The Quitman reporter. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-18??, March 19, 1874, Image 3
/hutuum Hcporti'i. f QUITMAN: THURSDAY, M 4.RPH 19,1874. Onr AircntM. The following gcntlsmuu aro authorized Ag"b< fertile Hri'ohtkb, anil their receipts for subscriptions uml mlvi rtiHcmcnts will be duly recognized at this office, and their con- ! tracts promptly curried out : Titos. D, Downino, - - Savannah, flu. A. H. MoOakoelj, - - - Boston, ~ Wilt.ii H. McKlvekn, Thomasvillo, ~ 11. W\ l’au E, - - Groover Station, “ niIJKCH IUKKCTOHV : 1 lapt ist Cliiiroh. Rev. C. 1)., Pastor. Sorvi(*t's th; S*o#n<l and Fourth Sundays. Church Conference on Saturday before the Second Sunday in each month. Prayer meeting every Tlmrstluy night. Sunday j School at U o’clock, a. M. Metluxlist ( ’hureh. Rev. Walked Lewis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 o’clock, a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday School at 0 o’clock, a.|m. Prayer meet ting Tuesday night in , *ich week. Sabbath School at 9:30, a. m. Presbyterian Cliureh. Rev. ,T. A. Smith, Pastor. Services oil the First and Third Sabbaths in j -■ oacli month, at 1 1 o’clock, A. m. Sabbath School at 4 o’clock, p. mu SOI Ili l il S: Lodge, N. 237, F. A. M. 11. C. Wilkinson, W. M.; T. A. Hall, See’y. Regular meeting on the First and Third Saturdays of each Month. Quitman Gran^p. J. (). Mouton, Master. Meets the First Thursday in each month at 10 o’clock, a. m. BOBMMMBWMiUIiI3 WU' gSTJ.*-■ fKTC ■> ■•JUIK'l 1 ' -Xil-ll Oua Senior is absent this week, at tending Berrien. Court, where he and Capt. Turner will measure arms in a murder ease. The Colonel will be ab sent again next week, too, as Court convenes in Colquitt county, one of liis favorite beats, and lie will of course have to be on hand there. We ask the indulgence of our readers until he finishes his round, by which time we ! hope he will have obtained a sufficien- ■ cy of fees to put him in good spirits,, and then you may look out for a long article on what lie knows about farm ing. 1 A A BUSHELS OF SHELLED CORN JLUU for sale by \Y. S. HuMrHBEYR. Sunday Amusement. On Sunday last two negroes, Sam. Taylor and Green Simmons, the form er employed upon the upper and the latter upon the lower plantation of Col. P. Sheffield, in this county, were playing marbles, when a dispute arose which brought the innocent little game to rather an unceremonious close. (Ireon turned to walk olf, when Sam seized an ax, and somehow, or some how else—nobody seems to know it came in sudden contact with the back part of Green’s head, which collision of hard subtancos resulted in the whizzing rebound of the ax and the fracture of Greens skull. Dr. 1\ il liams was sent f irlnte in the afternoon, and by him we are informed that the condition of Green is rather critical, though he is likely to recover. Sam is still at work on the place, and up to this writing no warrant has been tak en out for his arrest. ITHIESH GOODS just, received, which ; were bought at panic prices for cash, null will bo sold tlic same wav. ( all rally and secure the cheapest goods yet sold ill Quitman. No humbug at KAyton's New York Store. Oysters. Mr. M. M. Sullivan, the most ex tensive and accomodating dealer in oysters and fish of every description in Savannah, lias our thanks for a gal lon can of fresh and wholesome oys ters, which we received by express last Saturday. AVe enjoyed them very much and are confident that all who “hash’ at the Mclntosh Hffuse will join us in saving, “Long may Alike Sullivan live and prosper.’’ He keeps everything in the way of fish that swims in South ern waters, and from personal exper ience we can say that a man more honorable and liberal in his dealings cannot bo found. His card has a per manent place in the columns of the ItEI'OUTEU., and whenever our friends want anything in his line, we hope he will receive their orders. 