Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, October 17, 1850, Image 3

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; apathy, and (tvail >•# the. North of her l she will soon res- ! lias lost.’’ " • Wilmot Proviso. , bie who ere denounciag the Texas untftrj end New Mexico Territorial Bill PPhyKt 1 * to recollect one tfflkg|*whicb MJ Jtr WiKhll; or Ignorantly ('we know : ' is bad enough either way,,) U actuaUy repeals the Wilmot which was inserted in the Texes annexation resolution. By the resolutions annexing Texes it was provided that slavery, iluntary servitude, should never exist territory belonging to Texas north of ■ 36. 30. This provision is expressly repeal ed, annulled, end mode void, by the Texas andNew Mexico Territorial Bill, in express ly declaring that the territory, or any part of Cwhen hereafter admitted into the Union as a State, shall be admitted with or without __ constitution thereof may pre cribe at the time of admission. The terri- iry. of New Mexico, as formed by the bill, facnorth of 36. 30. It goes to 38. from'atlthe intervening scope of ter- the Wilmot Proviso, which had been ,-onJiy a Southern Yjemocratie President ' Democratic Congress, is taken off the' administration of a Northern csidont* But this is not nil. The,Utah Territorial 1 Bill also expressly declares that that territory, or any part of it, when it shal^ hereafter be admitted as a State, shall be admitted wi'h the constitution thero- the time of admission. 'territo- i the I South as wi Buid have hew gtveS^HJ tymk l* ^jie counsels of the Notdiilra^ Southern disunionists had pro- r the Nashville Convention line of t adopted.—Afaeo i Republican. : Names of Persons to act as the ^ittee of Arrangements at the Kingston on the 8th of November next: .—John Johnson, John Skin- W Eve, George W. Hanson, Matthis, Joseph Col. Beardin, M. C. Martin, nith, John Metcalf, John Halson- ard Ware, L. Barnett, John Gridin, i,*’ills, Thomas Price, Gideon Robin- ^ iniah M’Carver, James Berryhill, 'iens, Thomas Lumpkin, amuel Woodruff, Willis Farmer, Jesee New, Eze- . Omberg, Dr. J.-R. Smith, James Perkins,. William erdery, Jobo Rogers, Will- ames Ellis, John Townsend, ' ;,C. S. Shields! —Martin Kellet, Major S. Fineley, Charles imery, Henry Wooten, mac Smith, \Vm. Mc- Laurcncc, Dr. G. M. Mat- John Henry, Franklin uinu. . Reese McGrigor, Beaj. John C. Deuet Dr. Joel M. Morgan, Ed. Chis- , ■j’homas Chisolm, Mnr- Cambcll, Dean McGrigor, l6y, Thomas . Sparks, William Bf^-Woodson Hubbard. ^Joseph J. Printup, A' T. Inbotham, Thomas Byrd, *, Howell, Elijah Dillard, !, James Sbellnut, Abraham ils, Alexander Stroup,* “Tl'Wi H Shockley, James |Wyly; Miller Irwin, Rico Jones. i FwBrown, Abdn John- , R. O. Woro.C. Dodd, Hntely, 8, w Cochran, Joseph Smith Isaac l Allen Dykes, *V. L. illips, William Eurp, Joseph stitutionalrights”; then “wo stand ready to vindicate tltRli.i^|<Jiri¥i,jft^Kji|g» r 'lo»^ out of the Union when we are left too'dAti 1 aherMtite^ This Platform, ihehMiWhtjf only asPa last retnr/. : ~-Tht frleods of the Union will “take tho cup” only when “cannot pass”—they will make the sacrifice, only when It is necessary to accomplish some great, ulterior good. We ere not sup- rised that such a Platform should meet with the universal approbation of all the true friends of the Union et the South. VVe are not surprised that it should excite the exe crations of those who seek to excite bloodshed and civil war. We are not surprised that it should be assaulted by bad men, by unprinci pled men, by men who would deny their Lord and Master, ns they have already de nied their country and their kin. We say we are not surprised at these things. They areas natural and as necessary as the con nection between cause and effect. The friends of law, of order, of the Union as it is, however, will not be deceived by any such clamour. They kuow the treason is abroad—that the cloven foot of “disunion