Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, October 17, 1850, Image 4

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> llchtoslng influ A of this mcd lirmWiii) HmW> uopafrafoM looted by e ’’■Jwtlriw hi kiUtreJ B«l vrilunb'o qualities. There are tAuamailiulloiu jSggjHi br-ettmq ftfodtullr mdersMHc HiaeiuL eauaea,»jiboot even a day’s actual Cmfinement. 'IheeilWcompIuxIon, lo. u f appetite, languor, wcarinura amt depression of aplrlte,—all yield is _ redy if only faithfuirv u.ed according to tlia directions o' k« p;-qii ,*ict -blob secvtnpaoies , .atrii buttle. > A.small Treat tie on he “eautea, treatment and ire si Peter and Ague,and other distraite of bil. dima'ee,* may ua had eralie of lbs under. Also ustnemoa certlraiaa from men of i-aibilli/iiaainrying to the crest eSn be earn no aplicetic- J. D, UlrKPIl^ON. * Agent for Rome 6a. | . lB49 *g . 31—(im | > til in! aright a tunny the thinking tew 1 f f'neret think, but only think they do." ' W-Y HK sentiiuer.t implied In the above exclnt* atton i* on no snhjmt mffre Jittly exen.,»;;iktl tij ?.- that of Health. Hut frw give it a single thought, fewer atlll reflect upon it with the observation nt^-yood sense which limiters of minor <‘oii*cqtiut>t(* received A* observation teachers the j'tct that Hr. r a never lit III JEll COMPLAINT. NjUCB, DYS^EHSII CHRONIC OR ■pSvODS DENWE niSEASBOP • THE KIDNEYS, fcseicss'arle - g from, disor- JUpSir lien. ".or bloedi,'i(J^^^pidi'y of •ho Bleu pub I«t». Ui». gutt for feed, 'Pullnhee ->i Weight In (Wtameqk. put Erimuiimne. jink*. * ing of^niiBerinc at the fit of wiinmintf of they VeiHiIng, FIui- • ttring tt ilia Ilcort, Clio. tf king or rating Hcuaaliiifla when in a «U'e, Dimnrta.i vulon, before tlm i® 1 #' 1 '. '" end Dull r Jtm. W* 'Ujjfc. in Ara Heed. W “*Uebu.nrr nl l’erspiroiiuii, ’ _re Yatlowaagof ih.Rkin J|\ and Eyes, tain in tlia Side, ^ Back, Chest, Limbs, Joe., Sudden > Ptnehinge of Ileal, Burning in the Fle.h Constant imugininge of Eril.and Great I , DepreaeleO of Spirita, I i jtnu ho Feriunircntly Cared by ' if. HOOPlriPN 1>»S <!..LEDRATED GERMAN BITTERS, rams no ut OH C. .11, JAl'USOt, HEALTH RESTOR] botanic- nniinAitr. rjWE« 1YJAMM WHY SO UNHAPPY. SES AND THE REMEDY; a wifi) endures years of bodily und help. rsfbnmslDo! . ot' Medicine, nnd tho continued plication of patient* for medical treatment, ns ns,prefcriptionsnml medicine to distant Inis induce! tho l’ropreitur Joinnko more armtificitljrs for tlio bolter nnd more co nccoir.)no8stlon of tlli‘ nfllicted, v.-Iier.: '-very vui..- , . • . • . . ryot diseaso will bo treated upon the tno»t fen ii- ;; '' " . ■irtw nlivaloloiileal nrlnelulea. Tlio reformed Prec- ”'i»bnud eufbariasreientsand licoisbeconii s*r." o ” r ,he * bu - *-- i * - ««'• AT TUC GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, So, ISO, Arch Street, Plilladulpliiu. » Imlionto Ua prompt nnd Immediate use. To-be ^ ’ nt ' T. D. DICKEltSG^’K. Hay 3, Agent for the Proprietor 09-LIVER COMPLAINTS or bilious dimmer arise from the saAto ctiuses which produce fever mill Ague, and are cured with tlio sntne certainty by Dr Osgoorl’a India Chnbigngue. Even nllrr tlio Liver bus become inueh enlarged and tender upon pressure, It is in a few week, restored to its imtHttfl size, soreness and pain in tha aide relieved with •uch general improvement aa dcnulea returning health. Tho above highly vtduablo preparation mny . ouud at the Drug Store of , J. D. DICKERSON, Mny 3, Agent for tho Proprietor, Uome, Ga MEMPHIS IHSTITUThT MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. •' T HE tegular course of Lectures In this Institute will commence on the First of November, nnd continue until tlio Inst of Fcbrnnry. The Anatom ical Department will be opened anil ready to receive -students by tho First pf October. The Medical De. . rtment will be under the direction el ibe fulln'aaMMi-i s " s piiorcssons.v • i, CnsQtiasT Caeaa, M. D.. ProfesSTTif tho In- WHutes ol Medicine, and Mealaal Jitrl«prudc.ncc. Vf, Bvan Powm.r., JI. D., Protcrsor el'Cerebral .Bhysiology, Medlcnt Geology, and Minerulogy. it. H NawTos, M, D., Profisisor of Surgery. II. J. IlBima. M. D., Prolessor of Tueory nnd Practice ol Medicine. '* - J. A. Wn^sns, M. D., Proferaor of Obstetrics end Discuacsot AVomennnd Children. J., M. D„ Professqr cf Materia Mcdicn, " herapemics. aBKUss, M. D.. Professor of Anmoiny, Toil Sasnms. M. D, Professor, ol Cji CLlliiqinsaPrxiIIlES, or.H Jir?re?r-~ >y. u. S. Nuwre.v, WTW'gAb PpktovWFSToa—zpagamu, M led, if squalled, by any other preparation in the United Elates, as the c.i res attest, in many esses r,hur skilllul physicians had failed, Theee Btttera are worthy the attention of inva lid.. Poaeasting.creel virtues in the rectification i * ,!