1T, T HAT EVERY CUSTOMER SAYS ▼ ? must bo trim, and all say that tlio best bargains can be bad at Kayton’s New York Store. Godey's Lady's Book. AVe have re ceived the April number of this lead ing magazine, and as usual, it is full of excellent reading matter and infor mation for the ladies. A glance at the beautiful fashion plates in this number will put many of them in the notion of donning anew spring suit, Every family should take the Lady’s Book. Price, with a beautiful chronm, “True to Nature,” only SB.OO a year, Address, L. A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pa. - :o: 4 LI, OF Dr. JAYNES' Family Wodi- J\ ernes ami other -drugs for sale low at Kayton’h New York Store. —“Hailover” is the rage with the girls at school just now. It is amus ing to sec them throw the ball. [Communicated] The (Juitmiin Cornet Hand. Messrs. Editors: — Please allow me j i in your columns to make a suggestion to the ladies of Quitman and vicinity, 1 ! who are lovers of music and appreci-1 ative of favors done them. AVe have in Quitman a Cornet Band which we believe to be second to none in the State either in the excellence of it's music, or in the material of which it is composed. These most worthy young gentle men have deprived themselves of so- j eial hours with their families, and at ] times, even left their business, to tit, ! . themselves for the production of mu sic, with which the best cultivated ear would bo delighted. Who, that has listened to the soul I stirring strains as it floated on the i balmy air of evening, lia not f<*lt her heart swell with pride, that our little city can boast itself of such a pleasant acquisition. Our band has over been ready to respond to invitations to play for any oceassion of pleasure, and to lend its aid any society or commun ity that was engaged iiiu wo*k of ; charity, or endeavoring to benefit ti. • public. It has never failed to accept an invitation to play for any oceassion becauso “the invitation was not ac | companied with the needful fifty dol j lars.” The ladies arc certainly under many obligations to the Band for the most 1 excellent music they have contributed I to the suppers, and all similar bcea ! sions, which have transpired since | their organization. Now, Messrs. Editors, as one who has enjoyed the I music of the Band on so many oeeas ! ions, I suggest that we show our ap preciation of their repeated kindness^ |by giving a supper or something of i the kind for their benefit, and let them appropriate the proceeds as they | see fit. Will not some of you suggest, through* the columns of the Reporter, i the time and place of holding a ladies • meeting to consider the matter ? A Lover of Mrsic. Quitman, Ga. March, Ml 1874. 1 ALOUR AND BACON in large quauti -1 ties, at lowest rates Savannah prices ! nowhere at Kayton’s New York Store. The ({nilman Amateurs Abroad. On Thursday evening of last week, 1 this troupe gave an entertainment in * Madison, Fla, for the purpose of rais ing funds to contribute to the Metli : odist Parsonage in Quitman, which I we learn is soon to be repaired and 1 painted by the members of this church, i Speaking of this entertainment at ; Madison,{the lle<‘order says: ! Quitman Amateur Minstrel Troupe. This excelsior combination of talent, ! composed of some of tlie best young j men in Quitman, gave an excellent cn- I tertainnient in our town on Thursday evening last, to a good House, every- I thing considered. No notice having i been made of it, and no programme j announced, added to tlie fact, that one 'of our best citizens was very ill, pre vented many from attending. The (exhibition was first-class in all I its appointments, and several of the Company, superior to the “profession j als” in their line. Tlie Company will give another en tertainment in a few weeks, of which j due notice will be given. | The proceeds are for benevolent i purposes. / < RENT BARGAINS, cheap goods, full v J stock just received at Kayton .s New York Store. LOCAL (INI)KKS. —Address a civil remark to tlie av erage urchin, and we'll bet liis answer will be, “I rcckin so!” —The park around the Court House lias been ploughed and nicely leveled off during the past week, which will nourish the trees and <pr< a 1 the growl h of the Bermuda grass. This square will be a pleasant place for evening rambles next Summer. —A “Keene” little Jew, who wanted us to announce last week whether Mary Queen of Scotts was justly be headed, now requests us to “pud id in der baper vot he ish got dc sore dhroat.” Wonder if lie’s happy now V -—The owners of “pinter dorgs” are playing wild havoc among the birds. ! —Parties indebted to S. D. Ed mondson will do well to read liis no tice to be found elsewhere in the Re- I PORTER. —Wc acknowledge the receipt of a contribution this week prescribing a • urr, for love.