Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 14, 1850, Image 3

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£u9Sli 'ui'(>|>iiiirife calculated to estran Rearts of' hi^Wuntryn.en from love to the and in his own, there is no place f where n feeling of devotion and attachment . to his country finds n lodgment. Alas!— the degeneracy of the tunes. A True Picture.—A correspondent of tone of our southern exchanges thus daguer reotypes tho noisy squads of disunionists over 'ILe South:—Tits. Mon. ^. The course pursued by a few raving fanat- ites in the South, since the admission of Cal- Hbrdia, exhibits a deplorable caricature of a umber pf chivalrous and hot-headed mad- , mounted upon tall stilts, brandishing ■ hot pokers, which while burning ■ aM*eir own fingers, are in danger of hurting jjjbir friends, especially when they topple down among tho rabble before tho pokers have time to cool! Were these disunionist- ■ secessionist-fire-eaters, residing any where • '%Prlh of Virginia, not the shadow of a doubt a* can be entertained, that every man of them g- 'wouldeclipse Seward, Hale and W'inthrop, jn their recognition of thethimera which al leges the existence of a “class of political nl>- > ligations above and beyond the constitution.’’ he writer happens to know several of the st prominent of the agitators in Carolina, gia, Alabama, and Mississippi, persoual- ; and, although he has cherished much re- ' Vsome of them, he kuows them ull ous of personal distinction, and that them pertain to that restless class of s men who have no existence but [ieht—lho “rule or ruin’’ men, who y,“rule ill hell Ilian serve in Itea- -who, if Catholics, would hang all pponents in matters of religious faith VPrOtestantr, would in like manner o, by fire nr.d swoid, all who dur- r in opinion with them. In other G*r* unmitigated aristocrats of nnd intolerant sect—who, fates or incumbents, arc always be- i people, and have arrived at the flat- nplacency of sentiment that the Bf-governmenl nmong our free peo- L make good progress, except they ; rejns anddothe driving^ lltTOfi* i’* 1A ’ IITV -—Cove!nor Co- lj | Aatl.«iy Quitmab—by the grace 1 of the war with Mexico, Gov- imrr.ander-ia-chief of the Army the State of Miwisaippi, “in Forth year of the independence has prbleuned to the people of t if they do not (tend up to iSngconteat between him f guard of fire-eaters, on the am end the “rest of E^be, the »nid Gov. ITuteljr—resign I lc an’ astounding blow to the kueippi, and we euppoee that, B Quitman eboutd reuign, g to risk all the coMtqoen- ril wer, fcc.— Tutcehota der of ilishflnSMdhi's appointments, Proclamatijn nv the President Fon- eign Discriminatino Duties.—President Fillmore, under the act of Congress, has is sued Ids proclamation declaring that, as the Chilian government has removed the discrim inating duties of tonnage nnd imposts lovied in the ports of that country, on vessels from tho United States, so much of the several acts imposing discriminating duties of ton nage and impost within the United States arc, and shall, he suspended and discontinu ed, so far as tespacts the vessels of Chili, and the produce, manufactures nnd merchandise imported into the United States the same from C'liili and from any other foreign coun try whatever. The VVv.wdots.—The minutes of the Inte yearly meeting of Friends held at Baltimore, says: We have been informed from the Indi an Bureau at Washington, that the Wy andot tribe of Indians to whom some as sistance was formcily extended by this meeting, nnd who subsequently removed from their residence nt Sandusky, in the State of Ohio, into tho country between the Missouri and Kansas rivers, bad con cluded to relinquish their nationality, and to hold thou properly hereafter in sever- ality; nnd furthermore had requested to bo admitted ns eilizcns of tho United Stales. The committee appointed to treat with them on the occasion, represented: “ Thnt the Wyendot people have so far