*-;■ Liver end lesser glands, esercis* ingtt.e nu^ - a,chine powers in weskneas and af lections of the digestive organs, they ere, withal, ■afSs certatr. at.p' pleasant. ' i BEAD AND BE CONVINCED. Cues. Rouxson, Erq , Easton, Sid., in a letter to Or. dackeon, Jan. 9, 1050, aatd— 1 •* My wife and mj eell have received more bene- bit Irom your medicine then e.ty other- no have ev< it taken fur the CTD)er.'psiv and Liver diseaee." „ Tata Tcitth Laoiiia,* published at Woodstock. Va., Jan. HWi850, said— •*.1 GREAT MEDICINE." ‘Wo have uniformly refrained Irom recommend ing tu the public ar.y of the various Patent Medi cine! of iba day, unless thoroughly convinccJ ot tlte'r valoe. Among those wo cunaider worthy ot notice io the Gaausn Bittros, mrrioWb by Da. IIooruMD, and prepared by Dr. Jadj^w in Pltiln- Ipltm. One inetenee in ntrdcu^Mn which the riar virtuee ol this medicine Iotc been tested, fallen anderoor •brefvitlion. During the Inst ‘HU L.W onttMteutUtT, ° f Th ^. * n,v Bull. Pp r -—— of Commor- . «|nlJurlsp^i^sts;. ^ t „ s Ur*, i .V*!Ul9*wiWpw **«!<>». ' All commit:,i>inUoUf perioitiiog to this ilopnrt- tnenl-niust ho addressed to ' •- — - * *. W. M. KIXO,* MwgidiitViWt.’Jtar. imo. • ■ ‘Cite Kacotiiei, lot intellectual abilitiee moral worth aadprnfeoaional acquiremente, will oomporo fivurably with tho motl distinguished in our coon. •Ti*b The medical faculty constitutes to uafimaly in thisaraiiy mborcoucry—tllofthum uro able lec- a -lurera aad the bait uf ittehera. ' Those who wilt contemplate our gtogruphioal po ' sition, aad the extent ol oor population, cun her* no doubt ua io Iheeligtbillty of our siiaelton fer an an- trfptis.tot the kind. Aeto health, iuemn ng .11 aea- ■ cona-nf the year, ws deay that axt oima cm tut “Mb . - - - N -- ^k ootiimou error exists |u tlio minds of many wqimt*' " ■ ' ‘ ■ — -— — tttieelvea at a school whoso Fneulty arc practi cally acqiminted with those diseases. ' ’ That ihc public may ha satisfied of thia school, sea faal itour duty to.attic, that tha Truaieaa and Faculty fusm n oasr» ht aetinn, which angora wall ■ r.ila future successi and tliat tha peculiar inter- '* ' - which connect! them, ctnaot be in- April*, 1350. E. W. 31. KINO,-President cf the Memphis Inttitu CABINET tVARE-HOVSB. ?ALHOUN r & S 1 H ave oj _ ante, Sofa*! ’ nnd Marble-top bl«,toge‘ rioua Hit sually found in on ■nent of tbg kind. Their mo. terrain ore good, nnd put to- rb* workmen who undnnttna their , Warn Room at Peck A Hildm’o 1, four doom above the Exchange rummer, nice of Mil Abraham t'robill_ ut this coun ty, was scry seriously efilicted with Liver Complaint and after trying in vain vnrieue remedies, he pur chased a bulllo of tlio Hitters, and after using n, was SO much relieved ol hie distreesiug malady, that he procured another bottle, and it tutored him en tirely tn health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judge M. M. .Naan, a gentleman with great sci entific end literary alteinmenia, said in his " New York Weekly Meeecngtr,” January 6,1650. ■' Da. lIoortttND’s German Brrrcss.—Here is s -preparation which tho leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, nnd the." reason is obvious. It it made oitor a prescription I furnished by onaof tha most celcbra'cd physician., ol modern limes, the lata Dr. Chrittopher Wilhelm Hooflsnd, Profisssor la the University of Jena, Pri. vale the King of Prossia, and one ol the greeted medicol writers Germany list aver pro. dated. He wa« emphatically tho enemy ot hum- MO.and therefore ■ medicine of which ho wao the inventor end endorser may bo confidently relied on. teh, (lonttipaiion, and all compUini* arising irorn i diiordorcd condition of tho atomach. the liver and •dim wow *pa»k of ita cfftfta ftoro their individual •xporicQco. Under that# nrcumstqncc*, <no feel vr a ranted, not