* This malady lias raged so long in Quitman that it is begin ing to terminate in genuine matrimo ny, and for fear that the proscription now in our possession might cure some fellow, but not the object of his infatuation, thereby increasing her misery, or, upon the other hand, cure the fickle maid and only aggravate the disease of the persistent suitor, and thereby cause him to go to Texas or commit suicide, we suppress its publication- not with the intention of slighting our correspondent, but through human sympathy for our lit tle army of lovers. 4 LL OUR GOODS are marked down cheap. Don’t believe wliat is told you by otbrr merchants and interested parties, but call and see for yourselves how well you can do ht Kayton’s New York Stoke. To Liquor Dealers. The licenses of all liquor dealers and bil- | Hard table keepers in thrown of Quitman j expire on the first Monday in April, and those desiring a renewal will do well to hand in their applications, with the names of two j securities on bond, before tlio next regular meeting of the Council, us in future thi law ! governing licences will be strictly carried out. The law has been so changed that in j future licenses will expire one year from the j date of issue, instead of invariably on the Ist j of April as heretofore. The following is the Tittle, as amended, governing all licenses to be approved by the Council before they are issued: Tittle 11 Licenses. Sec.l. All appleat ions for license must be submitted to the Mayor and Council I'or their approval at the first regular meeting [ after the application is made; and any per son who shall trnsact any business requiring license before making application for the I same to the Ulerk, or who, after taking out | license, shall fail to make the payment as re- j | quired by section 1, [semi-annualiy in ad- I vanee] of this Ordinance, shall on convict- 1 i ion, be fined in any sum not exceeding ten j dollars for each ami every day said business ; has been carried on, and forfeiture of li- ; cense shall in all cases follow conviction. By order of Council, 11. M. Mclntosh, Clerk. ■ Quitman, Ga, March 17tli, 1871. Kentucky Library Concert. * A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. i The manager is desirous that every’ticket- : '.holder in tin* Fourth Concert which comes ! <>&• in Public Library Hall, on the 31st of j i March, shall, be perfectly satisfied with thVj j distribution 'tf Gifts v.hich is to take place I at that time. The distribution of $1,5U0,1H)0 is | j an affair of such importance tW. although ! j the interests of the absent luket-lioltV>is wTll 1 I be faithfully cured for by the nmnage;hx.nt, j | yet they would be glad for all to see ftii(\ I j A doir, each one for himself, that everything j is done which the most scrupulously exact ! ing could ask, to make the distribution ab ! solutely fair and impartial. All arrange < incuts for the drawing on the part of the j management are complete, and the ticket ’ holders are invited to send delegates to a ; meeting to be held in the Public Library ; Building, on the 20th <•!' March, to select a J committee to co-operate with the committee appointed by the trustees to count and ex : amine tlie tags, and see that every ticket is i fairly represented in the drawing. The time I is short, and whatever is to be done must be done promptly. Your co-operation in this j matter is earnestly invited. Yours, ThOS. E. BR AM LETT E, Agant and Manager, Pub. Lib. Ky. _____ FOB OVER THIRTY YEARS Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain— Killer | HAS BEEN TESTED IN EVERY VARIETY OF CLI MATE, AND BY ALMOST EVERY NATION KNOWN TO AMERICANS. It is the constant companion and estim.i --i Me friend of the missionary and the trawl ; or, on sea and land, and no one should trav | el on imr Lakes or Rivers without it. It has been before the public over thirty •’years, and probably has a wider and