for existing causes” has heen exhibited, and that the men who are attempting to conceal it, are insincere and dishonest—that they have ulterior purposes in view, and arc only seeking to obtaiu power under false preten ces, in order that they may use it to the des truction of the Republic. Such men can not, they must not, be allowed to slide iBto the Convention. Their very want of candor, should teach the people that they arc not worthy of the important trusts sought to be confided to their hands. The friends of tho Union, then, are wise whoa they adopt a platform which declares that “they will no candidalo for a seat in said Oon- publicly and unequivo- 5 pose every mid ^ Cither direct- ly or indirecllyjto a^dlttolulion* of the Union.” The time for action has come. The line must be drawn. Those who are not wholly for the Union, are against it; and whether friends or foe, must Ub treated accordingly. Let the people, then, not only adopt the Union Platform, but adhere strictly to its principles and provisions. Do this, and the Republic will bo saved, and all will be well. The Fugitive Slave excitement at Detroit, of which we had some accounts by telegraph, a day or two since is thus further referred to, in a letter to the Buffalo' Courier, from the scene of tho disturbance : Tho negro Rose claimed to he a runaway is now safely lodged in jail, and is guarded during the night by (ho Scott Guards, Gray son Light Guard*, and a company of U. S. soldiers, stationed here. Timo was given by the Commissioner for IBs nigrtf Oincinnatti to obtain his free pspers, which he stys are deposited there. Wo doubt, however, from what wo can learn, whether such papers can ha produced. He was several years since allowed by his owner to come North with the privilege of purchasing his liberty by the annual payment of $100 per year. The first payment was made and the negro since never heard from. We gather this information from one con versant with tho affair. Next week ho will doubtless be taken from here in custody of tho Marshal to Tennessee. We should not bo surprised to witness some disturbance on bis departure, os the colored population are highly incensed, led on by n few political arrives, an demagogues. IFrom tl.o Mobile Dally Advertiser.) ' Paui.dixg, Mos , Oct 3, 1S50. Dear Sir: Gov. Quitman ha, issued his ilior. envening the Legislature oil November. Many of his friends y’ r l lUta.will no doubt be astonished to learn that, in defieneo ofpublic opinion, and in utter contempt for the repose and tranquil ity of tho country, so ardently desired by her thinking of all parties, lie has sera* to increase further agitation upon tho of “Southern rights.” Iodeea, come of hi* friend* have already expressed do- jjjjjittrbpjMriitfon to tbiajgflrdnjgnis^sndi the fact cannot be 0 _ of Miaaiasippi will not sustain ua viawa.' 'll was hoped that the constant cry of “the North.” “tho North,” would be succeeded by something ol more practical importance, now that the questions of agitation and caus es ofirritaticu were passed upon by the leg itimate tribunals. But no—we must be still assailed by opprobious epithets from Nor thern men ana foreigners who are in office, and at the head of rabid political presses at the South, who w-ish to evince (here love to Southern insiitutiona by continually abusing those of of the South who were born and bred here, and who do not see fit to endorse (here ultra views. Gen. Q. is a Northern, man, and as such not the less patriotic. But it surely sounds bad|y for him—a native of that land he so vociferously a^ttes—to indirectly tell the people who have been born and bred here that they do not know their rights, and that our Legislature can . repeal the laws of Congress, or we‘ can avenge onr wrongs—real or imaginary—by revolution. He should kuow that the people of this State do not wish further excitement or ngitation. For it is a fact that, since the passage of