advanced in civilization as to be capable, generally, of managing their own allaiis, and me qualified and calculated to become useful citizens—a large portion of them being already engaged in nguoullural pursuits," In accordance with those views, their several requests were acceded to by the governmen , and these Indians have been adopted as citizens of the United States. Virginia Lands—A motion has been offered says the Richmond Whig i.i the Virginia Constitutional Convention pro posing a plan of nsce'tnining. by actual survey uni location, all vacant, foi roiled, and unappropriated lands of the Common wealth, nnd of quieting oil land titles: Mr Wise, in advocating the measure, said that tho State had been d warded by a ma lign legislation, which had left no foot of grouud for emigration in western Virginia and that, while the Eastern portion was becoming impoverished, its emigrating citizens were compelled to pass over Vir ginia and seek n settlement further west. He was decidedly in lavor of sweeping 'be Ancient Dominion with a nrw broom. Il appears that Iho progress of Virginia hat been greatly retarded by the colonial system of Und sabs which so cntnngled the titles of the west, that persons desirous ^nlcs amounted to 5000 bales, nt previous prices: Middling, 13J- The sales of tho week are 23,500 bales. Fair Sugar, 5. Sales of 600 bbls Molasses, at 25 cents. Whiskey has declined to 30 cts. ltice, new crop, 4J. , ‘ Arrival of the Isabel.—The steainsliip Isabel, Capt. Rollins, arrived at this port yesterday, having left Havannah on tho 8th and Key West on the 9th inst. She brings the United States Mails and 150 passengers, among whom aro two Companies United States artilcry from garrison at Key W’est. ROME PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY S.UVRIE 4 YERDERY. $ CTS. $ CTS. IUcos, Hams Sides Bagging, Dundee Ky Ginmcy ..... Ih;rrKlt, Goshen Country Ukkf, Forequnr'cr, Hind do, Box, Spermaceti,.. Adamantine, , Coepee. Java, Sack,... Cuba, l.aguiru, fl n 1U a 21 u 17 u 25 a 111 i ai 3t 40 10 liin Corn Meal, CnKOAOE, Bale (tope,.., Manilla, Colton Mackerel, No 2 per !»bl.... limits, Green, Iron, Swede,..* KiijiIihIi, Hod, .... Ruud, Iloop, Lkao Moi.ahsk* bhl pr gal. W. I Hyrup,......... .... Nail*, Keg,... lb.. • • Kice lb.... Salts, Liverpool per Sack .... do do butdicl. .* Table, per box Sugar, N. Orleans, lb.... Poriot ieo, Delta, Buntncrn* Refined....... laOtlf, Crushed, Clarified, . :\[n .$IOa . 5 n - -a . $12 n|a 7 in djii OSGOOD, ALSABROOK ft CO. No. 4, Choice House, LI opened and oiler a general assortment of ,-p Ready-Made Clothing, embracing every va- Coals, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cotton and Mo- • rino Drawers and Shirts, Marino undervest for Ladies j Cruvats of various styles, half hose, collars, Ac., &o. We also offer * superior lot of Boot* and Shoes Bom the Negro Brogan to the fine Calf Boot, with a choice selec tion or Ladies and Childrens Bootee and shoes. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Hits and Caps, of all sorts and price*. We al-o oiler School, Religious and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery and Fancy Stationery, PerAinies, bom Juie.- Auuel, Soap*, Hair and ’! ootli <Binshea, with n great variety of *rtiele* too ttdiou* to mention, all of which will be sold at i fair advance upon co*t and cliurge*. The ladies we will be especially pleased to see nt No. 4. Koine, Gn., Nov. 7, IS50, 6in NEW GOODS. D. J. SANDERS 19 Ts now receiving n supply of Shoes and Hoots, Bng- A King, Twine nnd Rope. Sugar end Coffee, Salt nnd Molns-e*. nnd u No i MncUiU, fber, with an ns.