bath r I reputation than any other proprietary me li ; cine of the present day. At this period there | are but few unacquainted with the merits of ; the Pain-Killer; but whip some extol it as a • liniment, they know but little <>l its power ‘ in easing pain when taken internally, while ] others use it internally with groat success, but are equally ignorant of its healing vir | tiles when applied externally. AVe therefore ! wish to say to all that it is equally successful ! whether used internally or evternally, and it j stands to-day unrivalled by all the great ent | alogue of family medicine's. It is sufficient evidence of its virtues a:-; a standard medi ' cine, to know that it is now used in all parts •*f the world and that its .sule is constantly I increasing. No curative, agent has had such | wide-spread sale or given sueli universal sat -1 isfaetion. It is a purely vegetable eom ! pound, and perfectly safe in unskillful | hands. After thirty years’ trial, is still receiving the most unqualified testimonial; to its vir j lues, from persons of the highest character | and responsibility. Physicians of the first j respectability recommend it as a most ef j factual preparation for the extinction of j pain. It is not oiily the TV-t remedy ever ; known for Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Ac., but | for Dysentery or Cholera, or any sort of l>ow- I el complaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for ! efficiency or rapidity of action. In tlie ! great cities of India, and other hot elimaL s. : it has become the Standard Medicine for all | such complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, I Liver Complaints, and other kindred Misor |d. is. For Coughs and Col Is. ( sinker, Astli ima and .Rheumatic difficulties, it has been j proved by the most abundant and convine j ing testimony to be an invaluabl* medicine. /f ic-'ii’fl of all Iniitolio'iis. [ The Pain-Kill ris sold by all respectable | druggists throughout the United States and foreign countries. Prices 25 cents, 50 cents and £1 per bot tle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. No. 130 High street, Providence, It. I. AVAXTKI). rni-IE UNDERSIGNED will pay the high- I est cash prici*s for Chiekeiis, Ducks, Geese, Turkevs and Poultrv of every kind. I. H. GANDY. Quitman, Ga. 3d, 1874. 5 S hereby given that in the settlement by I mutual agreement between S. 1). Edmond son and Messrs Kirkscy iV Scott, of Savan nah. many notes and accounts were selected by their Attorney, Capt. J. G. McCall, for Messrs Kirksey A: Scott, which parties had better call and Keltic with Capt. McCall and save costs. S. D. EDMONDSON. *l-3m Quitman Ga., March 12,1871. In Bankruptcy. SOUTHERN DISTRK’T OF GEORGIA, n at Valdosta, the 13th day of February, 1874. The undersigned hereby gives notiw of bis ajipointment as Assignee of William Jones, of Brooks ('ouuty, State of Georgia, within said District, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt on bis own petition, by the Dis trict Court of said District. S. AV. BROOKS, Assignee of AYm. Jones. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, iu at Valdosta, the 13th day of February, 1874. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee ol AVilson J. King, of Brooks County, State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition, by tlie Dis trict Court of said District. S. AV. BROOKS, Assignee fur AVilson J. King. 5-44. Deatli-lkirt of Gen. Lee. A magnificent tlx IS inch Engraving, j The family and friends an grouped sorrow fully together around tlie old h ro‘s death j bod. The scene is so touchingly beautiful, i the sentiment of the picture is so sweet., and ! tin* characters so lifelike that everybody ad mires it. it is truly a gem of art: on 6 which should hang in ('very Southern home. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 20 cents, or 3 for 50 cents. Address, AV. M. BUUIIOAV, 200 Alain Street. Bristol. Term. >?!?