only in ca Hlng tho wiiontion ot our readera ta the Vraaeal proprietor** (Dr. C. M. Jack- aoo*a) preparation, hut in raeommendiRff the article to ft!!" MORE EVIDENCE. Th® 'Tiiit.iDBi.rntA .Satoroat OAsrrTc,** the beat family newapnper published in the United Siatoe, tho editor aara of Dll. lIOOFIdAND’S GERMAN DITTERS. ,r Il la aeIdom that w e recommend what are term- ad Patent Mrdicinaa to tho confidcnco nnd patron- ago of our raadara; and, therefore, when wo recom mend Dr. iloodand** German Diet era, wo wish it to bt distinctly understood that we aro ma speaking of tho noBtromt of tho day, that aro noised about ftir n brief period nnd tha t forgotten aftor they have don* (hair guilty race ot mischief, but of a modi* ctpo-long estnbliehed, universally prized, and which no* mo» the hearty approval of the Facalty itself. Evidence upon evidence has boon motived (like tho foregoing) fnm alt aactiona of tbt Union^ in threo years' and tho strongest testimony in ita favor is, tliattbore is more of it used in the practice of the rogular Physicians of Philadelphia ihdh alt other nostrums combined, a fast that can easily ha asta* Wished, and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will meet with shoir quiet approval when pre sented even In this form* Thia medicine will eura Liver Complaint and Dia- ptpaia no uno can doubt, aftor uring it aa directed It nets specifically upon the atom uch and liver—it is preferable to calomel in all billions diseases—tha effect ie immediate. They can ho administered to ytXALC or i.trAXT whb safety and reliable benefit, et i Ga., April 33ll. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Thia medicine bee attained that high character which ieneceetary for all medicines to attain to in- dneo counterfeiters to pat forth a spurious article at the risk of ike litefrof those-who are fiwoeently do* LOOK WELL TO TIIE MA.1K8 OP THE - GENUINE. They bate the written aignatnre of C.M JACKSON spew tho wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle. IV without whieb, they are aparione^Cf For valo wbolaaale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. **",*ARCft Street, one door below Siith, m , Race street,) Pbiiadelphia, and by re. ' s generally tbroeghout the country, - DR, J. D. DICKERSON. tido physiological principles Tho rcformedfPreo- Ijeolsbvcoralngto bo too well known ami too !ii' f ;h- |y apprcciaf^l througliout ottr conqiry, to require , c in WU place. It needs njt told of declamation to foster, to substantiate or p»nc© ita value j it only claim* for ItaclC affair ti!vo»tigation mid triHl to bo duly eatoeintHl—nnd certainly it canno: be denied that. If the mo t vi olent opposition could liqvn had its intended ofinct, the system Would have been annihilated. Tho argument In its iuv,. ^emulates, when we pontemplate this fact, . • ‘ .■•till survey tho rigid examination it is every wtere forced to pass thro* Like true friendship, it has t* oxougldy tq be tested, ‘“Las ever to undergo und withstand tlio shock of adversity lit fore it is justly entitled to the name.** Tli.i J*rr tice having outlived the prejudices which in innny instances ure too justly nttiui.-d to it from being in the bunds of ignorant pretenders, where it was too often found in its ^ j*y tn this countr^ it lins been, and now ii affordtng «*xtraor<linry re lief to fullcrintr Utom-auds, while cti^r, in tome eases almost bordering on thv nr° be ing effected by its potent inil *onCe. TT • uiumral- leled site-jess it lms met in tho hands of Di. Jones, (whose course of ruatment- in many'respects is purely original,) has gained for him celebrity, for surpassing his fondest e* pectin ions, nnd thousands nre rejoicing under the beneflVal effect"- of aPvi)0« ticc whose tendency /$ to heal without uny oXthose disagreei. \*m onse«p*encea which tco often the erudiuili ../ on iiuatt by the eHbftitujjffjtof anothei. # From the • any testimnni»la which Dr. Joiicshas received of ln» unparulleled success, lid has thought proper tq lay the following beforo a reflecting com munity. The stntemdnts here made nre not from persons who live out of the reach of enquiry, but they corn* from respectable citizens of our own country, wjiocan bo Dcen and consulted personally, in rcfereuce to their true