these hills by Congress, there has not been one largo meeting held to express views against these bills. But on the contrary, the largest meeting ever held in Adams connty was held at Natchez, and the' action of Congress fully endorsed, and the course of Senator Foote sustained. Gen. Q. has always been a Nullifier—if he is not grossly misrepresented. If “Old Hickory” were now alive, it would require but to know his determination, if he was President, to quiet the vaporing of certain politicians. I would cast no disrespect upon our Gov ernor, or any one else who honestly enter tains disunion views. I fear, however, all this egitatiun is “A faction's phrase by cunning caught and spread That guilt might reign, and wolves and worms be fed.” Brer,Forequarter,.' Casdus, Box .... Spermaceti,.;;. .... Adamantine..., .... CoVxa*. Java, 8nck...... «... Cuba Lngulrn ,... Rio Cos .V .... Corn Mrai .... Cokuaqk, Bale Rope, Manilla, Cotton, Ft.rn.Tt Fish, Mackerel, No 7 per bid.... Hides, Green, lb,... Dry Ibon, Swede ,V„ English 5%-vv Hoop, Lead Mousses bill hr gal. W. I Syrup \ Naiia, Keg, lb.... Rte*. lb.... Saws, Liverpool per Sack .... ’ do do bushel, ‘ wsfcTaWe/pei SicmrJ-If,-Orica tr box > l’orlorleo, ...... Delta A Washington letter to the Baltimore Sun says :—“The burdens of State affairs bear lightly on Mr- Fillmore. He has enough to do, but finds time for every thing. He is calm and self-possessed, and disposes of matters of State with promptness, intelli gence, and a single eye to the welfare of the country.’’ Pidoeon Roost.—There is an immense Pigeon Roost about a mile and a half north west of this village, where millions of pig eons do nightly congregate, whoso roaring is like the noise of many waters, and is heard at a great distance. Scores of sportsmen visit ihe grounds nightly with clubs* and guns, and hear away hundreds of dozens of , . , Fuller, Whig, has been elected to Congress The JntMiro* Estate.—Sir.- Jennings, of Fayetteville, N. < of the famous-Jennings estate, looking for an heir for some years, has gone to England to proscule his claim. Picture of Washinoton for the Cal- i form a Senate.—This celebrated work of art painted by Miss Stuart, from the origin al by her father, the celebrated Gilbert Stuart, has arrived in Now York city, and is to bo forwarded ns soon as appropriately framed, to its destination. The picture was not purchased, as reported in some of the papers ; but on amount was advanced upon it by some gentleman from California, who send it at their own risk—tho amount of pur chase money is to be decided'upon t^j^l ey 1 id remitted to Mias Stuart. ’ Pennsylvania Election.—Henrv M. eldest daughter of Charles Hcbbs of the pen aion office, was accidentally wounded in the left breast by n bullet from a pistol in the hands of Wilson Brown, an estimable young man, who was at the time on a visit to the house of Mr. Hebbs. They were standing together in the front door, when she playfully pushed (he door against him, when the pistol was accidentally discharged, the bullet passing through the door and en tering her breast. Had it not have thus spent ils force it must have proved fatal, bullet has since been extracted, aud the Indy is doing well. Tho eldest of tho brothers Montesquieu has beenjtardoncd by the Governor of Mis souri. He is evidently n lunatic. In the case of the younger brother, it is believed that a nolle prosequi will be entered, at it is supposed he had no hand in the murder. .. - put on their winter drees, and yesterday they towered above the Western horizon, like vest snow , contrasting finely with the 'ireny-cot- Imnel foliage of the woods in that u—Portl . New Yoex.