Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 14, 1850, Image 4

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nrtuion tuny t. D. DICKERSON, Afotit fertile Pl-oprlutor, Home, Ge isiHSTITUTS. 3AL DEPARTMENT. p eotmiu aflareMres In till* '.iittiiote Motto on die F!r»t of November, nml l tbo last of Febrnnry. Tim Anntoui- «it w4H bo opened and rendy to receive „eFir« of October. The Medlcnl t)o- I to older tbe direetlou ol Ibo ibUov- - torrssons. mi, M ft. ProfeMOt of die Fn- ,„^dM Metlicnl Jiirlapmdnne*. (LL, M. 11., Prolovror ofCerebtnl Medical Ceolo^y, and Mineralogy. _ f.Vmv, M, D., Profc-vor of Surgery, , ii! J. IIolce, M. D., 1’rolessorof Theory Practice of Medicine. J. A. Wilsoj, M. ft, Profeseor of Obrtctrics and VHeedebsW Women nnd Children. 1 J. Kwo, M. ft, Professor of Materia Medtcn, K olios. *,M. D., Professor of Anatomy. throsss.M. ft, Professor ol Chemis- rmaey. CLINIQUE LECTURES, Maowtsit—Paor. II J Hulcs. ^ K- s - Nswnm. M - Aiaiaxtoit Di«ox5T«*toi—/!. FaRettiK. M. ft • ThtHbesiura lull cotirw of litlinvJtHnonni w ^3; Du monutrn tor's Fee, further i nT j to the Den it; «ml student* itrri- a city tv ill p!ea*e cnll on him nt the Hotel *P, NEWTON, M. D-, Dunn of'tho Faculty* * DEPARTMENT. r. M. fcf*», Vtoftoisoe of Theory nn«! Aw. , h ?- Uiiftr, Esq-, Profcaior of Commer- ( !iri Tkkm*—$">0 |>or Session, itnnnicationx pert»luii»;r to depart- be fttltfve^cd to K. \\\ M. KING, Term, July, 1*50. liltier* for intelleeiuai abilities moral rufeeaienal acquiremrn'a, will compnru h the most distinguished in our cuan- adicsl faculty cmutuot«a an onomaljnn her country—oil ol them art able lec- best of iMehsro. * wilt contemplate our geographicarpo* i extont of our population, can have no a eligibility of our situation for to kind. As to health, incma ng alt MB- ar, wi deny that any drnnt enr has error cxift* In the mintis of many the place of study ing mettle b|o; rac Using among the the diseases .lutii, should certainly educate taltanl whoso Faculty are pruutl- i mU tlioso disease#, ,„.Sb may be aotiafied of tide school duty to stats, that the Trustees and Sunit iu action, which augurs well success; and that the pecaliar inter- which connects them, eatrnot be In- M My wife and my sett have recoWed more bene fit from your medicine then buy other wo hnva av« or taken for the (LTlhspepsia snd Liver disease.** *• Tut Trnth Leuion.** published at Woodstock, Va.,Jan.lO, 1850. said— ••A GREAT MEDICINE." •• Wo bsvo uniformly refrained irom recommend* ing to the public ar.y of the v.triuus Patent Medi cines of thu day, unless thoroughly convinced ol their value. Among those we consider worthy nt notice is the UrduiN Bittkr*. invented by Da. IIoofladd, and prepared by Dr. Jackaon in Phila delphia. One instance iu particular, in which the superior virtues ol this medicine have been tested, has fallen under our observation. During iht last summer, a son ol Mr. Abraham Crabill, ot this coun ty, was very se riouhly afflicted with Inver Complaint and after trying In vain various remedies, he pur chased • bottle of the Hitters, and after using it, waa ao much relieved ol hU distressing malady, that be procured another bottle, snd It restored him en tirely to health.** READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judok M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great sci entific ami literary attainments, said in his •• Now Yoik Weekly Messenger,** January fi, 1850, * Da. IIoopland’s German Bitters.—Here is • preparation which the leading preasea in the Union appcur i<> be unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made alter a prescription furnished by one of the most colcbra'cd physician* ol tumh rn tunes, the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm lino fiend, Pro r essnr to the University of Jena, Pri vate rbyeician to the King of Prussia, and one of itre grratgvt twriHnrt winters Onmaiijr tine ever pro duced. lie wus emphatically the enemy of nun- quo,and therefore a medicine of which he was the . W aurigrfcr—T be confidvnily relied on. lie .peciallv FMMHM.11,1, T « , rnmutiint I', Debility Virtiio, Acidity ut the ' sch, Con.iipaiion, and all complaint, arising from a diaordored condition of the ctoiticch. th, liver and til. mi..tinea. Nin, Plillaiielpliia paper, express iluir conviction of ii. excellence, amlaovoral oflhc cuitora now pe»k of ita c IVom their individual experience. Under there