■• Agents wauled for this and a variety ot other tine engravings. From S3 to SlO a day can easily be made. l-ll W.Oliiiiijilims \ CASH STORE, QUITMAN, ( A. I N BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED i BY V. P. HARDEN, Esq., next-door to j J. B. I'iueli, P.sq. A full and complote as-j sortuiont of 1)1!Y GOODS. Not ions, Boots and Shoos, Hats anti Caps, Family (Jroceries, And a general variety of good, which lam j ottering at the very lowest figures, lor cash, i Thankful for tlio liberal patronage here- ■ tofore received, I respectfully solicit a con-I timmnee of the same. Those indebted to mo on last year’s j accounts are earnestly requested to Voine for- ! ward aiul settle. AV. S. HUMPHREYS. February 17, 1874. l-3m J. M. WITT, ( ’ A 55 1 IN ES r r-Itl A It IS li, UNDERTAKER, AND GENERAL DEALER IN b’UIFX [TURK QUITMAN, GA,‘ TTrcULD NOTIFY THE PUP.TTC that vt lie lias now on hand the largest as sort mentof furniture ever brought to this market, which lie is ottering at greatly re duced prices. He keeps constantly on hand every style of Alotalio Jlnvlui Canes, C’asn< (s ancl Wood Cases, Ranging from $5.00 to $250.00. A Hearse always iu attendauia; at funerafn. [l-ly] J. M. VYITT. 11. W. LKVKK.ETTK & SON, QUIT MAX, GEORGIA, Cl TILL REMAIN AT THEIR OLD ► 1 STAND on lb-pot street, where they ! manufacture AA'agons. and Buggies as cheap as they can be bought at the North. Tb. y are also prepared to do all kinds of Repairing, Painting and FLANTA'ITON WC)RK with neatness and dispatch. All work warranted, and satisfaction gunr rant'(*(l. February 16, 1874. ly I R. M. WILKINSON. DR. ]>. SMITH. 1 WILKINSON & S3IITH, 'A Practicing Physicians AND DEALERS IN 1) It UK S A N > II E Die IN ES, QUITMAN, GA. FTAYE RETURNED TO THEIR OLD S 6 stand, where they are receiving fresh supplie;, and will keep constantly on hand everything usually kept in a first-class coun i try drug store. /••A Fresh Garden K.-eds jnst received. AN iLKIN SON A SMITH. February 17, 1874. l-ly The Mclntosh House, QUITMAN, C*.V. J. ]*. Kdmoiidson, Prop'r. No pains will be spared by the present proprietor, to retain the well earned reputa tion and patronage of this popular house of entertainment. The tables will be supplied with the very best the market can furnish; the chambers will be kept neat and comfortable: and atten tive waiters will be in attendance, upon guests. The patronage of the public is respectful ly solicited. : Changes Reasonable. -G: 1-tf \ n" RY GOODS. CLOTHING. Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Ac., at lowest prices, at K.yyton’s New York Store. TIIE CHEAT REMEDY FOII COHSUIS PTiORI which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as lias been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severo cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in (lie Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar’s Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass., And sold by Druggists and Dealers generally. Rich Farm Nmv for Sale V® tkx vkahs nn:nn\ ixtimest oa\/. r 0 l'Eli ("EXT. Descriptive Pamphlets, with Sectional Maps sent Free. THE PIONEER. A handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the Homestead Law, mailed five to all parts ot tlic world. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner U. P. K. R. Omaha, Ner. * ... Hew York llay-liook A I)emo( Evnc AVui klax Established iB6O, j It-supports Whiff S-tprenxify, yiolitieul and social. 'Terms, $2 per year. To clubs, nine ; eopys for SB. Specimen copies fret*. Ad- \ dress, DAY-BOOK. New York City. 1 $350,000 for |SO Fourth (ilrand (iift Concert roil THE BENEFIT OF THE Hr itblC LlttliAßY OF K f:x r ruc KY, On Mtircli :Slsl, Ncx t. OO.OOK Tickets 12,00 CSil'ts list of oirrs. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT $250/100 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100.000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 50,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT. . . 25.000 1 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 17,500 I 10 CASH GIFTS, slo,ooocadi, 100.000 ! 30 CASH GIFTS. 5.000 curb, 150,000 50 CASH GIFTS, 1,000 eiuli, 50,000, HO CASH GIFTS, 500 e:ich, 40,000 j 101) CASH GIFTS, 400 eiuli, 40,000 150 CASH GIFTS, 300 oacli, 45,0001 250 CASH GIFTS, 200 each. 50,000 CASH GIFTS, 100 each, 32,500 ! 1 11,000 cash GIFTS, 50 each, 550.000 lotal, 12,000 Giv\,,. ;-11 cash amount -1 tli .