—The National Whig Con- I volition of New Yorlfa composed of whig* in l &vor of sustaining the administration and darn from the ity. This makes the delegation stand fifteen Democrnles to nine Whigs. Boundary between Missouri and Iowa. —Tho Commissioners ppointed by th o proper authorities of Iowa'and Missouri to run the line of boundary between thn two States have finished their labors and prepared their repoii, to be presented to their respec tive Governments. They were engaged four monthis in running the lino. Peaches. The New York peach trade has virtually closed for the year, although a fow peaches still reuuun in the market. Tho total number of baskets sent to Now York from New Jersey, siuco the 22d of August, amounts to 1,338,009. Thirteen steamers employed during the whole season in con veying these to New York. Mr. Casey, of Natchez, has the largest grape vine in the United States. The fruit gctiiered from it is estimated to weigh one ton. Mr. Casey has refused $500 for the vine, the grape of which produces a wine resembling hock.—Attala Democrat, A Wreck.—The N. O. Bulletin on Mon day last ray*: *' iptain Bennett; of the ship Indiana. «« yesterday in ten difyt from j New York, report* that on the 7th JAMglfjk m. in laUlode 23 34, Snntacruft, llulined,...... Loaf, Cnuhed, ........ n _ Clarified,. il a Tallow Wool, Haw, 2;» a Rolls. 33 u To the Friends of Medical Beform. T HE oft and repeated calls to visit patients at a dis tance in the country, has induced the subscriber to unite with him in the practice of medicine, l)r. H. B. HANSOM, Jate of Monroe, Walton connty, Georgia, whose qualifications arc of the first order, hav ing nracticrd for aeveral years wilh flattering aucccsa in Middle Georgia, where his reputation as a prac titioner, ia beat known and appreciated. I will also take thit method of returning my meat grateful acknowledgement* to my patterns for past favors, and still solicit a continuance of the fame. In connection with the above named gentleman, I t Wi!l be prepared at all times to attend to calls in reasona ble di>tance, and when necessary, the services of both will be tendered in consultation without additional charge. D. 8. JONES. Rome, Ga:, October 21, 1850. tf LOTkNUMBER 50. 23d District—3d Section. A LL persons ore notified not to purchase No. 50, 23d district, 3d section, as it is my property,«nd has been for years past. Beware of swindlers ! Jeflerson county, Ga., Oct. 9J. P. a CONNELLY. HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO. roranissioN jikucmants. Office Frazer's Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. T HE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have openeiffti Olilce in tho City of Charleston, 8. C., for a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will given to the sale ofCottoni' and nil other Country Produec, purchase of Merchan dize, and Receiving and Forwarding Good*. Tbs customary cash advances and facilities will fco afford ed customers. W.F. WILKIX attorney at Rota (icon [on. a F. *inTia!toM|i.t»TON,, or ' ■ *> VWa «r«ixu, cu, iron w. u. UNDERWOOD. Roll*. OA. July IS.-.SM W,t, ' ,A>l - -1 *) DM DISK WOOD As KTANOlMiR ‘ attorneys at. la Rome, Georgia. WILL practice in (lie Cherolccs Circa.. . prone Court orkniil 8utte, and in the ad counties ol Alulmmn. Oct. 1Q^. TIION. C. IllNUMAX, JI.’JY, ~ AT TOR NE 1 AT LAW, Ripley, Mississippi, Will ullend tho Court* in tho Seventh Judicial Circuit of the Statool Misxiwippl, All profe»Aloit- ul burincA. confided to hi* innnugunieut shall w ceive strict attention. May 9,1S50 N. J. OIUDIIHO,’ DRAPER and tailor, Rrood Strcect... r .RojM$ OtC October 10, IS50. o. W. IS 12 A X* I*** DRAPER AND TAILOR, Broad Street Rome, Gai Oi'tobcr 10, 1350. W. ( TRSIIUNR LI.IIUIW? TERUI NE A PBBKI.V8, ATTORNEYS A TJftL A W, Rome, Georgia. -Rfe BUSINESS entrusted to thcireiro In nny of the Countica of the Cherokee Circuit, or in the Supreme Court, will meet with prompt intention. Tiieypnic lice nl*o, in the Countiee of Cherokee mid Benton la the Suite of Alabama. October 19, 1850. ENOY Ol’V Celt*Writt«>d illutiioliioe. KMlSSSK.'sr-' Pulmoimry Linltnenr, ll^t . Pure mid Medicinal C, 1 l,iv, « ( u’ AHti.Dy.pupUc.MiRture, Cough and < imu. Nervine, - . . p,,,., W-rinllhjpv, ' .l. Fern Sp.