cncum.taner., <*e fool w,rented, not only in ceiling the Mention ol oor reader* to the pre.em proprietor'# (Dr. C. M. Jack- son".) preparation, but in racommendieg the article to Ml afflicted.” rifei* E, W. SI. K1NU, President - — . of the Af.mphix Inctiiu MS CABINET \TARF..H0y»B,, OUN& 8T4I AVK on htnd sain, Sofas, mid Marble-top bles,together. ' ricun article) of ! sually found in ment of the kin teriaU nro | workmen who un Ware Koom ut P, , four door, above tb#. n MORE EVIDENCE. Th, '‘PHn.ioei.ritu Satoroxv Oxxrm," ihe boat finiilp newspaper puhliabed in llto United Htatet, the mlitar tape of DR. ROOFLAND'S HERMAN BITTERS. ** It ia etldom that we recommend what are term ed Patent Medicine, to iba confidence and paimn- Ige of our raailere; and, therefore, when we recom mend Dr. Ilooflami'e Herman Blitera, w, with ii io to distincily underaiood that we ere not eneahfn, oftlio nnetrum* of 1I10 daf, that are noised about IhM briaf period and than forgotten after they hive done their guilty race ol miachiof, but of ■ modi. emo long raitbliehed, universally prixad, and which tov mol lha hearty approval of the F.cnltr ttielf. Evidence upon evidence bee been received (like 1MK Mfftoing) from nil cectione ol the Union, in Ihr.o year*’' and ihe etrnngeat to.timony in ite favor i'j that there more ol it uaed in the practice ol the tegular Phy.icUne or I’bil.dulphi* than all oilier boxirum* combined, a faet lhal can ea.ity be eata- Mfflied, and fully proving lhal ■ scientific prepara- will auel with their quiet approval when prt- kt iMe form. *lna will cart Liver Complaint and Dio- «*• eon doobt, niter uaing it aa directed ,e*H ppoet»o«lty apuhihe etomreb end liver—it it Vlw ell Wllioac—the They cut be edmini.tered to •Jfely and reliable benefit, tl oJ"? 1 u U, “‘. ®d u ! * m * nw^roiK^m^H^^nyr thatflirough the bteminga ot He. done' Bvmclie^ I lael tltnt I nin restored VO a perfect .tato of health, and that, too, with but one month's supply ot* med icine, which has proved to be the cheapest and best medicine I ever purchased- For the truth of the above stutement, any onuenn be satisfied by appli cation to me neur J>irt Town P. O., Floyd county. Go. TIIOB. MIDDLE I ON, J. P. Spinal Disease ana ftnprcsscd Menstrua- Hon. Da. Jo\rs—Dear Sir» Believing it a duty I ov to the public, and in true justice to yourself, I Inn thouRht proper, Ibr the information of those wl may be afflicted, togive a candid statement of my negro girl /one’s diseased state, brought on from nr obstructed menses or monthly course*. Site wai ultaoked in November, ISIS, with a severe pain it the back of the head, extending down thu wlioh course of the spine, producing complete paralyza- tion of the left side, and rendering it perfectly help less, and in a short time she lost the use ol the whole System. Shu could not turn herself iu out of bod, was reduced to a jierfect skeleton, and to nil nppenrunces past the reach of remedies. But I now, through the judicious and skillful appli tion of Dr- Jones* Remedies, consider her restored to a perfect state of health, lor which ho will eve havo my lasting gratitude. Should any one desire a confirmation of the above statement, they car address mo near Summerville, Chattooga co., Gu. March 7, 1S50* WILLIAM STANTON. Dlaeaeo of StomQcb, Splao and Howd. Vur the benefit of wilTcfiiig hnmnnlty, I Imvu thought proper to lay my ease before the public. Having been severely a fit ie ted for several yeai with adiFiense of the stomach, spine and bend—t enumerate uil the long trnin of symptom* with troubletl, would occupy more space than ffutltt '■"■sMiMig. Suffice it to sav, that frequently after eating, l woitftl bo tnkm with lent und distressing sensations in tht) head atul< back of my neck, extending half wny down the spine, At such times I was compelled to tnke my IhhI. These spell* usually continued for several hours, and were frwpnmtly so severe ns to render life a burden. To obtain iclief 1 had recourse ro the best medical aid the country afiorded. Having tried the most skillful physisinus in Rome, I applied ot several of thu most eminent professional met the United States. I wrote to Prof. Dudley, Kentucky { had the celebrated Dr. Mott, of New York, written to, and his prescription tried; plied also to the much extolled Dr* Durham ; and then successively to Dr. Dugas, of Augusta, I)r. Bank*, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of