^ottinent of Hats, Caps, Lai-hnirra and Broad Cloth-, Kcndy-nindc Clothing, Cthcoe*. and Ginghams, Bleached and Brown .Skirling and Sheet- mg. Flannels, Ac. Pot, Crockery and Glass Wars, November 7, ls50. .. Oiu • • 04a 9 00 a 9 i Tall. 10 n 11 a 13 a 13U It a A CABS. lUTESSBS. CALIIUUN A- STARR, Warn their JLYA sincere thunk, to the Citizens of Romo, f.r their prompt and efficient services, in saving their property it tlit? late fire. Nov. 14,185G. MEDICAL/! ARD. DR. J. D. OWEN, (Late A itittant Physician to the Lunatic Asylum at Millcdycville,) H AVING permanently located in Rome, respectful* ly tenders his Professional services to all psison* requiring Medical, Surgical or Obstetric aid in the City or country. He hopes by constant sod unremit ting nttenUon to bis profession, to merit a liberal share of patronage. fry-OFFICE Front Room over Calhoui. Sc Starr’s Furniture Ware-Loose,—Residence, first house below the Baptist Church. Rome, Ga., Nov. 14,1850. 6. 3m. To the Friends of MedicaltBeform. T HE oft and repeated calls to visit patients at a dis tance inthccountry, ha* inducedth-*sub*«riberto unite with him in the practice of medicine, Dr. H. B. RANSOM, late of Monroe, Walton county, Georgia, who.-e qualification* nre of the fir«t order, hav ing practiced for several year* with flattering succe** in Middle Georgia, where his reputation as a prac titioner, is best known und nnpreciated. I will uIso take this me'.li d of returning my most grateful acknowledgement-* to my patrons for post lovoi*, nnd still solicit a continuance of the same. In connection with the above named gentleman, 1 will be prepared at all times to attend to call* in reasona ble di.-lanee, and when neces-wry, the servicea of both will bo tendered ill consultation without udditionnl charge. D. S. JONES. * Rome, Ga., October 31, l $50. if LOT NUMBER 50. 23d District—3d Section. im are notified not to purchase No. 50, net, 3d section, a* it is my property, and hu* been for years pn.-t. Beware of ywiudler*! P. B. CONNELLY. Jeflcrson county, Ga., Oct. 21. 4t A I 2Sddiiirict , Hd aectio To Officers tad Soldiers of the War with Mex ico, the War of 1812 with Great Britain, or any of the Indian Wari, Regular, Volunteer or Drafted, or their legal Representatives, Widows and heirs. B Y recent act of Congress yon nro nllowed botin* tv hind* and mom y in proportion to the time ot service, rendered in nny of tho abovo named Wars- The undersigned having all tho form* no- cc*sury, you can obtaih warrants for entering your lands, nnd procure the bounty money whenev er allowed, by application to DANIEL 8.PRINTUP, Attorney sit Law, Borne* Gn. October 17, 1S50. Cui tADiiinvouo * ATANSlUH, A TTORNEYR A T L A W Rome, Georgia. WILL practice in 111. Cboroico Circuit, and Su preme Court of raid Stnto, and in the adjoining couuties of Alabama. Oct. 10. 1^50. ° TIB OS* C. HINDMAN, Jpg, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Ripley, Mississippi. Will attend the Court, in tho Sevpnth' Jndlcl.l Circuit of the Stntuol Mis.iasippf, All prolciaion- nl b-tzinn. confided to hi. management iL.II re ceive strict attention. May 0, th90, i n. j• oMnvuu, DRAPER AND TAILOR, Broad Slreect Rome, Ga. October 10, IS30. G. W. DUAL Lf DRAPER AND TAILOR, Broad Street Rome, Go, October 10, 1850; J. D. DICKEUSON, DRUCGIST—ROME. GEORGIA _ _ WWflfiVflAI.TT «*p* r*f-r—*-— Drugs, medicines, paints, oils, dye- stuffs, PEKFUMEKY. drc. October 10,1850. I NO mi. fitch's ntvnuvr.ii SPRING snOCL/JKR lilt ACE. DR. FITCH'S SILVER inhaling TUBE. Dp. Filch’. CtilcbrnUd Nix r.cctiu-o | tb« rScvsMTtox isa niitlfl Consumption, Asthma, Diseases oj tl,e Heart tfe.,Mdcmlhemcth:<l of preserving Health i a sd Beauty to an old oge. Thl. Book .Itoald b*. In every family To tb. conlMOf thl,Book have ti, roL1 i,|, t |,. pres., and the ralecotltimu-s unkl.,*■ For Mle Ly K. S, FITCH CO. t 10 ’“'"dw-y.N. Y..*miby . „ _ J, D, DICKERSON, ltome Ga tt9- Ds- Fitch i Guid. to lav*t,m», ot Direction* to persons using Dr. Fitch’. KemediM.t 0 tobadT testis, of nil bl. Agontt. l OSKERY JAiVES d^CO, Warehouse & Commission Merchants. •'AUGUSTA, OA. * T HE undersigned Ibankftil for the liberal 1^ « c ?^., , »uain .ten- f 1 iriemlij and th* public, ip the male of Colt Factoiy Yarn* and Ortmburgs, Cigars, TobaoesjpwtA*"* - ^ ** 06 *»u.f, u!