-.-iliv, Arc , l«M by him eni„ti,mly mid Wilh nnpri-e.-d.-nted euecc*. iirlhe IrtMiineui of if, . Coughs, Colds, CoZmniym^Atthma, Heart Diseases, Dusp U ,,^i^F n if„h, Ski,, Diseases, /thcuinattif^Fcmalc Com* plaints, Pilule., fyc. DR. FITCH'S UNEQUALLED' PATENT SB. jVEIt PLATED ABDOMINAL:SUPPORTERS. DR. PITCH'S.. IMPROVED PLATED SPRING SHOULDER BRACE. DR. FITCH'S SILVKit INHALING Tu6e. . Dr* Pll«U»* Vulobrntcd Six Eicctii t o-. i ON TRR PREVRXTION ANO CCKE-ES ' ' Consumption, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, Ip., andonthe methed ff presorting Health and Beauty to an otd age. * Tbi* Book *ho«ld be Jn avsrjf" fetnlhf;-?To tba Conaimintivo It polnu out tbs only rnsouabU bona for relief. To mother*, the direction* It stve* lor tbe caro and edticatlon of Children nro mvRlrabtt. 78,009 copie* of till* Book ha vo pnrsed through the pro**, and the «aloenj|flitt«1( nn*biitrd. For »nlH liy & 8. FITCH Is CO..' 707 Bromlwuy, N, Y„ anil by _ „ „ J- D. DICKE1ISON. Rome, 6a. to* Do. FiTcit’a Obidr to Irvalior, or Directions to perron* u.lng Dr. Fftoh's Rcmnlle*, to be hail. gmtit, of all III* Agenu. ToBuildcrso f Cot to n M111 s FACTORIES, &c. Ji J. n. DICKEBIOS, DRUGGIST—ROME, GEORGIA' W1IOLKSAUE AND DETAIL SEALED IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE- STUFFS, PEllFUMERy, dec..' October 10,1850. Broad Stmt. A. D. KINO & CO. COTTO V GIN MANUFACTURE *iS Rome, Georgia, May 9. 1850. WI*. PCIIK8, FASHIONABLE TA iLOH, Broad Street.^.. Jlomt, Georgia, a feel* confident of hi* ability, to pleoro all who - . . *- ^in^iejge, hlmrolf JOHN J- CORE October 8j, 1850. PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT. O N the South Side of Broad from Etnirth to n—- tanaulatStreet*. Inclusive, pera.jns owning Lot. of Land along the line of Pavement us above speci fied, ore hereby notified, that the assessment ha* been duly made out, approved by Council, nndlclt nt ibis oiline, (City Council Room) for colleclion. T’l.- Col lector now give* notice to the parties to come forward und poy the assessment between this and the »ixUt day of November neat, 1850, nfier which, executions will l>e issued against defaulters n* provided lor in tax colleclion*. SAMUEL STEWART, Collector, J. D. DICKERSON, Miyor C R. October 9-1.1850. St To Officers and Soldiers of tho War with Hex- -ico, the "War of 1812 with Great Britain, or ^nyef^Indto/WKigtegalar* Vtdgntoer WUlowsandhein. B Y recent act of Congress yon arc allowed boun ty Inn- ' ol service, Wnrs. The cessnry, you can obtain wnrrunl* for entering your lends, ttnd'procuro tho bounty money whenov or nllotveil, by apnlicntlon to DANIEL S. PRINTUP, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. October 17, 1850. lint ty land* *nd money in proportion to the tin e rendered in any of the nbovo named lie undcitigned having nil the form* nc NEW- Y0RK STORE. J UST RECEIVED,^ caacesuperiormoleftkIn hata from llio inanufacinry of “Uenln,” Now York. These arc tho flneat moleskin bats that can possi bly be made and warranted »uptrio> to any thing of the kind ever offered in Romo, Wo nl«o offer Ran kin, Duryer Se Co 1 * hats at reduced price*—not war ranted. 10 piece* P ranch blnck and olive cloths, from 91 50 up. 15 pieces black doe “kin, fancy and French black coMed casslmeres, at great bar gains—also, shirts, gloves, suspenders, handker chief*, &c., &c., to which we invite the attention of ♦.he gentlemen of Rome. N. B. A few dozen mareno and silk shirts* October 17, 1850 DENNIS & HUNT* NEW-YORK STORE. Jut Eoccivcd, -f AAfb PIECES Print* of Into patera nod IjUUU »ttlc»—many of which ate of fix * cat English and French nmnufactaro. 300 pi •“ sdnxxU, ot ne —- I plnin—contltf Coburg cloths, Worsted- , _ ,_ ' lain—consisting of eastiXsiets, , uiuiitst woburg cloths, marenos, alpaccs*. 