Milledgevitle, Dr. Catridge, of Chattooga county, nnd the reput ed Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. All hnving failed to give relief, I finally, upon Dr. Jones, loca- tingdn Rome, ventured on giving him a call. For the encouragement ok others, I am happy to certify thut Dr. Jones has given mu more relief than nil the met combined. I can now say that my health is better than it has been for several years past. I nin able to attend to my plantation affairs, and rids to Rome, or any wheru else my busioeM requires my |>orsonal attention (signed) JOEL MANN. Caraa effected wUUout socittg the Patton Those person* living at a distance, and ennitot conveniently place themselves under my immediate charge, may hnve their case strented by sending me an accurate statement of symptoms, age, occupa tion, habits of life, &c. Medicines will be seien tificntly couiponundedt and neatly put tip, with am ple written directions for use, by the due observ ance of which distant patients may cure them selves of the most complicated and obstinate disease, though it would bo much better for the patient to ap ply personally, if possible; because he will then enjoy nil tbo advantages of Dr. Jones’ personal acquain tance with tbo pecnliaritiee of tint case. Since the reduction of pottage, tne expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trifling, My charge, in all c*a*t Ml requiring my personal nttendunce, is FIVE DOLLARS FOR MEDICINES To LAST A MONTH. This fee mU.-I invariably lie enclosed in the letter asking advice, in order to insure attention, directed, post-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jones, Rome, On. Perrons owning nllllwcj . .iv f, van have them treated ot my Infirmary, e.- medicines sent them us n DR. ©HI GALVANIC Are Lend of vest Servian U wfiBSiS PAtnw, lley pa. A. M. Msoriceau—My Dear Sir:—“The Married l>rivato Medical Companion," for which 1 enclosed one dollar to ytnw rnktreu, came solely to hand. I would not have troubled you with thu*e few lines, but that I nin impelled by a sense of gratitude, lor myself nnd wife, to give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. ** My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence of her great anguish and suffering some months before arid dur ing confinement; every successive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in imminent dungcr, nnd which was on the last occasion, despaired of I supposed that this stnte ol things was inevitable, ami resigned myself to meet tlie worst. At this time (now about two months) I heard your book highly spoken of ns con taining some matters reaching my case. On its re ceipt nnd perusal, I cannot express td you the .*elief it afforded my distressed mind and the joy its pa ges imparted to my wife, on learning that thu great discovery of M. M, Desoineaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me which I little conceived was possible. No pecuniary consideration can ever repay thu obligations I am under to you for having been the means of imparting to us the mat ters contained in M The Married Woman's Privnte Medical Companion.'* But for this, ere another year would have pussod over my head, in ail hu man probability my wife would have been ill her grave, and my children left motherless. Extract from a Letter, ainil ** Lancaster, J'a., Oct. 21, IS47. My Dear Sir*—I know you will have the kind ness to bear with me in encroaching upon your time, while I acknowledge in beliali of myself and wile, the obligations we feel ourselves under to you in huvitiginade known certain inntters, contained in your most invaluable -Married Women's Pri- vnin Medical Companion.’ It has been worth its weight iu gold m m». if j oMpmuA myself rather warmly, you will see that I can not do so too warm ly, when l inform you of the extent to which I hnve, through it, been benefitted. 