“ to $1,500,000 . rhe oonrort ami AVstrilmtion of gifts will I’uxilirrllf ! pl a(r OH i tlie iliti/ note wlietlmr all tlic tickets are ■ sold or mil, ami the 12.000 gifts all i>nid in j proportion to the number of tickets sold. CHICK OK TICK ETS. 1\ liole tickets, S.iO; Halves, $25; Tenths, .A. eh coupon. s5: Eleven whole tickets | for SSOO. Send for circular. The time for tie drawing is near at hand, .and persons intending to purchase tickets { have no time to lose. TITO. 10. HKVA MI.KTTE, i Agent Ruhlie Ld.rary Ky,. and Manager Gitt Concert Rublic Library building. Louis ,\ i lie, Ky. . BOVS >v .HIIM)LK-AUEI) MK\. I rained for a Sucessfull Start in Business | Life, taught how to get a Liviug, Make o . n °y become Enterprising, Useful ( itizens. La stman Business College, ; Poughkeepsie, N. V.. On-the-ITudson, the ; only Institution devoted to this especially. 1 The oldest and only practical Commercial . School, and only one providing situations ; lov Graduates.. Refers to I'atrons and j Graduates inuearlv every city mul town Applicants enter any day. Address for par ticulars and Catalogue of 3,000 graduates in buiness, H. G. EASTMAN, LL. IX, Pough keepsie, X. V BUY J. & P. COATS’BLACK THREAD for your MACHINE. u i )SYCBOM.ANCY, OR soul CHAR -3 MING.” How either sex may fas einate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptan Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100.000 sold. Ad dress T. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. DO YOIJIi OWN ICYI X'ITJNCr, WITH THE Averill Chemical Taint, AV ! I ETE AND ALL THE I’ASHIONAISLE SHADES, or riiorna consistency roii use, are sold by Hie gallon at less price than a gallon ox the best Lead and Oil can be mix ed, and tlie Avekill wears longer and is much handsomer. Beautiful sample cards, with what the owners of the finest, residences say of it, fur nished free by dealers generally, or bv the AYER ILL CHEMICAL PAINT CO.\ 3*2 Bulling Slip, New York. Wood’s Household Huga/iue THE BEST DOEEAR MOST HU’. (;;*< O | a day made pv can- I’./V.) TO 3') vassing lor this mag azine—-now in its 1 Itli vol. with chromo, Til.ld YOSEMITId V.YJ dfLY, 14x20 Inch s, in 17 Oil Colors. Magazine, one year, with Mounted Chro mo $2 00 Magazine one year, with Unmounted Chromo 1 50 Magazine, alone, one, year 1 00 Examine our Clubbing and Premium Lists. Two first class periodicals for the price of one. We solicit experienced canvassers and others to send at once for terms and Speci men Magazine. Address, S. K. SHUTES. Publisher, 42 Park Row N. Y. City or Newburgh N. Y WAVrih): Coal, fi*oi! A: Timber Lands, Favorably located, oil or near railroad or water transportation routes. Address, NICHOLSON A CLARK, 111 Broadway, (Room 10,) New York. E x 1 e v is i si a tors \ u.l lus*.c( lAiwnc'i* ; "iiis. i'nr Rail'. Mice, .litiaclics, Aids, Bwl-Biiw, Mollis, Ac •J. R HENHV, CIIKHAN A CO., N. Y., Sole IlgC’lltS. PITS and p] TLL KPS Y positively cured. The word oases, of long est stand in,-.:, by using Du. HKBBARD’S CURE.. A bottle s at vuei: to all address ing.!. I’. Dihelee, Druggist, Ml Gth Ave nue, N. Y. i \! )i I T \ 3 morimiim; haiut 'i *if m I i? 1 p lily cured by Dm Buck’s only known and Sure Remedy, no ore AI !X Id for treatment until ohred. Gallon orad djr.,., Dk. and. C. BECK, CineinuaUi, Q. /t/ITMAN REPORTER! A NEW, FAMILY PAPER, Succeeding the Late “Quitman Banner,” and published every Thursday, at Quitman, Crooks C ouiity, Georgia. 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! • ONLY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. >Vi : WANT 1000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS Within tlic Next Thirty Hays! o AA r e are determined tomake tlie ItEIN >1 rri:i t one ofthe I Jest weekly papers in the State, and shall endeavor to eonduet it in sneli a maimer tliat it may l>e a welcome vis itoi* to every fireside in i {rooks and sidjoinin<>- eonn t iess. O ITS COLUMNS WILL CONTAIN Literary Reading:, Foreign News, Domestic News, Local News, The Markets, Ac. As an Advertising Medium the REPORTER will stand second to no country paper in the State, as il maintains at its outset the en tire circulation ol‘ the late “Quit man Runner,” XV, H.IIIESSET and H. M. McIKTOSH, - - Editor” ■ a i E WHITE A MclNTf>" Vi