conditions, Dyspepsia. Da. Jo*v.a—My Dear Sin Tills is to certify that l was, for some 13 or 20 years, grievously nfllicted with dyspepsia or indigestion. My case wm one of a very distressing nature; for several years I was compelled to throw up every thing that I eat, which kept mo in quito a feeblo nnd debilitated condition, but I a in now proud to have It to say, that through tlia blessings of Dr. Jones' Remedies, I feel that I nm restored ?o a perfect state of health, mid that, too, with but one inontti's supply of med icine, which 1ms proved to be the cheapest and best medicine I ever purchased. For tho truth ot tlio abovo statement, any one can besntisf .d by appli cation to me near ZJirt Town l*. O., F.'qyd county, Go. THOS. MIDDLE TON, J. P. Spinal Disease and Suprcsaed Menstrua* tiou. - Da. Jovrr—Dear Sir: Believing it n duty I owe to the public, nnd in true justice to yourself, I have thought proper, for the information of those who mny be afHicted, to give a candid statement of my negro girl Jane’s diseased state, brought on from an obstructed menses or monthly courses.. Fhe was attacked In November, i$4S, with a severe pain in the back of the head, extending down tho whole course of tho spine, produeing complete pnndyzn- tion of the left side, nnd rendering it perfectly help less, and in a short time she lost tho use oi tho whole system. She could not turn herself in or out of bed, wtujeduced to a perfect fcMcton, nnd to Disappearance* past the reach of remedies. But l now, through the judicious Hiid skillful nppiie-i- tiou.of Dr. Jones* Remedies, consider her restored to o perfect state of health, lor which ho will ever my lasting gratitude. Should any one desire n i V. Inflation of the above Ftatotnnit, they car address mo near Summerville, Chnttnogn co., Ga. March 7, 1S50- WIJ.LIAM STANTON. Disease of Stom&ob, Spine nnd Head. ^•’or tho beneflt of suffering humanity, I have thought proper to lay mv ense before tho public. f Having been severely* afflicted for several years with u disease of the stomach, spine and head—to cuimserntc all the long train of symptoms witji than would ’Do"rhforelflliP^MIlioo it io say, 'that frequently niter eating, l would bo taken with vio lent nnd distressing^acnsutions In tho bend and hack of my n»ak, extending half way down the spine. At such times! was compelled to take my bed. These spells usually continued for seynl hours, nml wofo frequently *0 severe ns to remlor life a burden. To obtain lellef I had recourse ro ilie best nM tha country nfforijud. Ilnviuu tried tho most skillful physisiaus in Rome, I applied ot several of the most eminent professional men of the United States. I wrote to Prof. Dudley, of Kentucky ; hail the relcbrnted Dr. Mott, of New York, written to, nnd his prescription tried; ap plied also to the much extolled Dr- Durham ; nnd then successively to Dr. Dugas, of Augusta, l»r. Banks, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of MilUilgeville, Dr. Catridgc, of Chattooga county, nml the reput ed Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. Ait having failed to givo relief, I finnlly, upon Dr. Jones, loca ting In Rome, ventured on giving him a call. For tlio e'.icouragoment of others, I am happy to certify that Dr, Jones has given tno tnoro rolh*r than nil the rest combined. I can notq .-ay that my herflth is better than .It feififjrniti years past/ I am able to attend to my nlahution affairs, und tide to Rome, or any where else my business requires my persona! Attention (signed) JOEL MANN: Curai effected wltlxoaFsocIng tho Patten Those persons living at a dlataheV, rtnd cannot conveniently place lUeipselvcsunder my immediate cliurge, mny have their case strentod by sending me nu accurate statement of symptoms, ugo, occupa tion, habits of life, &e. Medicines will be scieti tiflcally comnonui;il.J,nnd neatly put tin, with am ple written directions for use, by tho due observ ance of which distant patients may cure them selves of the most complicated and obstinnto disease, though it would bo much fd£er for tho patient to ap ply personally,If possible; because he will then enjoy nil luo advantages of Dr. Jones* personal acquain tance with the peculiarities of the case. Since the' reduction of imstnge, tne expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trifling, My chinge, in all case* not requiring my personal attendance, is FIVE DOLLARS FOR MEDICINES TO LAST A MONTH. This fee must inpariabty be enclosed in the letter asking ndvico, in odder to insure attention, directed, poet-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jo.nls, Rome, Ifca*. ^ Persons owning afflicted slaves, can have them treated at my Infirmary, or medicines sent them ns bore stated. D. S. JONES. M. D TO MEDICaTsTUDENYS. MMWMW I hum thewifo, and t ^pftrodfcfydjffli having their origin iu .the * mind being w< dow 4 and harrassed in eousequenafrof the ifofiiai: of tilts companion or his bosom. How important that the causes should bo known to.cvery wife, to every husband, that the dreadful and harrctriihr consequence* to the health and hap piness of botli- may bo avoided 11 iie is too short and health too precious to admit any portiouof the one to*bo spent without the lull enjoyment of the other. The timely possession of a little work entl* tied us follow, has been the means of saving the health and the life of thousands, as over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. copies have been sold since the first edition was is- •ii'**l. The author has been induced to advertise It by the urgent and pressing requestor those who have been indebted to its publication for all they hold dear (that nil may have nu opportunity of obtaining ft,) and who bnvflv favored him with thousands of letters of encomium, some of which nre unnuxed to the ndvcitisement. THE MAKR1EIJ WOMANS Private Medical Companion. ■' ' ’’"'-fiSl-l l>R. A. M. MAL'RICEAU, Profeasor of Dler a«ei of Women. f ” Twentieth Edition, 3a»o. pp. 230. Price, $1,00 ThiV VOL* ■»*» BSrECIALLY FOR THE MAE* hied, or those contemplating marriage, ns it dir- closes important secret* which should be known; them particularly. Here, every female—the wifo, tho mother—the one budding iuto womanhood ortho one in the de cline of years, in whom nature contemplates an Important change—can discover the cause*, symp toms, and,tho most efficient remedies nnd most cer tain inode ofeure jq every complaint to which her sex is subject. Tho revelation*contained in its pages have pro ved n blessing to thousands, as the innumerable let ters received by tho author (which he is permitted by tho writer* to publish will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES* Extract of a letter from a Genilemon in Dayton, Ohio. ** DaYtov, Mny I. IS 17. Dk. A. M. Maumceai;—Afy Dear Sir:—** The Married Woman** Private Medical Companion," fur which I enclosed one dollar tu ytur address, enme safely to hand. I would not have troub’ed you with these few line*, but that I nm impelled by a sense of gratitude, (or myself and wile, to give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. “ My wife lias been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence of her great anguish nnd suffering some months before and Uur- inp confinement; every successive one more nnd more debilitated nnd prostrated her, putting her life in imminent danger, and which was on the last occasion, despaired «f. 1 supposed that this state ol things was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two mouth*) I heard your book highly spoken of as con taining sonufmutters reaching my case. On its re ceipt and perusal, I cannot express to you tho relief it afforded my distressed mind and tfie joy its pa ges imparted to my wife, on lenrning that the great discovery of M. M, Desomeaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me which I little conceived was possible. No pecuniary consideration can ever repay the obligations I am under to you for having been the means of imparting to us the mat ter* contained In “ The Married Woman’* Private Medical Companion." But for this, ere another year would have passed over my head, in all hu man probability iny wife would Imve been in her grnvo, and my children left motherless. Extract from e Letter, 0®Mp®4©m®(3 subjS H©al4]h. “ Lancaster, Pa., Oct, 21, l$47. My Dear Sir:—I know you will have the kind ness to bear with mo in encroncSdng upon your liine. wliilflndmowh’d'f^ In ly WLflfeflimiil. tt-1 wire;rmrobligntions we (eel ourselves under to you In having made known certain matters, contained in your most invaluable 'Murrieu Women’s Pri vate Medical Companion.’ It has been worth it* weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will sec that I can not do so too warm- Iv, when l inform you of the extent to which I have, through it, been benefit toil. I will state my situa tion when I obtained your book through the mer est curiosity. I look upon it a* one of the most fortunate events of my life 1 had been married some ten years, nnd was the father of seven child- rus long struggling unceasingly, to the end that I might corn a moderate competency, but the result* of tny utmost exeitious at the end leit tne about where I was at the beginning of each year ; and that only, with tho mt>*t *tin»ed ecom suf ficient with barely the necessaries cf lift. Finally, this constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon my licnith; I felt less capable to c dure its contiummee, while I felt the necessity o I persever- contimiiiU' 'W< The undersigned it now prepared to receive a few Medical Student*, to read e( his office, whn wtU'be ihoronghty instructed in tho BOTANIC THEORY OfMeaSES, tk, eW, *■/«,(* ml Practut enr madt lamia It . Trlcopbcratu or Sled!, ottntl. teijcwin-, inv: f the i diseases i and relit j investigition of the conflicting the* Allopathic Schools ot - Medicines,'will he given, tu pqrtnlning to ■ course of lectures m bo j MEDICAL COL turtwried.bulwnitmplBtl constant unceasing struggle on my p«rt . T _„ fporative* tn consequence ol the prostrated condition, of my wife (with oceusionoi intermission) for six years, much of tho time confined to her bed nnd of coarse incapable of taking the charge nnd management of household affair*. Her coEdl'Imy. niwe from causes of which I was ignorant. t)li« What would I havoglveft had I the six years to live aver again ! Whnt would my wifo have given to have been spared tl»e long day-* turd still longer night* Drostrate on a bed of sickness!—all of which would nave been avoided, had I then seen a ropy of" The Mairied Woman’s Private Medical Com panion." * From a Pkytician. DANGEROUS DELIVERIES. or.srruicTioNB, irrbqdlarities, &c. How innnjr we safTcrihj( from pbttrtretiuu or Irre gularities peculiar to tho I'emalc system, whirl) un- tii-nnlnt.' tlwir henlib, the effects of which they ore ignoraut, and (or which their delicacy forbids seek ing medico) advice! How ninny suffer front i>tUp- •ni ttlcri (railing pf the womb) or irom four tilbu, wenUnt'ss,dchility,&c >Ve.)j How many aro in con stant agony for many ntj^t preceding confine ment ! Hmv tnuny Imvodifflpnlt if not dangerous deliveries, and whose lives are jeoparded during such time, wilt find in its paves tha means of pre vention, amelioration nnd relief t To tkou juit marritd, TO THOSE JUST HARRIEU—“ HAD t KNOWN." — Fuiuhkm'HIa, Not, 3D, 1847. “ Ox. A. M. Mabwceao:—Had I known of tin) important matters treated of in “ the Married Wo man’s Pri vale Medical Companion" some yean ago how pinch misery I might have escaped! 1 have suffered years from causes which yon po'at out in your book, without knowing what tn do. I obtain ed n copy, and "found my exso treated of. I trust every female will anti herself of the infinmution contained In Its pttges.” Letters daily received of this character, unnec"s- For Ibe Eemoril and Permaoent Care ef all WBHVOPB DI8BAKB9, , Aad af than Ceamltlats wkieB art earned br an impsirtd, wttkaaatler unkaallhy eaadiUsaef the RIRVOUI ITITBM. base protwaoccd Ettrops sod the Ua __ timet Utetttry «/the 4(1. Dr. OHRISnU'S OALYA18IO BBT MAGNETIC FLUID, is used with tbt most perfect and certain success la tU CEIERAL DEBILITY, kened body, giving tone to Ibe .VAiStfnWl COMPLAINT, COMPLAINT, DISEASES of ths KIDNEYS. J&E5L CIENCY or NERVOUS sad PHYSICAL ENEROY. sad aU NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaint* t$mm from on# ainpls esuss—namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. (&• In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Dregs and MedJ. cities tasrssss its Jilt,it, for they weaksn ths sital sner. strengths'll * >r u^ r afUsd fi is to, as appUad by dtis bcautifsi ua wonderful discosarvi tha aahaustad patiant aad waakaaad sufferer is restored to former hsaUh,rtrmgth, alasticity and vigor. Tha great pscrilarltjr and sxcalisoca