them, .lio/inste/l tvifh j,rp«jpnt Ji«ocfor« oi:d fArotAPinff nothing but ruin aud misery in the futnre. The defections from abolitionism have already been so extensive that the panic iu the Black Republican party is assuming fearful proportions. Whatever is to happen to the country, the section- tional party which elected Mr. Lincoln is in the last throes of dissolution, and can by no possibili ty ever again become a controlling power in the land. Nothing but the firm and determined stand taken by the South in self-defence could have brought about this speedy and gratifying result, For this work, we in the North, who have ever boldly supported our Seuthe'u brethren against Aboii tiouism, should cordially thank the South, whose prompt and independent action has averted a worse calamity than disuion, t. e , Abo.itionism.— For one, we have no tears to shed because the South have determined to save themselves from disgrace and destruction As we have hated and loathed the whining hypocrites who have taunted South Carolina with cowardice and Virginia with mental debility and general pauperism, so we sympathize most heartily with the brave spirits of the South, who, in a noble defence of their own liberties, will at the same time enable the true friends of the Union in the North to put down Abolitionism and burry it so deep that its corrupt carcass may never again be thrust into the faces of honest meu. So mote it be. From the Constitution. HR. DOl'GLAS t O.YDE.HYS COERCION, We have pleasure in reproducing from the official report of Mr. Douglas's recent speech in the Senate thst a portion of his remarks wnich relates to the course to be pursued by the Federal Government toward seceding States. Our abstract of the speech, published on the day following its delive ry, exhibited the position assumed by the Senator from Illinois. His unqualified repudiation of force, however, as means of preserving or restor ing the Union, invests with interest and import ance the reasoning which lead him to the conclu sion. And though differing trom Mr. Douglas touching the abtract principle of secession,—dis senting from the view he holds upon the rights of the States to terminate their connection with the General Government,—we are pursuaded that he expresses the judgment of all thoughtful lovers of the Union when he rebukes coercion as render ing “disuion certain, inevitable, “irrevocnble.” "lam for peace,” he sajs, “to save “the Union:” and confident we are that only by peace can the Uuion ever he restored. Upon this subject, Mr. Douglas said: We are told that the authority of the Govern ment must be vindicated; 'hat the Union must he preserved; that rebellion must be pot down; that insurrections must be suppressed, and the laws must, be enforced. I agree to all this. I am in favor of doing all these things according to the Constitution and laws No man will go further than I to maintain the just authority of the Gov ernment, to preserve the Union, to put down re bellion, to suppress insurrection, and to enforce the laws. I would use all the powers conferred by the Constitution for this purpose. But. in the performance of these important and delicate duties it must be borne in mind that those powers only must be used, aud such measures employed, as are authorized by the Constitution and laws. Things should be called by the right names; and facts whose existence can no longer be denied should be acknowledged. Insurrections and rebellions althongh unlawful and criminal, frequently become successful revo lutions. The strongest governments and proud est monarchies on earth have often been reduced to tlie humiliating necessity of recognising tbe existence of governments defacto although not de jure, in their revolted States and provinces, when rebellion has ripened into successful revolution, and the national authorities have oeen expelled from their limits. It such cases, the right to re gain possession and exact obedience to the laws remains; but the exercise of that right is war, and must be governed by the laws of war. Such waa tbe relative condition of Great Britain and tbe American colonies for seven years after the decla ration of independence. The rebellion had pro gressed and matured in revolution, with a govern inent de facto and an army and navy to defend it. Great Britain, regarding the complaints of the colonies unfounded, refused to yield to their de mands, and proceeded to reduce them to obedi ence; not by the enforcement of tbe laws, but by military force, armies and navies, according to tbe rules and laws of war. Captives taken in battle with arms in their hands, fighting against Great Britain, were not exeented as traitors, but held as prisoners of war, and exchanged according to tbe usages of civilized nations. Tbe laws of nations, the principles of humanity, of civilization, and Christianity, demanded that the government de facto should be acknowledged and treated as such. While the right