20 pieces rich figured and biack silks | also a wide black silk for raauliHos, with on assortment of silk locef and fringe. 4 es bonnet*, trimmed and made tn the very late* New Yotk a vwy rieh article and wstt w« Indie*. 60sni*t#nea|t wove with the tit. ... . itxtuUMi in iionm.,.... a liberal share ot the public pain ipg no risk Incur red on this purl of,*,he \ a my shop until si Wttal.lAM 1»\JRK AN Experienced Millwrigl,t and practical Mo- XL clinnic and Arobitcot, who liai built MlRs ol yurlqtn description*, and particularly COTTON ILLS to be driven by Steam et Water power, ould contract to execute work of Ibis description in the very best manner,and will furnish ntUfiio- t«y testfiflutiinls. He prafan to live in a.Soiithem climate, and will tie glad to recolve propositions in the nbovo line:- . 11 Adilrer* « HANCOCK,” caraofV. Newspaper Agent, Np. 8.,Conger*1 : . further infiwit Jb-ston, July II, 1850. C’OSKERY JAAfiS & CO. uag»tmcut »lu.U leuvu t P Rb flfif 8 TjQ RsC r ». Ct. WELLS KEEPS CONSTANTA Y FOR SALE FA MU, Y GROCERIES, BACON HAMS, IVOOL ROLLS AND FF.A TUERS. A few young men can bo nceommndnted with Boarding. VERANDA HOUSE, April 35, 1850, Rome, Depot Spun, Warehouse & Coiniulssion: ..-v a --t -Auqo^raHBH mHE gpd-rifenBfftoiwMklfor tho liberal ^L ^ilronage of the pant season, agnin ien- dtim their services to their Moods and tho n^le,'tt> aImmIo olfkNtoa tutd atfier Pro duce, nt their Fire Proof Warehouse on SSMthbril alreet.wbetotftMCMaQiri^alleu- tion will he ffren In nil business entrusted to cni, and iiltUK^ Ou*h ntlvauvcs made Produce wliert t»«l- Or-iev-for Ba Hop* and family *u';;piie*, caacuta \owewt market price. — - jam- __ a. o. JAr 9, W, Augusta, Sept. 13, 1850. CHOICE’S HOTEL, ROME, GEORGIA. MRS. MARY CHOICE Formerly of Dithlonega, has takers charge of the MEW HOTEL, and nmda cxtenslvo preparations for die comfort and convenience of thoro who may favor her wilb n call. From her - long experience, she confidently hope, to give entire satisfaction to transient Visitor* and Permanent Bonnier*. September 0, 1850. 48 12m 09r> Persons will be carried to- and from tho Depot to tho Hotel, free of charge. H FALL AND WIKTI5B GOODS. N. J. OMBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR. AS aow on hand a well selected stock ot Clotlis, Cassimcrcs and Vestings, of every shade and the ' ‘ ‘ l To Sontbern and Western - ' MERCHANTS.. Hardware, Cutlery, Guts, Pistols, ice. an now receiving nn rxtiBr artv stock ev roaaio.v ago domxstic iMBDW.aaj the disaa- fire Oftheapui Mny having (e/i M» without any OMde on hand. . Qnr Stock willconiprfao cvety variety of Hats. WAl» ada; ted to thei ^ittbcm and,'Vtatera Trade, and nn assortment and Ot'aauiisnrpaMetL - Our ForeignOoodshave nil been ImpMrMnWpi nnd tlte Domestic purehnsed upon the moat ttdvttn- "— * foi Ca*b; and Rom our long confident that, ere can do a,- letut RW our customers a* any other House, vile all Mmchsms visiting thnrlwtsn to c examine our Stock -it No. 7, HuyUe Btreel, next to I’- SI. Cohen Is Co., Dntgalsl*. _ COURTNEY & TENNENT r ' No. 7, Ha'rai 8-raaitx, Charleston, 8. C, 9epl. 5.2650. -CLOVER SEED. (mi ZJ l/ORJ IrOvV XOfRj WMIHUM Ifftlr, OOd |Of •• • »>y - color, together with every other article usually kept in r.u establishment of this kind. Thcro goods hnve been K-Iccted by himself in New York, with great cute nnd pnrticulnr reference to the prevail ing Fashion,- Ho is also prepared to mannlho- ture clothing inn manner and stylo not to be am- muted In our largest and most fashionable cities. : October 10,185(. .■.'WSm FOB aftT.P., A BEAUTIFUL rc*ldence . of Romo, recently occupied 1 Wright, Esq. There i* on the premix of twelve and a half mere* of land, n Dwelling Houro, Kitchen, &c. bnnhhy nnd romantic. Perron* , chasing property in or peer Rome, would do tvt to exam I ne ft. Tctma moderate, ] A p pi v i o t* OSS-IT*I9W. ALEXANDER. 1000 LIVES SAVED Bf bavins g«»<l 1lou*c». [plmpre; Pan'ncll door*. Il'inil-iw SO*) nn-I Biicd*. •« or sale.