of Sr, Cttutlitlah) Qaltroaio OnratlYN, ooastets, la Ore foot that they arrest aad eon dtaaase by stmasrd apaUcatba, la place of tho nasal mods of drug. gag nd^Mg fts 6U eshexsted Nature lt« strsaflisa (Is'Sysrsst, eresUtt Us cfrcablfsn •J Ik, llssd,prssss(s UrseersUsas.atid.esr.r J.jJn-etgSim tniurv under anu ctrnwifMdill -aiM* to Sir intr4**vcUon laths United8tuss,oaiy tbreoycLadeco, monMgbL , 60,00X1 Perfoni™^ Including all ■(**. classea and condition!, among which wars a lirga nambsne ^Wiss, hr hoars pocaUsrly subject to Nsrvoos Complaints, hat* ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hops of relief had btsn given* op, end ovary thing site been triad in vain ! To Ulttstrsts tha ua* of th# GALVANIC DBLT, tup note th* com of • re non afflicted with that bano of civilize* lion, DYSPEPSIA or any other Chronic or Nsrvout DUor dsr. In ordinary cam, atimalanU art tskaa, which, by thsir action oo ths nerve* and muscles of the atomsch, afford tempertry relief; but which leave the patient in • lower state, and with injured faculties, alter tho action thus exci ted has ceased. Now compare thia with the effect resulting from the application of the GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dvipeptic sufferer, even in tha worse symptoms of aa attack, and limply tie tBb Belt around th* body, u«iog tha Magnetic Maid u directed. In a abort period th* insen> •ibie perspiration will act on th* positive clement of th* Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic circulation which will pass on to the negative, and thence bock again to tho posiUvs, that keeping up a continuous Galvanic circulation throughout th* system. 1 hn«Toa moat severe case* of DYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A YEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADI CATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Or the moat Undoubted Character, From all parts of tba Country could ba given, readout to fill every column in thia paper! SOUTH CAROLINA TESTIMONY. DREADFUL RHEUIKATISIK NERVOUS PROSTRATION. From Sir. WM* D. WILEY, Of the Charleston CiURLUTOff, 8. Ci April IS, 1849. Te Da. cnatsrtK, New York i KiwbUu Sir—njinimuiy A>« lb* •uffering and th* deepest gratitude towards you, induces me to send you aa account of mv late lamentable condition, and tbs great relief which I have experienced from your Galvanic arti cle*. For the past four years I have been afflicted with th* moat dreadful and exerntiating attacks of Rheumatism. My whole body has been affected, anas, llmbc, head, chuL back, and indeed evgra part of* my system. I have ex- perienced more agony than I auppoMd any human being cotfkl endure. At on* time the Joint of my right leg was swollen te about three times ita natural six* and ths nut cf th* limb was shrivelled up. This was ths csss when I commenced uaing your GALVANIC BELT lor the body and the GALVANIC BRACELETS (br Urn limbs. I had many of the beat Physician* in Charleston and elsewhere, sad I tried every remedy I heard of or saw in ths news, papers, bat til with to JitU* benefit that 1 had long slues Began to despair.- I bad been to the Warm Springs aw* the Sulphur Springs: I read aad studied about my aMic Uon, but with no avail. What then was my joy tnd grati tude when th* truth first dawned upon me (bat I had at last discovered s remedy! I should bore state that the constant and repeated attacks of pun rendered mo as feeble as a child and quite helpless. It utterly incapacitated ms from gasl&wgifgg bnt 1 began to feel dijftrcntly; my strength seomed tobs regained $ my head to get clear and elasticity and buoy* ancy to bo loturning. This it was that so agreeably sur prW*t owl encouraged me. Bnt in !e«s than a week ths pci ns had aim dec reared, and they appeared to diminish deity. A continuation of damp weather came onu and I expected a return of the Rheumatism and Nervous Depres. cion i bat no—I still continued to improve, simply using tho Bolt, Bracelet* and Magnetic Fluid. This Is now over ooo year since, and at this moment of writing I believe I am as healthy and as happy o man as there is in charleston All my pains are gone; my strength has returned \ my sp- pssrenco has so idterod tuot my friends, who formerly thought I was dying, hardly know me. In a word I am a living miracle of th* wonders of Galvanism, as applied by K ar beautiful Inventions. 