1 wilt state my situa tion when I obtained your bock through flic mer est curiosity- I look ii|»oii it ns one of the most fortunate events of my life I had been married some ten years, and was the father of seven child ren: I was long struggling unceasingly, to the end that 1 might earn a moderate competency, but the results of my utmost ererticne at thu end left me about where I was at the beginning of each year ; and thut only, with the most stinted economy, suf ficient with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this constant effort was beginning to have its clTtfet upon my lienlth; I felt less capable to • dure its roiitiutuuicc, while I felt the necessity ol persever ance. “This constant unceasing struggle on my part was imperative in consequence of the prostrated condition of my wife (with occasional intermission) for six years, much of the time confined to her bed and of course incapable of taking the charge and management of household affairs. Her eoldition arose from causes of which I was ignorant. Oh * what would I hnve given had 1 (he six years to live over ngnin ! What would my wife have given to hnve been spared the long days nnd still longer nights prostrate on a Inti of sickness !•—nil of which woufd have been avoided, had I then seen n copy of “The Mntried Woman’s Private Mcdicnt Com panion." Front a Physician. DANGEROUS DELIVERIES. OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREQULARITIFS, &C. Uow many arc suffering from obstruction or irre gularities peculiar to the female system, which un dermine their health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seek ing medical advice ! Uow many suffer from pclap- sus nttri (falling of the womb) or from fitter albus weakness,debility,<Stc «Vc.)l How rneov are in con stant agony for many months precetfing confine ment f How many have difficult If not dangerous deliveries, and whoso lives are jeoparded during neh time, will find in iu paves iho means of pre vention, Mindiotation and relief! To those just married, TO THOSE JUKI 1 MARRIED—“ HAD I KNOWN.* ** PlIILADELFUIA, Nov. 20, 1847. * Da. A. M. Mapjhcra!?;—Had I known of the important matters treated of in ** the Married Wo man** Private Medicnl Companion" some Years ago bow much misery 1 might have escaped! 1 have suffered year* from causes which point out In your book, without knowing what to do. I obtain ed a copy, and found my case treated o£ I trust Cvery female wilt avail herself of the fnlbrmation contained in its pages." Letters daily received of this character, i serf to present* the circulation of tko \looi, jtomoto tht ucrtQoni.auintver do lkt tUghUrt injure under any circumlcnctt. Sines thslr Introduction la th* United fiuto, only thro, years sines, more thin 60,000 Persons including all sgM, •lusts and conditions, smong which were e large number of Udiss, wm» mm peculiarly subject to Nervous Complaints, have been ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief had been given op, and orcry thing else been tried in vain ! To Ulestrate the ase of the GALVANIC BELT, rap pose the cose of ■ person afflicted with that bane of oiriliie- Uon, DV8PKPSJA, or any other Chronic or Nervous Disor der. In ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action on the nerves and muscles of the stomach, alfora temporary rolier, bat which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties, after tbs action thas exci ted has ceased. Now compare this with the effect resulting from the application of tne GALVANIC BF.LT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in the worse symptoms of ea attack, and simply Us tht Belt around the body, asiog the Msgnatia Fluid as directed, la s short period the insen sible perspiration will act on tht positive element of the Belt, thereby ceasing a Galvanic circulation which wiU pass on to the negative, end thence back again to tho positive, thas keeping ap • continuous Galvanic circulation throughout the system. Thus the most severe eases of DYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A YEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADI CATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of Ute moat Undoubted Character, SOUTH CAROLINA TESTIMONY. DREADFUL RHEUMATISM NERVOUS PR08TRATI0N, Ciurlesto*, & C n April II, 1849. . To Da. CHaifTic, New York : Respected Sir—Sympathy for the suffering end the deepest gratitude towards you. induces me to send you ea account of my late lamentable condition, and the great relief which f have experienced from your Galvanic erff etoo. For ike post four years I have been afflicted with the f! 0 ** ? r T*‘L ra i V* attacks of Rheumatism. My whole body has been aflected, ante Umbo, bead, cheat beck, and indeed every part of my system. I have ex perienced more a&••• I iupj^cj sny human being could endure. At one time tho joint of my right' leg was swolltn to about throe times its natural sixe ana the rest of the limb was shrivtlled up. This was the