to prosecute war for the purpose of reducing the revolted provinces to obe dience still remained, yet it was a military remedy *uu UUuUlt/Ll; OO CAtTebcU MCCUiUtlt^ lu *i*6 i ft* tablished principles ot war. It is said that, after one of the earliest engage ments, the British gene al threatened to execute an traitors all the ptis'iuers he had taken in batth; and that General Washington replied that he, too haa taken some prisoners, and wonld shoot two for one until the British general should respect the laws of war, and treat his prisoners according ly. Divine Providence, in His infinite wis dom and mercy, save our country from the humili ation and calamities which now seem almost inevi table. South Carolina has already declared her in dependence of the United States;'has expelled tho Federal authorities from her limits and established a government de facto, with a military force to sus tain it. I he revolution is complete, there being no man within her limits who denies the authori ty of her government or acknowledges allegiance to that of the l.nited States, There is every rea son to believe that seven other States will soon follow her example; and much ground to appre hend that the other slaveholding States will fol low them. How are we going to prevent the alliance be tween these seceding States by which they may establish a Federal Government, at least de facto, for themselves? ]f they shall do so. and expel the authorities of the United States from their limits, as South Carolina has done, and others about to do, so that there shall ho no human being within their boundaries who acknowledges allegi ance to the Lnited States,how are we going to enforce the laws? Armies and navies can make war, but cannot enforce laws in this country.— 'I he laws can be enforced only by the civil authori ties, assisted by the military as a posse comita'us when resisted in • xecuting judicial process. Who is to issue tho judicial process in a State where there is nojudge, no couit, co judicial function ary? Who is to perform the duties of marshall in executing the process where no man will or dare accept the office? Who are to serve on juries while every citizen is partierps erimtnis with the accused? How are you going to comply w ith the Constitution in respect to a jury trial, where there are no men qualified to serve on the jury? I agree that the laws should bo enforced. 1 hold that our Government is clothed with the power and duty ot using all the means necessary to the enforce ment of the law, according to the Constitution aud laws. The President is sworn to the faithful per formance of this duty. I do not propose to in quire; at this time, how far, and with what fideli ty, the President has perfoimed that duty. His conduct and duty in this regard, including acts of commission and omission, while the rebellion was in its incipient stages, and when confined to a fewjndividuals. present a very different question revolution has become complete, an<V tire f’eSMfl authorities have been expelled, and the govern ments dc facto put into practical operation, and in the unrestrained and unresisted exercise ot all the powers and functions of government, local and national. But we are told that secession is wrong, and that South Carolina had no right to secede. I agree that it IB wrong, unlawful, unconstitutional, criminal. In my opinion, South Carolina had no right to secede ; but she lias done it. She 1ms declared her independence of us; effaced the last vestige ot our civil authority, established a foreign government, and is now engaged iu the preliminary steps to open diplomatic intercourse with the great powers of the world. What next? If her act was illegal, unconstitutional, and wrong, have we no remedy ? Unquestionably we have the right to use all the power and force necessary to regain pos session of that portion of the Unit' d States, in order that we may again enforce our Constitution and laws upon the inhabitants. We can enforce our laws in those States, Territories, and places only which are within our possession. It often happens that tlie ter ritorial rights of n country extend beyond the limits of their actual possessions. That is oar ease at present in respect to South Carolina. Our light "(jurisdiction over that Stute for Federal purposes, according to the Constitution, has not been destroyed or impaired by the ordinance of secession, or any act of the C'.uvention.or of the de facto Government. The right remains; but the possession is lost, for the time being. “How shall we regain the possession ?” is tlie principal in quiry. It may he done'by arms, or by a peaceable ad justment uf the matters in controversy. Are kc prepared for icarl I do not. mean that kind of preparation which consists of armies and na vies, and supplies and munitions of war; but are we prepared in our hearts for war with our own brethren and kindred ? I confess I am not. While I affirm that the Constitution is, and was