1 could say more if necessary t will only add that you are at liberty to make this public for ths benefit of those who may bo similarly afflicted. VatTre^atfoU, a*5*g*«T F. R—I Mr SM that Own are hundred. W presas la South Carolina and la Ovorftaiwto have kaovatoe for rvtn, tad who know Ua ahovi 1 Aatouf them I Mr mbUm— on// auiniB, anu un ruins utiuuiir. trUKRB THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED, ■ PAIN CANNOT EXISTi A ■emlemari in the South or Kuropo and Pelee-J nr. In Is30. lirorilco much raid in t in favor of JEW; DAVID'f fimued. that bo wee induced .17 irr H pereon, lor a Lung and Lirer Airecllon, Hie removal of which had been tlio chief object ol hie journer, hut which had resixted tho genial nnd deliciou clime. He aceurdhiglp WM ■ fkeiWfMrvOflH aide o( hie eheal where the pain was scaled, unothci between the iboxldara, and one over tlie region the liver. In the meantime he drank freely of t herb tea of inactive qualities. He soon lound hit healih Improving, and in a few week, Jiis fougir - " himi Iheeallowocri ol illiB ekin di.npprarcd, pain tvoa removed, aud hie Iiejhh became pel neniljr rcinalaicd. . ^ ITHIRSi; PLAS-IRIfS pn.scsa the advantage ol •S beinaputupln.tfir-tightboxca—hcittctliejr re tain ibeir full virtacs in o’.Iclimnres- We have jjit. received the following tertimouiul irom ( lore,an eminent lewrer in euccestlul practice- Wilcox county, Alabama. He la a gentlemen inj Itlgh otiadmgtnM W whoao influence haa gceatl weight:, ' -f T t-j, - . BfCtmtS. Aln..Nov24tli, 1848. l h JIsau—Gentlemom—Her toetalo whalhns been the ace in ibc-use of your -Ijf*^ comply by saying •'.Mu>a< I ng been reqi cult of recta end who knew the above foeta to he itiictlr correct ‘»o«f them I Mr Mellow- , , . . Da F. M. ItoBiaux, Hoy no vtreet, Chertoatob Dr. F.Mu.vre Rouxs, Charlettun. Hew. Jaws F. Kino, Auguita, Ua Rrt I Bteaaxw Patxaa, I , —. L, i -w. M* Motor, Eaq, C GALVANIC It waad for til ctmpDinU GB (or Roarta, Ca tha tare, Daafoare,« m and that dlttrened coapiaiot, f Platte found valu Dj I Tamer* wRCT, -havemao used, it will .oerarfi in the cure of C?.«EI.I iMtk ten very beneficial in cates of ll euelfku nfeamlWeekiieee in the tiamar Lintba, LSth.nere. Afleetian -of the SpHJ Weakness, fitc. Nu irtinh', ru!)tci to weakness in the bad; or eidrs. tbonld Ira wfi Married ladiea inudllwi* iiiua-'iena, fitu^i lief from conaunlly wcarin- this pln.te/-^ The application of tho Plaster berar^’ dure hot been jonnd a certain ref ^ • Cough., Phtlilie and LuugjAw . (j ; marr ategee - It deetroye JnfaVl •piration. , dewart of CoiiuUrfiits and date lmita CAUTION.—TJte-Mhecribors are theouj oral Agents in the Souiliefn Slates^ tins truly velueblePleuer;} and purcituiCM lining im'poU-tl upon, by a cd article, e-dd In this city and elsewhere, oink, they io*ll» ptfnU-uler alien ing Mini or tux'Ox lit. Th, gtauiiu i,f til bottomed boat!,'iu>t I n J. Thf'tenultt hat Ud Mere rid on the dinclinat, aroantl ti ltallying rKord of Ibe Court la i ter. D-S('OVIL & MEAD. Chat tele UenoTtl Agtnli for lit' whom ell order, mint be at'' Sold alto, Wliolcrale „ BATTEY & BBOI I W. B. Summeta, Kingston, On., J. I). < Jr. it Co., (’asjvilc, Ga., .S. W. Ilobbif spring, Go-, H. W. JJsaSwSfeSS" 05 For the Cure .r OOBCHS^Vi HOAHSBNBSS, 4°- % WHOOPIWO-OOl rEe uniiorm aucccrs ivtj ili!, preparathtn- its t mg and euro .nfiVrliunt of Ihc LunJ pplehrity rqiiallcd by no otlur ml I ha oOlicUd Wllh pnlirp punfidaS the full belief that it will subdue al c,t nitnrl.v ordiicnio upon ihe lb ' raulir, ui thry breotue public !y a-.lracl Iboal rnllon u medical r every where. Wltot ii thoir c TOUALm^Wjnhttnofon, Prof. Sitrjtery .'ltd, < »Itciyoe iwiMMUI of Ayer'i.f.-Iii:i:itv |*K necnt.orly t L “" s> ’' THF.nSffl write. In n Idler lo h j der. an i ■ liy l’ECTOIfj J Jhe Cam stales,“Tlni A*i Inclement climijj ingniar- It, Ibo oil nr, p: The > emu triers ^ I.. .. their UBS is AlgUbplhSm/aif'qrmif*' can be seat lo say part of las cou~* " PriMi The Galvanic Belt, The Galvanic Necklace, The Galvanic Bracelets, The Magnetic Fluid, 09- The art* let are aceomp*m«4 by (fflKS direction*. Pamphlets with full particular* may 1 of the authorized Agent PAHTIOL