ease when 1 commenced using your GALVANIC BELT tor the body end the GALVANIC BRACELETS for the limbs. I had many of the best Physicians in Charleston end elsewhere, end I tried every remedy I heard of or saw in the Beww papers, but all with so little benefit that I bed long since to despair. I had been to the Warm Springs end the Sulphur Springe, 1 reed and studied about my afflic tion, but with no avail What then was my joy and greti tude when the truth first d&wued upon me that I had it hut discovered a remedy t I should here state that the constant and repeated attacks of pain rendered me os feeble as a child and qutto helpless. It utterly incapacitated me from business, and prostrated and deranged my whole Nervous System. Now, ou the first application of the Galvaste articles, I did not experience much cessation of the paint hut I began to/set differently i my strength seemed to be regained i my head to get clear and elasticity end buoy ancy to be returning. This it was that so agreeably sor prised and encouraged mo. But in less than a week the pains had also decreased, and they appeared to diminish dally. A continuation of damp weather came on, and I expected a return of the Rheumatism and Nervous Depres sion, but no~l still continued to improve, simply using the Bslt, Bracelet and Magnetic Fluid. This is now over one year since, and at this momsntnf writing I believe I am os healthy and os happy a man cs there is In Charleston All my peina ore gone; my strength has returned] »y ap- K rone* bos »o altered that my friends, who formerly tight I was dr lag, hardly know ms. la a word l sat living miracle or tho wonders of Galvanism, ms applied by K ur beautiful inventions. I eeuld ny Brace if tisommry t will only wad that you ova »t liberty to s\&ko this nubLa for the benefit of those who may be similarly afflicted. Very respectfully tod sincerely your friend # WILLIAM B. WILEY P. A—I may add that there ere hundred# of persons la South Carolina and in Georgia who have knows me for yoeraand who know the above fkete to be ttlfctJy oeassi Among them I may mention— Dr. F. M. Koxixsen, llayno street, Charleston. Dr. r. Mxbvm Cones, Charleston. Bon. Jouh P. Kina, Augusta, Go. UtciuxD Pxtkxs, Em, Atlanta. Oa. ^ , H. L- Botvkxvibld, Esq-, rsviliion Hotel, CalTlal Wu. &L Moody, Esq^ Cnarlcjton UoUL OR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE ■cU lot ell enapUuU effeetteif tfcs Tfereet er MM, as mtimmxlioa i “ — -t, wSHSlld In diiTcrenl < IJl •>— epplied ihe Platter t. ( Tumor, .nd P.ina, and it iiaa nc.rr I in.tant rcli.l. I iiav. also uxeii it with - upon my own perarn in Hit care M otcera, ,t wliiek I tie., been .evcrcly atfiicied. j. “Reapecifiilly, etc. • .... c> o. HBLLBB4#* , It has been verr luneficiel in caaraof li-t euch as Fnitt end Weakncae in the •toinask. Limbs, Lam- utsa, Affection of tkafl^Ma^i Wcnkneat, &c. No female, subject to weakness in the beck or sides, should Le v Married ladio# in Helical# situation*; P lief from const am I y wearing ihia)* The application of the I’lostcr L tiers baa been fi-nml a certain fen Cough*, Phthisic and Lung Aff primary stage* It dtstroya vpiraiion. . T Beware of Couuter/eit$ and Ba CAUTION.—Tne aabacrib eral Agents in the Southern Slttii f this truly valuable Plasters and i purchasers being imposed CpStt. . article, a dd ititltiectiv or.d eifo«hrre,(oM uiNi, they invito panii-ulMf atlvftliea taT ing Marks or Tits Genuifrgj lif. Tht genuine tx/mf up in I _ td bottomed boxes, not'shotdertd tft. 2d. The genuine has the engraved I vid on the direct ions, taro nnd the box, V jxznying record of the Court to E. Tap /fr irSCOVIL & MEAD. Chanera I tale General Agent* for the Noutlicrtl whom all mdeis must be nddrcaaod. Sold also. Wholesale and ftaiail If BATTIi* at UROrnl W. B. Summers, Kingston, Ox.,: Ir. 0 Co.. Huaiaile, Os., 8. W. t . _ . i'prin;, Os., L. W. Usets, Villa Kiea.O*. i Far the COM «V COUCHS, BOAasswasa, sac waoopzsro-oouox ASTHMA and OONSt rhs unitofm tueeaat WWih*l tl.;. preparation- Ustahaaiys snd cure afli-ftiona of the S celebtiiy equalled by nu otlic, rai the uOtctnl wilbenti'f t« the fiill belief tb»t it will • set siiscU e^Mj rrautia, e. the, become pW^.l sttrset the attention o atedieela e»etywlt-f». Wbd ie Ihstcs “ TORALmsv beat VALS Prof, flu — It gicce I of Ayw’e OH K lisrljr a I*. ufteubianaa cured of a RVPE Thi 1 etstee.-Vbafl inclemtnt J ” to AvoesC ftSSostor-’ Ienr ?9 *