intended to be, a bond of perpetual Uuion ; while I can do no act and utter no word that will acknowledge or countenance the right of secession ; while I affirm the right and duty of the Federal Government to use ail legitimate means to enforce the laws, put down rebellion, and suppress insurrection, I wili not meditate war, nor tolerate the idea, until every effort at peaceful adjustment shall have been exhausted, and the last ray of hope shall have deserted the patriot’s heart. Then, and not till then, will I consider and determine whnt course niv duty to my country may require me to pursue in suen an emergency. In my opinion, war, is disunion, cer tain, inevitable, irrevocable. I am for peace to save the Union. The Oil Region of Pennsylvania seems to be rather more extensive than was at first supposed. Wells have been sunk in Venango, Warren, Mercer, and many oth er western counties, and there are no less than four famous points, known as Mecca, Oil Creek, Tstusuille and Tideoute. Of the three latter a great deal has been pub lished, but Mecca, which is less known, appears to be hardly less important.— From a statement in the Pittsburg Even ing, Chronicle yvc learn that since the first well was sunk there, in F ebruary last, De tween six and seven hundred wells have been put down at an aggregate cost of $48,750, and two weeks ago there were seventy-five engines in operation pumping oil. Each well involves an outlay of frgp $1,000, to $1,200 for engine, pump and vats. They produce from three to twelve barrels of oil a day each, except those of Hoxie & Wilson and Skeels & Co., which yield from fifty to one hundred barrels a day. the average being for these two about seventy-five barrells a day. The oil sells at twenty-five cents a gallon. During the past summer about one hundred and fifty buildings have been erected, inclu ding hotels, boarding houses, dwellings, and 6tores. Land which in January could have been bought at twenty-five to th'rty dollars an acre, is now selling at three hundred per acre. In fact the oil discov eries have been already of immense val ue to western Pennsylvania, and are peo pling the forests and rearing up towns and villages. —M Castle Pinckney is located on the south ern extremity of a narrow slip of marsh land, which extends in a northerly direc tion to Hog Island Channel. To the har bor side the so-called castle presents a circular front. It has never been consid ered of much consequence as a fortress, although its proximity to the city would give it importance, if properly armed and garrisoned. From hasty observation we find that there are about fifteen guns mounted on the parapet; the majority of them are eighteen and twenty-four pound ers. Some “Columbiads” are, however, within the walls. There ate also sup plies of powder, shot, aud shell. At pre sent there is uo garrison at the post; the only residents are one or two watchmen, who have charge of the harbor light. Some thirty or forty day-laborers are em ployed repairing the cisterns and putting the place generally in order. This concludes our sketch of the pres ent aspect of affairs at three forts. Yvhicli were meant to be, and which should al ways remain, at once the pride and the safeguard of our city. Fort Moultrie is about three and a half mi'es from the City of Charleston. It is, however, within easy cannon range of of Mount Pleasant, and might be attack ed from the village of .VJoultrieville. Spffrh of Senator Too mb*. If any member of the Black Republican party entertained an honest doubt as to the nature, amount and effect of the grievances which haa driven the South to assume her present attitude, we think that Mr. Toombs dispelled that doubt in his speech yesterday. We have never listened to a more crashing bill of indictment, sustained in its every count by irrefragable proof of the guilt of those whom it arraigned at the bar of the civilized world. To say that Mr. Toombs was eloquent, power- erfnl, bold and convincing, is only to attribute to him qualities which everybody knows he pos sesses in as great a degree as auy public man in America since the days of Patrick Henry. But never on any occasion did he display his (treat powers in a higher degree or more telling effect than yesterday. He stood forth as the champion of a cause as mighty as it is just. He pleaded for eight millions of his fellow citizens whose rights are attacked, whose honor is assailed, and with a boldness that was sublime, he hurled defi ance in the face of those by whom this sacreli- gions war of aggression has been declared.— Washington Constitution 8th inst. Secession Bonnet.—The Charleston Mercury f ives the following description of a bonnet worn y a South Carolina lady: . ,. . “The bonnet is composed of white ana black Georgia Cotton, covered with ■ net work <f black cotton, tbe streamers ornamented with Palmetto trees and Lone Stars embroidered » 8°“ while the feathers are formed of white and bite* worsted.”