-o M lot of Su^/is...^ COITO V-GtN MANUFACTURE HS he Will tor cash. ~ Rome, Georgias May 0. 1850 wn rimns, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Broad Street Rome, Georgia 9 T HE Rtibtcriber take* this method of informing hi* friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared to oxcctifo all work entrusted to hi* pare. !o feels confident of his ability to plc*M nil who may favom him with n cull. pledges himself tlint no garment hIirII leave his shop until the cus tomer l>e plensHl with the fit. The undersigned is permanently located in Rome, and hopes to mer it a liberal shnre of the public put ream go, them be ing no risk incurred on the part of the patron, ns no g.irineut shall leave my shop until snltslHetloti lie given. WILLIAM PUKKA, \ PROVISION STORE. S. G. YVI3LM KEEPS CONST Attn. Y FOR SALS FAMILY GROCERIES, BACON HAMS, mOOU ROLLS AND FEATHERS. A few vounz men can be accommndatwl with Bonidine VERANDA HOUSE,. April 23, IS30, Rome, De.vot S,non. V... •treet, wheie their petsunul atten tion will b* given to ill buinens entrusted to them, tad liberal Cash *dv—w >*SW« oa Produce reqttJ.ed, Orders for Ba-uinc, Hope and family eupplies, executed id the lowest market price. - • til wmSmS Jm JOHN COSKKUT, A. O. JANES,'®?? M THOS, W. COSKKRT. Augusta, Sept. 19, i860. 60tf ’1 To Soilllicril and Western MERCHANTA^g Hardware, Citleij, dmi risioh, &e. W E arc now receiving nn estisb scwstocx H rotXIaX.SD DOSluvrjg lU.bVVSHK; ,1,,;,,. irons fire, or the 20th May having ten u, wuliuuiuiy Goods on liantl. FOB SALE, A BEAUTIFUL rc*idenoc adjacent to the Town of Rome, recently occupied by John S. Wright, Esq. There is on the premises* consisting of twelve und a hull* no res of land* u comfortable Dwelling House* Kitchen. i£te> ^;higb, healthy and romantic. Persofit tfiTjror- chnsing projterty in or near Rome, weald do 'well it. Tvnns inodiral*. Apply t* LEX AN" toczninino it, Tvnns mod* Oct. 17, IS50. JOHN R. Al LOOK AT THIS | The Cheapest Goods ever T HHE andersigned, jest .rriwd from the City of ■ Philadelphia,i*Mnn* tb. LotUa. and G« ntkincn of Floyd and .djoinina ceanrie*, that he H a Dry Goods. CloUiin;! of /tome. Thv gomts cm vnl iccleit, nnd shall b,. sold wilh very .mail pr, Stock contains Ctol. iia* of every dv-. ripti, Hats, Satincit*.dine, tec., Muslins, Atpacca., Ginguntr. , MiiiUn, Millenary Goods, M.nn.lL worked Collars and Cheni-eltes-asd psrS and Silver Watches. Inrgonrtortment <>f i Kings, Enr Rings, Breast Fellow Pins, Keys, Stndds nod Old and out of fashion .-silver ami Gold taken in exchange. , , , _ My .Lind is one door ahow Hr. D„ r-..- Drnif- |8iow, wke'i* *. Bos (btmetiy M 1 hope to give full satisfac ■c with a e»li. Rome, Oct. 31,1850. st. «s ss .1 ... 1. ..... I tv I ,l.,ru ti si Onr Stock willcotnprise every variety of ll.uto- w*»« adapted to tile Southern und \i csrctu Trade, niHlnnnssorlmvntufRirLks and mi-nrpassrd. Oar Foreign Goods have nil been imported direct, nnd tho Domu.tic purchased upon the most iidvnn. tugenur ten t- t-'r Cash; end f,,,,,, ottr tong vxperi- enco, we feel confident that WB.cah least for our customers ns any other House, nnd in vito nil Merchants visiting l hnrlv.-to:, t„ call nn t examine our Stock nt ho. 7, Unyne Street, nexus X*. M. Cohen 5 to., Druggists. P ‘ COURTNEY dr TENNEST, ■ No. 7, Uavsb Sntc Sept. 5,1850. - cLovEa sgapu^f OX< •OfiHEIti Red Clover Sceil jn.t received, ilireet, ■ ^ CO ft** New Yorkt smrrented frr,h, snd for >a e Dy the .tiMrtnee, fat Oskdtly. jgi-' - - y Vi • J. D. DICKERSON, 2j2^.|K mu, - - - - x i 1 - NEW-YORK STORE I f:-T UECEIVED.2 eueasttperio. moleskin lint* >* IV,mi the nmiiufaelory of “tletmi,” New. Vork, Mr* ib» finest meteskin bats iriet enn posst- warranted superior font,/ dung of •red in Koine, We nl.-o oiler Ran- n, Du rye r St Co’s hstmt redneed ;r ntwar- - ' "I pieces h renth hlaek nnd ol,\e elotlis, UJ>. 15 nieces black doe*kin, fancy k corded ctutiinorcvflt great bar- rt*, glovi?*, sn*wQd(*hy hamlker*